REVIEW COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Planning and Zoning Division Memorandum PZ 01- ()C)1 TO FROM DATE RE File Patricia Tucker January 3, 2002 Stonehaven Homeowners Association File The documentation attached was discussed with Janet Prainto, City Clerk regarding the information missing from the Condition of Approval dated March 28, 2001 Under "City Commission" it should read, "Only condition of approval is the limitation that Knuth Road be opened first" This was specified by Commissioner Ferguson to move to approve item V-D 6 with the above condition This was brought to Janet Prainto's attention as being missing in the report and she said she would put a copy of this packet in the files and will scan them as an addendum showing the request. She will not re-do the Conditions of Approval but will insert the backup attached to their records The record will show it has been brought to the records attention and will be added S '\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJ ECTS\Stonehaven Homeowners Association\Stonehaven addendum .doc S'\PLANNI NG\SHAREDWVP\PROJECTS\STONEHA VEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA TION\STONEHA VEN ADDENDUM.DOC Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida 00 _ r'5 I '7 ~-, -r7 GYy ~c.- r Il?e.s~ M ~ " c... -fc-s 5 t:c.A--d t: c... C"i.l ~4._ h~<.C ~ "'" I ( Cy:> /C-"-,S C.J ~ (l-....\;e '-'-f'... 1,,- ( G- ~- n '- '-- c'- '^'- 1 c -( -- UA. ~ <.'-- C v.-v-eL r;c.", A.t Co~missioner Black's request. item V-D 6 was re ~ v e<..v.(' t .e.-(~ ra../~ diSCUSSion f:f (h r ~ ~I ~ (.... D' ( Tl ./~(C"':o:.C"-1 Ie f-IV-l C .,..{~) p<e " I' I R Outpatient Clinic - 2401 S. Seacr- _A ... - ..-- .--..1 r""I__.._~. _. of a site plan modification to constJ; ,-1"'/ building on a 0 72-acre lot (TABLE! \ h ~ D 0 ./ U)leCc" Approve Change Order #8 for the Ocean (I (' c:1"rv"' ~ ; ~ ~ -....../ 5 A dJ' \..C Change Proposals #6, 9, 12, 18, 19, 20,: 'f.1l "-cL #6) which represents a net reduction in prol ~{; - . (( G "l\. j Y Cc.~ I f-:"-'^ d: LA .-.:1 Approve proposed Community Reinvestm4 t . ~-rt..c ,1- .. T."-e. <:4r for a flagpole at Little League Park and SCrf C ff"~'V{.\..( IS '\!Y. ~7~' +........ l'Pt'f'(~u """c"':t~-\'" <;. L -~ . ~~~~~:ti~~ei:t~~~:~u~~ o~ 3$~~~0~oder r~ (' ,~ Tf d:~ ~ ~ -n ( L M~, +- ~ -f, ~ -t{v.. + K' (\ ~-tl.. -J;. 5 Packaging Concepts - Quantum J Request for approval of a site plan I addition to an existing industrial/w acres in Quantum Park --. r ~-f - 1hs t 6 Stonehaven Homeowners Assoc Request for a master plan mOl Stonehaven Drive, the installatiol masonry wall 7 E. F G H Approve the renewal of pollution legal Ii Insurance Company for a three-year term c f::-u:,..,&J ~ c. 9n<=",,~ pl',~' f fi C ('::;'5 (',., v c "- fv .... ",-e. Approvalo nal plat for BJs Wholesale CI.._ ,--r..d... ____. _ _ _ _ ~ r Location is the southwest comer of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard /. Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended Commissioner Ferguson seconded the motion that carried unanimously V-B.4 Approve the piggyback of COLLIER COUNTY BID #99-2927 to Insltuforrn Technologies, Inc. for "SEWER MAIN REHABiliTATION" In the amount of $14,108. Vice Mayor Weiland wished to comment on this item and asked whether this was just to repair the actual line itself or if it included the contractor digging up the area to get to the line and restoring the pavement and area on completion? In a similar item in the backup it stated that the asphalt and concrete would be put back into place. Mark Law, Deputy Utilities Director, said this particular line was a rear easement sewer and that . the original failure in the line had required an excavation and point repair However, when they 6 ~i ;.1'" .~~.w'-;~~".:,. i' ,.~"o . eetiog ~in~!~s ~''Ytr-''''...'...... '-':: ~---- ~ .. ,-~9~laf~Ci!y Comml~slon oyntohBeach, Flonda April 3, 2001 '"", '.~~l.i!'-"i<ii,~ '.F:'~.""':"'''' ; ~;it~ rk_~~:i;~ '. ,," -"j'..,;:jj",.".. ~ ;; . ~:,televised the line, they found other fractures. The Insituform method allowed the City to go from ;~~ ":;l~~:'ma~[!DOI~ to manhole and reline the inside of the pipe, basically creating a new pipe within the )ti~r J:J", pipe with "rio further excavations Vice Mayor Weiland understood the Insituform process , 'Mayor Broening asked the dimension of the liner? Mr Law said the smallest was six inches, but -----"---.-~they had done lines as large as twenty-one inches. Mayor Broening asked about the thickness of the line? Mr Law said it depended on the depth of the pipe but typically they were }'2 to ~ of an inch thick. The outside of the old pipe is basically ~}orm for the new pipe ~-~":{~;,=- Motion Vice Mayor Weiland moved to approve item V-B.4 Commissioner Ferguson seconded the motion that carried unanimously Mayor Broening asked to be allowed to remove another item from the Consent Agenda for discussion, Item V-C.6, Proposed Resolution No. R01-63, Ratification of FOP Sergeants Contract. Motion Commissioner Fisher moved to allow Item V-C 6 to be pulled for discussion. Commissioner Ferguson seconded the motion that carried unanimously V-C.6 Proposed Resolution No. R01-63 Re. Ratification of FOP Sergeants Contract . Joe Puleo, bargaining agent for the Pollee Sergeant's Union, stated that after several hard months of negotiating with the City, they had finally come to an agreement. He thanked the City Manager, Attorney Jim Cherof, and Chief Immler for their efforts. He also thanked the sergeants who acted in a professional manner and kept the City's best interests uppermost at all times. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R01-63, Ratification of FOP Sergeants Contract. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion that carried unanimously V.D 1 M & M Appliance - 915 North Federal Highway - Request relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 11.H.16.d (12), to allow nine parking spaces in lieu of the sixteen required by Code, a variance of seven spaces for a retail business In a C-4 zoning district. Commissioner Ferguson asked Commissioner Black if he would object to considering Item V.D 4 at the same time? Commissioner Black agreed to do so. ~.t" V-D.4 M & M Appliance - 915 North Federal Highway - Request for approval of site plan modification for a 1,196 square foot addition to an existing commercial building on 0.25 acres '.~"':t''-. .' i~~n: 7 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida April 3, 2001 Commissioner Black knew the business and there was never a lot of traffic there. He had been there many times and there were usually one or two other cars in the parking lot. He said that the Commission had granted a lot of variances on projects throughout the City to big businesses. This was a small family business located in the City that was doing well, had been there for a long time, and he wanted to see the City give a small business manager a break. Commissioner Ferguson said that under V-D 4 the applicant was asking for an addition to his building to be used primarily for a warehouse and that this would enhance the appearance of the building He cannot do that unless the parking space variation is granted. At the moment it appeared that the applicant needed sixteen parking spaces and had eight and was adding one more for nine spaces. He believed that this was a long-time merchant with strong local ties who was competing with giants like Sears, Home Depot, and Loews and doing an effective job of it with the location that he had and the service that he was obviously providing. As far as the parking is concemed, he received information that he had 3700 invoices during the past year That worked out to 12.2 invoices per day for the 313 days that he is open for business. That would mean that if everybody came on the same day there would only be twelve cars in the parking lot. Since this is a semi-durable good that he is selling, there would not be a lot of traffic in and out such as might be the case at a convenience store. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved that the Commission approve both the 1,200-ft. warehouse (Item V-D 4) and the variance on the parking space requirement (Item V-D 1). Commissioner Black seconded the motion. Commissioner Fisher was concerned because the Commission was waiting for the consultants to come back with their study on the Federal Highway Corridor, hoping that it would revitalize that Corridor He asked if parking studies would be included in their report? Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, stated that parking-related conditions might come out of the Federal Highway Corridor Study The most specific recommendation that they would be following up on would be a fee-in-Iieu-of option for parking. He did knot know at this time whether the Study recommendations would affect this property or not. Commissioner Fisher said he understood that there were no plans for shared parking on the north end, and that it was concentrated in the downtown section instead? Mr Rumpf replied that this was the case. Commissioner Fisher asked if there were any options for that kind of thing down the road? Mr Rumpf said when they had the recommendations, they would consider the optimal implementation of those recommendations. Commissioner Fisher posed a question for Attorney Cherof He said that the Planning and Development Board voted 7-0 to deny these items, and Staff did not recommend approval. If the Commission gave its approval, what would happen to the next person who came along and asked for a variance on Federal Highway and the Commission did not approve it? Attomey Cherof said each case was viewed separately but granting variances when no hardship exists eventually leads to problems when future cases come forward and are denied '_.'''' ." ~.....y ~!y.~f ~~t;.~+ - ,j. . ;:~~missioner Fisher said he had spoken to the owner and also the City Manager to see if there "'..~ny other options available. As of tonight, none had been found, but Staff had not had an . ~ni~ to come up with other options. Commissioner Fisher asked the other . 8 ~~, t ~f'y, <, April 3,2001 '~~f~l, '),.t,,~- '" f. ~f~~.~:O~''''C~~missioners to consider Federal Highway in the long term and the possible repercussions of '~granting these requests. ., Vice Mayor Weiland said that the business owner could lease parking spaces from a neighboring business if he chose to do so. However, he stated that this applicant was willing to invest $100,000 in his property along a stretch of Federal Highway that sorely needed to be redeveloped The building he wanted to build was a warehouse located behind the current building It would not generate any more traffic than it has now The trips per day or per week are not going to be affected There are three public parking spaces along Federal Highway that he is entitled to use, which would bring his shortfall to 3.5 spaces. Vice Mayor Weiland believed that the City Commission should encourage people who wanted to improve their properties In granting variances they were looking for hardship, but two weeks prior to this meeting, the City .Commission granted a variance when a project could have been done a different way and achieved the same results. The variance was granted 4-1 . Mayor Broening said that as Benjamin Franklin said, "foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds" This was a parking issue in which the applicant will not have as many parking spaces as the Code says he should have for a business of that size. With the amount of business that was done, spread out over a nine-hour day, the amount of traffic did not appear to be very great. Because the new construction replaces an existing non-permitted structure, which fails to meet Code in several ways, and enhances a business, Mayor Broening was struggling to find the sense in denying a variance in this case. He knew that the Commission did not have the results of the Federal Highway Study Corridor yet but he was not sure that this should be taken into consideration at this point. What counted was that the business had been there for a long time, and was providing a needed alternative service for those of us who like to shop Boynton and shop in small places to get the kind of personalized service that M & M provides. Mayor Broening offered the two persons who had submitted cards an opportunity to speak on the subject. Dee Zlbelll, 440 Ocean Parkway, said she had been to their store many times but did not know them personally She found that this family-owned business had been in the same location for approximately fourteen years. She said she had never seen the parking lot full. People shop there because they know they will get top-line merchandise for less than other stores in the area. The prices are sometimes $300 to $400 less than the larger stores and they deliver within a day They need the expansion for covered storage as opposed to outside storage and not for retail expansion. Their beautification of the site plan is to be commended and will enhance Federal Highway Ms. Zibelli asked the Commissioners to give consideration to the work ethic of the small businessperson in this City and grant the applicanfs requests. . Mike Morakls, Owner, M & M Appliance, stated that their average sale was $242 and they processed about 12.2 invoices per day They were open nine hours a day and that was 1.36 customers per hour They had an 8.5 out of 10 closing ratio that was much higher than places like Sears. They spend about $40,000 in advertising each year He said he would love to tell the Commission that a customer could hardly find a place to park in his lot but that was not the case. He said they were a family business, they already had the space to build and only wanted to re-build and do it in a better way He thanked the Commission for their consideration of their requests. 9 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida April 3, 2001 The motion passed 5-0 V-D.6 Stonehaven Homeowners Association - 1600 Stonehaven Drive - Request for a master plan modification to Include the closure of Stonehaven Drive, the Installation of gates at project entrance and masonry wall. Gerald Van Gelder, 1814 Banyan Creek Circle North, agent for the Stonehaven Homeowner's Association, stated that the Stonehaven Homeowner's Association had been trying for over ten years to head towards privatization, based on experiences within their community of destruction of private property and excessive speeding. A recent traffic and speeding study was performed by the Public Works Department of the City and the results, they felt, supported their intention to close off the southem end of Stone haven Drive by the Lake Worth Drainage Canal #25 Included in the closure would be two eleven-foot swing gates with a chain and two locks, with one of the locks being a Knox lock for Fire Department access should the main entrance not be available. They do not foresee that this will be a problem, especially with the completion of Knuth Road, which will provide the Fire Department with a second means of ingress and egress. It was Mr Van Gelder's understanding that the City did not believe that a majority of the development's residents were aware of and agreeable to the road closure. The Stonehaven Homeowner's Association actively solicited community involvement and gamered 135 signatures, 85% of the community, on a petition supporting the road closure. The City had also requested that their development gather support from the adjoining apartment complex, and Mr . Van Gelder had a letter from the apartment complex's legal adviser that demonstrated full support of the road closure. Mr Van Gelder brought up another of the City's concerns that closing off Stone haven Drive would leave the development with one way in and one way out. They went out and visited 26 communities in the City of Boynton Beach and every one of them had one way in and one way out. Many of those communities did not have any alternate means of ingress or egress. He presented for the Commission's consideration the fact that Stonehaven would have an alternate means. The lock that the Association would put on the gate would be keyed to the lock that was common to every resident along with a Knox lock for Fire Department access. They wanted to protect their community and provide them with the best services available. Mr Van Gelder remarked that since the PUD had been formed, it had been split in two parts, and at sorne point the developer realized that multi-family and residential families did not normally exist together under a HOA. Walls have been put in place to define the boundaries. With the approval and completion of the BJ's project, the walls will continue around their property that will provide complete closure with the exception of this gate. At some point in time, on the completion of Knuth Road, they would consider putting an entrance on Knuth and Stonehaven by a three-party agreement back in 1986 They believed they had done everything possible to document their case, substantiate their position, and comply with the City's concerns. He asked that they be allowed to continue with their privatization and install the gates with no conditions attached Commissioner Black asked Mr Rumpf if he had an estimated completion date for Knuth Road? Mr Rumpf did not have that answer at this time. It was still under construction. Commissioner . ~ t f j 10 - -- I} Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida April 3 2001 Black sympathized with the residents and stated that if the project were given approval, the City should ask the County for a traffic study on their non-signaled intersection Commissioner Ferguson remarked on the many communities having one ingress and egress, including the Intracoastal communities, Coastal Towers, Sterling Village, Snug Harbor, Hampshire Gardens, and Harbor Estates to name a few Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve Item V-D 6 with the only limitation that Knuth RO~* be opened first. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion -) Vice Mayor Weiland mentioned the Knox lock at the proposed gate and questioned why they did not use some type of electronic access that would be more convenient? Mr Van Gelder stated that the expense of an electronic system was prohibitive at this time. He said that the Knox lock was standard equipment for the Fire Department and that it was used throughout the City He said it did require a fireman to get out of the vehicle, but those keys are mounted on the dash of the fire truck and within 30 to 45 seconds, the lock can be opened Vice Mayor Weiland thought that having to get out of a vehicle to open a lock could be an officer safety issue if an officer had to chase someone who had jumped over the fence. Mr Van Gelder deferred to the police officers that were in attendance to answer this concern. Police Chief Marshall Gage responded that this matter had been sent to the Police Department for review as part of the normal administrative process, and the Police Department approved it. At the time the approval was granted, they had to take into consideration access and officer safety issues. The single entrance would limit Police access if they came from the other side, however, on routine entries, they would not be coming through that way As far as officer safety was concerned, Chief Gage did not think it was an issue at all. Commissioner Black commented on Commissioner Ferguson's condition of granting approval, the opening of Knuth Road, and asked if that was acceptable to the Stonehaven Homeowner's Association? He wanted to make sure that if approval were granted, they would not go out the next day and erect the fence and apply the locks. Mr Van Gelder said they were aware that Knuth Road would have to be completed before they could commence work on their project. The motion passed unanimously I -* VI. CITY MANAGER'S REP~T 1 Report on Long-term Water Production Needs Bob Kenyon, Deputy Utilities Director, gave a PowerPoint presentation on the long-term water production needs of the City of Boynton Beach that was extremely well received by the Commissioners and audience. City Manager Bressner thanked Mr Kenyon for the most incisive, informative presentation about a municipal water system that he had ever heard. The complete presentation is attached to these minutes and may be examined and copied in the City Clerk's office. 11 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Planning and Zoning Division Memorandum PZ 01-272 TO FROM DATE Stonehaven Homeowners Association File Michael Rumpf December 12, 2001 The Condition of Approval dated December 3, 2000 which went to the City Commission Board Meeting dated April 3, 2001, under "City Commission", should read "Only condition of approval is with the limitation that Knuth Road be opened prior to closing entrance" S IPLANNING,SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIONlMEMO (NEW).DOT iJEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 01-038 TO Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THROUGH Michael W Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director FROM Hanna Matras Planner DATE March 2, 2001 SUBJECT Stonehaven Homeowners Association - File No MPMD 00-007 Master Plan Modification (closure of Stonehaven Drive, the installation of gates at project entrance and masonry wall) NATURE OF REQUEST Gerald Van Gelder, agent for the Stonehaven Homeowners Association, is requesting to modify the Master Plan for the Stonehaven P U D The Stonehaven P U D is located south of West Boynton Beach Boulevard, between Congress Avenue and Knuth Road, and consists of single family homes on Plat One, known as Banyan Creek, and an apartment development on Plat Two, Banyan Lake (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) The Stonehaven Homeowners Association does not represent the apartment development, which is operated under separate management. The requested modifications are shown on the proposed Master Plan (see Exhibit "B" - Proposed Master Plan) The specific request is to amend the master plan to close the south end of Stonehaven Drive between the single family homes and the apartment development, and to install gates and a masonry wall at the project entrance The two section, 6 feet high and 22 feet long chain link gate will be provided with a Knox lock to provide access for emergency vehicles The new masonry wall panels will be added to match existing panels The wall will close the pedestrian access via the existing sidewalk. Justification for the request for closing Stonehaven Drive is the alleged high volume of cut-through traffic (traffic with neither origin nor destination in the single or multi-family homes) and speeding as well as incidences of criminal activity within the Banyan Creek neighborhood BACKGROUND The main access driveway and entrance to the Banyan Creek single family development is located on Knuth Road Stonehaven Drive, which is a private road, connects Banyan Lake and Banyan Creek developments, it extends from the Knuth Road access driveway south over the L-25 Canal and then east to Congress Avenue through Banyan Lake Traffic from the apartments can currently access Congress Avenue via Stonehaven Drive east or access Knuth Road via Stonehaven Drive north through the Banyan Creek development. Banyan Lake traffic can use the Knuth Road connection or the connection through the Banyan Creek area. Emergency vehicles use Stonehaven Drive at Congress Avenue for the quickest access to both developments At present, the south section of Knuth Road between Woolbright Road and West Boynton Beach Boulevard, immediately south of the entrance to the Banyan Lake development, is under construction and nearing completion The Stonehaven Homeowners Association has been trying, for over a decade, to "privatize" Banyan Creek by converting the development into a gated community distinctly separate from the adjoining apartment project. During the 1990 land use amendments and rezonings involving Knuth Road PCD and Boynton Beach PCD, representatives of the Stonehaven Homeowners Page 2 of 3 Stonehaven Homeowners Association, MPMD 00-007 Memorandum No PZ 01-038 Association negotiated a three-party agreement whereby developers/owners of both projects agreed to provide improvements including construction of a masonry wall around the Stonehaven Homeowners Association property and to contribute to the cost of the construction of guard gates at both entrances In return, the Stonehaven Homeowners Association agreed to endorse land use amendment and rezoning applications submitted for the Knuth Road PCD and Boynton Beach PCD, and lobby the City for their approval In the Petition submitted by the applicant and signed by 77 property owners (see Exhibit "D" - Petition), the Stone haven Homeowners Association invokes the three-party agreement, emphasizing the community's desire to be "privatized" MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION ANALYSIS Since the consultant contracted by the applicant did not document the degree of the cut- through traffic, the Public Works Department conducted its own analysis of cut-through traffic volume as well as the potential impact of the proposed road closure on local residents (see Exhibit "E" - Traffic Study) It is the staff's opinion that the traffic volumes, measured at three locations within the development, are consistent with volumes typically associated with a collector roadway such as Stonehaven Drive and any suggestion that traffic volume is excessive does not constitute a sufficient justification for closure of Stonehaven Drive The staff has measured the volume of cut-through traffic and estimated such volume to be 176 cars (on a 24-hour basis) However, the staff also determined that, on a 24-hour basis, a total of 553 local vehicles, now travelling through the point of the proposed closure to or from their homes in either single- or multi-family portion of the development, would be forced to alter their driving patterns Thus, the negative impact that the closure would have on local access and connectivity far exceeds the benefit of the reduction of the bypass traffic. Moreover, the proposed closure of both the Stonehaven Drive and the existing sidewalk would also eliminate pedestrian and bicycle traffic, which is inconsistent with comprehensive plan policies and general city direction to encourage alternative modes of transportation The emergency access will improve once the south section of Knuth Road is completed However, the south entrance on Stonehaven Drive, unless closed off, will still provide alternative access to the Banyan Lake area Road closures, both permanent and temporary, are sometimes used as a measure to reduce criminal activities in a neighborhood This approach is used, however, in cases when crime is considered a serious problem and other measures to contain it have failed The staff feels that the volume of criminal activities within the Stonehaven PUD area presents the problem that can be addressed through measures other than the proposed road closure, measures that may not have been considered to date Changes to Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Plans are reviewed consistent with Section 12 of Chapter 2.5 - Planned Unit Development. There are no formal criteria for a determination whether a proposed master plan modification is major or minor (non-substantial) The objective of the staff review is to determine whether the proposed modification is consistent with all current regulations as well as the intent and purpose of the comprehensive plan, and to make a recommendation to the Planning and Development Board that the modification be considered either major or minor Page 3 of 3 Stonehaven Homeowners Association, MPMD 00-007 Memorandum No PZ 01-038 RECOMMENDATION This master plan modification request was reviewed by the Technical Review Committee (TRC) Although staff generally opposes road closures, which negatively affects interconnectivity and traffic circulation, staff would support the gating of the main and rear entrances, if the rear gate is operable and accessible by both communities, if unimpeded pedestrian and bicycle access is maintained, and if the alterations are supported by strong consensus of both communities Lastly, staff recommends that the subject request be considered non-substantial, subject to compliance with recommended conditions applicable to resident support, pedestrian access, and the full operation of the rear gate MR Xc: Central File \\CH\MAI N\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Stonehaven Homeowners Association\MPMD\Staff Report Stonehaven MPMD 00-007.doc EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Awroval PrOject name' Stonehaven Homeowners ASSOCiatIOn File number MPMD 00-007 Reference' The plans IdentIfied as 1 st RevIew, Master Plan ModIficatIOn. File # MPMD 00-007 WIth a December 13 2000 PI d Z D d k1 anmnfl an omnp- enartment ate stamo mar nl!. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS-GENERAL Comments. NONE PUBLIC WORKS-TRAFFIC Comments. 1 Staff finds no traffic-related JustIficatIOn for the closure of Stonehaven Dnve at any pomt between Congress and Knuth. Staff finds httle eVIdence of bypass traffic through the Stonehaven Planned Umt Development (the study prOVIded by the apphcant mcluded estImates, but not documentatIon, for the bypass traffic). Staff IS of the opmIOn that the completIOn of Knuth Road from W oolbnght to Boynton Beach Boulevard will prOVIde motonsts WIth yet another optIon to aVOId artenal mtersectIOns. As such, the amount of bypass traffic on Stonehaven will likely decrease m the future. 2. AddItIonally, staff finds that local resIdents WIthm the Stonehaven Planned Umt Development would be most Impacted by any road closure on Stonehaven north of the canal. Therefore, m order to further conSIder a road closure, It IS ImperatIVe that strong consensus from reSIdents m both the smgle and multI-family developments IS garnered. The apphcant must proVIde survey results showmg that maJonty of both commumtIes favor the proposed closure. Data should mclude total reSIdents and property owners, total number ofthose partICIpatIng m survey/petItIOn, and results. 3 In addItIon to vehIcular traffic Issues, the proposed closure of Stonehaven would ehmmate pedestnan and bIcycle traffic as well. Should the CIty favorably conSIder a road closure for reasons unrelated to traffic control, Pubhc Works staff suggests that pedestnan access be mamtamed and the sidewalk remam open. 4 See attached technIcal comments. UTILITIES Comments. 5 PermIt apphcatIon needs to be processed through the Utihty Department to msure that no water and sewer system components will be affected. FIRE CondItIOns of Approval Stonehaven Homeowners Assoc 03/23/01 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE RE TFrT Comments. 6 The FIre Rescue Department approval of the correspondmg permIt apphcatIOn will not be conSIdered until Knuth Road IS complete and access from the south IS acceptable. BBCC 9-21F POLICE Comments: NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments. NONE BUILDING DIVISION Comments. 7 At tlme of permIt reVIew, submIt sIgned and sealed workmg drawmgs of the proposed constructIOn. 8 Add to all plan VIew drawmgs of the SIte a labeled symbol that represents the locatlon and penmeter of the hmIts of constructlon proposed wIth the subject request. PARKS AND RECREA nON Comments. NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments. NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments. 9 Rear closure shall consIst of an operatmg gate accessible to both commumtles. MWR!blw \\CH\MAIN\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Stonehaven Homeowners Association\MPMD\Conditions of Approval Stonehaven Homeovmers Assoc.doc 7.C.l STONEHA VEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 01-038 TO Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THROUGH Michael W Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director FROM Hanna Matras Planner DATE March 2, 2001 SUBJECT Stonehaven Homeowners Association - File No MPMD 00-007 Master Plan Modification (closure of Stonehaven Drive, the installation of gates at project entrance and masonry wall) NATURE OF REQUEST Gerald Van Gelder, agent for the Stonehaven Homeowners Association, is requesting to modify the Master Plan for the Stonehaven P U D The Stonehaven P U D is located south of West Boynton Beach Boulevard, between Congress Avenue and Knuth Road, and consists of single family homes on Plat One, known as Banyan Creek, and an apartment development on Plat Two, Banyan Lake (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) The Stonehaven Homeowners Association does not represent the apartment development, which is operated under separate management. The requested modifications are shown on the proposed Master Plan (see Exhibit "B" - Proposed Master Plan) The specific request is to amend the master plan to close the south end of Stonehaven Drive between the single family homes and the apartment development, and to install gates and a masonry wall at the project entrance The two section 6 feet high and 22 feet long chain link gate will be provided with a Knox lock to provide access for emergency vehicles The new masonry wall panels will be added to match existing panels The wall will close the pedestrian access via the existing sidewalk. Justification for the request for closing Stonehaven Drive is the alleged high volume of cut-through traffic (traffic with neither origin nor destination in the single or multi-family homes) and speeding as well as incidences of criminal activity within the Banyan Creek neighborhood BACKGROUND The main access driveway and entrance to the Banyan Creek single family development is located on Knuth Road Stonehaven Drive, which is a private road, connects Banyan Lake and Banyan Creek developments, it extends from the Knuth Road access driveway south over the L-25 Canal and then east to Congress Avenue through Banyan Lake Traffic from the apartments can currently access Congress Avenue via Stonehaven Drive east or access Knuth Road via Stonehaven Drive north through the Banyan Creek development. Banyan Lake traffic can use the Knuth Road connection or the connection through the Banyan Creek area Emergency vehicles use Stonehaven Drive at Congress Avenue for the quickest access to both developments At present, the south section of Knuth Road between Woolbright Road and West Boynton Beach Boulevard, immediately south of the entrance to the Banyan Lake development, is under construction and nearing completion The Stonehaven Homeowners Association has been trying, for over a decade to "privatize" Banyan Creek by converting the development into a gated community distinctly separate from the adjoining apartment project. During the 1990 land use amendments and rezonings involving Knuth Road PCD and Boynton Beach PCD representatives of the Stonehaven Homeowners Page 2 of 3 Stonehaven Homeowners Association, MPMD 00-007 Memorandum No PZ 01-038 Association negotiated a three-party agreement whereby developers/owners of both projects agreed to provide improvements including construction of a masonry wall around the Stonehaven Homeowners Association property and to contribute to the cost of the construction of guard gates at both entrances In return, the Stonehaven Homeowners Association agreed to endorse land use amendment and rezoning applications submitted for the Knuth Road PCD and Boynton Beach PCD and lobby the City for their approval In the Petition submitted by the applicant and signed by 77 property owners (see Exhibit "0" - Petition), the Stonehaven Homeowners Association invokes the three-party agreement, emphasizing the community's desire to be "privatized" MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION ANALYSIS Since the consultant contracted by the applicant did not document the degree of the cut- through traffic the Public Works Department conducted its own analysis of cut-through traffic volume as well as the potential impact of the proposed road closure on local residents (see Exhibit "E" - Traffic Study) It is the staff's opinion that the traffic volumes, measured at three locations within the development, are consistent with volumes typically associated with a collector roadway such as Stonehaven Drive and any suggestion that traffic volume is excessive does not constitute a sufficient justification for closure of Stonehaven Drive The staff has measured the volume of cut-through traffic and estimated such volume to be 176 cars (on a 24-hour basis) However, the staff also determined that, on a 24-hour basis, a total of 553 local vehicles, now travelling through the point of the proposed closure to or from their homes in either single- or multi-family portion of the development, would be forced to alter their driving patterns Thus the negative impact that the closure would have on local access and connectivity far exceeds the benefit of the reduction of the bypass traffic. Moreover, the proposed closure of both the Stonehaven Drive and the existing sidewalk would also eliminate pedestrian and bicycle traffic, which is inconsistent with comprehensive plan policies and general city direction to encourage alternative modes of transportation The emergency access will improve once the south section of Knuth Road is completed However, the south entrance on Stonehaven Drive, unless closed off, will still provide alternative access to the Banyan Lake area Road closures, both permanent and temporary are sometimes used as a measure to reduce criminal activities in a neighborhood This approach is used, however, in cases when crime is considered a serious problem and other measures to contain it have failed The staff feels that the volume of criminal activities within the Stone haven PUD area presents the problem that can be addressed through measures other than the proposed road closure, measures that may not have been considered to date Changes to Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Plans are reviewed consistent with Section 12 of Chapter 2 5 - Planned Unit Development. There are no formal criteria for a determination whether a proposed master plan modification is major or minor (non-substantial) The objective of the staff review is to determine whether the proposed modification is consistent with all current regulations as well as the intent and purpose of the comprehensive plan, and to make a recommendation to the Planning and Development Board that the modification be considered either major or minor Page 3 of 3 Stonehaven Homeowners Association, MPMD 00-007 Memorandum No PZ 01-038 RECOMMENDATION This master plan modification request was reviewed by the Technical Review Committee (TRC) Although staff generally opposes road closures, which negatively affects interconnectivity and traffic circulation, staff would support the gating of the main and rear entrances, if the rear gate is operable and accessible by both communities, if unimpeded pedestrian and bicycle access is maintained, and if the alterations are supported by strong consensus of both communities Lastly, staff recommends that the subject request be considered non-substantial, subject to compliance with recommended conditions applicable to resident support, pedestrian access, and the full operation of the rear gate MR Xc: Central File \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Stonehaven Homeowners Association\MPMD\Staff Report Stonehaven MPMD 00-007.doc NMAP LOCA1"O U 0 S1'ONEHA\}EN P ~PCO~ \ ,....~.- ,"'''. <If ~$6' .... 'I.... .- /' 1 I '% ,.. . " \ ~ . ~'li; ~ --- ,.' :.- ----- ~- '.; ~~~ \\~I ---- ~ '... ~ . .. ..:'1i.,) \ \' o >>, tS:;;:> D", J'" ~ 1 EXHIBIT "B" .-!.O!-N..TON ROAD S.A. Nt S.804 C_lrrc:-.T,." "o..-l'IIlofge' ee AfUI'UC)oo ~1T(Q)NJEJHIAVJEN I ~ f..evi t. ~ J~h JE LUoIQ)o "IJ,~u '~Io... TOTAL". :JIlIn 11-..;.............. -- _ __ J.n5.3_ ..... ...... .....'" ...", ..... ........ u us u..~ 1Jl IiI..U:. J-. J.a . ,,"0 .. .... .. lU f11lli~ ,ill) ~"='l,:ul~ ).2.1 S,m.l" Jll1.lJl1C1 .~..tA'_ ,..,.. It'l. "nIo;,oq S"S.ID l.a 1."'" _.....u_ l.llLm Iln.ll.....S...U ~DI .\ 1....W In-,.. Sua: s.-. z.m.:ru c....1I.......tflUrr~S..c:l $I5,ft! 11.1' mw '~.fl,," '.0(1_ l'LllS 1'I(~..:'I~' ~~.nl ll'I(U~ 1IT( iJO C_f'C1el ,.c-c:s.- l"IUI"'~I~'''''' hv"'....... ."e-I",,,.o.CIISoOCI tuo, .. .. (M:kl. :OS1~ $/15.i"5 ~TN. llIX:1Ii ....OVI::lGl ,...................1 '.3 d1~ 1111.......1 ~_..... 1"1C~U:!'. ""C.'" I""; -,C..'"1"l&llllIC\,'''....,sU. ........t, ... NC C._. ".... SINGLE FAMILY Community 1 OEYEUJPI"OfIlEA ..'UI.....'c...c_ ,.......... -"c..u"..l>'f.$oo.ocl ....C.."TI..c....... ...... .......II~. TClAl~. OFIl'IITS 1lf./tSIT1 ~. ''''11''', (.... _'"1"'_ 1.UI.lJD1." "'- m.'" .....,., "'... ..... ....... !UtA<:. !'-':; ~.71.<o;. D 1.11'..:. . 1lli.91(., III Ul'1IC. JC JUl..c. 1.: lJ"lII.oc.. U .. :'!5U1!1 C.......;d }"~..... 1"',:-: GARDEN APTS. Community 2 L2Sl'.J2III.,. a1lAl:. ",.. "'.. ...... .... ...... ..... UI'IoC. Ll'l.o(. 1t._1oC. LS",. '.IX"'. 13."10(. .. .. .. ..,. IS .. '"' '.ll'l,VlI i!: :> z " C...OI,...._ ..,..1_-4"11- .AF:""tOVE~) ~k _... ". r~'2"~'..I......... L.w.D.D. CANAL i..-z!S ... :> z ~ ~ ~ ... '" ~ 8 ....111'...... .,..._....3- [~~~~J 0/ ~~ Ae~IATn 1NC...e ~-=~::l ~!oe~~!o1QOo(, 4!-.a:::II.ICTIO'I ~ CTI'I!:!IIt ~ CJI'- """'!o Coc:..r'l~- ulIT1oofOUT ~e: \l,!IIr !":'!:N ~~,~~ . 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H~ ~iT! ~I o m . ~ . . i~Hn ~H IU~I II ~~ UH ~n~~~ ~;~ ~:~~~ ~i i~ ;IU 2Hhi ~;~ H~h I~ ;i !d! i~~]~ e~1 ii~~l ~~ s~ ~Hi ~ah ih a1;1 ~: i~ ~ii) Ul:i~ > ~l~.' i~ h t~"i i~i!~ H ~~i~~~ Ii ~i~ HU 2., ~ H :1 : d ~ "~. ~~~l'd '.ir> 0 10 iO .... )l.~~ l~:P 8li ~ ~6 ~~ Ii 2~Q ~~~2! ~I H~~ H . i i~: ~~p~ ~~ ~~'] iQ n ~~J ~;~H :r: UH ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ Jf ~i ~~'I ;i ~" ~~ Q~ ~ . '~""~ ~ 1 ";:'':- ' ~n ' Ii> ~~ '___m_*-_'. t:====7 f : i~ I " :l. U i ~ .- ~~ ~~ 4C> ::E I~D~ F m +- r ~ Iz~ !:2 S z + "tJ ~ - - ;B ~F~ g~. .. ~. ~~ ill !. ~!. H ~o~ '~i ~~~ i n~ ~~ ~ I i~! ~ ~ ~ Iii ",i" -< t-~. , g "I ~ m~ ~ ~ · ~bJ 8 t . - r:B o ~2l -(/) Om o ~ r r l> z o ~ I~ z~ ~!j~ ~ ~ i IIi ~~ u. ~I~ ~m II EXHIBIT "B" ~ I ~\! I f I rl ~ :i i~ jl :i " ,I !; 'I iU . I' :~ , I Iii' Ie ---.r= '- !~i-- '\" ---. ~ I ~mN,1 il II "ld !iClrl I m~~ I !. · u:i /); ;~L<- ... ;!J --- ~ I I !i !; l~~g , ~Ih ' ~IF' "I I~~II: 'I .------~--- . -- ~ ---., i: \' IS i' !I 'i 1'1 : ~ I; CJ Ie , ii , I, ~ ru ~ ~ i;~ \0 G >> r ::E > E F o ~ ~ Tr--t~ (/) @)i t~ ~~ ""4. 1-} .to; .f , .1' ;t TTT:l.,! LcLJ !~ . +!4 ,+ } ,. l , @! ~ ~----- @~ E~' '.'Jl~ Ii- 'ilml III i ~;IJ i .rff !n dr i t -~------------- ------.- - -~---~- ~-~------._---~ ;;- ,. v I ~... EXHIBIT "0" PETITION STONEHA VEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION PETITIONS THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS WITHIN ITS JURISTICTION Boynton Beach Planmng and Zomng Department and Its directors, Boynton Beach Planmng and Zomng Appeals Board or Similar entity, Boynton Beach City Manager, Kurt Bressner, and the current Boynton Beach City Council members, Gerald Broelllng, Ronald Weiland, Bruce Black, Wilham A Sherman, and CharlIe Fisher; and any future elected coucd members, regardmg. THE PRIV A TIZA nON OF STONEHA VEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, with respect to The three party agreement Signed by Mr Winchester, Mr Schroder, and Stonehaven Homeowners ASSOCiation m 1990, regardmg the Knuth Road PCD, and the Boynton Beach PCD and all of the requirements to be met proVided therem, as well as the pnvate nature of our location as a PUD and all nghts afforded to Sonehaven Homeowners ASSOCiation as a result Stonehaven Homeowners ASSOCiation requests that the City of Boynton honor the above three party agreement In which condlt1ons were agreed upon regardmg the gated closure of Stonehaven Homeowners ASSOCIatIon among other Items As we are a pnvate commumty and have ownership of our roads and all real property located wlthm Stonehaven PUD, Plat one, as recorded m Plat Book 48, pages 1-5, It IS our nght and duty to uphold the agreement to which we lobbied for dunng 1990 City Council sessIOns. As of September of 2000, the Boynton Beach Plannmg and Zonmg Department has refused to acknowledge our pOSition and has told us verbally that we will have to take our pOSitIOn to the Appeals Board and pOSSibly to City Council In which the matter m 1990 was settled and agreed upon, m addition to the supplementation of a prevIOus petition of Stonehaven Homeowners ASSOCiation statmg that a majority of the members were m agreement with the pnvatIzatIon of the community, we are hereby SUbmll11ng a ~ub-scquentlal petition, to further emphaSize our pOSitIOn m our struggle WIth the City ThiS petition reiterates that the members of Stonehaven Homeowners ASSOCiation deSIre to pnvatIze our commumty to meet the standards based m the three party agreement. Includmg all aspects of the agreement, but most specIfically the matter of gatmg the commumty from the front entrance off of Knuth Road and sealIng off the back entrance With either a wall or gate The members of the commumty understand that pnvatIzatlOn may cause a delayed timmg externality With concern to emergency services The commumty feels that upon completion of Knuth Road, that emergency services Will have another route mto the aSSOCiation to take the place of the route currently used as an alternative route located at Sonehaven Dnve and Congress A venue ThiS wIll gIve emergency services two entnes, one at Woolbnght Road and Knuth Road and one at Boynton Beach Blvd and Knuth Road, as opposed to one at Congress Blvd. and Stonehaven DrIve and one at Boynton Beach Blvd. and Knuth Road The commumty mamtams that It Will work With emergency services m mstallmg the necessary ~qU1pment to allow access to the commumty for emergency services All members of Stonehaven Homeowners ASSOCiatIOn that are 111 agreement WIth the Petition and want our commuJ1lty to be pnvatlzed, please sign below 8. 9 /, -vCr 10 " 'I' \id-i f ! I~- ~ $' 11 \\ J \VJ~ c.r- t 1:, ,~.)~ (. " Lot Number I 2' 3 (-"5/ ifb J d .:76 & " / / ~ ;:. \ V L EXHIBIT "0" Lot Number Date Q2 / Ij ;</IV J 13 j I( 1 '7 ./ 15 16 (I 17 1 19 I, 20 /~9 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 . 28\..../ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47~ 9 - Z'tl 00 48 49 50 51 52 53- 54 55 56 0--" I 57 58 59 60-/ t.'/'l-lZ7 61 62 2 . t>. ~ I \ , i....w' EXHIBIT "0" , Signature Lot Number Date 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 j 72 73 74 75~ ~} - c: - S~ 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 III 112 113 (I '1 :;"0 GO Y ~:~ ~h If 0 " ~o: 3 EXHIBIT "E" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEP ARTME~T INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Mike Rumpf, DIrector of Plannmg and ZOnIng FROM. Jeffrey R. LIvergood, DIrector of PublIc Works DATE January 4,2001 SUBJECT PublIc Works ReVIew, Stonehaven Road Closure The PublIc Works Staff has evaluated a request by the Stonehaven Homeowners ASSOCIatIOn to close Stonehaven Dnve just north of the canal Staff has evaluated the homeowner's request as well as the traffic study completed by Gerald B Church, P.E., on behalf of the Stonehaven Homeowners ASSOCIatIon. In order to assess the Impact of closmg Stonehaven Dnve north of the canal, It IS necessary to evaluate the eXIstmg traffic condItIOns to deterrmne the Impact of the closure on local resIdents as well as to determme the degree of mappropnate use of Stonehaven by the those motonsts that should be utilIzmg the adjacent artenal network m lIeu of local collector roadways wIthm the referenced development. The consultant has measured traffic volumes at three locatIons wIthm the planned UnIt development. A summary of the average traffic volumes IS as follows. Stonehaven, west of Banyan Creek = 1,602 Stonehaven, north of the canal = 1,093 Stonehaven, west of Congress = 3,092 In staffs opmIOn, the above average traffic volumes are consIstent WIth volume typIcally assocIated WIth a collector roadway such as Stonehaven Dnve Therefore, any suggestIOn that traffic volume IS excessIVe at any pomt on Stonehaven Dnve IS not suffiCIent, nor reasonable, JuStIficatIOn for the closure of Stonehaven Dnve Staff recognIzes that m some mstances, there may be SIgnIficant mappropnate use of a roadway suggestmg a modIficatIOn m eIther roadway deSIgn or sIgnage to deter such use Inappropnate use will often occur on a roadway when motonsts bypass SIgnalIzed mtersectIOns and mstead travel on local streets. These motonsts often perceIve that they save tIme by domg so when m fact they may be extendmg theIr travel tIme Motonsts often mcorrectly belIeve that, If they are movmg mstead of standmg stIll at a SIgnalIzed mtersectIOn, they are savmg tIme The Stonehaven Homeowners ASSOCIatIOn has opmed that there IS, m fact, a large amount of bypass traffic on Stonehaven and they are usmg thIS argument, among others, as JustIficatIOn for road closure TheIr consultant dId not, however, adequately evaluate or measure mappropnate traffic use In staffs OpInIOn, analYSIs of the degree ofmappropnate traffic IS essentIal when consIdenng a road closure that IS based upon traffic Impacts Because the consultmg engmeer contracted by the ---- ~ EXHIBIT "E" Stonehaven Homeowners AssocIatIOn dId not document the degree of bypass traffic, the Pubhc Works Staff conducted ItS own analYSIS. On January 3,2001, staff conducted a hcense plate survey between the hours of3 30 PM and 430 PM. As part of thIs study, staff placed two employees at each of three locatIOns. We conducted surveys on Stonehaven west of Congress, on Stonehaven north of the canal, and on StonehavenJust east of Knuth. At each of these locatIOns we recorded hcense plates for each vehIcle passmg the referenced locatIOns m both dIrectIOns. By collectmg thIS mformatIOn, we are able to assess the ongm and destmatIOn of vehIcles entenng and eXltmg the planned development. Furthermore, we are able to assess the amount of traffic that utihzes Stonehaven Dnve and has neIther an ongm nor destmatIOn wlthm the study area. In other words, we are able to measure the amount of bypass traffic A summary of our findmgs IS as follows. Vehicles travelling from Congress onto westbound Stonehaven = 108 Of these 108 vehIcles, 82 were destmed m the multI-family housmg 17 were destmed m the smgle-family housmg 9 contmued to Knuth or bypassed (8.3%) Vehicles travelling from Knuth onto eastbound Stonehaven = 56 Of these 56 vehIcles, 17 were destmed m the multI-family housmg 33 were destmed m the smgle-family housmg 6 contmued to Congress or bypassed (10 7%) Vehicles originating in the single family homes = 41 Of these 41 vehIcles, 36 eXIted the planned development at Knuth 5 eXIted the planned development at Congress Vehicles originating in the multi family homes = 83 Of these 83 vehIcles, 8 eXIted the planned development at Knuth 75 eXIted the planned development at Congress Staffbeheves that certam data ments addltlonal dISCUSSIOn. The hour of thIS traffic count very nearly apprOXImates the afternoon peak hour as depIcted by the consultmg engmeer's 24-hour traffic count. The apprOXImate peak hour factor IS about 0 085 and IS less than the customary standard of 10% (0 10) Dunng the hcense plate survey, staff recorded a total of 15 vehIcles that traveled through the development With neIther an ongm nor destmatlon m eIther the smgle or multI family homes. Assummg a peak hour factor of 0 085, one can estlmate that, on a 24-hour baSIS, 176 vehIcles would travel on Stonehaven Dnve and have neIther an ongm nor destmatlon wlthm the development. Closmg Stonehaven Dnve as requested would certamly elImmate these 176 vehIcles and be a benefit to area reSIdents. However, despIte thIS small benefit to area reSIdents, a road closure could pose a concern to many reSIdents m the development that travel along Stonehaven at the pomt of the proposed road closure m order to access theIr homes. For example, dunng the hour of study, 25 reSIdents passed through the pomt of proposed closure to travel eIther to or from theIr home m the multI family portIOn of the development. Furthermore, 22 reSIdents passed the pomt of proposed closure to travel eIther to or from theIr homes m the smgle-family portIOn of the development. Thus, a closure would negatlvely affect 47 vehIcle trIpS dunng the study hour Usmg the same peak hour EXHIBIT "E" factor of 0 85 would mean that on a 24-hour basIs, a total of 553 local vehIcle tnps would be forced to alter theIr dnvmg patterns should the roadway be closed as requested. ThIS number far exceeds the reductIon of bypass traffic of 176 vehIcles as dIscussed earlIer Staff Summary Staff finds no traffic-related JustIficatIon for the closure of Stonehaven Dnve at any pomt between Congress and Knuth. Staff finds lIttle eVIdence of bypass traffic through the Stonehaven Planned Umt Development and IS of the opmIOn that the completIOn of Knuth Road from W oolbnght to Boynton Beach Blvd. WIll provIde motonsts WIth yet another optIon to aVOId artenal mtersectIOns. As such, the amount of bypass traffic on Stonehaven will likely decrease m the future AddItIonally, staff finds that local reSIdents wIthm the Stonehaven Planned Umt Development would be most Impacted by any road closure on Stonehaven north of the canal. Therefore, m order to further conSIder a road closure It IS ImperatIve that strong consensus from reSIdents m both the smgle and multI family developments IS garnered. In addItIon to vehIcular traffic Issues, the proposed closure of Stonehaven would elImmate pedestnan and bIcycle traffic as well. Should the CIty favorably conSIder a road closure for reasons unrelated to traffic control, the PublIc Works Staff suggests that pedestnan access be mamtamed and the SIdewalk remam open. Staff also notes that we have not assessed the abilIty of both the PolIce and FIre Departments to respond to emergency SItuatIOns wIthm the development should Stonehaven be closed. ThIS analysIs IS more appropnately conducted by those agenCIes. Furthermore, there IS a storm dramage catch basm located dIrectly beneath the proposed fence on the West SIde of Stonehaven. The UtilItIes Department IS most qualIfied to comment on thIS matter It IS entIrely possible that other reasons may eXIst for the CIty to conSIder dIvIdmg thIS development. The PublIc Works Staff IS not qualIfied to comment on these matters and leaves further evaluatIOn to others. ~~ J ! J rey . ~good DEVELOPMENT {DER OF THE CITY COMMISSIOh JF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME Stone haven Homeowners Association APPLICANT'S AGENT Gerald Van-Gelder APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 1699 Stonehaven Drive DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION April 3, 2001 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT Master Plan Modification LOCATION OF PROPERTY 1699 Stonehaven Drive DRAWING(S) SEE EXHIBIT "A, B, C, D, and E" ATTACHED HERETO THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows OR X THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows 1 Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations 2 The Applicant lHAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested 3 The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included" 4 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby lGRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof DENIED 5 This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6 All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order 7 Other DATED City Clerk J .5HRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\WP\FOR.\oIS\Blanks forms folder\Develop.Order Slonehaven 3-27-01.doc EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of AlWroval Project name Stonehaven Homeowners AssocIatIOn File number MPMD 00-007 Reference The plans IdentIfied as 151 RevIew. Master Plan ModIficatIOn. FIle # MPMD 00-007 wIth a D b 13 2000 PI d Z D d k ecem er annml! an omnl! epartment ate stamp mar mI!. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE ~I PUBLIC WORKS-GENERAL Comments NONE X PUBLIC WORKS-TRAFFIC Comments. 1 Staff finds no traffic-related JustIficatIOn for the closure of Stonehaven X Dnve at any pomt between Congress and Knuth. Staff finds lIttle eVIdence of bypass traffic through the Stonehaven Planned Umt Development (the study provIded by the applIcant mcluded estImates, but not documentatIOn, for the bypass traffic) Staff IS of the opmIOn that the completIon of Knuth Road from W oolbnght to Boynton Beach Boulevard will proVIde motonsts WIth yet another optIon to aVOId artenal mtersectIOns. As such, the amount of bypass traffic on Stonehaven willlikelv decrease m the future 2 AddItIOnally, staff finds that local reSIdents wIthm the Stonehaven Planned X Umt Development would be most Impacted by any road closure on Stonehaven north of the canal Therefore, m order to further conSIder a road closure, It IS ImperatIve that strong consensus from reSIdents m both the smgle and multI-famIly developments IS garnered. The applIcant must prOVIde survey results showmg that majonty of both commumtIes favor the proposed closure Data should mclude total reSIdents and property owners, total number of those partIcIpatmg m survey/petItIOn, and results. 3 In addItIon to vehIcular traffic Issues, the proposed closure of Stonehaven X would elImmate pedestrIan and bIcycle traffic as well. Should the CIty favorably conSIder a road closure for reasons unrelated to traffic control, PublIc Works staff suggests that pedestnan access be mamtamed and the SIdewalk remam open. 4 See attached technIcal comments. X UTILITIES Comments. NONE X 5 PermIt applIcatIOn needs to be processed through the UtIlIty Department to X msure that no water and sewer system components will be affected. FIRE Comments. NONE X CondItIons of Approval Stonehaven Homeowners Assoc doc 03/28/01 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 6 The FIre Rescue Department approval of the correspondmg permIt X applIcatIOn wIll not be consIdered untIl Knuth Road IS complete and access from the south IS acceptable BBCC 9-21F POLICE Comments NONE X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments NONE X BUILDING DIVISION Comments. 7 At tIme of permIt reVIew, submIt sIgned and sealed workmg drawmgs of X the proposed constructIOn. 8 Add to all plan VIew drawmgs of the sIte a labeled symbol that represents X the locatIon and penmeter of the lImIts of constructIOn proposed WIth the subject request. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments NONE X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments NONE X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments 9 Rear closure shall consIst of an operatmg gate accessible to both commumtIes. X ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND ZONING BO.A.RD COMMENTS 10 Comments NONE X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS 11 To be determmed. X \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Stonehaven Homeowners Association\"1PMD\Conditions of Approval Stone haven Homeowners Assoc.doc