CORRESPONDENCE /) ~ '-<--1 Y> BOB MARTINEZ GOVERNOR ~~j..... t''L,.'. ~':i.... ~ / t ~- L-epartment :,~":o~nsport~n SECRETARY ...W\"rr \~ l r- ~ ~< \Y\ ~~1 Rlf"c~r~~~~D n' JjJ.. "rfj --' J' ...t... Florida 780 Southwest 24 Street Ft Lauderdale, FL 33315-2696 Telephone (305) 524-8621 August 28, 1987 SEP 1 1981 PLANl\lli..G DEPT. Ms Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk City of Boynton Beach 120 E Boynton Beach Blvd POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Dear Ms. Boroni This is to acknowledge receipt of the City of Boynton Beach resolutions #87-CCC, #87-DDD pertaining to abandonment of right-of-way within Quantum Park and an alley right-of-way located south of the Public Works complex at N E. 9th Avenue and N E First Street, and resolution #87-FFF approving the final plot of the Blum Plat subdivision Thank you Sincerely UdL-~~ William K Fowler, P E Deputy Assistant Secretary District IV WKF op .-<\.-\~ ,~\ /~.~~ LL0 r \ / "'{ !>. \. .,.... i_ './' , . 1r>; ~ !t';) J I ,/ - -./. '<.1.,:) \~ f ~ i1 ~.' i:';~C'2 J. ' 0;. I f; (] -<if;) Jf7t;' I- e) i ,'_ '-t.. -.J P..j I") /,' ,~".....(1l3Y "- ":.'/ ' "- / \? /-:0 I I I 0:>\ \ MOYLE, FLANIGAN, KAT:,A;:;:~:RALD & sHEEHJ~;;kJ3I\/L t) KAREN LEVIN ALEXANDER THOMAS M BEASON PETER L. BRETON ROBERT BRODY E. COLE FITZGERALD, ill JOHN F FLANIGAN ANDREW FULTON, ill JAMES PATRICK GARRITY MYRA GENDEL TIMOTHY P HOBAN MARTIN V KATZ WILLIAM B. KING RONALD K. KOLlNS LISA MILLER LAYMAN STEVEN A. MAYANS JON C, MOYLE DAVID S. PRESSLY MARK E. RAYMOND THOMAS A. SHEEHAN, ill DONNA H. STINSON MARTA M SUAREZ MURIAS VIRGINIA L. VANCE NANCY KAREN VORPE 9T>< FLOOR. BARNETT CENTRE 625 NORTH FLAGLER DRIVE POST OFFICE BOX 3888 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 Ff'} 3 '.~ -7 I'. - .... PUlNNIi\G D[...-f. TELEPHONE (305) 659 7500 TELECOPIER (305) 659 1789 - TALLAHASSE'''f!'''''6rr-I''''~ ~ SUITE 100, THE PERKINS HOUSE 118 NORTH GADSDEN STREET TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 TELEPHONE (904) 681 3828 February 9, 1987 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziata, A I C P Director of Planning City of Boynton Beach 200 N. Seacrest Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: vacation of High Ridge Road Dear Carmen Enclosed is a form of Temporary Easement as we discussed. This Easement would be executed and delivered to the City for recording after the Resolution of Abandonment. In this way, the Abandonment can be effective immediately, while the City and affected property owners are assured continued legal access. The City is further protected by the construction bonds on the roads. In light of this, "Applicant shall deliver a purposes over the vacated to the City Attorney". the condition of approval should be fully executed Easement for public road High Ridge Road in a form satisfactory Very truly yours, --_/<-~ 7: / -j / -: I / \ Peter L Breton ----} -I ~.. -1' J ~ // PLB bd Encl. 0737B cc: Steve Deutsch David S. Pressly, Esq. , '- 082986-1 0324B EASEt>1ENT THIS INDENTURE, made this day of , 1986 between QUANTUM ASSOCIATES, a Florida general partnership ("Quantum") and the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation whose address 1S 120 E Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435, its successors and assigns ("Citj") WIT N E SSE T H WHEREAS, the City has by resolution vacated and abandoned that portion of the right of way of High Ridge Road Qore particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference ("Subject Property"); and WHEREAS, Quantum is undertaking the relocation of High Ridge Road as shown on the approved Master Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "Ba and made a part hereof by reference ("new road"); and WHEREAS, the City requires a temporary easement over the Subject Property for the purpose of maintaining the existing roadway for access, ingress and egress as a public thoroughfare until such tiQe as the construction of the new road is complete NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10 00) paid to the City by Quantum and other good and valuable consideration, Quantum does hereby grant to the City a temporary easement over the Subject Property for the purpose of maintaining the exist ing roadway for access, ingress and egress as a public thoroughfare upon the terms and conditions set forth below' (a) This easement shall automatically terminate upon the comp1et ion of the const ruct ion of the new road as descr ibed in Exhibit "B" (b) Upon the satisfactory completion of construction of the new road, the City shall take action to release this temporary easement of record (c) In no event shall this temporary easer:1ent be terminated without the provision of alternate legal access for ingress and egress to all those properties requiring access via the subject Property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Quantum has hereunto set its hand and seal as of the day and year first above written Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of QUANTUM ASSOCIATES, a Florida general partnership By EDWARD B DEUTSCH ITS GENERAL PARTNER STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF Before me personally appeared Edward B Deutsch, to me well known and know to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged before me that he executed said instrument for the purpose expressed therein Witness my hand and official seal this 1986. day of Notary PUblic (Notary Seal) My Commission Expires CITY APPROVAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST By. MAYOR CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM CITY ATTORNEY 0324B -2- Jf 334 BELVEDERE R06.D, WEST PALM BE.ACH, FL33405 (305)659-6359 GHOt.,J 'V CABLE Group W Cable. Inc., A Subsidiary d WESTINGHOUSE BR06.OCASTING AND CABLE, INC. January 23, 1987 City of Boynton Beach Office of the City Engineer 120 N E 2nd Ave POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re Abandonment Request for High Ridge Road north of N W 22nd Ave Gentlemen After reviewing the abandonment application for the above mentioned location, it has been determined that Group W Cable does not maintain facilities in this area If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Engineering Department at 659-6359 ext 409 or 410 {j;lY,ciLJ cathryhankins Construction Assistant ,(vG u (' FLORIDA P;:JI9<\ ~w PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY AOOR[5S "(PL.Y TO COM'P""" AT P. O. Drawer C West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 January 20, 1987 Mr Thomas A Clark City Engineer City of Boynton Beach POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 Dear Mr Clark In reply to your letter of January 12, 1987, we wish to advise that Florida Public Utilities Company has no objection to the abandonment of High Ridge Road north of N. W. 22nd Avenue in Boynton Beach, provided that an alternate right-of-way is granted as shown on the proposed Plat of Quantum Park. At the present time, we have no underground gas distribution facilities located within the above described right-of-way Yours very truly, ~4W--- B. R Becker Engineer ..v" f "u'-'--'-' \ r''!''~." Jj~ ~ ._l, _~__ . '_, '..., ):::. . ' i i . ~^.., ~ . .4...._,"': ""~J . t ..-,.'. it! . ",v ~~ - -- - --- ~ . -, - ~ _ ~a.:...," _ F~:~::;07::'1~~;TCO(~C Mr Thomas A Clark, P E City Engineer City of Boynton Beach POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 RE STREET ABANDONMENT REQUEST FOR HIGH RIDGE ROAD NORTH OF N W 22nd AVENUE #162 Dear Mr Clark In response to your request of January 12, 1987, Florida Power and Light Company has no objection to the above referenced street abandonment If I may be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call me at 278-3311, extension 222 Sincerely, ~ !ltud~r- Power Services Representative AGR/bm PEOPLE SERVING PEOPLE LAW OFF'CES ~fOYLE, FLANIGAN, KATZ, FITZGERALD & SHEEHAN, P A. KAREN LEVIN ALEXANDER THOMAS M BEASON PETER L. BRETON ROBERT BRODY E COLE FITZGERALD. III ..JOHN F F"'LANIGAN ANDREW F'ULTON, III .JAMES PATRICK GARRITY MYRA GENDEL TIMOTHY P HOBAN MARTIN V KATZ WILLIAM e. KING RONALD K, KOLlNS LISA MILLER LAYMAN STEVEN A. MAYANS JON C. MOYLE DAVID S PRESSLY MARK E. RAYMOND THOMAS A. SH EEHAN. III DONNA H STINSON MARTA M SUAREZ MURiAS VIRGINIA L. VANCE NANCY KAREN VORPE 9TH FLOOR, BARNETT CENTRE 625 NORTH F"LAGLER DRIVE POST OFFICE BOX 3888 WEST PAL"! BEACH:, FLORIDA 33402 TELEPHONE (305) 659 7500 TELECOPIER (305) 659 1789 TALLAHASSEE OF'F1CE SUITE 100. THE PERKINS HOUSE liB NORTH GADSDEN STREET TALLAHASSEE. F'LORIDA 32301 TELEPHONE (904) 681 3828 December 29, 1986 City Clerk City of Boynton Beach 120 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Application to Vacate High Ridge Road Dear Sir or Madam Please accept for filing the two enclosed applications to vacate High Ridge Road The first application covers the portion lying south of NW 22nd Avenue, the second covers the portion north of NW 22nd Avenue Three sets of each application are enclosed, as are two checks in the amount of $400 00 each for filing fees. If you find any problems with these applications, please call me directly at the number above Sincerely yours, ----- ,Y Peter --/ -/5-~ '"'-- /' l<.... Y--- -h../::' /<::::::;;;:r -./.../ -/ I J L. Breton PLB/scq cc David S Pressly, Esq Steven Deutsch, Esq. Rafael Saladrigas, P L S Enrico Rossi, P E. Mr. George Zimmerman 0596B