AGENDA DOCUMENTS 7.C.1 QUANTUM PARK LOT 58 NEW SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 99-106 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION April 22, 1999 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project Name Property Owner. Applicant/Agent: Location File No. Land Use Plan Designation Zoning Designation Type of Use Number of Rooms Square Footage Surrounding land uses and Zoning District: Existing Site Characteristics Quantum Park Lot 58 MFT Development, Inc. Winston Lee I Winston Lee & Associates, Inc. Quantum Lakes Drive (Quantum Park PID Lot 58) NWSP 99-005 Industrial (I) Planned Industrial Development, (PID) Office Building NIA Site Area 214,656 square feet (4 93 acres) Building Area 51 556 square feet (see Exhibit "A" - location map) North - Quantum Lakes Drive and farther north water management tract "P", zoned PID South - Publix, Lot 55, zoned PID East - Vacant lot 59 zoned PID West - Water management tract "K", zoned PID The subject property is vacant and consists of 4 93 acres The site is predominately vegetated with a variety of weeds grasses and exotic nuisance tree and shrub species The site has been cleared and filled and repeatedly disturbed by off-road vehicles One Gopher Tortoise burrow has ) Page 2 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum #99-106 Quantum Park Lot 58 Proposed Development: Concurrency. been located in the southeast corner and must be mitigated To the north of the site along the Quantum Lakes Drive right-of-way, is a row of street trees and a 20 foot wide maintained grass area which provides some screening for the adjacent uses There is no other significant vegetation on the site The developer is proposing construction of a 51,566 square foot, one story, office building and related parking in two (2) phases (see Exhibit liB" - proposed site plan) a. Traffic - A traffic statement for the project was prepared by Pinder Troutman Consulting, Inc. Preliminary analysis indicates that this project will comply with the county's traffic performance standards as it is related to the 63,752 maximum trips permitted in the Quantum Park development. Development of this office will generate 1,204 trips, leaving 45,000+ trips for future development. b. Drainage - Conceptual drainage information was provided for the city's review The city's concurrency ordinance requires drainage certification at time of site plan approval The Engineering Division is recommending that the review of specific drainage solutions be deferred to time of permit review, when more complete engineering documents are required Driveways Parking Facility Landscaping Proposed on-site traffic circulation consists of a 27 foot wide drive aisle with one 24 foot wide access to Quantum Lakes Drive The proposed vehicular use area will provide parking areas containing the required 9' x 16' & 18' spaces. There are 240 parking spaces proposed, including seven (7) spaces designated as handicapped accessible The parking plan will meet the city's Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2 - Zoning and ADA requirements for this use, and provides for 68 surplus spaces Regulations for the Planned Industrial Development zoning district require that parking requirements be based on number of employees, however, as employment information is unknown at this time, minimum required parking spaces were determined using the code requirement for office uses (one (1) space for every 300 square feet) The landscaping of the site will fully meet code requirements when staff comments are incorporated, and exceed requirements with the placement of foundation plantings along a portion of the front fa<;:ade, and extensive treatments along the entrance drive Special attention will be given to preserving the existing right-of-way landscape feature to the north of the lot, which consists of Tabebuia and Live Oak. v Page 3 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum #99-106 Quantum Park Lot 58 Building and Site Regulations Building and site regulations will fully meet code requirements when staff comments are incorporated into the permit drawings Community Design Plan The proposed building facade, as viewed from Quantum Lakes Drive, has been designed to be architecturally compatible to this predominately industrial use area. The new structure will receive surface treatments and colors of beige and white cementitious finished walls accented with purple and white moldings and window trim The proposed building is distinctive, yet complements the surrounding development. Signage A proposed signage detail was submitted as part of this site plan review The approved Quantum Park signage plan allows one monument sign, per parcel, with a maximum sign dimension of 7 feet high by 14 feet wide, and 64 square feet of sign face The submitted site plan utilizes a sign plan with one freestanding entry sign designed within the pre-approved dimensions at 3'-6" high and 12' wide, with a 28 5 square foot sign face In the future if the developer decides that they need to increase the number of signs, or propose a wall or monument sign design change, they will need to request a sign program modification, as a separate submittal With respect to wall signage, the plan indicates the location of future tenant signage to be placed on the building facades (a condition of approval will require the establishment of maximum size per reserved sign space to ensure that the allowable square footage is properly distributed and not exhausted prior to buildout.) RECOMMENDATION. The Planning and Zoning Division recommends approval of this site plan request, subject to the comments included in Exhibit 'C" - Conditions of Approval The Technical Review Committee (TRC) recommends that the deficiencies identified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit. xc: Central File J:ISHRDA T AIPlanninglSHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIQuantumltot 581NWSPIsite plan staff report 58.doc 3 -_OCATION MAP EXHIBIT "A LOT 58 AT QUANTUM PARK --.-111 i::irniTTIi,J 'J _~' . - =-- ~7 - 1 ~~ 'LJ"~~a ~ r _~ ~~ tfj rlffk. ~ .S~~ :' p~ ~ " t;I- ~ l~ t VJ ~ ; l;'tj' f\IiJ= = ~1L ~ ~ ~:~ \ 'L~lM ~ ~ If/ ~ '9E! rl:. <>" T ~'y\ ~~ ~ /~ J~ rEl j J/\ ~ R'l-^ ^ ~ 0', tl ~ ~ \.1D ;~ j ~ -- ~. {. - ~ r=1 . II :'~h - .--... J-... I r ~ ~ r- )~SJ = -- I ~.(' :} l) ~,s~ - ~ j. V ~~Iwrll'" , / . , .' u'. r A 1.).,10 L L:J.I:'. . "1 p\~ - , . =:JJr .~}~. ~. " (C3:\ l,~ ....', ~:~ '~) 1 '. /~ \\. ~ ,~~ . -0;;;;0-- . ...'_ ". '. ' .' ~ " . ...........:r . ~, b - I: :~. 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FIRE Comments 3 No part of any structure shall be more than 200 feet from a hydrant. Show FIre Department connectIOn location. POLICE Comments. None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments. 4 All plans submItted for specIfic permIts shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits mclude, but are not hmIted to the followmg: site hghtmg, pavmg, dramage, curbmg, landscaping and irrigatIOn. PermIts required from other permittmg agencIes, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be mcluded WIth your permIt request. 5 Add a note to the Pavmg and Drainage plan statmg that all proposed storm dramage structures and pipes m Phase II will be constructed WIth Phase I. 6 Add a note to the Wastewater and Water plan stating that all proposed water and sewer hnes m Phase II wIll be constructed WIth Phase I. o Page 2 Quantum Park - Lot 58 FIle No NWSP 99-005 DEPARTMENTS 7 Remove proposed medIan cut on Quantum Lakes Drive and Install "RIght Turn Only" sIgn at eXIt, or close eXIstIng medIan openIng to the east at Lot 59 and replace WIth proposed openIng. Proposed openIng IS too close to eXIsting openIng at lot 59 to ensure safe and proper deSIgn. The eXIstIng medIan openIng at lot 59 should be moved to the eastern end of lot 59 If properly desIgned WIth adjoining Intersection. ThIs relocatIon should be done In conjUnctIOn With the ultImate development of lot 59 (MUTCD) BUILDING DEPARTMENT Comments 8 IdentIfy the finish floor elevatIOn of the buildings WIthin the footprint of the bUIldIngs that are Illustrated on the Floor & Roof Plan. ProvIde notes, measurements and computatIons on the sIte plan or floor plan that verifies the proposed finIsh floor elevatIOn IS In complIance WIth the minimum standards. Venfy that the finIsh floor meets the mInImUm elevatIOn required by the flood zone that the project IS located WIthIn. Verify that the finIsh floor meets the mInImUm elevation that is reqUIred by the South Flonda Water Management Dlstnct permIt for the overall project. Also, venfy that the elevation of the finIsh floor IS not less than six Inches above the crown of the abutting nghts-of-way 9 At tIme of permit reVIew, indIcate WIthIn the occupancy classificatIon and type of constructIon note found on the Floor & Roof Plan drawIng the number of stones and total floor area of each buildIng. The buildIng area, number of stones, occupancy classIficatIon and type of constructIon shall comply with the specIfications Identified In the BUIlding Code 10 Amend the site SIgn detaIl drawIng to comply WIth the color specIficatIOns lIsted on the approved SIgn program 11 IndIcate on the paVIng and draInage plan the elevatIon of the finIsh surface at each accessible parkIng space. Where the accessible route to the building from the accessible parkIng spaces IS not specIfied on the plans as flat or level, show, dimenSIOn and label the below lIsted accessible route components on the plans. The IllustratIon of the accessible route components shall verify that the dIfference In elevatIOn from the accessible parkIng spaces to the finIsh floor at each tenant space IS In compliance WIth the AccessibIlIty Code for BuildIng Construction. LocatIon, deSIgn and WIdth of curb cuts. 1 INCLUDE REJECT Page 3 Quantum Park - Lot 58 FIle No NWSP 99-005 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT IdentIfy the location, wIdth, slope, cross slope and length of portions of the route that have a slope that IS less than 1.20 (ex. 1.21) Identify the location, wIdth, and slope, cross slope and length of ramps. The AccessibIhty Code states that surfaces are consIdered ramps when they have a slope that is greater than 1.20 (ex. 1 19) Identify the location, wIdth, length, and slope and cross slope of all landmgs that are reqUIred at the top and bottom of each ramp and at the bUIldmg entrance The Accessibility Code considers surfaces with a 1 50 slope as level. The 1 50 slope IS acceptable for the landmgs that are required at ramps and the level surface that IS reqUIred at the Accessible entrance to a buildmg/tenant space Where the Accessibihty Code mdIcates a handraIl IS reqUIred, show and label them on the drawmg. Also, provide detail drawings depicting height and shape of the handraIls. Show and Identify the shape and slope of thresholds that are used at the accessible entrances. Identify the type of matenal and type of fimsh surface that IS proposed for the accessible route 12 Please note that compliance with the site lighting regulatIOns IS evaluated at tIme of permIt review 13 At time of permIt revIew, a current survey IS reqUired. Add to the sIte plan all easements shown on the survey Where apphcable, amend the plans so that structures do not encroach mto an easement. 14 To efficIently move from site plan approval to permit review, It IS recommended that the permIt apphcant and contractor contact a Plans Analyst m the BUIldmg DIVISIOn of the Development Department to obtain a permit submIttal checklist. 15 Compliance wIth the bUIldmg codes wIll be evaluated at time of permIt reVIew The permIt fee, water and sewer facIhty fees, county fees and state fees wIll be determmed at time of permit reVIew PARKS AND RECREATION Comments. None FORESTERlENVIRONMENTALIST Comments None ~ Page 4 Quantum Park - Lot 58 File No NWSP 99-005 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PLANNING AND ZONING Comments. 16 All plans shall be sIgned and sealed at the time of building permIt submIttal. 17 ProvIde the following mformatIOn m the site plan tabular data (Chapter 4 Sec 7 Par E) Parkmg calculations to mclude number of employees Setback chart Loading reqmrements (Chapter 2 Section 11 Par J2). PID open space reqmrements (Chapter 2 Section 7 Par H.3). 18. ProvIde the reqmred loading area, unobstructed and screened, or add note mdIcatmg that all delivery or related vehIcles can be accommodated by typIcal parking spaces. 19 Plans must be approved by the Quantum Park ArchItectural RevIew Board pnor to SIte plan approval. 20 Colored rendenng shows foundatIOn plantmg along from fa<;ade. 21 Identify the maximum square footage allocated to each reserved SIgn space to show compliance with maximum allowed by code and to ensure that the maXImum square footage IS not exhausted pnor to bmldout. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS 22. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS 23 To be determined. MWR/jmaJdim \\CHlMAIN\SHRDA T AIPLAI\"NING\SHARED\WPIPROJECTS\QUANTUM\QCAKTUM PARK LOT 5812ND REVIEW COMMENTS.DOC ~ DEVELOPME . ORDER OF THE CITY COMMIS~ )N OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME Quantum Park Lot 58 APPLICANT'S AGENT Winston Lee I Winston Lee & Associates, Inc. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 1532 Old Okeechobee Rd, West Palm Beach, FL 33409 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION May 4,1999 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT New Site Plan LOCATION OF PROPERTY Quantum Lakes Drive (Quantum Park PID, Lot 58) DRAWING(S) SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows 1 Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2 The Applicant lHAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested 3 The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included" 4 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby 1- GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof DENIED 5 This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6 All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order 7 Other DATED City Clerk J:ISHRDATAIPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIQUANTUM LOT 581DEVELOPMENT ORDER NWSP.doc }O