REVIEW COMMENTS Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD PO BOX310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI DA 33425-0310 FAX. (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to: fax #. date: from. re: /,,;1 () t rtA s fJDi 5:3 qr((.r \ pages L, mcludmg cover sheet. f) CH1 I :1 t1{ /'r1'wD~ J J) U;t1/t't~t.-Wt1 (7) 2/ fh J UI J J / Dn () 14. 3/ J/ it:' flOtr1 ( f!ClL~ yO (,1 fl1ACU I'J 1-/ Q W It tl [ow tW tv! /1)/ CC 1!-1-ff'htl'lJ /1A/fiUA.~ . 'uW)J j!,.1(!...J (,'Io) t-r l tf~J ' UC t1/f 1M t' fA.?/' ?- f &1 Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 ") ""'--'r- rY)u()-, - Page 2 Quantum Park - Lot 58 File No. NWSP 99-005 ./ -DEPA~NTS INC+UDE 77 Remove proposed median cut on Quantum Lakes Drive and install ) "RIght Turn Only" sign at eXit, or close existing medIan opening to the / east at Lot 59 and replace WIth proposed opening. Proposed opening IS / ~too close to existing opening at lot 59 to ensure safe and proper design. // The existIng median opening at lot 59 should be moved to the eastern , / end of lot 59 If properly designed with adjoming intersection. This relocatIon should be done in conjunction with the ultimate dev~ment f lot 59 (MUTCD) ~ BUILD~PARTMENT ---------- ,- _n____._-.:..! ...... \ '-'.....--.-v.J I{ ./~ Comments. 8 IdentIfy the finIsh floor elevation of the buildings wIthin the footpnnt of the bUIldings that are illustrated on the Floor & Roof Plan. Provide notes, measurements and computations on the site plan or floor plan that verifies the proposed finIsh floor elevation IS in compliance with the mInImUm standards. Venfy that the finIsh floor meets the mInimum elevation reqUIred by the flood zone that the project is located withm. Venfy that the finish floor meets the minimum elevation that IS required by the South Florida Water Management DIStrict permit for the overall project. Also, verify that the elevatIon of the finIsh floor IS not less than SIX inches above the crown of the abuttIng rights-of-way 9 At time of permIt review, Indicate within the occupancy claSSification and type of constructIOn note found on the Floor & Roof Plan drawmg the number of stones and total floor area of each bUIlding. The building area, number of stories, occupancy clasSIfication and type of construction shall comply wIth the specifications Identified In the BUIlding Code. IO Amend the site sign detail drawmg to comply with the color speCIfications listed on the approved sign program. 11 IndIcate on the pavIng and drainage plan the elevation of the finIsh surface at each accessible parkmg space. Where the accessible route to the buIlding from the accessible parking spaces is not specified on the plans as flat or level, show, dimenSIOn and label the below listed accessible'route components on the plans. The illustratIOn of the accessible route components shall verify that the difference in elevation from the accessible parking spaces to the finish floor at each tenant space IS m compliance With the Accessibility Code for Building ConstructIOn. Location, design and width of curb cuts. 1 REJECT /~ trUA~-ruA 'PMK loT 5CO - ~LL 7LAuS SHALL -ee. SltpJJUJ hJ() 5~ b<--r 1H€-1\~\..{,E.. OF 13uIL'D1V(i:J ~~<i ~ul?J..Arrr~ '1(fi:...- ~ 000:::=- -~I~-p.+tE: FDLLOLUlkJ(P JkJ~07J ILJ ~'?l%f't.AtJMuLAt--Ph?rA C~ ~ ~1ue) A) 1t>l'~('JJ.:6 CALLvLtx-r0u5 1b lUCLOCE.. 4f OF "P1Pl-6YEF;J 'B)If.)~ C~, e-) COboJv& 'PfGv1~ C cJ.t 1- ~ 11 (,U Jt 'fU- -S 1-) p) f'i.o or6,J ~f*t..B ~VI(t6~ (c'tt.'l. ~ '1 ,~ H.~ ') - ~vlvr.:: 1"He~leeo ~~S~ ~JP~ vt.J ~ ~ Rxu ([u z, ~ It ~:r) ...----- .-. ._~ ~UoM/S1bete5 a=- ~ 0~()~ CIJ"We-sP ._- - --- ..-. _.. - LA1$G(; 1'H€- ~ ~~ Ot- ~ 0re-vc1V~ 01J 11Je.. lJ~ r~ P6 H ~ /::6 J)J -p.tB ~uLl<f... - ~ API VOGU~ ki bLl $Jv~ 1<J1J ~ ~.m- ~ l'eJ~'~ l>uJ5~ ~ ~- .-11?l)\)~ i1-+e- ~}ef;V ~Wl~ ~vl.O ~W~ ((!J.4, },5 I<:~ SEL5 f1e.:r) hone" Fa. . p_-r FIllC Note 7671 To Co"Uopt. .... 7 ~ -~-_. ."" .-_-1-. ___' ______~ ~~ --- .-0 ./ ~ j>4-!I i/ltJ.l1oI-'?' 01'" ~.5 jffif~ %.s ~ 1,) !~) ~e-~ L~ (V'I'I~ ",' ~o) ...) ...,,",,,,\MiU~' ~ /~ MJ) lI\~Shr \"~~ ((;\',1'';~ g;u.1\J~ UD~ ~1?~ fR ...~ 'j 1~ 11 ) __~? ~J>I<& tv()1l7j 11> 1)JG-LPJ& ~ follO'>"~ \)K -ty t>< ~ 1)#rffiW(, l~ ?.p<t(Av(, ~) ~():JI" ~ (..Ctl1o ~ ~s .--------------------- --- ----'"'--~-- ~) -/:' c .~ ~\ ..i,,) l, MOCTh1':.moO 105 ..l'...' I~ /~i ~~;; '-.", ~'t;" ENGINEERS i:~,~~~VEY:e,~~PLANNERS Facts and Issues reeardine the Proposed Median Openine for Lot 58 /-\ Subject: Quantum Park LQt ~8 ) (Our Ref No 9~) 1 Quantum Lakes Dnve is a pnvate road by Plat dedIcatIOn. 2 The POA transferred tItle to the CDD wIth reservatlons. The reservatIOn bemg the developer, Quantum Lnruted Partners, reserved the nght to modIfy the roadway at theIr dIscretion. 3 The roadway by defimtlon IS a local street. 4 Local streets are not reqUIred to be dIVIded roadways or have medIans. MedIans are deSIrable on hIgher speed, larger volume roadway faCIhtles such as, collector roads and artenal roads. 5 The speed of a roadway dIctates the median width. 6 MedIan opemngs are recommended to be placed at mtervals convement for crossmg movements and safety of the collector or artenal facIhty Quantum Lakes Dnve IS constructed as a four (4) lane dIVided roadway There are two (2) lanes m each dIrectIOn, 24 feet of pavement and a 16 foot landscaped medIan. ThIS roadway was constructed to thIS cross sectIOn to provIde the boulevard appearance. ThIS IS purely an aesthetIc enhancement to thIS roadway It IS not required by any deSIgn cnteria of AASTO or the State of Flonda. 7 MedIan openmgs could be proVIded at each dnveway accessmg each lot, WIth or Without deceleratIOn lanes. 8 It is important to note that westbound traffic on Quantum Lakes Dnve west of Quantum Boulevard, as a practlcal matter, WIll only be traffic accessmg Lots 52, 58 and 59 That total traffic IS further reduced by the aVaIlable access to Lot 59 at the Quantum Lakes Dnve and Quantum Boulevard mtersectlon. 9 The apphcatlon of Palm Beach County Access Management Standards and Turn-Lane Requirements are mappropnate for the proposed development, the roadway length and the proposed medIan cut. 10 The landowner for Lot 58 is the same landowner for Lot 59 The landowner prefers to leave the eXIstmg medIan openmgs as they are and mstall the proposed medIan openIng to provIde flexibIhty m marketmg and developmg Lot 59 and the Phase II development wIthm Lot 58 Prepared by Eugene A Gerhca, P.E. Apn127, 1999 Leners.qlpl qlplqu5S'9900S OO.1023egjh.doc Mock, Roos & Associates. Inc. 5720 Corporate Way West Paim Beach Florida 33407 2066. (561) 683-3113 fax 478-7248 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM ENG 99-056 TO. Michael W Rumpf, DIrector of Planmng & Zomng Raymond F DavIdson, P .E., Actmg CIty Engm~ Apn127,1999 0V FROM. DATE. RE QUANTUM PARK LOT 58 - NWSP 99-005 Upon further reVIew of the proposed SIte Plan for the above referenced project and consultatIOn With the Palm Beach County Traffic Engmeermg DIvIsIon, I consIder It appropnate to reVIse comment number 5 contamed m the Department of Development Memorandum ENG 99-040 for thIS project. The revIsed comment IS as follows [liThe proposed SIte Plan does not agree With the Master Plan for Quantum Park regardmg dnveway locatIOn and the assocIated eXIstmg medIan opemng on Quantum Lakes Dnve The applIcant IS proposmg to move the proposed access dnve to Lot 58 approXImately 200 feet to the west from that shown on the Master Plan. It IS therefore reqUired that the medIan opemng on Quantum Lakes Dnve also be relocated to agree wIth the new dnveway locatIon. Any other means of access to the sIte proposed by the applIcant would create an unsafe condItIOn and endanger the safety of the general publIc. In accordance wIth the CIty'S Land Development RegulatIOns, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, SectIon 10 Y , the applIcant must submIt plans for the reqUired medIan alteratIOns to the CIty for reVIew and approval pnor to approval of a Pavmg and Dramage permIt for the project. The applicant also must submIt surety for 110% of the cost of the reqUired medIan alteratIOns and complete the reqUired medIan alterations pnor to the Issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for the project. "] Dunng the week of Apnl 1 th I met wIth the applIcant's engmeers and mformed them that the proposed full WIdth medIan opemng wIthout a turn lane as currently shown on the SIte Plan would create an unsafe condItion for motonsts entenng the SIte and would not be approved by the CIty Engmeer I would also like to add comment number 10 to the preVIOUS comments for the project. Comment number 10 should read as follows [liThe applIcant for thIS project WIll also be reqUired to reVIse the Master Plan for Quantum Park to properly show the revIsed locatIOn of the dnveway to Lot 58 By relocatmg the dnveway for Lot 58 the applIcant has elImmated second access pomt for Lot 59 Future developers of Lot 59 need to be aware that there WIll now be only one access pomt to Lot 59, whIch wIll be located at the east property lme of Lot 59 "] Regardmg the remamder of the Engmeenng Department's comments for thIS project, contamed m Department of Development Memorandum ENG 99-040, comments number 1,2 and 9 remain to be addressed, all other comments have been complIed wIth by the applIcant or elImmated by the CIty Engmeer RFD/ck C'\My Documents\Quantum Park Lot 58 NWSP 99-005.doc .... ~ . lI:l:: - ---J -.1 t 1 1 \...tA\.. . t.c'"'....; U'}r,~{; \' r-! ~ ;'t,,-,,, ~ d ~.:'i.;.__ ._. "U O. l /' ~r:t/' / /' ~ ........ .; D::" ~ \' ~ ~ ~ L, \ ~~ \ \ \"'~ \ ,- I "~ }.~ " ~~l 0l 666l-L~-V SVC:L SLV lSS ~ )I00~ ~O~.::I ----- ~-<- - ........., ------~.- ------------ h/:' PinDER TROUTMAn ,onSULTlnG. Inc. Transportation Planners and Engmeers 2324 South Congress Avenue, Suite 1 H West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (561) 434-1644 Fax 434-1663 Email pindertroutman@msn.com April 26, 1999 Mr Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE Quantum Park - Parcel 58 Office - #PTC99-31 Dear Mr Rumpf- The purpose of this letter is to respond to comments receIved from the County Traffic Division regarding the above referenced project. Attachment 1 provides the trip generation analysIs for the 51,470 SF office. Attachment 2 provides an inventory of the land uses committed within the Quantum Park DRI as requested by the County If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact this office. smcet !:~/nip<jt ~rr; / +chments LI cc: Albert Federico Douglas MacDonald D:\PROjECT FILES\PT099-31\LmERS "3~ o ~ ,(/2. ~ .- ~ ~ ... ~ ~ i 0 ~ (;S'I c:: ~ - l ':R. 0 ~ - J;!:- .;.. aJe.- Ye .- r--- c-;:. "3';;; o ~ rIl ~ .'::: c:r ... ~ ~ ~ ~ "3 0 0 ("I"l ~ c:: N - l fi M cO '-" j:::: i c- \!'\ "" c:: ("'l 0 <f, .~ t- + ~ 9: c:: '-"' ~ ~ ("'l .9- ~ ~ ... II ~ I- ~~ ~1.I'l ~ 0 oS r--- c:r ~ ~ ... CJ ~ rIl ::r. :J ~ "'0 5 CJ ~ c- ~ ~ c-I 0 ~ '0 .... !./'l o o o g '" ... s c o .;:: ,0 ::;l ~ c o 1 /2. g .-l 2- Q -0 8 ... c (l) E: -% ~ -0 C .5 -0 ~ 'c :) C ?;- 0 c .~ ~~ o ;oS 1 ~;\ E: .~ Cd ~ 0.. c .58 o 'r. -I- g u:; .....~ Ule %-~ - '6'0 ~ c o u..l (jiC. C ~ .g 1 ~ ~ g,. 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'" ~ Vl o "- "': ;;; !l ~ 3! ~ :0 -0 <= If IE o '" '" ::1 13 IE o .>< ~ ~ ;;; :0 "C s; o 6: '" '" :g ~ .... ~ .... u. Vl .o ~ ",' '" "', g I- o Z ~ (.;) N ;!; M 1.0 f ii2 .... o ... .... ell ~ Vl fi 5 ~~ u. "- ~ Ul Vl Vl 0 '" '" c; .o "-' '" 0 r .... 0 '" '" '" .... .o' ...' '" .. ~ '" '" ~ Sf, ~ 8 iil 0:; Ul '0 :J I 8 ~ -0 .... :0 iil "ll > ~ c -=- ~ Vl ....Vl ~~;}; r-.....o:> ~ on '" ... ~~..~ ~ ... '" 1j~3! ;( ~ ~ .... ~j;; Cll :0 0 E-o .... E E 0 U 1i ~ ~ ;:: ~ -0 Vl <= 8 ~ gE~ ] ~ ~ <= Cll--' .2 a.:L 1; tIi ~... g.~] g ~ ~ ~"'ii:: ~~E ~~-g ..u~"'O ~ ~.f 5160 -0 -0 <= ~~~ 2fic DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 99-083 RE Michael Rumpf, Plannmg and Zonmg DIrector Jrc 1)el Michael E Haag, BUIldmg Code PermIt AdmmIstrator Apn113, 1999 Quantum Park Lot 58 - New Site Plan (NWSP 99-005) 2nd review comments TO FROM DATE We have revIewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board reVIew WIth the understandmg that all remammg comments wIll be shown m complIance on the workmg drawmgs submItted for permIts. Buildin~ Division (site specific and permit comments) - (561) 742-6352 I IdentIfy the fimsh floor elevatIOn of the bUIldmgs wIthm the footpnnt of the bUIldmgs that are Illustrated on the Floor & Roof Plan. PrOVIde notes, measurements and computatIOns on the SIte plan or floor plan that venfies the proposed fimsh floor elevatIOn IS m complIance wIth the mmImum standards. Venfy that the fimsh floor meets the mImmum elevatIOn reqUIred by the flood zone that the project IS located wIthm. Venfy that the fimsh floor meets the mmImum elevatIOn that IS reqUIred by the South Flonda Water Management DIstnct permIt for the overall proJect. Also, venfy that the elevatIOn of the fimsh floor IS not less than SIX mches above the crown of the abuttmg nghts-of- way 2 At tIme of permIt reVIew, mdIcate wIthm the occupancy claSSIficatIon and type of constructIon note found on the Floor & Roof Plan drawmg the number of stones and total floor area of each bUIldmg. The bUIldmg area, number of stones, occupancy claSSIficatIOn and type of constructIon shall comply WIth the speCIficatIOns IdentIfied m the BUIldmg Code. 3 Amend the SIte SIgn detaIl drawmg to comply WIth the color speCIficatIOns lIsted on the approved SIgn program. 4 IndIcate on the pavmg and dramage plan the elevatIOn of the fimsh surface at each accessible parkmg space Where the accessible route to the bUIldmg from the accessible parkmg spaces IS not speCIfied on the plans as flat or level, show, dImenSIOn and label the below lIsted accessible route components on the plans. The IllustratIOn of the accessible route components shall venfy that the dIfference m elevatIOn from the accessible parkmg spaces to the fimsh floor at each tenant space IS m complIance WIth the AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. i) LocatIOn, deSIgn and WIdth of curb cuts. BUIldmg DIVISIOn Memo 99-083 to MIchael Rumpf RE Quantum Park Lot 58 - New SIte Plan - 2nd reVIew comments Apn113, 1999 Page Two 11) IdentIfy the locatIOn, wIdth, slope, cross slope and length of portIons of the route that have a slope that IS less than 1.20 (ex. 1.21) 111) IdentIfy the locatIOn, wIdth, and slope, cross slope and length oframps. The AccessibIlIty Code states that surfaces are consIdered ramps when they have a slope that IS greater than 1.20 (ex 1 19) IV) IdentIfy the locatIOn, wIdth, length, and slope and cross slope of alllandmgs that are reqUIred at the top and bottom of each ramp and at the bUIldmg entrance. The AccessibIlIty Code consIders surfaces wIth a 1 50 slope as level. The 1 50 slope IS acceptable for the landmgs that are reqUIred at ramps and the level surface that IS reqUIred at the accessible entrance to a bUIldmg/tenant space. v) Where the AccessibIlIty Code mdlcates a handraIl IS reqUIred, show and label them on the drawmg. Also, provIde detaIl drawmgs deplctmg heIght and shape of the handraIls. vi) Show and IdentIfy the shape and slope of thresholds that are used at the accessible entrances. vIi) IdentIfy the type of matenal and type of fimsh surface that IS proposed for the accessible route. 5 Please note that complIance wIth the SIte lIghtmg regulatIOns IS evaluated at tIme of permIt reVIew 6 At tIme of permIt reVIew, a current survey IS requIred. Add to the SIte plan all easements shown on the survey Where applIcable, amend the plans so that structures do not encroach mto an easement. 7 To efficIently move from SIte plan approval to permIt reVIew, It IS recommended that the permIt applIcant and contractor contact a Plans Analyst m the BUIldmg DIVISIOn of the Development Department to obtam a permIt submIttal checklIst. 8 ComplIance wIth the bUIldmg codes wIll be evaluated at tIme of permIt reVIew The permIt fee, water and sewer facIlIty fees, county fees and state fees wIll be determmed at tIme of permIt reVIew MEH.bg \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA TA \Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\NWSP 99-005 2nd review Quantum Park Lot 58.doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 99-083 TO Michael Rumpf, Planmng and Zomng DIrector FROM. Michael E. Haag, BUIldmg Code PermIt AdmmIstrator APt<. 2 0 DATE Apnl13, 1999 ! '~_-,",,-J RE Quantum Park Lot 58 - New Site Plan (NWSP 99-005) 2nd review comments We have revIewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board reVIew WIth the understandmg that all remammg comments will be shown m complIance on the workmg drawmgs submItted for permIts. Buildinl! Division (site specific and permit comments) - (561) 742-6352 1 IdentIfy the fimsh floor elevatIOn of the bUIldmgs wIthm the footpnnt of the bUIldmgs that are Illustrated on the Floor & Roof Plan. ProVIde notes, measurements and computatIOns on the sIte plan or floor plan that venfies the proposed fimsh floor elevatIOn IS m complIance WIth the mmImum standards. Venfy that the fimsh floor meets the mmImum elevatIOn reqUired by the flood zone that the project IS located wIthm. Venfy that the fimsh floor meets the mImmum elevatIOn that IS reqUired by the South Flonda Water Management DIstnct permIt for the overall project. Also, venfy that the elevatIOn of the fimsh floor IS not less than SIX mches above the crown of the abuttmg nghts-of- way 2 At tIme of permIt reVIew, mdIcate wIthm the occupancy claSSIficatIOn and type of constructIOn note found on the Floor & Roof Plan drawmg the number of stones and total floor area of each bUIldmg. The bUIldmg area, number of stones, occupancy claSSIficatIOn and type of constructIOn shall comply WIth the speCIficatIOns IdentIfied m the BUIldmg Code 3 Amend the SIte SIgn detaIl drawmg to comply WIth the color speCIficatIOns lIsted on the approved SIgn program. 4 IndIcate on the pavmg and dramage plan the elevatIOn of the fimsh surface at each accessIble parkmg space. Where the accessible route to the bUIldmg from the accessible parkIng spaces IS not speCIfied on the plans as flat or level, show, dImensIOn and label the below lIsted accessible route components on the plans. The IllustratIOn of the accessible route components shall venfy that the dIfference m elevatIOn from the accessible parkmg spaces to the fimsh floor at each tenant space IS m complIance WIth the AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. 1) LocatIOn, deSIgn and WIdth of curb cuts. BUIldmg DIVISIOn Memo 99-083 to Michael Rumpf RE Quantum Park Lot 58 - New SIte Plan - 2nd reVIew comments Apnl13, 1999 Page Two 11) IdentIfy the locatIOn, wIdth, slope, cross slope and length of portIOns of the route that have a slope that IS less than 1.20 (ex. 1.21) 11i) IdentIfy the locatIOn, wIdth, and slope, cross slope and length of ramps. The Accessiblhty Code states that surfaces are conSIdered ramps when they have a slope that IS greater than 1.20 (ex. 1 19). IV) IdentIfy the locatIOn, wIdth, length, and slope and cross slope of alllandmgs that are reqUired at the top and bottom of each ramp and at the bUIldmg entrance The Accessiblhty Code conSIders surfaces wIth a 1 50 slope as level. The 1 50 slope IS acceptable for the landmgs that are reqUired at ramps and the level surface that IS reqUired at the accessible entrance to a bUIldmg/tenant space. v) Where the Accesslblhty Code mdlcates a handrail IS reqUired, show and label them on the drawmg. Also, prOVIde detail drawings deplctmg heIght and shape of the handraIls. VI) Show and IdentIfy the shape and slope of thresholds that are used at the accessible entrances. vIi) IdentIfy the type of matenal and type of fimsh surface that IS proposed for the accessible route 5 Please note that comphance wIth the SIte hghtmg regulatIOns IS evaluated at tIme of permIt reVIew 6 At tIme of permIt reVIew, a current survey IS reqUired. Add to the SIte plan all easements shown on the survey Where apphcable, amend the plans so that structures do not encroach mto an easement. 7 To effiCIently move from SIte plan approval to permIt reVIew, It IS recommended that the permIt apphcant and contractor contact a Plans Analyst m the BUIldmg DIVISIOn of the Development Department to obtam a permIt submIttal checkhst. 8 Comphance WIth the bUIldmg codes wIll be evaluated at time of permIt reVIew The permIt fee, water and sewer faclhty fees, county fees and state fees wIll be determmed at time of permIt reVIew MEH.bg \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A\Development\Building-6870\Documents\ TRC\NWSP 99-005 2nd review Quantum Park Lot 58.doc I ne 10StOO ee ~ SS()Clates, Inc. 1 lld,,,- dpl.. \Il h!!~ -lure I ,IIld 1'1.1111 II! I ~ I I ( " April 6, 1999 Mr MIchael W Rumpf CIty of Boynton Beach Dept. of Development Plannmg & Zomng DIvIsIOn 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE. Quantum Park DR! Lot #58 FIle Number NWSP 99-005 Our File No 98010 Dear Mr Rumpf, Attached please find 12 sets of plans for the above referenced project, revIsed pursuant to the TRC comments I have addressed each mdIvIdual comment as follows. PUBLIC WORKS I Response: Note placed on dumpster detail on Sheet SP-2 to mdIcate waste removal m connectIOn Wlth constructIOn to be servIced by the CIty of Boynton Beach. 2 Response: The dumpster has been relocated m the southeastern portIOn ofthe SIte to provIde for free access as requested. UTILITIES 3 Response: The wastewater and water constructIOn drawmgs and fire flow calculations were submItted to the Boynton Beach UtIlItIes Department on March 29, 1999 for penmttmg. Upon approval from the UtilItIes Department, the drawmgs will be submItted to the Palm Beach County Health Dept. for FDEP permIt approval. 4 Response: See response for Item 3 I q2 Old O\...eechobee Road. SUIte 106 \\est Palm Beach, FL 33409-5270 5fi 1-6R9-4670 Fax 561-689-5559 Mr Michael Rumpf Quantum Lot 58 April 6, 1999 Page 2 5 Response: The appropnate capacity reservation fee wIll be paid wlthm the speCified time lImits. 6 Response" The IrngatlOn system source has been located on SP-l 7 Response: Mock, Roos & Associates will coordmate to assure the systems are complete and dedicated to the City before the first permanent meter IS set, as reqUIred. 8 Response: The 200 foot radIUs for fire hydrant coverage IS shown on the plans for each hydrant. The northeast comer ofBuildmg "c" IS at 206 feet. ThiS should still be Wlthm the mtent of the fire coverage requIrement. 9 Response: Backflow preventers are specified on the plans for both fire services and water services. 10 Response: As stated m Item 3, Water and Wastewater construction draWings have been submItted to the CIty'S UtilIty Dept. FIRE No Comments to Address POLICE No Comments to Address ENGINEERING DIVISION 11 Response: No manufactunng processes WIll occur on thIS SIte. 12. Response: All plans submitted for permits shall meet the City'S code reqUIrements and necessary permits from other agencies will be mcluded With same Permits are not reqUIred from the F10nda Dept. of TransportatIOn, Palm Beach County, or the Dept. of EnvIronmental Resources Management. Permits have been applied for from the South F10nda Water Management Dlstnct and the Lake Worth Dramage DIStrICt. Upon approval from the UtilitIes Dept., the water constructIOn draWings will be submitted to DEP for a permit. A permIt for the wastewater servIce IS not reqUIred. Mr Michael Rumpf Quantum Lot 58 Apnl 6, 1999 Page 3 13 Response: Note 2 has been added to the pavmg and draInage drawmg regardmg the draInage deSign confonmng to the City'S Land Development Regulations. 14 Response: The 15-mch RCP and dramage mlet at the north end of the pIpe are to be constructed m Phase II as they are not reqUIred for Phase 1. Call outs have been added to the plan, mdIcatmg m whIch phase the mlets and pIpmg to the east of the phase lIne wIll be constructed. 15 Response- The utilItIes shown east ofthe 'Phase' lIne Will not be constructed m Phase I as they are not requITed. The watermam will stop at the phase hne. 16 Response: The medIan cut for access to thIS SIte IS needed. A maJonty of the traffic to the SIte will be commg from the east. Without the medIan cut, theIr only access IS to perform a V-turn at the next medIan cut located approxImately 600 feet to the west. 17 Response: Contrastmg colors of paver blocks wIll be speCIfied mstead of double yellow stnpmg to delIneate two-way traffic as to not detract from the aesthetic value of the pavers. 18 Response: The 6 mch raIsed curb detail has been changed to show a depth of 18 mches. 19 Response: The 12 foot dramage easement was speCIfied on the plat In antICIpatIOn of the need for Its use for dramage purposes. ThIS easement IS no longer needed. The 30 mch RCP dramage pIpe IS routed where shown to allow for landscapmg along the property lme and next to the bUlldmg. 20 Response: The entrance road IS to dram towards Quantum Lakes Dnve DraInage of thIS area was proVIded for m the road dramage system as shown on the Master Dramage Plan prepared by ROSSI & MalavasI Engmeers, Inc , dated September 1986 BUILDING DIVISION 21 Response: Note 2 added to Sheet A-2 to mdIcate the SIgn area shall not exceed the maXImum allowed by the SIgn code 22 Response: Fimshed floor elevatIons are noted on Sheet A-l and SP-l for the bUlldmgs. SP-l SIte data now Includes the applIcable flood zone and base flood elevatIOns where applIcable 23 Response: Sheet A-I reVIsed to mdlcate Group B - Busmess Occupancy and Type VI constructIOn. Mr MIchael Rumpf Quantum Lot 58 Apnl 6, 1999 Page 4 24 Response: DetaIls for sIgnage have been added on Sheet SP-2 WhICh are consIstent WIth the amended sIgnage program for Quantum Corporate Park. 25 Response" Sheets A-I and SP-l have been reVIsed to mdIcate the Wldth dImensIOn of the covered walkway at 6'2" at the narrowest pomt. 26 Response: Sheet SP-I has been reVIsed to mdIcate the setback from the north face of the east bUIldmg to the north property lIne as 42'2" WhICh exceeds the reqUIred setback per code. 27 Response: Sheet SPI has been reVIsed to label the property lmes as such. PARKS & RECREATION No Comments to Address. FORESTERlENVIRONMENTALIST No Comments to Address. PLANNING & ZONING 28 Response: All plans submItted for buildmg permIts shall be sIgned and sealed. 29 Response: A. The parkmg calculatIons are ItemIzed m the SIte data. Parkmg has been calculated at one (1) parkmg space per 300 square feet per Chapter 2, SectIon lI.H(20) for offices/office buildmgs. B Setback data has been added to Sheet SP-I C TypIcal delIvery vehIcles for office uses can be accommodated VIa on-sIte parkmg spaces. D SIte data on Sheet SP-l mdIcates 35 08% open space provIded - 20% mInImUm IS reqUIred. 30 Response: TypIcal delIvery vehIcles for office uses can be accommodated VIa on-sIte parkmg spaces. 31 Response: Sheet SP-I has been reVIsed to mdIcate one story bUIldmgs at 34' heIght (45' heIght allowed by code) on both the bUIldmgs and tabular data. Mr MIchael Rumpf Quantum Lot 58 April 6, 1999 Page 5 32 Response: Square footages have been indIcated on the buildings and In the tabular data on Sheet SP-I 33 Response. Average daily tnps of 1,267 and the length of the dnveway throat has been labeled as 120'2:. on Sheet SP-I 34 Response: Landscaping as reqUired by code has been proVIded around the dumpster on Sheet PP-I 35 Response: A nine foot (9') landscape buffer has been proVIded along the southern property hne and labeled and dimensIOned as such (2 '12' minimum reqUired). 36 Response: No minimum tree spacing IS reqUIred along the RG W buffer per Chapter 7 5, Article II, Paragraph D However, please note that the trees as mdIcated on the plan are 20' on center average 37 Response: Note has been added to Sheet PP-I I belIeve that all TRC comments have been addressed and respectfully request that thIS apphcatIOn proceed forward to the April 27, 1999, P & D Meeting. Sincerely, ~~r Winston Lee, ASLA, AICP President cc Douglas MacDonald Tom McGillIcuddy Eugene Gerhca John Ghdden Kahart Pmder C Barett Cruce Attachments APPLICATION TRACKING LOG (~\) QY\\-0 (\) '?Q \ ~ l-o-r 5 8 PROJECT TITLE: M~ .....u.... OI94ENT FILE #: NWSP 99-005 PROJECT LOCATION: QUANTUM LAKE DRIVE TYPE OF APPLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIRED: (YIN) REVIEWER'S NAME AGENT WINSTON LEE at ASSOCIATES ADDRESS: 1532 OLD OKEECHOBEE RD #106 AGENT PHONE: 561-689-4670 FAX: 561-689-5559 DATE REC'D: 3/9/99 AMOUNT RECEIPT NO 12 SETS OF PRE-ASSEMBLED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW: 2 OF 12 SETS SIGNED AND SEALED 0 SURVEY 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 FLOOR PLAN 0 SITE PLAN WITH SITE DATA 0 APPLICATION/SUBMITTAL: DATE ACCEPTED: DRAINAGE PLAN ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS COLORED ELEVATIONS RECEIVED MATERIAL SAMPLES RECEIVED PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED o o o o o DATE DENIED: DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER: DATE OF LETTER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: INITIAL 1 ST REVIEW MEMO: DATESENT: 3/10/99 ~ '+JJ l~? MEMO NO. 99-071 RETURN DATE: 3/22/99 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED DATE OF LETTER SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: 90-DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLETE (ASSEMBLED) SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2ND REVIEW: PRE-ASSEMBLED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW: UTIL. PW PARKS FIRE POLICE PLANNING BLDG/ENGR FORESTER AMENDED APPLICATION 0 2 OF12 SETS SIGNED AND SEALED 0 SURVEY 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 FLOOR PLAN 0 SITE PLAN WITH SITE DATA 0 2ND REVIEW MEMO: DATE SENT : j~\~ ~\7-~ \ '1~ DRAINAGE PLAN ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS COLORED ELEVATIONS RECEIVED MATERIAL SAMPLES RECEIVED TRANSPARENCY RECEIVED PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED o o o o o o MEMO NO RETURN DATE: 2nd REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED PLANS MEMO# DATE PLANS MEMO# DATE UTIL. 0 POLICE 0 PW 0 PLANNING 0 PARKS 0 BLDG/ENGR 0 FIRE 0 FORESTER 0 BOARD MEETING DATE: BOARD: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY DATE SENT / SIGNS INSTALLED: DATE: CITY COMMISSION: DATE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER RECEIVED FROM CITY CLERK: 0 DATE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER SENT TO APPLICANT 0 DATE: S:\FORMS\TRACKING LOG FORM - 3/98 i'") I ~ C <- 55 \,- ( 7S <,) , (J \ "'0 (' ~'"' -;,~, "\) L <;.5 ~~ (V1c:-s. fe~ I st REVIEW COMMENTS Project name: Quantum Park - Lot 58 File number. NWSP 99-00S Reference. The plans consist of S sheets identified as I st Review. New Site Plan. File # NWSP 99-00S with an March 22. 1999 Planmng and Zonmg Department date stamp marking. DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments. Waste removal in connection With construction process must be serviced by the City of Boynton Beach. Place note on dumrt't",r Ao~n I +~ :_.J --~ same. As per section 10-2S m the City Code, free dumpin~ at all times shall be prOVided by the use. \}~lO-dL~t-t 51 ~\V Dept. of HRS permits Will be reqUired for the watel proJect. (Sec 26-12) Fire flow calculatIOns wIll be reqUired demonstra reqUirement of ISOO g.p.m. as stated m LDR chap. 6, reqUirement Imposed by msurance underwriters, wi (see Sec 26-16(a)). Please submit these calculatio: Dept. permit submittal. Sec 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capacity reservation fee be paId for thiS project either upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. application forms or Within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter Sizes, or expected demand. Comp Plan polIcy 3C.3 4 reqUires the conservation of potable water City water may not, therefore, be used for lITIgation where other sources are readily available. SpeCific Condltlons -- ThiS office WIll not require surety for mstallation of the water and sewer utilIties, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the CIty before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter IS a prereqUisite to obtammg the certificate of occupancy LDR chap 6, Article IV, Sec 16 requires that all points on each buildmg will be wlthm 200 feet of an eXlstmg or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets thiS condition, by adjustmg hydrant locatIOns as needed. Appropnate backflow preventers may be reqUired on the domestic water service to the bUlldmg, dependmg upon mtended usage, and the fire c;C (~-~ \. Page 2 Quantum Park - Lot 58 File No NWSP 99-00S DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT sprinkler line, In accordance with Sec. 26-207 1/ A buildIng permit for this project shall not be issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the proJect. (Sec. 26-15) / The waste stream from any manufacturing process must meet the City'S pretreatment reqUirements. A samphng point must be provided to allow momtoring of thiS waste stream. (Sec. 26-143, 26-147) If manufacturing wIll not be conducted in thiS buildIng, please so mdlcate In writing. FIRE , ' fJ<<. r~ _"'t- ~of\.( '5frvr fv.-c 5{..J(fo"'- Vl ~ ~"-' I'- ..l. co a -A Comments: ~..(.yC-/I^.- t1-- h ""'r~ ,...,... '"' +-. ;S {",.~ ',{::;.....'" 'Dc ::>c~ ..... .L C C-"" . "'.,. r .+.,..c--. l POLICE Comments. C'N'on0 ENGINEERING DIVISION 12 All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at tIme of apphcation. These permits Include, but are not hmlted to the following: site hghting, pavmg, drainage, curbIng, landscapIng and irngatlon. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be mcluded with your permit request. 13 Provide an engIneer's certification In wrltmg that dramage Will conform With all rules, regulatIons, codes, etc Including, but not limited to, Chapter 6, Article IV, SectIOn 5 of these Land Development Regulations. (LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2.) 14 Add a note to the PavIng and Dramage plan stating that all proposed storm drainage structures and pipes 10 Phase II Will be constructed with Phase I. IS Add a note to the Wastewater and Water plan statIng that all proposed water and sewer hnes 10 Phase II Will be constructed with Phase I. 16 Remove proposed median cut on Quantum Lakes Drive and install "Right Turn Only" sign at eXIt. (MUTCD) 17 Install double yellow stripmg In center of entrance access road to delineate two-way traffic. (MUTCD) 18 IS" dimenSIOn on 6" raised curb detail on sheet 1 of 1 of Pavmg and DraInage Plan to be changed to 18" for "D" curb per City Standards. er- c,. .... -f'\ C:r\ . Page 3 Quantum Park - Lot 58 File No. NWSP 99-005 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 19 The proposed 30" RCP storm drain lIne at the southwest comer of the site should be relocated to be in the center of the 12' wide draInage easement. 20 Indicate on the PavIng and DraInage plan how draInage IS to be provided for the entrance roadway Stormwater from the entrance roadway should not be allowed to flow onto Quantum Lakes Drive. BUILDING DIVISION 21 Add the following to each tenant signage note identified on sheet A-2 Sign area shall not exceed the maximum allowed by the Sign code. 22 Within the footprInt of the bUildIng Identified on sheet A-I, Identify the proposed finIsh floor elevatIOn. Also, identify the finIsh floor elevation Within the footprInt of the bUildIngs that are Illustrated on the site plan. Add to the site data found on sheet SP I of 2 the floor zone that the bUildIngs are located within including, where applIcable, stating the base flood elevatIOn. The finIsh floor elevation shall meet the mInimum requirements of the follOWIng: mInimum elevation by the flood zone, mInimum elevation required by the South Florida Water Management DistrIct permIt for the project verIficatIOn that the proposed finIsh floor elevation IS in compliance with the minimum standards. 23 At time of permit reView, verify that the square footage proposed for the bUildIngs IS In complIance WIth the regulatIOns of the BUilding code by Indlcatmg on the site plan or floor plan drawing the occupancy claSSificatIOn and type of constructIOn proposed for the buildIng. The bUildIng area, occupancy and type of construction shall comply With the speCificatIOns Identified in the Buildmg Code 24 Amend the site sign detail draWIng to comply WIth the speCificatIOns of the approved sign program. 25 Add to sheet SP I of 2 and sheet A-I the WIdth dImenSIOn at the narrowest pomt of the covered walkway 26 At tIme of permIt reVIew, IdentIfy on the site plan the actual setback dImenSIOn from the north face of the east bUildIng to the north property lIne. The buIlding setbacks shall comply WIth Zoning Code regulations. 27 On sheet SPl of2, IdentIfy the symbol that represents the property line. I PARKS AND RECREATION I I I ..-- Comment~ .~ Page 4 Quantum Park - Lot 58 File No NWSP 99-00S I I I I DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments(None ~ PLANNING AND ZONING Comments C@ All plans shall be signed and sealed at the time of buildmg permit submittal. Site Plan 29 Provide the followmg informatIOn m the site plan tabular data (Chapter 4 Sec. 7 Par E). '->'-- {L ~ ,x: Parking calculations to include number of employees {~+~s }i5' Setback chart /! ~.__;g' Loading requirements (Chapter 2 SectIOn 11 Par J2). ~ '/---z.. ~ ./ ~7 PID open space reqUirements (Chapter 2 Section 7 Par H.3). ~ (~ ProVIde the reqUired off-street loadmg on the SIte plan. (Chapter 2 SectIon II Par J) / Label height/stories of each structure on the S.P ,/ Label the square footage of each structure on the site plan as well as in the tabular ./ Label Apt volumes at all entrances and label length of driveway throat. Landscaoe Plan V Provide the required landscaping around the dumpster (Chapter 7.5 Art II Section 5 Par J). l/ Label and dimenSIOn the reqUired landscape buffers (Chapter 7.5 Art II SectIOn 5 Par D & E). (Min 5' required) I V Label and dimension the minimum tree spacmg along the RIW frontage (Chapter 7.5 Art II Section 5 Par D). V Provide landscape notes to mclude the followmg: A. A note describing interior parking lot landscape area (Chapter 7.5 Art II Section 5 Par G). <?; /bme \ s:\projectslcond of appr\ ~ ne\.J - ( ~SfO A/Z f,e'V" dJ fie LV"lC '--<;-fn..c.f~ I VI cL: c- c.--fi." K ~,:., e ....,L;rr, c....1' -lie r'"' t. .-- /rck Ie- ~e "3 .?r-. ~ 0- C~v- J CL'^.( s c-'~C-..v\.~k C<\ ,'-- cQ.:Q (\<-.-(-.e... /./ ~r /.... / --; ""'" {";- 1'7~ . -rf.,..- -r- -4: d..--.Jev~-r-y^ VC "'(~.(.-.s ... ~CC\.Y\. Pt.~t:!~ (j .~ pc~s I st REVIEW COMMENTS Ery Project name: Quantum Park - Lot S8 File number' NWSP 99-00S Reference: The plans consIst of S sheets identified as 1st Review. New Site Plan. March 22. 1999 Plannmg and Zonmg Department date stamp marking File # NWSP 99-00S with an DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments. I Waste removal m connectIOn with construction process must be serviced by the City of Boynton Beach. Place note on dumpster detail to mdIcate same. 2 As per sectIOn 10-25 in the CIty Code, free dumping access to containers at all times shall be provided by the use. UTILITIES - General Comments 3 Dept. of HRS permits Will be reqUlred for the water system serving thIS project. (Sec. 26-12) 4 Fire flow calculations will be reqUlred demonstratmg the CIty Code reqUlrement of 1500 g.p.m as stated in LDR chap 6, Art., Sec. 16, or the requirement Imposed by msurance underwnters, whIchever is greater (see Sec 26-16(a)) Please submit these calculations with your Health Dept. permIt submittal. 5 Sec 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capacIty reservatIon fee be paid for thiS project eIther upon my request for SIgnature on the Health Dept. application forms or WIthin 30 days of sIte plan approval, whIchever occurs first. ThIS fee will be determmed based upon final meter SIzes, or expected demand. 6 Comp Plan policy 3C.3 4 requires the conservatIOn of potable water City water may not, therefore, be used for irrigation where other sources are readIly avaIlable Specific ConditIOns 7 ThIS office WIll not reqUlre surety for mstallation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the CIty before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter IS a prereqUlslte to obtammg the certIficate of occupancy 8 LDR chap 6, ArtIcle IV, Sec. 16 requires that all pomts on each buildmg WIll be wlthm 200 feet of an eXlstmg or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets thiS condItIOn, by adjustmg hydrant locations as needed. 9 Appropriate backflow preventers may be required on the domestic water servIce to the bUllding, dependmg upon mtended usage, and the fire Page 2 Quantum Park - Lot 58 File No NWSP 99-00S tv\lk f 11.ese. ~"'\e ~~ '('~O-\ e~ -{-p '\-e~o~1""(2-+~/~, ~ ~~~< '1Ze.\-~"Cl~ _~Iff f€"-fS/'€-Nt ' The waste stream from any manufacturmg proces~ O;r . d' pretreatment reqUirements. A samplIng pomt mus. fz, \Q ..: ~-e t \~"l\5 \-" -;, ~ mOnItorIng of this waste stream. (Sec 26-1" <,e:! · f ~ t> c~"Ct \1 c, ~ ~anu.factunng will not be conducted m this building, pleG.. ~ w~ \1 b~ ~ ~S~ 1: 6Nli m wrItmg. DEPARTMENTS 10 11 FIRE POLICE sprInkler lIne, in accordance with Sec. 26-207 A buildmg permit for thiS project shall not be issu approved the plans for the water and/or sewer im~ serve the proJect. (Sec 26-15) Comments None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments None 12~ 14 , lIS f J\.<12-- 16 I "c. ' / ~' All plans submItted for specific permits shall meet the City's code reqUirements at time of applIcation. These permits mclude, but are not limited to the following: site lIghting, pavmg, drainage, curbing, ~ I landscapmg and lITigation. Permits required from other permitting ~e f I agencies, such as FOOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be included with your permit request. Provide an engineer's certIficatIOn m wntmg that dramage wIll conform With all rules, regulatIons, codes, etc. mcluding, but not lImited to, Chapter 6, Article IV, SectIOn 5 of these Land Development RegulatIOns. (LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2) Add a note to the Pavmg and Drainage plan statmg that all proposed storm dramage structures and pipes in Phase II will be constructed with Phase I. ,r Add a note to the Wastewater and Water plan statmg that all proposed water and sewer lInes m Phase II Will be constructed With Phase I. )'Y1.~ Remove proposed median cut Qll_Quan~m L~~s Drive and mstall "Right Turn Only" sign at eXIt. '(MUTCD) c:.. -< '--_ .. L r ,CJ....... ~ Y'l'.....O 1Z-. c:"c <,,/ ,...,c ~ ,.LtL,~_/w 6- (<~C(Gcc. H Install double yellow stnpmg m c~dte\L 6rentrahceLaotiess road to delIneate two-way traffic. (MUTCD) IS" dimenSIOn on 6" raised curb detail on sheet I of I of Paving and Dramage Plan to be changed to 18" for "D" curb per City Standards. t?V\"' I l<€€~ \, Kee~ " \<-e~ f \ ~U\ 6\JTI I +(q Ict9 CoM.. W\f>~ is +/flq~ b1\ r~j>, f \Cl~ I Page 3 Quan m Park - Lot 58 Fil 0 NWSP 99-00S INCLUDE REJECT The proposed 30" RCP storm dram hne at the southwest comer of the site should be relocated to be in the center of the 12' wide drainage easement. IndIcate on the Pavmg and Drainage plan how drainage IS to be provided for the entrance roadway Storm water from the entrance roadway should not be allowed to flow onto Quantum Lakes Dnve. BUILDING DIVISION 21 Add the followmg to each tenant signage note identified on sheet A-2. Sign area shall not exceed the maximum allowed by the Sign code. 22. Withm the footprint of the bUIldmg IdentIfied on sheet A-I, identify the proposed fimsh floor elevation. Also, identify the fimsh floor elevation wIthm the footprint of the bUIldmgs that are illustrated on the site plan. Add to the site data found on sheet SP I of 2 the floor zone that the bUIldmgs are located wIthm mcludmg, where applIcable, stat 109 the base flood elevatIOn. The finish floor elevation shall meet the minimum reqUirements of the followmg: mmImum elevatIOn by the flood zone, mmimum elevation required by the South Florida Water Management DIstnct permIt for the project venficatIOn that the proposed finish floor elevatIon IS 10 complIance WIth the mmimum standards. 23 At tIme of permIt reVIew, venfy that the square footage proposed for the bUIldmgs IS In comphance WIth the regulatIons of the BUilding code by mdlcatmg on the SIte plan or floor plan drawmg the occupancy classIficatIOn and type of constructIOn proposed for the building. The bUIldmg area, occupancy and type of constructIon shall comply WIth the specificatIOns Identified in the BUIldmg Code. 24 Amend the sIte sign detaIl drawmg to comply WIth the speCificatIOns of the approved sign program. 25 Add to sheet SP I of 2 and sheet A-I the WIdth dimenSIOn at the narrowest pomt of the covered walkway 26 At time of permit reVIew, Identify on the site plan the actual setback dImenSIOn from the north face of the east building to the north property lIne The bUIldmg setbacks shall comply WIth Zoning Code regulations. 27 On sheet SPI of2, identIfy the symbol that represents the property line. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments. None Page 4 Quantum Park - Lot 58 File No NWSP 99-005 DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT FORESTERJENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments. None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments 28 All plans shall be signed and sealed at the time of buIlding permit submittal Site Plan 29 Provide the followmg information in the site plan tabular data (Chapter 4 Sec 7 Par E). A. Parkmg calculations to include number of employees B Setback chart C Loadmg requirements (Chapter 2 SectIOn II Par J2). D PID open space reqUirements (Chapter 2 Section 7 Par H.3). 30 Provide the required off-street loadmg on the site plan. (Chapter 2 Section II Par J) 31 Label height/stones of each structure on the S.P 32. Label the square footage of each structure on the site plan as well as in the tabular 33 Label Apt volumes at all entrances and label length of driveway throat. Landscape Plan 34 Provide the required landscaping around the dumpster (Chapter 7.5 Art II Section 5 Par J). 35 Label and dimenSIOn the required landscape buffers (Chapter 75 Art II SectIon 5 Par D & E) (Min 5' reqUired) 36 Label and dimension the minimum tree spacing along the R/W frontage (Chapter 7.5 Art II Section 5 Par D). 37 ProVIde landscape notes to mclude the following: A. A note describing interior parking lot landscape area (Chapter 7.5 Art II Section 5 Par G). /bme s:\projects\cond of apprl Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD POBOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI DA 33425-0310 FAX. (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to: fax #. date: from. 0~C\(\ ~ <L- S~\- ~~q- SSS"l c\ ?. Co \ re: ~ \) Q. Y'i4- u 1Y'\ \& r"" - L cA- S Co - c.. t) 'O-"H'CI ~V'\+.So pages: 5 , including cover sheet. <2, 0 \y) '('O{t.. n\- S ~"<L '(\ ~ C Cl 'N\ ~ \...,-\. ft., Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 I st REVIEW COMMENTS Project name. Quantum Park - Lot 58 File number. NWSP 99-005 Reference The plans consist of 5 sheets identified as I st Review. New Site Plan. File # NWSP 99-005 with an March 22. 1999 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS Comments. I Waste removal m connectton wIth construction process must be serviced by the City of Boynton Beach. Place note on dumpster detaIl to mdlcate same. 2. As per section 10-25 m the City Code, free dumpmg access to containers at all times shall be prOVided by the use UTILITIES - General Comments 3 Dept. of HRS permits will be reqUIred for the water system servmg thiS project. (Sec 26-12) 4 Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code reqUIrement of 1500 g.p.m as stated m LDR chap 6, Art., Sec 16, or the reqUIrement imposed by msurance underwnters, whichever is greater (see Sec 26-16(a)) Please submit these calculations with your Health Dept. permit submittal. 5 Sec. 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capaCity reservation fee be paid for thiS project either upon my request for Signature on the Health Dept. applIcatiOn forms or withm 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determmed based upon final meter sizes, or expected demand. 6 Comp Plan polIcy 3C.3 4 requires the conservation of potable water City water may not, therefore, be used for IITigatton where other sources are readily available Specific Conditions 7 This office will not require surety for mstallation of the water and sewer utilities, on conditton that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the first permanent meter is set. Note that settmg of a permanent water meter is a prereqUIsite to obtammg the certificate of occupancy 8 LOR chap 6, Article IV, Sec. 16 requires that all pomts on each buildmg Will be withm 200 feet of an existmg or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets thiS condition, by adjustmg hydrant locations as needed. 9 Appropriate backflow preventers may be required on the domestic water service to the building, dependmg upon intended usage, and the fire Page 2 Melear PUD FIle No NWSP 98-014 ~:::~/~~TMENTS INCLUDE REJECT sprinkler line, m accordance with Sec. 26-207 10 A bUlldmg permit for thIS project shall not be Issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer Improvements required to serve the project. (Sec 26-15) II The waste stream from any manufacturing process must meet the CIty'S pretreatment requirements. A samphng point must be provided to allow monitoring of this waste stream. (Sec. 26-143, 26-147) If manufacturmg will not be conducted in thIS bUlldmg, please so mdlcate m wrItmg. FIRE Comments None POLICE Comments. NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION 12 All plans submItted for specIfic permIts shall meet the City's code reqUirements at tIme of apphcation. These permits mclude, but are not hmlted to the followmg: site hghtmg, paving, drainage, curbmg, landscapmg and lITIgatIon. Permits reqUired from other permlttmg agencIes, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be mcluded WIth your permIt request. 13 ProvIde an engmeer's certIfication in wrItmg that dramage Will conform With all rules, regulatIOns, codes, etc. includmg, but not hmlted to, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, SectIOn 5 of these Land Development RegulatIOns. (LDR Chapter 4, SectIon 7.F.2 ) 14 Add a note to the Pavmg and Dramage plan statmg that all proposed storm drainage structures and pipes in Phase II will be constructed With Phase I IS Add a note to the Wastewater and Water plan statmg that all proposed water and sewer hnes m Phase II wIll be constructed WIth Phase I. 16 Remove proposed median cut on Quantum Lakes DrIve and mstall "Right Turn Only" SIgn at exit. (MUTCD) 17 Install double yellow strIpmg in center of entrance access road to delineate two-way traffic (MUTCD) 18 15" dimenSIOn on 6" raised curb detail on sheet 1 of 1 of Pavmg and Dramage Plan to be changed to 18" for "D" curb per City Standards. Page 3 Melear PUD File No NWSP 98-014 I DEPARTMENTS 19 The proposed 30" RCP storm drain hne at the southwest corner of the site should be relocated to be m the center of the 12' wIde drainage easement. 20 Indicate on the Paving and Drainage plan how dramage IS to be provided for the entrance roadway Storm water from the entrance roadway should not be allowed to flow onto Quantum Lakes Drive BUILDING DIVISION 21 Add the following to each tenant signage note Identified on sheet A-2 Sign area shall not exceed the maximum allowed by the SIgn code 22 Within the footprint of the building IdentIfied on sheet A-I, Identify the proposed finIsh floor elevatIOn. Also, IdentIfy the finIsh floor elevatIOn withm the footprmt of the buildmgs that are Illustrated on the SIte plan. Add to the site data found on sheet SP I of 2 the floor zone that the buildmgs are located wIthm mcludmg, where applicable, statmg the base flood elevatIon. The finIsh floor elevatIOn shall meet the minimum requirements of the followmg: mmImum elevation by the flood zone, mmImum elevatIon reqUIred by the South Flonda Water Management District permit for the project verificatIOn that the proposed finish floor elevatIon IS m comphance WIth the mmImum standards. 23 At tIme of permit reVIew, venfy that the square footage proposed for the buildings IS m comphance with the regulations of the Building code by mdlcating on the site plan or floor plan drawmg the occupancy classificatIon and type of constructIOn proposed for the buildmg. The building area, occupancy and type of construction shall comply WIth the specificatIons IdentIfied m the BuIldmg Code. 24 Amend the site SIgn detail drawmg to comply With the specIficatIOns of the approved sign program. 25 Add to sheet SPI of 2 and sheet A-I the Width dimenSIOn at the narrowest pomt of the covered walkway 26 At tIme of permIt review, IdentIfy on the site plan the actual setback dImenSIOn from the north face of the east building to the north property line. The building setbacks shall comply WIth Zoning Code regulatIons. 27 On sheet SPl of2, Identify the symbol that represents the property hne I. PARKS AND RECREATION . Comments. None I INCLUDE I REJECT I Page 4 Melear PUD FIle No NWSP 98-014 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments. 28. /bme s:\projects\cond of appr\ ~. \\~ '~ -~~~~ ~ s8 Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD POBOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX. (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to: fax #. date: from. re: ~O("\'\ Co ~'\- 5S s <4 b\~~ \ ~ q pages: ~, including cover sheet. \> Q.., O\.) \' Go ('\ VQ.,.,S ~ \ 0 ('\ - G o ",,",t'C'\.<2.-C\\ s, Q.,Q., c.\)rY\~\<L~~' ~\\\ LOQ\-\-\ I/"~ \-0 "'CLC~X" ~(,o"--0 ~ ~~Cl..\ ~Q...~'~ ""'\l"'~ ~ 1 l\Q\ '- Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach. Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 I st REVIEW COMMENTS Project name' Quantum Park - Lot 58 File number NWSP 99-005 Reference The plans conSIst of S sheets Identified as 1st ReVIew, New Site Plan. FIle # NWSP 99-00S WIth an March 22 1999 Plannml! and Zoninl! Department date stamp markml! . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments UTILITIES - General Comments I Dept. of HRS permIts wIll be reqUired for the water system serving this project. (Sec 26-12) 2 FIre flow calculatIOns will be reqUired demonstratmg the CIty Code requirement of 1500 g.p.m. as stated in LDR chap 6, Art., Sec 16, or the reqUirement Imposed by msurance underwriters, whIchever is greater (see Sec. 26-16(a)). Please submIt these calculatIOns with your Health Dept. permit submIttal. 3 Sec 26-34(E) of the CIty Code requires that a capacity reservatlon fee be paId for this project either upon my request for SIgnature on the Health Dept. apphcation forms or within 30 days of SIte plan approval, whichever occurs first. ThIS fee WIll be determined based upon final meter SIzes, or expected demand. 4 Comp Plan pohcy 3C.3 4 reqUires the conservation of potable water CIty water may not, therefore, be used for lITIgatIOn where other sources are readIly available. Specific Condltlons S ThIS office WIll not reqUire surety for mstallation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the CIty before the first permanent meter IS set. Note that settmg of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtammg the certlficate of occupancy 6 LDR chap 6, ArtIcle IV, Sec 16 reqUires that all pomts on each bUIldmg will be withm 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets thIS condItion, by adjustmg hydrant locatIOns as needed. 7 Appropriate backflow preventers may be reqUired on the domestic water service to the bUIldmg, dependmg upon mtended usage, and the fire sprinkler hne, in accordance with Sec 26-207 8 A bUIldmg permIt for this project shall not be Issued until thIS office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-15) 9 The waste stream from any manufacturing process must meet the City's pretreatment requirements. A samplmg pomt must be proVIded to allow monitormg of thIS waste stream (Sec 26-143, 26-147) If manufacturing will not be conducted in thIS buildmg, please so indIcate m writmg. FIRE Comments. None Page 2 Melear PUD File No NWSP 98-014 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT POLICE Comments. NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION 10 All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City'S code reqmrements at time of application. These permits include, but are not lImited to the followmg: site IIghtmg, pavmg, dramage, curbing, landscaping and iITigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be mcluded with your permit request. II Provide an engmeer's certificatiOn m wntmg that dramage will conform with all rules, regulations, codes, etc mcludmg, but not limited to, Chapter 6, Article IV, SectiOn 5 of these Land Development RegulatiOns. (LDR Chapter 4, SectiOn 7.F.2.) 12 Add a note to the Pavmg and Dramage plan statmg that all proposed storm dramage structures and pipes m Phase II will be constructed with Phase I 13 Add a note to the Wastewater and Water plan stating that all proposed water and sewer lInes m Phase II Will be constructed with Phase I. 14 Remove proposed median cut on Quantum Lakes Dnve and mstall "Right Turn Only" Sign at eXit. (MUTCD) IS Install double yellow stnping m center of entrance access road to delineate two-way traffic (MUTCD) 16 IS" dimenSiOn on 6" raised curb detail on sheet I of I of Pavmg and Drainage Plan to be changed to 18" for "D" curb per City Standards. 17 The proposed 30" RCP storm dram hne at the southwest corner of the site should be relocated to be m the center of the 12' Wide drainage easement. 18 Indicate on the Pavmg and Drainage plan how dramage is to be provided for the entrance roadway Storm water from the entrance roadway should not be allowed to flow onto Quantum Lakes Dnve BUILDING DIVISION 19 Add the followmg to each tenant signage note identified on sheet A-2 Sign area shall not exceed the maXimum allowed by the Sign code. 20 Withm the footprmt of the buildmg identified on sheet A-I, identify the proposed finish floor elevatiOn. Also, identify the fimsh floor elevatiOn withm the footpnnt of the bmldmgs that are illustrated on the Site plan. Add to the Site data found on sheet SP 1 of 2 the floor zone that the bmldmgs are located withm mcludmg, where apphcable, statmg the base flood elevation. The finish floor elevation shall meet the mimmum reqmrements of the followmg: mimmum elevatiOn by the flood zone, mmimum elevation reqmred by the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project verification that the proposed finish floor elevatiOn is m comphance With the mmimum standards. Page 3 Melear PUD File No NWSP 98-014 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 21 At tIme of permit reView, verify that the square footage proposed for the buildings is m compliance with the regulations of the Bmldmg code by mdlCating on the Site plan or floor plan drawing the occupancy classification and type of constructiOn proposed for the bmldmg. The building area, occupancy and type of construction shall comply with the specificatIons identified m the Buildmg Code. 22 Amend the site Sign detail drawing to comply with the specificatiOns of the approved Sign program. 23 Add to sheet SPI of 2 and sheet A-I the width dimenSiOn at the narrowest point ofthe covered walkway 24 At time of permit reView, identify on the Site plan the actual setback dimension from the north face of the east bmldmg to the north property hne The bmldmg setbacks shall comply With Zonmg Code regulatiOns. 25 On sheet SPI of2, identify the symbol that represents the property hne PARKS AND RECREATION Comments None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments /bme s:\projects\cond of appr\ ~ m u w m ,,1~~ PLANNING AND IONING DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #99-065 TO MIchael W Rumpf, Actmg Planmng and Zomng Manager C Larry Roberts, Pubhc Works DIrector C ~ AI KIm, Samtahon Supenntendent ~ SIte Plan RevIew - 1st RevIew - New SIte Plan - Quantum Park - Lot 58 THRU FROM SUBJ DATE March 22, 1999 LIsted below are the comments for the above referenced sIte plan from the Pubhc Works Department. 1 Waste removal m connectIon wIth constructiOn process must be servIced by the City of Boynton Beach. Place note on dumpster detail to mdIcate same 2 As per sectiOn 10-25 m the CIty Code, free dumpmg access to contamers at all tImes shall be provIded by the user If you have any questiOns please contact Al KIm, SamtatIon Supenntendent at 742-6200 between the hours of7 00 AM & 3 30 PM, Monday thru Fnday AK/cr rn DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO BD 99-061 ~ ! -~I !2 r~~ - <-_..;..,-- 2..J.. Department of Development Memo No BD 99-061 to Michael Rumpf RE Quantum Park Lot 58 March 22, 1999 Page Two 6 At time ofpenmt reVIew, Identify on the sIte plan the actual setback dImenSIOn from the north face of the east bUIldmg to the north property hne. The bUIldmg setbacks shall comply wIth Zomng Code regulatIOns. 7 On sheet SP 1 of 2, IdentIfy the symbol that represents the property hne. MEH bg \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A\Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\NWSP 99-005 1st review Quantum Park Lot 58.doc Parks Division Memorandum- TRC Subject. Mike Rumpf, Actmg Planmng and Zomng Manager Kevin J Hallahan, Forester / Envlronmentahst r ~ )t Quantum Park-Lot 58 New Site Plan- IstRevlew To From. Date March 22, 1999 I do not have any comments on the above site plan. The project should contmue m the normal review process ~ ~ \~~~~ Q 0 Cv'-\- " 'f'A ~ a X t'f ... I" I l 'f'--JJ ~~ rt f <4 "-- 6\: \'Jwsf> S ~ <i~-Db S ~ --.- - -- 1,_ \ ~\ wa-;'8 I L-:-o-c- . ru.;,., lG 1j'JD- ZONiNG 0EPT. 1,00 \ --~--------------- DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM ENG 99-040 r--....."" I ! roJ ~ l-e I~ r \V 15 rni' i t i..-':J l~ L.1 U .~ I~ ~ J ! I, 0 r'---~-~'.'~~ ~ll n I j I 1; .. 'I !. IlrH MAR 19 liJr .JU, .-J ~ L.~=~-~------_.. J . f~ ,<_:~ PI? ----~----'--~ TO Michael W Rumpf, Actmg Plannmg & Zonmg Manager Raymond F DavIdson, P.E., Actmg CIty Eng~ March 19, 1999 FROM. DATE. RE. QUANTUM PARK, LOT 58 - (NWSP 99-005) NEW SITE PLAN 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS We have revIewed the subject plans and offer the following comments that should be addressed prior to the project bemg forwarded for Board reVIew' 1 All plans submItted for specIfic permIts shall meet the CIty'S code reqUIrements at tIme of apphcatIOn. These permIts mclude, but are not hmIted to the followmg sIte hghtmg, pavmg, dramage, curbmg, landscapmg and IrngatIOn. PermIts reqUIred from other permIttmg agencIes, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be mcluded With your permIt request. 2 ProvIde an engmeer's certIficatIOn m wnting that dramage Will conform With all rules, regulatIOns, codes, etc mcludmg, but not hmited to, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, SectIOn 5 of these Land Development RegulatIOns. [LDR Chapter 4, SectIOn 7.F.2] 3 Add a note to the Pavmg and Dramage plan statmg that all proposed storm dramage structures and pIpes m Phase II wIll be constructed wIth Phase 1. 4 Add a note to the Wastewater and Water plan statmg that all proposed water and sewer hnes m Phase II WIll be constructed wIth Phase 1. 5 Remove proposed medIan cut on Quantum Lakes Dnve and mstall "Right Turn Only" SIgn at eXIt. [MUTCD] 6 Install double yellow stnpmg m center of entrance access road to delmeate two-way traffic [MUTCD] 7 15" dImenSIOn on 6" raIsed curb detaIl on sheet 1 of 1 ofPavmg and Dramage Plan to be changed to 18" for liD" curb per CIty Standards. 8 The proposed 30" RCP storm dram hne at the southwest corner of the SIte should be relocated to be m the center of the 12' WIde dramage easement. 9 IndIcate on the Pavmg and Dramage plan how dramage IS to be provIded for the entrance roadway Stormwater from the entrance roadway should not be allowed to flow onto Quantum Lakes Dnve. RD/ck Xc Ken Hall C'\My Documents\Quantum Park Lot 58 New Site Plan 1st Review.doc MEMORANDUM UTILITIES D EPT NO 99 - 84 TO Mike Rumpf, Planmng DIrector ~ _ John A GUIdry, UtihtIes Director ~ ~ March 18, 1999 r---.......--w. ~~ ('\ FROM. SUBJECT Lot 58 at Quantum Park - New Site Plan 1 SI ReVIew i ihr. c; n ~g rn m ~'---' n I d ',U --.J DATE. L._,~_. We offer the following comments on thIS project ,.....-...!..;- -- GENERAL COMMENTS 1) Dept. of HRS permits WIll be reqUIred for the water system servIng this project. (Sec 26- 12) 2) Fire flow calculatIOns will be reqUIred demonstratIng the City Code reqUIrement of 1500 g P m. as stated In LDR chap 6, Art , Sec. 16, or the reqUIrement imposed by insurance underwnters, whIchever is greater (see Sec 26-16(a)) Please submIt these calculations WIth your Health Dept permIt submIttal 3) Sec 26-34(E) of the CIty Code reqUIres that a capacIty reservation fee be paid for this project either upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. applicatIOn forms or withIn 30 days of site plan approval, whIchever occurs first. This fee will be detenmned based upon final meter sizes, or expected demand 4) Comp Plan pohcy 3C.3 4 reqUIres the conservatIOn of potable water CIty water may not, therefore, be used for ImgatIOn where other sources are readIly aVailable. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1) ThIS office will not reqUIre surety for Installation of the water and sewer utilitIes on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the first permanent meter is set Note that setting of a permanent water meter IS a prerequisIte to obtaInIng the certificate of occupancy 2) LDR chap 6, Article IV, Sec 16 reqUIres that all points on each bUIldIng will be WIthIn 200 feet of an eXIstIng or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condItion, by adjustIng hydrant locations as needed 3) Appropnate backflow preventers may be reqUIred on the domestIc water service to the bUIldIng, depending upon Intended usage, and the fire spnnkler line, in accordance with Sec 26-207 4) A building permIt for this project shall not be issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer 1IDprovements reqUIred to serve the project. (Sec 26-15) 5) The waste stream from any manufacturing process must meet the CIty'S pretreatment requirements A sampling point must be proVIded to allow momtoring of this waste stream. (Sec 26-143, 26-147) If manufactunng will not be conducted in this building, please so indIcate In writing Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella (742-6404) of this office JAG/PVM Xc SkIp Milor Peter Mazzella File LEISURE SERVICES. PARKS DIVISION MEMORANDUM RE Michael W Rumpf Actmg Planmng and Zomng Manager John Wildner .. ~ Parks supenntendenjl Quantum Park - Lot 58 ill ~.@ L_.,~, ---.J I, ;D' IOr';i ; jEPI TO FROM DATE March 17 1999 The LeIsure ServIces Department, Parks DIvIsIon, has revIewed the sIte plan for Quantum Park, Lot 58 There are no recreatIOn-related comments The plan may contmue through the normal reVIew process JWad (o}_lli@rnllWirn '!~' ~ I !"\ , 1 !I 1\' MAR ' w FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No 99-239 0,' . , ' , . [ r;' -, ,'" NFPA Life Safety Code 101, National Fire Code 1, all applicable National Fire Protection Association codes, and the City Fire code shall be adhered to TO Mike Rumpf, Act. Director Planning & Zoning Division FROM Steve Gale, Fire Marshal Deputy Chief - Fire Rescue Depa jH \VI rn ~ Ut.!. MAR I 7 'c:<l9 I ~ Ln- J I-..,-.~ :G I.,:!) CPT. DATE March 17, 1999 SUBJECT Quantum Park, Lot 58 Quantum Lake Drive NWSP 99-005 We have no comments at this time and recommend that these plans move forward in the process CC File JEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 99-071 TO' FROM TRC MEMBERS Bob Borden, Assistant Fire Marshal Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Sgt. Eric Jensen, Police Department Pete Mazzella, Utilities Department Michael Haag, Building Division Ken Hall, Engineering Division AI Kim, Public Works Department John Wildner, Parks Division Ray Davidson, Acting City Engineer Bob Donovan, Permit Application Group III v:;Z Michael W Rumpf Acting Planning and Zoning Manager DATE. March 9, 1999 RE. SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1 ST Review - New Site Plan Project - Quantum Park - Lot 58 Location - Quantum Lake Drive Agent Winston Lee - Winston Lee & Associates File No NWSP 99-005 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments to me no later than 5:00 P.M. on March 22. 1999. When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories, code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval 1 Use the review standards specified in Part IV, Land Development Regulations, Site Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete with the exception of traffic data, however, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Scott Barber 3 Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents