CORRESPONDENCE JUL 7 2000 12 17PM KILDAY & ASSOCIATES ~jO 321 D 2/3 Kilday ft A880ciQtes Landscape Architects/Planners 16 s 1 Forum P'llce, Suite 100A \/Iiest Pet", Belch. Florio. 33401 (5611689-6522 . Fax (561j 889-Z5S2 WWIIIo,kildaV!nll.ocm July 7,2000 Mr Dick Hudson, Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach Zoning Division 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: Variance requests for Bay Vista aite plan Olll'fiIe:H6"1 Dear Mr~\(,J\t- The City is currently reviewing two V8nancc requests sub1Illtted by our office on behalf of Altman Development for the Bay Vista property Please accept this request to withdraw those requests for relief. SpecIfically, please withdraw our request for relief from. I Chapter 2, Section 4.J 1, regarding 8 maximum froll! YEU'd wall height of four feet. In its place, we ar~ requesting that staff conduct a code review of the cited requirement with the intention of revising the regulations to allow for a six (6) foot maximum front yard wall height. Such lID lU'nendment will allow for greater flexibility 111 desIgn for large multi-family rental and condominium developments, It will pennit design entrance features at a scale in keeping with tbos~ developments. 2. Chapter 2, Section 1] H.16e (12), which governs the parking roquirements for recreation facilities for condominiums and housmg developments. Agatn, we are rcquestin& that staff review this provision of the Land Development Regulations. The cunent parking requ.irements for mu.lti..family developments already require more spaces thall will normally be req\.tired for reSIdents and guests. The additional parldng requirements for the clubhouse and pnvate recreational facilities are unnecessary Providing the a4ditional parking spaces required per the current Code reduces the amount of area available for landscaping, veeetation preservation, and open space. It also increases the total amount of impervious area on the property, which adversely impacts on-site stonnwater retention requirements as well as off-site stormwater runoff. The current Code bases parking Its parking requirements on the square footage of the recreational facilities provided. As a result, develop~rs are discouraged from providing more abWldant recreation facilities and arc in fact. penalIzed for providing extraordinary on-site recreational amenities, JUL 7 2e00 12 18PM KILDAY & ASSOCIATE~ NO 321 ... Please ca11me with any questions or comments. Chris Kerr Kilday & Associates\ Inc. Cc: Scott Auker) Altman Development ::> 3/3 7.A.2 AL TMAN/BA Y VISTA ZONING CODE VARIANCE FRONT YARD WALL HEIGHT (WITHDRAWN BY THE APPLICANT)