REVIEW COMMENTS '-~--.r .... \ \\ STAFF COMMENTS VILLAS OF BANYAN CREEK " SITE PLAN '1.0~.: . . r':" .a, BUILDING DEPARTMENT: See attached memo. UTIILITY DEPARTMENT: See attached memo. -" I ," '~ -E -.... '0 RECErVED ". . MEMORANDUM .JUL 3 J984 PLANNING DEPT. July 2, 1984 TO: Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato P1annigg Director r.--~' . I, RE: Banyan Creek .;; We have discussed revisions in metering these proposed rental units with Fred Roth. We require two sets of revised utility plans including proposed meter locations for the buildings. CJa~ Perry A.Cessna, Director of utilities apt CC: Mr.Mark G.LaW, uti1.Sys.Super. ".,..... J . Lj i i _I rv ~":~- - ~t MEMORANDUM TO: Carmen S. Annunziato Director of Planning FROM: Bert Keehr Deputy Building Official RE: Banyan Creek Apartments S. Congress Avenue Comments: 1. Department of Health permit required. 2. Turn-out permit required. 3. Sidewalk required on Congress Avenue. '4. Separate sign permit will be required. RECEIVED ./lIL 2 lH84 PLANNING DEPT. ,Tn 1 Y ? f 1 q R 4 5. Double striping will be required on all parking spaces. rm r: ",:j -", a~~ Bert Keeh s- MEMORANDUM ~;I . '--t"~ -c---r"-lA-"7 ~0I~ October 29, 1984 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Director of Planning .., RE: Easement Deeds/Council Acceptance .. Accompanying this memo you will find copies of two easement deeds relating to the construction of the Stonehaven/Banyan Creek deve1opment_ By copy of this memo, I am forwarding the originals to the City Clerk for recordation, when appropriate, and to the City Engineer for his review. -.. C~,)~ Carmen S. nunzJ.ato CSA :rnb Attach. cc: City Clerk ~w/origina1 deeds City Engineer w/copies of deeds 'J /1