PERMIT APPLICATIONBP200101 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Application Inquiry 2/27/02 13:42:22 Application number ..... : 01 00002906 Application status, date : FINALED Property .......... : 14 FENWICK PL PCN ............. : 08-43-45-08-05-024-0140 Lot Number ......... : iO/i8/Oi Zoning ........... : PUD PLANNED ZONED DISTRICT Application type ...... : RR RE-ROOF Application date ...... : 7/16/01 Tenant nbr, name ...... : Master plan nbr, revwd by : Estimated valuation .... : Total square footage .... : Public building ...... : NO Work description, qty . . . : Pin number ......... : 0359 27 SQS SHINGLE 4/12 SLOPE RA 2700 0 Press Enter to continue. F3=Exit FS=Land inq F10=Fees Fll=Receipts F7=Appl names F12=Cancel FS=Tracking inq F13=Va1 calcs Fg=Bond inquiry F24=More keys PCN# {~- ~ '~ Owner's Name ~,~ Owners Address / City t~ ~ ~' ~ '~ ~-. ~ ~ ~ State Fee Simple Titleholders Name Fee Simple ~tleholde¢s Address Contractor's Name ContractoCsAddres~ ~ ~~ ~H ~ ' Bee~e~/Fax Ci~ bA Job Name Job Address I ~ Ci~ CounW~. Legal Description ~~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (FOR SUB PERMITS ONLY) Zip (If other than owner'.. (If other than owner'.. Bonding Company Bonding Co. Address City State Architect/Engineer's Name Architect/EngineePs Address Mortgage Lender's Name// Mortgage LendePs Ad.gl~ss SINGLE FAMILY: v' DUPLEX: MULTI-FAMILY: HOTEL: RETAIL: ~ OFFICE: ~ INDUSTRIAL: (check one) ~..~ ~ ESTIMATED ~/ALUE OF CON~_TRI.~CTION: $ ~' '/~' /~, DESCRIPTI()N OF WORK:_ ~0~ ~-~ . ~ ~.~ ~a'~ ~J~ ~ ~ Appli~tion is hereby r~ui~ t~ob~in a ~rm~ to ~o ~e wo~ and ins~llafions as (n~t~. I ~ ~at no wo~ or installation ha~ commenced prior to the issuan~ of a ~ an~ ~at all wo~ will ~ ~~ to ~t ~e s~ndards of all codes, laws, rules an( regulations govern{rig cons~cfion in this jud~on. I undem~nd that a separate ~ffn~ must be s~ur~ for ELECTRICAL PLUMBING, SIGNS, ~LLS, POOL~, FURNACES, BOILERS, H~TERS, TANKS and AIH CONDITIONERS ~RK, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certi~ ~at all ~e ~ng ingrain is a~umte and ~ all wo~ will ~ done in compliance with al applicable cod~s, laws, role5 and r~ula~ons governing ~ns~on and zoning. ~,..~ ..~ ~ I~O1'1,. ,~ ~i ~O~?,:~E~.C, ~* RESULT IN YOUR PAYING ~ICE FOF IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERS. IF YOU I~ND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CO[~SULT ~ YOUR LENDER OR AN A~ORNE~ BEFORE RECORDING YOUR ~O~CE OF COMMENCEMENT. f The fo~oi~ n .......... g~ ~m ~ ~is / 1~ /~ (date) by H · ~[~~ ~o~L) ~~' EXPhtES ~R 01.2~:~ ~ A ~ ~ Sgna~reof r ~n a , , ~~~~~~ '~,a~ or o~r ..ng ~kn~l.ge~nt-~ped, pnntec or stamp~ ~~ ri~e or ~. ~ - ' ..... . ~Ue o~ ~ Sedal numar, i~ any_/ . Contmcto,,Slgna~m~/~~__~Da~ '~~' . The for~n~.9. ~re me this 2~~~ (da~) bye- L ~ ~ who is .... ~': "~ ~ ' ..... ' g. m ~ pe~!~g.,z,_..~.~ .~nt ~ Na~ ~r o~i' ~king a~n~l~bement-~p~, print~ or smm~. ' ....... ~fle or rank ~ S~al numar, if any (Ce~:~ of Co~ n~tonw ContinUoUs S~te Ce~fl~fion of R~is~fion No. __ .~_.~~ Liabili~ Insumn~ Expiration ~ Wo~em' Compensa~on ~~n.Dat~ /. / Appli.tion Approv. By _Fl Y~( -- Pe~. O~r Da.: 7(" Any chan~e in ~uildin~ plans or s~i~on~ must ~ ~ wi~ ~i~ o~. ~y w~ n~ ~v~ a~ve must have a valid peril prior to stain0 ~n conside~on of O~n~n~ m~ ~ ~e ~ner and builder a~r~ to er~ ~is st~re in MI compliance with the Buildin~ and Zonino Codes of the Ci~ of Boynton Beach. NOTE: ~is p~ VOID after ~0 DAYS uNLEsS the wo~ w~ich it ~ve~ has ~mmen~. All Con~to~ must have valid Ce~fiea~on er Coun~ Competency p;~s Coun~ an~ Ci~ O~upa~onal Li~n~ p~r m obminin~ ~ ~UANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTNORIZE VlO~ON OF DEFD~ ~ ARE NOT REFUNDABLE A:',BOYNTON WPD Revised 6118/9 7 mh (THIS SIDE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) Application # Master Plan # SETBACKS: ZONE: LEFT RIGHT APPLICATION DATE: RECEIVED BY: FRONT REAR TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY TYPE ROOF TYPE FENCE TYPE AREA SQUARE FEET FLOOD ZONE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION NUMBER OF STORIES NUMBER OF UNITS PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PARKING SPACES PROVIDED # OF BEDROOMS # OF BATHROOMS ROAD IMPACT FEE SEWER FEE WATER FEE PARKS FEE SCHOOL FEE PUBLIC BLDG. FEE LAW ENFORCEMENT FEE RADON FEE BCAIF ADDITIONAL FEE PENALTY FEE SUB-TOTAL REMARKS: SINGLE FEE Site Impr. Building Electrical ,,, Mechanical Plu~nbing Roofing ~ Drainage Excavation Landscaping ___ Pr;ving Sign Sewer SUB-TOTAL REQUIREMENTS for - - CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION FINALS: ..... SITE ,_ SIGN ~ FIRE FENCEJBUFFER WALL . DRAINAGE __ ._ PAVING . OTHER SITE LIGHTING OTHER ~ AUTHORIZATION for CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Date AUTHORIZATION for CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Date TOTAL LESS Pt P,N FILING FEE TOTAL ~;MOUNT DUE RECEIPT NUMBER DATEISSUED INTERIM SERVICES FEE CALCULATIONS: Reeidentlal: X = # of Units Applicable Interim Monthly Fee Services Fee Commercial: divided by 1,000 = # of Sq Ft (rounded to Base Sq Ft nearest tenth) Rate X -" Base Sq Ft Applicable Intenm Rate Monthly Fee Services Fee ASPERAPL.WPD Revised 6/18,97 mh '0 S1561791~1 P. Oi/EM ? PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANC~ Owens (-"orning/Mnrtvilt'e Sales Co. :.~ Fiberglas Tower, T/16 Toledo OH 43669 Your application for Product Approval Owens Corning Sglprem¢ AR MIAMI.DADE COUNTY. FLORiD,~ METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUiLDiNG ilUtLOtNG CODE COblPLIANCE oFlrlc£ METRO-O^DE FLAOLER BUILDING I~0 WEST FLAGLER STREET. SUITE M1AML ~ORIDA 33130.($63 (305) 37~-2~1 PAX OOS} 375.290~ . {3~ 37S-2S21 FAX (3051)76-'~S~ ': FROD~ C~TKO[ D~ISION Code. Tlxe expense of such testing will bc incurred by the manufacturer. under Chapter 8 of d'~e Code of Miami-Dade County governing the 6s' of Ahemate Material:~ and Types of Constructim~, and completely described herein, h~ been ~¢commen~e :1 for accep[ance by thc Miami-D~de County Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under ~e cond~ic.ns specified ~erein. This approval shall not be valid after ~hc ~xpirat~n date stated ~IoW. -3C~ reserves the right to $ecur~ this product or material at anytime from ajobsite or mmaufactureffs pl~(l{:r qoality control testing. [f this prOdUct or material fails tO perfom~ in the approved m~ner, ~ ~0 may revoke, modify, or st~pgnd :he use of such product or material imm~iatety. BGCO r~etv~'th~r~ :Iht to revoke this approval, if ii i~ dc/ermined B CCD that this product or material fails to meet tile req~r,::ments of the South Florida Building u! Rodnguez (.J Ch{el Product Control Division Acccpeance No.: 00-0524,07 Expires: 08/21/2003 TI-IlS IS THE COVIgRSREET, SEE ADDITIONAL pAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS '~ ilUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW~OMMITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BC~C': alld ~pproved by the 13uildin,.._, Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Dade County, Florida ~r.der the conditiotls set tbrth above. .- L,~ ancisco l'. QOirltana, R.A. Director