CORRESPONDENCE Stonehaven Homeowners AssocIatIon, POBox 3341 Boynton Beach, FlorIda 33424 Mr Mike Rumpf DIrector of PlannIng and Zomng 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd. POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Flonda 33425-0310 January 23, 2001 Mr Rumpf, ThIS letter IS In response to the comments from the 1 st reVIew of the master plan submIttal, file number MPMD 00-007, submItted by the Stonehaven Homeowners AssocIatIOn. Public Works - Traffic Comment # 1 Staff finds no traffic~related JustIficatIOn for the closure of Stonehaven Dnve at any pOInt between Congress and Knuth. Staff finds lIttle eVIdence of bypass traffic through the Stonehaven Planned Umt Development and IS of the opInIon that the completIOn of Knuth Road from W oolbnght to Boynton Beach Boulevard WIll provIde motonsts WIth yet another optIon to aVOId artenal IntersectIOns. As such, the amount of bypass traffic on Stonehaven will likely decrease In the future. Response After readIng the Interoffice Memorandum from Mr Jeff LIvergood and spendIng tIme WIth hIm at hIS office, the Stonehaven Board of DIrectors concur WIth hIS JustIficatIon that Stonehaven Dnve IS a collector roadway The Board does not agree WIth the statement that completIOn of Knuth Road wtlllessen the traffic on Stonehaven Dnve. We are of the OpInIOn, that SInce people know they can use Stonehaven Dnve as a bypass road, It WIll contInue to be used as such. ThIS OpInIOn IS based on the Increased traffic produced by the new Wal-Mart store and the completIOn of the BJ's store and assocIated bUSInesses. We feel that people WIll use the Stonehaven Dnve road as a bypass to aVOId the extra traffic on Boynton Beach Blvd. and thus we may expenence an Increase In traffic Stonehaven Homeowners AssocIatIon, POBox 3341 Boynton Beach, FlorIda 33424 Comment #2 AddItionally staff finds that local residents wIthm the Stonheaven Planned Umt Development would be most Impacted by any road closure on Stonehaven north of the canal. Therefore, m order to further consIder closure, It IS ImperatIve that strong consensus from reSIdents m both the smgle and multI-family developments IS garnered. Response The ongmal submIttal mcluded a petItIOn SIgned by the reSIdents of Stone haven HOA wInch we feel is self-supportmg of the consensus of the residents m the smgle family dwelhngs. The Board has prepared a notIce of the mtent by the HOA to close off Stonehaven. ThIs notIce was presented to the multI-famIly complex manager The Board asked permISSIOn to dIstribute tIns notIce personally or to have the manager dIstribute the notIce for us. The HOA Board of DIrectors IS more than wIlhng to meet with a representatIve from the apartment complex and have stated such m the notIce On February 19, 2001, the HOA Board of DIrectors meet WIth Susan Wolfe of EqUIty Resources Management; the managmg company of the apartment complex. Ms. Wolfe related to the Board of DIrectors that the dIstributIon of the flyer was not reqUIred as the management company speaks for theIr tenents. She further stated the management IS m favor of the road closure Ms. Wolfe also expressed concern about the volume of current traffic and possible mcreased traffic through the complex. Comment #3 In addItIon to vehIcular traffic Issues, the proposed road closure of Stonehaven would ehmmate pedestnan and bIcycle traffic as well. Should the CIty favorably consIder a road closure fore reasons unrelated to traffic control, Pubhc Works staff suggests that pedestnan access be mamtamed and the SIdewalk remam open. Response The HOA Board of Directors had conducted a survey ofpedestnan and bIcycle traffic on January 25,2001 from the hours of7 00 AM to 5.30PM. The survey counted. 1) persons walkmg from the apartment complex to Knuth Road, 2) persons walkmg from the HOA to the apartment 3 Stonehaven Homeowners ASSOCIatIon, POBox 3341 Boynton Beach, FlorIda 33424 complex, 3) persons ndmg bIcycles m both directIOns, and 4) children who used the sIdewalk for access to and from school. The results are as follows. Persons walkmg from the apartment complex to Knuth Road - 6 Persons walkmg from the HOA to the apartment complex - 9 (6 of these persons were the people walkmg from the apartments toward Knuth Road) Persons ndmg bIcycles m both dIrectIOns - 3 ChIldren who used the sIdewalk for access to and from school - 2 The numbers mdIcate a very low pedestnan and bIcycle traffic usage and as such the closure of Stonehaven would not create an undue affect on thIS type oftraffic Further, we reIterate, that the mtent of the master plan submIttal IS to proceed toward pnvatlzatIOn of the smgle family area. Keepmg the sidewalk open defeats the purpose of pnvatIzatIOn. Comment #4 Staff also notes that we have not assessed the abilIty of both the PolIce and Fire departments to respond to emergency SItuatIons wIthm the development should Stonehaven be closed. ThIS analYSIS IS more appropnately conducted by those agenCIes. Furthermore, there IS a storm dramage catch basm located dIrectly beneath the proposed fence on the west side of Stonehaven. The UtilItIes Department IS most qualIfied to comment on thIS matter Response The Board of Directors has talk WIth two Boynton Beach PolIce officers to glean theIr response to the road closure. Both officers stated that WIth the completIOn of Knuth Road, the response would not be affected. They both stated the normal response IS VIa Knuth Road, not through the apartment complex to reach the smgle famIly reSIdentIal area. The responses regardmg the Fire and UtIlItIes departments are under the appropnate heading for each department. Utilities Department Comment 7 PermIt applicatIOn needs to be processed through the Utility Department to Insure that no water and sewer system components will be affected. 4 Stonehaven Homeowners AssocIatIon, POBox 3341 Boynton Beach, FlorIda 33424 Response I had a telephone conversatIOn WIth Mr DavId Kelley and mqUIred as to what permIt would be required. He stated to me the main concern was access for emergency repaIrs and mamtenance. The HOA Board of DIrectors WIll provIde access to the City for emergency repaIrS and mamtenance If the proposed gates are allowed to be mstalled, a key for the gates WIll always be readIly available by a DIrector It should be further noted, the Board of DIrectors wIll employ a company to locate and mark water and sewer mams pnor to the start of constructIon. Fire Department Comment 8 The FIre Rescue Department approval of thIS proJect WIll not be consIdered untIl Knuth Road IS complete and access from the south IS acceptable Response ThIS comment IS the ongmal response when applIcatIOn 003475 was filed WIth the CIty The Board of DIrectors acknowledge thIS comment and agree WIth It m ItS entIrety The Board has purchased a Knox lock for the gates, as thIS type of access was conveyed to the Board of DIrectors and found acceptable by the FIre Department. Comment 9 ThIS proJect IS not ready for plan reVIew or TRC WIthout a letter of intent from applIcant to not mstall gate untIl Knuth Road IS complete and open to the publIc Response Mr Bob Borden was contacted by telephone and was asked If the letter of mtent was really necessary, smce comment #1 would prohibIt any reVIew and approval by the Fire Department pnor to the completIOn of Knuth Road. It should be noted that Knuth Road, as of thIS date, IS more than 90% complete and appears to be completed pnor to approval of the master plan reVISIOn. Thus, the Board of DIrectors feels that tills further negates the need for a letter of mtent. 5 Stonehaven Homeowners AssocIatIon, POBox 3341 Boynton Beach, FlorIda 33424 Engineering Department Comment 10 Locate the" No Outlet" SIgn for northbound traffic on the ease (east) SIde of the road and at the entrance to the subdlvlsIOn at Congress Avenue Response The locatIOn ofthe " No Outlet" sIgn shown on the drawmgs for the northbound traffic, was at the dIrectIOn of CIty Engmeer Ken Hall dunng the reVIew of applicatIOn 003475 If the sIgn locatIOn mdIcated by Mr Hallls the same slgn reqUlred to be located at the entrance off of Congress A venue, the SIgn shall be placed at the deslgnated sIte. The Board asks for a response from the Engmeenng Department for better clanty If thIS IS another sIgn to be mstalled or relocatIOn of a Sign mdlcated on the drawmgs. Comment 11 We recommend that notIficatIOn SIgns for both north and south bound traffic that the road will be permanently closed off m two weeks and mclude the date of closure. Response The Board of Duectors concurs WIth thIS recommendatIOn and WIll prepare and mstall the SIgnS when notIfied the applIcatIOn has been approved and a start of constructIOn date IS receIved from the company performmg the mstallatIOn. Comment 12 ConSIder a tow-away sIgn(s) on the south SIde of the cham lInk fence gates to dIscourage car and truck parkmg wIthm the canal nght-of-way 6 \"tonpl"XHPn l-f,-,nip;'UTtiPr'C ~ cCn,-'j'At!nn P r\ ~nv ~ ~J.. i t..J....."-'I..I'-"I.J.""" ~ .......1.1. . .'-./'1..."",,,, yt' ...'\w'-"-....., .J.. .......,IoJ"-''-'I.''-4-".'\JJ.I.,. '--' .L...II""-''{~ --'-' I.J.. R . ~ "1~'" ............... ,,""""'... ,0" nTOn KC"::trh t-' IOr1r1::t i i4 /4 --.1.......--...- -----..., --- --....----- -- -- . Response The Board of DIrectors consulted our legal counsel and was mformed that the HOA had no legal nght to post the requested sIgns on the Lake Worth Drainage DIStnct property Legal counsel further advised the Board that If the SIgns were posted, the HOA would then be lIable for any damage to vehIcles that mIght be towed. Smce thIS IS not our property, the Board does not concur WIth thIS comment and wIll not mstall the SIgns. Building Department Comment 13 On the drawmg tItled SIte plan, Identify and label the symbol that represents the property lme. Response The property lIne IS IdentIfied on the drawmgs submItted for the master plan reVlSlon. The property WIll be more clearly defined on thses draWIngs. Comment 14 As reqUIred by Chapter 4, SectIOn 7 of the land Development RegulatIons, submIt a current survey of the subJect property Response A telephone call was placed to the Planmng and Zomng Department and we were mformed by Mr Rumpf that smce thIS IS a mmor reVIsIOn, a survey of the current property was not reqUIred. Comment 15 Add to the SIte plan draWIng all eXlsltmg easements that are shown on the survey Also, add all proposed easements. The 10ccatlOn, type and SIze of the esasement( s) shall be shown and IdneItIfied on the SIte plan. Where applIcable, amend the plans so that structures do not encroach mto an easement. 7 ~tn.nohrnTon Un.Y\'lOn.nln01"C' ^ C'C'n.i't..yhn.n D () On.v '1'1A 1 '--' LVll~llU" ~11 1. IVlll~V "" ll~l.~ 1 1.~0V~lULIVll, 1. '\J 1JVA -1_',1. Krnrntt\n Kp~{'h I-< j{'\nrb ~ ~4.;4. .&-1'-'.,;.........'-'....... ~""'.............a...., ... ...'-'..L....""'"~ ~-./ .~ . Response Smce Comment 14 does not reqUIre a survey, thIS comment IS consIdered not to be applIcable. Comment 16 At the tIme of permIt reVIew submIt sIgned and sealed workmg drawmgs of the proposed constructIon. Response The reqUIred draWIngs have been submItted WIth permIt #003475 Comment 17 Add to the submIttal a partIal elevatIOn vIew draWIng of the proposed penmIter fence. IdentIfy the type of fence matenal and the type of matenal that supports the fence, mcludmg the typIcal distance between supports. Also proVIde a typical sectIon vIew draWIng of the fence that mcludes the depth that the fence supports are below fimsh grade and the heIght that the fence IS above fimsh grade The locatIOn and heIght of the fence shall comply WIth the fence regulatIons specIfied m the Zoning Code. Response Drawmgs submItted for the permIt WIll be proVIded that prOVIde the mformatIOn and elevatIOns requested. Comment 18 At tIme of permIt reVIew, submIt for reVIew an addressmg plan for the proJect. Response The address for thts proJect IS the address assIgned by the CIty The address IS 1699 Stonehaven Dnve. It should be noted thIS IS not a maIlmg address. 8 Stonehaven Homeowners AssocIation, POBox 3341 Boynton Beach, FlorIda 33424 Comment 19 Add to plan VIew draWlngs of the sIte a labeled symbol the represents the locatIon and penmIter limits of constructIon proposed Wlth the subJect request. Response The drawmgs submItted for the master plan reVlSlon mdICate the area of the proposed work and are hIghlighted by "clouds." The Board of Duectors feel the responses prOVIded, adequately address the comments proposed and reflect the work to be performed. If any addItIonal mformatIOn IS reqUIred, please notIfy our contact agent and we Wlll gladly proVIde any addItIOnal mformatIOn. Respectfully, ~ ~~ Vice-PresIdent Stonehaven HOA Copy' Stonehaven HOA file TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX. (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to Gerald Van-Gelder fax#. 561-243-7408 date 01/11/01 from. Hanna Matras re Master Plan ModIficatIOn 1 st RevIew Comments Please find attached the first review comments for your project. To stay on the current review schedule, please do the following steps listed below, and bring all documents to the TRC scheduled for 02/06/01 1 RevIse your plans mcorporatmg all comments lIsted herem, mcludmg the addItIon of notes on plans to confirm response to general statements/ comments, and bnng 10 copIes to the TRC revIew meetmg (full sets mcludmg all pages ongmally submItted), 2 SubmIt the addItIonal mformatIOn as requested wlthm the attached comments, ( I.e. traffic analYSIS, engmeenng certIficatIon, etc ) 3 Prepare a wntten response (7 copIes) conslstmg of a lIst bnefly summanzmg how each comment has been addressed on the revIsed plans or WIth the supplemental mformatIon mcludmg locatIOn on the plans ( thIS promotes an expedItIous 2nd reVIew by staff and your proJect representatIves dunng the TRC meetmg ),and 4 SubmIt reductIOns (8 Y2 X 11) for the proposed SIte plans, elevatIOns and landscapmg plan (thIS IS reqUIred for the final report and publIc presentatIOn) Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 1, / ~\1"Y 0:;;', ,.' -- - - --..... >..;: t .' " , - ,'.- .' ! - - - - " - '\ . . i. - - - - ' \\ll . xl '.0 (J i \~ ~lJ ".1:0 N "1)/' ~"_"'W___ "...:': DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Planning and Zoning Division - Building . Planning & Zoning - Occupational Ucenses . Community Redevelopment February 16, 2001 Mr Robert A. Levy Oriole Homes 1690 South Congress Avenue Suite 200 Delray Beach, Florida 33445 Dear Mr Levy' Subject: BJ's Wholesale Club Stonehaven Homeowners Association Agreement- Required improvements In response to your request regarding the above-referenced required improvements, please be informed that in accordance with Chapter 2 of the Land Development Regulations, Sections 4.J 1 and 4.J.2, walls and/or fences may only be topped by barbed wire if located within the M-1 zoning district. I trust this represents an adequate response to your request. Please contact me if additional information is needed Very truly yours, 7'G~<- Michael W Rumpf Planning and Development Director MWR.arw CC Deanne Ross City of Boynton Beach - 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., po. Box 310 - Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 - www.ci.boynton-beach.f1.us Feb 16 01 10 1e~ Robert Lev;! 561-27-9-0272 P 1 Robert A. Levy Fax Fu: Fto_ Robert levy I Deanna Ross Pa..-: 9 (~.,cluding cover sheet) Date: February 15, 2001 r,4;,/ ~ eI; , TOI Mike Rumpf Phatte ~l BJ's site' Boynton Beach CC: u.,... For Review PIe... Comment PIe... Reply Per our discussion, I am fOf'll'l8rding the Stonehaven HomeolM"lers Agreement. Please Note. I "Boynton Beach Boulevard peo" on the 211C page Thank you ~~~ ~ 1qgi S'bv/ ?n~ ~I/ VJY1 \Y' Q~ r 1690 South Congress Ave. Suite 200 Del1'8Y Beach, A. 33445 5e1.274-2000 Ext. 3451339 Fax 561.274-0272 Feb 16 01 10 18a Robert Lev~ 561-2"24-0272 36/01/00 ~1'''' . ..... _. 14 53 .. SCH<<CE &. Li=lRCHE :> A .. 561 274 13272 NO. 2n5 SCHROEDER AND LARCHE. P.A. AT'l'ORNEYS AT LAW ONE BOCA PLACE, SUITE 319 - ATRIUM 2255 GLADES ~OAD 80CA RATON, FLORIDA 33431-7383 TELECOP!ER (561) 241-0798 BOCA RATON (S~l) 241-0300 8ILLING NO TELECOPY NO TELECOPIER TRANSMITTAL SHEgT 0010-027 (561) 274-0272 Mr Robert Levy Michael A Schroeder EeQ Sale and purchaae of 14 76 Acre Parcel in Boynton Beach. Florida TO FROM RE UA'tE June 1, 2000 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Copy of Agreement attached among Stonehaven Homeowners Association, tnc , B~l: R winchester and Michael A schroeder, Trustee TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDINC THIS PAGE q ORIGINAL TO FOLLOW NO rnNFlnEHl'IALIU NQri TKE INFO~TI01f CONTAINED IN TRIS FAA TAANSM!SSION IS LiCAl.!.Y PIUVILEGED l'!iO CQNFItli:N'l'IM. IlfroRMA.TION IN'l'ENOEO ONLY FOIt THE USE 0' THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NA.l4ED NloVli: r po THIi READER OF' THIS TRi\NSMISSfON IS NOT '!'HE I:.-r~ UCIPtEN'l' YOU ARB HERPY NOTIPIED TAAT ANY DISGSMINATtO!l ClS'l'RI8(1I'ION OR COE'n:NG 0;' TZUS TRANSMISSION 1$ STRICTLY PltOIiIBIT!I> IF YOtI HAVi RECEIVED THIS 'l'IWfSMISSIO%ol IN ERROR PLEASE. IMMDDIATBLY NOTIFY US BY' COLLECl' TELEPHONe CA1.L AND IU~Tt,'RN .HS' muc.a.wAL TRIINSMISSION TO \IS AT '!'lIE ADtRBSS ABOVi VIA ~ SMAIL TW\.'1K YOl} IF ~OU DO MOT RECEIvt A~L OF T~ PAGES PLEASE CALL (561) 241 J300 AS soo.~ }IS POSSIBLE OUR TEticOPIER NUMBER IS 15'1) 2.1-0798 P 2 17c31 ~ 1 ~ ~ Feb 16 01 10 19a Robert Lev~ 561-27~-0272 P 3 SCHRCE, 8. U=PCHE P A. ~ 5&1 274 02'72 NJ 035 002 ~/!1IVOO 14 53 /- o . (j "' AGRDMZNT This Agra.aent entered into th1Q la~ clay of ~une, U90, by and between HOIIBBAVIIf BOJIIOlGIIRS AS~OB, XHC. , a Florida corporation ("b.oc1at1onlll) an4 IXliL ll. wmams~ (ItWincbeater.) , and IIICIIABL A. SCImOZDD, ftIDS'RB Clllsohroe4erO). WIIBREAS, there are currently pend.i.n9 l:l.~o~. the ci tl" of Boynt.on aeach, 1'101'14&, applications far Annexation, ru~ura LaM Use Eluent AIlencJaent, .ezoning and coapzoebenaive Plan 'reft bencl1Ml\t. tor pJ:aj 8c;t.S known a. dBoyat.on ..aeb BOUlcwarei PCI)" ancl "Knuth Road PCDM an" an application tOE' Future 1.and Use Element ,...1'tdaant frea "Low Densit.y tteeldent1al" to "Redium Density Re8icl.n~ial" and 1"8..on1n; frolll pUt) with a Land U.. Intensity of tour (4) to PUD with. Lanr:l Use Intensity ot flve (5) to allow tor the cOlUltruction ot ua 1Iultl-f'a.l1y ""e111"9 un!" and a churcb vitl'l respect to tbe project known .a "Tara OaJcs PtJD" J an4 WHIUA8. 8ohroeder 1_ tho Applioan~ with respect. ti) the epplica~1on, known as I.Boynton ..ach Bouleva1:'cl PCO" penc;U.nq before t:he cl~y of Boynton BeaCh, Florida and 18 the Contract P\lrobuer of the property which 1. the BuI:>>ject of the Boynton BeaCh aoulevud applicationl and WHEREAS, winc:huter 1. the Applieut vim r..pect to the applic:e~lon known ae "10\~ RoDeS pu~' pend1n9 HtOl'e the c:i~y of Boynton BeaCh, Flo&,icla and as a q8.&,.1 partner of the Partnership which owns the property which ia the auhject ot the lCnuth Road PlID appUeation can bind the owner of .-..0; 4n4 'oj' WHJ:RBAS, wincheater is the Applicant with respect to 1:.he app11c.~ion known a8 "Tera OIlU PUD" pencUng before the city of Boynton Beach, Florida and i. the contract Purchaser of the ~:perty which i. the 8,m~ect ~;, e: _ Tara oaks PUD appl1c:atlonJ WH!REASI A..oelation repr..ents the property owners with.1n the re.iClent.ial 4evelopIl81\t. known as "stonehaven PUDII lyinq within the city of 8oyntonhacb, Florida'; ana WHEREAS, Msoc1atlon ia 8nt8r1n9 into this A9reaent After having a meabership .eetlnv at which a quor:u was present .neS havil\9 received the approval of a substantial a.jority of 1ts ma1lbars as .v1~.ftcecl })y . 8191\&4 petl~1on: anCl WHEREAS, As.oelation and ita m..berG have bad the opportunity to review the varioua applications and to aake such in~1r1.8 with reapect to saae as they 4...84 appropriate inclwUn; meeting with representatives of the applicants; and WHEREAS, AseoCli.at1on 18 opposed to the clevelopll8nt of t,ba property which i. the s\lbj act of t.he "Boynton .sacn 8a\ll8VarcS PCJ)" a. hi9h 4IlJUll~:r res1ol""~1~';~f ~1_t of ~ .w, I , Feb 16 01 10 lSa Robert Lev~ 561-2~-0272 p 4 SCHRG ~ & LARC~ p;:::: ~ 561 274 e272 NO i1l35 003 e6/21/29 14 53 \Jt e property Which i. the subject of the 'IKnU1:h RoaeS PCD" property as .oderate density rasidentlal as ea~templ'ted ~ the current co.prehen5Lve Plan: .1\4 WHEREAS, Association wiebe. to .vidence its support for the approval of the application with re.pect to "soyn1:On Beacb 8oulavaZ'd !'CDII, "lCnut;h Road PCDII, and "Tara oan PUD" provlcled ~ App11cant. with r..pect. to each ot .... 8.91'." to a.sure eIle Association that such Applicant will, Subject t.o \;be tens and cOI\cUt.iona ..t torth below, causa certaln impE'cw8llenta (de.cribecl below) to be 1Ia4e on the real property Which 18 the subject of SUCh app11catlon and. on the rul property of th. Al5Isoeiation adjacent. t.hereto; and WHEREAS, Wlnch..ter and SOh~oe4.r wish to assure the Association that they, napeotively, will, subject. t.o the terJIS and cond1tlona aet torth ~OW, cause such aproveaents to ))e _ct. . NOW, 'l'HERE'OU, in cons14eratlon ot 1me autllal covenant- harain eet forth, the parties a;r.. a. tollo".. / I. -BoYnton ~"ch Boull1V1i.m Pm-. t A. schroeder IICJrees that, pJ:ov14ed the Z'eq\l1aite / 'fiDal VOV'"'l\1I8ftt opprova1s for ~ 80yootoA ...C>h 80\11""""" PCll application are obtaine4, he, as the developel'/owner thereot, \ Shall make, or cause to be ..de, the follow1n9 iaprov...nts and \\ other U'ran9..encs in conneation with the development of the PJ:operty Which b the subject ot the Boynwn aeach Bo\11evar4 KD ) appl ieat.ion I I ( \ \ \ \ "\ '\ ) I eUbject to City ot i , \ \ i \ \ \ ~ (1) The installation ot . aJ.niaua towenty-t.1vo ( 25) foot vida lanc1scape wffer between tile proj.ct. and stonllhaven WD alonq the en't1ro.lentth of tlle adjacent property 1 ines. !tuUer &hall lnolucle ;~1.~I:'!' 1!"~ \, .~ (.) POUI' (l~ foOt M.. ban: ())) Six (6) fOot tLi9h IMBOnry wall lo~ted ~n the cente~ of the butter; Cc) Bar1)e4 wire bard,v on top of t.he "all Boynton aeaGh appz-oval, , (el) LanGscaping Which co_1at. ot .. 1I1n1._ ot two (2) rows of abad. ~r.e. twelve (12) to tOUl't..n (14) teet in height at ti.. of planting, located on thirty (30) foot centers. One rov ahall be plaoecl on eaClh &1cle of ~G wall ifre9 location shall be ata9gerec1 to provide the etfect of titt.8en (15) feat. on cantor ..paration. I \'q . I ~ , ~< i .1_ .... : ~;-k ~, \l~" t<.~, #. '. ~: ',. .i ~; ~(.a . ,l\~., -' 05/~VOO 14 53 SCHPU & LARCHE P A .. 561 274 02'72 ND 035 P 5 :;le4 F eb 16 01 10 20a Robert Lev~ 561-2'24-0272 lJ e Ce) Constru~1DII of wall an4 >>ena shall occur simultaneously with s1to prepa'ration and prior to the co1lllD8l1ceaent Of oonstruction of Iny builcUnqa. (2) Maintenance ot the wall. berm, and landscapinq on !x)tft sides of the vall shall 1"8..1n the 0):>>119"_t10n of the developer/owner. (3) All AU8t~.li.n P1nes wit.hin f1~Y (50) te.~ ot ~v St.onehaven PTJD propert1 11na &101'9 Banyan creek circle Korth and within dle Boutharnaost. ten (10) acres of 'the loynton a.acb Boulevard ,ce shall be rnove<< J)y 'the d.ev.loper/own.~ upon initial approval of the applicat.ion by the City commissioners ot BOynton Beach, Florida. (4) Entry into and ..int.nee. 1n effect of a contract to prov ide cOI\tinuous roc1ent ancI p.st. control, such con~.c;:t to be entered into pd.or to cOIm\8ftCeaent of closba;/.ite work 'to COVE aU of the pxooperty Which 1_ the sUbject ot the Boyn~DD Beach BOUlevard Pel) application. (5) Building heights will b.'llmi~ed to one story (uxia.... 25 t.et) tor anchor store only, bal4JICe ot shopping eent.sr ~o be uxlaua ot twenty-two (22) f..t high. (6) All liqbtin; ,.ball b. of lOW intensity anel shall be shielded and directed away tr~ .urr0UD4in9 properties an4 rights-Of-way. (7) The architeotural treat.eM at. the rear of the shgpp1nq c;1Unter 1. ~o .at.c:b ~ front ot the 8hoppif\9 een~er. (8) Screen.inq and noi.. .1t1qat1on is to be prov14e4 for all e~erior me~han1cal equipment and to be 10eate4 at qZ'ouncJ level it approved by the city cOllld..ion, City of Boynton leach, Plorida. a. In aonalderation of t.h.. fOE.going proll1a.. , the Association endor..s the "Boynton Beach Bouleva~d PeDn application and requeat. tbat. the ..abera o! the City planning and loning Boa~ and City CODaisslon approve 1~. II. "Knllt:h .ftIII4 pen". A. Winchester aqree8 t.batl p'rovldecl the requis1te fl~l 90vernment approva18 fo~ the Kftuth Road peD app1icat1on are obtained, be, .a the developer/owner tb8l'8of, ahall ..ke, 01' c:aua8 to b. .ade, the follow1nq impl"OV..en'ts and other arriU'lge.vnts in coM_otion wi tb 'the a.velopaen~ ot tbe property whlch is the subject of the Knuth Road PCD application: (1) A six (I) Job~ ...orl\y wall shall be built ....;.. J.' . " ~ ~ 'I~. ~ .... I ..i' f. I ,J.f..J. 11;.( ~ u..~.' i I I or .t F eb 1 SOl 10 22a 06/01'00 14 ~3 Robert Lev~ 5S1-2~4-0272 p S SCHRO ! a LHRCHE, P A .. 561 2"4 0272 NO 035 ~05 lJ e, adjacent to the ..st right-ot-way 11M of 1(ftuth Rae! troa S~on.hav.n PUD'a north propert.y 11ne (ae!jacent to office building) south alonq the north ~~bt-ot-way line of the LWDD L- 25. "l"he Association agree. to 88B1et t.be 4evaloper in obtainl~ 4lpproval to include this wall section in the development plans ro~ Rnuth Road PUD 8\1l)j ect to appropriat.e i1lpact ree ere41 ts. However, it impact tee o~lt can not be obtained, the developer/own.. ahall const.ruct this wall frail hU tu:nc!s. Whe1:e said walls .eet at xnuth aca4 and stonebaven Drive the pl.~eaent ot said walls shall be done in Bannar reasonably .~1table to the Association. It ie the intention ot the Aasociation that these wall. conform w1th the ex1atln; layout. of the present entrance into stonehaven PUD and to accoaoclat.e location ot 9Uard gatea. [s.. II.A.(4J (0) below.] (2) The Jtnu~h aoacS 'CD pr:opez:ty owner shall ~ require4 to provide maintenancel tor .aiel walla tor five (5) years (. l (3) Construotion of the wall ahall occur siaultaneously with site preparatIon and prior to the C:OIIIl8ncement of con.truct1on of~any bulldlnga. (">> The owner Of t:he Knuth Road. PCb property will pareicipate a8 tollow8 1n providing a441tIonal .e~~1ty o~ stonahaven PUD: 1\' ~ <a, Assist 1n preparing appllcation8 and 5ee~inq approval for the abandonment by the C.l.ty of Boynton Beach, Florida, ot Stonehaven Drive from Itnut.b ROa4 to LWDD 1,.25 to secure 1:he .afety, well be1n9 ancl proptU'ty values of the reeidents of stonehaven PUI). These applIc:at.1ons will CODenee upon approval of this project by the city co.-i..lon of Boyn~on Beach, Florida. (b) conetncticm ot the tollowing aasonry wall segments which sball oc~r a1wultane0\l81y with alt. preparation and pJ:'1or to the e~oeaent of oonet:uct1on ot any buildin;s and (whiCh will not; be' .~.\lbj.ct t.o any illlpact fees crediu) : 1. A section of . a1x (6) toot h19h lla80nry wall ident.ical t.o wall in :n:-A-(l) f1f'ty (50) fee~ 1n lenqth extending f~ the eaat right-ot--ay of Knuth Road adjacent to ~. .xi.tin; office build.1nq parting area alonq the north property line of Stonehaven PUD. 2. construction of a a1x (6) toot 18&5onry vall identical ~o vall 1ft l%-A-(l) alon9 t:h. north riCJht- or-way line of E.WgD 1,-25 f.r:oJl a point parallel with the east property liR8 of nT~a oake PUD" ...~.r~y to the west right-of- way 11ne of ston.baven Drive. . S.idt; wall .action shall CODenee i:1,!-..1;.t~ !J ~-J.,,,~..l '\~~~j' "..~ .il .\' ~ i - .. I i., Robert Lev~ 5S1-2~4-02?2 p 7 SCHRCI' "? & LARC~, P R ~ 5&l 274 0272 NC 035 00& Feb 16 01 10 23a 06/0:"'00 14 53 Lj € I Irom the t.-a1nation point of tho v&11 ..otion ~.for.,.ce4 in Sect.ion III below and will be ~. oI>>l1qation ot -Tara Oats PODP. 3. conetnc:tion of an 1dentic&1 wall ext.ended fro. ~. east r1ght-ot-vay ot stonehaven Drive along the north r19ht-of-way line of ~V ~25. This wall shall be of an approPl'iate length, not t.o exceed fift.y (50) teet, in order t.o create a suitable accented entry. 4. ProvicSe lln48caplng t.o the extant possible adjaoen" to ~8 wall 180t101\5 .~j8Ct, to .. final ciet;endna'tlon of land are. available. ~ovlcle ludecaping in the fon Of twol V8 (12) to fO\lrt.en (14) toot .hade trees on thirty (30) foot center 1n 'tIlOS. 81'.a. Where ad~acant propeRY is available within ston.haven PUD and .g~ to provide maintenance for said walls tor rive (5) .y..r8. (c) upon a successful coapletion of the a.bandoruaent of stonehaven Drive, 1:he d.eveloper/owner of the Knuth Road pen property contribute to the oo.~ ot the con8t~ot!on of eJUarci 9&te. at the north and south .n~rance& to stonehaven PUD up to a .ax!aum of Thirty-rive ~hous.nd Dollars ($35,000 00). Ty,p8 and style ot guard qat.. along with the tn-e of electronie en~ranc. .yste1l8 to be u.ed with these guard gates will be det.ermined by t11e Aaeociat.1on. Upon OCIJIP1aUon ot COD8-U1ig.Uon of all walls required to be built purauant to thia Aqre81ll8nt, the developer/owner of the Knuth Road .CD Pl'operty shall ciepo8it into ascrew, wit.h an escrow a98nt reasonably acceptable t.o the parties, the Thirty-Five Tbo~.AJ\CIDo11.r ($35,000.00) IUDOWlt conteaplat.od by ~iB A9r.ea.n~. The.. fund_ &hall be held in an int.81"..t bear!.nq accouat. i'W\4s Ihall " cUllbvaecl fl"oa thi. account, in u amount up to Tblrtr-F1v8 ThouIJaft<! Doll.al's ($3',000.00) I 1n Atiaf.c~1oll ot ~he lO\uth !toad PCO property owners Obligation to contribute towlr4 quii'd CJate construction co.~ as .at torth in tl11& p.~alJl'aph. O>>on eompletion of eOftAtructicm or 418burseaent of Thirty.rive TbO\ls&n4 Dollar8 ($35,000.00), in the _wr8qate, the l"_ihincJ t\1nds shall be released ~o the Knuth Roael PCD ~op.ny owner. (5) Installation of I traffio light in .coor~a~. with 90verftllental relpl~...,.t. at the lnt.r-c:i:1oD ot Boynton Beach Bouleva&'d and. Kn\Jth !load. 8. In coftBide1:'atlon of the tor8CJoinfl proaiee., the Aaociation encSor_.. the lIlCnuth bad PCDlt application and req\lB.t. that t.he a.abere of the C1.ty '1&l1n11\9 an4 Zoning Board. and City COIIJIIi..J.on approve it. r:n. ~__~ O.k. POD". A. Winchester agrees that, pl'ov1clad 'the requi8ite final qoverNl8nt. apprOVal. for thel'tara Oaka PUD application are :.' .,~~~: " :tl.i ,",. ,~ ~,~ ~'~i' ~ ~I '. ,~~: ':, 1:\ .i I ~ ,. 'I .k Feb 16 01 10 25a ~/~1 '00 14 53 Robert Lev::;l SCHRO ' S LJ:fRC,.;E 561-2'Ul.-0272 P 8 p ~ -+ 51:>1 2'74 1:272 ~;() 635 007 o e obtainac!. he, aa the c1ovolop.~/cnmer thereot, ahall 1laJte, or cau.. to be ..eSo, the folloviq iqrov_em:. a.nd other .n-anljJeII8nta in oonnection vith tbo developllent of the property which 1. the subject. of the Tara O&b PUD applicat.ion: (1) Construct1on ot a six (6) toot masonry vall along the north riqht-of-way line of LWDD L-25 fro. the aast to .. point pa1:'allel vi'tl\ the east prope1:'ty 11ne of .~ar. Oaks PODlI. tt i. the intent that. b1. vall section connect with the stlpulatecS wall ..ction containecl in the conditions of "Knuth lloa4 Pt1D". Thia vall shall be lan4ecaped in the IIble manner a8 the wall 1n 11 -A- (") - (b) -4 and cleveloper 692:'''. to pl'ovicle maintenance for 1I&1d wall for f1ve (5) yeaZ's. (2) Creation of a twenty-t1va (25) too~ wide landscape butter along t.he ,IloZ'i:h propen)' line acSjacent to the soU1:.h ri9bt-ot-way line ot the LWDD 1,-25 canal. That butter will consiat of landscAP.f.nq which COIl8J.8ts ot a llini1DWll of t.wo (2) J:'OW& of sbAde t&"ee. 'C.velve (12) to fourteen (1.4) feet in heiqht ~t t1118 ot plantift9 located on thirty (30) toot cen1:ere. fie. location ahall 1:18 8tJUJgere4 to provide the etfect. ot fifteen (15) feet Oft cent.&" aep.~at1on. (3) Ifo buildings ahall be 10cate4 cloe.r than forty (" 0) reet froll ~e north property line ot 'l'1"ara Oaks POD". '1'bis setbacJc creates a 1l1nbnua separation ot one hundred ..venty- f!ve (175) teet trom the mest nOZ'therly buildi~q to the clo...t iftdiv1cSually owned south property line of Stonel\aven POD. B. Baaed on the toreg'olnq, the A880c.ia.t1on anclors.. the "~ara Oaks PUD" application tnet requ.sts that the aember. of ~. City Planning ancl Zoning Doarclend City CO_i..ion approve 1~ IV Ml.C811aDaqus. A. Wall. contemplated by this Avre_nt shall be 1DaSODl;t w&11s providad by Anchor .all 5y&t..., or si.l1ar eonrtnct1on, inclUding pl1aster caps on all columns with ~. Assoela~iQn approving the color an4 texture on all such walls. B. winchester and Schroeder a9&"88 to pay reasonable attor.ley. ' tees incurrecl ):)y the ._oedation tor 1 U law tin to review this Aqre...nt. V A~t:. t:.o R.~p Wi'th Land. It i. the int.ention of tbe partie. that the Obligation to 1Iake tbe ll1PZ'OY...nt. ancS other arraftCJeaents described in this Aql'8811eDt, with respect to each of ~he :Nal properties which ara t.he B1.Wjeot of the .pplicat.ion., shall it the appU,cations are approved, beCOlle covenants runn1nq with t.he land and sball be binding upon the initial doveloper/owner of the propen;y and 'e~h p~operly owner >t!i-t'" . I · fi' -,~~~;~ l>> ~. ~.~PW!i~ \''1 ., "1 ~ :J +< t...\ " 4"[ '. , ~ 0F>/01 '00 14 53 Robert Lev~ 561-224-0272 p 9 SCHRO' ., 8. LARCHE P A ~ 561 2'74 ;272 NO 035 008 Feb 16 01 10 26a ... u ~ there.fter 80 long as that person or entity .holl hitv. an ownership intel'es~ in the property. .either Winchester nor Schroeder sball 1:te under any psrsonal obligation to uke, or caUS8 to b. aacle, the i.proveaent. alKl Qth.r iln-ang...nt. provided for 1n thla A;r....nt with r..p.ct to the real properties which are t:he 8ubj ect of the Boynton Beacb BoUl.vard PCD, the Knuth Road 'PCl) and the 'rara oak. PUl) application. it ~ provisions of this Agr....nt with respect. ~o all ot such improvements and other arrang..ante are, by the filing of appropriate lnltrwaente, _cle oovenant. of rec=d runnin9 with the land and binlS1nq upon ~e person 01: entity hav1nq fee s1.ple title to auOh real propertl... Th. A..oo1.t~on .ball be .neitled to apply to a court of coapetent. jU1:1edict.lon anci to obtain aftinaative injunctive Allee to anfo&;'OG 8peeit1cally the full and tt.ely pel'tonance of the ob11gat:lona aft forth in this Agreeaent concerninq the -.king ot suCh iaprov_ents and other arl'anqellents and to entorce any Iluch covenants ot rscord. AnV provision hereof to the contrary notw1thetan4inq, neither Wincbester nor Schroeder ahall ~av. any parsonal or other obligation to make, or cau.. t.o be ude, the ilaprov_enu OE" arrangements provided for in ~ilS Agreement .. to any ot the properties, which are the subject of the referencecJ applications, unless the applieat.ion p81'taininv ~o the property in question receives all tinal l'equisl~8 .90Vel'naent approval. and tinal oritnane.. are ac:lOp~eci G)' ~1M C1Cy ot Boynton 'each with r.spect to SiIIle. 1 · .... AS TO BILL R. WINCHESTER AS '1'0 MICHAEL" samcZDD, TRVSTBB (Winch..tel'\ston81.AP\06/19/'O," ",' ',:.It .', ~.~ ,~. , r i ",-'\k t :..~.\. V, 'r \. ,~ . Feb 16 01 10 27a 00:'''1 '00 14:53 Robert Lev~ 561-27.4-0272 P 10 P.., '561 274 0272 !iO 035 ~~