LEGAL APPROVAL DEP ARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment August 18, 2000 Jaime Plana 1421 Neptune Drive Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Re' File No Location. Berry Veal Conditional Use/Site Plan NWSP 00-004 1421 Neptune Drive Dear Mr Plana. Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order for the above-referenced site plan approval granted on August 16,2000, by the City Commission To continue thiS project through the development process, please revise relevant pages of your approved site plan to incorporate all conditions of approval as applicable. The full rectified site plan set is to be submitted as part of your permit plan package to the BUilding Division. As part of the documents that you submit to the Building DIVIsIOn for permit review include a cover letter that defines where within your submittal you have addressed the conditions of approval Identified in the development order The person managing your permit applications should be made aware of any additIOnal documents and third party letters listed in the conditions of approval that need to be submitted with your permit package. The Building DiviSion IS committed to speedy and effiCient completIOn of the building permit process for your project. However, please note that failure to meet all applicable development order conditions in the submitted rectified plan set may produce unnecessary delays In permit Issuance Feel free to contact any TRC member for additional c1anfication of comment(s). Important. If you plan to introduce any changes to your approved site plan over and above those required by conditions of approval, please contact our staff before submitting a permit package to the Building Division. All modifications to the site plan must be evaluated by our staff and processed accordingly Should you have any questIOns regarding thiS matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 742- 6260 Sincerely, -- )-'L ~ j ~ I L_.... Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning & Zomng MWRlbw J:ISHRDAT AIPlanninglSHAREDlWPlPROJECTSIBERRY VEALIDevelopmenlOrderLeuer August 18, 2000,doc America's Gateway to tile Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 DEVELOPM_ENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMIS-SION OF THE TY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOf\. A PROJECT NAME. Berry Veal i ~D" .~ '[ r~ ~~ \17 rn r;r'''\ll APPLICANT'S AGENT Jaime M Plana : n1 r-:;- I 2000 --, ~.~ \1 APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 1421 Neptune Drive " , _i DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION August 15, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT Conditional use and site plan approval to construct a 4,050 square foot addition to an existing building for a business which engages in the cutting, packaging and shipping of meat and poultry LOCATION OF PROPERTY 1421 Neptune Drive DRAWING(S) SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows OR X THIS MA TIER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant. members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows. 1 Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations 2. The Applicant ..lL-HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested 3 The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "Cn with notation "Included" 4 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby -X- GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof DENIED 5 This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6 All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order 7 Other \\\\\ 1111111/ 11I1 :-.\\ III/. ...~ 0'" N T04. i// :-.' d Iy /~ ~ ~ v ..0......... ..0 ~ ~ 0-1. ...o~o"4i. <::' ~ ~~..~ ~"Y-::' .:: ..... l~ ....." 0:::: -...:...... J:~ :::: ;:. i -:;::,-" 0 ~ \. 192 t ~ .... ,~ ~ ..... ~.....'" ~I }::"LOR'O ",~' 1//1 \\, 111/11/1111\\\\\ '4~~~~ City Clerk J:ISHRDATAIPlanningISHAREDW\lPIPROJECTSIBERRY VEALICOUSICC 8-15-00 DEVELOPMENT ORDER-doc 8#b~cJ DATED' EXHIBIT "C" CondItions of Approval Project name' BERRY VEAL CORP File number' COUS 00-003 Reference 2nd Review Plans Conditional Use. File # COUS 00-003 with an April 4. 2000 Plannmg and Zonmll DeRartment date stamR markmll DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments. NONE X UTILITIES Comments. 1 All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscapmg drawings X so that we may determine which trees may mterfere with utIlities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed Within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities Within the easement m the foreseeable future. LDR Sec 7 5 -18 1 gives public utilities the authOrity to remove any trees that mterfere with utility services, either m utility easements or public rights-of -way 2. LDR Chapter 6, Art. 4, Sec. 16 requires that all points on each building Will X be withm 200 feet of an existmg or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. FIRE Comments: 3 The square footage (over 12,000 square feet) shall require fire sprinklers. X POLICE Comments. NONE X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments. 4 It is recommended that the exiting parkmg areas be overlaid and re-strIped X as part of the new construction. Handicapped access aisles and pavement marking shall be white in color BUILDING DIVISION Comments. Berry Veal Corp (Addition) COUS 00-003 Page 2 of3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 5 Before permit review, submit a current survey of the subject site X 6 Add text to the site plan indlcatmg that the accessible route that IS shown on X the plan is designed in compliance wIth Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4.6 (Parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code for BUilding Construction. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed documentation on the plans that will verify that the accessible route is in compliance with the regulatIOns specIfied in the Flonda accessibility code for Building Construction.Verify that the accessible route that appears to be obstructed by a site lighting pole meets the mInImum width requirements. 7 IdentIfy, within the site data, the title of the flood zone where the buildmg is X located. 8 Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of penn it X review The permit fee, water, and sewer facility fees, Fire and Life Safety fees, County fees and state fees will be determined at time of penn it review 9 Permits are reqUired to construct the improvements that are shown on the X approved site plan. Permit application forms are available m the Building DivisIOn of the Development Department. A permIt submittal checklist IS available in the Building DIvision. The list Identifies the basic documents that the Plans Analyst checks for when an applicant submits for permit review PARKS AND RECREA nON Comments. NONE X FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments. NONE X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 10 On the site plan, label and dimension all buIlding setbacks. Also include a X setback chart in the tabular information. (Ch. 4, Sec. 7, Par B & Ch. 2, Sec 8, Par A. 6) 11 On the site plan, label all surrounding land use and zonmg designations for X adjacent properties. 12. Provide the following information in the site plan tabular data:(Ch.4, Sec.7, X Berry Veal Corp. (Addition) COUS 00-003 Page 3 of3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT and Par.E ) - Existing and proposed building use - Open space reqUirements - BUilding height - EXisting and proposed zoning and land use designations - Handicapped and loading requirements with the parking calculations 13 On the site plan, label and dimension all loading spaces, Including screening X requirements. (Ch.2, Sec.II, Par.J.2. & Ch.9, Sec. 10, Par C 1 ) 14 On the site plan and Landscape Plan, provide all proposed traffic control X markings, fire hydrants, and light poles. (ChA, Sec. 7, Par B) IS On the site plan, provide a handicapped accessible walk from all accessible X spaces to a main building entrance. Indicate exact location of the 2nd entrance. (Ch. 9., Sec. 10, Par 1) 16 Additional signs were not submitted as part of this review Any additional X signs must meet the requIrements of Chapter 23, and be reviewed by the P&D Board and City Commission. 17 Submit a colored elevation graphic shOWing building elevations of a1\ X proposed improvements pnor to the Plannmg and Development Board Meeting. (ChA, Sec.7, Par.D.2.) 18 Provide traffic statement for the proposed expansion showing trip generation X and related information. 19 Environmental Review permit must be obtained for the intensification of X the existing use. (Ch. 2, Sec. 8.A.3) ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 20 OmIt comment #1 X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 21 T6 he dGt"'lIuiudt. AhN'E' V" LG/dim 1ISHRDATAIPLANNINGlSHAREDlWP\PROJECTS\BERIlY VEAlICOUSICC 8-15-00 CONOmONS OF APPROVAl DOC II i II , I ORDINANCE NO 098:3 / AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 1, OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, ARTICLE !., DEFINITIONS, CHAPTER 2. SECTION 6 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS AND USE PROVISIONS, CHAPTER 2 SECTION 11 H PROVISION OF OFF-STREET PARKING, AND CHAPTER 2. SECTION 11 0 SELF SERVICE STORAGE FACILITIES (MINI-WAREHOUSES), PROVIDING FOR EXPANSION OF THE DEFINITIONS FOR SELF-STORAGE FACILITIES TO DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN LIMITED ACCESS SELF-STORAGE FACILITIES AND MULTI-ACCESS SELF-STORAGE FACILITIES, PROVIDING FOR ADDITION OF LIMITED ACCESS SELF-STORAGE FACILITIES TO THE LIST OF PERMITTED USES WITHIN THE C-1 OFFICE/PROFESSIONAL ZONING DISTRICT AND PROVIDING FOR A CHANGE TO THE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS, LOCA TIONAL CRITERIA AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR SELF-STORAGE FACILITIES, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. i )' I I WHEREAS, upon recommendation of staff, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach has deemed it to be in the best interests of the citizens i and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to amend Chapters 1 and 2 to expand the definition for self-storage facilities to differentiate between limited access and multi-access self-storage facilities, to add limited access self-storage facilities to the list of permitted uses within the C-1 Office/Professional zoning district, and to change the design requirements, locational criteria and other development ,standards for self-storage facilities, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF Section 1. Chapter 1, Article /I, Definitions, is hereby amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type, and by deleting the words and -1- figures in struck-through type, as follows : I SELF SERVICE STORAGE FACILITY MINI-WAREHOUSES) - An I enclosed facility of a commercial nature containing independent, fully enclcsed !! bays which are leased to persons exclusively for dead storage of their household goods, 9f personal property, or records for commercial businesses Except as I otherwise allowed by Section 11 0 Self Service Storage Facilities (Mini- ! warehouses) of the Zoning Code, storage bays Section 2. Chapter 2, Section 6 Commercial district regulations and use provisions. A.1 is hereby amended by adding the words and phrases in underlined type as follows. u Limited access mini-warehouse* Section 2. Chapter 2, Section 11 H Provision of off-street parking spaces. is hereby amended by adding the words and phrases in underlined type and deleting the words and phrases in underlined type as follows f Industrial, research and development, trades, wholesale and warehouses. (5) Warehouses and other indoor storage facilities, including mini 'N3rehousoE and warehouse-industrial complexes. One (1) parking space Parking for multi-access facilities shall be provided at a rate of 1 space per 200 storage bays plus 1 space per 300 feet of office space and 2 security spaces. I Park for limited access facilities shall be provided at a rate of 1 space per 75 . storage units. plus 1 space per 300 feet of office space and 2 security spaces. I I Section 3. Chapter 2, Section 11 0 Supplemental Regulations of the I Land Development Regulations (0) Self Service Storage Facilities (Mini- I Warehouses) is hereby amended by adding the words and phrases in underlined type and deleting the words and phrases in underlined type as follows _z~ II ! 'i I I o SELF SERVICE STORAGE FACILITIES (MINI-WAREHOUSES) 1. General., All self-service storage uses shall comply with the following. .t:- .A. Rental facility office The rental facility office shall be located facing a collector street. A maximum of 1000 square feet 2-:- a. Security quarters. A single residential quarters for security purposes may Ii ! be established on the site of a self service storage facility and I I' I i ~ ~ Use of bays The use of storage bays shall be limited to dead storage of I household goods 9f-, personal property or records for commercial businesses. Storage bays shall not be used to manufacture, fabricate or process goods, I service or repair vehicles, boats, small engines or electrical equipment. or to , conduct similar repair activities, conduct garage sales or retail sales of any kind, I or conduct any other commercial or industrial activity Individual storage bays or private postal boxes within a self service storage facility shall not be considered a premises for the purpose of assigning a legal address in order to obtain an occupational license or other governmental permit or license to do business. Further: 1. The maximum size of a storage bay shall be limited to four hundred fifty (450) square feet. 2. Storage bay doors shall not face any abutting property which is residentially zoned. nor any public or private street. 4-:- (l Outside storage. In connection with a self service storage facility, open storage of recreational vehicles and of pleasure boats of the type customarily maintained by private individuals for their personal use and commercial vehicles shall be permitted provided the following a:. .1. The storage area shall not exceed40 20 percent of the area of the ~ &:. 2a The storage area shall be entirely screened minimum of two (2) feet in height and spaced a minimum of five (5) feet on center located on the outside of the wall. Er.-~ Vehicles shall not be stored within the area set aside for minimum building setbacks or in areas designated for landscape buffering purposes. No vehicles may be stored onsite within the C-1 zoning district. Ek-4 No vehicle or boat maintenance, or repair ~.5... The outside storage area shall be constructed with a dust-free surface 5. Supplemental development regulations. ~K-.5 I' I I ~ ~Separation between storage buildings If separate buildings I i Ii I b. M3ximum building height. VVith the excoption of 3 structure usod 3S 3 socurity quarters, the maximum height of a self servico storage facility sh311 bo one story, not to exceod 25 foet, to includo the hoight of p3r3pet walls requirod to scroon 3ny roof mountod oquipment. c. M3ximum b3Y size. The maximum sizo of a stor3go b3Y shall bo four ! hundrod fifty (450) square foot. \ I I! €h- E. Outdoor lighting If a facility + G..... Loudspeakers No exterior loudspeakers or paging equipment shall be permitted on site B. Storage by doors. Storago bay doors sh311 not bee any 3blJtting property which is residentially zoned, nor any public or pri'late stroet. H. A self-service storage facility shall not be located within two thousand five hundred (2.500) feet of another self-service storage facility within the C-1 district. I. Architecture. The exterior colors. facades. windows. roof and building materials of all structures located onsite shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood. Self-service storage that will be located within the C-1 district shall incorporate design elements associated with adjacent office structures. Architectural elevations demonstrating similar architectural character and treatment. including but not limited to color. materials. fenestration. wall articulations. window treatments and roof treatments for all exterior sides of all self-service storage facilities shall be submitted and approved by the City Commission as part of site plan approval. J. Dumpsters and trash receptacles shall be screened from view of adiacent lots and streets. K. Height. The maximum height for limited access storage facilities within the C-1 zoning district. shall not exceed thirty (30) feet. Limited access facilities (within the M-1 Zoning District) shall conform to the maximum height for that district. The maximum height for multi-access storage facility shall not exceed twenty five (25) feet. These heights will include any screening required to conceal air-conditioning or any other mechanical equipment. L. C-1 Zoning District. Only limited access self service storage facilities will be allowed within the C-1 zoning district. M Buffers. All perimeter buffers shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 7.5. Article 2. Section 5 concerning buffer requirements. In addition. any permiter adjacent to a residential district shall include a continuous hedge or wall in , addition to trees planted no further than 40 feet on center. -,$.J/ 2. Supplemental standards for multi-access self-storage facilities. In addition to the general standards above. multi-access self-service storage facilities shall coply with the following regulations. A. Minimum lot size. The minimum lot size for a multi-access facility shall be two (2) acres. B. Circulation. The following on-site circulation standards shall apply: (1) Interior. Interior loading areas shall be provided in the form of aisle I! ways adjacent to the storage bays. These aisle ways shall be used both for i! circulation and temporary customer parking while using storage units. The minimum width of these aisle ways shall be twenty five (25) feet if only one-way traffic is permitted. and thirty (30) feet if two-way traffic is permitted. A minimum width of twelve (12) feet of width between storage aisles will be required when a portion of this aisle space is utilized for outdoor storage. (2) Flow. The one or two-way traffic flow patterns in aisle ways shall be clearly marked. Markings shall consist of standard directional signage and painted lane markings with arrows. (3) Access. Appropriate access and circulation by vehicles and emergency equipment shall be ensured through the design of internal turning of aisle ways. C. Parking. Parking shall be provided at a rate of 1 space per 200 storage bays. Parking shall be provided at a r~ta of 1 spaca par 75 storage bays, plus 1 space per 300 feet of office space and 2 security spaces. D. Signage. Self-service storage facilities in the M-1 district shall be subiect to the provisions of Chapter 21. Article 4. Free-standing signs for self-service storage facilities in the C-1 district shall be limited to the monument type. 3. Supplemental standards for limited access self-storage facilities. In addition to the general standards above. limited-access self-storage facilities shall comply with the following regulations. A. Minimum lot size. The minimum lot size for a limited access facility shall be one (1) acre. B. Architectural compatibility. The exterior colors. facades. windows. roof. and building materials of all structures located onsite shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood. Self-service storage that will be located within the C-1 district shall incorporate design elements associated with aQjacent office structures. Architectural elevations demonstrating similar architectural character and treatment. including but not limited to color. materials. fenestration. wall articulations. window treatments. and roof treatments for all exterior sides of all self-service storage facilities shall be submitted and approved by the City Commission as part of site plan approval. C. Loading. Each entry point used to access hallways leading to the storage , bays shall accommodate a minimum of two leading berths and related /~5 ! I maneuvering ca. The loading areas shall nL. interfere with the primary I circulation system on site. If a minimum 20 feet access way is provided adjacent to the building and serves no other use except the self-service storage facility. then the loading area may be established parallel a,nd adjacent to the building. It will be required to satisfy current regulations for driveway accessibility dependent on one-way or two-way traffic. Ii D. Parking. Parking shall be provided at a rate of 1 space per 75 storage bays. plus 1 space per 300 feet of office space and 2 security spaces. I I I i I I: E. Signage. Self-service storage facilities in the M-1 district shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 21. Article 4. Free-standing signs for self-service storage facilities in the C-1 district shall be limited to the monument type. F. Vehicular access. Vehicular access shall be provided onlyl from a jamor arterial or collector as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. G. Use limitations. Retail sales shall be prohibited on site except those permitted by Section O.1.A. H. Hours of operation. The hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. seven days a week. I. Outdoor lighting. Outdoor lighting shall be designed to prevent light spillage onto residentially zoned property. 4. Multi-access and limited-access combinations. A combination of multi- access and limited-access storage facilities may be permitted within the same site plan within the C-1 andM-1 zoning districts. pursuant to the supplemental standards shown above for each of the uses. Section 5. Each and every other Section of the Land Development Regulations not hereinbefore specifically amended shall remain in full force and effect as previously enacted Section 6. All laws and ordinances applying to the City of Boynton Beach in conflict with any provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed Section 7. Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 8. Authority is hereby given to codify this Ordinance. Section9 This Ordinance shall become effective immediately FIRST READING this _ day of July, 1998 Ii I ~-~ SECO , FINAL READING AND PASSAG... nis -'- day of August, 1998 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH F ORIDA /"1 /" ,- --- I, 'I II I ~4 fUlLlL l>itl~"-- Commissioner ATTEST ~~_~~V ! Cit Clerk \\\\\ \ 11111/ I UI"Z ~,\ NT II,;: ~" o'{, 01\1 ~ ~<?> ~~ S:r:a~l#~~i~ ~).. J/ a\. C') ~ =~ - i~= =0 0::: s ~\ 02. ' S ~ .,J ~ ~ ~ ~ t- ~ ~~ ,cLOf\\O ,~ II, \\\.... 111111/ 1111\ \ \\\\ -7-