APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: VILLA DEL SOL LOCATION: NW CORNER OF FEDERAL HIGHWAY & OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY COMPUTER ID: PERMIT #: I FILE NO.: LUAR 99-005 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Land Use CPT A 99-002 Amendment & Compo Plan Text Amend AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER! APPLICANT: Braley D. Miller, AICP Grove Partners, LTD. PHONE: 561-272-0082 PHONE: FAX: 561-272-1042 FAX: ADDRESS: 298 Pineapple Grove Way ADDRESS: 6 Ramland Rd. Delray Beach. FL 33444 Orangebrug, NY 10962 Date of submittal/Projected meetin~ dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 10/1/99 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPlVlENT BOARD 11/23/99 MEETING: CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 12/7/99 1 ST READING 12/21/99 2ND READING 1/4/00 S:\FORMS\PROJECT TRACKING INFO MILLER LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS, INC. 298 PINEAPPLE GROVE WAY DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 PHONE . 561/272-0082 FAX . 561/272-1042 December 8, 1999 Hanna Matras CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Fl 33425-0310 Re: VOla del Sol Land Use Amendment Appncatlon - Revised Dear Hanna: As requested, I have revised the land use amendment report to correct the population and associated infrastructl....e calculations and have reflected the existing mango farm on the property west of the railroad track. Enclosed are three (3) copies of the revised report. Should you need any additional information, please call. Sincerely, . ......_<-...- ; , I "'f -..,.~ ---"-..,_.~ . ;~ Ii /s { - - -~.~'.:,~<_ J ,~ i 1; !: MILLER LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS, INC. 10~ DEe 9 1999 i ~ i :- U II j ; ~-i , . >--'"".--------..... cc: Bert Freehof Steve Myott/Rich Jones matros 1206.wpd . MILLER LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS, INC. 298 PINEAPPLE GROVE WAY DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 PHONE . 561/272-0082 FAX . 561/272-1042 November 19, 1999 Hanna Matras CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Villa del Sol Land Use Amendment Application - Revised Dear Hanna: As requested, I have revised the referenced application to address your comments. Enclosed is a copy of the revised report for your review. Also enclosed is a diskette with the application file for your use and convenience. Should you need any additional changes or copies, please call, Sincerely, CONSULTANTS, INC. cc: Bert Freehof Steve Myott/Rich Jones matras1119.wpd . MILLER LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS, INC. 298 PINEAPPLE GROVE WAY DElRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 PHONE . 561/272..(JJ82 FAX . 561/272-1042 October 22, 1999 Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 3342~31O Re: Villa del Sol Rezoning Application Dear Mike: Enclosed is the additional $1,000 application fee for the combined land use amendment/rezoning application that was submitted previously. Thanks for YOLK" cooperation and patience. Should you need any additional information, please call. Sincerely, MillER LANCONSUlTANTS, INC. Br~Miller, AICP [-'tiobl !j l 1:10 \; . i ., . APPLlCATIOt;J ACCETABLE DAT~: RECEIVED BY STAFF MEMBE. FEE PAID: RECEIPT NUMBER: .l .\J ~ a ~ ~ - 00 5 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: VIrA~ 'be.L. ~L.- 2. Type of Application (check one) a. Rezoning only X b. Land Use Amendment Only c, Land Use Amendment and Rezoning 3. Date this application is accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department): 4. Applicant's Name (person or Business entity in whose name this application is made): ~i?o\l€. ?~?:T.u ~ 1 l ~~ Address: fa i2.1.M /AJrAJ t> ~ A-D C>rz.AA.1.4~8LA /Z6, I AI Y lo::lta Z. (Zip Code) Phone: FAX: 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): ~eAblRIA D. MIl..A..-ee, .k~p T~>~ tA-,uD Pt.MJA./1/V6 CPA/tt?Ut--rA~, t<.c. Address: ~;~...:::;e#;V~. ~~~~ (Zip Code) Phone: ~I (?:7Z-oe8Z FAX: C;;Co\! Z"7?-ln4-Z City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICA nON 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: 4AM~ AA A-~t>LA~A-;U"'l Address: Phone: (Zip Code) FAX: 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent): --r:o ~ *This is the only address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel: (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) aJlUt-g 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: AJt!:>e.-rj.( W~ ~L)/i?;u/;:. {2. t:::y= ~At.- !I-/6,.fWA-Y AAJD C)~b DI-..,e,e.. H1IG+fWA-V 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: C;;ec... A-rrA-t-:.M-eb tx.+-Ilerr B 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre:.J~. ex;; k.ee"'-6 12. Current Zoning District: C - ~ 13. Proposed Zoning District: ~ - -; 15. Current Land Use Category: ~.AI.., ~5A I J - Proposed Land Use Category: C:;pa:.-ItJ<L. ~ 'b~rr'1 ~/DE?Af7fA{" ?owj,1C,. 14. Page 2 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICA nON 16. Intended Use of Subject Parcel: /)ut'.----n..- FAM 1~1 r~,Jec..--r &,(Jt!!;It::7-r/~ of ~Zo !~N f-r.:? pL--U~ ~i2eA"'\I~~AL- AM~.j\-n.fS-:7 17. Developer or Builder: - 18. Architect: Uv..'4 ~~A.J~ ~t:!--Ip.--r~ 19. Landscape Architect:~A:?1 v..y ~ ~-AK 20. Site Planner: Q LA '~ -.3"'J.j..{~ ~, A'l~~ 21. CiviIEngineer:~V/~D~N ~/Kr~ 22. Traffic Engineer: - 23. Surveyor:_.t1 ~ .fiAJ~,Ao. t- ~ r;!,ve 'fP ~ , II. MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION The following materials shall be submitted in two (2) copies, unless otherwise indicated: (please check) _a. This application form. _b. A copy of the last recorded warranty deed. _c. The following docume. .ts and letters of consent: _(1) If the property is under joint or several ownership: a written consent to the application by all owners of record, _(2) If the applicant is a contract purchaser: a copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, and _(3) If the applicant is represented by an authorized agent: a copy of the agency agreement, or written consent of the applicant, and _(4) If the applicant is a lessee: a copy of the lease agreement, and the written consent of the owner, and Page 3 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICA nON (5) If the applicant is a corporation or other business entity: the name of the officer or person responsible for the application, and written proof that said person has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation. _d. A sealed boundary survey of the subject parcel by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida, dated not more than six (6) months prior to the date of submission of the application, at a scale prescribed by the Planning Department, and containing the following information: _(1) An accurate legal description of the subject parcel. _(2) A computation of the total acreage of the subject parcel to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre. _(3) A tree survey, which conforms to the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance. (Also refer to Page 6, Sec. II h.(12) of this application if property is occupied by native vegetation.) This requirement may be waived by the Planning Director where found to be unrelated to the land use or zoning issues involved with the application. _e. A complete certified list of all property owners, mailing addresses, and legal descriptions for all properties within at least four hundred (400) feet of the subject parcel as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the county courthouse shall be furnished by the applicant, including a tax map showing placement of 400 feet boundary. Postage, and mailing labels or addressed envelopes must also be provided. Said list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge said list is complete and accurate. Notification of surrounding property owners will be done by the City of Boynton Beach. _f. A copy of the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's maps showing all of the properties referred to in paragraph e. above, and their relation to the subject parcel. _g. A statement by the applicant justifying the zoning requested, including reasons why the property is unsuitable for development under the existing zoning and more suitable for development under the proposed zoning. _h. A comparison of the impacts th...t would be created by development under the proposed zoning, with the impacts that would be created by development under the proposed zoning, with the impacts that would be created by development under the existing zoning, which will include: _(1) A comparison of the potential square footage of number and type of dwelling units under the existing zoning with that which would be allowed under the proposed zoning or development. _(2) A statement of the uses that would be allowed in the proposed zoning or development, and any particular uses that would be excluded. _(3) Proposed timing and phasing of the development. Page 4 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICA nON _(4) For proposed zoning of property to commercial or industrial districts, where the area of the subject parcel exceeds one (1) acre, projections for the number of employees. (5) A comparison of traffic which would be generated under the proposed zoning or development, with the traffic that would be generated under the current zoning; also, an analysis of traffic movements at the intersections of driveways that would serve the property and surrounding roadways, and improvements that would be necessary to accommodate such traffic movements. For projects that generate move than five hundred (500) net trips per day, a traffic impact analysis must be submitted which complies with the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. (a) For projects that generate two thousand (2,000) or more net trips per day, the traffic impact analysis must be submitted to the City at least 30 days prior to the deadline for land use amendment and/or rezoning, in order to allow for timely processing of the application and review by the City's traffic consultant and Palm Beach County. The applicant shall be billed for the cost of review by the City's traffic consultant. (b) For projects that generate between five hundred (500) and two thousand (2,000) net trips per day, the traffic impact analysis must be submitted at the application deadline for land use amendment and/or rezoning, in order to allow for timely processing of the application and review by Palm Beach County. However, if it is the desire of the applicant to utilize the City's traffic consultant for review of the traffic impact analysis prior to review by Palm Beach County, then the procedure and requirements outlined under item "a" above shall be followed. NOTE: Failure to submit traffic impact analysis in the manner prescribed above may delay approval of the application. _(6) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the water demand for development under the proposed zoning or development with water demand under the existing zoning. Water demand shall b..; estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such demand, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the water system shall also be included, where existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. _(7) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of sewage flows that would be generated under the proposed zoning or development with that which would be generated under the existing zoning. Sewage flows shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. Page 5 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICA nON _(8) For proposed residential developments larger th3n one (1) acre, a comparison of the projected population under the proposed zoning or development with the projected population under the existing zoning. Population projections according to age groups for the proposed development shall be required where more than fifty (50) dwellings, or 50 sleeping rooms in the case of group housing, would be allowed under the proposed zoning. _(9) At the request of the Planning Department, Planning and Development Board, or City Commission, the applicant shall also submit proposals for minimizing land use conflicts with surrounding properties. The applicant shall provide a summary of the nuisances and hazards associated with development under the proposed zoning, as well as proposals for mitigation of such nuisances and hazards. Such summary shall also include, where applicable, exclusion of particular uses, limitations on hours of operation, proposed location of loading areas, dumpsters, and mechanical equipment, location of driveways and service entrance, and specifications for site lighting. Nuisances and hazards shall be abated or mitigated so as to conform to the performance standards contained in the City's zoning regulations and the standards contained in the City's noise control ordinance. Also, statements concerning the height, orientation, and bulk of structures, setbacks from property lines, and measures for screening and buffering the proposed development shall be provided. At the request of the Planning and Development Board or City Commission, the applicant shall also state the type of construction and architectural styles that will be employed in the proposed development. _(10)At the request of the Planning Department, Planning and Development Board, or City Commission, the applicant shall also submit the following information: _(a) Official soil conservation service classification by soil associations and all areas subject to inundation and high ground water levels. _(b) Existing and proposed grade elevations. _(c) Existing or proposed water bodies. _(d) Form of ownership and form of organizatic.1 to maintain common spaces and recreation facilities. _(e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for storm drainage, water supply, sewage collection and treatment, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedications as may be required. _(11)For rezonings to planned zoning districts, the specific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master plan shall also be submitted. Page 6 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICA nON (12) Where conformance with the county's Environmentally Sensitive lands Ordinance is required, an Application for Alteration of Environmentally Sensitive lands (Environmental Impact Study) must be submitted to the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management (copy to City) prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the land Use Amendment and/or Rezoning Application to the City. III. APPLICATION FEES Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all plans and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Date V. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT D~/~ (r7 See A-Lr~ A-Ltr#o~1 "2::kr fOAl t-e r ref!... Page 7 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICA nON (I) CNe) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this application. _Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Date Page 8 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLlCA nON SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review and Processing Schedule: Date Accepted by Planning Department Date Transmitted to City Clerk Date Notifications Mailed to Surrounding Property Owners Dates of Advertisement in Newspaper (rezoning and/or land use amendment) Dates of Advertisement in Newspaper (annexation) Date of Transmission of Departmental Review Forms to Department Heads Date of Review by Technical Review Committee Date of Pre-Hearing Conference Date of Public Hearing Before Planning & Development Board Date of Public Hearing Before City Commission Date of Transmission of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Florida Department of Community Affairs, pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.S. 163.3184 (1) (a) Date of Transmission of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Other Governmental Agencies Requesting Notification, Pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.S, 163.3184 (1) (b) Date of Receipt of Notice from Florida Department of Community Affairs Regarding Comprehensive Plan Amendment, pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.S. 163.3184 (4) Date of Hearing Before Florida Division of Administrative Hearings, Pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.S. 163.3184 (5) (b) City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION Date of Hearing Before City Commission on Revised Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.S. 163.3184 (6) (a) Date of Transmission of Revised Comprehensive Plan Element to Florida Department of Community Affairs, Pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.S. 163.3184 (6) (a) Date of Receipt of Notice from Florida Department of Community Affairs Regarding Revised Comprehensive Plan Amendment Date of Hearing Before Florida Division of Administrative Hearings, Pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.S. 163.3184 (7) Date of First Reading of Ordinance to Annex Date of First Reading of Ordinance to Rezone and Amend Future Land Use Map Date of Second Reading of Ordinance to Annex Date of Second Reading of Ordinance to Rezone and Amend Future Land Use Map Date of Expiration of Zoning Date of Expiration of Time Extension for Zoning ! i ./ --.-;>/ --- -- -- VILLA DEL SOL Boynton Beach, FL FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT APPLICATION October 1, 1999 Rev. November 19, 1999 298 PINEAPPLE GROVE WAY . DELRA Y BEACH, FL 33444 . 561/272-0082 TABLE OF CONTENTS APPLICATION FORMS APPLICATION SUMMARY I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Applicant Information ................................................. 1 B. Property Information .................................................. 2 II. PARCEL DATA A. land Use Designation & District Information ............................... 4 B. Data Requirements ................................................... 6 III. DATA AND ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS A. Justification Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 B. Compatibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 C. Concurrency/Compliance Transportation ................................................ 13 Infrastructure ................................................. 16 Environmental & Historic Resources ............................... 20 Public Facilities .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 IV. EXHIBITS A. location Map B. legal Description C. Aerial Photograph D. Survey APPLICATION FORMS I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. APPLICANT INFORMATION 1. Applicant(s)/Owner(s) Name and Address. Grove Partners, L TD 6 Ramland Road Orangeburg, NY 10962 2. Nature of Appllcant(s)' Interest. The applicant is the owner of the Property. 3. Appllcanfs Authorized Representative. Miller Land Planning Consultants, Inc. 298 Pineapple Grove Way Delray Beach, FL 33444 561/272-0082 4. Development Team Owner Representative Bert Freehof Coldwell Banker 2255 Glades Road, Suite 421 A Boca Raton, FL 33431 561/443-2887 Marketing Consultant Jim Fleischmann Land Research Management 1300 N. Congress Avenue. Suite C West Palm Beach, FL 33409 561/686-2481 Planner Bradley D. Miller. AICP Miller Land Planning Consultants 298 Pineapple Grove Way Delroy Beach, FL 33444 561/272-0082 Civil Engineer Joe Pike. PE EnviroDesign Associates 298 Pineapple Grove Way Delroy Beach, FL 33444 561/274-6500 Architect Steve Myott. AlA 1 Richard Jones. AlA Quincy Johnson Associates 949 Clint Moore Road Boca Raton, FL 33487 561/997-9997 Surveyor First Financial Surveyors 2000 N. Mango Road. Suite 202 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 561/640-4800 Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 1 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)~ua1119.wpd B. PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. Size of property & Survey: As reflected by the attached survey by First Financial Surveyors, Inc. the subject Property consists of 16.OI acres of land. 2. General location: The subject Property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Federal Highway (US 1) and Old Dixie Highway. A site location map is Provided as Exhibit A. 3. Frontage: The subject property has frontage on both Federal Highway (US 1) and Old Dixie Highway. There is approximately 350 feet of frontage on Federal Highway and 480 feet of frontage on Old Dixie Highway. Federal Highway is a designated 120 foot wide arterial roadway according to the Palm Beach County Thoroughfare Plan. 4. Access: Access to the subject property is from Old Dixie Highway across from the existing gas station. This access location will allow traffic from the project to use the signalized intersection at Federal Highway to go both north and south. Old Dixie Highway also Provides access to the south. 5. Street Address: Since the subject Property has never been developed, it has never been assigned with a street address. 6. Property description: The subject property is identified by Property Control Number (Tax Folio) 08-43-45-33-14-000-0244. The subject Property is irregularly shaped being bound by Federal Highway to the east, Old Dixie Highway to the southeast; and the FEC Railroad to the west. Except for trees as shown on the survey, the site has been predominately cleared of vegetation. The site is relatively flat with elevations ranging from 8.0 to 15.3. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 2 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)\lua1119.wpd 7. Legal description: The legal description for this Property, taken from the survey, is attached as Exhibit B. 8. Location and acreage of any ProPerty contiguous to the subject ProPerly which Is In the same ownership, In whole or In part: There is no property contiguous to the subject property under the same ownership, in whole or in part. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 3 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)\lua1119.wpd II. PROPERTY OAT A A. LAND USE DESIGNATION & DISTRICT INFORMATION 1. Existing Land Use Cover Attached as Exhibit C is a aerial photograph depicting the subject site and the surrounding area. Following is a description of the existing use of the site and adjacent Properties. Site The subject Property is vacant and undeveloped. The only significant vegetation on site are the trees reflected on the enclosed survey. North There are two existing developments that abut the north property line. The eastern development is known as Homing Inn, a residential facility offering rooms, efficiencies and apartments for rent. This project is developed on approximately 4.2 acres of land. Between Homing Inn and the FEC Railroad is the Los Mangos development. This projects has a mix of one story duplex patio-villas and 2 story quadriplex townhouses on apProximately 28.5 acres of land. East Immediately to the east is the right-of-way for Federal Highway. According to the Palm Beach County Thoroughfare Map, the 4 lanes of Federal Highway are constructed within a 120 foot wide arterial right-of-way. Across the Federal Highway right-of-way is the Colonial Club Project. This is a 2 and 3 story condominium Project on apProximately 21 .5 acres of land. South The right-of-way for the 2 lane Old Dixie Highway abuts the southeast corner of the subject property. Across the right-of-way is an existing Texaco gas station with car wash and convenience store. The gas station is wrapped by the Shopping Center that currently has Patrick's Bar & Grill, Computer Design Center, Greater Grace (church) and Shamrock Karate. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 4 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)~ua1119.wpd To the west side of Old Dixie Highway and abutting the subject properties to the south are scattered single family residential homes. West Immediately to the west is the right-of-way for the FEC Railroad. Across the railroad right-of-way is an undeveloped Property that runs the whole length of the western boundary of the subject property. 2. Future Land Use Designation & Zoning District The following table reflects the Present Future Land Use Designation and Zoning District for the subject Property and adjacent properties. Future Land Use Zoning District Site Local Retail C-3, Community Commercial North Local Retail (East) C-3, Community High Density Residential Commercial (West) - 10.8 u/a R-3, Multiple Family Dwelling District East High Density Residential R-3, Multiple Family 10.8 u/a Dwelling District South Local Retail (East) C-3, Community Medium Density Commercial Residential (West) R-1 , Single Family Residential District West Medium Density R-2, Single & Two Family Residential Dwelling District 4. Prior ApProvals. A site plan and construction drawings for a commercial shopping center were previously approved by the City for the subject site. These approvals were the basis for the City keeping the subject Property in Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 5 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P ClPROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)\lua1119.wpd the Local Retail land use designation. Section 1 .p. of the ComPrehensive Plan confirms this basis and in fact indicates that if it were not for these approvals, the property would have been given the Special High Density Residential designation that is proposed by this application. These apProvals were not used for construction of a shopping center and are expired. B. DATA REQUIREMENTS 1. Flood zone: The eastern third of the subject Property is located within Flood Zone B and the remainder of the site is in Flood Zone A, according to Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel 120196 003 C. 2. Census Tract data: The subject property is located with Census Tract 63. 3. Effects on the Number of Dwelling Units/Population: a) Current FLU designation: In addition to the typical commercial uses, the Local Retail Commercial designation also allows for residential development at a density of 10.8 units per gross acre. Accordingly, the 16 acre property could be developed with a maximum of 172 dwelling units. 16 ac x 10.8 uta = 172 du b) Proposed FLU designation: This application proposes the Special High Density Residential land use designation at 20 units per gross acre. This density would permit the development of 320 dwelling units on the 16 acre Property as indicated below. 16 ac x 20 du/ac = 320 duo c) Change In number of dwelling units: Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 6 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M LPC\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)~ua1119.wpd The number of dwelling units would be increased by 148 with the apProval of the Proposed change of the future land use designation. Proposed FLU - Current FLU = Net Change 320 1 72 = 148 du d) Effects on the Population: Based on the additional 148 dwelling units at 2.39 persons per unit, (average number of persons per household as established by Palm Beach County), the population would increase by apProximately 353 Persons. 148 du x 2.39 per /du = 353.7 or 354 persons 4. Non-Residential Development Potential/Changes: a) Current FLU designation: The current Local Retail Commercial land use designation permits the development of non-residential square footage at a maximum floor area ratio of .35. The 16 acre property under the current Local Retail Future Land Use designation would support a maximum of 243,936 square feet of non-residential development. 16 ac x 43,560 sf/ac x .35 = 243,936 sf b) Proposed FLU designation: The proposed Special High Density Residential land use designation of the subject property does not allow for commercial uses. Therefore, no commercial development would be Permitted with the Proposed future land use designation. c) Change in Non-Residential Square Footage: The non-residential building area would be decreased by 243,946 square feet with the approval of the Proposed change of the future land use designation. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 7 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)~ua1119.wpd III. OATA AND ANALYSIS A. JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT 1. ProJect Summary This application is Proposing the Special High Density Residential land use designation that was originally intended for this property. Section 1.p (page 89) of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents specifically addresses this property indicating the following: · There is limited demand for commercial floor space along this segment of Federal Highway. · The Coastal Management Element of the Comprehensive Plan originally recommended this Property for the Special High Density Residential land use designation. · Based on an apProved site plan and construction drawings for a shopping center, the site remained designated as Local Retail Commercial. Based on the Shopping center not being built, the original recommendation was accurate. There is a resurgence and encouragement for new developments within the eastern areas of the City and all of Palm Beach County. This revitalization of eastern development is consistent with the Eastward Ho movement sUPPorted and encouraged by the Florida Department of Community Affairs. Many municipalities, including Boynton Beach, have taken advantage of this movement and have been quite successful in bringing a focus back to the eastern areas of Palm Beach County. The Villa del Sol project will contribute to that resurgence by providing a new well planned residential project with the intentions of attracting younger professionals and families that will add to the population base for activity and revitalization of the eastern areas of the City. 2. CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN This application is consistent with several goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan some of which are indicated below. Objective 1.13/Policy 1.13.3 - Encourage infill development and redevelopment by adopting and implementing the Community Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 8 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)\lua1119.wpd Redevelopment Plans, and the policies contained in the Coastal Management Element. Policy 3.A.5.1. - Infill development and redevelopment will be encouraged only in areas presently seNed adequately by sanitary sewer facilities. Policy 3.C.5.1. - Infill development and redevelopment will be encouraged only in areas presently seNed adequately by potable water facilities. The subject ProPerty is located within the Coastal Area as described within the Coastal Management Element Support Documents of the ComPrehensive Plan. Considering that all properties surrounding this site are developed, it could also be classified as an infill Property. As mentioned previously, this particular Property was originally recommended for the Proposed Special High Density Residential designation. In addition, this Property is located in area where public facilities such as roads, water and sewer service are available with capacities to support the Proposed project. This application is consistent with the intent of this policy for infill development of a Property to be used for residential purposes. Objective 1.17/Policy 1.17.1 - Discourage additional commercial and wi trl"fl' industrial uses beyond those which are currently shown on the Future Land I Use Map, exceprwhere access is greatest and impacts on residential land uses are least. As indicated previously, this property was originally recommended for the Special High Density Residential land use designation. However, due to apProvals for commercial development, it remained designated Local Retail Commercial. This application is consistent with this objective and policy by bringing the site back to its intended residential designation. The residential designation will be less of a nuisance and have less impacts to the residential communities that surround this property. Objective 1.19/Policy 1.19.7 -In areas where the demand for commercial uses will not increase, particularly in the Coastal Area, subsequent to Plan adoption change the land use and zoning to permit only residential or other non-commercial uses. The subject ProPerty is located within the Coastal Area as described within the Coastal Management Element Support Documents of the Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 9 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)~ua1119.wpd Comprehensive Plan. The Coastal Management Element Support Documents indicate that the Coastal Area has an excess of commercial property and recommends changing those PrOPerties for residential use. The demand for commercial uses has moved west into areas including and surrounding the Boynton Beach Mall. This has decreased the need for commercial uses in the eastern areas of the City. Rather than this property being developed under its current Local Retail Commercial designation, the proposed SPecial High Density Residential designation will allow for a more desirable use being the apartment community Proposed as Villa del Sol. 3. DEMONSTRATED NEED Although the City's Comprehensive Plan indicates that there is a need for additional housing units, the applicant has retained the services of a Professional market analyst to Prepare a market analysis SPecific for this Property. The market analysis will be Provided upon completion. 4. CONSISTENCY WITH THE URBAN SPRAWL RULE Florida's Department of Community Affairs evaluates local land use amendments for consistency with Administrative Rule 9 J-5, which sets out criteria for determining when a Proposed plan amendment contributes to urban sprawl, in order to comply with the mandates of Sections 163.3177 Florida Statutes, and the State ComPrehensive Plan, Section 187.201, Florida Statutes. This application does not contribute to urban sprawl. This property is an isolated infill parcel surrounded by existing development in an urban area where existing public services can support the Proposed development. Urban SPrawl can become an issue in more remote areas than the subject property where perhaps public facilities are not available or the proposed development is not consistent with growth patterns of the area. The subject proPerty and the proposed development does not have any of those characteristics. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 10 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)\lua1119.wpd C. CONCURRENCY/COMPLIANCE TRANSPORTATION 1. TRAFFIC DATA AND ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS a. Trip generation for the current future land use designation. Based on ITE 6th Edition Generation Rates and ITE Trip Generation Handbook for the pass by equation, the subject property is vested for 8,465 daily trips(ADT), 272 AM peak hour trips and 1132 PM peak hour trips under the current future land use and as calculated below. Average Daily Trip Calculation: Use: Shopping Center (820) Development Potential: 243,936 square feet Generation Equation: Ln(T) = 0.643 Ln(243.936) + 5.866 Gross Daily Trips: 12,095 Pass By Equation: Ln(T) = -0.291 Ln(243.936) + 5.001 Pass By Percentage: 30.00% Vested Daily Trips: Gross Daily Trips x Pass By Percentage Pass By Trips 12,095 x 30.00% 3,629 Gross Daily Trips 12,095 x Pass By Trips - 3,629 Vested Project Trips (ADT) 8,465 trips/day AM/PM Peak Hour Calculation: AM Peak Equation: AM Peak Trips: Ln(T) = 0.596 Ln(243.936) + 2.329 271 .82 or 272 PM Peak Equation: PM Peak Trips: Ln(T) = 0.660 Ln(243.936) + 3.403 1131.11 or 1132 b. Trip generation for the Proposed future land use designation. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 13 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P ClPROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)\lua1119.wpd Based on 20 units per gross acre, the subject property will be permitted up to 320 multi-family residential units upon approval of the proposed land use amendment. Accordingly, the proposed development would generate 2,053 daily trips, 163 AM peak hour trips and 192 PM peak hour trips and based on ITE 6th Edition Generation Rates and the calculations shown below. Average Daily Trip Calculation: Use: Apartments (220) Development Potential: 320 Units Generation Equation: T = 5.994 x 320 + 134.114 Gross Daily Trips (ADT): 2052.194 or 2053 trips AM/PM Peak Hour Calculation: AM Peak Equation: AM Peak Trips: T = 0.497 x 320 + 3.238 1 62.28 or 1 63 PM Peak Equation: PM Peak Trips: T = 0.541 x 320 + 18.743 191.86 or 192 c. Effect on traffic generation. The proposed land use amendment will reduce the trip generation and impact on the adjacent roadways by 6,412 as calculated below. Proposed Daily Trips - Vested Daily Trips Net Effect on Traffic Generation 2,053 tPd - 8,465 tpd -6,412 tPd 2. MASS TRANSIT DATA AND ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS a. DATA REQUIREMENTS 1) Mass transit provider: The subject property is served by Palm Tran Route 1 according to Fred Stubbs, Special Projects Coordinator of Palm Tran. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 14 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)\lua1119.wpd 2) Nearest mass transit facility: The nearest Palm Tran bus stop to this site is stop # 199 located at the northwest corner of Federal Highway and Old Dixie Highway near Colonial Club. 3) Trl-County Commuter Rail Connection: Route 1 does not serve the Tri-Rail Station. The property has no direct transfer connection to a route that serves the Boynton Beach Tri-Rail station. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 15 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)~ua1119.wpd INFRASTRUCTURE 3. DRAINAGE DATA AND ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS a. Drainage provider: The drainage Provider for the subject Property is Lake Worth Drainage District. b. Drainage basin: The subject proPerty is located in the C-15 basin. c. Nearest drainage laclllty: The proposed project will utilize existing ditches, swales and/or canals adjacent to or within the area of the proPerty for drainage connections and outfall. d. Adopted level of service standard: The site will be designed to retain the greater of the first inch of runoff over the entire site or 2.5 inches of runoff over the impervious area. Paved areas within the site will be protected from a 3-year design storm event, and the building pads will be Protected from a lOQ-year storm event in accordance with criteria established by Palm Beach County and South Florida Water Management District. e. The effect 01 the proposed Future Land Use amendments on drainage levels 01 service and systems need: The Proposed Future Land Use amendment will not adversely effect the drainage levels of service and system needs. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 16 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)\lua1119.wpd 4. POTABLE WATER DATA & ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS a. Water Provider: Water service is provided to the subject proPerty by the City of Boynton Beach. b. Nearest potable water facility: Water service lines currently run adjacent to the subject Property. c. Adopted level of service standard: City of Boynton Beach level of service for Potable Water is 200 gallons/capita/day. d. The effect on potable water levels of service and system needs. The demand for potable water based on the ProPerty's proposed Future Land Use Atlas designation is apProximately 152,960 gallons per day as calculated by multiplying the adopted level of service standard by the population identified in section II.B.3.d above. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 17 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)\lua1119.wpd 5. SANITARY SEWER DATA & ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS a. Sewer Provider: Sewer service is provided to the subject Property by the City of Boynton Beach. b. Nearest sanitary sewer facility: Sewer service lines currently run adjacent to the subject Property . c. Adopted level of service standard: City of Boynton Beach level of service for Sanitary Sewer is 90 gallons/capita/day. d. The effect on sanitary sewer levels of service and system needs. The demand for sanitary sewer based on the Property's proposed Future Land Use Atlas designation is apProximately 68,832 gallons per day as calculated by multiplying the adopted level of service standard by the population identified in section II.B.3.d above. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 18 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)~ua1119.wpd 6. SOLID WASTE DATA & ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS Solid waste service is Provided to the subject Property by the Solid Waste Authority. The City has been Provided with a letter from the SW A confirming the nearest facility, and adopted level of service standard. The proposed Project will not adversely effect the level of service for solid waste. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 19 Rev. November 19. 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)\lua1119.wpd ENVIRONMENTAL & HISTORIC RESOURCES 7. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS DATA & ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS: Except for the trees shown on the survey, the site has been Predominately cleared of vegetation. There are no wetlands or known wildlife on the Property. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 20 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)\lua1119.wpd PUBLIC FACILITIES 9. FIRE-RESCUE DATA & ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS: a. Identify the fire-rescue facility that would service the subJect property: According to Anthony Dolphin of the Boynton Beach Fire Department, Fire-Rescue Station #2, located at 2305 S. Congress Avenue will service this property. b. Identify the response times from the fire-rescue station to the subJect property: The response time estimated by Mr. Dolphin is 4 minutes. c. The effect of the Proposed FLUA amendment on the average emergency response time: The proposed FLU amendment will not adversely effect the emergency response time to the subject property. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 21 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)\lua1119.wpd determined with the R-3 rezoning application. The same holds true where the subject Property abuts the existing commercial development to the south. The ProPerty is separated from the gas station by the Old Dixie Highway right-of-way in addition to the additional buffers and setbacks. The Proposed project will not create or foster undesirable health, safety or aesthetic effects. The project is being planned with buildings that are constructed with a stucco finish, tile roofs, and upgraded architectural fenestration. It will be secured with a perimeter buffer consisting of a wall, fence, hedge or combination thereof along with trees and other ground cover that will buffer adjacent properties and provide an aesthetic benefit to the project and area. The residents of the project will be offered common amenities consisting of a club house and pool area, tennis courts, optional covered garages and open space with a common lake for passive recreation. is being planned to be constructed architecturally The intensity of use will be similar to the many multi-family residential developments that exist within the City along Federal Highway. The change of use from commercial to residential will be a change toward a less intensive use than what is currently approved for the property today. The Proposed project traffic will be far less than the traffic that could be generated by a commercial allowed under the current land use and zoning designations. Any concerns of noise, vibration, smoke, hazardous odors, radiation, etc. are also reduced if not eliminated with the change from commercial to residential. As indicated, the proposed amendment is compatible with surrounding Properties. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 12 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)\lua1119.wpd B. COMPATIBILITY 1. SUMMARY OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES The following table summaries the existing use, FLU and zoning of the surrounding Properties. Subdivision/Use Existing Use FLU Zoning Name North: Homing Inn (NE) Residential Local Retail C-3 (NE) Los Mangos (NW) (NE) R-3 (NW) High Density Residential (NW) South: T exaco/ Gas Station/ Local Retail (SE) C-3 (SE) Shopping Center Shopping Medium Density R-l (SWI (SE) Center (SE) Residential (SW) Scattered Single Single Family Family (SW) Residential (SW) East: Colonial Club 2 & 3 Story High Density R-3 Condominiums Residential Residential Condominiums West: Vacant Medium Density R-3 Residential 2. LAND USE COMPATIBILITY ANALYSIS. Compatibility means land uses that are congruous, similar and in harmony with one another because they do not create or foster undesirable health, safety or aesthetic effects arising from direct association of dissimilar, contradictory, incongruous, or discordant activities, including the impacts of intensity of use, traffic, hours of operation, aesthetics, noise, vibration, smoke, hazardous odors, radiation, function and other land use conditions. Considering that this is an infill property with existing development on all sides, compatibility will need to be addressed as part of the development planning. The proposed residential use is certainly compatible with the existing residential uses to the southwest, northwest and east. The higher density of the Proposed Project and the building heights will be addressed by Providing buffering and setbacks that exceed code requirements. These development regulations will be evaluated and Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach 11 Rev. November 19, 1999 C:1M L P C\PROJECTS\Villa del Sol (Boynton 15)\lua1119.wpd VILLA DEL SOL Boynton Beach, FL FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT APPLICATION October 1, 1999 Rev. November 19, 1999 Rev. December 8, 1999 298 PINEAPPLE GROVE WAY . DELRA Y BEACH, FL 33444 . 561/272-0082 TABLE OF CONTENTS APPLICATION FORMS APPLICATION SUMMARY I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Applicant Information ................................................. 1 B. Property Information .................................................. 2 II. PARCEL DATA A. Land Use Designation & District Information ............................... 4 B. Data Requirements ................................................... 6 III. DATA AND ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS A. Justification Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 B. Compatibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 C. Concurrency/Compliance Transportation ................................................ 13 Infrastructure ................................................. 1 6 Environmental & Historic Resources .........,...................... 20 Public Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 IV. EXHIBITS A. Location Map B. Legal Description C. Aerial Photograph D. Survey APPLICATION FORMS APPLICATION SUMMARY This application Proposes a change to the Future Land Use (FLU) designation of a 16 acre Property from Local Retail Commercial to Special High Density Residential 20 units per acre. The Property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Federal Highway (US 1) and Old Dixie Highway near the southern limits of the City of Boynton Beach. The Property is currently vacant and is bound by existing development to the north and south, Federal Highway to the east and the FEC Railroad to the west. This property was a matter of specific discussion when the City's Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1989. In fact, the Comprehensive Plan Support Documents assign a particular section to this Property. That section indicates that recommendations were made to designate this property as Special High Density Residential. However, due to an approved site plan and construction drawings for a commercial shopping center, the Local Retail Commercial remained as the land use designation. The site plan and construction drawings were not used. The commercial development Proposed for this Property has not been constructed. The Property remains vacant. This application simply brings the land use designation back to what was originally recommended in 1989 - Special High Density Residential. Development of this Property as a residential project will be consistent with the Eastward Ho movement that has been encouraged and supported by the DePartment of Community Affairs. It will Provide the opportunity of a use that will utilize the existing public facilities without creating additional impacts. It will encourage and revitalize an area of the City with a well planned project with architectural and landscaping enhancements that exceed the current surrounding conditions and offer a secured community with internal recreational facilities and amenities. The approval of this application will allow for the development of the Villa del Sol project that will be a benefit to the City as a whole. Villa Del Sol - LUA App:ication City of Boynton Beach Rev. December 8, 1999 C:V{ L P CPRC;=:CTS\ViHa de! Sol (60)'fI\o:1 ~5;~ua-'208.wpd I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. APPLICANT INFORMATION ,. Applicant(s)/Owner(s) Name and Address. Grove Partners, L TD 6 Ramland Road Orangeburg, NY 10962 2. Nature of Appltcant(s)' Interest. The applicant is the owner of the Property. 3. Applicant's Authorized Representative. Miller Land Planning Consultants, Inc. 298 Pineapple Grove Way Delroy Beach, FL 33444 561/272-0082 4. Development Team Owner Representative Bert Freehof Coldwell Banker 2255 Glades Road, Suite 421 A Boca Raton, FL 33431 561/443-2887 Marketing Consultant Jim Fleischmann Land Research Management 1300 N. Congress Avenue. Suite C West Palm Beach. FL 33409 561/686-2481 Planner Bradley D. Miller. AICP Miller Land Planning Consultants 298 Pineapple Grove Way Delray Beach, FL 33444 561/272-0082 Civil Engineer Joe Pike, PE EnvjroDesign Associates 298 Pineapple Grove Way Delray Beach, FL 33444 561/274-6500 Architect Steve Myott. AlA / Richard Jones. AlA Quincy Johnson Associates 949 Clint Moore Road Be-co Raton, FL 33487 561/997-9997 Surveyor First Financial Surveyors 2000 N. Mango Road, Suite 202 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 561 /640-4800 Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach Rev. December 8, 1999 c'w, L P CIPKOJECTS\ViI'a 0": SCl: (S~j,,:c):l ~5':,'-'a1?Jo.w;x::' B. PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. Size of property & Survey: As reflected by the attached survey by First Financial Surveyors, Inc. the subject property consists of 16.01 acres of land. 2. General location: The subject property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Federal Highway (US 1) and Old Dixie Highway. A site location map is Provided as Exhibit A. 3. Frontage: The subject property has frontage on both Federal Highway (US 1) and Old Dixie Highway. There is approximately 350 feet of frontage on Federal Highway and 480 feet of frontage on Old Dixie Highway. Federal Highway is a designated 120 foot wide arterial roadway according to the Palm Beach County Thoroughfare Plan. 4. Access: Access to the subject property is from Old Dixie Highway across from the existing gas station. This access location will allow traffic from the project to use the signalized intersection at Federal Highway to go both north and south. Old Dixie Highway provides access to the south. 5. Street Address: Since the subject property has never been developed, it has never been assigned with a street address. 6. Property description: The subject property is identified by Property Control Number (Tax Folio) 08-43-45-33-14-000-0244. The subject property is irregularly shaped being bound by Federal Highway to the east, Old Dixie Highway to the southeast; and the FEe Railroad to the west. Except for trees as shown on the survey, the site has been predominately cleared of vegetation. The site is relatively flat with elevations ranging from 8.0 to 15.3. Villa Cst So~ - LU.'; p..~p'iC.3tiOil City cf 82ynlc:-, Esach Rev. December 8, 1999 C:\M L? C\PROJECTS\Villa de! Sol (Boyn~on 15)\Jua1208.wpd 2 7. Legal description: The legal description for this property, taken from the survey, is attached as Exhibit B. 8. Location and acreage of any property contiguous to the subject property which is in the same ownership, in whole or in part: There is no property contiguous to the subject property under the same ownership, in whole or in part. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach REV. December 8, 1999 C:\J~ ~ ? C'.;:;:R.C-~=C-S:Vd'C'. c:~ S~I (5~::1to~ ": 5:'~L.:2. 12C5 '.v;:d 3 II. PROPERTY DATA A. LAND USE DESIGNATION & DISTRICT INFORMATION 1. Existing Land Use Cover Attached as Exhibit C is a aerial photograph depicting the subject site and the surrounding area. Following is a description of the existing use of the site and adjacent properties. Site The subject property is vacant and undeveloped. The only significant vegetation on site are the trees reflected on the enclosed survey. North There are two existing developments that abut the north property line. The eastern development is known as Homing Inn, a residential facility offering rooms, efficiencies and apartments for rent. This project is developed on approximately 4.2 acres of land. Between Homing Inn and the FEC Railroad is the Los Mangos development. This projects has a mix of one story duplex patio-villas and 2 story quadriplex townhouses on approximately 28.5 acres of land. East Immediately to the east is the right-of-way for Federal Highway. According to the Palm Beach County Thoroughfare Map, the 4 lanes of Federal Highway are constructed within a 120 foot wide arterial right-of-way. Across the Federal Highway right-of-way is the Colonial Club project. This is a 2 and 3 story condominium project on approximately 21.5 acres of land. South The right-of-way for the 2 lane Old Dixie Highway abuts the southeast corner of the subject property. Across the right-of-way is an existing Texaco gas station with car wash and convenience store. The gas station is wrapped by the Shopping Center that currently has Patrick's Bar & Grill, Computer Design Center, Greater Grace (church) and Shamrock Karate. ViHa Del So! - LUA Application Cit)' of Boynton Be2ch 4 Rev. December 8, 1999 C:\',1 L P C\?ROJECTSIViila d~ Sol (Boynton 15)~ua1208.wpd To the west side of Old Dixie Highway and abutting the subject properties to the south are scattered single family residential homes. West Immediately to the west is the right-of-way for the FEC Railroad. Across the railroad right-of-way is an undeveloped property, currently used as a mango farm, that runs the whole length of the western boundary of the subject property. 2. Future Land Use Designation & Zoning District The following table reflects the present Future Land Use Designation and Zoning District for the subject property and adjacent properties. Future Land Use Zoning District Site Local Retail C-3, Community Commercial North Local Retail (East) C-3, Community High Density Residential Commercial (West) - 10.8 ufo R-3, Multiple Family Dwelling District East High Density Residential R-3, Multiple Family 10.8 u/a Dwelling District South Local Retail (East) C-3, Community Medium Density Commercial Residential (West) R-1, Single Family Residential District West Medium Density R-2, Single & Two Family Residential Dwelling District 4. Prior Approvals. A site plan and ccns~TL!ction drawings for a commercial shopping center were previously approved by the City for the subject site. These Villa Del Sol - LUA Applicaton City of Boynton Beach Rev. December 8, 1999 C:\'/ L P C\?~c..:ECTS\V!Ha dei So! (60yntQ:1 !5)\!ua1208.Vlfpd 5 approvals were the basis for the City keeping the subject property in the Local Retail land use designation. Section 1.p. of the Comprehensive Plan confirms this basis and in fact indicates that if it were not for these approvals, the proPerty would have been given the Special High Density Residential designation that is proposed by this application. These approvals were not used for construction of a shopping center and are expired. B. DATA REQUIREMENTS 1 . Flood zone: The eastern third of the subject Property is located within Flood Zone B and the remainder of the site is in Flood Zone A, according to Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel 120196 003 C. 2. Census Tract data: The subject property is located with Census Tract 63. 3. Effects on the Number of Dwelling Units/Population: a) Current FLU designation: In addition to the typical commercial uses, the Local Retail Commercial designation also allows for residential development at a density of 10.8 units Per gross acre. Accordingly, the 16 acre property could be developed with a maximum of 1 72 dwelling units. 16 ac x 10.8 ufa = 172 du b) Proposed FLU designation: This application proposes the Special High Density Residential land use designation at 20 units per gross acre. This density would permit the development of 320 dwelling units on the 16 acre property as indicated below. 16 ac x 20 du/ac = 320 duo Villa Del Sol - LUA App:ication City of Boynton Beach Rev. DecerTber 8, 19S'2 c:\~ L P C\PROJECTS\VH~a ci~~ s:.! (B~):n::-:-:- ";5f:..:~ ~:2:J;: ,'.'~:: 6 c) Change in number of dwelling units: The number of dwelling units would be increased by 148 with the approval of the proposed change of the future land use designation. Proposed FLU - Current FLU = Net Change 320 1 72 = 148 du d) Effects on the Population: Based on the additional 148 dwelling units at 2.39 persons per unit, (average number of persons per household as established by Palm Beach County), the population would increase by approximately 244 persons. 148 du x 1.65 per/du = 244.2 or 244 persons 4. Non-Residential Development Potential/Changes: a) Current FLU designation: The current Local Retail Commercial land use designation permits the development of non-residential square footage at a maximum floor area ratio of .35. The 16 acre property under the current Local Retail Future Land Use designation would support a maximum of 243,936 square feet of non-residential development. 16 ac x 43,560 sf/ac x .35 = 243,936 sf b) Proposed FLU designation: The proposed Special High Density Residential land use designation of the subject property does not allow for commercial uses. Therefore, no commercial development would be permitted with the proposed future land use designation. c) Change in Non-Residential Square Footage: The non-residential building area would be decreased by 243,946 square feet with the approval of the proposed change of the fUTure land use designation. Viffa Def .Sof - LLr..; /.\r=.p:ica~!cn Cit}' of BC)i.,icn S22C[: Rev. December 8, 1999 C:\M L P CiPROJECTS\Wla de! Sol (60ynto!115)~ua120S.wpd 7 III. DATA AND ANALYSIS A. JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT 1. Project Summary This application is Proposing the Special High Density Residential land use designation that was originally intended for this property. Section 1.p (page 89) of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents specifically addresses this Property indicating the following: . There is limited demand for commercial floor space along this segment of Federal Highway. . The Coastal Management Element of the Comprehensive Plan originally recommended this property for the Special High Density Residential land use designation. . Based on an approved site plan and construction drawings for a shopping center, the site remained designated as Local Retail Commercial. Based on the shopping center not being built, the original recommendation was accurate. There is a resurgence and encouragement for new developments within the eastern areas of the City and all of Palm Beach County. This revitalization of eastern development is consistent with the Eastward Ho movement supported and encouraged by the Florida Department of Community Affairs. Many municipalities, including Boynton Beach, have taken advantage of this movement and have been quite successful in bringing a focus back to the eastern areas of Palm Beach County. The Villa del Sol project will contribute to that resurgence by providing a new well planned residential project with the intentions of attracting younger Professionals and families that will add to the population base for activity and revitalization of the eastern areas of the City. 2. CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN This application is consistent with several goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan some of which are indicated below. Objective 1.13/Policy 1.13.3 - Encourage in till development and redevelopment by adopting and implementing the Community Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach Rev. December 8. 1999 C:\\', :... F C\.="'ROJ::.CTS \, ::2 d.-:;' 2c..~ (Bc)'~~~on 15)\:;Ja"2C:5.\v:>d 8 Redevelopment Plans, and the policies contained in the Coastal Management Element. Policy 3.A.s.l. - Infill development and redevelopment will be encouraged only in areas presently served adequately by sanitary sewer facilities. Policy 3.C.s.l. - Infill development and redevelopment will be encouraged only in areas presently served adequately by potable water facilities. The subject Property is located within the Coastal Area as described within the Coastal Management Element Support Documents of the ComPrehensive Plan. Considering that all Properties surrounding this site are developed, it could also be classified as an infill property. As mentioned Previously, this particular property was originally recommended for the Proposed Special High Density Residential designation. In addition, this Property is located in area where public facilities such as roads, water and sewer service are available with capacities to support the Proposed Project. This application is consistent with the intent of this policy for infill development of a Property to be used for residential purposes. Objective 1.17/Poficy 1.17.1 - Discourage additional commercial and industrial uses beyond those which are currently shown on the Future Land Use Map, except where access is greatest and impacts on residential land uses are least. As indicated Previously, this Property was originally recommended for the Special High Density Residential land use designation. However, due to approvals for commercial development, it remained designated Local Retail Commercial. This application is consistent with this objective and policy by bringing the site back to its intended residential designation. The residential designation will be less of a nuisance and have less impacts to the residential communities that surround this property. Objective 1. 19/Policy 1.19.7 -In areas where the demand for commercial uses wiff not increase, particularly in the Coastal Area, subsequent to Plan adoption change the land use and zoning to permit only residential or other non-commercial uses. The subject property is located within the Coastal Area as described within the Coastal Management Element Support Documents of the Villa Del Sol - LUA App:ication City of Boynton Beach Rev. December 8, 1999 C:\M L P CiPROJECTS\Villa de! Sol (Bcy:1lon 15)\:uai2Ce.\'vpd 9 Comprehensive Plan. The Coastal Management Element Support Documents indicate that the Coastal Area has an excess of commercial property and recommends changing those properties for residential use. The demand for commercial uses has moved west into areas including and surrounding the Boynton Beach Mall. This has decreased the need for commercial uses in the eastern areas of the City. Rather than this property being developed under its current Local Retail Commercial designation, the proposed Special High Density Residential designation will allow for a more desirable use being the apartment community proposed as Villa del Sol. 3. DEMONSTRATED NEED Although the City's Comprehensive Plan indicates that there is a need for additional housing units, the applicant has retained the services of a Professional market analyst to prepare a market analysis specific for this property. The market analysis will be provided upon completion. 4. CONSISTENCY WITH THE URBAN SPRAWL RULE Florida's Department of Community Affairs evaluates local land use amendments for consistency with Administrative Rule 9 J-5, which sets out criteria for determining when a proposed plan amendment contributes to urban sprawl, in order to comply with the mandates of Sections 163.3177 Florida Statutes, and the State Comprehensive Plan, Section 187.201, Florida Statutes. This application does not contribute to urban sprawl. This property is an isolated infill parcel surrounded by existing development in an urban area where existing public services can support the proposed development. Urban sprawl can become an issue in more remote areas than the subject property where perhaps public facilities are not available or the proposed development is not consistent with growth patterns of the area. The subject property and the proposed development does not have any of those characteristics. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach Rev. December 8, 1999 c:>\? L P C\PRO...'ECTS\V1!ia d5 So! (S:lynto:115)~u:<12:J8.wp:l 10 B. COMPATIBILITY 1. SUMMARY OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES The following table summaries the existing use, FLU and zoning of the surrounding properties. SubdIvIsion/Use exIstIng Use FLU Zoning Name North: Homing Inn (NE) Residential Local Retail C-3 (NE) Los Mangos (NW) (NE) R-3 (NW) High Density Residential (NW) South: Texaco/ Gas Station/ Local Retail (SE) C-3 (SE) Shopping Center Shopping Medium Density R- 1 (SW) (SE) Center (SE) Residential (SW) Scattered Single Single Family Family (SW) Residential (SW) East: Colonial Club 2 & 3 Story High Density R-3 Condominiums Residential Residential Condominiums West: Vacant Medium Density R-3 Residential 2. LAND USE COMPATIBILITY ANALYSIS. Compatibility means land uses that are congruous, similar and in harmony with one another because they do not create or foster undesirable health, safety or aesthetic effects arising from direct association of dissimilar, contradictory, incongruous, or discordant activities, including the impacts of intensity of use, traffic, hours of operation, aesthetics, noise, vibration, smoke, hazardous odors, radiation, function and other land use conditions. Considering that this is an infill property with existing development on all sides, compatibility will need to be addressed as part of the development planning. The proposed residential use is certainly compatible with the existing residential uses to the southwest, northwest and east. The higher density of the proposed project and the building heights will be addressed by providing buffering and setbacks that exceed code requirements. These development regulations will be evaluated and Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach Rev. December 8. 1999 C:\M L P CiPROJECTS\\il'a ce; So~ lBc;'n:o~ -,:::'~~a~:::;:;.\...'pr: 11 determined with the R-3 rezoning application. The same holds true where the subject Property abuts the existing commercial development to the south. The property is separated from the gas station by the Old Dixie Highway right-of-way in addition to the additional buffers and setbacks. The Proposed Project will not create or foster undesirable health, safety or aesthetic effects. The project is being planned with buildings that are constructed with a stucco finish, tile roofs, and upgraded architectural fenestration. It will be secured with a perimeter buffer consisting of a wall, fence, hedge or combination thereof along with trees and other ground cover that will buffer adjacent Properties and provide an aesthetic benefit to the project and area. The residents of the project will be offered common amenities consisting of a club house and pool area, tennis courts, optional covered garages and open space with a common lake for passive recreation. is being planned to be constructed architecturally The intensity of use will be similar to the many multi-family residential developments that exist within the City along Federal Highway. The change of use from commercial to residential will be a change toward a less intensive use than what is currently approved for the property today. The proposed project traffic will be far less than the traffic that could be generated by a commercial allowed under the current land use and zoning designations. Any concerns of noise, vibration, smoke, hazardous odors, radiation, etc. are also reduced if not eliminated with the change from commercial to residential. As indicated, the proposed amendment is compatible with surrounding properties. Vi~la Os! Sol - ~_LJA /~.p~r:8atlcr: C!iy cf 8oYI':~c~~ C e2C~-i Rev. December 8, 1999 C:\!.~ L P C\PROJECTS\Vil!a de! Sol (Boynton 15)~ua1208wp:::l 12 C. CONCURRENCY/COMPLIANCE TRANSPORTATION 1. TRAFFIC DATA AND ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS a. Trip generation for the current future land use designation. Based on ITE 6th Edition Generation Rates and ITE Trip Generation Handbook for the pass by equation, the subject Property is vested for 8,465 daily trips(ADT), 272 AM peak hour trips and 1132 PM peak hour trips under the current future land use and as calculated below. Average Daily Trip Calculation: Use: Shopping Center (820) Development Potential: 243,936 square feet Generation Equation: Ln(T) = 0.643 Ln(243.936) + 5.866 Gross Daily Trips: 12,095 Pass By Equation: Ln(T) = -0.291 Ln(243.936) + 5.001 Pass By Percentage: 30.00% Vested Daily Trips: Gross Daily Trips x Pass By Percentage Pass By Trips 1 2,095 x 30.00% 3,629 Gross Daily Trips 12,095 x Pass By Trips - 3.629 Vested Project Trips (ADT) 8,465 trips/day AM/PM Peak Hour Calculation: AM Peak Equation: AM Peak Trips: Ln(T) = 0.596 Ln(243.936) + 2.329 271.82 or 272 PM Peak Equation: PM Peak Trips: Ln(T) = 0.660 Ln(243.936) + 3.403 1131.11 or 1132 Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach P.sv. De::::emb8r 8, 1999 C.\\1j L ~ C.,-~;:\OJEC~~:\\':'.~ ~s-~ Sc: :;:'J~';-~':;""" 15j.JL:a-";2CS:....;xj 13 b. Trip generation for the proposed future land use designation. Based on 20 units per gross aae, the subject Property will be permitted up to 320 multi-family residential units upon approval of the proposed land use amendment. Accordingly, the Proposed development would generate 2,053 daily trips, 163 AM peak hour trips and 192 PM peak hour trips and based on ITE 6th Edition Generation Rates and the calculations shown below. Average Daily Trip Calculation: Use: Apartments (220) Development Potential: 320 Units Generation Equation: T = 5.994 x 320 + 134.114 Gross Daily Trips (ADT): 2052.194 or 2053 trips AM/PM Peak Hour Calculation: AM Peak Equation: AM Peak Trips: T = 0.497 x 320 + 3.238 1 62.28 or 1 63 PM Peak Equation: PM Peak Trips: T = 0.541 x 320 + 18.743 191.86 or 192 c. Effect on traffic generation. The proposed land use amendment will reduce the trip generation and impact on the adjacent roadways by 6,412 as calculated below. Proposed Daily Trips - Vested Daily Trips Net Effect on Traffic Generation 2,053 tpd - 8,465 tpd -6,412 tpd 2. MASS TRANSIT DATA AND ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS a. DATA REQUIREMENTS 1) Mass transit provider: The subject property is sei-ved by Palm Tran ROUTe 1 according to Fred Stubbs, Special Projects Coordinator of Palm Tran. Villa Del Sol - LUA App:ication City of Boynton Beach Re';. December 8, 1999 .::; ,',' L. P ::;P:;:OJECTS,.\':"~ do,: Sal (50,7:~:>~ 15)\'t.;a'208....'p::l 14 2) Nearest mass transit facility: The nearest Palm Tran bus stop to this site is stop # 199 located at the northwest corner of Federal Highway and Old Dixie Highway near Colonial Club. 3) Tri-County Commuter Rail Connection: Route 1 does not serve the Tri-Rail Station. The Property has no direct transfer connection to a route that serves the Boynton Beach Tri-Rail station. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach Rev. December 8, 1999 15 C J.~:"? C\P"OJECiS"V;lIa de! Sol (B:ly:1!O'1 ~5)':LI..120S.wjXl INFRASTRUCTURE 3. DRAINAGE DATA AND ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS a. Drainage provider: The drainage provider for the subject Property is Lake Worth Drainage District. b. Drainage basin: The subject Property is located in the C-15 basin. c. Nearest drainage facility: The Proposed Project will utilize existing ditches, swales and/or canals adjacent to or within the area of the Property for drainage connections and outfall. d. Adopted level of service standard: The site will be designed to retain the greater of the first inch of runoff over the entire site or 2.5 inches of runoff over the impervious area. Paved areas within the site will be Protected from a 3-year design storm event, and the building pads will be protected from a 100-year storm event in accordance with criteria established by Palm Beach County and South Florida Water Management District. e. The effect of the proposed Future Land Use amendments on drainage levels of service and systems need: The proposed Future Land Use amendment will not adversely effect the drainage levels of service and system needs. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of 6o;'r.ton Beach 16 Rev. December 8, 19S'9 CW, L P C\PROJECTSMi'3 del So: (50}"".:0" ~5)\:_~ ',:;::2: ,'.'pJ 4. POTABLE WATER DATA & ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS a. Water provider: Water service is provided to the subject property by the City of Boynton Beach. b. Nearest potable water facility: Water service lines currently run adjacent to the subject Property. c. Adopted level of service standard: City of Boynton Beach level of service for Potable Water is 200 gallons/capita/day. d. The effect on potable water levels of service and system needs. The demand for potable water based on the property's proposed Future Land Use Atlas designation is apProximately 48,800 gallons per day as calculated by multiplying the adopted level of service standard by the population identified in section II.B.3.d above. 200 gal/cap./day x 244 persons = 48,800 gal/day \"1l[a De! Sc< - LU.~. ::.pp~:c2'~L=!n City cf E:;T~'~'"' 5e2ct: Rev. December 8, 1999 C:\I\~ L" OPROJECTS\Vii!a del So! (Boynton ,5)\1l1a1208.w;x! 17 5. SANITARY SEWER DATA & ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS a. Sewer provider: Sewer service is provided to the subject property by the City of Boynton Beach. b. Nearest sanitary sewer facility: Sewer service lines currently run adjacent to the subject property. c. Adopted level of service standard: City of Boynton Beach level of service for Sanitary Sewer is 90 gallons/capita/day. d. The effect on sanitary sewer levels of service and system needs. The demand for sanitary sewer based on the Property's proposed Future Land Use Atlas designation is apProximately 21,960 gallons per day as calculated by multiplying the adopted level of service standard by the population identified in section II.B.3.d above. 90 gal/cap./day x 244 persons = 21,960 gal/day Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach Rev. December 8, 1999 C "I/" L F C\?~C_ ~c~-:; .\:-.:;. ::':: 001 ~~':;~"'lt:l:1 1::}';:Ja 1205 ..~..;>d 18 6. SOLID WASTE DATA & ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS Solid waste service is provided to the subject property by the Solid Waste Authority. The City has been provided with a letter from the SW A confirming the nearest facility, and adopted level of service standard. The proposed Project will not adversely effect the level of service for solid waste. Vi![a Del Sol - LUA App;icatio:l City of Boyr...:on Beach Rev. December 8, 1999 C:\M L P CPROJECTS\Vilia del Sol (Boyrno:'115)\iua1208......pd 19 ENVIRONMENTAL & HISTORIC RESOURCES 7. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS DATA & ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS: Except for the trees shown on the survey, the site has been predominately cleared of vegetation. There are no wetlands or known wildlife on the Property. Villa Del Sol - LUA App:ica~ion City of Boynton 882Cl1 Rev. December 8, 1999 c:"!f.;" P C\?~C":ECTS\Vir;a d~ Scl (~yn~O:1 15)\!ua1208J.:pd 20 PUBLIC FACILITIES 9. FIRE-RESCUE DATA & ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS: a. Identify the fire-rescue facility that would service the subject property: According to Anthony Dolphin of the Boynton Beach Fire Department, Fire-Rescue Station #2, located at 2305 S. Congress Avenue will service this property. b. Identify the response times from the fire-rescue station to the subject property: The response time estimated by Mr. Dolphin is 4 minutes. c. The effect of the proposed FLU A amendment on the average emergency response time: The proposed FLU amendment will not adversely effect the emergency response time to the subject Property. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach ~ev. Decerrbsl- E: 1~:99 C"\!!: i... r:: C\'!:'Ko..!EC:S\\'~,:a de! $..;; ,3--:f'.:C-: ~~),l;..:~:;;':':..:!.):; 21 10. RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE DATA & ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS: a. Identify the following facilities that would service the property: Park facilities that will service the subject property are as follows: Regional: District: Neighborhood: Lake Ida Park & John Prince Park Caloosa Park & Little League Park Jaycee Park b. The effect of the proposed FLU amendment on: This project is planned to provide recreational facilities such as a clubhouse, swimming pool, tennis courts and passive open space areas for its residents. Therefore, the recreational needs for the project are being provided within the project itself and will not adversely effect the level of service of public parks. 11. PUBLIC EDUCATION DATA REQUIREMENTS: a. Public Schools: The following table reflects the schools that will educate potential school aged children living in the project proposed for the subject property . Elementary MIddle Hlah Name Plumosa Carver Atlantic Address 1712 NE 2nd Avenue 1 01 Barwick Road 2501 Seacrest Blvd. City Delray Beach Delray Beach Delray Beach Current 617 1583 2410 Capacfty level of 88% 118% 137% Service % \/:;~3. Det Scl - LU,~ 1!;;:'p~iC2tio~ C;'.~' e,:- ~sy:"';tc~: 2.ss.c!~, Rev. December 8, 1999 22 C:'tl. L P C\?R.a.JECTS\Vil!a de Sol (Boynton 'i5)\!ua1208.v~'p:i EXHIBIT B LEGAL DESCRIPTION VILLA DEL SOL LAND USE AMENDMENT ApPLICATION \. .- .. ~'OO ...D o 0- ..0 rr 00 ~ (0 PAFCEL O}olt: That par~ of the North 400 feet ot the South 725 feet of the Southea~t Quarter (SE: 1/4) of Section )', Township 4~ South, Range 43 East, lying East of the Eas~ =ight-cf-way line of the Florida Ea5t Coast Railway Company and west of the ,West ri9ht-of-way line of the Dixie High.....ay. before U. :S. Highway No. 1 was laid out and constructed, less the additional ri9ht- of-way for V.s. Highway No. 1 COnvqyed to the State of Florida by O.R.B. 153 page 337, Palm Bench County Public Records; and The North So feet of the South 325 feet ot Seotion 33, TownShip 45 South, Range 43 East, palm Beach County, florida. lying between Florida East Coast ~ailroad right-of-way and Old nixie Highway ~nd Westerly lin~ of Old Dixie Highway right-of-way being. a straight line, and at 1ts North end being 1048 teet East of the Florida East coa~t R~ilroad Company riqh~-of-way and the Soutn end of said Westerly lin. heing 615.4 teet East of the Florida East Coact Railway company right- of-way. J?AltCEL !!!Q. Beginning at the Inter5ectionof the South line of Section 33, TownShip 4~ South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida with the East right-af-way line of the Florida Bast coastRail~ay; thencn run Easter- ly, along the South line of Seotion 33. a distanee of 409.08 feet~ thence Northerly, a~ right angles. a distance of 81.69 feet; thence:Easterly. along a line p~ral1el to the said South li~e ot Section 33. to a point in a line 15 feet Northerly of and p8r~11el to th~ ~enterlin~ of old Dixie Hi9~wa1; thence Northeast- qrly. ~lonq ~~id parallel line, a di$tance of 313 feet, more or less, to a point in a line 275 feet North ot and parall~l to the said south line of Sec- t.ion 33:. thence West.erly, along with line to its inte:section with the aforem8ntione~ EaGt ~ight-of-way lin~ of tho Florida East coa~~:~ailway; thence South- erly, along said right-of-way !11ne to the Point of Deginni~g aforemeneioned. n~ct'~,~ "t.~;l=,~n F ' P"LM O~~CI-\ C;OJ~0. l}... .IO"\N B. oLl""'-~ CLcA.K CIR~;,iti l: l.)tJl\i EXHIBIT C AERIAL PHOTOGRPAH VILLA DEL SOL LAND USE AMENDMENT ApPLICATION ._. , Page 1 of2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS DATE: 11-9-99 Reference #: General Information Initiating Local Government: City of Boynton Beach Contact Person: Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director Address: 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310, Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 TelephonelFax: (561) 742-62601Fax (561) 742-6259 Applicant! Agent Bradley D. Miller, AICP, Miller Land Planning Consultants TelephonelFax: 561-272-0082 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Textual Amendments General Summary of Amendments: I _ amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks I _ amendments relating to affordable housing i Amendments related to the following elements: --X- land use I traffic circulation I - I - mass transit I _ ports and aviation _ housing I infrastructure sub-elements - _ coastal management II - conservation II _ recreation and open space II _ intergovernmental coordination _ capital improvements - other Summary of addition (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: I ! ![ .--- Page 2 of2 Summary of proposed change (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: See attached:(Application Summary Exhibit A) I Proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use Map Location of proposed map amendment (include a location map) Northwest Corner of the intersection of Federal Highway (US1) and Old Dixie Highway (Location Map Exhibit B) Size of Area Proposed for Change (acres) 16.0 Present Future Land Use Plan Designation (include a density/intensity definition) LOCAL RETAIL - COMMERCIAL Proposed Future Land Use Designation (include a density/intensity definition) SPECIAL HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (20 du/ac) Present Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) C-3 Community Commercial District (Min. 5 ac. for commercial development. Permits multi-family residential I using R - 3 District Regulations - Max. density 10.8 du/ac) I Proposed Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) R - 3 - Multi-Family Dwelling District I I I Present Development of Site Vacant Proposed Development of the Site, ifknown (Number of Dwelling Units; Commercial Square Footage; Industrial Square Footage; Other Proposed usage and intensity): Luxury Rental Apartments 320 units I ,\ I Is proposed change a Development of Regional Impact? NO Comprehensive Plan Change Processing Date/Time/Location Scheduled for Local Planning Agency Public Hearing: December 21,1999 /6:30 pm / City Commission Chambers Dateffime/Location Scheduled for Governing Body Public Hearing: December 21, 1999/6:30 pm / City Commission Chambers : Scheduled Date for Transmittal to DCA On or Before December 31.1999 I IICH\MAlN\SHRDA T A\PLANNINGISHAREDlWPIFORMSICOMP. PLAA'III-9-99 MILLER.DOC EXHIBIT "A" ( APPLICATION- SUMMARY This application proposes a change to the Future Land Use (FLU) designation of a 16 acre property from Local Retail Commercial to Special High Density Residential 20 units per acre. The property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Federal Highway (US 1) and Old Dixie Highway near the southern limits of the City of Boynton Beach. The Property is currently vacant and is bound by existing development to the north and south, Federal Highway to the east and the FEC Railroad to the west. This property was a matter of specific discussion when the City's ComPrehensive Plan was adopted in 1989. In fact, the ComPrehensive Plan Support Documents assign a particular section to this Property. That section indicates that recommendations were made to designate this Property as Special High Density Residential. However, due to an approved site plan and construction drawings for a commercial shopping center, the local Retail Commercial remained as the land use designation. The site plan and construction drawings were not used. The commercial development Proposed for this Property has not been constructed. The property remains vacant. This application simply brings the land use designation back to what was originally recommended in 1989 - Special High Density Residential. Development of this property as a residential project will be consistent with the Eastward Ho movement that has been encouraged and supported by the Depatment of Community Affairs. It will Provide the opportunity of a use that will utilize the existing public facilities without creating additional impacts. It will encourage and revitalize an area of the City with a well planned Project with architectural and landscaping enhancements that exceed the current surrounding conditions and offer a secured community with internal recreational facilities and amenities. The apProval of this application will allow for the development of the Villa del Sol Project that will be a benefit to the City as a whole. Villa Del Sol - LUA Application City of Boynton Beach October 1, 1999 F:\lua.wpd EXHIBIT A LOCATION MAP Woolbright Road Golf Road/SE 23rd Ave. " , , . . . . 'Oi_~ tQi 0: .::: .-' tQ: a::j Wi UJi lL.i >.. fa ~ .c: .9' :t: .!! ~ Q .:e o '- , . ,~ , III" ~. -- CI .. 'fa ~, -, 'J! CIa fa 0, \JI g: 1::' ..... ~~ - - o Z VILLA DEL SOL LAND USE AMENDMENT ApPLICATION 1 l' I