LEGAL APPROVAL . .. .. ORDINANCE NO 0 00- tIt~ ,. .-. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH/ FLORIDA/ REGARDING THE 30 ACRE PARCEL, KNOWN AS ISLES AT HUNTER'S RUN, AMENDING ORDINANCE 89-38 OF SAID ellY BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSNE PLAN OF THE CITY BY ADOPTING THE PROPER LAND USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFrER/ SAID LAND USE DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM OFFICE COMMERCIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL/ PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has adopted a Comprehensive Future Land Use Plan and as part of said Plan a Future Land Use Element by Ordinance No. 89-38 in accordance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; and WHEREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Future Land Use Element of a Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Chapter 163/ Florida Statutes, has been followed/ and WHEREAS/ the subject proposal would amend a 30.0 acre tract from Office Commercial to Low Density Residential to accurately represent the developed use of this property known as the Isles at Hunter's Run, and WHEREAS, after public hearing and study/ the City Commission deems it in the best interest of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Element of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT" Section 1. Ordinance No. 89-38 of the City is hereby amended to reflect the following That the Future Land Use of the following described land shall be designated as Low Density Residential. Said land is more particularly described as follows. See attached Exhibit "A" Section 2. That any maps adopted in accordance with the Future Land Use Element shall be amended accordingly Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed Section 4. Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective 31 days after adoption, unless challenged If challenged, it becomes effective upon the issuance of a final order finding it in compliance. ARST READING this 6 day of June, 2000 SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this ~ CITY OF B ~NTON B day of ifaNS" CH FLORI,?A , 2000 ~~ Mayor Pro Tern ~ Commissioner ~ ~ Commissioner ATTEST ~~.a~j CI Cler~\"W~ll (CO~~~~III~ ~~ ~ ..-...... {} - .~~ s:c s1e&",;,Dg,~ .Ri:9l 600 ~ L(o~ ~"'11"~..""- ~ :: >- l'~ \ 0 ':: =.... ... IX;: %O~920 I j ~ ..'/ ~ ~ .........,.... ~ %'t, ~LOf\\~ ~\#' "1111111/11 ,,\\\\\\'\ . EXHIBIT l\ A" A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 6. TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST. PALM ~ BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: [ f 1 I . ~ I ;~ I If .~ i t 1- f ! I f J (- l 1 ~ '. COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE, SOUTH 00~00'08. EAST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 6, A DISTANCE OF 2263.81 FEET, THENCE, SOUTH 9O~00'00. WEST, DEPARTING SAID EAST LINE. A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION THEREOF WITH THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING (P O.B) THENCE. SOUTH OO~OO'08. EAST. ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID CONGRESS AVENUE. A DISTANCE OF 75768 FEET, THENCE, SOUTH OO~OO'09" WEST. CONTINUING ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINe, A DISTANCE OF 104110 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION THEREOF WITH THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SUMMIT PLAT NO 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 36, PAGE 48, PUBLIC RECORDS, PALM BEACH COUNTY. FlORIDA. THENCE. SOUTH 90~00'00. WEST. ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID PLAT OF SUMMIT PLAT NO 1, A DISTANCE OF 743.07 FEET, THENCE, NORTH OO~OO'OO" EAST, CONTINUING ALONG SAID PLAT BOUNDARY. A DISTANCE OF 1687.50 FEET, THENCE, NORTH 90000'00. EAST, DEPARTING SAID PLAT BOUNDARY, A DISTANCE OF 380.00 FEET. THENCE NORTH OO~OO'OO. EAST. A DISTANCE OF 111.28 FEET. THENCE. NORTH 90000'00. EAST, A DISTANCE 363.09 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING (P 0 B.) CONTAINING. 29.71 ACRES. MORE OR LESS SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD { j , ~--!Y '- - ~,' /' Y '<. / ..', /. -- " r-'- _ t.----' ,J~ '< ~- ~_ ~ '0 ~^ '\T~i \1 ~j J ~~~~~~~t ( "\.' I --- /' --=-= . T -.- --~-~-- I, I' '1'1'- -=- ...~~~~:Lt ""! ~r-. .~: Ir I:' \. I