REVIEW COMMENTS 1" Ii I~ , , -",' 7.D.1 NEWPORT PLACE PARKING LOT VARIANCE PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, 95-687 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board FROM: Tambri J. Heyden '72f~ Planning and Zoning Director DATE: December 8, 1995 SUBJECT: Newport Place - PKLV 95-006 Parking Lot Variance (Increase in Number of Driveways) NATURE OF REQUEST Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article I, Section 3.B.3.d, of the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, requires that when a variance to the parking lot regulations is requested, the Technical Review Committee must forward to the City Commission, a recommendation that is to be part of the public record, This change in parking lot variance procedure for Commission action only on parking lot variances become effective with the recent adoption of the land development regulations. Although this function is no longer formally a part of the Planning and Development Board's duties, the Commission has indicated that they would like the Board's comments and recommendation on a parking lot variance that is submitted concurrently and in connection with a related site plan or conditional use approval, since parking lot design is a significant part of reviewing a site plan. The information below has been prepared by staff to be made part of the record for the public hearing proceedings before the City Commission on December 19, 1995, and serves to apprise the Board of the variance that has been submitted in connection with the master plan for the Planned Unit Development for Newport Place that requires formal review by the Board (See Exhibit "A" Application) , BACKGROUND Mr. Donaldson E. Hearing, agent for Newport Place Associates, Ltd" is requesting a variance to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article II, Section H.7 for the number of driveways that shall be permitted onto any public or private right-of-way. The variance is requested to allow two additional driveways in connection with a new master plan approval for the Newport Place Planned Unit Development (PUD) f.k.a, Stanford Park PUD located at 4735 Northwest 7th Court; approximately 1400 feet south of the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Court. (see Exhibit "B" -location map and Exhibit "C" - master plan) . The eXisting~, wport Place site contains a large 4 story building that houses 356 ALF beds including administrative offices. This building fr<;mt on Northwest, 7th Court. A detached ancillary recreation bt:i':Llding is located to the west of the main ALF building. Direct access to the site is provided by two existing driveways located on Northwest 7th Court. One of these driveways provides egress from the main entrance located in the middle of the main building, This area of the site also contains visitor parking. The other access driveway provides ingress/egress to the south end of the main building. This area of the site contains parking for the residents and access for delivery vehicles and sani tation vehicles to serve the recreation building. Another two- way driveway on Northwest 7th Court is located on the adj acent property (medical office building) located directly north of the Newport Place ALF. This driveway provides access to the medical office building and cross access into the Newport Place site. The access into Newport Place is two-way and connects with the previously identified egress located on Northwest 7th Court. There is direct access into the PUD from Hypoluxo Road. This / Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-687 Newport Place - PKLV 95-006 ingress/egress serves the nursing home that fronts on Hypoluxo Road. This driveway also leads to a cross access into the Newport Place site. This cross access allows traffic flow to the resident parking located on the north and west sides of the Newport Place ALF. The two proposed driveways in question are to be located as entrances~nto the south portion of Newport Place. The two new drivewa~s ilre in connection with the development of a four (4) story 120 ed Assisted Living Facility (ALF) also located in the south '\.po ion of the Newport Place site. Both of the proposed drivewa s are located on Northwest 7th Court. The first of the two access points would serve as the primary point of visitor access to the new assisted living facility, utilizing a drop-off turnaround area that is very similar to the one located within the existing Newport Place ALF, The applicant feels that this access point is a crucial element to the design creating a sense of entry and identity for prospective visitors and residents. The second access point is proposed as a means of convenience for services (fire, emergency, solid waste removal, food and maintenance) . ANALYSIS Chapter 23, Article II, Section H. 7. of the City of Boynton Beach, Land Development Regulations, states the following: "7, Number of driveways, No more than two (2) driveways shall be permitted from any property. Where properties abut more than one (1) public or private right-of-way, additional driveways may be permitted depending on traffic volumes, but in no instance shall the number of driveways exceed two (2) on each street." The applicant's proposal represents an increase in the number of driveways serving the two (2) Newport Place site to a total of four (4) to accommodate the planned construction of an additional 120 beds with forty new parking spaces. RECOMMENDATION On Tuesday, October 24, 1995, the Technical Review Committee (TRC) reviewed the plans and documents submitted and formulated a recommendation with regard to the variance requested. After review and discussion, the TRC recommended approval of the request for one (1) additional driveway entering the southern end of the parcel to allow the ingress and egress to function efficiently for public services such as fire and rescue vehicles and sanitation vehicles. The second proposed entry way located in the center of the proposed new ALF building is not recommended because the traffic analysis submitted by the applicant did not demonstrate traffic volumes that would require an additional driveway, Therefore, the proposed center driveway is not needed. DCD:bme XC: Central File A: PKLOTVAR. NPP d., ~cl'j' D1' I I V I,;) -.;)J I ..J' \,I vi "1 , "'II} II.. ..... ......... ,..... c:t~ 01' 10):" J.~ UACH, n.oRIDA P:r.AHlUNG , ZONING BOARD APPLICATION FOR V~ANCES 'l'O PARlUNG LOT lmGULATloNS This applic8tion IllU8t be fUled out aampletely and aocurately and 8ul:nittecl in two (2) copies to the Planning Department:. lna~l.te applications will not be proce8sed. l'lease l'rlnt Legibly or ~. Al.l Information. 1. Project Name ,of site upon Which Parking Lot is Located; NEWPORT PLACE 2. Date 'mds Application is Sulmitted; Oct. 24, 1995 . 3. ~llcant'. JlTame (~r.on or bualne.s,entity in whose DAIlI8 this applicaUan b SIIIlCle): 4. (Up COde) Phone I (407) 747-6336 Fax: (407) 747-1377 Agent'. 1ft: (persoQ, if any, representing applicant) ,- ........ IP~lto.n' to Agon' I Phone: I * A letter frail the applicant or owner authorizing the agent , is re~red. , Pro~rty. ~r'. (or ~tee' s) Name: Donaldson E. Hearing 1070 E. Indiantown Rd., Ste. 402 'Jupiter, FL 33477 Mdxe.s. (Zip Code) . Pax: " s. I Ronald L. Aylor (Owner's ReDresentative) 'Addre.s. i Newport Place, 4735 N.W. 7th Court Lantana, FL 33462 (ilp COde ~ Phone I (407) 586-6455 I'D; (407) 586-0828 o. CoueapolldenCO ~... (if different than applicant or agent)**; .. This i. the addz'esB to which all 898ndas, letters, lUld other mat:edaltl will be 111&11114. PLANNING DRP':. - Jan~ary 1991 A:PkLotVllr if I BY: IIU-I~-~O I "'fl,lurlll I UV.111\l1ol11 lJ....11 110/1",' ......, ,.,.,"'.."'........ .. (2) 7. WhAt is appliaaot'8 interest in the premises affected? Owner's Representative Agent I I (owner, Bqyez, Le...., Bullder, Developer, eta.) , 8. Street Address of LaoatioD of site UpoD Which parldng Lot is Locatedl 471S M W 7~h f"nnrf- 9. Legal Desoription of site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: See attached Legal Descript~on 10. Intended Use(s) of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: Assisted Livina Fa~ili~v 11. Developer or Builder. N~wnnrt: Pl,,("tA !.QQn,....:::Il+-OC! T.+-rl 12. Architect: O;Keefe & Associates. Architects 13. Landsoape Architect: Cotleur Hearing. Inc. 14. Site Planner. Cotleur Hearina. Inc. 15. Engineer. Michael B. Schorah & Associates 16. Surveyor: Landmar~ surveying, Inc. 17. Traffio Bng~er; Yvonne Ziel Traff;~ r.onsu1t:ant.~ 18. Copy of last reoOJ;\Wd Warranty Deed Inolude4? (aheck) v 19. Letter authar1.lng agent (if any) lDClluded? (ahes) x 20. tite plan and survey (2 copi.. eaoh) attached? (cheCk) x 21. HUlabttr of variances r~.tecl OD the following Sheetsl .L lIME; A separate llheet 1IlWJt: be COIlIPleted for eaob specific de81~1D relZUirellleDt (Seo. 5-141) or pexm1t: appl1.oatlon :requirement (sec. 5-1-&2) to wh1ah a varIance 1s re@llst:e4. A:PlcI.otVar !) " , ',., 1:-', ll.l:: k't:; 4'" j~ i::" 1:';1 ~i~ ,,~ ;'il , ~ ~: " 0, I' ~~. " r I' l~ ~.' , ~. tj. ~, ~,l' to;::' " " ~ ,; !; ;;''' .' f. :c , ~:, ,; '\ _.. ..' I H~~Lt-.!l.::i Lt'-.\C dU'/'f~4'/b.~..;:)b cu I L~Uh o""~, ':".'1.d~_" u,-l I Gill.... ~:]_ ~ ":;4;'0 1 ~: ~b 407'/41633f . .. . - . '""r. . . ...... ......(Q. I.' I' '!'nil u"'......._~ "......... UQllrU:!t' p'tJ,~1onR t-'he 111_"'* ....4 llon:l.Rg pOa:l:c1 to artmt to ~ j,Icot;l1:iooer a varianoe to Article X "Jhu;kiDliI Lets'l, of Chaptez- 5, lIBu11d1n;, Houlllnq and CotllltZ'Uot:ion lto\ilUlat1ons", of thAt Code of Ordinance. of the Cit:y of Bo"nt.on Deaem, J!'lo:dda, as it: pel:tain. to'dl.& property described 1# tb1. &pp11aa~, and for the J;eIl8QD!t lIt&tad below; Seotign, Subsection, and Paragraph nwabG~ of IIpco1f1a l'QQU1rfl1lllmt to which VllrllU1Ce i.s :rBllUoat:ed, ud lP:JttIct: liUl~9'. contained 1D the CQde I SectiQn 23-9 ij,7 Number ot drive~aVs. No morQ ~han (2) driveways Sh~11 hA po~m~~~_~ from any property. Where properties abue, more than one (1) public or priva~Q righ~-o~-waYI additional driveways may be permitted, depending upon erarric volumes, but in no instance shall the'number O~ driveways exceed two on ~ach street. NatU%8 o~ Va.;;!ance Requesteda Two ~dd~~ion~l ~~~~~~ .. paint& in~o Planned Unit Deve~onment of Newuort Place off N.W. 7th Court. Statement Qf speoial ConditiOns, Bardships, or other reasatlS Justifying ~he II a~IIBtml variance (attaahBd 4dd1~lollal shdeta if I18celUlaxy) . See attached Ju6tificatlon qtatement I I I I (I) (Wa) un4e:e 1:ed 1:bat thi. APpl1c.t1on In4 all paper- or pllU\. aUl1mittt4 hue i~ beCOllllt .. pet of the P4'Z'II'"ft8J\t l'eco* of the planning and DiXlCl JlQud. (:1:) lWe) her stlltemenbl or herewith are u. ~ t:hII beat of application w 11 :no~ b. accept II S1gn"tura of o DlI.tt'n A: PkLotVar .' '!, o Site Elements: Access Points: As previously stated, the property Is located adjacent to the 100 ft, Right-of-Way Hypoluxo Road and 60 ft. Right-of-Way N. W, 7th Court. Both of these roads are considered by the Cit~,to be of public use. It is intended to propose two additional access points onto N,W, 7th Court oniy, These access points are to be located on ihe proposed development of Tract #4, The first of the two access points would serve as the primary point of visitor access to the Assisted Living Facility, utilizing a drop-off turnaround area that is very much similar to the one located within, the existing Newport Place ACLF, This access point Is felt to be a crucial element to the design by way of creating a sense of entry and identity to the facility for not only prospective visitors, but the residents themselves, The second access point is proposed as a means of convenience to service providers of the complex (Le,: Fire, emergency, solid waste removal, food, and cleaning). The iocatlons of these two additional access points are designed to conform to the maximum vehicular safety standards of the City's Land Development regulations and would ultimately dictate a more efficient internal vehicular circulation program throughout the project Additionally, the proposed access points are to be located on a portion of N.W. 7th Court, which in actuality serves only the PUD, Therefore, they would not create any undue hardship to any of the surrounding residential communities, Prepand by Cotleur Hearlngt Ine. G:\Pro]ects\GenerallNwpl.JI 9/28/95 7 -'"'' ", , , j , , , , , , 'l'i \', S:U:C I; \\ ~ ,.I \llill k- .J L_,-' -- r,,('[J F L~>' If' C'" .1 . - f' \ luk:J n<p~\ ,. cur~: /""" . ' rT:~:'. UL' ~l' . C!l~;'; ~ ~~~~', , .0\ -.i \, 1.' ,__ T \ _ .. l~;i\ __-' \ ......-1 ~,\ -IT" 3' R1AA "'-R ,~U'r, '{ .F~1;:,;t- __ 3' I ,i'n/..' ~:::: '7" /~ / - r ", e l' _ _'" JJ ,'- Il" 'l'!i -"f,," ;~IiJP): \ I \ i\ I i 1 \ I \! ! . , ~~A~~~ ' ,,-'I " I 1\:i1- . !,:I"'"'' j" ,\ ~:' . \ 'IV' e . llD..J.1\.11U..j \ \ ~\ U' F i,till ., Y ,i'o>," ~,..' , ,_ _ \~ \1:\\\1''-' \ /'] ; _~ '1'10"'\: 1'~l~ _1\\' , ' , ", II" '~'\ ,\~c, /. illllillj)Jr' '\ '\__ \\ \1 c'"'' ,-l,~,:-('\---;IC r~t ~~I',;~J!~;ri\\\\m\\ , ,,' ~/11_~f"ii<l': , . "\' = j If I .: 1/ ' \ 1,,,,\ i.~'.I"'->}' -t~I~~ ,e ! \ ~ Ii ,1,\~ ,. \ I I 'J I, )'j.,\ ',,~\ \ \ . l '3>~ 1_ '('_ / t \' 1 ~'\AA il>. 'j:'= ~ / \' I ' :'Z I:\! f-- ,\ " ..." -----i' '>~~J _i.r \t~ ..tJ 1 I 1- \. 1 ""'"\- ,', it '--_I ,,----:\ -~ ~ilb'" ,l ' ::-t "' ',1---- t' /"" .,?' · ..; = -p -~mll I. -r;:::0 ~ ~ / ,; ...." ~ 71; , : C II \; k ' ..' , :" vO' ,," ' ' ~ . .' -- ' ,-' , . . /",' '- " I ' · . 'Jc. ' . -' , ~"^\ .. '" .... .i, I- l" ....._d 1 ,;\.\' .+, " , _.I I ;', i "': . ,+ , '0 1/8 M\LES~\ --,) I ',,, - -- ,'~ .,~ '. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \' / __ 1---_ JlI~ ,~ 7 r": ~ lolo~82~JE~T __,'~ ".-:< ___t'q~HlulhR1C . \~ LACA1\ON MA r"l NEWPORl PLACE 1'\' ~\ 1 ~I - ,-,I 1 \ .L \-- 1 T ---~ , ;,.., ~-.; /':~:. ; : :V"--- , , j ~ <>~~ ~, '. , ' -',"'\ t"\ l' " " , ' , " , \~ t \, , ,\,\"-"" ',"\ '0 R*1AA D4) v--~ -- ------- - ~ :' ~ ~ ;HH ~.~. OJ'> t-Hj::,~ _~ I ~ ~~.r. \ t 1 1 1 r" ' ! "t 11\ ~1\\ ~ll\~~n\ ! \lJhsF.1,tH\ !\n \ l!Hun.Up~! h.~ \ .. ill lJ . .. .. .. ;!~'~~\la ..iii' ~a I :::'~. . 0i'~1i .-.'#"" ; ..-.' -------- -------" - - 1 ~ '1 ~ % .- '. ~~ ~~ j.;", ~. .. . . 1 l '," I \' ~ : t " ! ~ . \ - \! ~t ; ~'3h * .... \' t ". Q I \II (S\ ;' ~ ~ ;. " ;. ~ U ,\ ":/. ~ . ~ ~ -.. " . ',r ) .-- ~ ~ e , \-~ ..a, C&l '" u , \ .: \ 7- \ . -...,'''" ' <C '0~:t,~ , ' ~ e ~ ~ , .;!, ~\ ~ ;" l ~'" "'''' l\\\ "" -' j "t;:: ! 'S ~ Z - >~. ~~ :=-. t. ~ C ~ ~!j '" 'Z 1 ~~&~ .\ (\I(/) ~ '>.; ~\ ~~O(~ ~% 0( i G ~~ % II 'I' I NEWPORT PLACE i JUST/~/CA TION STA TEMENT The subject property is located within the City of Boynton Beach, on the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Court. Also known as Stanford Park, it is comprised of approximately 23.18 acres. The site currently maintains a zoning designation of PUD (Planned Unit Development) with a LUI (Land Use Intensity) of 5, The Land Use Designation for the property remains at LOR (Low Density Residential). The property lying on the north side of Hypoluxo Road, directly across from the site, known as Island Estates, is located within unincorporated Palm Beach County, Island Estates maintains a PSC Zoning Designation of RS (Single Family Residential). Likewise, the properties located to the east of the site are also within unincorporated Palm Beach County with a zoning designation of RS and are developed as such, The majority of these properties are located within the High Ridge Subdivision, Lots #7 and #8 (which account of approximately 1.59 acres) of the subdivision, have already been annexed into the City of Boynton Beach with an initial zoning designation of R-1 AAB (Single Family Residential). The Land Use designation for the majority of High Ridge, directly adjacent to the subject property, has been proposed by the City to be LOR with an exception of approximately two acres of OC (Office) which is located at the . southwest corner of the intersection of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Court. The property to the south and west of the site, known as the High Ridge Country Club, is located within the City limits. This property currently exists as a golf course and maintains recreational land use and zoning designations. Background: The Master Plan for the Stanford Park PUD was originally approved in 1990. The property included a platted area of 23.18 acres, divided up into seven tracts, Tract 1 has since been approved for a one-story skilled nursing care facility, comprising of approximately 40,740 sq, ft. This facility still exists at present as the Ridge Terrace Health Care Center, which is owned and operated by Dr. Lawrence White, It provides a Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-J I 9/28/95 variety of traditional nursing home services, encompassing 24 hour skilled nursing care, along with rehabilitative support such as physical therapy, Tracts 2, 5, 6 and 7 have not been developed, however, have been accounted toward open space requirements of the PUD. Tract 3 has since been site plan approved and developed into a one-story medical office building comprising of approximately 6,300 sq.ft, The facility is owned and operated by Dr. Helen Salsbury. Dr. Salsbury provides medical services in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The last remaining tract of the PUD is Tract 4, which has also been site plan approved and developed into a four-story ACLF (Adult Congregate Living Facility), known as Newport Place. Newport Place includes two free standing buildings connected by covered walkways. The main facility incorporates two four-story residential wings joined by a two-story administrative facility. An accessory building to the rear of the property is utilized as a two-story recreation building, The two buildings comprise approximately 82,980 sq,ft. of land area, The ACLF provides personal support services for the elderly, while maintaining the resident's independence, Services provided by the facility include security, meal preparation and delivery, housekeeping, laundry, maintenance, social/recreational/exercise programs, transportation and on-site passive recreational amenities. Furthermore, Lots #7 and #8 of the High Ridge Subdivision were purchased by Newport Place Associates, Ltd. for the primary reason of obtaining an alternate vehicular access route, The lots were annexed into the City and assigned a zoning designation of R-1 AAB (Single Family Residential), A sixty foot Right-of-Way was permitted and constructed through the lots to be known as Newport Place. The Right-of-Way is currently maintained by Newport Place Associates, Ltd., however, the roadway was recently dedicated to the City for maintenance purposes, Prepared by Cotltur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\Generaf\NwpIMj 1 9/28/95 2 Request: The petitioner is requesting the consideration of the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Commission for an amendment to the Stanford Park PUD with respect to Land Use, Zoning and Master Plan revisions, The request to amend the current Land Use Designation from LDR (Low Density Residential) to HDR (High Density Residential) with subsequent amendment of the existing PUD, would ultimately allow for the expansion of the Newport Place facility through the addition of a free standing 120-bed Assisted Living Facility (ALF). This ALF would be located on the southern portion of Tract #4 in the Stanford Park PUD. The application further requests to rezone and incorporate High Ridge Lots #7 and #8 into the PUD. The building is proposed to be developed with two four-story residential wings at a maximum height of 45 ft, connected by a two-story "common area", The design and architectural integrity of the building would essentially mimic the existing Newport Place ACLF, however, this Assisted Living Facility would be developed to provide for health care services that fall between those of Newport Place ACLF and Ridge Terrace Health Care Center. As seniors age, their need for support services increases due to their declining health. This aging process often effects mobility, dexterity and memory. At this point, seniors are not in need of the skilled nursing care provided in nursing homes and the cost of the skilled care is often prohibitive. The services required is that of 24-hour assistance with numerous personal services in a secure environment Assisted Living provides the greatest amount of dignity for seniors who find that they cannot function independently and require around-the-clock supervision and assistance, The assisted living component is the missing link in the "continuum of care" for the "campus" of this PUD, The development of the facility will enable seniors to remain on the campus by living in the appropriate facility. This continuity of residence is extremely important to seniors who experience great stress when faced with the possibility of moving away from spouses, friends, doctors and places of worship, An overall tract use and area table listed below identifies existing and proposed beds within the Planned Unit Development Although the following acreage is approximate Prepared by Catleur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\GeneraI\Nwpt-J I 9/28/95 3 Ridge Lots #7 and #8 into the PUD would increase the area by 1,59 acres, for a confirmed total area of 24,77 acres, Beds Tract & Use Area lAc.) ExistinQ/Proposed #1 Convalescent Center 3,27 120 #2 & 3 Medical Center 2,84 N/A #4 ACLF (Assisted Living Facility) 10.36 356/120 #5,6,7 Open Space 3.02 N/A Roads and ROW 3.69 N/A 'Lots #7, #8 of High Ridge 1,59 N/A Combined Total: 24.77 Acres 596 Beds 'Note: Lots #7 and #8 of the High Ridge Subdivision are proposed to be incorporated into the existing PUD for Open Space area calculations. By utilizing a City Planning and Zoning Department conversion factor of 2,3 bed/dwelling unit, which is similar to Palm Beach County's for ACLF designation, the requested Land Use Amendment proves to be within justifiable limitations. The property's land use is requested to be amended from current LDR (4.84 dulac maximum) to HDR (10.8 dulac maximum), including conversion factor of 2.3 for the total area of 24.77 acres, results in the fOllowing calculation: 24,77 x 10,8 x 2,3 = 615 bed maximum The proposed amendment total bed count falls below the maximum allowable by 19 beds, which proves to be a justifiable solution to the Land Use Amendment. Site Elements: Access Points: As previously stated, the property is located adjacent to the 100 ft. Right-at-Way Hypoluxo Road and 60 ft. Right-of-Way N.W, 7th Court, Both of these roads are considered by the City to be of public use. It is intended to propose two additional FPepared by Codeur Hearing. Inc. G'\Pt~eds\GmerallM<pt-Jl 9f28195 4 access points onto N.W, 7th Court only, These access points are to be located on the proposed development of Tract #4. The first of the two access points would serve as the primary point of visitor access to the Assisted Living Facility, utilizing a drop-off turnaround area that is very much similar to the one located within the existing Newport Place ACLF, This access point is felt to be a crucial element to the design by way of creating a sense of entry and identity to the facility for not only prospective visitors, but the residents themselves, The second access point is proposed as a means of convenience to service providers of the complex (i.e,: Fire, emergency, solid waste removal, food, and cleaning). The locations of these two additional access points are designed to conform to the maximum vehicular safety standards of the City's Land Development regulations and would ultimately dictate a more efficient internal vehicular circulation program throughout the project. Additionally, the proposed access points are to be located on a portion of N,W, 7th Court, which in actuality serves only the PUD. Therefore, they would not create any undue hardship to any of the surrounding residential communities, Perimeter Buffers: The perimeter buffers of the proposed development would meet the requirements of the City with regard to the rear or western boundary, The existing 5 ft, perimeter buffer on the remainder of Tract #4 would simply be proposed to extend southward along the property line, throughout the portion of Tract #4 on which the Assisted Living Facility is to be located. Likewise, the front of the parcel along N,W, 7th Court is proposed to be set at a minimum of 5 ft. and landscaped according to the City Landscape Ordinance, Section 7.5-16, Perimeter Landscape Requirements. Open Space: Tracts #6 and #7 of the PUD are not proposed to be developed at this time and shall be utilized to count toward open space requirements pertaining to density classifications. Both of these tracts are heavily vegetated with a variety of native plant material and provide a suitable environment for area wildlife, Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-J I 9/28/95 5 Likewise, Lots #7 and #8 of the High Ridge Subdivision have been proposed to now be rezoned and incorporated into the PUD and utilized for Open Space requirements pertaining to requested density classifications, As with Tracts #6 and #7, these lots are not intended to be developed in any way, but simply kept in tact as Common Open Space areas of native vegetation, Parking: The required parking for the proposed Assisted Living Facility is essentially already accommodated for within the remainder of Tact #4 through the existing ACLF. According to the City Land Development Regulations for minimum parking requirements, Section 2-11.16, "the ACLF shall provide a minimum of one space per three beds", The existing ACLF contains a total of 356 beds with 207 parking spaces (5 of which are handicapped). According to the LOR conversion, a total of 118 spaces are required. This ultimately leaves an abundance of 89 spaces on Tract #4 of the PUD. The proposed ALF will contain a total of 120 additional beds with a minimum required 40 parking spaces, including two handicapped, The site could potentially sustain these required parking spaces, however, this would seem extremely excessive with the abundance of parking that already exists on the tract Therefore, the proposal would be to create an additional 20 spaces, including two handicapped accessible spaces, at the front of the facility primarily for visitor parking. The remainder of the required parking would be proposed to take advantage of the existing under utilized parking to the south end of the existing ACLF, This request is felt to be the most logical approach to site planning with respect to vehicular and pedestrian safety, as well as reducing the amount of impervious area to aid in the surface water management system of the entire PUD. Setbacks: The building setbacks, which are standard for this PUD, will remain constant through the proposed addition, The front setback, which falls along N.W, 7th Court, will remain at 40 ft. minimum. The rear setback, which respectively falls along the High Ridge Country Club Golf Course, will remain at a minimum of 25 ft, Since the building is to be located within Tract #4, there would be no required side setbacks to the north, The south is Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt~J I 9/28/95 6 bordered by Tract #7 of the PUD, so no side setback is required here either. However, the building as proposed, easily fits within the current setback limitations for the PUD. Existing Transportation Network: The site is well served by the existing transportation network which borders the northern and eastern portions of the property. N,W. 7th Court serves as a collector road for the PUD. The proposed development will utilize this road as it's primary vehicular access into the site. The road currently exists adjacent to Tract #5 of the PUD. Tract #5 runs the entire length of the eastern perimeter of the property and remains as undisturbed Open Space, This tract actually acts as a buffer between the PUD and the single family residential community of High Ridge. The tract is currently vegetated with mature native Slash Pine and is proposed to remain in it's current state. A secondary means of vehicular access could potentially be accommodated by way of Newport Place Road, located between Lots #7 and #8 of High Ridge. However, it is more likely that this road will be used more by the residents of High Ridge, as is currently the case. Further information regarding the existing transportation network can be referenced in a detailed Trip Generation Analysis that has been prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc, City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan: The proposed plan hi3s also been designed to be consistent to the existing and future City Comprehensive Plan, The plan identifies the surrounding area as predominately residential with the exception of the High Ridge Country Club to the east. The High Ridge Country Club is a privately owned golf club that maintains a Recreational Designation for both Land Use and Zoning components of the City. An increased residential density seems far more consistent with the surrounding land uses than does a commercial use. Attached is a narrative which describes how the proposed project strives toward satisfying the relevant goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Prepared by Cotleur Hearing. Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-J I 9/28/95 7 Environmental.and Drainage: Environmentally, the proposed project is non-disruptive, The location of Tract #4, where development is to occur, is currently cleared of vegetation. Furthermore, Tracts #6 and #7, which lie to the south of Tract #4, are not proposed to be disturbed as a result of the development. Therefore, it is the opinion of the Agent that no further environmental analysis is needed at this time. With respect to stormwater management, the parcel is included within the surface water management system previously permitted by the South Florida Water Management District. At the time of the permit application, the parcel was actually calculated as an impelVious parking area, thus increasing the total in excess of what is currently being proposed, Therefore, this development is not perceived to have any increased impacts to the existing surface water management system. Additionally, a detailed comparative analysis for water and waste water for the PUD, prepared by Michael B. Schorah & Associates, has been included with this submittal. Conclusion: From a planning perspective, the proposal seems the only natural solution to rounding out the entire assisted living care program, The residents of this Assisted Living Facility will have the opportunity to utilize the existing on-site facilities within the Planned Unit DeveloPrtlent. The proposed addition, with regard to bed count, actually falls below the potential allowable by Code and the architectural theme of the facility will create a sense of continuity throughout the PUD by it's similarity to the existing Assisted Care Living Facility. Furthermore, no attempt to destroy or remove any of the existing native vegetation is proposed, as is generally the case in similar development requests. To the best of our knowledge, this request is consistent with the City of Boynton Beach's Comprehensive Plan, as well as both the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code; in addition to the goalS and objectives of the Town's Planning and Zoning Department. Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\Genera1\Nwpt-Jl 9/28/95 8 ~ Cotleur Hearing Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida ~ eatleur Hearing Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Existing Landuse Map I I I \ , /)1 II o , , , " ,', A, l'~ - , ~ eatleur Hearing r " ( U REC '" Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Existing Zoning Map Willl l7/ , , , ' , ' , " .',--' , ' : ~. , , __, ,i: , , , , ',I /~/...~ , " \ ~ " ,', , ' , ' -T C=::J"" ," i _ _ _~: ~ . ~ - ',,'. · -r I , i I "I I 11'1" ill II' ' I III '1' . . ~ Cotleur Hearing Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Proposed Landuse Map , , I , . , , , , , '- " ~ Cotleur Hearing r' REC Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Proposed Zoning Map lllilJl C7 --n,' "r- -- --n'l- ! I J'I ...'r- , I . --- ---- , ' , ' , : , ' _._ 'e on o ~nrI:J- _ -l~=------=-" , i _-~' Unincor~:ra;e;j Palm Beach County , -:-:) RS -1' - j I 1:- ,,',~ ,..0:::\ ,\~ '~ '. t:'~-::J! 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