LEGAL APPROVAL .' ' ... I I · MINUTES - REGUlAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 18. 1994 Attorney Cherof advised that if the Commission agrees with the language Mr. Traylor is suggesting, and changes nothing, it will be accruing an additional 5% this year if the Union is right in the lawsuit. He asked the Commission to change the step plan from a 5% step plan to a 1% step plan and freeze it. If the Un ion is ri ght in the 1 awsu it, the Commi ss i on wi 11 save 4% for the next Commission. Motion Vice Mayor Aguila moved to retain the 4% COLA, implement a 1% step plan for 1993/94, and freeze it. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion. Commissioner Walshak asked if the motion carries with it the delineation of any language referring to calendar year 1991/92, 1992/93. Vice 'Mayor Aguila said he did not mention those years. The motion carried 3-2. (Commissioners Walshak and Katz cast the dissenting votes.) B. Project Name: The Meadows 300 - Block B. Plat 1. Lots 23-30 Agent: Kent W. Ewing, Ewing & Shirley, Inc. Owner: Charles & Mary Hazle, Mildred Fradin, Billie Lefebvre, Carl Benson, Kenneth & Stephen Shelhamer, Frank Deal, Jr., Arthur & Helen Clark and Wendy Weil I Location: Meadows Boulevard at Bay tree Circle, south side Description: ABANDONMENT: Request for abandonment of a portion of a ten foot wide utility easement on Lots 23-30, inclusive, of The Meadows 300, Block B, Plat 1 Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning and Zoning Director, made the presentation. She explained that currently, Lots 24, 25, 27 and 28 have eXisting screen enclosures which were constructed and penmitted within the utility easement. Staff is requesting the abandonment of the north three feet of the easement. All utili- ties have been relocated. The Planning and Development Board recommends ap- proval of this request. Mayor Harmening noted that the City is in receipt of letters from the utility companies. Kent Ewing, agent for the owners, said all utility companies were contacted in thiS regard. This is an attempt to alleviate the problems of the homeowners. Mayor Hanmening questioned why the Building Department did not realize it was issuing a penmit for a building within the easement. Mr. Miller offered to secure an answer. Mr. Ewing said surveys were prepared for the developer in 1985. The plat contains a detail calling for a six foot utility easement in the rear of all lots. There is a detail on the plat regarding the lots along the canal, that the easement is to be ten feet wide, even though it is scaled to six feet in width. The surveys were 1n error and the residences were built with - 13 - . , I I , MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 18, 1994 patios. Mr. Ewing stated the Building Department did not know the surveys were in error. Mayor Pro Tem Matson mentioned that this came up a few years ago. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK IN OPPOSITION OF THIS REQUEST. Motion Commissioner Katz moved to approve. Mayor Pro Tern Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. MAYOR HARMENING DECLARED A SHORT RECESS. THE MEETING RESUMED AT 7:45 p.m. PUBLIC AUDIENClE: James Miriana, of 728 NE 8th Avenue, addressed the Commission with regard to Code Enforcement. He distributed copies of a plat and circulated photographs. Mr. Miriana complained about a refuse heap which appears on Wednesdays and remains until the trash is collected on the following Monday. He claims that the mound of trash sometimes spillS over onto the roadway. Ed1s Garden Center is responsible for the trash pile. The dumping is taking place in the area where the alley reaches the street between the sidewalk and the curb. Mr. Miriana was told by Joan Monmelo that she would take care of this problem. The area in front of Ed's Garden Center is absolutely clean, but the dumping is being done on City property. When the trash is collected, extra dirt is picked up and a depression is now left where someone could be hurt. Mr. Miriana requested support from the Commission in getting this problem resolved. In response to Mayor Harmening's question, Mr. Miller stated he could not explain the absence of Code Enforcement in this instance, but he would speak with Ms. Monmelo. I Vince Finizio, employee of the City of Boynton Beach, said in 1991/92, he spoke about the fact that the Charter created a merit system and a Resolution could not negate that pursuant to Florida Statutes. Also in 1991/92, one of the detectives asked if the Civil Service Handbook was considered a contractual agreement with City employees. At that time, then Vice Mayor Hanmening said it was. Mr. Finizio believes it is a contract and feels the merit system has eroded and there is no longer any incentive for employees to work harder because newer employees are making the same amount of money as those who have been here three or four years. It is unfair and not consistent with the equal pay for equal work provision. He feels if all of the actions of the City Commission over the last three years were added together, the merit system could have been funded. Mr. Finizio also said no one has addressed the fact that the City Charter has been negated by a Resolution. - 14 -