PERMIT APPLICATIONBP200101 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Application Inquiry Application number ..... : 01 00002816 Application status, date : FINALED Property .......... : 453 SW 3RD AVE PCN ............. : 08-43-45-28-28-000-0120 Lot Number ......... : Zoning ........... : R2 DUPLEX (9.68) Application type ...... : F FENCE Application date ...... : 7/10/01 Tenant nbr, name ...... : Master plan nbr, revwd by : Estimated valuation .... : Total square footage .... : Public building ...... : NO Work description, qty . . . : Pin number ......... : 0449 6 FT WOOD 2 GATES RA 1500 0 Press Enter to continue. F3=Exit FS=Land inq F10=Fees Fll=Receipts F7=App1 names F12=Cancel FS=Tracking inq F13=Val calcs 2/22/02 15:39:21 7/30/01 F9=Bond inquiry F24=More keys DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Rec. # (Please Print) '-- ~ COMPLETE EACH BOXED ENTRY Permit # () [- ~- O~ I ~:~ (FoR SUB PERmTS ONLV PCN# ,O~/¢'~ ~"~' ~-~ IOwner s Addr~ ' ~ ~ Fee S~mpl~ Title Holder's Name Fee Simple Title Holder's Address Contractor's Compan~ ~~ ~. Contact person and emergency phone State (Palm Be,a. ch County Property Control #) IOwner s Phone ~'-'~'/- Zip , (If other than owner's) (If other than owner's) ICompany Phone ~ Company Address Pager/Fax# City State Zip IobName~ '7~J~/"~ ob Addres~ ~ ~ ~~Y~ ~-'~'~-~'~ ~' ' .'~ ~ ......... .... Zoned Bonding Co. Address ~ /~ / ~,,~'~! ~Cit~', '. ' r State Architec~Engineer,s Name Architec~Engine~r s Address Mortgage Lenders Name ~ ~ I ~ ~] ~ ;- ~','.LT'~?:~ :,J'5~' ' Modgage Lender's Ad. ss S~GLE FAMILY ~ DUPLEX -- MULTI-FAMILY HOTEL ~TAIL OFFICE ~ ~US~L check one) STIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION $ · , ' ~ ~ ~ ~TRUC~ IFIREI pTHE~ I / .... / '~' ' Application is hereby required to obtain a permit to do work and installations as indicated. I cedi~ that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be pedormed to meet the standards of all codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONING WORK, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I cedi~ that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all wor~ will be done in compliance with all applicable codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR STATE OF FLO~DA. CO~TY OF PALM BEACH / The foregoing ins~ment was acknowledged before me this _ ~/~' (date) by who is pers~~_~m~4 ~ff~ 3 - {~ [ ~ ~- ~ ~ as identification dnd who did (did not) take an oat~..~ RI~Y ARMOLD ~ --~ ' (SEAL) %~ ;¢ EXV~ ~:~ Signamre~~i~.~ ~ ]~~ Name of o~cer tak~g ac~owledgement - ~ed. printed or ~ ................. ~ ' Title or ra~ Serial Number. if ~y Contractor's Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this who is personally known to me or who has produced take an oath. (date) by as identification and who did (did not) (SEAL) Signature of person taking acknowledgement printed or stamped Name of officer taking acknowledgement - typed, Title or rank Serial Number, if any (Certificate of Competency Holder) Contractor's State Certification of Registration No. Liability Insurance Expiratiop~,e Workers Compensation E)(j;~i~n_ Da~;~ / Application Approved By/C/ ,~ Permit Officer Date: 7[ , Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above must have a valid permit prior to stating. In consideration of granting this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has commenced. All Contractors must have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE J:\SHRDATA\DEVELOPMEN%FORMS.DOC\PERMIT APPLICATION MOD.A.DOC- Revised 6/18/97, 11/4/97, 12/98, 6/99, 8/99, 5/00, 8/00, 9/25/2000 APPLICATION # APPLICATION DATE: SETBACKS: ZONE: (THIS SIDE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) LEFT RIGHT MASTER PERMIT # APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: FRONT REAR TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY TYPE FENCE TYPE ROOF TYPE FLOOD ZONE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION FINISH FLOOR ELEV. (PROPOSED) NUMBER OF UNITS PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PARKING SPACES PROVIDED AREA SQUARE FEET (GROSS) AREA SQUARE FEET (A/C) # OF STORIES # OF BEDROOMS ADDITIONAL FEE BCAIF PARKS FEE PENALTY FEE PUBLIC BLDG. FEE RADON FEE ROAD IMPACT FEE SCHOOL FEE SEWER FEE WATER FEE FIRE DEPT. FEE OVERTIME FEE SUB-TOTAL REMARKS: Recpt # VALUATION SINGLE FEE Building Clearing & Grubbing Drainage Electrical Excavation Fill Fire Alarm Fire Sprinkler Irrigation Landscaping Mechanical Paving Paving/Drainage Plumbing Roofing Sign Site Lighting SUB TOTAL TOTAL LESS PLAN FILING FEE CK# Cash Rec'd from: FEE Accepted by: (Initials) IF THIS BOX IS NOT COMPLETED, THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO A FINAL INSPECTION ONLY. AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Date AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Date BALANCE DUE Recpt # CK # Cash Rec'd from: Accepted by: (Initials) J:\SHRDATA\DEVELOPMENT~FORMS.DOC~,PERMiT APPLICATION MOD.A.DOC- Revised 6/18/97, 11/4/97, 12/98, 6/99, 8/99, 5/00, 8/00, 9/25/2000 JUN-29-8 1 16:82 FROM:COMCAST ADVERTISING ID:561 686 2288 To: Address: PAGE 1/2 DEPARTMENT OF D ]' " - EV.ELOPMEN~I BUILDiNG DI~$ION .EASEMENT CONSENT FOf&M JULY 199~ Gentlemen: I mt the r¢cerd ti'dehoide~ o£property located at ~ to apply fbca pe~ ~om :he C~j of~ton Be~i: to cons~cr or ~s~l a in the __ ('~ ~/ easement on my prope~y, legally desc~bed:~ 'Lot '~/~ B~.oek SubdNi~ion or Metes & Bo~ds Please complete ~ of' .k..is form indicating your approval or disapproval ofthls work· I tmd,rstaad fhat you """ ' · ;'m not be re~pons/ble for repairs to, or replacement oL2',any portion of the above i~to'¢e,me.n.t. ~d th~t any .removal or replacement of this i.mprovement necessary fbr our use or a re:ere"aced ea~em~n, wtll be pertonnea at my expense or my su~9.~ssOt~ in inter~. '~ Y cces~ to this /4:~,,4/e. ..:~ /- 7.57- ~f Owner's Sigmature & Date (over) ALI.. WORK INVOLVED ON THIS PERMIT SHALL CONFORM om= JUN-29-01 18:02 FROM:COHCAST ADVERTISING ID:5~l ACK~.NO WL EDG.~iE~£: W '%1o not ag,'ee) to the proposed ]mj~roveme~t umior the ~ireum~t~nces descril~d on the rcvms¢ side. c'£e~$eme~t J:olcl<r please Call For Utili~ ~r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~0I No~hpo~t STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The £oregoi~xg instrument. ',va:~ ackn. ow]ed$cd before by -ne tMs __ clay of who is personaiiy ]cno~<t ~.o me or wtxo ha,~ produced SEAL aa identification and who (did) (did not) take an oath 19 Type o£LD (Signa~t-e of person mkj;~ aekuowledgemer, 0 ~4ame of officer:;taking acknowled~..nent t~ed, printed or ~tamped) (Title or rard¢) (Sedal Number, if ~ny) P ~ D~I$_~PB H~G~ ~ 7426357 NO. 045 P001 To: Address: EA5 EM ENT CON~ E NT ,JULY 1995 Geutlemen: I am the record titleholder of property located at '9~'~-~ ,-%" to apply for a perrnj~ from the City of Boy'neon Be'ach to ~nst~uc'i or install ir] the ("~' ff~ easement oi1 lily property, legally describe~ asr ' ' - 'Lot ~/~ Block ~~ Subdivision or Metes & Bo~ds ~ ' ..... Please complete the . I propose of this form iudicating your approval or disapproval of this work, I understand that you ;viii not be responsible for repairs to, or replacement of,', any potion of'the ~ove referenced improvement and that any removal or replacement of this improvement ne~ssary for your use or access to this easement will "' ~ ..... be perfo~ed at my expense or my suq~ss~s m Inte~. Owner's Signature & Date (over) B-3b 06×Z8×~001 88:16 P S DAVIS_WPB ENGR m 7426~57 N0.845 ACI~OWL~DG~IENT: JUN r tl~e ' ~ ' ~~,:o~ ~he rekerse side. We (agrce) (doj3ot agree) to the propo,, Title: ~/f-2d .~.~..~-~/1~-..~ ' / -'-2 STATE OF FLO~DA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me t~s __ day of by _, who is personally known to me or who has produced as identitication and who (did) (did not') take an oath. Type of ID SEAL (Signature of person taking acknowledgement) (Name of officer taking acknowledgment typed, printed or:stamped) (Title or rank) (Serial Number, ffany) -- DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DMsION EA$EMENT CONSJgNT FOR~! JULY I995 '. Na~eofensement holder ' -/ ~ Gert tlemen: I am the record tRleholder~ 'p~pe.y located at _ ~-~ ~'~~ ~ to apply for a pe~ ~m th Ciw of Boston Beach to ¢~a:t~ct 0~ ~tall ~_ ~~ - ~ eas~ent on my pro~y, legacy described: Please ¢ompl~t~ the t,varse ide of ~is fo~ indicating your approval or di~approwI of t~s work. I ~derstand that you will ne b~ ~aponaibt= for repairs to, or rapid,merit o~ ~y improvement and that any re noval or replacement of this imp~ment n~s~ for easement will b~ p~rfot~d a my ~p~nse or mr $uc~ss~ in int~ ..... propose 06/27/2001 15:28 5617422016 FP&L P~E ~-me of c~err~nt holder Address: ~o apply ~r a p~ ~om the Ci~' in the or ~$~ ~ Bo~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION EASEMENT CON!t~ENT FORM JULY 1995 . I propose Pl¢~c ¢omplem the reverse side oft. his form indicating you~ approval or dLiapprovai of this work. I undet~taad that you will rtot be responsible for rep~im to, or r~l~ement o~ ~y po~ion of the above r~er~ improveme~t ~ taat ~y removal or r~lao~ment of this improv~t ne~ for yo~ use or access ~t ~ll bc p~ ~ my ~ense or my su~ss~ i~ int~ ~ Own:~ Si~ & D~te ~ - f / (over) " B-3b ': tJ 2001 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION REMOVAL AGREEMENT DATE: PERMIT NO: (print) "Owner(s)") are desirous of construction or installing a in aportion ofthe ro ert description of this p p y being as follows: Lot / ~ Block Subdivision or Metes & Bounds (hereinafter referred to as A"e, vd easement on my property, the legal WHEREAS, the Owner(s) do covenant that they are the fee simple owner(s) of the property; and WHEREAS, the above is to be erected for the use and enjoyment or proper functioning of the property and special aesthetics; NOW, THEREFORE, in the consideration of the City of Boynton Beach ("City") not immediately enforcing its rights or the rights of any others, now existing or which may in the future exist, against the Owner(s) or the property, the Owner(s) hereby a~ee with the City to remove, at no expense to the City, the Easement holders, or the beneficiaries of the easement, the above described improvement from the property, within (30) days of written notice addressed to ADDRESS:them °r their success°rs in interest' at: c~///~._,. ~2~,~.-~ notifying them that said irhprovement is inconsistent with the use of the Easement. It is a~eed by the Owner(s) that the improvement shall be as depicted on Exhibit "A" and filed with the City of Bo ynton Beach Building Department, and that no other construction slX'a4) Easement. It is ageed by the parties, hereto, that this Declaration will b of the Owner(s) in the Official Records of Palm Beach County, Florida and that this 3ecl~ion shall be a covenant running with the land and be binding upon the heirs, personal representatives, grantees, assigns and successors in interest of the Owner(s). Owner(s) shall immediately remove the improvement permitted herein in the event that the City or Owner(s), or both, are challenged with respect to the City's authority to attthorize the placement of said improvement in the Easement or a claim of damages is made as a result of the placement of said improvement in the Easement. In the event that the City and/or Owner(s) are challenged with respect to the placement of said improvement in the Easement, or a claim for damages is made as a result of the placement of said improvement in the Easement, Owner(s) shall indemnify, defend, and save the City harmless against and from said challenge. Upon the vacation, abandonment or discontinuance of thJ Easement, this Declaration shall immediately and automatically terminate and be of no further force and effect. SIGNED, SEALED, EXECUTED AND ACKNOWLEDGED on this day of ,20 WITNESS: (Owner's Signature) (Owner's Signature) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 , by (Name of Person Acknoxvledging) who is personally kno~vn to me or ~vho has produced (Type of ID) as identification and ~vho did/did not take an oath. SEAL (Signature of person taking acknowledgement) (Name of Officer taking ackno~vledgement typed, printed or stamped) (Title or rank) (Serial number, if any) \\CHXMAFN\SHRDATA\Development\FORMS.docX, Removal A=m'ecment--Easement Consent Form.doc - I0/2000 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION EASEMENT CONSENT FORM JULY 1995 To: Address: Name of fiasement l~lder Gentlemen: I am the record titleholder'ofproperty located at .~..J'~.~ .~--~/~~ to apply for a permit from the City of Boynton Beach to construct or install a ..~rqxS~j in the (q/" ~7 easement on my property, legally described as{ - ' - · Lot "--~/~2.a Block ,~"~ or Metes & Bounds · I propose Subdivision Please complete the reverse side of this form indicating your approval or disapproval of this work. I understand that you ',viii not be responsible for repairs to, or replacement of, any portion of the above referenced improvement and that any removal or replacement of this improvement necessary for your use or access to 'this easement will be performed at my expen..se or my suc.~ss .~ in intel~.~ __ '' __Ownerfs Signature & Date ~'/ /' / Owner's Signature & Date (over) B-3b ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We (agree) (do not a~ee) to the proposed improvement under the circumstances described on the reverse side. By: /~>~/~__~t.~.~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I 0 day of !oL4h !sO,~r by I~d]CtF~ LGlt{) - , who is personally knoTw~ io me or v~ ~Joduced as identification and who (did) (did not) take an oath. SEAL Type of ID My Commission CC915256 F-..R~res ~ 02, 2004 (Sig-"f~r~ ~f person taking acknowledgement) (Name of officer taking acknowledgment typed, printed or stamped) (Title or rank) (Serial Number, if any) J:\SHRDATA\Development\POLICY MANUAL.wp\POLICYMH\SPECCON\EASECON.WPD - AN:nth 9/15/94,WVH:mh Rev 2/6/95, 3/23/95, 5/10/95, 6/26/95, 7/17/95, 1/9/96, 2/5/96,*3/99, 8/00 PAGE 02 N~me of casement Title: FLORIDA PLIBLI Date: ACKNOWLEDGMEWr: We (agree) (do. not__~.g_ree) tel thc proposed improvement under thc circum.~t~nces described on die reverse side. o. WEST PAL~ BEACh, FL 33401-339~ ~ ; DAVID E. PELLI~ DIVi~'N ENGll STATE OF FLOR.IDA COUNTY OF PALM BEA' - UTILITI_ti:S_COHp_4Ny ... :0 lEER ;H :acknowledged before me this __ dsy of_=: 1-800.43:1.4'/'/e ., 19 The foregoing inst~men~ wa by as idcmitication and who (did (Signature o£person taking ac (did not) take a~ oath. SEAL .... who is personally known to me or who l~s produced. Type mowledgement) ('Name of oftker:itakin~i;mowleclgment typed, printed or:'.stamped) (Serial Numbor, i~r ~ny) I__ 1~48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG I ?~11~ ~, CALL SUNSHINE ' 1-80 0-432-4770 "~ i~8 TH~ LAW IN FLO~,4 200! 06/27/2001 15:28 5617422016 FP&L ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We (ogree) (do not agree) to thc proposed improvement under ~h¢ cireumst&nces described on the ~eve~e siCe. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The fotegoinggg/st~ment was acknowledged before me tb.b day of_ i /~ .... 19~ by_ (Signature efpersoh taing acknowledge'"'~ ~t)