CORRESPONDENCE t-naay, I~ovemoer U;j, LUUU S4b t-'M IVlLt-'1,.; ~:JO.I )LfL-l U4L PVI MILLER LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS, I~~C. 298 Pineopple Grove Way Delray Beach, FL 33444 Phone 561/272-J082 ~ax 561/272-1042 FAX TRANSMITTAL Date: 11/3/00 Time~ 3:48:28 PM Recipient: Dick Hudson Fax Number: 375-6090 375-6264 Company: CITY OF BOYNTON - PLANNING Voice Number: Sent By: Bradley D. Miller, AICP Pages: 2 ,includirg this cover sheet S.Jbject: Villa del Sol Message: My client for Villa del Sol is finalizing a financing package. Since there is a discrepancy in maximum density between the Special High Residential land use designation (20 u/a) and the R-3 zoning (10.8 uta), we need you to confirm that the project is approved for the full 20 units per acre. They have a deadline on Monday so please have Mike sign the attached letter and fax it back as quickly as possible. Thanks! -'t: L: t,._. 6 ,I; "0 ~. _.. ~ t-r1oay, I\lovemoer U,j. LUUU ,j 4tl t-'I\I! I\I!Lt-'1,.; (:JO'I)LtL-1U4L p.UL MILLER LAND PLAI'JNING CONSULTANTS, INC. 298 Plr~EAPPLE GROVE WAY DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 PHONE . 561/272-0082 FAX . 561/272-1042 November 3, 2000 fv\icrael Rump. CI-'I OF BOY\lTON BEACH PLAi'H'IING & ZONING DEPARTrv'iEW 100 E. Boyntcn Beach 80ulevard Boy~ton Beach, FL 33425-0310 R e: Villa del Sol D~ar Mike: For my c1ienfs financing purposes, this letter requests your written confirmation of the maximum allowab!e density for the above referenced ::xooerfy. It is OL.r underst::mding that the density for this project is 20 units oer gross acre based on the recent land use onsfldrrent to Special High Demity Residentia! (Ordinance No. 000-21). We also understand that th-s density supersedes the standard 10.8 unit per acre density of tre R-3 zoning district as ineicated ir the Lend Development Code. Pieme confirn the above by signing where provided below and returring a copy os quickly os po>sible. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, MiLLER LAND PLANNING CO"SULT ANTS, I~K. Bradley). !/liller. AICP c::: t~t\ara S. Mades Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach ,'-' \" c_ ::: I~-. p~:,=- _iE:-S ,.'~i!.) .)P.' -s': . ~I:':'I ~7c:r, 1 5" ,.n. .". c;~ "_ =, '.tJ 0-:: . CEC-08-1999 09:~6 TCRP: 5612214067 P.01 TREASURE ~OAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL 301 EAST OCEAN BOULEVARD SUITE 300 STUART, FLORIDA 34994 PHONE: 561-221-4060 FAX: 561-121-4067 FAX TRANSMISSION Date: ~ ~1&"r\-6t:IL \ 't~l1 Fax Number: % \ 1~?.... {f}1- ~"I Number of Pages (including cover sbeet): j Operator: Jb To: ~A#JN1 ~!$ ... ~LANtJl~ (' 2o~,Nv .. From: ~M ~\cyJ Project: ' t;Y'\te\NA:\~ t()ml(\~ ~ YY\Clll-. ~ Comments: r,. u-R" (p ~-n,!!-~:t~--' fl =' t? 1';' '.::" . r \ n \ --~;,'~- -.' ... ~. r t ~ ~- -.. q n \ ' OEG - 0 190..'l '!;!' 0 - ~ 1_---.. . DEC-08-:9GG 09:16 TCRPC "iil'~'''';:'',:"J.rI''''':;''<';'' ..~. "";',,,.'~ ..~QI'ure r.~~.r'~:?x;:~,,~~;;{::;t::T'~~:~f.:f-~:::i. .:: (OOlt regional plannIng councD 5612214067 P.02 December 7, 1999 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach., Florida 33425-0310 Subject: Land Use Am~mentIRezoning (LUAR 99) Text Amendment (CPTA 99-002) Dear Mr. Rump~ The proposed change to; reclassify the above referenced subject property to Special High Density Residential to develop a residential rental project is consistent with the Eastward Ho! Initiative. The proposed project meets the Eastward Hol Initiative goal of urban revitaliz;ation by pro~;ding infill-housing opportunities for residents of all income levels. This proposed project may also reinforce the 80al of the use of good and effective urban design techniques and may encourage the development community to consider proximity to mass transit and services~ Please telephone me at 561-221-4060 if you require additional information, Sincerely, J~~ Joan Barlow Eastward Ho! Project Facilitator eoe J01 oCl$t ocoon bou~VQrd ."Ite JOG shMIl't, nor-ide 34"~L plio... (561) 111-40ou Ie 269-4060 '03; (561i> 1111-4067 DEC-08-:999 09:17 5612214067 P.03 TCRPC s:: . ~'., F ~ ~.~":., ....i:-: '~'t~~ ;:~ ,~ [ I . ~.