REVIEW COMMENTS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 00-104 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION April 18, 2000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project Name Berry Veal Corporation Property Owner. RA. Realty Applicant/Agent: Berry Veal Corporation/ Jaimie M Plana Location 1421 Neptune Drive in Boynton Beach File No. MSPM 00-004 Land Use Plan Designation Industrial (I) Zoning Designation M-1 Industrial District Proposed use Cutting of sub-primal portions of meat and pre-cut poultry into serving portions, including packaging and shipping Number of Rooms N/A Square Footage Site Area 58,311 square feet (1 338 acres) Building Area EXISTING Manufacturing/Processing - square feet Warehousing - square feet Office - square feet TOTAL EXISTING -12.503 square feet ADDITION Manufacturing/Processing - square feet Warehousing - square feet Office - square feet TOTAL ADDITION - 4.050 square feet TOTAL. Manufacturing/Processing - 2,859 square feet Warehousing - 12,097 square feet Office - 1,597 square feet TOTAL BUILDING AREA - 16.553 square feet .. Page 2 Memorandum #00-104 Surrounding land uses and Zoning District: (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) Existing Site Characteristics Proposed Development: Concurrency a. Traffic- North - L-29 Canal ROW, farther north undeveloped land, zoned M-1 South - Neptune Drive ROW, farther south Oceanview Limousine and South Eastern Automotive Trim Specialist, zoned M-1 East - Sir Electric, Inc., zoned M-1 West - Dixie Metal Products, Inc., zoned M-1 The subject property is a flat, previously developed, 1 338 acre lot. There is currently a 12,503 square foot, one story building on the property, with designated paved parking areas at the east and west side of the building and at the north side of the lot. The site is fully landscaped with palm (Palmetto and Coconut), tree (Mahogany, Live Oak and Gumbo Limbo) and shrub species The property is enclosed by a 6 feet high chain link fence and a landscape buffer, with two entry drive aisles at its south side The owner is proposing to add 4,050 square feet of manufacturing/processing, warehousing and office space to the existing facility The proposed expansion of facilities has been preceded by the recent approval of the owner's request to amend the M-1 zoning regulations to allow the existing use of the site, previously legal but nonconforming, to be a conditional use in M-1 The new use is described as "the cutting of sub- primal portions of meat and pre-cut poultry into serving portions, including packaging and shipping" b. Drainage - Conceptual drainage information was provided for the city's review The city's concurrency ordinance requires drainage certification at time of site plan approval The Engineering Division is recommending that the review of specific drainage solutions be deferred to time of permit review, when more complete engineering documents are required Driveways On-site traffic circulation will consist of two (2) entry drive aisles with access to Neptune Drive Both aisles are 21 feet 6 inches wide The proposed vehicular use area will provide parking areas containing the required 9-foot by 18-foot spaces (all at a 90-degree angle) and two (2) loading spaces on the north side of the addition DEP ARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 00-092 RE MIchael Rumpf, Planmng and Zomng DIrector Michael E Haag, BUIldmg Code AdmImstrator]e ~ Apnl 4, 2000 Berry Veal Corp. (addition) - Major Site Plan dication (MSPM 00-004) 2nd review comments TO FROM DATE We have revIewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board reVIew WIth the understandmg that all remammg comments wIll be shown m complIance on the workmg drawmgs that are submItted for permIts Buildin~ Division (Site Specific and Permit Comments) - Michael E. Haae (561) 742-6352 1 Before permIt reVIew, submIt a current survey of the subject sIte 2 Add text to the sIte plan mdIcatmg that the accessible route that IS shown on the plan IS desIgned m complIance wIth SectIOn 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4 6 (Parkmg and Passenger Loadmg Zones) of the Flonda AccessibilIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. Please note that at tIme of permIt reVIew the applIcant shall proVIde detailed documentatIOn on the plans that wIll venfy that the accessible route IS m complIance wIth the regulatIOns specIfied m the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. Venfy that the accessible route that appears to be obstructed by a sIte lIghtmg pole meets the mmImum wIdth reqUIrements. 3 IdentIfy, wIthm the sIte data, the tItle of the flood zone where the bUIldmg IS located. 4 ComplIance wIth the BUIldmg Codes WIll be evaluated at tIme of permIt reVIew The permIt fee, water and sewer facIlIty fees, FIre and Life Safety fees, County fees and State fees WIll be determmed at tIme of permIt reVIew 5 PermIts are reqUIred to construct the Improvements that are shown on the approved sIte plan. PermIt applIcatIOn forms are avaIlable m the BUIldmg DIVISIOn of the Development Department. A permIt submIttal checklIst IS aVailable m the BUIldmg DIVISIOn. The lIst IdentIfies the basIc documents that the Plans Analyst checks for when an applIcant submIts for permIt reVIew MEH bg \\CH\.\1A1N\SHRDA T A \Development\Bui1ding-6870\DocumentsITRC\MSPM 00-004 2nd review Beny Veal Corp.(addition).doc FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No 2000-33 I~' V NFPA Life Safety Code 101, National Fire Code 1, all applicable National Fire Protection Association codes, and the City Fire code shall be adhered to FROM Mike Rumpf Director, Planning & Zoning Steve Gale 4/ Fire Marshal /t/ March 1, 2000 TO DATE SUBJECT NWSP 00-004 Berry Veal Corp 1421 Neptune Drive The plans submitted are not complete No water distribution plan was included and the plans may not go forward (1) A fire flow test is required LDR 6-16 (2) Locking system for gate must be approved by Fire Marshal Chap 9 BBCC cc File m R r, ~ D ~_.__ ' ) -.. I <ilir( .:I "'~', ;~ .----< 1'<', .~ (\ <, \ " , \ \ . Co _ ' ._. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 00-060 ~ -" TO Michael Rumpf, Actmg Planmng and Zomng Admmlst~r E~ Michael E Haag, BUIldmg Code Admmlstrator-' FROM. DATE March 3, 2000 RE Berry Veal Corp. (addition) - New Site Plan (N review comments We have revIewed the plans for the above-referenced proJect. The applIcant must acknowledge and address the below lIsted comments before the project IS presented to the Board for theIr reVIew Buildine Division (Permit & Site Specific Comments) Michael E. Haag (561) 742- 6352 I Add to the bUIldmg that IS depIcted on the drawmg titled site plan landscape plan a labeled symbol that IdentIfies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance door to the bUIldmg. Show and label the same door on the drawmg titled overall floor plan 2 Identify on the site plan landscape plan the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible parkmg spaces. The quantity of the spaces shall be conSIstent WIth the regulatIOns specIfied m the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. The accessible parkmg space(s) that serve a use shall be located on the shortest safely accessible route of travel from adjacent parkmg to an accessible entrance The Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn states that bUIldmgs wIth multiple accessible entrances shall have accessible parkmg spaces dIspersed and located closest to the accessible entrance. 3 Add a labeled symbol to drawmg that IS titled site plan landscape plan The symbol shall represent and delmeate the path of travel of the accessible route that IS reqUIred between the new accessible parkmg spaces and the accessible entrance door to the bUIldmg. Identify on the plan the WIdth of the accessible route (Note; The mInImUm WIdth reqUIred by the code IS forty-four (44) mches) Add, text that would mdIcate that the symbol represents the accessible route and the route IS deSIgned m complIance WIth SectIOn 43 (Accessible Route) and 46 (Parkmg and Passenger Loadmg Zones) of the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. The symbol represents the locatIOn of the path of travel not the locatIOn ofthe detectable warnmg or other pavement markmgs that are reqUIred to be mstalled along the path. Please note that at time ofpenmt reVIew the applIcant Bmldmg DIVISIOn Memo No 00-060 Re Berry Veal Corp (addItIon)-New SIte Plan (NWSP 00-004) 1st reVIew comments March 3,2000 Page Two shall provIde detaIled documentatIOn on the plans that WIll venfy that the accessible route IS m complIance WIth the regulatIOns specIfied m the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. 4 Withm the site statistics found on sheet A-I, IdentIfy the proposed fimsh floor elevatIon of the proposed new addItIon to the eXIstmg bUIldmg (lowest floor elevatIOn) Venfy that the proposed elevatIOn IS m complIance WIth regulatIOns of the code by addmg speCIficatIOns to the site data that address the followmg Issues a) From the FIRM map, IdentIfy the tItle of the flood zone that the bUIldmg IS located wIthm. Where applIcable, speCIfy the base flood elevatIOn. If there IS no base flood elevatIOn, mdIcate that on the plans. b) Have the deSIgn professIOnal-of-record for the project state that the proposed floor elevatIon IS above the hIghest 100-year base flood elevatIOn applIcable to the bUIldmg sIte, as determmed by the South Flonda Water Management DIstnct's surface water management constructIOn development regulatIons. [SectIOn 3107 1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edItIOn of the Standard BUIldmg Code] c) IdentIfy the floor elevatIOn that the deSIgn profeSSIOnal has establIshed for the bUIldmg wIthm the footpnnt of the bUIldmg that IS shown on the SIte plan landscape plan, floor plan (both eXIstmg and new) and CIVIl plan. 5 Add the followmg notes to the SIte plan drawmg' a) State that the locatIOns ofthe SIte lIghtmg poles are conceptual. b) State that the SIte lIghtmg WIll be evaluated for code complIance at tIme of permIt reVIew c) State that the proposed SIte lIghtmg fixtures WIll Illummate the SIte conSIstent WIth the speCIficatIOns IdentIfied m the Parkmg Lot Code 6 On the drawmg tItled site plan, IdentIfy the symbol that represents the property lme 7 Add to the site statistics the number of stones m the eXIstmg bUIldmg and the new addItIon. 8 Below the drawmg, tItled Overall Floor Plan found on sheet A-2 add text that would mdIcate that the room layout of the new addItIon IS conceptual. \\CH\MAIN\SHRDATA\Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\NWSP 00-004 1st review Berry Veal Corp (addition).doc MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT NO 00 - 59 TO Mike Rumpf, Planning Director John A Guidry, Uuhhe, Directo~ March 3, 2000 FROM. DATE. SUBJECT Berry Veal We offer the followmg comments on this project. GENERAL COMMENTS 1) All utilitIes easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements Canopy trees may be planted outsIde of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future LDR Sec 7 5-18 1 gIves public utilitIes the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1) LDR chap 6, Article IV, Sec 16 reqUires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condItion, by showing all hydrants 2) The waste stream from the manufacturing process must meet the City's pretreatment requirements A samplmg point must be provided to allow monitonng of this waste stream. (Sec 26-143, 26-147) Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella (742-6404) of this office JAG/PVM Xc Skip Milar Peter Mazzella File W ~r"' -- --.---.-- --"'-- i-7 I fl . l...../ I PUfVNiNG AND ZONi:'VG DEPT Parks / Plannin Division Memorandu To Mike Rumpf, DIrector of Planmng and Zonmg KeVlll J Hallahan, Forester / EnvlTornnentahst t(~ t+-- Berry Veal Corp (AddItion) New SIte Plan- FIrst ReVIew From. Subject: Date February 28, 2000 - m & (l , J c FEB28 PLM", ,~'._,.-J ZON!"..r: ~;\ ) 'V L Ir:~ There are no eXIstmg trees on the SIte. The project should contmue m the normal reVIew process. Kjh FIle J DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO 00-042 TO Michael W Rumpf, Director of Planmng and FROM. John A. GUIdry, Intenm Director of Engmeenng DATE. February 25, 2000 RE. BERRY VEAL CORP ADDITION - (NWSP 00-004) NEW SITE PLAN APPROVAL 1sT REVIEW COMMENTS 1 On the SIte Plan add a general note that all plans submItted for specIfic permIts shall meet the CIty'S code requIrements at time of applIcatIOn. These permIts mclude, but are not lImIted to the followmg. SIte lIghtmg, pavmg, dramage, curbmg, landscapmg and lITIgatIOn. PermIts requIred from other permlttmg agencIes, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, LWDD, DEP and any others, shall be mcluded wIth the permIt request. 2 Add a note to SIte Plan that the stnpmg and markmg of both standard and handIcap parkmg spaces shall be stnped and marked m conformance wIth CIty Standard Drawmg B-9800 1 and correct the tYPIcal detaIls accordmgly It IS recommended that mstead of correctmg the 4 detaIls on sheet A-I you delete them and mcorporate the CIty'S standard m your plans. 3 It IS recommended that the eXlstmg parkmg areas be overlaId and re-stnped as part ofthe new constructIOn. Ifthere are any questIOns please contact Ken Hall at (561) 742-6283 'i9 JAG:KRH/ck ~~I -r;~ t I r i , _'_ i I P ; ; ~ Ii r J liw, L ... 4.4R _ I r;. . C.UUJ : PLANNiNG AND ~ i-.,/ ZONING DfPT C:\My Documents\Berry Veal Corp. (Addition) New Site Plan 1st Rev.doc 2nd ReVIew Comments Project name BERRY VEAL CORP (ADDITION) File number MSPM - 00 - 004 Reference 2nd ReVIew Comments New SIte Plan. File # NWSP 00-004 with a Apnl4. 2000 Planning and Zomng Department date stamp markmg DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments. NONE UTILITIES Comments 1 All utilitIes easements shall be shown on the rectIfied landscaping draWings so that we may determine whIch trees may interfere WIth utilitIes. In general, palm trees will be the only tree speCIes allowed WIthin utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not Impact those utIlItIes WIthin the easement m the foreseeable future. LDR Sec 7.5 -18 1 gives public utIlitIes the authority to remove any trees that mterfere WIth utIlity servIces, eIther In utIlity easements or public nghts-of -way 2. LDR Chapter 6, Art. 4, Sec 16 reqUires that all pOints on each bUilding WIll be within 200 feet of an eXIstmg or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets thIS condItIon, by showmg all hydrants. FIRE Comments 3 The square footage (over 12,000 square feet) shall reqUire fire spnnklers. POLICE Comments. NONE Berry Veal Corp. (Addition) MSPM - 00 - 004 Page 2 of 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments. 4 It IS recommended that the eXIting parking areas be overlaId and re-stnped as part of the new constructIOn. HandIcapped access aIsles and pavement marking shall be white in color BUILDING DIVISION Comments 5 Before permIt review, submIt a current survey of the subject sIte 6 Add text to the sIte plan Indicating that the accessible route that IS shown on the plan IS deSIgned In compliance wIth SectIOn 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4 6 (Parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Flonda AccessibIlity Code for BUildIng ConstructIOn. Please note that at tIme of permIt review the applicant shall prOVIde detaIled documentatIOn on the plans that will venfy that the accessible route IS in compliance wIth the regulatIOns specIfied In the Flonda accessibIlity code for BUilding ConstructIOn. Verify that the accessible route that appears to be obstructed by a site lighting pole meets the mInImUm WIdth reqUirements. 7 IdentIfy, WIthin the SIte data, the title of the flood zone where the building IS located. I 8 ComplIance WIth the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permIt , reVIew The permIt fee, water, and sewer facIlity fees, FIre and LIfe Safety fees, County fees and state fees will be determined at tIme of permIt reVIew 9 PermIts are reqUired to construct the Improvements that are shown on the approved site plan. PermIt applicatIOn forms are avaIlable In the BuildIng DIVISIOn of the Development Department. A permIt submittal checklist IS aVaIlable In the BUilding DIVISIon. The list IdentIfies the baSIC documents that the Plans Analyst checks for when an applicant submIts for permIt Berry Veal Corp (Addition) MSPM - 00 - 004 Page 3 of 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT review PARKS AND RECREATION Comments. NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments 10 On the site plan, label and dImension all buildIng setbacks. Also include a setback chart In the tabular Information. (Ch. 4, Sec 7, Par B & Ch. 2, Sec 8, Par A. 6) 11 On the sIte plan, label all surrounding land use and ZOning deSIgnatIons for adJacent propertIes. 12. ProVide the follOWing InformatIOn In the site plan tabular data.(ChA, Sec 7, and PaLE) - EXIStIng and proposed bUilding use - Open space reqUirements - BUilding height - EXIsting and proposed ZOnIng and land use deSIgnatIOns - HandIcapped and loading reqUirements WIth the parkIng calculatIons 13 On the site plan, label and dImenSIOn all loadIng spaces, Including screenIng reqUirements. (Ch.2, Sec I I, Par.J.2. & Ch.9 Sec 10, Par C 1 ) Berry Veal Corp (AddItIon) MSPM - 00 - 004 Page 4 of 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 14 On the SIte plan and Landscape Plan, provIde all proposed traffic control markings, fire hydrants, and light poles. (ChA, Sec 7, Par B) 15 On the SIte plan, provide a handIcapped accessible walk from all accessible spaces to a main buIlding entrance IndIcate exact location of the 2nd entrance (Ch. 9., Sec 10, Par 1) 16 On the Landscape Plan, provIde a vegetatIve screen If an opaque wall is not used as a screen for designated loading areas. Indicate locatIOn of loading space on Landscape Plan. (Ch. 9, Sec 10, Par C 1) 17 AddItIonal SIgns were not submItted as part ofthis reVIew Any addItIonal signs must meet the reqUirements of Chapter 23, and be revIewed by the P&D Board and CIty CommISSIOn. 18 SubmIt a colored elevatIOn graphic shOWIng all buIlding elevatIOns prior to the PlannIng and Development Board MeetIng. (ChA, Sec.7, Par.D.2.) MWR/b J ISHRDATAIPLANNINGISHARED\WPIPROJECTSIBERRY VEALI.'<WSP\2ND REVIEW COMMENTS. DOC DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT DIvIsIon of Planning and ZonIng Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment September 8, 1999 Jaime Plana Re Non-Conformmg Land Uses(~ I) Lf~l-t4II&-?- Dear Mr Plana. As dIscussed, please find the accompanymg excerpts mdIcatmg the non-conformmg statutes of the subject packmg faCIlIty, and lImItatIOns on some. As mdIcated, there IS no vanance process for relIef. Please let me know If addItIOnal mformatIOn IS needed. Smcerely, A I ~t/ l /~umPf 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6260 FAX: (561) 742-6259 ........""-. adoption or amendment of these zoning regulations, but which would become a nonconforming use under the terms of these regulations or future amendments hereto, shall be pennitted to continue, subject to the provisions of this section pertaining to its extension, alteration, reconstruction, continuance, discontinuance or change ~ B NONCONFORMING USES OF LAND 1 No nonconforming use of land shall be enlarged or increased, nor extended to occupy a greater area of land than was occupied on the effective date of the adoption or amendment of these regulations, unless such use is subsequently changed to a use permitted in the district in which such use is located 2. No such nonconforming use shall be moved in whole or in part to any other portion of the lot or parcel occupied by such use on the effective date of the adoption or amendment to these regulations, nor shall such nonconforming use be moved to any other parcel or located in any district within which said use is not permitted 3 No additional structures or buildings shall be erected in connection with such nonconfonning use of land. C NONCONFORMING LOTS I A detached single-family dwelhng may be constructed on any parcel located in an R-I, R-IA, R-2 or R-3 district, provided that it meets all of the following requirements. a. The parcel contains at least one (1) whole planed lot, b The parcel has a frontage of not less than fifty (SO) feet, and a lot area of not less than five thousand (S,OOO) square feet, c. Property cannot be acquired from adjacent parcels so as to make the subject parcel conforming, without causing the adjacent parcels or structures thereon to become nonconforming or more nonconforming. 1998 S-9 Zoning 70C For any parcel or lot, or combination of lots under the same ownership, where the total frontage and the total area is equal to or greater than that which is required by the district building and site regulations, said property shall not be developed except in accordance with the minimum frontage and lot area required in the particular zoning district. Not more than one (1) parcel or lot, or combination of lots under the same ownership, that is nonconfonning but which meets the requirements under b above may be developed for a single-family house Ownership of parcels shall be determined by the property tax rolls on tile in the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office as of the effective date of this ordinance 2 Within R-2 districts, in subdivisions platted prior to the effective date of this ordinance, where the platted lots have a frontage of at least forty (40) feet but less than fifty (50) feet, the following rules shall apply' a. A detached single-family dwelling may be constructed on any such parcel, provided that it meets all of the following requirements (1) The parcel contains at least one (1) whole platted lot. (2) Property cannot be acquired from adjacent parcels so as to make the subject parcel conforming, without causing the adjacent parcels or structures thereon to become nonconfonning or more nonconforming b A duplex dwelling may be constructed on any parcel, provided that it meets the following requirements. (1) The parcel contains at least two (2) whole platted lots, (2) Property cannot be acquired from adjacent parcels so as to make the subject parcel conforming, without causing the adjacent parcels to become nonconforming or more nonconforming. (1) Any use which uses, handles, stores, or displays hazardous materials, or which generates hazardous waste, as defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Pan 261 4 Conditional uses. Within any M-l industrial district, no building, structure, land or water, or any part thereof shall be erected, altered, or used, in whole or part, for one or more of the following uses. unless a conditional use approval is secured according to the standards and procedures set forth in Section 11.2 of these zoning regulations, provided, however, that any use or process that would be subject to a minimum distance requiremem under Section 8 A.2, would require an environmentaJ review pennit under Section 8.A.3 , or would be prohibited under Section 8.A.S . shall fully comply with the provisions of those sections, where applicable. a. Millwork and truss plants, provided that such uses conform to the minimum distance requirement specified in Section 8.A.2 b. Commercial television, radio and microwave broadcasting or relay towers. c. Arenas, stadiums, frontons, convention and exhibition halls, and racetracks, provided that all such uses shall have a minimum frontage of two hundred (200) feet on a collector or arterial road, and shall have the major access thereto d Helistops. limited to an accessory use to a lawful principal use. d:) S ~ed ~ Within any M-I (Vindustrial district. no building structUre, land, or water, or any part thereof shall be erected, altered, or used, in whole or in part. for any use not specifically allowed in accordance with Sections 8.A.l , 8.A.2.. 8.A.3 , or 8.AA of these zoning regulations, or for any of the following expressly prohibited uses. a. Manufacturing, fabrication, processing. and extraction as follows (1) Grain and feed products, crop processing. ZoDiDl 47 (2) Vegetable fats and oils (3) Distilling and brewing. (4) Seafood processing. (S) Meat packing and poultry dressing (6) Stockyards and feeding pens, keeping, raising, or slaughter of livestock, horses, or poultry (7) Rendering of animal or marine fats, oils, and other products, use of unprocessed bones, fat, hooves, horns. or other unprocessed animal products for the production of glue, soap, lard, oils, or fenilizer (8) Sugar processing and refining. (9) Commercial production of field or tree crops (10) Leather tanning, curing, fInishing, and coloring; storage of raw hides or skins. (11) Tobacco processing and tobacco products manufacrurin&. (12) Weaving, spinning, knitting, dyeing, or treating of textile mill products (13) Pulp mills, paper aDd paperboard mills. converted paper and paperboard products not specifically permitted in Section 8.A.I.a.(8) of these zoning regulations (14) Chemicals and allied products not specifically allowed elsewhere in this section. (IS) Wood preserving, pressure treating. and drying. (16) Fertilizer. pesticides, herbicides, and agricultural chemicals (17) Explosives, ammunition, matches, and fireworks