CERT OF OCCUCITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33425 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY PERMANENT Issue Date ...... 2/05/02 Parcel Number ..... Property Address Subdivision Name Legal Description Property Zoning .... Owner ......... 08-43-45-21-20-009-0080 316 NE 12TH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 HAPPY HOME HEIGHTS LTS 8 & 9 BLK 9 DUPLEX (9.68) SMITH, BERTRAM Contractor FLORIDA BUILDERS 561 732-2187 Application number Description of Work Construction type Occupancy type .... Flood Zone ...... Approved ....... 01-00002026 000 000 SINGLE FAMILY-BLANKET TYPE VI/UNPROTECTED RESIDENTIAL C FLOOD ZONE/MIN FLOODING VOID UNLESS SIGNED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELB/ATION CERIIFICAIE Important: Read the insbuctions on pages I - 7. O.M.B. No. 30670077 Expires July 31, 2002 SECTION A- PRO~RTY OWNER INFORMATION BUILDING OVVNER'S NAME BUILDING STREETADDRESS (including Apt., Unt, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. 316 NE. 12m AVENUE CITY STATE BOYN'rON BEACH FL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (La and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) LOTS 7, 6 & 9, BLOCK 9, HAPPY HOME HEIGHTS (PLAT BOOK 11, PAGE 30) ZIP CODE 33435 BUILDING USE (e.g., ResidenUal, Non-residential, Addition, Accessmy, etc. Use a Comments area, if necessary.) RESIDENTIAL LATITUDE/LONGITUDE (OPTIONAl.) HORIZONTAL DATUM: SOURCE: [] GPS (Type): [] NAD 1927 [] NAD 1983 [] USGS Quad Map SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION l B1. ~P ~MM~ & OOMMLHrrY NUVlEER 12~0196 J~. OOL.NTY~ J B3. STATE PALM BEACH FL EN. MAD N,D PN,,EL NUMEL::R O004 BS. SUFFIX C I~. FRM II'~EX DATE FIRM PN4~. EFFECTIVF_,~EVlSED DATE 9/33~ $. FLO~OZO~E(S) C Eg. BASE FLOOD ELEVATICN[S) (Zone N3, use depth of flcodrg) N/A BI0. Ina(ate the source of the Base Flood / ~ ~ ~f baseflood dspl~ effered in B9. FI FISPrc~e [~FRM 0 C~Det~ O O~er (Dascdbe~ Bl1. Incicate the eleva~on dattm usedferthe BFE in B~. [] NGVD 1929 [] NAVD 1668 [] Olher (D~aibe~ B1Z~sthebui(~n~k)catedinaC~-~-~-~-BmierRe~L~esS~s~m{c~RS}ama~r~hen~isePmtectodArea(~PA~? [--]Yes [~;~No SECTION C - BUiI.[XNG ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIREO) Designstion Date Cl. B~king elevaliom am based o~ [] Cembudion Drawings* [] BalcingUnderConstrudi~ [] F~hod Cmdruclim *A new Eleva~m C.,a~e wfl be requml when constmclim of the baking is comp~ C2 Bulking Dia;=,, Nwflber I (Select the buiding dagm most sk~iisrto lhe building for which Ibis ced~cate is being completed - see pages 6 and 7. If no dia~ accu-ate~ represemthe btdklng, ix~Mde a sketch or photograptt) C3. Eleva~ons- Zones Al-A30, AE, AH, A (wih BIq_~ VE, V1-V30, V (wilh EFE~ AFL AR/A AR//IE, AR/Al-A30, ~ ~ ~e Items C3.-a-i bebw accofd~gto b~e buildk~g dagr~n specified in rem C?. State the dabxn used. Ifthe datmnis diTerent fn~n the dabJ~ used for the EFE in Sedm B, cmvmt tile dal~n t~ Ihat used for the BFE. Show field meamzements and dalton conversion calcul~on. Use the space provided or the Can'ml~ area of S~lon D or Sacllon G, as ~1 ~ ~m~ ~ da'tm conversion. Dakm Convemon/Commnts Eleelimrefemmema~used Dsesthedevalimreferencemad(usedappearml~eFRU? OYes ONo O a) Top dboltomfloor(inclu~ing bamment~rmcbsum) 17. lit(m) b) Top a' next hlgherfloor c) Boifom of lowest homontal stuctural m~r (Vzones o~/) d) Attached garage (l~p af dab) e) Lowest ebvMbn of machinery ar~ar eqdpment servicing the b~tlhg (Describe in a Conwwfts area) N~A.__~(m) Lowest a(fjacent (Tmished) glade (LAG) 16. 3_~(m) g) Hghast acIj~ert primed) pde ~ 1_6. 8_.~(m) g h)No. e~ pamane~ opmegs ~ood vents) wire 1 It ~we adjasent grode I~__A ~ i) Tolel ama of all parrna~ent ope~ngs [llood ~ents) in C3.h Nf, A so~ in. (sc~ cm) ¢~ UJm SECTION D- SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CE:RnPiCATION This certification Is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certly elevation Inform~m. I cer~/ ~hat ~he informa~on in Se~ons A B, and C on ~,is cer~a~e relyese~ my best ef~s ~o interpret ~e dst~ aveilable- I understand that any false statement may be punf~hable by fine or ~nment under 18 U.S. Code, Sec~on 1001. CERT1FER~NA~ PAU. D. ENG~ LICF. N~~ 5708 'ITrLE CiTY STATE 2601 NORTH ~ I'IG-NVAY DELRAY BEACH R. 33483 (~1) 276-4501 FEMA Form 81-31. JUL 00 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CONTINUATION REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITION,~ 01/31/02 THE 09:21 FAX 5617346273 GALE INSULATION ,nsulation a MASCO Company INSULATION CERTIFICATE ~ 001 ! This form is supplied to assure the contractor/owner of compliance with Building Division requirements, the, Florida Energy Efficiency Code and applicable sections of the Standards Codes as amended. This form should be presented to the structural inspector at the time of final inspection. This occupancy has been insulated to the following extent: Manufacturer: MASONRY WALLS Fi-Foil Type: Foil FRAME WALLS Owens-Corning Kra~ faced batts Thickness: 3/4" 3 4,/21' R-value: 4.2 Ri I FLOOFL/CEILING OTHER Manufacturer: Owens-Corning Type: Kraft faced batts Thickness: 6 1/4" R-value: R19 I do hereby certify that the building or occupancy referenced below, as governed by the Florida Energy Efficiency Code, included but not limited to: exterior envelope R-value of insulating materials and the data specified above, are in conformance with the requirements of the Florida Energy Efficiency Code, the Standard Codes as amended and the permitted ptans and specifications. Primary Permit number_:...~)l'"Zt¢ Z~::~ License No. U-103!4 Site Identification: '~).~ ....... _~_~.. /~]?e~. _.~_._.',,{_._~._.. ~ ~)~,~,,"t.__ 4885 Park Ridge Blvd. · Bovr, ton Beach, FL 33~26 · Phone (561) 734-8261 · Fax (.5{-~, .'34-6273 =_,==,...~ HULETT environme.tgi FINAL Radio Dispatched "24-Hour Service" Corporate Center 1959 W. 9th S,,_reet, Riviera Beach, FL 33404 1-800-285-PEST (7378) CERTIFICAT,iON OF PREVENTIVE SUBTERRA,~ NEAN TERMITE SOIL TREATMENT (SLAB-PRETREATMENT) Lot 8 Block Sub-Divison Street Address 3 3. 6 Z 2 TH AVF N~ ~'ty BOTNTON B~CH, FL General Contmc~r FLORIDA BUILDERS Sub Contmctor 33435 Btd~.;.# Comments ACCOUNT #3 6S0300 During thc terra of your unlhnited warranty, any further trcatmen~ found necessary due m evidence ofsubterrane, an termites (in¢l.uding Formosan Termites) will be done free of charge to the covered swactme(s), and any sWactural damage necessitating repatrs (up to $1,000,000) caused by the subtcn-anean termites (including Formosan Termites) will be paid by Hulett Environmental Services. Hulett Environmental Services will annually reinspect ~h¢ property, only at your ,request. The unlimited warranty term shall be one (1) year from date of treatment. The property owner shall have the option of extending the unlimited warranty annually (after the first year) for no less than four (4) additional years ..with payment o__f ~_.~.gual renewal fee. Please contact our office for further details. Your contract covers ail materials, labor, and service needed to control any active infestation of subterranean termites, including Formosa~ Termites. Ah unlimited warranty holder can, at any time during the warranty period, request consultation and advice concerning termites or other pests, at no charge to the owner. This unlimited warranty ia transferable should the property be sold or otherwise transferred. Hulett Environmental Services shall be notified in writing of new ownership of the property. Your unlimited termite damage warranty b a $0.00 deductible. Please contact our office for further details. CER HFIC.4TION SIGNED www. hulett-es.com TOTRL P. 01 FEB-05-2002 11:28 HULETT ENVIRONMENTAL ~ 561 882 9?96 P.01×01 HULETT environmental servic~ Radio Dispatched "24-Hour Service" Corporate Center 1959 W. 9th Street, Riviera Beaclz, FL 33404 1-800-28S-PEST (7378) CERTIFICATION OF PREVENTIVE SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE SOIL TREATMENT SLAB-PRETREATME Lot 8 Block Sub-Divison &Ireet Address 3.1_ 6 12 TI-t AVE NE BOYlqTON BEACH, FL Gene~l Cot~tt~¢tor FLORIDA BUILDERS Sub Contraotor 33435 ACCOUNT ~3690300 Oommenm PERIMETER 2-4-02 During the term of your unlimited warranty, any further treatment found necessary duc to evidea~ ofsubtetraneaamnaltes (including Formosan Termites) will be done free of charge to the covered sUucturc(s), and any structural damage neccssitating repairs (up to $ i,000,000) caused by the subterranean termkes (indud'.mg Formosan Termites) will be paid by Hulett Environmental Services. Hulett Environmental Services will annually remspect the property only ~ your request. The unlimited warranty term shall be one (1) year from date of trea~ent. The property owner shall have the option of extending the unlimited warranty annually (after the first year) for no less than four (4) additional years with oavment of annual renewal fete. Please contact our office for further details, Your contract covers all materials, labor, and service needed to control any ...~, ............ active infestation of subterranean termites, including Formosan Termites. An ~.-'.'~-..'~:-~,,.~.:~,~.:::..:~:~,' ............. unlimited wan'anty holder can, at any time during th~ warranty period, request ~*":"~:' ~' ........ *~' ' ' :~"~'"" '-"' ............ consultation ~nd advice concerning termites or other pests, at no charge to ~e .... : :.~ otherwise transferred. Hulett Environmental Services shall be notified in writing :..-,:::..~ ........... ;:: ....... ~4-: :~:~.~.~ ............ .~vv-..s ..... CERTIFIC/iTION SIGNED I www. hulett-es.com TOTAL P.01 FORM 600A-97 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: Address: City, State: Owner: Climate Zone: Smith N.E. 12th Avenue Boynton Beach, FL Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Smith South Buildec Permitting Office: Permit Numbe~. Jurisdiction Number: Florida Builders Boynton Beach 601400 1. New.construction or existing 2. Single family or multi-family 3. Number of units, if multi-family 4. Number of Bedrooms 5. Is this a worst ease? 6. Condition~ floor area (ft=) 7. Glass area & typ~ u. Clear- single pane b. Clear - double pane c. Tint/other SC/$HC-C - single pane d. Tint/other SC/$HGC - double pane 8. Floor ty~s a. Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulstion b. N/A c. N/A 9. Wall typ~s a. Frame, Wood, Adjacent' b. Concrete, Iht Insul, Exterior c. N/A d. N/A e. N/A 10. C~iling typ~s a. Under Attic b. N/^ c. ] 1. Ducts a. Sup: Uno. Ret: Con. AH: Garase b. N/A New Single fiunily No 1637 0.0 ~ 0.0 ~ 269.5 ff~ 0.0 t~ : R=0.0, 2043(p) ff R=I 1.0, 246.1 R=4.2, 1090.7 R=I9.0, 1637.0 Sup. R=6.0, 50.0 12. Cooling systems Central Unit N/A N/A He.~fin8 systems Electric Strip b. N/A c. N/A 14. Hot water systems a. Electric Resistance b. N/A c. Conservation credits (HR-Heat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedicated heat pump) HVAC credits (CF-Ccilin8 tim, CV-Cross ventilation, HF-Wholc house fan, pT-Prosrammable Thermostat, RB-Attic radiant barrier, btZ-C-M ultizone cooling, MT_~H-Multizonc heating) Cap: 42.0 kBtu/hr SEER: I0.00 Cap: 33.0 kBtu/hr COP: 1.00 Cap: 40.0 I~llons EF: 0.89 Total as-built, points: 24239.00 PASS Glass/Floor Area: 0.16 Total base points: 25016.00 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: Judith L. Kelly DATE: I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code.' OWNER/AGENT: DATE: EnerovGauoe~ I Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Sectio .r¥~5;7:~',~3 BUILDING OFFICIAL:' FORM 600A-97 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: Smith Builder. Florida Builders Address: N.E. 12th Avenue Permitting Office: Boynton Beach City, State: Boynton Beach, FL Permit Number: Owner: Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Smith Jurisdiction Number. 601400 Climate Zone: South 1. New.co,nstrucfion or existing New 2. Single family or multi-family Single family 3. Number of units, if multi-family l 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 5. Is this a worst casc? No 6. Conditioned floor area (fl=) 1537 t~ 7. Glass area & type a. Clear - single pane 0.0 ~ b. Clear - double pane 0.0 fla c. Tint/other SC/SHGC - single pane 269.5 i~ d. Tint/other SC/SHGC - double pane 0.0 ~ 8. Floor types a. Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation R=O.0, 204.3(p) fl b. N/A c. N/A 9. Wall types a. Frame, Wood, Adjacent' R=I 1.0, 246.1 fla b. Concrete, Iht Insul, Exterior R=4~2, 1090.7 fla c. N/A ' e. N/A 10. Ceiling types s. Under Attic R=I9.0, 1637.0 ~ b. N/A c. N/A 11. Ducts a. Sup: Uno. Ret: Con. AH: Garage Sup. R=6.0, 50.0 fl b. N/A 12. Cooling systems a. C~ntral Unit b. N/A c. N/A 13. Heating systems a. Electric Strip b. N/A c. N/A 14. Hot water systems a. Electric Resistance b. N/A c. Conservation credits (HR-Heat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedicated heat pump) 15. HVAC credits (CF-Ceiling fan, CV-Cross ventilation, I-IF-Whole house fan, PT-Programmable Thermostat, RB-Atfic radiant barrier, MZ-C-Multizone cooling. MZ~H-Mulfizone heating) Cap: 42.0 kBtu/hr SEER: 10.00 Cap: 33.0 kBtu/hr COP: 1.00 Cap: 40.0 gallons EF: 0.89 Total as-built, points: 24239.00 Glass/Floor Area: 0.16 Total ~asepoint,:25o~s.oo PASS I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: Judith L. Kelly DATE: I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code.' OWNER/AGENT: DATE: EnerovGauae~ (Version: FLRCNA-200~ i .., Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance Code. with the Florida Energy Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 55 Flodda Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: