CORRESPONDENCE 3400 oP--J. fa,.. Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects / Planners 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (561) 689-5522 Fax (561) 689-2592 www kildayinc.com January 14, 2002 Mr Kevin Hallahan Boynton Beach City Forester Planning and Zoning Department 1 00 East Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33415 Re Stor*AII, Knuth Road Landscape Material Substitutions Boynton Beach Permit No 00-3289, MMSP-00-032 Our File No 137401 Dear Mr Hallahan, The following is a list of plant substitutions for the above referenced project: . Seven Cabbage Palms (Sabal palmetto) shall be planted on site to replace one Red Bay, two Queen Palms, three Cabbage Palms and one Live Oak. . A Green Buttonwood hedge (Conocarpus erectus) consisting of plants in a 3 gallon container, min 24" ht., shall be planted adjacent to the preserve area in lieu of the Saw Palmetto specified on the landscape plans Please accept the above plant species as replacement material for the plants specified on the landscape plans prepared by our office As always, please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions, comments or need additional information Sincerely, Y.LZ:o' MarCie W Tinsley Kilday & Associates, Inc. Attachments Cc' Charlie Anderson, Stor*AII H:Clients/137 4/137 4 1/Correspondence_Hallahan_01 14-02 Wr[ ~ 11l/2P~ Il m' j I D~PARTMENT OF OEVElO;ENT ~ ~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 02-015 TO Technical Review Committee Members FROM Marshall Gage, PolIce ChIef Jeff LIvergood, PublIc Works DIrector John Wildner, Parks DIrector John GUidry, UtIlItIes DIrector Mike Rumpf, Plannmg & Zomng DIrector Steve Gale, Deputy FIre ChIef Don Johnson, Bmldmg Official ~ January 28, 2002 r-_ 1- -~ '/,lf"'~ ~.~ , --.'-' -.,,;.... If !'/ ~ .~ J ~--J (/ 15 .:-...... -7'''-l'r, t ,\. I .' ! I "\R " '/ .., f Ii ,r' '" !" DATE RE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY PROJECT NAME STOR-ALL ADDRESS 3400 OLD BOYNTON RD PERMIT #. 00-3289 CONTRACTOR. STOR-ALL MANAGEMENT The above referenced project IS neanng completIOn. Pnor to the BUIldmg DIvIsIon Issumg the Certificate of Occupancy, I would like to ensure that you do not have any outstandmg or pendmg condItIons concernmg thIS sIte that must be rectIfied (excludmg Issues that are covered entIrely WIth a City approved surety) If any outstandmg condItIons are related to permIts Issued by the BUIldmg DIVISIOn, please provIde thIS dIVISIon a memorandum contammg a descnptIOn of the unresolved condItIons. If the unresolved condItIons are not permIt related, please notIfy the owner or the owner's agent to ensure that the matters are rectIfied. Please respond to me, wlthm ten (10) days, m order that we may proceed m a tImely manner to Issue the CertIficate of Occupancy No response IS necessary If your department IS satIsfied WIth the current state of the above referenced SIte Thank you for your cooperatIon. DJ:rs XC TImothy K. Large, BUIldmg Code AdmInIstrator Ed Yates, OccupatIOnal LIcense Manager Kevm Hallahan, Forester/EnvIronmentalIst Frantz LaFontant, Engmeenng Inspector II S \Development\Building Code Adrmmstrator\TRC 10 DAY MEMOS\Stor All 00-3289 doc s~ /'- J. r.. C" <''';7-::::;:.- ~., (-,'- C. ..")<<..- r/ '" ,,::> . .( MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TO: Diane Reese, Finance Director FROM:~JOIm A.~, Utilities Director DATE: 11"1'1 ~1J111 SUBJECT: Reservation fee transmittal for _ ~rtJ~.II.L h111"'"~I"'r#i, I-Tb- I(NUiH ~,tfg {,("..,,7/0N Enclosed is a reservation fee for the subject project: ut-AIIT6) Amount - $/ '11. (J~ Check no. - .5~3~ Si,/t. AlL / I!JlJtJK tJF A IIIIFIII ~ II AlII , :J~I/ JAJ. '''''''$ 8'"., &.tI/J. 1)"4 rlllt./) Brlk'" ':L.3J'I(2- Please deposit this fee in the appropriate account. You may refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. From - JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Michael Rumpf, Planning Director File ! ....; i i'; 'L~r;:f ~--li!J! rlEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Occupational License Community Redevelopmem January 16, 2001 Jeff Anderson Stor All Self Storage Rentals 1375 West Hillsboro Boulevard Deerfield Beach, FL. 33442 Re: Stor All Facility (Southeast Corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road) Dear Mr. Anderson: This letter is in response to your letter dated January 8, 2001, wherein you state the current status of your project and reasons for delay, as well as request confirmation that your project will not be examined to determine the percent complete to date, Given the current status of the project, and the delays which are in part, due to unanticipated late requirements that impacted project design, and which involved a utility pump station and the establishment of easements, this examination will not be conducted, Of course this response is conditioned upon the continued demonstration of a "good faith effort" to complete this project. A "good faith effort" would be represented by continued development progress and the lack of unjustifiable and/or prolonged delays. Please contact me at 561-742-6260 should you have any questions, Sincerely, VvK Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director MR CC: Subject file, ebron, file J:\$HRDAT A\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\$tor.Al1 Knuth Road and Old Boynton\Anderson letter,doc America's Gateway to tile Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375~6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 ~f~~JI\W qii1] L,._._ ""....J Via UPS Next Day Air January 8, 2001 Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Stor-All Storage Facility Southeast Comer of Old Boynton and Knuth Road Dear Mr, Rumpf: As we discussed today, I would appreciate a written extension, relief or clarification to the "25% completion of construction" requirement as it pertains to our site plan approval. Stor-All, its consultants and City staff diligently worked together to have a building permit issued, A building permit was issued on January 3, 2001. Unfortunately, the delay in obtaining a permit has prevented us from achieving "25% of completion of construction" within the specified time frame, Several items were required by the City that were either in addition to or different from those shown on the approved site plan, Some of these items did not come up until late in the review process. Including such things as changing or adding easements which involved different departments and agencies and increased the review time. The whole building permit process took longer than any of us thought possible when we asked for the original extension to our site plan, 1 can assure you and the City that the delay in our construction has not been intentional. We have cleared the site under our clear and grub permit and have signed contracts with our underground contractor, site contractor, shell contractor and other subcontractors in excess of $1,000,000.00. We are ready to begin construction immediately following written notification from the City that we are allowed to do so under our current site plan extension, Thank you for your understanding and assistance with this request. Stor-All has enjoyed its relationship with the City of Boytnon Beach and intends to operate and maintain its properties in Boynton Beach to the highest possible standards. Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions or require additional information, ~ Jeff Anderson Managing Partner JMAJse W~]1ItI11mij 1[111,1 JAN 1 O~0,,, i U I .. ,I I ( ,~.....<" attachment 1375 West Hillsboro Boulevard' Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 . Phone 954-421.7888 . Fax 954-426-1108 . http://www,stor-aii,com CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P. 0, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EFFICIENCY BY WHICH YOU RECEIVE YOUR PERMIT DEPENDS ON YOUR RESPONSE TO THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CAREFULLY READ AND CORRECTL Y RESPOND TO ALL ASPECTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. COMMENTS: For permit application number 1 review: !'l0-32a~ Project Name or Address: StOf"iA.II REVIEWED BY: Departmentand/or Division: Engineedngl)~Pai!itJl'$nt Name of Reviewer: Ken Hall Trade: Sngineering Phofle # ($61) 742-6283 ext. Fax # (561) 742-6285 Review Date: 11113/00 Type of Review: Engineering/Public Wol'k$/lJtilities COMMENT DIS~RIBU:J:ION: Personidentilied on theappliGation to re~ive cornment$: Name Phone # (ari;!1iI code:56J) ext. Fax # (area code:5(1) Date(s) reviewer called: Person who received the oaU THE FOllOWING AREA SHAll BE FlllEIEl"ININ j;HiE I'lRE$ENCEOF A BUilDING DIVISION STAFF MEMBER: COMMENTS/PLANS PICKED UP: Comment(s) reed. by print name and date: OR Plans/Comments reed. by print name and date: Page 2 of3 Plan Review Comments for Permit Application # Your permit application and supporting documentation do not comply with the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Prior to receiving a permit to construct or install the requested improvements the plans and documents shall be amended to show compliance with the below listed comments. For questions regarding my review please contact me at the number listed above. If a conference is necessary, please schedule an appointment. Phone calls and appointments are received and scheduled during work days Monday through Friday 9:30 to 10:30 AM and 1 :45 to 2:45 PM. Please note that additional comments may be generated following staff review of the amended plans. Timely approval of your project is dependent upon your prompt and correct response to the information provided in this document. Engineerina: Provide satisfactory permits or exemptions therefrom from the two drainage agencies prior to permit issuance. Utilities: All utility easements at this site shall be twelveni~) fQot..v4!i1i;!. Correct all appropriate plans accordingly. At the northwest Corhe,.of'Ui!'iilsite\,~I'IR~ct the utility easement running to the east with the utility easementl'liJ1'ItI1t'!$l p'arellel With Old Boynton Road. Easements twelve (12) feet wide shaUbe"provi~ed to. allCbmmodate all required utilities across lots and where possible shall be centered on,lli>tllhes with convenient access for maintenance. Indicate an appropriate utility easement fromtheeigIJt (liI)jn~,ID.I.P.lI'!I'ater line along Old Boynton upto the city water meter and up to thepostinclliCator vil/IVe. Final inspections will not be performed until all neeessarye<;tsemel'ltsurveys have been submitted and approved by the utility department for recorlil13tibn. Prior to permit issuance, submit receipts verifYing all required utility fees. Prior to permit issuance, provide copieS of'the Palm Beach County Health Dept. permits for water and sewer services. Prior to permit issuance, provide a recorded copy of the proposed fifteen (15) foot additional right of way to P.B. Co. including a twelve (12) foot utility easement for the eight (8) inch D.I.P. water main. The lift station shall be screened from public view with a six (6) foot high C.B.S. wall with gates. 2 :.=-_,..._..~.___~ ...___........~.lll ..__-..n:;:a_.T'_~"_""_ -_.._._._lfo...........::.o,........ __ -=...~ N"OV. 27.2000 10: 48AM " .HORAH ASSOC. NO. 349 P .1/2 II SUITE 206 1850 FOREST HILL BlVD. WEST PAW BEACH, FL 33406 MICHAEL B. SCHORAH & ASSOCIATES, INC. FAX (S61) 64l-97Z6 ENGINEERS. PLANNERS. DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS I TEU!PH9NE (561) 968.00BO II/~ 1 ,.r,4 i/ a. J J -Y~lr CIf . :If' . , FAX TRANSMITTAL LEITER TO: PA'T1'E. MA-IM FROM: MALCOLM COOPER flRM: STbi2. - ALL DATE: 11/).7/00 S To IL _ A-LL Kw u-rn t..J:J--AD NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING L RE: - CrT'i C&IM I\.\.~S THIS COVER SHEET: FAXTELEPHONE# (954-) 4;;t1- 3~'l1 JOB # og1~ OPERATOR: K L-N ' . ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 0 ~ ~E-S~E; --(0 ""T1HS C1-r-j 'S ~~~ (Wi ~--c-r ACt::\""Go) NLt I\'; fO-Lt.ows :- CD wE:: /-tAVEo Pc..~l( Ru-M l3'ts1"1i\ L. W.1>. D. A-fI.,f) f.fS.<-. (2) U---rl u'Tl~ ~ f-tt\\ff.. ~-.AD,/ Mf(Lc.r(-Q " \0' WIPf GA~~ (j) o0Y2- PLAN SHewS. t+tJ f;AS.~ \If -(0 TttE. ~\!l{ J.+ 'i P'a.ArfT ~ A ULN ow L-L-() &f=O 1"'"5) C.A PA C\-r'f P-E:~E:Lv~"[l.eriJ ~ ~ ~tcN PAID rb) \.,..l t- ~f: r\-C.-f\.L"L'b\ Otn". ~ . ~ ~lG-R.. OtJL:t .. I'U:t. ~ ~ ~ S" tvSL-.re.. ~ I2-GQ 0 lrt(~ I(v V-lE::- CT(L(: lNOl'LILlfo./C: ON Pt-f:R N-I (I.!(.,. f\ Lf:(.~ D<:1Lil-l Pllo-N -~ g Ilk-rt.t\ ~~ frol)'l\~ IS'rz...c.w_ ((if) v.J ~ w ILL ~ A ~. 1-hCs1A (.. c'! r \..v1nIL ~ t...\rc S"TA\iQ1. NOTE: If a complete and legible lransmisslon is NOT received. please call (561 )968.0080 lIOll ask for lI1e operator namell above. Thank you. FAX NO. (561)642-9726 CIVil. smuCTVRAI.' DRAINAGE. HIGHWAYS. WATER & sewER. SURVEY ((]J (} Received: 11/27/00 11 :03AM; HOV.27,2000 10:48AM itor-All Management, L '"J Nov- t:l4~~r~b -~ ;;:)"t:or-A.J....L Ml:tlll:tyt:>lllt:lll... ........-. ....""Y"" "'" NO. 349 -P.2/2 2:36PM; Pege 5/5 r@ 6) @ @ (9 @ (9) Ull1bt:n ;HORAH ASSOC. 954421 3691; Palle 2 af3 Plan Review eommella for Permit Applj"'lliun /I Your permit application and supporting documentation do not d:;lmply w' the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Prior to receiving a permit to cons ct, or install the requested improvements the plans and documents sha/f,be amend to show compliance with the be/ow listed comments. For questions rega~ding mY view please contact me at the number listed above. If a conference is necessary, pi se schedule an appointment. Phone cal/s and appointments are receivEid and sch.ed led during work days Monday through Friday 9:30 to 10:30 AM and 1:45 t9 2:45 P Pleas" note that additional comments may be generated following staff revie.w of the mend~ plans. Timely approval of your project is dependent upon your prompt an correct response to the information provided in this d~menl. Enalneerin9: Provide satisfactory permits or exemptions therefrom from the tiPo dral: e agencies prior to permit issuance. Q Utilities: All' utility easements at this site shan be lwelve,'C~) toj,i.wtlI!e,: appropriate plans accordingly. At the northwest camerof Itl't,'titt. : easement running to the east with the utility easemem'~ ~r:al~ vi Boynton Road. Easements twelve (12) feet wJ<k shalt,~ proViililJd to : modate all required utHities across lots and where possible s~1l be centered OJIF.,1Ot Ii es with convenient a~for maintenance. ' . Indicate an appropritlte utility ~8sementfrem the:e.lght (8)~~ q.l.P., . line along Old Boynton up. to the city water meter and' up to tJ\e;!post ir.1dltator valve:. Final inspections will n~ be performed unlll all r:lec:e5SIII.Y. ea$en1eflt surV have been submitted and approved by the utility departmelit fQr rec:iOnJal:lon; , Prior to permit issuance, submit rece~ v.elifyins all requimd utility fees.. Prior to permit issuance, provide copius of the ,Palm Beach Courity Health apt permits for water and sewer selYices. Prior to permit issuance. provicJe a recorded copy of the propoSed fifteen;( 5) foot additional right of way to P.B. Co. including a twelve (12) foot utility aasem nt for the eight (8) inch OJ.P. water main. The lift station shall be screened from public view With a six (6) fQot high C. .S. wall with gates. /,' 2 Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects / Planners 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (561) 689-5522' Fax (561) 689-2592 E~Mail: info@kildayinc.com April 5, 1999 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Initial Review Comments-Star-All File No, COUS 99-001 Our File No. 1374.1 Dear Mr. Rumpf: As requested, please find attached twelve (12) sets (including surveys) of amended plans addressing the comments made by the reviewing departments and as indicated in your March 11, 1999 "first review comments", transmittal to this office. Additionally, the following is in response to the aforementioned comments from the applicant's consultants: Public Works Department: 1 , A note has been placed on the Site Plan dumpster detail indicating that waste removal in connection with construction process will be serviced by the City of Boynton Beach. 2. The applicant has been in contact with Mr. AI Kim to resolve this issue, Utilities Department: 3. This comment states that the applicant shall show all utility easements on the rectified landscape plans. The applicant has revised the site plan to show all existing and proposed utility easements to determine which trees may interfere with utilities. 4. The applicant acknowledges that permits from HRS will be required for water and sewer systems serving this project at the building permit level. 5, The applicant acknowledges that fire flow calculations will be required during the HRS permit submittal. Mr. Michael Rumpf April 5, 1999 Page 2 6, The applicant acknowledges that a capacity reservation fee will be required upon a request for signature on the Health Department application forms or within thirty (30) days of site plan approval. 7, The applicant has amended the engineering plans to include a note certifying that drainage will conform to all rules of the City and the South Florida Water Management District. 8. The applicant acknowledges that all proposed water and sewer lines shall be included within utility easements. The applicant has amended the engineering plans to include all proposed utility easements. The easements shall be a minimum 12 feet in width and be dedicated to the City via separate instrument. 9. The applicant acknowledges this comment. 10. The applicant has revised the engineering plans, site plan, and landscape plan to include the location of fire hydrants within 200 feet of all points on the proposed building. The engineering plans have also been revised to include extending the water main to the east property line, 11, Backflow preventers are included on the engineering plans, 12. The applicant acknowledges that a building permit for this project will not be issued until the Utility Department has approved the plans for the water and sewer improvements required to serve the project. 13. As discussed with the Utility Department, the proposed building will be connected to public sanitary sewer. Fire Department: 14. The applicant has revised the engineering plans, site plan, and landscape plan to include the location of fire hydrants within 200 feet of all points on the proposed building, The engineering plans have also been revised to include extending the water main to the east property line. Police Department: 15. The site plan and landscape plan have been revised to include a safe sight line for the Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road driveways. The safe sight lines are in compliance with FDOT Index 546 and Palm Beach County requirements, Mr. Michael Rumpf April 5, 1999 Page 3 Engineering Division: 16, The applicant acknowledges that all plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application, 17. The engineering plans, site plans, and landscape plans have been revised to include a 5' concrete sidewalk along Knuth Road for the entire length of the property. 18. The applicant has revised the engineering plans to include a six inch thick sidewalk through both driveways. Building Division: 19. The applicant has revised the site and landscape plans to include a clear sight triangle at both egress driveways in accordance with FOOT Index 546. Additionally, a note has been added to the landscape plans indicating that all landscaping within the sight triangles shall provide a clear and unobstructed cross- visibility at a level between 30" and 6' above the pavement. 20. The site plan and paving and drainage plans have been revised to show handicap ramps as shown on the paving and drainage details. 21, The applicant has revised the site plan and engineering plans to include two "do not enter" signs facing southwest and northwest at the Knuth Road driveway. Additionally, a stop bar across the entire driveway has been included on said plans. Also, the engineering plans have been revised to include a double yellow 6" - 25' long stripe at the Old Boynton Road ingresslegress driveway, The egress lane is shown as 12' wide and the ingress wide is 15' wide. 22, Included with this submittal is an engineer's certification that the drainage plan conforms to the City's rules, regulations, and codes. 23. The site plan and engineering plans have been revised to reflect a 22' wide exit roadway to provide a minimum fire lane. Additionally, the engineering plans include a stripe and sign to define the roadway as a fire lane. 24. The site plan, engineering plans, and landscape plans have been revised to include a six (6) foot high chain link fence along the south side of the egress driveway. The purpose of this location is to allow for the preservation area to remain in its natural state, and to allow for site security. Also, the engineering plans Mr. Michael Rumpf April 5, 1999 Page 4 have been revised to include a cross section at the south property line to clarify proposed grading in this area. 25, The engineering plans have been revised to reflect Type "0" curbing around all curvilinear landscaped areas to prevent encroachment. A note reflecting this requirement has been added to the site and landscape plans, 26. The paving and drainage plans have been revised to include proposed locations of Type "0" curb and flush header curb, 27. The project engineer will be providing County approval to outfall into the Knuth Road drainage system. 28, The engineering plan has been revised to reflect the FTP 25 handicap sign that is in agreement with the site plan, 29. The engineering plan has been revised to show the location of Section "E-E". 30. The engineering plans have been revised to include concrete aprons for all inlets, 31. The engineering plans have been revised to include a general note stating that the exfiltration trenches and associated inlets shall conform to City standard, drawing B-91 007. Additionally, the proposed trench detail has been revised accordingly. Also, Sheet 5 of 6 has been revised to include proposed dimensions for the exfiltration trench. 32, As discussed with Michael Rumpf, the applicant is proposing to install Saw Palmetto to be consistent with the proposed native Pine habitat. This plant material will effectively screen the loading area, 33. All plans have been revised to include concrete wheelstops for all parking spaces that are not abutting a sidewalk. 34. The paving and drainage plan specifications have been revised (Sheet 5 of 6) to eliminate corrugated metal pipe, Additionally, said plans include specifications for HOPE pipe. 35. A note has been added to the paving and drainage specifications indicating that a preconstruction meeting is required prior to beginning construction. 36. The project engineer acknowledges that the control structure detail on the paving and drainage plan must be consistent with the size of the pipes. Mr. Michael Rumpf April 5, 1999 Page 5 37. The proposed elevation at the top of the weir plate in the control structure is 18.0'. The weir plate will not be adjustable, This site meets South Florida Water Management District criteria for being exempt from permitting. 38, Attached with this letter is a letter from Palm Beach County dated indicating conceptual approval of the driveway location on Old Boynton Road. The applicant is scheduled to go to the Boynton Beach City Commission on April 6, 1999 for variance approval of said driveway. 39, The paving and drainage plan has been revised to coordinate Section "C-C" with the dimensions, 40. The engineering plans have been revised to include all proposed pavement markings, striping, and signage on the paving and drainage plan, 41. The conceptual engineering plans have been amended to include a handicap detail reflecting a 6' long landing rather than a 5' landing depicted on the drawing. The size and configuration of the landing shall comply with the regulation specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, 42. The site plan, floor plan, and engineering plans have been revised to comply with this comment. The proposed elevation of the top landing is 18.35'. 43. The site plan and engineering plans have been revised to include the finished floor elevation, which in this case is 19.5', The engineering plans have been revised to include the flood zone that this site is located within. A note has been included on the site plan indicating that the finished floor elevation is in compliance with the regulations identified in the Code, 44. A note has been added to the floor plan indicating that at time of permit review, the occupancy classification and type of construction proposed for the building will be in compliance with the regulations of the building code. Further, the occupancy and type of construction will comply with the specifications identified in the building code, 45, The architectural plans and signage details have been revised to include dimension lines and dimensions to the drawing of the sign. 46. The architectural elevation plans have been revised to include computations and ratios verifying that the area of the wall sign and site sign are in compliance with the regulations specified in the sign code. Mr. Michael Rumpf April 5, 1999 Page 6 47. The site plan has been revised to include setback dimensions from each property line to the leading edge of the building, The building setbacks on the proposed plan comply with the City Zoning Code Regulations. 48. The site plan drawing has been revised to identify the property line. Parks and Recreation Department: No comments. Forester/Environmentalist: No comments, Planning and Zoning Department: 49, The architectural floor plan sheet has been revised connecting handicap accessible walks to the office doors. 50. The architectural elevation plan has been revised to include a color and material description sample for the proposed monument sign, 51, The site plan and engineering plans have been revised to include a screen wall hedge at the west end of the loading spaces. 52. Roof top equipment is not utilized; therefore, this comment is not applicable. 53. A variance request will be heard by the City Commission on April 6, 1999 for the reduction in driveway distance, 54, The site plan tabular data has been revised to include the minimum and proposed square footage for the parking area interior landscape requirements. 55. The applicant acknowledges this comment. As indicated on the elevation drawing, the applicant is proposing textured stucco accents and stucco reveal channel. Additionally, the change of color and the aforementioned architectural treatments will eliminate the flat wall appearance. Mr. Michael Rumpf April 5, 1999 Page 7 Please feel free to contact this office if you have any questions or require any further information. CJ?~OIJLtb Lindsey A. Walter Kilday & Associates, Inc. LAW/kfj cc: Jeffrey Anderson; Stor-AII Greg Anderson; Stor-A11 Mike LaCoursiere; Schorah & Associates Jeff Smith; Simmons & White cor' DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment February 24,1999 Mr. AI Federico, Senior Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Study: Stor-AII Knuth Road and Old Boynton Road File # COUS 99-001 Dear Mr. Federico: The enclosed traffic generation statement on the Stor-A11 site, prepared by Simmons and White, Inc, was received by Planning and Zoning recently for the above-referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance, and provide me and Michael Haag, Building Code Permit Administrator, with your written response, If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742-6260, Sincerely, ~.& -/...- Michael W, Rumpf Acting Manager of Planning and Zoning MWRbme cc: Central File s:\projectsIStor.AIIICQUSltraffic America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 ~~1 ~~o ~ ,I .. -'8 1999 ,uJ , .--l PI v,q,\~~!C: ;.ND l,',',~;i;:,\ '<,r.pl u,,:,'" ~I \J.. . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #99-Q51 TO: SUBJ: Michael W. Rumpf, Acting Manager ofPI~Jj& Zoning C. Larry Roberts, Public Works Director ( /I ~ Al Kim, Sanitation Superintendent ()Wv Site Plan Review - 1st Review - Conditional Use - Stor-All THRU: FROM: DATE: March 5, 1999 Listed below are the comments submitted from the Public Works Department in reference to the site plan listed above: 1. Waste Removal in connection with construction process must be serviced by the City of Boynton Beach. Place note on dumpster detail to indicate same. 2. As per section 10-25 in the City Code, free dumping access to containers at all times shall be provided by the user. If you have any questions regarding these comments please contact Al Kim, Sanitation Superintendent at 742-6206. AKlcr MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TO: Diane Reese, Finance Director ~ FROM: ~John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: ~~ 1.1/997 / SUBJECT: Reservation fee transmittal for - S Iv, ,11/~ j;" '" -tI ;1.,,,.j Enclosed is a reservation fee for the subject project: Amount - $ /7'10'1 Check no. - 12 <( ff- From - J'iw - AI; Please deposit this fee in the appropriate account. You may refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. ("...v.~ _._.,--~.~- \?_ C F \ J.ll 2 2 ec . j JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Michael Rumpf, Planning Director File DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. BD 99-052 TO: ;':111' ili'; ,.,Ij, Michael Rumpf, Acting Planning and Zoning AdminisJator1 (; t'''~ '. _~ _J .1 t'i I -"II' . AlAn ' I, '.1f1Il 9 '"' {f;} ,I,W L';;.\,'t;;,:7G1~'''D .,(".1'......'.11 " --.L-Jl_'Ur'qr"p"i- '-l ~'.... I. FROM: Michael E, Haag, Building Code Permit Administrator DATE: March 9, 1999 RE: Stor All (Knuth & Old Boyuton Rd.) - Conditional Use (COUS 99-001) 1 st review comments We have reviewed the subject plans and offer the following comments that should be addressed prior to the project being forwarded for Board review: Buildinl! Division (Site Snecific and Permit Comments) - Michael E. Haag (561) 742-6352 1. Amend the handicap ramp detail drawing found on sheet 4 of 6 to show a six - (6) foot long landing rather than the five- (5) foot depicted on the drawing, The size and configuration of the landing shall comply with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 2, Add to the site plan and floor plan drawings the ramp that is proposed at south end of the accessible parking spaces. Also, show on the site plan how the transition in vertical elevation will be made from the top of the landing at the handicap ramp to finish floor of the building. Identify the elevation at the top landing, Show and label on the site plan a symbol that represents the accessible path that leads to the building entrance from the accessible parking spaces, 3. Identify within the footprint ofthe building illustrated on the site plan and floor plan drawings the proposed finish floor elevation, Add to the site data found on the site plan the flood zone that the site is located within. Provide documentation on the site plan that the finish floor elevation is in compliance with the regulations identified in the code. 4, To verify that the square footage proposed for the building is in compliance with the regulations of the building code, indicate on the site plan or floor plan drawing at time of permit review the occupancy classification and type of construction proposed for the building. The occupancy and type of construction shall comply with the specifications identified in the Building Code. 5, To verify that the wall signage illustrated on the elevation view drawing is in compliance with the limits of the Sign Code, add dimension lines and dimensions to the drawing of the sign. Department of Development Memo. No. BD 99-052 to Michael Rumpf RE: Stor All (Knuth & Old Boynton Rd.) - Conditional Use - 15t Review March 9, 1999 Page Two 6. Add computations and ratios to the elevation view drawings that verifY that the area of the wall sign and site sign are in compliance with the regulations specified in the Sign Code, 7. At time of permit review, identify on the site plan the actual setback dimension from each property line to the leading edge ofthe building. The building setbacks shall comply with zoning code regulations. 8, On the site plan drawing, identify the symbol that represents the property line. MEH:bg \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A\Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\COUS 99-001 1 st review Stor All (Knuth & Old Boynton).doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 99-082 APR I 4 19::i::i TO: Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director I I ,Ai .....5fJ1" 0 Michael E. Haag, Building Code Permit Administrator . April 13, 1999 FROM: DATE: RE: Stor All (Knuth & Old Boynton Rd.) - Conditional Use (COUS 99-001) 2nd review comments We have reviewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board review with the understanding that all remaining comments will be shown in compliance on the working drawings submitted for permits. Buildinl! Division (site sDecific and Dermit comments) - (561) 742-6352 I, Amend the ten- foot long I: 12 slope handicap ramp that is shown on the plans to include handrails that comply with the Accessibility Code. Identify on the paving and drainage plan the finish elevation of the below listed components of the accessible route that is required from the accessible parking spaces to the accessible entrance of the building, Finish elevation of the access aisle that is located between the accessible parking spaces, landing at the bottom of the ramp, landing at the top of the ramp and the entrance area at the exterior of the building. If the elevation of the top landing of the ramp is not the same elevation as the exterior entrance area or the finish floor ofthe building, identify and/or show on the plan how the transition in vertical elevation will be accomplished to comply with the Accessibility Code, 2, Provide notes, measurements and computations on the site plan or floor plan that verifies the proposed finish floor elevation is in compliance with the minimum standards. The finish floor shall meet the minimum elevation required by the flood zone that the project is located within and minimum elevation that is required by the South Florida Water Management District Also, verify that the elevation of the finish floor is not less than six inches above the crown of the abutting rights-of-way. 3. The size of the wall sign illustrated on the north elevation view drawing exceeds the maximum allowed by the regulations of the Sign Code. Amend the size of the sign accordingly. MEH:bg \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA TA \Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\COUS 99-001 2nd review Stor All (Knuth & Old Boynton).doc Parks Division Memorandnm- TRC '-".....~__~_'r~ .L~@~U.W. _tI- 1999 l J .-.J PLANNING AND ZONING DEPI Subj ect: Mike Rumpf, Acting Planning and Zoning Manager Kevin J Hallahan, Forester / Environmentalist ;<J N- Stor-A11 Conditional Use- l'tReview To: From: Date: March 4, 1999 I have no comment on the conditional use for this site, The project should continue in the normal review process, t- FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No. 99-228 .....illl. .'.. ~''''''',.. I" .'.~ " iPlMINING AND lDNiNG;Df' NFPA Life Safety Code 101, National Fire Code 1, all applicable National Fire Protection Association codes, and the City Fire code shall be adhered to. TO: Mike Rumpf, Act. Director Planning & Zoning Division Steve Gale, Fire Marshal ~/ Deputy Chief - Fire Rescue Department D FROM: DATE: March 3,1999 SUBJECT: COUS 99-001 Stor - All, Knuth Road No part of the structure shall be more than 200 feet from a hydrant. A fire flow test is required, LDR 6 -16 Fire department connections for the fire protection system must be shown as to location, BBFC 9-23 CC: File DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99.204 TO: Bob Borden, Assistant Fire Marshal Larry Quinn, Public Works Mike Haag, Building Division Ken Hall, Engineering Division Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Pete Mazzella, Utilities Department Lee Thompson, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Division Jack Casler, Acting City Engineer /!1(-f2- Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning FROM: DATE: August 11, 1999 SUBJECT: Stor All - Rectified Plans File # CO US 99-001 The amended site plan for Stor All has been submitted for final sign-off by the Technical Review Committee, Four (4) sets of plans, each requiring your unconditional signature, are available for review in Planning and Zoning, A copy of the originally reviewed plans, staff comments and City Commission approval of the Site Plan Modification will be available for your use to perform the review. Please review and sign-off each of the four (4) sets of plans, NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M., August 18, 1999. If the plans are not in compliance with your staff comments or City regulations, sign the plans "subject to memo", To facilitate the sign-off process, please resubmit written comments addressed to the Planning and Zoning Manager, NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M., August 18,1999. Thank you for your prompt response to this request. MWRjma cc: William Bingham, Fire Chief Marshall Gage, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director s:\projects\Stor Atl\recmstpt\nwsp 98-006 treOlure cOQJ.t regional planniQg council MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach From: Terry L. Hess, AICP Planning Director ~ -e 11-- Date: June 2, 1999 Attached is a notice of application for an environmental permit to conduct dredge and fill or similar activities within or adjacent to your community. We are disseminating this information for your review and comment. The information provided with this notice is very brief, but you may contact the permitting agency directly for further information if needed in order for you to assess the impacts of the proposed activities on your community. If the proposed activities are not consistent with your comprehensive plan or other locally adopted plans or regulations, or if you have any other comments, please submit them to the permitting agency by the deadline date indicated in the attached materials. We would also appreciate receiving a copy of any comments you may have for our files. Feel free to call if you have questions or comments for this office. Attachment JU/V --3 301 east ocean boulevard suite 300 stuart, florida 34994 phone (561) 221-4060 sc 269-4060 fax (561) 22 1 -4067 '~~' South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach. Florida 33406 . (561) 686.8800 . FL WATS 1.800.432.2045 TDD (561) 697.2574 . www.sfwmd.gov NOTICE RECEIVED MAY 2 4 1999 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PlANNING COUNCIL May 17, 1999 Subject: Environmental Resource Permit Application Application No, 990517-2 Applicant Stor All Industrial Avenue Palm Beach County, S 20fT 45 SIR 42 E The South Florida Water Management District is currently processing the attached application, If you have any comments or objections concerning this project, please submit them in writing to this office within 30 days of receipt of this notice, This is also an opportunity for applicable State agencies to concur with or object to the proposed project under the federal consistency provision of the Coastal Zone Management Act Review must be in accordance with the procedures adopted by the Interagency Management Committee on October 25, 1989. Findings of inconsistency must describe how the project conflicts with your agency's statutory authorities in the Florida Coastal Management Program and provide alternative measures, if any, which would make the project consistent Commenting agencies must provide a copy of all consistency comments letters to the Florida Coastal Management Program Director, Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100, Please refer to the applicants name and application number as referenced above in any correspondence to help facilitate processing, Questions concerning this project should be addressed to Rob Robbins at (561) 682-6951 or Tony Waterhouse at (561) 682-6867, BAC:jm Attachments c: US Army Corps of Engineers Department of Environmental Protection/Office of Protected Species Management Department of State, Division of Historical Resources Regional Planning Council Department of Community Affairs Palm Beach County DERM Governing Board: Michael Collins, Chairman Michael D. Minton, Vice Chainnan Mitchell W, Betget Vera M. Carter Gerardo B. Fernandez Patrick). Gleason Nicolas J. Gutierrez, Jr. Hatkley R. Thornton Ttudi K. Williams James Harvey, Interim Executive Director Michael Slayton, Deputy Executive Director Trevor Campbell, Deputy Executive Director Mailing Address: P.o. Box 24680, West Palm Beach, F1. 33416-4680 r l II ~..~~ (, ..." " " ~ \ i ,\ : ,,-eo, ,\\ ", ~ ,.~. \' , \ 1;'''- I' -.., MAY , 7 \999 \\" P il . \, .~ " 880517 2 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY DEPIWMD Application' D.. AppIiC8tion Received Fee lIe..i.... . Fe. R...ipt , ACOE AppIlcllion , O.t. AppIicotion lIe..ived Pr_eel Project Lot, _0_'_' I'rDpooeel Project Long, _0_'_' " SECTION A Are any of the activities described in this application proposed to occur in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters? a yes . no , Is this application being filed by or on behalf of a government entity or drainage district? ayes lflno A. Type of Environmenta' Resource Permit Requested (check at least one) o Noticed General - include information requested in Section B. .0: Standard General (Single Family DwellingHnclude information requested in Sections C and D. :g: Standard General (all other projects) - include information requested in Sections C and E. o Individual (Single Family Dwelling) - include information requested in Sections C and D. o Individual (all other projects) - include information requested in Sections C and E. o Conceptual - include information requested in Sections C and E. o Mitigation Bank Permit (construction) . include information requested in Section C and F. { If the proposed mitigation bank involvas the construction of a surface water management syatem requiring another permit defined ebove, check the appropriate box and submit the information requested by the applicable section. I o Mitigation Bank (conceptual) . include information requested in Section C and F. B. Type of activity for which YOll are applying (check et ieast one) - ll" ,4.... J ".-r ow "'" w......, DConstruction or oper.tion of . new system' id_.4:" tI 4 ~. III -- Iillb.y ~ T V'" o Alteration or operation of an existing system which was not previously permitted by a WMD or DEP. o Modification of e system previously permlned by a WMD or DEP. Provide previous permit numbers. o Alteration of e aystem 0 Extension of permit duretion 0 Abendonment of a system o Construction of additional phases of a system 0 Removal of e system C. Are you requesting authorization to uae State Owned Lands. Dyes .. no (If yes Include the Information requested in Section G.) D. For activities in, on or over wetlands or other surface waters, check type of federal dredge and fill permit requested: o Individual 0 Programmatic General o General 0 Nationwide Xl Not Applicable ,r E. Are you claiming to qualify for an exemption? Dyes II no If yes provide rule number if known. C~"'C"'_I! II ~...~ -... '--.. \ I O_!IlI1I OF LAND ENTITY TO RECEIVE PEIIMIT IIF OTHEII THAN O_EIII NAME Stor-AlI Ltd. NAME ADDIIESS ADDIIESS 1315 W. Hillsboro Blvd. CITY. STATE. ZIP CITY, STATE. ZIP Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 COMPANY AND TITLE Anderson Stor-AlI, COMPANY AND TITLE . Inc Jeff Anderson, President TELEPHONE 19541 421-1888 TELEPHONE ( I FAX 1954 I 426-1108 FAX I ) AGENT AUTHORIZED TO SECURE I'EIIMIT IIF AN AGENT CONSULTANT !If DIFFEIIENT FIIOM AGENT) II USED) NAME NAM& Michael J. LaCoursiere, P. E. COMPANY AND TITLE COMPANY AND TITLE Michael B. Schorah Ii Assce., Inc. AOOIIESS ADDRESS 1850 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 206 CITY. STATE. ZIP CITY, STATE. ZIP West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 TELEPHONE 1 I TEUl'HONE 1561 I 968-0080 FAX I I FAX I I (561) 642-9126 N.me of project, Including ph..e If eppllcable Stor All Industrial Avenue Is this epplication for Pin of I multf.pl\ae projlct? =~ lfIno Totll Ipplicant-owned .r.. contiguous to the project 4.35 IC Totlll project ... for which I permit Is -.ght 4.35 - Impervious .r'l for which I permit is sought l.45 - Whatls the totlll _ (metric equivllent for "J~ 4Ily funded proJects, of work in, on, or over wetlands or other surface wat.,. 7 N/A Icres aqulre flit hec:tar.. squllre meters Number of new boat slips proposed. N/A Project location (U.. edditlonal sheets. if neededl County(iesl Palm Beach Section.s, 20 Township 45S Renge 42E Section(s) Township Rllnge lend Grllnt neme. if IIppliceble N/A Tllx Percelldentificlltion Number Not Available Street eddress. rOlld, or other loclltion East Industrial Avenue City, Zip Code if eppliceble Boynton Beach, Florida P1'O!' 2 C" I! ~ O.scrlbe in g.n.r.' t.rms the propos.d proj.ct, syst.m, Dr .ctiliity. Development of a self-storage facility with attendant retention area If th.re h.v. b..n .ny pr.-.pplic.tion m.etings, including .t the proj.ct site, with regul.tory staff, ple.s. list the d.t.(s), loc.tion(s), .nd n.m.s of k.y staff .nd proj.ct repr.s.nt.tives. RIA PI..s. id.ntify by number .ny MSSWlWetl.nd resourc./ERP/ACOE Permits p.nding, issued Dr d.ni.d for proj.cts .t the loc.tion, .nd .ny r.'ated enforc.ment .ctions. Ag.ncy O.t. No.\Type of Applic.tion Action T.k.n Not.:The followino inform.tion is r.ouir.d onlv for oroiects orooos.d to ;:;cur In.;n or ov~ w.tlands that n..d ~ f.d.r.' dr.doe .nd fill o~r';'I~ .n~/~~ :~~~;~~iO: t~ us; :~a~: o;n::; aubmeroed lands and .s not neces..rv when IIDOlvtno olel r n nVlr om n.1 A s r P rm. . PI..se provide the n.m.s, .ddr.ss.s .nd zip cod.s of property own.rs whose property dir.ctly adjoins the proj.ct l.xcluding applic.nt). Pl.... .tt.ch . pl.n vi.w Showing the own.r's n.m.s and adjoining property lines. Att.ch .ddition.1 sheats if n.cess.ry. 1. 2. 3. '4, ~ Page 3 of 4 It ~...~ -.., ----- I By signing this spplicetion form, Ism spplying, or I sm spplylng on behalf of the spplicant, for tha permit and any proprietery authorizations identified above, according to the supporting data and other Incidenta' Information filed with this epplicatlon. I em familiar with the Information contained In this appliCetion and represent that such Information Is true, complete end accurate. I understend this Is an applicetlon and not a permit, and that work prior to approval Is a violation. I understand that this application end anv permit Issued or proprietary authorization Issued pursuent thereto, does not relieve me of any obligetion for obtlllnlng eny other required federel, state, weter menagement district or locer permit prior to commencement of construction. I egree, or I egr.. on behelf of my corporetion. to operete end meintein the permitted system unless the permitting egency euthorizes trensfer of the permit to e responsible operetlon entity. I understend thst knowingly meking eny felse stetement or representetion in this epplicetion is s violstion of Section 373.430, F.S. and 18 U.S.C. Section 1001. Ltd. sme of Applicant (If no Agent is used) or Agent IIf one Is so euthorized below) 5/14/99 Dllte Anderson Star-All. Inc.. General Partner of Star-All, Ltd. Signllturll 0 Applicant/Agent Jeffrey M. Anderson, President. (Corporetll Title If IIpplicable) AN AGENT MAY SIGN A80VE SUA! IF THE APPUCANT COMPLETES THE FOllOWING: I hereby designate and authorize the egent listed above to ect on my behlllf. or on behelf of my corporetion, .. the egent In the procesllng of this applicetion for the permit and/or prOprilltlry authorization Indicated above; and to turnilh, on request, lupplementellnformetion In IUPPOrt of thll applicetion. In eddition, I 8Uthorize the above-lllted egllnt to bind me, or my corporation, to perform eny requirement which may be necessary to procurll the permit or authorlzetion indicated abovlI. I undllrltand thllt knowingly making any fallllltatement or reprHllntation in this application is a violltion of Section 373.430, F.S. and 18 U.S.C. Section 1001. TypedJPrinted Name of Applicant Signature of Applicant Datil (Corporate Title if epplicabiel ----- note: The -a..... ........ ........ 'not . ......, .. ...... ...... PERSON AUTHORIZING ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY MUST COMPLETE THE FOllOWING: I either own the property delcrlbed In thil applicetion or I heve Iegel authority to ellow eceell to the property, and I con..nt, atter receiving prior notification, to any lite visit on the property by egllnu or perlonnel from thll Dllpartment of Envlronmentlll Protllction, the Wltllr Manllgllmllnt District and the U.S. Army Corps of Enginellrs necessllry for the review IInd inspection of the proposed project Ipecified in this IIppliclltion. I euthorize these IIgents or personnel to enter the pro ty liS mllny times liS mllY be necessllry to mllke such review IInd inspection. Further. I IIgree ovid entry to the project site for such IIgents or personnel to monitor permitted work if II permit' r ntll Typed/Printed Nllme Jeffrey M. Anderson, President, (Corporllte Title if IIpplicllble) 5/14/99 Signeture Date Anderson Star-All, Inc., General Partner of Star-All, Ltd. -.., Pa~e 4 of 4 " " ~~I' 10", - ,~, ':"T'TAL 1,.,In I . "', ~ I ", "- ~. MAY 1 7 1999 1,~;pp " ~..' 88051 7 2 SECTION C Environmental Relource Permit Notice of Receipt of Applicetion This .formation is requied . Iddition to thlt requirld in other sections of the Ipplicltion. Please submit five copies of this notice of receipt of Ipplication Ind IU Ittlchments with the other required information. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL INFORMATION ON PAPER NO LARGER THAN 2' x 3', Project Nlme: County: Owner: Appticlnt: Appticlnt's Address: STOR-ALL IRDOSTRIAL AVERUB PALM BBACII STOR-ALL, LTD. 5'1'OR-ALL, LTD. 1375 W. HILLSBORO BLVD. DBERPIHLD BEACH, FLORIDA 33442' 1. Indiclte the project bDundaries on I USGS qUldrlngle mlp, Attlch I IocatiDn mlp shDwing the bDundlry Df the propDsed Ictivity. The mep ShDUId IIsD cDntlin e nDrth IrrDW Ind I grephic sClle; ShDW SectiDn!s), T Dwnship!s). end Rlnge!s); Ind must be Df sufficient dell~ tD IUDW I perSDn unflmiliar with the site tD find it. 2. Provide the nlmes of .U wetlands, or other surflce wlters thlt would be dredged, filled, impounded, diverted, drlined, or wDuld receivl dischlrge (either directly Dr indirectly), Dr wDuld otherwise be implcted by the prDpDsed ICtivity, Ind specify if they are . In Outstlnding Floridl Wlter or Aqultic Preserve: NOllE 3. Attlch I depiction (plan and Action ..WS), which clearly shDws the works or other flcities prDpDAd tD be constructed. Use multiple sheets, if llIC1W1ry. Use I scale sufficient to show tile Iocltion Ind type Df works. 4, Briefly describe the prDposed project fluch IS "construct I deck with bOltshelter". "replace tWD lINg culverts", "collltruct surflCI wlter menaglllllnt IYSlIIII to senl 150 Icrl residlntial development"): DEVELOPMEIlT OF A SELF STORAGE FACILITY 011I A 4.35 ACRE SITE 5. Spicily the Icrllgl of wetlands or other surflce Wlters, if Iny, that Ire propDsed to be disturbld,liIIed. IIClvltld, or otherwise implcted' by the proposed Ictivity: N01!IB B. ProYide I brief stltement describing Iny proposed mitigltion fDr implctS tD wltlands Ind Dther surflCI Wlters (Ittlch Idditionll shMtS if llICesslry~ R/A Applicltion Nlme: Applicltion Number: OffIce where the .ppli~tjon cln be inspected: FOR AGENCY USE ONLY W 1VtJ'3;;O C\J V <tl > 01118 <l . Z (!) <l w AMH u Z 0 I 0:: 303.:l C ~ -J 0 0 I- 0) > '~nrJ'3'.::I a:: ...J en CD l.1.. L{) 'OlllS lS3~::>\13S ~ l- x V l!l UJ x a:: u CD <l ...J . 0 a.... '~r~rx'S';; w 0 CD 3= Z 3= 96-1 0 f- 311 \1 l\1ll:11SnONI 3 - \1 l\1ll:11SnONI M r- 0 <( U C\J 0 0 0:: I- 0 z lLJ z >- . 0 0 ..J U 1-' I- CD - ;Z en >- W 0 CD en '3^V' 0 SS3~~NO::> ...J 0 n 8 0 517 2 ~~\tNAl Sl1eMH,,.Xl .MAY '1 .., 'f('-S3 " " FLOOD-ROUTING CALCULATIONS FOR STOR-ALL INDUSTRIAL AVENUE I. SITE DATA T otaJ Area = 4.35 Acres Building Area = 1.09 Acres Paved Area = 1.36 Acres Retention Area Bottom = 0.58 Acres Retention Area Sides = 0.49 Acres Remaining Open Space = 0.83 Acres 990517'2 ORIr,II\IAI C'I '''''''1!TT!\L MAY 1 7 1999 II. RAINFALL EVENTS - " ,~~ 1:' 5 yr - 1 day 8" 25yr-3day 15" 100 yr - 3 day 18" III. SOIL STORAGE 10.58 Ac. x 1.88") + 10.49 x 8.18") + (0.83 x 8 18") = 6.26" 1.90 Ac. % pervious = 1.9 Ac./4.35 Ac. = 0.44 S = 6.26" (0.44) = ~ IV. SCS CALCULATIONS (see attached) Note: No discharge considered, 25 yr - 3 day storm stored on-site \~ ~ ~ :'t\ 1,1 07-17-1998 MICHABL 8. SCHORAH & ASSOCIATBS, INC. PROJECT NAMB: STOR-ALL 80YNTON ALT 4 ARB! = 4.35 ACRBS GROUND STORAGB = 2.75 INCHES 100 TBAR RAINPALL = 18 IRCHBS 100 YEAR PLOOD STAGB = 18.35 PElT STAGB STORAGB DISCHARGB 12.00 0.00 0.00 18.50 5.66 0.00 19.00 6.70 11.25 19.50 7.92 31.82 20,00 9.13 58.46 .' '~ ,... PROJECT KAME: STOR-ALL BOYKTOK ALT 4 **STACE - CUMULATIVE STORACE CALCULATIONS** YERTICAL STORAGE AREAS AREA NUMBER - 1 STORAGE ARRA STARTING STORACE ELEVATION 0.S8 ACRES 12.00 PEET LIKEAR STORAGE ARRAS AREA NUMBER - 1 STORAGE AREA 0.49 ACRES LINEAR STORAGE PROM ELEV. 12.00 PT. TO ELEV. 18.00 PT, YERTICAL STORAGE PROM ELEY. 18.00 PT. OK UP AREA NUMBER - 2 STORAGE AREA 1,36 ACRES LINEAR STORAGE PROM ELEV. 18.00 PT. TO ELEV. 19.00 PT. YERTICAL STORAGE PROR ELEV. 19.00 PT. OK UP STORAGE (AC-PT) VERT. LIK. LU. STAGE AREA AREA AREA TOTAL (mT) I 1 2 (AP) 12,00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.S0 3.B 1.7 0.2 S.7 19.00 4.1 2.0 0.7 6.7 19.50 4.3 2.2 1.4 7.9 20.00 4.6 2.S 2.0 9.1 " "1~ ~ PROJBCT NA"B: STOR-ALL BOYNTON ALT 4 *** SCS RUNOFP & PLOOD ROUTING - 5 - TBAR STOR" RAINPALL = 8.0 INCNBS 24 HOUR DURATION STOR" TIME (HR) RAIN (IN) RUNOPP (IN) DISCHARGE STORAGB STAGE (C'S) (A-') (PT) RUNO" (A-P) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 12.00 5.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.0 0,00 12.00 10,00 1.70 0.34 0.12 0.0 0.12 12.14 10.50 1.90 0.44 0.16 0.0 0.16 12.18 11.00 2.15 0.59 0.21 0.0 0,21 12.25 11.25 2.35 0.71 0.26 0.0 0.26 12.30 11,50 2.55 0.84 0.31 0.0 0.31 12.35 11.75 3.90 1.84 0.67 0,0 0.67 12.77 12.00 5.25 2.96 1.07 0.0 1.07 13.23 12.25 5.54 3.21 I. 16 0.0 I. 16 13.34 12.50 5.83 3.47 1.26 0.0 1.26 13.45 12.75 5.98 3.61 1.31 0.0 1.31 13.50 13.00 6.14 3.74 1.36 0.0 1.36 13.56 13.50 6.36 3.94 1.43 0.0 1.43 13.64 14.00 6.54 4.11 1.49 0.0 1.49 13.71 19.00 7.47 4.95 1.80 0.0 1.80 14.06 24.00 8.00 5.44 1.97 0.0 1.97 14.27 A .' ,~ 'I PROJECT NAME: STOR-ALL BOYNTON ALT 4 ttt SCS RUNOPP & PLOOD ROUTING - 25 - YEAR STORM RAINPALL = 11,0 INCHES 3 DAY DURATION STORM TIME (HR) RAIN (IN) RUNOPP ( IN) RUNOPP (A-P) DISCHARGB STORAGB STAGE (CFS) (A-F) (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 12.00 12.00 0.81 0.02 0,01 0.0 0.01 12.01 24.00 1.61 0.30 0.11 0.0 0.11 12.12 36.00 2.78 1.00 0.36 0.0 0.36 12.42 48.00 3.96 1.89 0.69 0.0 0.69 12.79 53.00 4,65 2.45 0.89 0.0 0.89 13.02 58.00 6.31 3.90 1.41 0,0 1.41 13,63 58.50 6.58 4.14 1.50 0.0 1.50 13.73 59.00 6.93 4.46 1.62 0.0 1.62 13.86 59.25 7.21 4.71 1.71 0.0 1. 71 13.96 59.50 7.49 4.97 1.80 0.0 1.80 14.07 59.75 9.35 6.71 2.43 0.0 2.43 14.79 60.00 11.21 8.47 3.07 0.0 3.07 15.53 60.25 11.61 8.86 3.21 0.0 3.21 15.69 60.50 12.01 9.24 3.35 0.0 3.35 15.85 60.75 12.22 9.45 3.42 0.0 3.42 15.94 61.00 12.43 9.65 3,50 0.0 3.50 16.02 61.50 12.74 9.95 3.61 0.0 3.61 16.14 62.00 12.99 10.19 3.69 0,0 3.69 16.25 67.00 14.27 11.43 4.14 0.0 4.14 16,76 72.00 15.00 12.14 4.40 0.0 4.40 17.06 ,0 PROdECT NAME: STOR-ALL BOYNTON ALT 4 ttt SCS RUNOFF & PLOOD ROUTING - 100 - YBAR STORM RAINFALL = 13.3 INCHBS 3 DAY DURATION STORM TIME (HR) RAIN (IN) RUNOFF (IN) RUNOFF (A-P) DISCHARGE STORAGB STAGH (CPS) (A-P) (FT) O. DO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 12.00 12.00 0.97 0.05 0.02 0.0 0.02 12.02 24.00 1. 93 0.46 0.17 0.0 0.17 12.19 36.00 3.34 1.40 0.51 0.0 0.51 12.59 1,8.00 1,.76 2.54 0.92 0.0 0.92 13 .06 53.00 5.5B 3.25 1.18 0.0 1.18 13.35 58.00 7.58 5.05 1.83 0.0 1. 83 14.11 58.50 7.90 5.35 1. 94 0.0 1. 94 14.23 59.00 8.32 5.74 2.08 0.0 2.08 14.39 59.25 8.65 6.05 2.19 0.0 2.19 14.52 59.50 8.98 6.36 2.31 0.0 2.31 14.65 59.75 11.22 8,1,9 3.08 0.0 3.08 15.54 60.00 13.45 10.63 3.85 0.0 3.85 16.43 60.25 13.94 11.11 4.03 0.0 4.03 16,63 60.50 14.42 11. 57 4.19 0.0 I, .19 16.82 60.75 14.67 11. 82 4.28 0.0 4.28 16.92 61. 00 1', .92 12.06 4.37 0.0 1,.37 17.03 61.50 15.29 12.42 4.50 0.0 4.50 17.18 62.00 15.60 12.72 4.61 0.0 4.61 17.30 67.00 17.13 14.22 5.16 0.0 5.16 17.93 72.00 18.01 15.08 5.47 0.0 5.47 18.28 '/31 [) -=-.,. ''OUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING a:-TESTING, INC. . ~ I Geotechnical · Materials Testing/Inspection. Environmental :,> -\ ;': " ~ ,.,,,' . :~-\ ,^L ,,' '''0,',''] i"\ MAY 1 "7 1999 99051 7 2 ifjPB Michael B. Schorah and Associate~, !nc. 1850 Forest Hill Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 May 27, 1998 Project No. 98-21-1043 Attention: Mr. Michael laCoursiere Subject: Geotechnical Services - Borehole Permeability Tests Stor-A11 Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. laCoursiere: Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc. (DEl) has conducted two borehole penneability tests at the referenced site to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity characteristics of the upper 1Oj: feet of the soil profile components. The locations of the tests were selected by you. Results of the tests are reported herein. Each penneability test was conducted in a 4.0-inch diameter by 10-foot ill deep borehole whose sidewalls were stabilized with 2-inch diameter partially perforated well screen and 6120 silica sand. Usual open hole, constant head test methodology was utilized for the hydraulic conductivity detennination. The measured depth to the water table ranged from 7.4 to 8.7 feet below the existing ground surface on May 21, 1998. Differences in water table depths can be attributed to slight variations in the ground surface elevations. Results of the tests are presented on the attached sheets along with the pertinent stratigraphic, geometric and hydraulic conditions existing at the site. Review of the test results shows that the hydraulic conductivity of the profile components ranged from 4.46 x 10" to 5.71 X 10" cubic feet per second per square foot per foot head (cfs/sf-ft). Referencing an empirical correlation given in the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Technical Publication 87-5, dated December 1987, the hydraulic conductivity corresponds to soil penneability values of about 39 to 49 feet per day. We suggest reducing the measured conductivity/penneability value by at least 25 to 30 percent to provide a factor of safety in the design. 1545 Donna Road. West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Telephone (561) 689-4299 . Fax (561) 689-5955 MichaelB. Schorah and As!.......ates. Inc. Project No. 98-21-1043 ~ Page 2 _000_ We trust that the information provided in this letter is clear and understandable. Should it require any clarification or amplification, however, please contact us. Very truly yours, DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. ~-V4~ Ronald A. Clark Engineering Associate c- Douglas S. President elberger, P.E "J~/1 RAClDSD;1pb 1043rpt cc: Addressee (2) Attachment: Sheets 1 and 2 - Field Permeability Test Results [)E&T '.~ ~' DEf.JT DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. ",., '.(~:.F1kti)"PEiiMIt4.B")'t:r-:~ii!Jt;?:~;:';~~~,~~~fr~;r;~~:~;~~.~:J--;F;:,:":~i;r~:TIJ?-;~:~~~r.:~~ Project Name 1 Number: Stor-AIl, Boynton Beach, Florida 98-21-1043 TEST NUMBER: BHP-I TEST LOCATION: 165' south & 20' east of northwest property comer SUBSURFACij'PROFlLE Depthl Samples Elevation Taken (feet) Soil Description (Y IN) 0.0 - 10.0 Gray, light-brown and dark brown fine SAND, trace silt N Water Table Depth: 7.4' Constant Head Maintained at: Ground Surfuce . , PERMEABlLITYRESULTS' Uncased (U) or Cased (C): C Casing Depth (ft): 10.0 Casing Stick-up (ft): 0 Perforated length (ft): 10.0 Constant Head Fallinll Head Volume Used Start Stop (I!allons) Start Stop Drop (Ft) Osee. 302 sec. 50 -- -- -- *1(, Hydraulic Conductivity (CFSlFt2 - Ft Head) = I S.71xl0..,,'<Y}i> <I *(Reference: Equations in SFWMD Permit Infurmation Manual, Volume IV) Sheet I of2 '~ "- DEtiT DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. ," ',' FIELD PERM/1ABIUTYtEst Project Name 1 Number: Stor-All, Boynton Beach, Florida 98-21-1043 TEST NUMBER: BHP-2 TEST LOCATION: 75' north & 75' west of southeast property corner SUBSURFACEPRliFlLE;"' Depthl Samples Elevation Taken (feet) Soil DescriDtion (Y IN) 0.0 - 10.0 Gray, light-brown and dark brown fine SAND. trace silt Y Water Table Depth: 8.7' Constant Head Maintained at: Ground SurfiIce . PERMEABILiTY RESuLTS . Uncased (U) or Cased (C): C Casing Depth (ft): 10.0 Casing Stick-up (ft): 0 Perfurated length (ft): 10.0 Constant Head Fallin!! Head Volume Used Start StOD (ulloos) Start StOD DroD (Ft) o sec. 289 sec. 50 -- -- -- .K, Hydraulic Conductivity (CFSlFt2 - Ft Head) = I 4.46xl 0"'>" ,,';;'~":I .(Reference: Equations in SFWMD Permit Information Manual, Volume IV) Sheet 2 of2 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Mike Rumpf 3-8-99 FILE: DATE: SUBJECT: REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: I reviewed the site plans for number PZ 99-050 (Stor-All). I do not see nay code deficiencies. Site Plans Review #99-050 FROM: Sgt Jensen I do have some concerns about the line of sight for vehicles traveling eastbound on Knuth Road. The northwest comer of the property will have three Laurel Oaks. I am concerned that these trees will partially obstruct the view of traffic, My concern is that the eastbound traffic usually travels at a speed higher than the speed limit The area west of Knuth Rd, is primarily PB County jurisdiction and eastbound traffic is not enforceable by Boynton Beach Police, I would like assurance that the approaching vehicles will be seen at a safe enough distance to avoid a high speed crash, '.'," ~ '@ .. 1/_"-1 n J II MAR 91 '/!Jf ;,1....1 ,..._,...... ." --1 I" ","--- .'i.-,...."...., - '.~,..,,,:-:111111\rD lON!;\JG VEPI DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM ENG 99-031 FROM: Michael W. Rumpf, Acting Planning & Zoning Manager Raymond F. Davidson, P,E., Acting City Engi~ March 8, 1999 ,. ....----.., ',,'; il ,II [" f"I' I " ;. ,1,! I ."'-'--.-~l ~ i ' i':., UAD 9 ".,~, ilJI ! ULj! I'ft\ .1: U ! L...--.-.l ! PU<iiN;NG AND . ZONING DEPT. TO: DATE: RE: STOR-ALL (COUS 99-001) - CONDITIONAL USE 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS We have reviewed the subject plans and offer the following comments that should be addressed prior to the project being forwarded for Board review: 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be included with your permit request. 2. On all applicable plans, show a 5' concrete sidewalk along Knuth Road the length of the property. [LDR Chapter 6, Article IV, Section lOT.] 3, On all applicable plans, show a 6" thick sidewalk through both driveways. 4. On the Site and Landscaping Plans, specify clear sight triangles at both egress driveways in accordance with FDOT Index 546. Additionally, add a note on the Landscape plan that all landscaping within the sight triangles shall provide a clear and unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 30" and 6' above the pavement. [LDR Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.] 5. Show handicap ramps on the Site Plan and Paving and Drainage Plan as shown on the paving and drainage details. Ramps are required at the handicap parking spaces and at both driveways. 6. On the applicable plans add two "Do Not Enter" signs facing southwest and northwest at the Knuth Road driveway and show the stop bar across the entire driveway. Also, delineate the Old Boynton Road ingress/egress driveway with double yellow 6", 25' long stripes. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2.] Show the egress lane to old Boynton Road as 12' wide and the ingress lane as 15' wide. 7, Provide an Engineer's certification that the drainage plan conforms to the City's rules, regulations and codes. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7,F.2.] 8. On the applicable plans, change the 20' wide exit roadway to a 22' wide width to provide a minimum fire lane aisle. Also stripe and sign the roadway as a fire lane. [LDR Chapter 23, Article II.B.2. and Article I1.M.] Department of Development Memorandum ENG 99-031 Re: Stor-All- Conditional Use 1 st Review March 8, 1999 Page Two 9. On the applicable plans, show a 5' high masonry wall or equivalent screen to buffer the residential use along the southern bOWldary. [LDR Chapter 6, Article Ill, Section 3] Also, provide a cross section at the south property line to clarify proposed grading in this area. 10. On all applicable plans, show a Type "D" curbing aroWld all curvilinear, landscaped areas to prevent encroachment (NE, SE and SW comers). [LDR Chapter 23, Article I1.E.] 11. Show on the Site Plan and Paving and Drainage Plan all proposed locations of Type "D" curb and flush header curb. 12. Provide COWlty approval to outfall into the Knuth Road drainage system. 13, On the parking stall detail, change the handicap sign from a FTP 26 to a FTP 25 to agree with the Site plan. Change the City Drawing from B-90012 to B-98001, specify white, diagonal stripes within the 5' accessibility path and correct the plan view to agree with the handicap ramp detail. 14. Show on all applicable plans a buffer wall or vegetative buffer at the west end of the loading zone to screen it from view along Knuth Road. [LDR Chapter 9, Section 10.] 15. Show the location of Section "E-E" on the Paving and Drainage Plan. 16. Show concrete aprons for all inlets on the Paving and Drainage Plan. 17. Specify by a general note that the exfiltration trenches and associated inlets shall conform to City Standard Drawing B-91007 and revise trench detail accordingly. Also, provide proposed dimensions for the exfiltration trench on sheet 5 of 6. 18. We recommend installing a 6' hedge along Knuth Road, south of the driveway and not within the clear sight area, to screen the two loading zones to the southwest. 19. Provide concrete wheelstops for all parking spaces that are not abutting a sidewalk. 20. Revise the Paving and Drainage specifications on sheet 5 of 6 to eliminate corrugated metal pipe and provide specifications for HDPE pipe. 21. Add a note to the Paving and Drainage specifications indicating that a pre-construction meeting is required prior to beginning construction. 22. Coordinate the control structure detail with the Paving and Drainage Plan regarding the size of the pipes. 23. What is the proposed elevation of the top of weir plat in the control structure? Why is this proposed to be adjustable? Provide approval from the SFWMD for the proposed stormwater drainage system, Department of Development Memorandum ENG 99-031 Re: Stor-All- Conditional Use 1 sl Review March 8, 1999 Page Three 24. Provide approval from the County for the location of the driveway from Old Boynton Road. A variance from the City will be required if the driveway is to be located less than 180 feet from Knuth Road. 25. Coordinate section "C-C" with the Paving and Drainage Plan, dimensions do not agree, 26. Show all proposed pavement markings, striping and signage on the Paving and Drainage Plan, RD:KH/ck Xc: Ken Hall Sebastian Puda C:\My Documents\Stor-AII Conditional Use 1st Review.doc -:;(?-~ \i\;~~\Ii\~~ ~ ftB 26 ,g)3 \ Pl~\\i,\NG2W 'lOllING Oc< ' LEISURE SERVICES: PARKS DIVISION MEMORANDUM RE: Michael Rumpf, Acting Manager of Planning & Zoning John Wildner, Parks superintendentr Knuth Road and Old Boynton Road TO: FROM DATE: February 26, 1999 The Leisure Services Department, Parks Division, has received the site plan for Knuth Road and Old Boynton Road, There are no recreation-related comments, The plan may continue through the normal review process, JW:ad MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO, 99 - 064 rn~.@~n\l'l~rnI I:~ 11111 C~ 2 61999 ;i,[I, PLANNiNG AND ZON!~JG DEPT. TO: Mike Rumpf, Planning Director FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: February 26, 1999 SUBJECT: Stor-All Knuth Road - New Site Plan - 1" Review We offer the following comments on this project: GENERAL COMMENTS 1) All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements, Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future, LDR Sec, 7,5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way, 2) Dept. of HRS permits will be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project. (Sec. 26-12) 3) Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1500 g,p.m. as stated in LDR chap, 6, Art, , Sec, 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater. (see Sec, 26-16(a)), Please submit these calculations with your HRS permit submittaL 4) Sec, 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be $194,04 based upon the meter size shown, 5) Provide an engineer's written certification that drainage will conform with all rules of the City and the South Florida Water Management District. (LDR Chap, 4, sec. 7F) SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1) Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be included within utility easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the City as stated in Sec, 26-33(a) of the Code. 2) This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy, 3) LDR chap, 6, Article IV, Sec, 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant, Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants, Also extend the water main to the east property line for looping with a future main, 4) Appropriate backflow preventers will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line in accordance with Sec, 26-207, 5) A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-15) 6) An on-site sewage disposal system will not be permitted on this site, Public sanitary sewer is available in the adjacent right-of -way, and the proposed building must therefore be connected to it in accordance with Sec 26-122 of the City of Boynton Beach Code. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella (742-6404) of this office, JAG/PVM Xc: Skip Milor Peter Mazzella