CORRESPONDENCE Nov 06 aD 09:02a MLPC (561)272-1042 to. 1 MILLER LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS, INC. 295 Pineo :JJ)le Grove Way Delmy Beach, ~L 33444 f'h~ne 5611212.00B2 Fax 5011272-1042 FAX TRANSMITTAL Date: Time: 11/3JOO 3:48:28 PM Recipient: Dick Hudson Fax Number-: 7tfZ- (p~e;1 ~ Company: CITY OF BOYNTON - PLANNING Voice NUr1ber: 375-6264 Sem By: Bradley D. Miller, AICP Pages: 2 ,:ncluding this cover sheet Subject: Villa del Sol Message: My client for Villa del Sol is finalizing a financing package. Since there is a discrepancy in maximum density between the Special High Residential land use designation (20 uIa) and the R-3 zoning (1 0.8 ufa), we need you to confirm that the project is approved for the full 20 units per acre. They have a deadline on Monday so please have Mike sign the attached letter and fax ~ back as quickly as possible. Thanks! .....,-: , j fAt- ~') It)' (r1# !tpV3) Nov 06 00 OS:02a MLPC (561)272-1042 p.2 MILLER LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS, INC. 298 Pl~EAPPLE GROVE WAY DElilA)' BfACH. ~LOR1DA 33444 PhONE.561/272-0082 F.A.x .561/272-1042 November 3, 2000 Michoe: Rumpf CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNINC 8. ZONING DEPARTMENT 100 E. Boynton Beach Soulevard Boynton Beach. Fl 33425-0310 Re: Villa del Sol Dear Mike: For my den"s financing purposes, this letter requests your writter; confirmation of the maxim:.Jm allowable densi-y for the above referenced property. It is our understanding t~at the density for this project :s 20 units per gross acre based on the recent land 1..;5e amendment to Specie! High De..,sity Residential (Ordinance No. 000-21). We also understord that this density supersedes the stcndard 10.8 unit per acre density of the R-3 zoning district as indicated ir the Lend Development Code. Please confirm the above by signing wr-ere provided below and returning a copy as quickly as possible. Thank you for your assist:lnce. Sincerely, MILLER LAND PLANNING CONSULT ,ANiS, INC. Brodley D. MWer, Alep cc; Mora S. Modes ~ t. ' 1L .~ ;;J / / -&(>c Michael ~~~f~ ~ 1'(----- P!ann;ng & Zoning Director CIty of Boynton Beach C .\"".l PC,PRGJi:C':'S\VU,) dei S\)I i80ynlcn 15)Vurn~f: l03.w~-:j . treQlure co~t :j;. regional planniQg council September 22, 2000 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Subject: City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Adopted Amendments - DCA Reference No. OO-lER Dear Mr. Rumpf: Pursuant to the Council's contract with the Department of Community Affairs, Council is to make an overall finding of consistency or inconsistency of local plan amendments with the Strategic Regional Policy Plan (SRPP). This finding is to be made following the local government's adoption of the amendments and by formal action of the Council. In brief, Council found the above-referenced comprehensive plan amendments to be CONSISTENT with the SRPP. Attached is a copy of the complete report as approved by the Council at its regular meeting on September 22, 2000. If you need additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, I ffh-/ T~Hess, AICP Planning Director TLH/wh Attachment 301 east ocean boulevard suite 300 stuart, florida 34994 phone (561) 221-4060 sc 269-4060 fax (561) 221-4067 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 7D From: Staff Date: September 22, 2000 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review Adopted Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan DCA Reference No. 00-IER Introduction Pursuant to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council's contract with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), the Council must review comprehensive plan amendments after their adoption. Council's review of the information provided is to focus on the consistency of the adopted amendments with the Strategic Regional Policy Plan (SRPP). A written report containing a determination of consistency with the SRPP is to be provided to DCA within 30 calendar days of receipt of the amendments Background The City of Boynton Beach has adopted four Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendments based on its Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR), one non EAR-based FLUM amendment, and a related text amendment to the Future Land Use Element of its comprehensive plan. Council reviewed the proposed amendments at its February 18, 2000 meeting (see Exhibit A) and had two comments on the proposed amendments. Evaluation The DCA Objections, Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) Report was issued on March 30, 2000. The ORC Report contained four objections. The following summarizes the DCA objections and the City's response. 1. DCA Objection-The Transportation Element does not include future transportation maps identifying the major public transit trip generators and attractors based upon the future land use map and the projected peak hour levels of service for transportation facilities for which level of service standards are established. City Response-The 2020 thoroughfare system and 2020 pedestrian facilities maps generated by the Palm Beach County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) are included as support documents. The Public Transit System Map indicates the location of major public transit trip generators and attractors at various terminals. The map has been expanded, however, to indicate the trip generators and attractors based on the FLUM. Current available peak hour traffic data and average daily trips are shown in Figure 12 of the Transportation Element. The projected peak hour level of service is based on the EAR Map 2.9 and is further delineated in Table 2-3. 2. DCA Objection-The Transportation Element support documentation indicates that the transit market share for Tri-County Rail and Palm- Tran, as well as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, would have to increase in the City through Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies in order to modify peak-hour travel demand. However, the City did not include a policy in this element establishing TDM programs. City Response-New TDM oriented policies 2.7.3 and 2.7.4 have been added to establish a transportation demand management organization as an implementing vehicle for the TDM. 3. DCA Objection-The City has provided an inventory of existing intermodal facilities but not an analysis of the deficiencies or projected needs. These data and analysis will assist the City in addressing the need for additional terminals, connections, high occupancy vehicle lanes, pedestrian, bicycle, park and ride, and other facilities based on land use projections to facilitate effective implementation of proposed Objective 2.4. City Response-The analysis presented within the EAR is adequate and is incorporated in the text and maps of the support documents by reference. Additionally, transportation concurrency management map(s) have been expanded to address the DCA's concerns. 4. DCA Objection-Proposed FLUM amendment LUAR #99-005 is inconsistent with Policy 1.12.1 of the City's Future Land Use Element which requires the City to obtain written approvals from Palm Beach County and the City's Risk Management Officer prior to approving any increase in residential densities in the Hurricane Evacuation Zone if the proposed density increase would result in an increase of 50 or more dwelling units. The City has not demonstrated the consistency of the proposed FLUM amendment with Objective 7.6 of the Coastal Management Element of its comprehensive plan regarding the City's commitment to maintain or reduce current estimated hurricane evacuation times if development increases in the coastal high- hazard area of the City. The City did not provide analysis of the projected impact of anticipated population density of the proposed additional 148 dwelling units and potential evacuation needs of the population on hurricane evacuation planning. City Response-The subject parcel is located west of US 1, and therefore is not within the Hurricane High Hazard area as defined in Rule 9J-5.003(17), Florida Administrative Code as "the evacuation zone for a Category 1 hurricane as ') established in the regional hurricane evacuation study applicable to the local government." Although the property is not located in the Hurricane High Hazard area, the City requested that the Palm Beach County Emergency Management Division review the amendment and provide comments. The response indicates that the site is not designated as an evacuation area in the event of a Category 1 storm. Following are Council's comments and the City's responses. 1. Council Comment-Implementation and consistency with recommendations of the City of Boynton Beach 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan is cited throughout the EAR-based amendments. This document is not provided as part of the proposed amendment package. This document should be provided as part of the data and analysis to support the goals, objectives, and policies of the City's comprehensive plan. City's Response-The City provided Council with a copy of their 20120 Redevelopment Master Plan. 2. Council Comment-Council commends the City for the commitment to implement strategies to facilitate alternate forms of transportation and mass transit, prevent urban sprawl, and promote urban design standards. These efforts are consistent with goals and policies of the SRPP. City's Response-No response required. Conclusion Based on the information received by Council the adopted amendments are considered CONSISTENT with the goals and policies of the SRPP. Recommendation Council should adopt the above comments and approve their transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. Attachment i EXHIBIT A TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 6B From: Staff Date: February 18, 2000 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review Draft Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan DCA Reference No. 00-IER Introduction The Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, requires that the Council review local government comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. Under the provisions of this law, the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) prepares Objections, Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) Report on a proposed amendment only if requested to do so by the local government, the regional planning council, or an affected person or if an ORC Report is otherwise deemed necessary by the DCA. If the local government requests DCA to prepare an ORC Report, then the Council must provide DCA with its own objections, recommendations for modification, and comments on the proposed amendment within 30 days of its receipt. Background The City of Boynton Beach has transmitted revised elements of its comprehensive plan based on the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). The local government's EAR is required to address changes in local conditions, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, the State Comprehensive Plan, the appropriate Strategic Regional Policy Plan (SRPP), and potential impacts of these changes on the adopted local government comprehensive plan. The City has also transmitted one Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendment and a related text amendment. The City has requested that the amendments be formally reviewed. The Council's principle role in the EAR process is to review EAR-based comprehensive plan amendments for their consistency with the SRPP. In reviewing EAR-based amendments, Council will examine EAR recommendations and use the SRPP to determine how local governments have addressed regional goals and policies. Council understands how challenging it will be for all communities to make dramatic progress in moving towards consistency with the SRPP in the short term. Council is looking, however, for local governments to make a reasonable effort to move in that direction. In order to place this review in the larger context of the intent of the SRPP, an overview of the regional plan is offered in the following section. Overview of the SRPP The SRPP embodies a vision for a healthier and more sustainable region in the future. This "vision for the future of the region" addresses large-scale elements such as the growth and formation of towns, cities, and villages; maintenance of the natural environment and countryside; the layout of regional roads and spatial relationships between work place and household; the formation of suitable public institutions for a neighborhood and community; and the kinds of public space required to support these institutions. The SRPP describes preferred forms and patterns of development that are considered the most effective means for fulfilling this vision. In taking this proactive approach, the plan follows a long-standing tradition of leadership by the Council. The Treasure Coast Region has led the state in implementing such innovative growth management tools and techniques such as infrastructure concurrency, wetland and upland protection, and impact fees. The Treasure Coast Region possesses many inherent qualities that will continue to attract growth, but a number of issues must be confronted as growth occurs. These include past failures to manage growth wisely, land speculation and inefficient development patterns, unbalanced demographic growth, inadequate provision of infrastructure and services concurrent with need, parochial attitudes towards regional issues, and the absence of a well-defined land ethic. As the Region grows, choices must be made and some patterns of development that have occurred in the past should be avoided in the future. The mix, balance, and organization of residential types, work places, and services can have a profound effect on how often and far we drive, how much energy we use, how much pollution we generate, how much land we use, how much time we are able to spend with our families, how successful we are at protecting regional natural systems intact, and may other important concerns. There is still time to plan for a future that enhances the natural environment and quality of life that makes the Treasure Coast Region special if planning efforts focus on the form and location of future growth. Future development should address preservation of the natural environment and countryside, revitalization of existing urban areas, and the creation of new towns. Future development should not sprawl because it is expensive, and it degrades the quality of life of the region. The SRPP will be implemented largely through local government comprehensive plans and land development regulations. Local governments can implement preferred development forms by delineating where development should or should not occur, applying and expanding preferred development concepts, encouraging redevelopment and revitalization, devising public investment programs favoring preferred development forms and patterns, and sending constructive economic signals to investors. 2 Overview of the Community The City of Boynton Beach is located in southeastern Palm Beach County. It has common boundaries with The City of Delray Beach to the south, unincorporated Palm Beach County to the west, and the Town of Lantana to the north. The City's fifteen square miles supports a population of approximately 55,000 residents. The City can be characterized as a low-density, low-rise community that is in the latter stages of transition from being primarily a residential community to a full-service city. A new proposed redevelopment plan for the City envisions a new town center, redevelopment of the waterfront and the revitalization of existing neighborhoods. Evaluation A. EAR-Based Amendments The City proposes amendments to many of the elements of its comprehensive plan. The former Traffic Circulation Element is now the Transportation Element as required by Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. A brief summary and analysis of the most consequential amendments follows: Future Land Use -A number of new and revised objectives and policies are proposed. They address the City 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan, CRA expansion, development of the Ocean District, residential redevelopment, financing strategies, downtown urban design standards, sign regulations, and land use accommodations for the siting of new schools. Also, there are four proposed EAR-based future land use map amendments to reClassify four sites to reflect the correct land use for those sites. Transportation -A number of new and revised policies are proposed to deal with modes of transportation that are alternatives to the automobile, consistency with the City 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan and emphasis on level of service (LOS) standards. Utility -A number of revised objectives and polices are proposed to reflect current information regarding sewer/water capacity and changes to levels of service. Housing -A number of revised objectives and policies are proposed regarding housing funding strategies with an emphasis on rehabilitation as a priority program. Coastal Management -There are a number of new objectives and policies proposed to address stormwater quality, support of the Lake Worth Lagoon Ecosystem Management Area Study, emergency preparedness, hazard mitigation, and post-disaster redevelopment. Conservation - There are a number of new objectives and policies proposed to address such issues as: hazardous waste; stormwater quality and quantity, water conservation, and implementation of the Lake Worth Lagoon Estuary Study. 3 Recreation and Open Space -A number of revised objectives and policies are proposed related to park land acquisition and adopted standards for recreation facilities and neighborhood parks. Intergovernmental Coordination -A number of new and revised objectives and policies are proposed related to inter-local agreements for provision of water and sewer services with adjacent municipalities and the unincorporated area, coordination with the Palm Beach County Division of Emergency Management on hurricane evacuation and other emergency management issues, annexation issues, participation in the IP ARC process, a voluntary dispute resolution process to facilitate intergovernmental coordination, and school siting. Capital Improvements -A number of revised objectives and policies are proposed related to provision of adequate public facilities and prevention of urban sprawl, recreation facilities, preservation of natural areas, and level of service standards for public facilities, B. Non Ear-Based Future Land Use Map and Text Amendment The FLUM amendment is shown on the attached maps and summarized in Table 1. TABLE 1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT DCA REFERENCE 00-1 ER Amendment Acreage CurrentFLUM'" Proposedl.'L~ ,,' '.. Location"'. No. or Name Designation '. "'.+" " , , DesIgnation'", ",,',', "', .,.;;;", LUAR #99- 16.0 Local Retail Special High ,Northwest 005 Commercial Density corner of Residential (20 Federal Hwy. du/acre) (US1) and Old Dixie Hwy, south of 23rd Street and East of the FEC Railroad This amendment involves the redesignation of 16.0 acres located on the northwest corner of Federal Hwy and Old Dixie Highway from Local Retail Commercial to Special High Density Residential. Property to the east has a FLUM designation of High Density Residential and the current use is for residential condominiums. Directly to the west is the FEC Railroad and farther west is land with a FLUM designation of Medium Density Residential that is currently used for a mango farm. Land to the north is designated Local Retail and High Density Residential and is currently used for residential purposes. Land 4 to the south is designated Local Retail and Medium Density Residential and the current land uses include a gas station/shopping center and single family residential development. The FLUM amendment and associated text amendments apply to planning area l.p. of the City's comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan states that due to the limited demand for commercial floor space along this segment of US 1, these parcels should be assigned a different land use category. However, because the City had approved a site plan and construction drawing for a shopping center on this site, the City Commission decided to keep this parcel in the Local Retail Commercial land use category. The shopping center has not been developed and the site plan and construction plan approvals have expired. Therefore, the designation on this parcel is to be changed from Local Retail Commercial to Special High Density Residential to encourage development and revitilization of this area of the City. The proposed FLUM amendment and associated text amendments further the goals and policies of the SRPP. Extrajurisdictional Impacts These amendments were not processed through the Palm Beach County Intergovernmental Plan Review Committee. However, analysis of the proposed amendments indicates that they would not have any significant adverse impacts on neighboring jurisdictions. Effects on Significant Regional Resources or Facilities An analysis of the proposed amendments indicates that they should not have adverse effects on significant regional resources or facilities. However, the revisions suggested in the following comments call for improvements that would make the City Plan more consistent with the SRPP. Objections, Recommendations for Modification, and Comments A. Objections I. None B. Comments 1. Implementation and consistency with recommendations of the City of Boynton Beach 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan is sited throughout the EAR-based amendments. This document is not provided as part of the proposed amendment package. This document should be provided a part of the data and analysis to support the goals, objectives and policies of the City's comprehensive plan. 2. Council commends the City for the commitment to implement strategies to facilitate alternate forms of transportation and mass transit, prevent urban sprawl and promote 5 urban design standards. These efforts are consistent with the go~s and policies of the SRPP. Recommendation I Council should adopt the above comments and approve their transmittal to the i Department of Community Affairs. Attachments 6 General Location Map 804 .Pomclann Place '0 a::: o ..., 6th M laleuca La " I ~'~ 812 ~~~:;: l:(-:;::=' ~p T 1: 1" Hy oluxo''vjlage . " , d , /' NW 22nd Ave U\ Lake Ida d I ; '"C a::: ... Gl 1:: as (..) I j a:t ( Deiray Gardens . I _e/~c;'~~~~lft;~; . :: ,-~.<;; ~~,. ,:'.: ~:.';" ; ."' .' - ,- '-.. .. -. . ..-;li~I~~~t;~!: ." .. . '-;~::-~~' :1~l~1i~11{i.;~1 . C untry Club Acres Linton Blvd Linton'BI !. City of Boynton Beach Palm Beach County Omi 2 3 4 7 City of Boynton Beach I Future Land Use l\tIap Amendment Location Map Woolbright Road Golf Road/SE 23rd Ave. ~ ta o .~.. ta: 1%: u: LU: ~: :a.. ta :t .c oS' %: .!!! .!! o J2 o - :.. fa ~ ... .B fa ;: - J! &II fa o U fa ... - c: ...., /.....,''-..., '--- .c --...>. - .. o :z: 8 Department of Public Safety Emergency Management 20 S. Military Trail West Palm Beach. FL 33415-3130 (561) 712-6400 FAX: (561) 712-6464 www.co.palm-beach.fl.us . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Maude Ford Lee, Chair Warren H. Newell, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony Masilotti County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportuniry Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper y - -"<YIW!I; ....,.....:I-J 11-' I~ rn @ I'":j n n r,: f"' ~ I? 1.1 '.' I.,. ".' 'J 1..:: . ' I, I , '", ~, . Doc' l'~'"_._":~_.'. .'-'=.-';:. I., In 11 MIlV." ~I: 2 "..-~.~ iIJUl__:'.:' g - . May 9, 2000 Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Divison of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Dear Mr. Hudson: This letter is in response to your correspondence of April 12, 2000 relative to the proposed change in land use designation for the 16 acre Villa del Sol site to "Special High Density Residential. " The Division of Emergency Management has not established or documented a formal policy on development in designated evacuation zones. Typically, we defer to the judgment of appropriate Zoning and Planning officials to establish and enforce such policies. Palm Beach County's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan does not contain specific wording relative to the prohibition or discouragement of development in evacuation areas. However, page 4-13 of the Palm Beach County's "Unified Local Mitigation Strategy," states that the County, through its Coastal Management Element, has established the public policy of not subsidizing new and expanded development in coastal areas. It further states that it is the County's position that population concentrations be directed away from known or predicted coastal high hazard areas, and it discourages increases in population densities that negatively impact hurricane evacuation times. We are not aware of any designation of the proposed site as a high hazard coastal area, nor do we have any specific information on what impacts the proposed population densities would have on evacuation clearance times. We would clearly not favor any residential development in surge areas that would present a threat to public safety or lead to repetitive property loss claims. As best we can determine from the maps provided, it appears the eastern half of the subject site is in, or borders on, a Category 5 storm surge zone. The eastern most portion of the site appears to be in a Category 3 surge zone. Dick Hudson - Page 2 of 2 Should approval of the land use designation change be granted, we would hope that developers, property managers, and/or residents would take appropriate steps to mitigate the risks of hurricane force winds and surge associated with near coastal locations. I hope these comments are of some assistance in your decision process. Respectfully, /.h~ /: .~ Wmfa~~irector Palm Beach County Emergency Management ,,--' s=- o ....... s=- ~ ~ ....... ~ s: ~ < ':1 ::= ", ~~ rT\~~- :.-h.- ~,,-- I' \._ . ~/2= -~' lb-C - ,- - -- '" '.,,--' - ~ =~/-< \ - r-' '- ' , ,-~~ ::~- jvilS~ ~~ ~,~ ~~C c:::~,:- ~""=--'! ~ -- ~~ . ~ -,~-= ~-' -:'" ~ Ilr <--------- \ '::..~ -- . ~""-.::::--~ ~ - --: ~ ;::: -' - ~-~.. -~~~~ y\-=:::=::' " _-r--..JL~ - ~ =----d ~-._ _ ..1:\ ~ ' ~ ~ '- . -r ~. >~/ ~. ~r~'~ t;- .- ::::=-:-:=:..:: ;-'c~,~ 4~:- .,~ '. ' , " .j:.---'-' :(\\--::;:::"I"/--;'-;'~~_"~~' -~'----..::.~ /~,-.+. _.\--,,-1"'. ,.",,~~~' ,,:,~,~\'~;"'~~'" -~' - --_.-.~', ~ .-' ~'/. . ~_.-- "" ~ . ( , /_ ~\ ..~..:Q~ =",' .vo~ ',r.--'~-' - - - '. __ ....~../- . L~\.-~;---:Ac"J-j "-e;:::--i:;-"r\~-\ ,~-=--= -:;~_'_. .,'._ . ,/. v'- ,-",,'='- :::::0-, '.' -:-~- c~ ,-0" S : ~':<f $, 3~WO:l \ /"-.~ .~ II ----- ~. -~ ~-', ,-- l ~,- 'OV ,.- i -' ",,> ,-. -' . c, . ,.^""'~ .- '= - ~.. "C'>-' - ~ ,;. Z 3^" SS,."'''~~ ~ ,'...-.. 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' /\, L"'-' \' I \ /..J.!' ,-c, _c, \ ' . . \ i 1\ / I ' ~'" =-"", " .. \ "'::. ( d, .L- , ~ ,,!~\I~\ \ ~ ~~ ~'. '. ' . - ,~ ....----' ~ \. . ~ \.- \ \ -----. \ .--' " ~ / \D'~' -r'/ z. \ "- . " \ . \ ( . 0\ \ r-- \ ! ~\ \ \. , \ /~\: 1 --:: - ""' --- ..~-- ,-- 941-334-E384 LA@JE PL~1HHING ;. 1'1GT ...,.-, ,no-> 1'= : 05 039 P01/16 ~Av ~~ ~ f'" I I I I I i LaRue Planning & Management Services, Inc. 1375 Jackson Street, Suite 206 Fort Myen, Florida 3390 1 Phone: (941) 334-3366 . Fax: (941) 334-6384 e-maU: Jlaruel1 OS@aoLcom --' .n _ -' .no -' -'- I I I r;z;,t'J7m/~ Name: Date: From: Dick Hudson Fax: Subject: Pages: 561-742.6259 ORC Report May 2.2000 Jim LaRue 16, including ~over !iheet eomm~J1fr: The attached has been sent to Rogt.>r' Wilburn, DCA. Please caJl if you have any Questions or comments. If you e.xp~i&f':ce problems With this tran6lTl143ion, kindly "':My OUT off,:;. upcn receipt. ~. ." - .-- - j 941-334-E384 LAguE PLANNING & MGT 0~9 P02/16 ~AY a2 '0e 15:05 Response to Objections, Recommendations And Comments Report Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment City of Boynton Beach Amendment 00-1 ER I. CODsilten(y with Chapter 163, F.8., and Rule 9J-5 & 9-11, F.A.C. The City of Boynton Beach, in Palm Beach County, has proposed a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, based on the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) adopted on April I, 1997. The proposed Amendment consists of updating an of the Elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan as anticipated in the EAR. The proposed EAR~b8Sed Amendment includes four Future Land Use Maps (FLUM) changes. Tlte City has alsc proposed a non~EAR related PLUM change. The City proposed to adopt this Amendment in May of June of 2000. The Department has identified the following objections to the proposed Amendment: A. EAR-based Amendment Transportation Element Objection I. The Transportation Element does not include future transportation maps identifying the major public transit trip generators and attractors based upon the future hmd use map; and the projected peak hour levels of service for transportation facilities for which level of service standards are established. Response: The MPO generated 2020 throughfare system and 2020 pedestrian facilities are included as support documents. The Public Transit System Map implicitly indicates the location of major public transit trip generators and attractors at various terminals. The map will be expanded, however. to explicitly indicate the trip generators and attractors based on the Future Land Use Map. The projected peak hour level of service is contained in the Evaluation and Appraisal Report as Map 2.9. Objection 2. The Transportation Element support documentation indicated that transit market share for Tri-County Rail and Palm-Tran, as well as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, would have to increase in the City through transportation demand management (TOM) strategies in order to modify peak-hour travel demand. However, the City did not include a policy in this Element establishing TDM programs. RespoDse: An explicit TOM oriented policy to establish a transportation management organization as an implementing vehicle for the TOM will be added above and beyond what is implicitly indicated in Objective 2.7 and 2.8, pending the City's concurrence with the costs and Staff implication of a TDM publiC/private partnership and responsibilities. City of Boynton Beach. Florida Rellponse to Objections. Recommendations, & Commenta Report Amendment 00-1 ER Date: May 2, 2000 Page 1 of S 941-334-E384 LAow~ PLHNHfHG &. MGT o~g P03/16 ~HV 32 'oe 1=:06 Objection 3. Proposed Objective 2.4 of the Transportation Element states: The City shall develop and maintain a safe, convenient. and energy efficient muli'~modal transportation sySTem which 'rt-ilI meeT future as well as curre.nl frans needs. The City has provided an inventory of existing intennodal facilities. but not an analysis of the deficiencies or projected needs. These data and analysis will assist the City in addressing the need for additional terminals, connections, high occupancy vehicle lanes; and pedestrian, bicycle, park-and-ride and other facilities based on land use projections to facilitate effective implementation of this objective. Response: The analysis presented within the ~AR is adequate and it will be incorporated in the text and maps of the support documents by reference. Additionally, transportation concurrency management map(s) will be expanded to address the Department's concerns. Comment. The transportation map series do not include the appropriate titles, legend, map scale and the preparation or revision date. The inclusion of this information will improve the usefulness of these maps in the City's planning efforts and enhance citizen's understanding of these maps, because the maps can be prop~ly referenced. Response: The map series were intended to update and/or augment the maps already in the EAR and not necessarily to substitute them. The maps presented however, did and do contain appropriate titles and legends. Th,,"Y will be expanded and imprllved upon, however, to adequately address the Department's concerns. Planning Timeframe Comment. The City projected its population and public facility capacities and needs to 2015 in the EAR. The proposed Comprehensive Plan EAR-based Amendment and support data and analysis have been based on the 2015 timefrarne. However, the City did not include in the plan or on the FLUM any planning timen-arne, either short-tenn, medium-term, or long-tenn, tOe support the proposed goals, objectives and policies in the Comprehensive Plan. We recommend the City should include at least two planning periods in the Comprehensive Plan. one fo:- at least the first five-year period and one for at least an overall ten-year period. Response: The Transportation Element addresses appropriate planning timeframes (Policy 2.2.1) for transportation improvements. City of Boynton Beach, Florida R~sponse to ObjecliolU, Recommendations, &. Conunents Report Amendment 00- : ER Date: May 2, 2000 Pag" 2 ofS 941-334-E384 L~~IE PLANNING & MGT ~~g P04/16 VAV 02 '0C lS:C6 B. ~on EAR-based Amendment Future Land Use Map (FLt:M) Amendment (LUAR A199-005: Villa Del Sol) Objection. The Amendment does not restrict development activities where such activities do not protect human life by directing population concentrations awa}' from known or predicted coastal high hazard areas. Additionally, the proposed Amendment is internally inconsistent with Policy 1.21.1 of the Future Land Use Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan which requires the City to obtain written approvals from the Palm Beach County Oh;ision of Emergency Management and the City of Boynton Beach Risk Management Officer, "prior to approving any increase in residential densities in the Hurricane Evacuation lone...if the proposed density increase would result in an increase of 50 or more dwellings.1t The City has not supported the proposed FLUM Amendment with such written approvals. Moreover, the City has not demonstrated the consistency of the proposed FLUM Amendment with Objective 7.6 of the Coastal Management Element of its Comprehensive Plan, regarding the City's commitment to maintain or reduce CWTent estimated hurricane evacuation times if development increases in the coastal high-hazard area of the City. The City did not provide analysis of the projected impact o-f anticipated population density of the proposed additional 148 dwelling units and potential evacuation needs of the population on hunicane evacuation planning. Response.: City staff made two errors in it::l review comments on the application for amendment. The first was to reference the location of the amendment as being a part of Map location #16 in Table 24 of the Coastal Management Element. The referenced map location is on the east of U. s. Highway I, while the subject parcel is on the west of that thoroughtare. In an early draft of support documents for the Coastal Management Element, the subject property was identitled as Map location # 17 and corresponding policy directlOn in Table 24 provided setback requirements for development of the site under 8 Special High Density Residential designation. The map and policy references were removed from the final version of the support documents when it was decided to recognize the development order in place for the property in 1989 and maintain the commercial land use designation on the site. Staffs second error was to recommend that the proposed amendment would be forwarded to the County EMD for review. This is required when a site is located within the Hurricane High Hazard Zone and impacts of the increased density reach thresholds established in the Land Cse Element of the Comprehensive Plan. While the parcel is within the City's adopted Coastal Planning Area. it is west of the line delineating the Hurricane High Hazard Zone. It is staff's understanding that under Rule 9)-5.003(18), F.A.C., the coastal planning area does. not need to be Cit)' of 80)11ton B each. Florida Re~pon5e to Objecti<Jns, Recommendallon~. & Comments Report Amendment 00..1 ER Date: May 2. 2000 Page 3 of5 941-334-E384 L~JE PLANNING & MGT n3g P05/16 MAv a2 '00 1~:07 cotenninous with the Coastal High Hazard Area so long as all of the Coastal High Hazard Area is included within the planning area. Emergency Support Function J 8 - PUBLIC SAFETY of the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan details the geographic areas contained within each Trame Evacuation Zone for hurricane evacuation. The boundaries for each zone are repeated from the Treasure Coast Regional Hurricane Evacuation Study. Zones II, 12 and 13 encompass areas of the City of Bo)nton Beach; however, the zone in closest proximity to the subject parcel is Zone 13. Its boundaries arc described as, >48outh of Ocean Avenue, east of L'. 8. I. north of Gulf Stream Golf Course. west of Atlantic Ocean." Evacuation Zone 13 is classified as the Stonn Surge Vulnerable Zone tor all hurricanes. (See Attachment A) The subject parcel is located west of U.S. Highway 1, and therefore is not within the Hurricane High Hazard area, defined in Rule 9J-5.003(17), F.A.C. as "the evacuation zone for a Category 1 hurricane as established in the regional hurricane evacuation study applicable to the local government. " The subject property is within Traffic Evacuati(ln Zone 43 which is not listed even as a Stonn Surge Vulnerable Zone for Categories 4 and 5 hurricanes. It is presumed, therefore. t!'lat development of the parcel will not impact the eVilcuation times or potential evacuation needs of the population; nor will it impact the demand for hurricane shelter space in the event of a Category 1 hurricane. II. Consiitency with the State Comprehensive Plan The proposed Amendment does not adequately address and further the following goals and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan. Chapter 187, F.S.: 1. Goal (7) Public Safety. Policy 25. regarding local governments adopting plans and policies to protect public and private property and human lives from the effects of natural disasters. Response: Evacuation routes, as shown. addresses the concerns contained with this Goal as it relates to transportation. 2. Goal (20) Transportation. Policies 10 & 15, regarding promotion of ride sharing by public and private sector employees; and promotion of effective coordination among various modes of transportation in urban areas to assist urban development and redevelopment efforts. Response: An explkit TDM oriented policy to establish a transport2tion management organization as an implementing vehicle tor the TDM will be added above and beyond what is implicitly indicated in Objective 2.7 and City of80)'l1ton Beach, Florida Re!lponse to Objectionii. Recommendations, &. Comments Report Amendment 00-1 ER Date: May 2. 2000 Page 4 of5 '341-334-6384 Lp;::lIlE PLANNING 8. MGT 039 P06/16 "jAY iJ2 '00 15:08 2.8, pending the City's concurrence with the costs and Staff implication of a TD~ public/private partnership and responsibilities. City of Boynton Beach. Florida Response to Objectionll, Recommendations, & Comments Report Amendment 00-1 ER Date: May 2, 2000 Page 5 of 5 941- 334-638..\ ~P JE PLAt~N 1 t1G ;. 1'1GT r~3 P07/16 ~AY 32 '0C 15:08 ---... '.. . tf1POLUXll RP 'I :' t , V i~i I~j r~-J if I ~_..J1 tol -1 i! I i . I !.. AtTACHMENT A \ \ l~ \ J 1811 l~ . )~ l \ I I 'e l . I It I ~I . 1$ . I I 1 . . '1 I (, 1 . \ I I / I II ~ . 1 ~ I /1 c.." ~ /1\ ~ . \ ~ II ~ I I \ ~ '. . I .... .~.._~~ J i" .:~ I ."" ,:,' I I ~~ . i . I /! ~ I II 'I ~ i I! I j f { I' ' , : I ~ I ' J f I I I J., i---- I ---~ ~ i I: II I , h . I , '" ~ ~ w ~ ... 1ti0000~l;;1(, AD - ~ / -/1 I~ at . ~,..-- ~ ~ 2!l "'If. , L..._.. -, I , , ;J I5DYllTlIll ID 1 ~-, Im"OH: ! ~ 8L~ n A~.. --~ il-...---------J a I! I' lilt !Il ~ L--....._..__.....'"'!..~_. :. f v E "t l: i \~~ I N. r.s. ---- ern i.l,(lTS ~ "'~!CAI4!O EVACUATION ZCHC: BOYNTON BEACH COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT ~lGjAE 19 - HJA~ICANF. EV~CU~TICN ZCNE MAlTEA lH. KELLER JR.. INC. c()/1$uJtirJ OIlinerrs i I'JlYVlrs (V4) STrin9$. FJarill4 --'- --~---- .----.-.-- - ___________ ___ ____--------- _0-_- ____~~_ 941-334-6384 L~!E PLANNING ~ MGT ~9 P08/16 ~AY 02'02 1=:09 Goal 1 Objective 2.1 Polil.")' 2. t.l Policy 2.1.2 City of Boynton Beach Traffic Cir~ul8ti6n Transportation Element Goal~ Objectives, and Policies To develop and maintain a .fame eireuJetiafl transportation system which will serve the transportation needs of all sectors of the City of Boynton Beach in a safe, efficient, cost effective, and aesthetically pleasing manner. S..h,eqlleftt to plan ftdoptien tTbe City sball continue to provide a transportation network based on the following minimum level of sen:ice standards: . Level of Servil:e "C" or better under dail)' and peak hour conditions on all unspecified City and collector highway facUlties. . Level of Service ~~C" for average daily and Level 9 of S~ "0" for daily peak season and year-round peak bour conditions on all non. specified arterial facilities. . Ltwel of Senke "D" for year:round daily and peak hour conditions on Seac:rest Boulevard south of SE 23rd Avenu~ US I between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Woolbright Road, 1-95 through the City, BoyntOD Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to (.95, NW 22nd Avenue between Congress Avenue and 1-95, Congress Avenue between Boynton Beach Boulevard and NW 22nd Avenue and Boynton Beach Boule\'ard east of 1.95. . Level of Service "Maintain" for all (adUties where Level ef Serviee st.adereU 1-95 from Boynton Beach Boulevard to W Gotbright Road, Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old 80)"ntoo Road to 1-95, Congress Avenue from Boynton Beach Boulevard to the south City limits and Hypoluxo Road' ealt of 1-95 h......e beea exceeded. T"e City shell adept the LOS stftftdafEls set ffirtfl eheve fer thoretlghteres in tfte..city. lfte3e !tanElar83 3"&11 be evaluated aftet- 1992. bttt prier ta 1995, with regara to their e6ntifttlM t:l1te or fftooifieatiaR thrat:lgA the yeM' 2999. The City shall ensure. thrOUGh the implementation of the adopted Concurrencv Management Ordinance. that development orders shall only be approved concurrent with provisions of public transDOrtation facilities needed to maintain the minimum level of service adopted by the City. The City shall coordinate with Florida Department of G_ Transportation, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, and Palm Beach County regarding the designation of "Special Transportation Areas" for those roads with operational standards less than Level ofGService "D". 2-1 Revise: May 2,2000 'fMftie Ciretllati6fl ~I.:tA!i.!m.Elemcnt City of Boynton Beach EAR-bc1SCd Comprehensive Plan Amendments 941 - 334-E384 U:= iE PLANi'1 I NG 2- t'lGT ~g P09/16 ~HY 82 'OC 1=:09 Policy 2. \.3 Peiiey 2.1.4 Policy 2.1.~ Policy 2.1.6~ Objective 2.2 Policy 2.2.1 Policy 2.2.2. Polity ~.2.3. The City shall continue to annually identify Backlogged and Constrained facilities and roadways operating below their adopted Level of Service. Through the continued monitoring of area-wide traffic conditions, and requirements for development project traffic studies, highway improvements and phased traffic impacts, the City shall only approve additional development projects which would "Maintain" operating conditions on Backlogged and Constrained facilities and not cause adopted level of service standards to be exeeeded deteriorate on other roadwavs. - The City shall adept the Urban Tfllft3p6rtati6ft Plennittg System (UTPE) dail,. ftftell'eak n6\:Jp' 3efYiee .elWMs b~oo on Ii 9Q(, peak "GltT. If ifteElftsiskfteiCl3 betv, een the eit" and Ceunty adopted L~'el of Serviee stwuiW'ds arise, de....elepm!l'It deei3l~ns will be meet': in eoft3t1heii~l'I with Count)" PIOflniftg and Engifteering staff. 8tthS6qtteftt te rIM adeptioft. tlhe City shall petition Palm Beach County for the necessary exceptions to the Palm Beach Countywide Traffic Performunce Standards Ordinance (as adopted on June 16. 1992 and <\$ revised in August 1995), as soon as it becomes p()ssible/necess~ to request such exceptions. The City shall continue the enforcement of the ac!Qpted Bttb3equent te the lldel'tieft af the County-wide Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, and l'tlquin; conformance to the Level of Servi~ Standards set forth in that ordinance, except where reasonable exceptions have been approved in accordance with that ordinance and do not exceed the Level of Service Standards set forth in Objective 2.1. The City sball continue to implement the future Trame Ciretllati61l Transportalion Plan on a prlorit)' basis and shall coordinate same with the City's Future Land Use Plan. Measure: Development of road improvement priority Ustlng, miles of roadway "constructed and other improvements, and maintenance of adopted Level of GService standards. The City shall continue to establish and maintain a."'\ updated prioritized listing of short term (+9%2005), mid-term (2010), and long term (~2020) transportation improvements for use by the City. The City shall continue to lobby Palm Beach County and the County Metropolitan Plannin~ Organization for the timely implementation of all programmed road improvements as identified in the City's :Prattle Cireulatioft }'ransportation Element. roo City shall t8ke 1':11 lleee~3ftfy aetieft3, iftelttdinl dev'elopet' eofttf;e\ttiel'ls ltfte lobbying Palm Beeefl C6'tint, llnd the CelSnty MFG, to prow/ide far the 6 2-2 Revise: May 2, 2000 +tame CiretJIllti6ft TratuiDortatii1T1_Elcment City of Bo)'nton Beach EAR-ba!led Comprehensive Plan Amendments Policy 2.2.4~ Policy 2.2.~ Poliey 2.2.6 P6lic:y 2.2.7 P61ifJY 2.2.8 Poliey 2.2.9 Objective 2.3 Policy 2.3.1 Objec:tive 2.4 941-334-E384 L~UE PLANNING 8. r'lGT ~9 Pl0V16 YAY a2 '00 15:10 hmjn~ af Congress Avel'ltte between Boyt'\tol'l Beaeh H6tllc"nm:l and NW 22nd .\vel'lue 6] 1995. The City shall continue to coordinate with Palm Beach County and the County Metropolitan PlanninS!: Organization in order to attempt to secure County and/or state funding of planned, but unprogrammed road improvements as identified in the City's Transportation Element. The City, lin conjunction with the annual update of the City's Capital hnprovement Program, the Cit) shall eel'lsider continue making available supplemental funding necessary to accele:ate unfunded or otherwise lagging TOad improvements. The City sftftll salieH the C611rft} '3 expenditure sf impllet fees esl1eetetf il'l. ltle adjaeent ufliReerperetetl area 61"1 hi~..a) faeilities whieh best 6efl.efit the Oi1y afBo)'fttsfl Deaeh. The City sht!lI oo6J'Elrate "JJ'ith eM sttflp~rt the flerida Deparfft'\eftt 6f Tren~erta~i6ft 88ft !:he Palm Beaes ~1etI8l'alitan Pltmniftg Orgftftizt\tioft Oft implcft'lClnt'il'l.g the extCftsis!'l of Boyntoft Beaeh B6tlle.ard aerOS3 tke (ffirae6a91al \\'atel'way. The City shall eeoperate wif:h ana 31:tppert efforts fa implemeflt the eenstrueti6ft of the NW 22f\ft Annt:le 18teKhat\~e ..ith I 95. The City snell ooererate witt Delre)' Heee}, Mia Stlpperl effart3 to extend 8. 36th /..Cftlll" (Odlfstream Batde'laffi) bet'Nttn g'",;il"lterl Avenue ftfld 8eaereat BeuieYllr6. Within three years of Plan adoption, neighborhood circulation patterns $hall be eefttiBtieusly monitored to assess local operating conditions and address the need Cor any capacity or traffic calmlDetsafety-related road improvements on an as Deeded basis. Measure: Num~r of ease studies performed; Number of safety related improvements implemented. The City shall eeveiep perfonn a traffic count prell"ttm erientoo to and special traffic studies for local streets and collector roadways t6 augment County and regienal progt'ftft'lson an as needed basis. The Cit). !haU pr8l'ide for I slk, eOBvenieat and cffidtllt metsMe8 allft nOll l'Ilsterilie&l tran.portatieft system. 2-3 Reviije: May 2, 2000 'rt'fla1.e1 Cil~ltlllfi6" Tl'lIlIllDortation Elemenl City of Boynton Be3.::h EAR-based Comprehensive Plan Allleodmentll Polioy 2.4.1 Po-tiey 2.4.2 Policy 2.4.31 Policy 2.4.4~ Policy 2.4.5J Policy 2.4.64 Policy 2.4.:;'~ Policy 2.4.82 941- 334-E384 LA-.~E PlAH~j I NG 8. MGT 039 Pit.d6 MAV 02 '012 1::: 18 Measure--#; &f aui.denttlll tltt tit).The City shall develop and maintain 8 safe. convenient. and enerey efficient multi-modal transportation system whicb will meet future as well as current transportation needs. Measure: Number of SOV auto trips converted to transit trips as estimated bv peak hour load factor. Measure: Number of crashes alolla tarweted corridors involvine automobiles. pedestrians. and bicycles. The Cit) 's petiee aepartment shall e6ftti8ue {lie high profile enfereemefit of all vchieulttr attd "6ft ',..ehiettlflf an v ing la\'l3. The Cj.I~B pettee department ,:,kalll',utintain tl date ba3e 6f area tead'.vay Md aeeiaeat e6ooiti6ns. The City's engineering and police department shall continue to investigate local high eeeiseftt crash locations to identify potential methods of minimizing or eliminating future problems (through Palm Beach County's CommWlity Traffic Safety Team), The City shall continue to support the construction of sidewalks andlor designated roadside bikeways in all land development r~lations and road imprG\iement projects which shall include ample signage and pedestrian signalization provisions to designate and promote routes. The City shall continue to require unobstructed sight lines and non-obtrusive landscape plantings along medians and at development driveway/street locations. Planting within and alonl:{ roadway rights-otway should emphasize the use of native vegetation. At a minil'ftll:l'!'\. t!he City. at a minimum, shall continue to program and budget funds for roadway maintenance of fet-City maintained roads ~ fltnd5-at least at the existing levels. Sueseqtlent te P!ftft a6eptien, ffleeify tfte lane develepmeftt The City shalll QY the year 2002, modify and enforce regulations to include access manaSo!;ement criteria such as establishing minimum spacing between ef.driveways (acce:;s points) and median ooenings. as well as, requirements for exclusive turn lanes and intersection signalization (warrants per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices). J The City shall implement the recommended bikeway classification system (bike lanes. bike paths. and bike routes) within the City, as stated in the Trame Cireulatian Ele't1'\entPalm Beach Count v Bikeway Plan. aud assess the adequacv of the svstem components in meeting the City's demands and needs. City ofBoyntoll Beach EAR-biised Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2-4 Reville:; May 2, 2000 TfUfhll Cif~\Illttiefl Transoort8tion Element 941-334-6384 LA2UE PLANNING ~ MGT ~9 P12/16 ~AY a2 '0e 15::1 Objective 2.5 Policy 2.5.1 Policy 2.5.2 Policy 2.5.3 Policy 2.5 4 Objective 2.6 Policy 2.6.1 Exp.lore aU lelaUJI defensible alternatives foJ' protection of public riaht- of-wav W",'hen reviewing development proposals, provide for tbe protection of existing and future right-of-way from building encrolchment._, ..lprovlde for minima! negative impacts associated with driveway locations, and provide for safe and efficient on-site traffic circulation and parkingt including provisions for shared driveways. shared pBrkinw. and handicapped users, Measure: Number of development projects permitted subsequent to performance review; '''Imber of handie.pped ,_kinK IIpaea pr~n illell, The City shall continue: to support State a.nd/or County requirements, or more restrictive local criteria, for minimum access point spacing, cross access casements or other access controls associated with engineering and development review procedures. 8ubseqtleftf fa riM a66pti6ft, (!:he City shall continue to require in the land devt:lopment re~latio!ls the provision of handicapped parking facilities when reviewing development proposals. SOOSeE(Ne:ftt to Plan atleptiea. "'-edify the hma 6ef.ole-pmeftt The City shall modifv and enforce regulations to require the conveyance of right-of-way or easements consistent with the City's.. Tmffie Ciretlleti6fl Elel'nem, the Palm Beach County Thoroughtares Plan and with the pla.11S of the Florida Department ofTranspol1ation and/or Palm Beach County when corridor right- of-way maps are filed with the Palm Beach COLU1ty Official Records Division. Sl:lbsequeftt to PIM adoptiafl. review the lime ae". d6pment repletions an.d ",atiit; if fleee938l) to J'f6~de safe Ma effieieet eft 3ite eiraulatien Itfta 5t!ftieient 61'1 3ite perkin!; fer motorized llfld ftOft metor1zea vehieles.The City shall review and modify regulations to provide safe and efficient on-site circulation and parking for all vehicles if subsequent analvsis determines that on-site desi~l produces unsafe conditions~~ The City shan provide for prIvate sector responsibility to implement project related transportation improvements. Measure: Amount of private sedor hJghway improvements, S1:l~seqOCftt to Pian adol'tioft, The: City shall continue to modify and e.!1force the land de'/elvpmfftl regulations te ~6ftfiftue to require a tratlic impact analysis for any development project anticipated to generate 3,000 200_or more additional vehicle trips per day or 250 trips in the AM Ot PM peak hour. 2-5 Revise: May 2,2000 T~ Ciretllatiefl Transportation Element City of Boynton Beach EAR-based Comprehensive: Plan Amendments Policy 2.6.2 ~li",.i 2.6.3 Objective 2.7 Policy 2.7. I Polley 2.7.2 Po!iQ2.7.3: Polky 2.iA 941 - ::34-(::384 L;::@..!E PLm IN I NG ~< ~IGT 839 P13/16 ~AV a2'0e 1=::2 SttMeqtlCftt to rIM aitoplioft, tIhe City shall continue to require improvement of roadways to mitigate the impacts of development as a condition of development approval. The City shall, wherever feasible, require the construction of transportation impw,,'ements in lieu of impact fee contributions. 8ub~eqttent lei Plan adeptiefl, ~e City shaH eefttifttl6 ta feql:lire fe3ef\ atiOft and/or eOlwt::lftftee {'If right of way e6ft~j3tet\t with tht: City's Tl'Rffie ~ulatie" PI8fl. 61 the Cottat)' Thof'6t1ghfIl!'e3 Phm as a part of the review of de..elepmeftt plans. In order to maximize highway system performance, the City sball support alternative Transportation S="'fltm~ Demand Mauagement (TSM) strategies wherever feasible bt lieu of, or in ~onJunc:tion with, more expensive supply ride capital improvements. Mea~ure: Number of local =JSM-TransportatioJl Demand Manaaement Improvements. The City shall promote local, or county and state (Florida 90epartment Gof :J:Transportation, Palm_Beach County) fundmg for traffic operations improvements with particular emphasis on develop~ roadways s~ch as US I. or pt()jected overcapacity ar!eri~l Or col!ectc.r roadways such as Congress Avenue and arteriel ur collector segments adjacent to 1-95. as well a~ acqu:sition of Florida East Coast Rail~ol:lCl for use as commuter rail and rail with trail faciliti~9. If JlJeOC38ftry, ((he City shaH. if necessary. consider capacity improvements to US l and Boynton Beach Boulevard through restriping of the existing pavement: this effort shali be predicated ml a finding of minimal negative impacts regardir.g the loss of on.street parking-either through lack of demand or by replacement with off-street parking in other areas. Transportation Demand Mana~ement: The City shall suPport the establishment of a Transportatior. Demand Management program by 2003 as , part of a congestion avoidance strategy to reduce the nuplber of single occupant vehicJ~s during pe~ traffic periods. either by trip reductions or by ~ccommodating existinill trir~ in fewer vehicles (e.~. trip reclection ordinance), 0:" by moving $('me trips before or after the most congested periods. The City shall promote Transportation Demand ~1aJ}aaement strate2ies such as car pooling. transit.... and parking priorities to alleviate peak hour and/or peak season traffic congestion through public/private partnerships (e.g. Transportation Management Associations a.1d/oT Parking Management Associ a tions ). Cny cfBoymon B~ach EAR.balled Comprehensive Plan Amc:1drnent~ 2-6 Rev\se: May 2, 20CO Tfilt'fi8 Ctlllllllllien ll:AJ!~..!1~Elemenf. ObJecth.e 2.8 Policy 2.8.1 Policy 2.8.2 Polic....y 2.8.3 Policy 2.8.4 Objective 2.9 Policy 2.9.1 Policy 2.9.2 Policy 2.9.3 Policy 2.9.4 941-334-E384 LA9UE PlANNING & MGT 939 P14/16 ~AY 32 'oe 1=::2 The City shall strive to reduce overaJl energy consumption due to transportadon via re~)atory measures such liS trip reduction ordinances and incentives. Measures:Decrease In average vehicle delay on City roadways; Increase in auto occupaac)' or car pool users. Suhseqt:.leftt to Plan a6aptiml, tIhe City shall continue to coordinate with Florida Department eof Transportation and Palm Beach County regarding computerized signalization and -optimal signal timing 8.lld progression. Saeseql:leftt te Plafl adoption. tIhe City shall continually support local promotion and coordination in implementing Countywide ridesharing etTorts. The City shall continue to support the Tl'i C.5tt.nty C6lftPfttlter rail 1ri-Rail project and the local rail stop adjacent to NW 22 Avenue and 1-95. and support the resolution and/or expansion of the Tn-Rail to Florida East Coast Railroad upon feasibility of such. The City shall continue to support the high speed rail transportation concept and participate in the 6fl1oirt3 review of rail proposals as these relate to local comprehensive planning effo11s and land use or envirorunental impact! (des,pite the state's rec~t q~cision to not fund this program), The City shall ~ontinue to provide toea} transportation facUlties that are visually and functionally pleasing and that conform to City guidelines. Measure-Increase in facilities which meet the criteria below. Stle3ectu~ftt to Plan a60ptioll, tIhe City shall continue to institute transportation facility design standards, such as roadway signage and lighting, fur the entire City or designated subdistricts. The City. lin conjunction with the recommendations from the Boynton Beach Beuh:vard eemeer eceirn study 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan, the eity shall develop "gateway" treatments at major cross street locations and facility entrances to the City, as well as. older neiiZhborhoods. Sttblltqtte1\t to PIIIP1 e6ep!1on, tIhe City shall continue to program and budget i funds for streetscape beautification in public rights-of-way. Plantings within and along roadway rights-of-way should emphasize the use of native vegetation. Sueseq,uet\t to Plan a86l'tieR. tIhe City shall continue to support or. where appropriate. require funding for landscaping and irrigation in transportation projects and for perimeter masonry and/or vegetation screening along all 2-7 Revi~e: May 2, 2000 Trame ClftlldatioB TranSDortation Element City of Boynton Beach EAR-based Comprehensive Phm Amendments '341-334-E384 L~E PLA~~NING 3. MGT a39 P15/16 ~Av 02 '08 15::3 plivate circulation anc parking areas. Plantings within and along roadway rights-of-way should emphasize the use of native vegetation. Policy 2.9.5 The City shall continue to enforce local and state laws prohibiting dumping or littering in public ri8ht-of~way. Policy 2.9.6 The City shaH implement recommendations related to the roadway improvements and beautification as recomP.1ended pursu~'1t to the Boynton Beach 20/20 Redevelppment Master Plan. Objective 2.10 The Ci.,. ,dutY eeordinate with the pl.. alia pro\VaBlJ afthe Palm Bueh C8t11lt)1 MckepeUtaft Plaltltillg Orga"iEali81l (MPO), Palm Bellell County lInel the Flerida BeJl8rtMtllt of Tr8l1iiperttltien's Fh<c Year TrallJp&rt8UOD Platt. The Ci~ shall continue to participate in tbe Palm Beach County MetropoJJtaQ. Plan.inK Oreanization'5 lone rllD2e nlanllina pr~els and utilize the relu'tine plans to update the City's TransportatioD Element as avproprfate. Policy 2.10 I Subsequent t6 rIM 8d~tia", The City shall develop procedures to annually provide the Palm Beach County Metropolitan Planning OrlZanization with a priori:ized listing of needed roadway and intersection improvements for inclusion into the Metropolitan Planning Organization Five:-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Pobc)' 2.10.2 Subsequt'flt te Plan adeptien, The Citv shall continue to participate in the Palm Beach County Technical Coordinating Committee. Policy 2.10.3 Th~ Citv shall continue to Mmaintain active and po~itive relationships with the Florida Department of Transportation, Palm Beach County, adjacent municipalities, and other relevant public and private entities in order to support and engage in cooperative funding of transpor.ation improvements. Objective 2.11 S.h8e~llf)ftt te Plan a.plioll, The City shan concluue to asailt CeTrall Palm Tran in providing efficient maSi transit services balled on existing and future trip gellerators and attraetors and also provide lotal mass transit road and terminal areas which are safe for tran8it users. Policy 2.11.1 The City shall S~upport the transit shelter and terminal development programs of CeTranPalm Tran. the proposed High Speed Rail Project and of the ffi- Cetlflty CommutCf Tn-Rail Authority. PoJ:cy 2.11.2 SHesaJHent to Pl8fl a66I'tian, The Cit) shall continue to modify and enforce 1MB de'.cleprner!t regulations to encourage the provision of transit related shelters in major land development projects. City of Boynton Beach EAR.ba~ed Comprehensive Piau Amendment8 2-8 ReVISe May 2.2000 T mffie Cil clilllli"ft Tr:mspcrtation Element '341- 334-6384 LA51UE PLA!'lN I NG 8. MGT 039 P16/16 MAY 02 '00 15:13 Policy 2.11.3 TIle Plltftftiftg De,artlne!\t will esta~lisk preeedtifes Stibseqtleftt te Pla:rt aaeptiell thet fletify the CaTr8J\ ef fte'W de~;e16l'"\efit5 in the City that ere majel' trip geftel'6tef3 Iln6 attfaeters.Reserved. Policy 2.11.4 The City will continue to assist Canan Palm Tran in route selection and publicity by reviewing and commenting on proposed route revisions and providing space at City offices for esTral! Palm Tr8Jl schedule information. City ofBoyntCl6 Beach EAR-based Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2-9 Revtse: May 2. 2000 Tflltfie CireulMieft Iaollp.ortation Element Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to: fax #: date: from: re: Bradlev Miller, AICP ./ 561-272-1042 April 19, 2000 Dick Hudson Villa del Sol pages: .2.-, including cover sheet. Attached you "vill find 6 pages from the FAC Rule governing plan amendments. In essence, the City has 120 days, from receipt of the ORC report to adopt its EAR amendments, and 10 working days to forward those amendments to DCA. Upon receipt of the complete amendment package, DCA has 45 calendar days to issue its Compliance/Non-compliance finding. Any challenge to the decision must be filed within 21 days after the finding, or the amendment is final. Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach. Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 9J11.011 Florida Administrative Code Page 1 of3 9J-l1.011 Local Government Adoption of the Comprehensive Plan or Plan Amendment and Submittal for the Compliance Review. (1) In the case of a compliance agreement comprehensive plan amendment the procedures in Rule 9J- 11.0131, Florida Administrative Code, shall be followed. (2) In the case of a small scale development plan amendment the local government may follow the procedures in Rule 9J-l1.015, Florida Administrative Code. (3) In the case of a comprehensive plan submitted pursuant to Subsection 163.3167(2), Florida ~ Statutes, the local government shall have 120 calendar days to adopt, or adopt with changes, the proposed comprehensive plan after the receipt ofthe objections, recommendations and comments report from the Department pursuant to Subsection 163.3184(7), Florida Statutes. In the case ofa proposed amendment submitted pursuant to Section 163.3187, Florida Statutes, the local government has 60 calendar days to adopt, adopt with changes, or not adopt the proposed amendment after receipt of the objections, recommendations and comments report from the Department pursuant to Subsection 163.3184(7), Florida Statutes. In the case of a plan amendment submitted pursuant to Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes, the local government shall have 120 calendar days to adopt, adopt with changes, or not adopt the proposed amendment after receipt of the objections, recommendations and comments report from the Department pursuant to Subsection 163.3184(7), Florida Statutes. (4) Public hearings for adoption of plan amendments related to developments of regional impact or a proposed change to a development of regional impact may not be held sooner than 30 days from receipt of the response from the Department pursuant to Subsection 380.06(6)(b)5., Florida Statutes. The local government must consider adoption of a plan amendment related to developments of regional impact and applications for developments of regional impacts at the same hearing; however, the local government must take action separately on the application for development approval or the proposed change to the development of regional impact and on the plan amendments. .> (5) Within ten working days after adoption, the local government shall submit a transmittal letter signed by the chief elected official or the person designated by the local government, which designates the newspaper, meeting the size and circulation requirements of Subsection 163.3184(15) (c), Florida Statutes, in which the Department should publish the required Notice of Intent pursuant to Subsection 163 .3184(8)(b), Florida Statutes, and enclose three copies of the adopted comprehensive plan and the data and analysis or in the case of adopted amendment(s), three copies of the adopted amendment(s) and the data and analysis in strike through and underline format or similar easily identifiable format identifying the new text that has been adopted, indicating the adoption ordinance number, effective date and plan amendment number on each page, and in the case of a future land use map plan amendment, three copies of the adopted future land use map reflecting the changes made when adopted, and a copy of the executed ordinance adopting the comprehensive plan or amendment(s) to the Department. Each adopted plan amendment must be supported by data and analysis in accordance with Rule 9J-5.005(2), Florida Administrative Code. Ifthe original plan data and analysis or the data and analysis of a previous amendment or data and analysis submitted with the material transmitted pursuant to Rules 9J-l1.004(2)(c), 9J-11.006(1)(b) or 9J-l1.007, Florida Administrative Code, support the amendment, no additional data and analysis is required to be submitted to the Department unless the previously submitted data is no longer the best available existing data. The newly submitted data and analysis must reflect the best data available at the time the adopted amendment is submitted to the Department. If a local government relies on original plan data and analysis or the data and analysis of a previous amendment to support an amendment, it shall provide to the Department, at the time of the adopted submittal, a reference to the specific portions of the previously submitted data and analysis on which the local government relies to support the amendment. This material shall be sent directly to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Division of Resource Planning and Management, Plan Processing Team. In addition, the local governing body shall transmit a copy of the adopted amendment and the data and analysis or reference the existing data and analysis to the appropriate regional planning council. The local government shall also transmit this material to review agencies listed in Rule 9J-l1.009(8), Florida http://www.dca.state.fl.us/fdcp/DCP/Resources/Legislation/9Jll/9jll_0ll.htm 04/1912000 9111.011 Florida Administrative Code Page 2 of3 Administrative Code, and local governments or any other interested parties that have filed a written request with the governing body for a copy of the plan or amendment. The local government must ensure that the review agencies copy of the adopted plan remain complete by also transmitting copies of each subsequently adopted amendment and related documents to the review agencies at the time of each adoption. The transmittal letter to the Department shall certify that the adopted amendment, including the data and analysis have been sent to each of the above entities, as appropriate. In addition the following items shall be submitted with the adopted comprehensive plan or amendment: (a) A listing of additional changes made in the adopted plan or amendment which were not previously reviewed by the Department. This listing shall include the identification of the specific portions that were changed with reference to appropriate pages. If possible, new text in the plan should be underlined and items deleted should be struck through. (b) A listing of findings ofthe local governing body, if any, which were not included in the ordinance and which provided the basis of the adoption of a proposed plan or plan amendment or the determination not to adopt the proposed plan amendment. (c) A statement indicating the relationship of the additional changes not previously reviewed by the Department to the objections, recommendations, and comments report from the Department. (d) A listing of proposed amendments previously reviewed by the Department in the current cycle of amendments which were not adopted by the local government. (e) The local government shall submit copies ofthe comprehensive plan pages that contain the newly adopted comprehensive plan amendments and are to replace the existing comprehensive plan pages in a manner that will update the plan and incorporates all plan amendments. To avoid reprinting all pages in the plan, it is permissible to number pages that contain additions or deletions to be inserted in the plan with the appropriate page number followed by decimals or some other equivalent subnumbering system. These pages shall include the amendment ordinance number and adoption date. (f) A new cumulative table of contents that includes all comprehensive plan amendments shall be submitted with each plan amendment package, and it shall indicate the revision date and ordinance numbers. The table of contents page(s) shall include the most recent amendment date. (g) Map amendments shall be submitted on maps that indicate the ordinance number and date of each amendment update. Also it is not mandatory that completely reprinted future conditions maps be provided unless major, jurisdiction-wide changes are made. Appropriately labeled and cross- referenced insert maps may be acceptable. (6) In the case of a comprehensive plan or amendment submitted pursuant to Subsection 163.3167(3), Florida Statutes, the provisions of Section 163.3181, Florida Statutes, shall apply to the regional planning council as if it were the local governing body, except that the regional planning council shall submit a copy of the rule adopting the comprehensive plan, element or amendment. (7) In the case where the local government makes the determination not to adopt a proposed plan amendment, a letter must be sent to the Department within five working days to inform the Department of this decision. This letter shall be sent to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Division of Resource Planning and Management, Plan Processing Team. (8) In the case where the local government adopts corrections, updates and modifications of the capital improvements element concerning costs, revenue sources, acceptance of facilities or facility construction dates pursuant to Subsection 163.3177(3)(b), Florida Statutes, a copy ofthe executed ordinance shall be submitted to the Department within ten working days after adoption. If a local government adopts corrections, updates, or modifications of current costs in other elements which were set out as part of the comprehensive plan, a copy of the executed ordinance shall be submitted to http://www.dca.state.fl.us/fdcpIDCP/Resources/Legislation/9111/9jI1_0l1.htm 04/19/2000 9 J 11. 0 11 Florida Administrative Code Page 3 of3 the Department within ten working days after adoption. Copies of the referenced executed ordinances in this section of Rule 9J-l1.0 11, Florida Administrative Code, shall be sent to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Division of Resource Planning and Management, Plan Processing Team and will not be subject to a compliance review. :> (9) Adopted plan amendments to plans which have been found to be "in compliance," as that term is defined in Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, shall not become effective until the Department issues a final order determining the adopted amendment to be "in compliance," or until the Administration Commission issues a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Subsection 163 .3184( I 0), Florida Statutes. The Department's notice of intent to find an amendment in compliance shall become an issued final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance if no petition challenging the amendment is filed with the Department within 21 days of the date of publication of the notice of intent. (10) Local governments with a plan in compliance are bound by the effective date provisions of Section 163.3189, Florida Statutes. They shall include the following language in the adoption ordinance for plan amendments other than small scale amendments: The effective date of this plan amendment shall be the date a final order is issued by the Department of Community Affairs or Administration Commission finding the amendment in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes, whichever occurs earlier. No development orders, development permits, or land uses dependent on this amendment may be issued or commence before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, this amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status, a copy of which resolution shall be sent to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Division of Resource Planning and Management, Plan Processing Team. An adopted amendment whose effective date is delayed by law shall be considered part of the adopted plan until determined to be not in compliance by final order of the Administration Commission. Then, it shall no longer be part of the adopted plan unless the local government adopts a resolution affirming its effectiveness in the manner provided by law. Specific Authority 163.3177(9) FS. Law Implemented 163.3167(3), 163.3177(9), 163.3184(1)(b), (2), (6), (7), (15), (16), 163.3187(1), 163.3189, 163.3191,380.06(6) FS. History--New 9-22-87, Amended 10-11-88, 11-10-93, 11-6-96. http://www.dca.state.fl.us/fdcp/DCPlResources/Legislation/9J11/9j11_011.htm 04/1912000 9111.012 Florida Administrative C0~ Page 1 of3 9J-l1.012 Compliance Review and Notice of Intent. (1) Upon receipt of the adopted plan or amendment, the Department shall send a letter acknowledging receipt and requesting any missing documentation. Upon receipt of the complete plan or amendment package pursuant to Rule 9J-11.011(5), Florida Administrative Code, the Department shall review the plan or amendment to determine compliance and shall issue a Notice of Intent to find .> the plan or amendment in compliance or not in compliance within 45 calendar days, unless the amendment is the result of a compliance agreement entered into pursuant to Section 163.3184(16), Florida Statutes, in which case the time period for review and determination is 30 days. The review period shall run from the receipt of all documentation. If the Department did not, and was not, requested to review the proposed plan or plan amendment, the Department's review must be based solely on the adopted plan or plan amendment. (2) The Department will publish a Notice ofIntent in a newspaper of general circulation in the local government's jurisdiction from which the plan or element originates in the manner required by Subsection 163.3184(8)(b), Florida Statutes, and will include but not be limited to the following information: (a) Name of local government; (b) Identification ofthe comprehensive plan or plan amendment(s) to which the notice refers; (c) Whether the plan or amendment is in compliance or not in compliance; (d) Location where plan or plan amendments, together with the Department's comments, objections, and recommendations, are available for public inspection; and (e) Rights of affected person( s). (3) A copy ofthe Notice ofIntent will be mailed to the local government, the review agencies listed in Rule 9J-11.009(8), Florida Administrative Code, and to persons who request a copy of the notice. Requests for a copy of a Notice ofIntent shall be in writing and shall be sent directly to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Division of Resource Planning and Management, Plan Processing Team and shall specify the plan or amendment by the name of the local government and by ordinance number or other formal designation. (4) The Notice ofIntent shall be issued by the Director of the Division of Resource Planning and Management, Department of Community Affairs or authorized designee. (5) The Department may combine notices of intent to find plans or plan amendments for more than one local government in a single advertisement. (6) If a Notice of Intent is issued to find the adopted plan or amendment not in compliance, the Department will forward a copy of the Notice of Intent to the Division of Administrative Hearings, Department of Management Services, requesting a hearing. During the review period provided in Rule 9J-11.012(1), Florida Administrative Code, the Department shall issue a written Statement of Intent describing how each portion of a comprehensive plan or plan amendment alleged to be not in compliance is not consistent with one or more provisions of Sections 163.3177, 163.3178, 163.3191, Florida Statutes, the state comprehensive plan, the appropriate strategic regional policy plan, or Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, and a statement of remedial actions that the local government may complete in order to bring the plan into compliance. A copy of the Statement of Intent shall be mailed to the local government and to persons who requested a copy of the Notice of Intent. The Department shall file a petition requesting an administrative hearing and relief with the Division of Administrative Hearings. The petition shall incorporate the issues contained in the Statement ofIntent, and the Statement ofIntent and the Notice ofIntent shall be filed with the http://www.dca.state.fl.us/fdcp/DCP/Resources/Legislation/911119j11_012.htm 04/19/2000 9111.012 Florida Administrative C~e Page 2 of3 petition. The hearing officer shall submit the recommended order to the Administration Commission for final agency action. .7 (7) If a Notice ofIntent is issued to find the adopted plan or amendment in compliance, any affected person, within 21 calendar days after the publication of notice pursuant to Rule 9J-I1.012(4), Florida Administrative Code, may file a petition challenging the determination of compliance with the Department pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. Subsequent to the Notice ofIntent and after the matter has been forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings pursuant to Subsections 163.3184(8) or (10), Florida Statutes, the local government proposing the amendment, or any party to the proceeding may demand informal mediation or expeditious resolution of the amendment proceeding by serving written notice on all parties to the proceeding and the assigned hearing officer. (a) The petition shall be filed with the Agency Clerk, Department of Community Affairs. Each petition shall be typewritten or otherwise duplicated in legible form on white paper of standard letter size. Unless printed, the impression shall be on one side of the paper only and lines shall be double- spaced and indented. Each petition shall contain the following: 1. The Department docket number, if known; 2. The name of party on whose behalf the petition is filed; 3. The name, address, and telephone number of the person filing the petition; 4. The signature of the person filing the petition; 5. A statement of facts sufficient to show that petitioner is an affected person, as defined in Subsection 163.3184(1), Florida Statutes, including the date(s) and method by which the petitioner submitted objections during the local government review and adoption proceedings; 6. A statement identifying the comprehensive plan or plan amendment(s) which is challenged, including the name ofthe local government, date of adoption, ordinance number(s) or other specific formal designation( s); 7. A statement describing how each portion of a comprehensive plan or plan amendment alleged to be not in compliance is not consistent with one or more provisions of Sections 163.3177, 163.3178, 163.3191, Florida Statutes, the state comprehensive plan, the appropriate strategic regional policy plan, or Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code; and 8. A demand for relief to which the petitioner deems himself entitled. 9. A certificate of service certifying that a copy of the petition has been served on the local government and any known owner of the property. (b) If the Department determines that the petition filed by an affected person is sufficient, the Department shall forward the petition to the Division of Administrative Hearings, Department of Management Services, within 15 days of the receipt of the petition for further proceedings. A copy of the transmittal letter shall be sent to the petitioner, the local government, and any identified owner of the property. (c) Failure to file a timely petition within the 21 calendar days after the publication of the Notice of Intent pursuant to Rule 9J-11.012( 4), Florida Administrative Code, shall constitute a waiver of any right to request an administrative proceeding under Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. (d) If a petition is filed that does not substantially comply with the requirements of Rule 9J-l1.012(7) (a), Florida Administrative Code, the Department shall issue an order dismissing the petition with leave to file an amended petition complying with the requirements of this rule within 15 days of service of the order. If an amended petition complying with this rule is not filed within 15 days of http://www.dca.state.fl.us/fdcp/DCP/Resources/Legislation/911119j11_012.htm 04/19/2000 9111.012 Florida Administrative CL'tie Page 3 of3 service ofthe order, the petitioner's right to a proceeding under Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, is waived. (e) Uno petition complying with the requirements of this rule is filed, the Notice of Intent shall become final agency action. (t) After the hearing pursuant to Subsection 163.3184(9), Florida Statutes, the hearing officer shall mail the Recommended Order to the Agency Clerk, Department of Community Affairs. (g) Within ten days from the date of receipt of the Recommended Order by the Agency Clerk of the Department, parties to the proceeding may file written Exceptions to the Recommended Order with the Agency Clerk of the Department, with service of copies on all parties. Exceptions not filed with the Agency Clerk within the ten days shall be rejected. Exceptions shall state, with particularity, the basis for asserting that the hearing officer erred in making or omitting specific findings of fact, conclusions of law, or a recommendation. Any party may serve a Response to Exceptions within ten (10) days of service ofthe Exceptions. The Department shall issue a final order within 30 days after receipt of the Recommended Order by the Agency Clerk ifthe Department determines that the plan or plan amendment is in compliance. If the Department determines that the plan or plan amendment is not in compliance, the Department shall submit, within 30 days after receipt, the Recommended Order to the Administration Commission for final agency action. Specific Authority 163.3177(9) FS. Law Implemented 163.3177(9), 163.3184(8), (9), (10) FS. History--New 9-22-87, Amended 10-11-88,11-10-93, 11-6-96,7-21-97. Library References: Bryant, Local Government Comprehensive Plans and the Administrative Procedure Act, 62 Fla. Bar J. 41 (October 1988). http://www.dca.state.fl.us/fdcp/DCPlResources/Legislation/911119jll_012.htm 04/19/2000 ~~..~ ~ n W ffi ill STATE OF FLORIDA ~ ~ ~ n D E PAR T MEN T 0 F COM M U NIT Y F F A I '~2~1O U "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to c me" JEB BUSH Governor Pi8B IBERT March 31, 2000 ,.6; 'yyJL !3tuyr# /'. ._~'tc.~' ~ f-t-c1d The Honorable Gerald Broening Mayor, City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Mayor Broening: The Department has completed its review of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the City of Boynton Beach (DCA No. 00-lER), which was received on January 26, 2000. Copies of the proposed amendment have been distributed to appropriate state, regional and local agencies for their review, and their comments are enclosed. I am enclosing the Department's Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report, issued pursuant to Rule 9J-ll.0 10, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). The issues identified in this ORC Report include future transportation maps identifying public transit trip generator and attractors, and projected peak hour level of service; policies for transportation demand management strategies; projected intermodal facilities; increased density in a coastal high-hazard area, hurricane evacuation times and comprehensive plan internal inconsistency. It is very important that the adopted plan amendment address these issues, and all of the objections in the Department's ORC Report. Upon receipt of this letter, the City of Boynton Beach has 120 days in which to adopt, adopt with changes, or determine that the City will not adopt the proposed amendment. The process for adoption of local government comprehensive plan amendments is outlined in Section 163.3184, F .S., and Rule 9J-11.011, F.A.C. The City must ensure that all ordinances adopting comprehensive plan amendment are consistent with the provisions of Section 163.3189(2)(a), F.S. Within ten working days of the date of adoption, the City of Boynton Beach must submit the following to the Department: Three copies of the adopted comprehensive plan amendments; A copy of the adoption ordinance; A listing of additional changes not previously reviewed; 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Phone: 850.488.8466/Suncom 278.8466 FAX: 850.921.0781/Suncom 291.0781 Internet address: http://www.dca.state.fl.us CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD OFFICE 2796 Overseas Highway, Suite 212 Marathon, FL 33050-2227 (305) 289-2402 COMMUNITY PLANNING 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 (850) 488-2356 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 (850) 413-9969 HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 (850) 488-7956 The Honorable Gerald Broening March 31, 2000 Page Two A listing of findings by the local governing body, if any, which were not included in the ordinance; and A statement indicating the relationship of the additional changes to the Department's ORC Report. The above amendment and documentation are required for the Department to conduct a compliance review, make a compliance determination and issue the appropriate notice of intent. In order to expedite the regional planning council's review of the amendments, and pursuant to Rule 9J-l1.011(5), F.A.C., please provide a copy of the adopted amendment directly to the Executive Director of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. Please contact Joseph Addae-Mensa, Planner IV, at (850) 487-4545 if we can be of assistance as you formulate your response to this Report. Sincerely yours, Ch~~~~ Charles Gauthier, AICP Chief, Bureau of Local Planning CG/jam Enclosures: Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report Review Agency Comments cc: Mr. Michael W. Rumph, Planning Director, City of Boynton Beach Mr. Michael J. Busha, AICP, Executive Director, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council ~~~p~d- t- "rl~ ~ 'F ~-t -'tPtJ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND COMMENTS THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Amendment OO-lER March 30. 2000 Division of Community Planning Bureau of Local Planning This report is prepared pursuant to Rule 91-11.010 INTRODUCTION The following objections, recommendations and comments are based upon the Department's review of the City of Boynton Beach's proposed 00-IER amendment to its comprehensive plan pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes (P.S.). Objections relate to specific requirements of relevant portions of Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Codes (F.A.C.), and Chapter 163, Part II, F.S. Each objection includes a recommendation of one approach that might be taken to address the cited objection. Other approaches may be more suitable in specific situations. Some of these objections may have initially been raised by one of the other external review agencies. If there is a difference between the Department's objection and the external agency advisory objection or comment, the Department's objection would take precedence. The local government should address each of these objections when the amendment is resubmitted for our compliance review. Objections which are not addressed may result in a determination that the amendment is not in compliance. The Department may have raised an objection regarding missing data and analysis items which the local government considers not applicable to its amendment. If that is the case, a statement justifying its non-applicability pursuant to Rule 9J-5.002(2), F.A.C., must be submitted. The Department will make a determination on the non-applicability of the requirement, and if the justification is sufficient, the objection will be considered addressed. The comments which follow the objections and recommendations are advisory in nature. Comments will not form bases of a determination of non-compliance. They are included to call attention to items raised by our reviewers. The comments can be substantive, concerning planning principles, methodology or logic, as well as editorial in nature dealing with grammar, organization, mapping, and reader comprehension. Appended to the back of the Department's report are the comment letters from the other state review agencies and other agencies, organizations and individuals. These comments are advisory to the Department and may not form bases of Departmental objections unless they appear under the "Objections" heading in this report. OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND COMMENTS REPORT PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AMENDMENT 00-IER I. CONSISTENCY WITH CHAPTER 163, F.S., AND RULE 9J-5 & 9J-ll, F.A.C. The City of Boynton Beach, in Palm Beach County, has proposed a comprehensive plan amendment, based on the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) adopted on April 1, 1997. The proposed amendment consists of updating all of the elements of the City's comprehensive plan as anticipated in the EAR. The proposed EAR-based amendment includes four Future Land Use Map (FLUM) changes. The City has also proposed a non-EAR related FLUM change. The City proposes to adopt this amendment in Mayor June of2000. The Department has identified the following objections to the proposed amendment: A. EAR-Based Amendment Transportation Element Objection 1. The Transportation Element does not include future transportation maps identifying the major public transit trip generators and attractors based upon the future land use map; and the projected peak hour levels of service for transportation facilities for which level of service standards are established. [Rule 9J-5.019(5)(b), F.A.C.] Recommendation. Include future transportation maps to identify the major public transit trip generators and attractors based upon the future land use map; and the projected peak hour levels of service for transportation facilities for which level of service standards are established. Objection 2. The Transportation Element support documentation indicated that transit market share for Tri-County Rail and Palm- Tran, as well as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, would have to increase in the City through transportation demand management(TDM) strategies in order to modify peak-hour travel demand. However, the City did not include a policy in this Element establishing TDM programs. [9J-5.019(4)(c)6. & 7., F.A.C.] Recommendation. Include a policy in the comprehensive plan establishing TDM programs to modify peak hour travel demand, reduce the number of vehicle miles traveled per capita within the City, improve system efficiency and enhance safety. Objection 3. Proposed Objective 2.4 ofthe Transportation Element states: The City shall develop and maintain a safe. convenient. and energy efficient multi-modal transportation system which will meet future as well as current transportation needs. The City has provided an inventory of existing intermodal facilities, but not an analysis of the deficiencies or projected needs. These data and analysis will assist the City in addressing the need for additional terminals, connections, high occupancy vehicle lanes; and pedestrian, bicycle, park-and-ride and other facilities based on land use projections to facilitate effective implementation of this objective [Rules 9J-5.005(2)(a), & 9J-5.019(3)(e), F.A.C.] Recommendation. Provide data and analysis of the deficiencies or projected needs of intermodal transportation facilities in support of Objective 2.4 of the Transportation Element, based on land use projections. On the basis of these data and analysis, include policies in the comprehensive plan addressing the need for additional terminals, connections, high occupancy vehicle lanes; and pedestrian, bicycle, park-and-ride and other facilities. Comment. The transportation map series do not include the appropriate titles, legend, map scale and the preparation or revision date. The inclusion of this information will improve the usefulness of these maps in the City's planning efforts and enhance citizen's understanding of these maps, because the maps can be properly referenced. Planning Timeframe Comment. The City projected its population and public facility capacities and needs to 2015 in the EAR. The proposed comprehensive plan EAR-based amendment and support data and analysis have been based on the 2015 timeframe. However, the City did not include in the plan or on the FLUM any planning time frame, either short-term, medium-term or long-term, to support the proposed goals, objectives and policies in the comprehensive plan. We recommend the City should include at least two planning periods in the comprehensive plan, one for at least the first five-year period and one for at least an overall ten-year period. B. NonEAR-Based Amendment Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Amendment (LUAR #99-005: Villa Del Sol) Objection. The amendment does not restrict development activities where such activities do not protect human life by directing population concentrations away from known or predicted coastal high hazard areas. Additionally, the proposed amendment is internally inconsistent with Policy 1.12.1 of the Future Land Use Element of the City's comprehensive plan which requires the City to obtain written approvals from the Palm Beach County Division of Emergency Management and the City of Boynton Beach Risk Management Officer, "prior to approving any increase in residential densities in the Hurricane Evacuation Zone....ifthe proposed density increase would result in an increase of 50 or more dwellings." The City has not supported the proposed FLUM amendment with such written approvals. Moreover, the City has not demonstrated the consistency of the proposed FLUM amendment with Objective 7.6 of the Coastal Management Element of its comprehensive plan, regarding the City's commitment to maintain or reduce current estimated hurricane evacuation times if development increases in the coastal high-hazard area of the City. The City did not provide analysis of the projected impact of objective [Rules 9J-5.005(2)(a), & 9J-5.019(3)(e), F.A.C.] Recommendation. Provide data and analysis of the deficiencies or projected needs of intermodal transportation facilities in support of Objective 2.4 of the Transportation Element, based on land use projections. On the basis ofthese data and analysis, include policies in the comprehensive plan addressing the need for additional terminals, connections, high occupancy vehicle lanes; and pedestrian, bicycle, park-and-ride and other facilities. Comment. The transportation map series do not include the appropriate titles, legend, map scale and the preparation or revision date. The inclusion of this information will improve the usefulness of these maps in the City's planning efforts and enhance citizen's understanding of these maps, because the maps can be properly referenced. Planning Timeframe Comment. The City projected its population and public facility capacities and needs to 2015 in the EAR. The proposed comprehensive plan EAR-based amendment and support data and analysis have been based on the 2015 timeframe. However, the City did not include in the plan or on the FLUM any planning timeframe, either short-term, medium-term or long-term, to support the proposed goals, objectives and policies in the comprehensive plan. We recommend the City should include at least two planning periods in the comprehensive plan, one for at least the first five-year period and one for at least an overall ten-year period. B. NonEAR-Based Amendment Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Amendment (LUAR #99-005: Villa Del Sol) Objection. The amendment does not restrict development activities where such activities do not protect human life by directing population concentrations away from known or predicted coastal high hazard areas. Additionally, the proposed amendment is internally inconsistent with Policy 1.12.1 of the Future Land Use Element of the City's comprehensive plan which requires the City to obtain \.vritten approvals from the Palm Beach County Division of Emergency Management and the City of Boynton Beach Risk Management Officer, "prior to approving any increase in residential densities in the Hurricane Evacuation Zone....ifthe proposed density increase would result in an increase of 50 or more dwellings." The City has not supported the proposed FLUM amendment with such written approvals. Moreover, the City has not demonstrated the consistency of the proposed FLUM amendment with Objective 7.6 of the Coastal Management Element of its comprehensive plan, regarding the City's commitment to maintain or reduce current estimated hurricane evacuation times if development increases in the coastal high-hazard area of the City. The City did not provide analysis of the projected impact of . 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Enclosed is a copy of our report as approved by the Council at its regular meeting on Febmary 18, 2000 pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. If YOll need additional information or have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, rJ::S ~Yder DRJ Coordinator JTS/wh Attachment .- ,', " .= .(: !:r., ";~- ..~ ~~. 301 east oceCln bouievorcl suite 300 stuart, f10rida 34994 phone (561) 221.4060 --~.-!~~'~.o 6 0_ fa~~~_!2 2 21 .~~6 7____ , -..-~~~ ,\. ~ .....;...'l..~., TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 6B From: Staff Date: February 18, 2000 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review Draft Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan DCA Reference No. 00-lER Introduction The Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, requires that the Council review local government comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. Under the provisions of this law, the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) prepares Objections, Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) Report on a proposed amendment only if requested to do so by the local government, the regional planning council, or an affected person or if an aRC Report is otherwise deemed necessary by the DCA. If the local government requests DCA to prepare an aRC Report, then the Council must provide DCA with its own objections, recommendations for modification, and comments on the proposed amendment within 30 days of its receipt. Background The City of Boynton Beach has transmitted revised elements of its comprehensive plan based on the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). The local government's EAR is required to address changes in local conditions, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. Chapter 91-5, Florida Administrative Code, the State Comprehensive Plan, the appropriate Strategic Regional Policy Plan (SRPP), and potential impacts of these changes on the adopted local government comprehensive plan. The City has also transmitted one Future Land Use Map CFLUM) amendment and a related text amendment. The City has requested that the amendments be formally reviewed. The Council's principle role in the EAR process is to review EAR-based comprehensive plan amendments for their consistency with the SRPP. In reviewing EAR-based amendments, Council will examine EAR recommendations and use the SRPP to determine how local governments have addressed regional goals and policies. Council understands how challenging it will be for all communities to make dramatic progress in .., ., moving towards consistency with the SRPP in the short term. Council is looking, however, for local governments to make a reasonable effort to move in that direction. In order to place this review in the larger context of the intent of the SRPP, an overview of the regional plan is offered in the following section. Overview of the SRPP The SRPP embodies a vision for a healthier and more sustainable region in the future. This "vision for the future of the region" addresses large-scale elements such as the growth and formation of towns, cities, and villages; maintenance of the natural environment and countryside; the layout of regional roads and spatial relationships between work place and household; the formation of suitable public institutions for a neighborhood and community; and the kinds of public space required to support these institutions. The SRPP describes preferred forms and patterns of development that are considered the most effective means for fulfilling this vision. In taking this proactive approach, the plan follows a long-standing tradition of leadership by the Council. The Treasure Coast Region has led the state in implementing such innovative growth management tools and techniques such as infrastructure concurrency, wetland and upland protection, and impact fees. The Treasure Coast Region possesses many inherent qualities that will continue to attract growth, but a number of issues must be confronted as growth occurs. These include past failures to manage growth wisely, land speculation and inefficient development patterns, unbalanced demographic growth, inadequate provision of infrastructure and services concurrent with need, parochial attitudes towards regional issues, and the absence of a well-defined land ethic. As the Region grows, choices must be made and some patterns of development that have occurred in the past should be avoided in the future. The mix, balance, and organization of residential types, work places, and services can have a profound effect on how often and far we drive, how much energy we use, how much pollution we generate, how much land we use, how much time we are able to spend with our families, how successful we are at protecting regional natural systems intact, and may other important concerns. There is still time to plan for a future that enhances the natural environment and quality of life that makes the Treasure Coast Region special if planning efforts focus on the form and location of future growth. Future development should address preservation of the natural environment and countryside, revitalization of existing urban areas, and the creation of new towns. Future development should not sprawl because it is expensive, and it degrades the quality of life of the region. The SRPP will be implemented largely through local government comprehensive plans and land development regulations. Local governments can implement preferred development forms by delineating where development should or should not occur, applying and expanding preferred development concepts, encouraging redevelopment and revitalization, devising public investment programs favoring preferred development forms and patterns, and sending constructive economic signals to investors. 2 Overview of the Community The City of Boynton Beach is located in southeastern Palm Beach County. It has common boundaries with The City of Delray Beach to the south, unincorporated Palm Beach County to the west, and the Town of Lantana to the north. The City's fifteen square miles supports a population of approximately 55,000 residents. The City can be charaCterized as a low-density, low-rise community that is in the latter stages of transition from being primarily a residential community to a full-service city. A new proposed redevelopment plan for the City envisions a new town center, redevelopment of the waterfront and the revitalization of existing neighborhoods. Evaluation A. EAR-Based Amendments The City proposes amendments to many of the elements of its comprehensive plan. The former Traffic Circulation Element is now the Transportation Element as required by Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. A brief summary and analysis of the most consequential amendments follows: Future Land Use -A number of new and revised objectives and policies are proposed. They address the City 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan, CRA expansion, development of the Ocean District, residential redevelopment, financing strategies, downtown urban design standards, sign regulations, and land use accommodations for the siting of new schools. Also, there are four proposed EAR-based future land use map amendments to reclassify four sites to reflect the correct land use for those sites. Transportation -A number of new and revised policies are proposed to deal with modes of transportation that are alternatives to the automobile, consistency with the City 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan and emphasis on level of service (LOS) standards. Utility -A number of revised objectives and polices are proposed to reflect current information regarding sewer/water capacity and changes to levels of service. Housing -A number of revised objectives and policies are proposed regarding housing funding strategies with an emphasis on rehabilitation as a priority program. Coastal Management -There are a number of new objectives and policies proposed to address stormwater quality, support of the Lake Worth Lagoon Ecosystem Management Area Study, emergency preparedness, hazard mitigation, and post-disaster redevelopment. Conservation - There are a number of new objectives and policies proposed to address such issues as: hazardous waste; stormwater quality and quantity, water conservation, and implementation of the Lake Worth Lagoon Estuary Study. 3 ~ ." Recreation and Open Space -A number of revised objectives and policies are proposed related to park land acquisition and adopted standards for recreation facilities and neighborhood parks. Intergovernmental Coordination -A number of new and revised objectives and policies are proposed related to inter-local agreements for provision of water and sewer services with 'adjacent municipalities and the unincorporated area, coordination with the Palm Beach County Division of Emergency Management on hurricane evacuation and other emergency management issues, annexation issues, participation in the IP ARC process, a voluntary dispute resolution process to facilitate intergovernmental coordination, and school siting. Capital Improvements -A number of revised objectives and policies are proposed related to provision of adequate public facilities and prevention of urban sprawl, recreation facilities, preservation of natural areas, and level of service standards for public facilities, B. Non Ear-Based Future Land Use Map and Text Amendment The FLUM amendment is shown on the attached maps and summarized in Table I. TABLE 1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT DCA REFERENCE 00-IER " An,1e~~~~t;~;'I; <NOXorName~:~;r -. .. .. . LUAR #99- 005 :"~~l!i~~d ' Special High Density Residential (20 du/acre) Northwest comer of Federal Hwy. (USI) and Old Dixie Hwy, south of 23rd Street and East of the FEC Railroad This amendment involves the redesignation of 16.0 acres located on the northwest corner of Federal Hwy and Old Dixie Highway from Local Retail Commercial to Special High Density Residential. Property to the east has a FLUM designation of High Density Residential and the current use is for residential condominiums. Directly to the west is the FEC Railroad and farther west is land with a FLUM designation of Medium Density Residential that is currently used for a mango farm. Land to the north is designated Local Retail and High Density Residential and is currently used for residential purposes. Land 4 to the south is designated Local Retail and Medium Density Residential and the current land uses include a gas station/shopping center and single family residential development. The FLUM amendment and associated text amendments apply to planning area l.p. of the City's comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan states that due to the limited demand for commercial floor space along this segment of US I, these parcels should be assigned a different land use category. However, because the City had approved a site plan and construction drawing for a shopping center on this site, the City Commission decided to keep this parcel in the Local Retail Commercial land use category. The shopping center has not been developed and the site plan and construction plan approvals have expired. Therefore, the designation on this parcel is to be changed from Local Retail Commercial to Special High Density Residential to encourage development and revitilization of this area of the City. The proposed FLUM amendment and associated text amendments further the goals and policies of the SRPP. Extrajurisdictional Impacts These amendments were not processed through the Palm Beach County Intergovernmental Plan Review Committee. However, analysis of the proposed amendments indicates that they would not have any significant adverse impacts on neighboring jurisdictions. Effects on Significant Regional Resources or Facilities An analysis of the proposed amendments indicates that they should not have adverse effects on significant regional resources or facilities. However, the revisions suggested in the following comments call for improvements that would make the City Plan more consistent with the SRPP. Objections, Recommendations for Modification, and Comments A. Objections 1. None B. Comments 1. Implementation and consistency with recommendations of the City of Boynton Beach 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan is sited throughout the EAR-based amendments. This document is not provided as part of the proposed amendment package. This document should be provided a part of the data and analysis to support the goals, objectives and policies of the City's comprehensive plan. 2. Council commends the City for the commitment to implement strategies to facilitate alternate forms of transportation and mass transit, prevent urban sprawl and promote 5 ~ .., urban design standards. These efforts are consistent with the goals and policies of the SRPP. Recommendation Council should adopt the above comments and approve their transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. Attachments 6 t General Location Map .Poinciann Place 812 M laleuca La i'~:;:;~i ;~'~:rFj ..." ~; J-.' Hy 01;;,1", . b. ;' "C 0::: o -, ; L " .De ray Gardens Linton Blvd ."C 0:: .... CI.l ~).. City of Boynton Beach Palm Beach County Omi 2 3 4 7 -~------ .--------- ..." .... City <Jf "BOynton )>eacn 'Future 'Land Use ~la"p i\1J\endIlleut Location "Niall 'IN oo\br\ght Road i Golf !'toad/51:: 7.3rd ,....e. i~ H SITe,/ 1'-'" . : ~ . ' :: i "O\~ ~: 0: ..... -' "to 1 c:x:~ U: u.J: u-j >- ~ ::: .t::. 9 ::J: !}!. ~ o :g o ':.- >- .to ~. a- . .B ."to ~ .to ~ U\ to o u to. .t:; c' - /;> .... - c ~ --- 8 ~ Florida Department of Transportation JtJ.IV'^- JEB BUSH GOVERNOR 3400 WEST COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33309-3421 TELEPHONE: (954) 777-4593; FAX: (954) 777-4197 THOMAS F. BARRY, JR. SECRETARY DIVISION OF PLANNING AND PROGRAMS March 3,2000 Mr. Ray Eubanks, Planning Manager Department of Community Affairs Bureau of State Planning 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 ~~ ~Y(j ~ Dear Mr. Eubanks: SUBJECT: Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments Local Government: City of Boynton Beach DCA Amendment # OO-lER The Department has reviewed the proposed Evaluation and Appraisal Review (EAR) and non- EAR based amendments to the City of Boynton Beach's Comprehensive Plan. Enclosed are the Department's objections, recommendations and comments for the proposed amendments. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the review process. If you have any comments or questions about this letter, please contact me at (954) 777-4601. JMY:tas ....~----- o Enclosures cc: B. Romig, FDOT Central Office R. Wilburn, DCA G. Schmidt, FDOT 4 L. Hymowitz, FDOT 4 File: 4270.03 www.dot.state.fl.us <!) RECYCLED PAPER DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Non-EAR based Site Specific Amendment Future Land Use Element DCA Amendment # 00-IER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.012(2)(e) 9J-5.019(3)(c) OBJECTION: The City did not include an analysis to determine consistency of the proposed non-EAR based site specific FLUM amendment (northwest corner of US-1 and Old Dixie Hwy) with amended Coastal Management Element Objective 7.6, which states, "The City shall maintain or reduce current estimated hurricane evacuation times if deyelopment increases." The projected impact of anticipated population density (an additional 148 dwelling units) and the potential special evacuation needs of this population on hurricane evacuation planning, to ~ which Coastal Management Policy 7.6.5 addresses, is not provided. The Transportation Element does not address adequacy of existing and projected transportation system to evacuate the existing and projected coastal population. RECOMMENDATION: The City should provide the required data and analysis to evaluate the impact of the proposed 320 dwelling units on the estimated hurricane evacuation times. The City should demonstrate consistency of the FLUM amendment with Objective 7.6 of the Coastal Management Element and with the data and analysis requirements for the Transportation .Element contained in 9J-5.019(3)(c). REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt. PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 1 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: General Requirements Maps DCA Amendment # 00-1 ER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.0050 )(e) 9J-5.019(5)(a) 9J-5.0 19(5)(b) COMMENT: The Transportation Element Maps do not include important information, which makes it difficult to review for consistency. The information does not include: o The City's boundary line; o The legend, when present, does not include the date; o The Roadway Functional Classification Map does not provide a key in the legend identifying the meaning of the symbols used to differentiate road functional classifications. The identification of these symbols are needed to determine which of these roadways function as local, collector, arterial, or limited- or controlled-access facilities; o The Roadway Functional Class, the Public Transit System Map that identifies transit routes by route number, the Intermodal TerminalslRail and Port Facilities Map, Public Transit Corridors, Evacuation Routes, Maintenance Responsibility, and the Bike Facilities and Pedestrian Facilities Maps do not identify whether they represent existing conditions, future conditions or both; and o The Future Conditions Maps do not identify major public transit trip generators and attractors or projected peak hour levels of service for all transportation facilities with adopted level of service. The City should include the City boundary on all comprehensive plan maps; add the preparation/revision date to all maps; add a legend to the Roadway Functional Classification Map; and revise map titles to discern whether the map depicts existing conditions, future conditions or both. Two maps should be added to the future transportation map series: one map to depict major public transit trip generators and attractors based on the future land use map or map series and the other to identify the projected peak hour levels of service for all transportation facilities for which an LOS has been adopted. The Department recommends that additional maps be provided to identify future conditions, as needed. REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt. PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 2 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation and Capital Improv.ement Elements Data & Analysis DCA Amendment # 00-1 ER RULE DEFICIENCY: COMMENT: TE Objective 1.3, TE Policy 1.3.1 and CIE Policy 9D.2.6 reference the Traffic Circulation Element. The City should review and revise these references to read "Transportation Element". . REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt. PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 3 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 1/03/00 1/31100 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation Element Data & Analysis DCA Amendment # 00-1 ER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.0 19(2)(a) 10. 9J-5.0 19(2)(b) 9J-5.019(3)(a) and (b) OBJECTION: Data and analysis regarding existing transportation does not include: o The level of service (LOS) at which City roads and road segments operate is not provided; o Graphical location information for the four intersections operating at LOS F and the five "problem corridors", which are identified by name but without segment limits; o The general location of the major public transit trip generators and attractors; o The analysis does not include an assessment of the existing transportation system LOS, system needs for mass transit facilities, corridors or routes, and the LOS for transit facilities; o It is unclear if the latent demand for capacity is on 1-95 or the listed LOS F intersections. RECOMMENDATION: It is important for the City to provide an assessment of the existing transportation system. This assessment should incorporate in its analysis corridors, routes, levels of service, vehicle and passenger trips, and system needs for roadway and mass transit facilities. (Continued) 4 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COl\'IMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Bovnton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation Element Data & Analysis DCA Amendment # 00-1 ER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.0 19(2)(aHO. 9J-5.0 19(2)(b) 9J-5.019(3)(a) and (b) RECOMMENDATION: (continued) Data and analysis for roadways should include annualized average daily, peak-hour and peak- direction. Other indicators include existing roadway design and intersection capacities; modal split and vehicle occupancy rates; public transit facilities including ridership by route, peak hour capacities and headways; population characteristics, including persons who are transportation disadvantaged; and major trip generators and attractors within the community. The City should provide a graphic representation that depicts the locations of the overcapacity intersections and the level of service for roads. The general location of the major public transit trip generators and attractors based on the existing land use map or map series should be included, possibly in comparison with the transit routes (existing and proposed). The City should include the data and analysis to substantiate the stated expectation regarding existing and projected deficiencies that the planned improvements to 1-95 will meet the latent demand for capacity. REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt. PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 5 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation Element Data & Analysis DCA Amendment # 00-1 ER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.019(2)(b) 9J-5.019(4)(c)3. OBJECTION: The Transportation Element does not include a policy establishing parking strategies that promote transportation goals for efficient mass transit service. The data & analysis provided is insufficient to determine if knowledge of the capacity of significant parking facilities and parking duration limits are necessary to implement strategies employed by the City to maintain and improve mobility. The existing transportation map or map series does not identify the capacity of said facilities or parking duration limits (long- or short-term). RECOMMENDATION: The City should add a policy establishing parking strategies, identified through coordination with PalmTran, which promote efficient mass transit services. Expand the data and analysis to identify if an inventory of the capacity for significant parking facilities and parking duration limits is necessary to implement strategies to maintain and improve mobility. Ifa parking facilities inventory is necessary, the Department recommends that the City add a map to the existing transportation map series identifying the necessary parking facilities inventory. REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz, AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt, PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 6 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Bovnton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation Element Data & Analysis DCA Amendment # OO-IER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5~019(3)(c) 9J-5.019.(3)(f) OBJECTION: The Transportation Element does not include an analysis to determine the ability of the existing and projected transportation system to evacuate the coastal population prior to an impending disaster. The City has not provided an analysis of the effect the Coastal Residential Exception to Concurrency, which is applicable through the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards, has on coastal evacuation. RECOMMENDATION: The City should include an analysis of the adequacy of the existing and projected transportation system to evacuate the coastal population based on existing, vested and future land uses. The Department also recommends analyzing what effect the concurrency exception, granted by Palm Beach County to promote infill development, has on coastal evacuation. REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz, AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt, PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 7 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation Element Data & Analysis DCA Amendment # 00-IER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.0 19(3)( d) OBJECTION: The Transportation Element does not include an analysis of the growth trends, travel patterns and interactions between land use and transportation, and compatibility between the future land use and transportation elements. RECOMMENDATION: The Department recommends that the City provide an analysis of the growth trends, travel patterns, the interactions between land use and transportation, and compatibility between the future land use and transportation elements. REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt. PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 8 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation Element Data & Analysis DCA Amendment # OO-lER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.019(3)(e) OBJECTION: The Transportation Element does not include an analysis of the existing and projected intermodal deficiencies and needs. The City has provided an inventory of existing intermodal facilities, but not an analysis of the deficiencies or projected needs. RECOMMENDATION: The Department recommends that the City analyze its sufficiency in meeting the needs of the existing transportation network and provide a projection of future need, based on vested and future land uses. This data and analysis will assist the City in addressing the need for additional terminals, connections, high occupancy vehicle lanes; and bicycle, pedestrian, park-and-ride and other facilities based on the land use projections. REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt. PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 9 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation Element Data & Analysis DCA Amendment # 00-IER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.019(3)(t) 9J-5.019(5)(a) and (b) OBJECTION: The Transportation Element does not include an analysis of the projected transportation system levels of service based on the future land use categories and the projected integrated transportation system. The City did not include a level of service analysis to support the map of the 2020 Thoroughfare System. A summary of the methodology used in the analysis is not provided. In addition, the analysis does not address the impact of the Coastal Residential Exception to concurrency applicable through the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards (LDR). RECOMl\1ENDATION: The Department recommends that the City provide an analysis of the projected level of service on the transportation system (all modes) based on the future land use categories and the projected transportation system. The City could include the associated level of service for each road segment on the 2020 Thoroughfare Map or provide an additional map depicting the results of the analysis. The projected level of service for the other modes within the future transportation system should be depicted on an adopted future conditions map. Analysis of the impact of future land uses should include discussion of whether the historical . trend can be anticipated to continue, and if not, what factors are anticipated to change the trend. REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt, PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 10 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation Element Data & Analysis DCA Amendment # 00-lER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.019(3)(h) OBJECTION: The Transportation Element does not adopt a level of service for transit facilities within its jurisdiction and does not identify how the level of service standard advances the purpose of Rule 9J-5.019 and the goals, objectives and policies of the Future Land Use Element and other elements of the plan. In addition, the Transportation Element identifies that the majority of major roads, all arterials and most collectors in the City, are under State or County jurisdictions. All roads identified as operating less than LOS D are under State or County maintenance responsibility as are the intersections identified as LOS F. The data in the Transportation Element does not identify how the adopted range of level of service standards for roadways reflect and advance the purpose of Rule 9J-5.019, FAC and the City's goals, objectives and policies in the future land use element and other elements of the comprehensive plan. RECOMMENDATION: The City should adopt a level of service standard for transit facilities and address how the adopted level of service standard for roadways and transit support the City's objectives for urban infill, hurricane evacuation and redevelopment identified in the Future Land Use Element. REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz, AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz, AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt. PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 11 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Plannin~ Department City of Boynton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation Element Data & Analysis DCA Amendment # 00-1 ER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.0 19(3)(i) OBJECTION: The analysis does not clearly address and document the internal consistency of the plan, especially in regards to land use, transportation and availability of facilities and services. RECOMMENDATION: To improve the internal consistency ofthe plan, the Department recommends that the City explicitly identify land use and transportation policies in the Transportation and Future Land Use Elements that operate to advance the overall goals of the plan. REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt. PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 12 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Bovnton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation Element Data & Analysis DCA Amendment # 00-IER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.0 19(3)(i) 9J-5.019(4)(c)9 and 12 OBJECTION: The Transportation Element does not include a coordinated policy with the Future Land Use ElemeOnt that encourages land uses that promote public transportation in designated transportation corridors. Additionally, the Transportation Element does not include analysis that identifies land uses and transportation programs necessary to promote and support public transportation systems in designated transportation corridors. RECOMMENDATION: The City should include in its analysis identification ofland uses and of transportation management programs necessary to promote and support public transportation systems. The City should add a policy that is coordinated and consistent with the Future Land Use Element and encourages land uses (intensity and density, mixes, etc.) that will promote public transportation in designated public transportation corridors. Policies in the Transportation Element identify a Boynton Beach 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan that could include the appropriate land uses and strategies the City could utilize to promote public transportation. The City may wish to add a policy identifying its commitment to land use strategies for public transit. REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt. PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 13 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation Element GOPs DCA Amendment # OO-lER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.019(4)(b)3. OBJECTION: The Transportation Element does not include an objective that provides for the coordination of the transportation system with the Florida Transportation Plan, the FDOT Five Year Work Program, or plans and programs of the Palm Beach County Metropolitan Planning Organization. RECOMMENDATION: The Department recommends that the City revise Objective 2.10 to provide for coordination of the transportation system with the Florida Transportation Plan, the FDOT Five Year Work Program and the plans and programs of the Palm Beach County MPO. REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt. PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 14 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Deoartment City of Boynton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation Element GOPs DCA Amendment # 00-1ER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-S.019(3)(a) 9J-S.019(4)(c)6. OBJECTION: The Transportation Element indicates that transit market share would have to increase through TDM strategies in order to modify peak-hour travel demand. The Element does not include a policy establishing Transportation Demand Management programs. RECOMMENDATION: The City should add a policy establishing Transportation Demand Management programs to modify peak-hour travel demand. Data and analysis on population characteristics, modal split, and on the existing characteristics for major trip generators and attractors need to be included to provide a basis in identifying strategies to modify peak-hour travel demand. REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt. PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 IS DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation Element GOPs DCA Amendment # 00-lER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.0 19(4)( c)(lO) OBJECTION: The Transportation Element does not include numerical indicators for use in measuring the level of achievement of mobility goals of the community. RECOMMENDATION: The City should establish numerical standards for mode split, annual transit trips per capita, or auto occupancy rates as well as other measures, against which the community can measure its achievement of mobility goals. REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: LaITY Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt. PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 16 DISTRICT 4, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS RESPONSIBLE DIVISIONIBUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FROM DCA: REQUIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 1/03/00 1/31/00 3/02/00 ELEMENT: Transportation Element GOPs DCA Amendment # 00-1 ER RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.019(4)(c)13. OBJECTION: The Transportation Element does not include a policy establishing strategies that promote the use of alternatives to the Florida Intrastate Highway System (FIHS) by local traffic. RECOMMENDATION: The City should add a policy that identifies strategies to promote alternatives to the use of the FIHS by local traffic. REVIEWED BY: Terry Scheckwitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Larry Hymowitz. AICP PHONE: 954-777-4601 REVIEWED BY: Gus Schmidt. PE PHONE: 954-777-4601 17 Department of Planning, Zoning &. Building 100 Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (561) 233-5000 Planning Division 233-5300 Zoning Division 233-5200 Building Division 233-5100 Code Enforcement 233-5500 Contractor's Certification 233.5525 Administration Office 233-5005 Executive Office 233.5003 www.co.palm-beach.f1.us . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Maude Ford Lee. Chair Warren H. Newell. Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony Masilotti County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper ~ ~ ~~ "/0 >? rn ~ ~; i::-7-'" .-.:.-. Ei.n .2._~.. . P J~. -'. ~, RPM sSP . PLAN P1:0CESSli'iG W." March 2, 2000 Ray Eubanks Community Program Administrator Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 RE: Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments - City of Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Eubanks: We have reviewed the comprehensive plan amendments for the City of Boynton Beach. Staff does not object to any of the amendments but offers the following comments for your consideration. 1) Objective 2.1: The County has recently adopted Level of Service (LOS) 0 and E traffic volumes consistent with latest volumes established by the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT). The volumes identified in the City's LOS tables 2-1 and 2- 2, differ from the volumes established in County's LOS tables TE 1 and TE 2 (attached). Though, the volumes are different, the County does not consider this to be inconsistent with its Plan. 2) The City's 2020 Thoroughfare System shows Gateway Boulevard east of Seacrest Boulevard as a 4 lane facility. The MPO's 2020 Plan shows it as a 2 lane facility. The County's proposed 2020 roadway network (currently being processed as part of Amendment Round 00-1) will also show 2 lanes. The purpose of this comment is to bring this difference to the City's attention; this item does not represent an inconsistency from the County's perspective because the County's proposed cross-section for this roadway segment will be accommodated by the City's proposed cross-section. Mr. Ray Eubanks March 2, 2000 Page 2 Thank you for providing us with an opportunity to review these . proposed municipal amendments. If you have any questions, please contact Richard Morley at 561-233-5311. pc: Dominic Sims, Executive Director Michael Rumpf. Planning Director. City of Boynton Beach Michael Busha, TCRPC T:\PLANNING\INTERGOV\letter ORC review Boynlon.wpd TABLE TE 1 TEST ONE LEVEL OF SERVICE 0 AL TERNA TE TEST ONE FACILITY TYPE ADT PK HOUR Signals per mile Signals per mile 0.00 TO 1.99 2.00 TO 4.50 2 lanes undivided 2L 14,900 1,390 880 790 2 lanes one-way 2LO 19,500 1,810 2,220 2,050 3 lanes wo-way 3L 15,600 1 ,460 920 830 3 lanes one-way 3LO 29,300 2,730 3,340 3,100 4 lanes undivided 4L 24,400 2,270 1,390 1,280 4 lanes divided 4LD 32,500 3,020 1,850 1,710 5 lanes wo-way 5L 32,500 3,020 1,850 1,710 6 lanes divided 6LD 48,900 4,550 2,780 2,580 8 lanes divided 8LD 60,100 5,590 3,400 3,180 4 lanes expressway 4LX 66,200 5,800 3,310 6 lanes expressway 6LX 101,600 8,900 5,080 8 lanes expressway 8LX 138,600 12,200 6,930 10 lanes exoresswav 10LX 173 200 15.200 &860' e,660 TABLE TE 2 TEST ONE LEVEL OF SERVICE E AL TERNA TE TEST ONE FACILITY TYPE ADT PK HOUR Signals per mile Signals per mile 0.00 TO 1.99 2.00 TO 4.50 2 lanes undivided 2L 16,200 1,500 880 850 2 lanes one-way 2LO 20,600 1,910 2,220 2,170 3 lanes wo-way 3L 17,000 1,580 920 890 3 lanes one-way 3LO 31 ,000 2,890 3,340 3,280 4 lanes undivided 4L 25,700 2,390 1,390 1,360 4 lanes divided 4LD 34,300 3,190 1,850 1,810 5 lanes wo-way 5L 34,300 3,190 1,850 1,810 6 lanes divided 6LD 51,700 4,810 2,780 2,730 8 lanes divided 8LD 63,400 5,900 3,400 3,350 4 lanes expressway 4LX 81 0700 7,200 4,090 6 lanes expressway 6LX 125,400 11 ,000 6.270 8 lanes expressway 8LX 171,100 15,100 8.550 10 lanes exoresswav 10LX 213,800 18,800 10,690 Palm Beach County Revised 12/13/99 & 12/21/99 Page 7 - TE 1989 Comprehensive Plan Ordinance 99-57 to 99-63, & 76 SOUTH FWRlDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 . (561) 686-8800 . FL W ATS 1-800-432-2043 . TOD (561) (,97-2574 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 . www.sfwmd.gov ~fl'~ (~ '-V ~CV /) GOV 08-28 March 13,2000 Ray Eubanks, Planning Manager Plan Review and DR! Processing Team Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Dear Mr. Eubanks: Subject: Proposed. Amendment Comments City of Boynton Beach, DCA# 00-1 ER 0(\ \ .~;/ ('<':\ % ~ \-Y. ' _.. "\ ~ \-1 . '\ ., \.- '\'0 ~\., /.. . \\ \\\\ ..4 /_". .... \ ... .....- (". ... r> ... --" ~ ~,\ , .. \ \ /....:;:.':'\ \)...~\~\\::.-.. > .~~~) "'\/./,,? <;~~(:,;{~;: ~;~-- \ ,~<~>. \ /'/' The South Florida Water Management District has reviewed the subject document and we have no water resource related comments. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call me at (561) 682-6779. Sincerely, P.~- Lead Planner Palm Beach County Service Center Government Affairs and Communications Department '- PKS/mh c: Michael Busha, TCRPC Michael Rumpf, Boynton Beach Roger Wilburn, DCA GoVERNING BOARD EXECUTIVE OFFICE Frank R. Finch, P.E.. Executive Director James E. Blount, Olief of Sft7f! Michael Collins, Chainnan Michael D. Minton, Vice OIainnan Mitchell W. Berger Vera M. Carter Gerardo B. Fernandez Patrick J. Gleason Nicolas J. Gutierrez, Jr. Harkley R. Thornton Trudi K. Williams .... ~~;O~S~t:RORlDADEPARTMENTOF STAn '. - Office of the Secrdaty Office of Intemational Relations Division of Elections Division of Corporations Division of Cultural AffaiJs Division of Historical Resources Division of Ubrary and Information Services Division of Ucensing Division of Administrative Services MEMBER OF TIlE FLORIDA CABINF:I' Mr. Ray Eubanks Department of Community Affairs Bureau of State Planning 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Katherine Harris Secretary of State DMSION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES ~ %1€) State Board of Education Trustees of the In~ Improvement Trust FWId Administration Commission Florida Und and Water Adjudicalory Commission Siting Board Division of Bond Fmance Department of Revenue Department of Law EnIorcement Department of Highway Safety and Motor VelUdes Department of Veterans" Affain February 16,2000 L.- .---- r ; t I -.. . . _.~- Re: Historic Preservation Review of the City of Boynton Beach (OO-IER) Comprehensive Plan Amendment Request Dear Mr. Eubanks: According to this agency's responsibilities under sections 163.3177 and 163.3178, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, we have revie\ved the above document to decide if data regarding historic resources have been given sufficient consideration in the request to amend the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. We have reviewed Evaluation and Appraisal Report based amendments to the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan along with the Future Land Use Map Amendment for the Villa Del Sol tract to consider the potential effects of these actions on historic resources. Our comments are as follows. For the Future Land Use Element, our comments are basically the same as they were for our 1989 review of this element in the initial plan. We still recommend that historical and natural resource protection be separated into two different objectives. Furthermore, the city needs to be more specific as to how historic resources are to be protected and state this in a measurable ,-~bjective. For Policy 1.11.9, it is rare, if ever, that a developer contacts this agency if fortuitous ~archaeological remains are encountered. Archaeological resources should be investigated prior to any construction related land clearing or ground disturbances. In addition, this agency is incorrectly referred to as the Division of Archives, History and Records Management. This agency changed to the Division of Historical Resources in the mid-1980s. Policy 1.11.10 should also mention that the city contact the Florida Master Site File annually to determine if any additional sites have been added to our files. Policy 1.11.1 is a good policy and the city should implement it as soon as possible, as preservation and protection of significant historic resources can best be accomplished by the adoption of a local historic preservation ordinance. R.A. Gray Building · 500 South Bronaugh Street · Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 · http:j /www.flheritage.com o Director's Office 0 Archaeological Research ltV"Historic Preservation 0 Historical Museums (850) 488-1480 . FAX: 488-3355 (850) 487-2299 . FAX: 414-2207 (850) 487-2333 . FAX: 922-0496 (850) 488-1484 . FAX: 921-2503 o Historic Pensacola Preservation Board 0 Palm Beach Regional Office 0 SI. Augustine Regional.office 0 Tampa Regional Office (850) 595-5985 . FAX: 595-5989 (561) 279-1475 . FAX: 279-1476 (904) 825-5045 . FAX: 825-5Q.l4 (813) 272-3843 . FAX: 272-llW ';:'~ /~~::~:- .:~;~.x - ~\ .~, "-., . " -- - .-. .:'~;) -- {;-:'~. . . .'. - _ ~ :f-.;Y' .; - ~'.~.. " '+:.v:!'_.: . .:.;.:., Mi. Eubanks February 16,2000 Page 2 For the Housing Element, Objective 6.7 also needs to be more specific as to how historic housing is to be preserved and should be written to be measurable. Policy 6.7.1 should be revised to . reflect the. renumbered policies in the Future Land Use Element, as should Policy 6.7.2. Furthermore, until there are specific guidelines for modifications or rehabilitation for historic structures, The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings should be referenced. In the Coastal Management Element, historic resources are addressed in Objective 7.10. Again, this objective should be more specific and measurable. The implementing policies are repeated elsewhere in the plan. Lastly, for the Future Land Use Map amendment, our cursory review suggests that the proposed change should have no adverse effects on historic resources in the City of Boynton Beach. Nevertheless, it is the city's responsibility to ensure that the proposed amendment will not have an adverse effect on significant archaeological or historic resources within Boynton Beach. In sum, it is our opinion that the amended comprehensive plan meets (although known and potential historic resources need to be carefully considered in the planning phases of proposed land use changes) the state of Florida's requirements as promulgated in sections 163.3177 and 163.3178, F.S., and Chapter 9J-5, F.A.C., regarding the identification of known historical resources within their specified area of jurisdiction, and for the establishment of policies, goals and objectives for addressing known and potentially significant historical resources in Boynton Beach. If you have any questions regarding our comments, please feel free to contact Susan M. Harp or Laura Kammerer of the Division's Compliance Review staff at (850) 487-2333. Sincerely, ~Jr-~ Janet Snyder Matthews, Ph.D., Director Division of Historical Resources JSM/smh Department of Environmental Protection Jeb Bush Governor Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee. Florida 32399-3000 David B. Struhs Secretary In) rn & ~.' 0 C, I ~ I Mr. D. Ray Eubanks .\lal MAR I 0 :mJ_J D fC' ME" I epartment 0 ommumty alrs "_.._-~---;-:-----c--_.... Bureau of Local Planning !.' ; 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Re: Proposed Amendment to the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan, DCA 00-lER 000 ~ ~~ Dear Mr. Eubanks: The Office of Intergovernmental Programs of the Department of Environmental Protection has reviewed the proposed amendment under the procedures of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 9J-5 and 9J-l1, Florida Administrative Code and offers no comments. Please call me at (850) 487-2231 if you have questions about our response. Sincerely, ~ ~ Office of Legislative and Governmental Affairs "Prated, Conserve and Manage Florida:S Environment and Natural Resources" Printed on recycled paper. THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA PLANNING & REAL ESTATE 3320 FOREST HILL BOULEVARD, C-331 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406-5813 ~At BEACH CO~..c- (561) 434.8020 FAX (561) 434-8187 February 17,2000 Dr. H. Benjamin Marlin, Superintendent Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 '. \ . RE: " . \. ffB 2 A \~W Proposed Land Use Amendment at the NW Corner ofFed~rarHighway and Old Dixie Highway Dear Mr. Rumpf: The School District Planning and Real Estate Department has reviewed the request for future land use amendment for the subject 16-acre parcel. The proposed future land use allows for a maximum of 320 units on the property. The current zoning allows for 147 units, even with the "Commercial 3" designation. The increase in students resulting from the land use amendment will impact the public school system. The existing schools serving the area with their membership and capacity are as follows. Schools Plumosa Elementary Carver Middle School Atlantic High School Membership 603 1657 2710 Capacity 700 2710 1747 The development of 320 multi family units would generate a total of 118 students - 16 elementary students, 51 middle school students and 51 high school students. The increase in students resulting from the change in future land would allow for approximately 56 more students. The Middle and High schools are operating overcapacity. The additional students may further overcrowd the schools in the area. The School Board adopted Five Year Plan shows that new middle school 96BB opening in August 2001 will provide enrollment relief to Carver Middle School and the new High School III in Quantum Park will provide enrollment relief to Atlantic High School. The School District recommends that the subject development post a notice of annual boundary school assignments for students to be generated from this development. The District will provide an 11" X 17" sign to be posted in a clear and visible location in all sales offices and models with the follo\ving: An Equal Education Opportunity Provider and Affirmative Action Employer Page 2 Michael Rumpf February 17,2000 NOTICE TO HOME BUYERS/TENANTS "School age children may not be assigned to the public school closest to their residence. School Board policies regarding overcrowding, racial balance or other boundary policy decisions affect school boundaries. Please contact the Palm Beach County School District Boundary Office at (561) 434-8100 for the most current school assignment(s)." If this is to be a gated community, the School District will require that a bus pull off/turnaround in compliance with School District regulation be provided in the development before the gates to provide for the safe transportation of students from the development. The School District will continue to actively seek to provide the best school facilities for all children of Palm Beach County. If there are any questions, please call me at 434- 8800. Sincerely, ~~ Angela Usher Planning Specialist (Educational) c: Linda H. Hines, Palm Beach County School District DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment January 18,2000 Angela D. Usher Planning Specialist The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida 3320 Forest Hill Boulevard, C-331 West Palm Beach, FL 33406-5813 Re: NW Comer of Federal Highway and Old Dixie Highway Dear Ms. Usher, In accordance with Comprehensive Plan Policy 8.22.1, the city is to notify the Palm Beach County School District of the application for a Land Use Amendment/Rezoning and Text Amendment for the above referenced property. The current land use and zoning on this property is Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and Community Commercial (C-3), respectively. The proposed land use designation is Special High Density Residential, with Multi-Family Residential (R-3) zoning. Under the Special High Density Residential designation, the 16 acre site could be developed at a maximum density of20 units per acre. This density would permit development of320 units, with estimated 244 residents. Under the current zoning, which also permits multifamily residential dwellings, the maximum density is 10.8 dwellings per acre. We respectfully request a statement which will evaluate the impact of the proposed amendment on the public school system and verify that the educational needs of potential school-aged children living in the project can be met through existing or planned facilities. The data submitted to this office by the applicant indicates that both middle and high school are currently operating over their respective level of service. Please contact me at 561-742-6263 if you have any questions. Sincerely, hC~t- Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning J:\SHRDATAIPlanningISHAREDlWP'PROJECTSIPB County School Board Lelter2.doc America's Gateway to tlte Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 .' 0.... ,.-.; "\ ' .~~...~~ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call homeH IEB BUSH Governor STEVEN M. SEIBERT Secretary January 7,2000 .~--....~-- \ ~\\\ i . Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 c~ \~ '\ '": \,' . ,~_~'--1 ~ ~ l. , JJ\~\ , ..I i gf. _.J Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Department received the proposed amendment to the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan on January 3, 2000 as submitted with your letter dated December 30, 1999. The proposed amendment package received by the Department is incomplete because it does not include all of the information required by Rule 9J-II, Florida Administrative Code. The submittal requirements for amendments to local government comprehensive plans are prescribed in Rule 9J-11, Florida Administrative Code, "Procedural Rule for Review of Local Government Comprehensive Plans and Amendments." The requirements for the transmittal letter are outlined in Rule 9J-11.006(1)(a), Florida Administrative Code. Your submittal package for the proposed amendment(s) does not include: · Reference map amendment LUAR #99-05Nista del Sol, six copies of your future land use map depicting the present future land use map designations of the subject property and the abutting properties adjoining the subject area [Rule 9J-11.006(1)(b)lb]. The proposed amendment will not be processed until all the required information is available to distribute for review, as required by Rule 9J-11.009(1)(b), Florida Administrative Code. Ifwe may be offurther assistance, please contact Mr. Paul Conger, Planner IV, or me, at (850) 488-4925. < Si~r~ Q 0\Ar!-9--- ~ D. Ray Eubanks D Community Program Administrator DRE/pcr 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD · TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399.2100 Phone: 850.488.8466/Suncom 278.8466 FAX: 850.921 .0781/Suncom 291.0781 Internet address: http://www.dca.state.fl.us flORIDA KEYS Area of Critical Stale Concern Field Office 2796 aver..... H;ghway. Su;te 2' 2 Marathon. Florida 3305().2227 GREEN SWAMP Area of Critical SLate Concern Field Office 205 East Main Street, Suite 104 Bartow, Florida 33630.4b41 ~" V-dlCLMr~ t ~VAfz... DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment December 30, 1999 Mr. Tom Beck Bureau of Local Planning Florida Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Re: City of Boynton Beach EAR-Based and Non EAR-Based Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Dear Mr. Beck: We are pleased to submit the EAR-Based amendments for the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. Also included with this submittal is one non EAR-Based Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendment and the related text amendment. The City Commission / Local Planning Agency held a properly noticed public hearing on December 21, 1999, at which time they approved transmittal of the above referenced amendments. Please be advised that the EAR-Based Amendments addressing siting of public school facilities and Intergovernmental Coordination have been reviewed by the Department of Community Affairs and are scheduled for adoption by the Boynton Beach City Commission on January 11, 2000. The site specific FLUM amendment and related text involve a change from General Commercial to Special High Residential category for a 16 acre site. Changes proposed in the amendments: . are not, nor do they affect, An Area of Critical State Concern; . are not exceptions to the twice yearly limitation for plan amendments as noted in F .S. 163.3177(h)(4); . are not proposed to be adopted under a joint planning agreement pursuant to Chapter 163.3171, F.S.; and, . have been submitted to Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, South Florida Water Management District, Florida Department of Transportation, and Florida Department of Environmental Protection (see attached letters). America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6260 FAX: (561) 742-6259 Copies of the entire Comprehensive Plan have been sent to all the agencies listed in 91-11.008(9) (a). The contact person for information regarding the amendment is: Michael Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Telephone: (561) 742-6261 Fax: (561) 742-6259 Six copies of all documentation for the proposed amendments are provided for your review. As stated above, separate transmittals have been sent to the other required agencies. Should you have any questions, please call me. Sincerely, :J JJ (>) Uc:5-tA e!7a-bt/ ~ Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR/nl Attachments cc: Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council South Florida Water Management District Florida Department of Transportation Florida Department of Environmental Protection J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHAREDlWP\PROJECTS\DCA lEGAL NOTICE AD\EAR.doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment December 30, 1999 Joseph M. Yesbeck, P.E., District Director- Transportation Planning Office, Department of Transportation, District 4 3400 West Commercial Boulevard, 3rd Floor Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309-3421 Dear Mr. Yesbeck: Attached please find the transmittal sent to the Department of Community Affairs on December 30, 1999, regarding the EAR-Based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and non EAR- Based Future Land Use Map amendment for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, dtA~F Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR/nl Attachments J:ISHRDATAIPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIDCA Letter 12-30-99 doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment December 30, 1999 Mr. Anthony Waterhouse, P .E. Director, Surface Water Management South Florida Water Management District P.O. Box 24680 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Dear Mr. Waterhouse: Attached please find the transmittal sent to the Department of Community Affairs on December 30, 1999, regarding the EAR-Based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and non EAR- Based Future Land Use Map amendment for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, cX3~A !1devjx-- Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWRlnl Attachments J .ISHRDA T A IPlanninglSHAREDI WPIPROJECTSISFWMDTransmittalletter.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FA.X: (561) 375-6259 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment December 30, 1999 Ms. Lynn Griffin Director of the Office of Intergovernmental Programs Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Mail Station 47 Dear Ms. Griffin: Attached please find the transmittal sent to the Department of Community Affairs on December 30, 1999, regarding the EAR-Based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and non EAR- Based Future Land Use Map amendment for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, d~A~#,- Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR/nl Attachments America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FA-X: (561) 375-6259 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment December 30, 1999 Michael J. Busha Executive Director Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 300 Stuart, Florida 34994 Dear Mr. Busha: Attached please find the transmittal sent to the Department of Community Affairs on December 30,1999, regarding the EAR-Based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and non EAR- Based Future Land Use Map amendment for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, d~-" ~w p- Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWRlnl Attachments J:\SHRDATAIPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIDCA Letter 12-JO-99.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 treQlure co~t regional planniQg council December 7, 1999 fJ-'! f' 0 tCl":' t --.\..1 .,;;j I_~"~', Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Subject: Land Use Amendment/Rezoning (LUAR 99) Text Amendment (CPTA 99-002) Dear Mr. Rumpf; The proposed change to reclassify the above referenced subject property to Special High Density Residential to develop a residential rental project is consistent with the Eastward Ho! Initiative. The proposed project meets the Eastward Ho! Initiative goal of urban revitalization by providing infill-housing opportunities for residents of all income levels. This proposed project may also reinforce the goal of the use of good and effective urban design techniques and may encourage the development community to consider proximity to mass transit and services. Please telephone me at 561-221-4060 if you require additional information. Sincerely, doll1\- h~ Joan Barlow Eastward Ho! Project Facilitator enc 301 east ocean boulevard suite 300 stuart, florida 34994 phone (561) 221-4060 sc 269-4060 fax (561) 221-4067 DEP ARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment December 3, 1999 Carmela Jill Masterman 9 Colonial Club Drive #101 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Ms. Masterman: Re: Zoning change on parcel at the corner of Dixie Highway and Federal Highway from Commercial to Residential. Please be informed that I have received the petition for postponement and will present it to the Board and Commission on the advertised dates for their consideration. Thank you. Sincerely, --lL~c Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning MWR:ja J ISHRDA T A IPLANNINGISHAREDlWPICORRESPIPETITION MASTERMAN. DOC America's Gateway to the Gulfs/ream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 " Carmela Jill Mastem 9 Colonial Club Drive · Boynton Beach, Fl. 33 I '<- _ f"-, .--; .it ~ (;....~.~ .. ____ .F'-V~'\. .ifl p. ,,~~ '~.....' \ ~ !; // -... /'~ C. ,; J I \.~\-- t/.- (~::3/ )./\ f:-"/~' , j 11/24/99 }~J~0/\ . ~. .\"'\. jkt}~'r"; , . " \,.3 City of Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board 1 00 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33425-0310 jr;;~-1 (!. ~,~ . v --- :ry 1/ \, Gentlemen and Ladies of the Commission, RE: Zoning Change on parcel at the corner of Dixie Hwy and Federal Hwy from Commercial to Residential. Some of the Voting Members of Boynton Beach, from Colonial Club Condominium, Sterling Village, Hampshire Gardens, and Los Mango's signed the enclosed petition to ask the Commissioners to change the dates, when you will discuss and determine the above zoning change. Those dates are now December 14th and December 21st.. Most of the residents of these communities are senior citizens, that commute to other area's at this time to celebrate the HOLIDAYS with their families. They are very concerned about the above zoning change and wish to participate in the meetings but will be unable to do so unless the dates are changed. I would hope that the commissioners would not make changes without hearing from the citizens of our communities. Kindly change the dates of these hearings. Yours very truly, ) . . \) ., )/.' ~ . d~-?~ J<u!I -'llt~ -t...{--~ ! I. /"j ,. . Carmela Jill ~sterman ( Enclosed: Copy of Signed Petitions cc: Gerald Broening, Mayor of Boynton Beach. cc Henderson Tillman, Vic Mayor cc: Ronald Weiland Commissioner cc Nellie Denahan, Commissioner cc: William A. Sherman, Commissioner. ~ ~~~~' ~,/ / ':. ..~,'~~'" -,,~~,,),p,/I ~ {.?j1' '__~~ ;2. .,\~~~ ._~.._--~,---;. . -.. ~., .,- . -'. 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