AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Meetinl! Dates o March 16, 1999 ~ April 6, 1999 o April 20, 1999 o May 4,1999 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office March 5,1999 (noon) Requested City Commission Meetim! Dates o May 18, 1999 o June 1, 1999 o June 15, 1999 o July 6, 1999 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office May 7, 1999 (nnon) March 26, 1999 (noon) May 21, 1999 (noon) April 9, 1999 (noon) June 4, 1999 (noon) April 23. 1999 (noon) June 25, 1999 (noon) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM o Administrative o Consent Agenda ~ Public Hearing o Bids o Announcement o Development Plans o New Business o o o Legal Unfmished Business Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the April 6, 1999 City Commission meeting agenda under Public Hearing, The Planning and Development Board, with a 7-0 vote, recommended approvaL There were no staff comments; however, if the Commission approves this item with conditions, said conditions shall be documented in Exhibit "Cn of the attached Development Department Memorandum No. PZ 99-073. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: Stor-All AGENT: Kieren J. Kilday Kilday and Associates, Inc. LOCATION: Southeast corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road DESCRIPTION: Request approval for a parking lot variance to allow a 77-foot 3-inch reduction from the required minimum driveway distance from an intersection of 180 feet to 102-feet 9-inches. PROGRAM IMPACT: NM FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A City Manager's Signature Department of Development Director's Signature 77,~'~ _' C Planning and Zoning Director City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources J:\SHRDAT A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\SlOr AII\PKL V\Agendlltcm Request 4-6-99.dCJc DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99-073 STAFF REPORT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION INTRODUCTION Meeting Date: March 23, 1999 File No: PKLV 99-002 Location: Southeast corner Old Boynton Road & Knuth Road (see exhibit "A"-Iocation map) Applicant: Stor-AII Properties, Inc. 1375 West Hillsboro Blvd Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Agent: Kieren J. Kilday Kilday and Associates, Inc, 1551 Forum Place Suite 100 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Zoning: PCD Planned Commercial Development (proposed to be rezoned to C-1, Office/Professional) Project Name: Star-All Adjacent zoning districts and land uses: North - Old Boynton Road and farther north Boynton Beach Mall shopping center, zoned C-3. South - Single family home remaining in a county enclave, and farther south, property to be annexed and rezoned for Wal Mart. East - Land zoned Agriculture to be rezoned to C-3 for Wal- Mart. West - Knuth Road, and farther west land zoned R-3 multi- family, residential. I Page 2 Memorandum No, PZ 99-073 Stor All (drive way distance from street) -staff report Variance Request: Request for variance from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article II, Section H.3, to allow a 77- foot 3-inch reduction from the required minimum driveway distance from an intersection of 180 feet to 102 feet 9 inches. BACKGROUND Stor-AII Self Storage Rentals is currently preparing a new site plan for this corner (southeast) parcel at Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road. As a part of the application process they are required to seek zoning relief for the proposed driveway due to proximity to the intersection of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road (See Exhibit "B" - Site Plan.) ANALYSIS The City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article II, Section 11.H.3 states as follows: "Distance from streets. Parking lot driveways shall be constructed at least thirty (30) feet from the intersection of the right-of-way lines along local streets and one- hundred eighty feet along streets of a higher classification." Stor-AII seeks approval to place a driveway approximately 102 feet from the intersection with Knuth Road. As the Land Development Regulations require 180 feet, this would be 78 feet short of the requirement In reviewing variance requests for driveway separation (from intersections), staff reviewed several criteria to determine justification for allowing a variance at this location. This analysis focused on the traditional criteria for hardship, as well as the following three (3) issues: 1) Lot configuration relative to the 180 feet distance requirement; 2) Availability of adjacent property with which to combine the subject property and add length necessary to meet the driveway setback requirement; and 3) Traffic circulation and safety. With respect to lot dimensions and configuration, the subject parcel contains 310 feet of frontage, which is sufficient to enable the driveway to be placed the required 180 feet from the adjoining intersection. Secondly, as the property is not deficient of adequate frontage, adjacent property is not required for assemblage purposes. Lastly, traffic circulation and safety were reviewed and identified to be the primary justification for this variance request ~ Page 3 Memorandum No. PZ 99-073 Stor All (drive way distance from street) -staff report The location of the proposed driveway is in response to county opposition toward it being placed in close proximity to the Boynton Beach Mall's southwest entrance, As reflected by county correspondence (see Exhibit "C"), the original driveway location, which complied with the city's separation requirement, would potentially conflict with the mall entrance. As a compromise, the county recommends that the driveway be placed "equidistant" between Knuth Road and the mall entrance. With respect to traditional hardship criteria the code states that a zoning code variance cannot be approved unless the board finds the following: a, That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district. b. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. c. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. d. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. e. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. f. That granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter (ordinance) and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Based on circumstance created by the proximity to both the mall driveway and nearby intersection, as emphasized by the original objection from Palm Beach County, the above- referenced criteria are satisfied. It should be noted that the driveway is not located equidistant between the intersection and mall driveway, and is proposed much closer to the intersection which would indicate that the requirement of item "e" is not met (102 feet from the intersection and 180 feet from the mall driveway). However, it is preferable to have the greater distance to the mall driveway to allow optimal simultaneous stacking space for the mall and proposed storage business. 3 Page 4 Memorandum No, PZ 99-073 Stor All (drive way distance from street) -staff report CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends that the request for a variance to allow a new driveway to be placed on the north side of the property, onto Old Boynton Road, a distance of 102 feet 9 inches from the intersection (or 77 feet 3 inches short of the minimum required) be approved. This recommendation is based, in part, on a hardship as described herein, and as represented by the recommendations of Palm Beach County. To further minimize potential traffic congestion at this proposed driveway, access limitations will be included within the conditions of approval for the pending site plan. There are currently no conditions of approval recommended. If conditions of approval are added by the Planning and Development Board and City Commission, said conditions will be listed in Exhibit "0", xc; Central File J:\SHRDATAIPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSlStor AII- staff rop.doc . { 4- ~ (.... --.;r . D_".~ '& _1'lItIIIc_ "0 lox ZIZZO '... I'I1m ~""h. t'\. )]4'6-'22'* "61l6l4-4OOQ WWWC<l.p.....-b~.n."" . - -- c:o.., _ '" CaouIty C_._A ~ . _l'onIl.n,O... ~Ir(en H. NewIU. 'in;, C~r",,J,n IQrC'n T r.t~c:us carol A. Il4bem Maty M<Cany ewt A3fOt\RJn Tcmy ~.u.UQ,ti Coa.ncy.,.. ;AI___~ _It w.......... .....- -..,. A~~,AdIDoIE~- ~ ""'CIt~'" ~ EXHIBIT "C" February 3. 1999 Jeff Smith Simmons & White. Inc. 4623 Forest Hi'l BlVd. West Palm Bet.ch, FL 33415 SUBJECT: PROPOSED STOR-ALL FACILITY TO BE LOCATED ON O;,.U BOYNTON ROAD AT KNUTH ROAD. ACCESS TO 01..0 BOYNTON ROAD. (roll.DAY AND ASSOCIATES SfTE PlAN NO. 1374.1.REV.1/21199) Dear Mr. Smith: I am writing in reply to your llltiuest for a conceptual approval at the driVeway connection for the subject project onto Old Boynton Road. The Traffic Division cannot support the proposed driveway as shown on the above-refe~nced site plan prepared by Kilday and Associates. As . proposed. the driveway would be in conflict with the westem entrance to the Boynton SS'.lch Mal/. We could howlwl~r. support a driveway onto this roadway at a point approximately ~quidistant between the Mall entrance and Knuth Road. Such a reIocat.o\d driveway would comply with the County's Access Management Standards. As a condition of the County's required right of way connection permit. this project will be required to reconfigure the pavement mar1<lngs on Old Boynton Road in order to provide a two-way left turn lane between the Mall entrance and Knuth RosO. I hope this is sufficient to fill your needs, Sincerely, ASH:meo Charles R. Walker, P .E., Direaor, Traffic Division Jim Peters. Land ~elopment Division File: Roads. Old Boynton Road General. Access Management pc: ASH\stor-all.js '1 -~--~...............-