CORRESPONDENCE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF LIILITIES 5469 W Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33437 561-375-6452 FAX 561-731-0065 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date Apnl 18, 1997 TO: Sue Kruse, CIty Clerk BE..... Isles of Hunters Run TRANSMITTED HEREWITH ARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS Pages Descnption 2 Bill of sale for water and sewer systems Remarks Sue- Please retam this document 10 permanent fil~ Copy to Mike Pawelczyk File ;(u 14.1(, G."A.uwa, SIgnature ~~ Peter V Mazzella c .. }JJ ~< ? r; 'i!~ ~~~~ BILL OF SALE c:; 9.s y f.:. ~ () (, -.;;l."/ l..::)(' (., {()C; r) ~ (" ,,1.,. u ~x, That the HOME DEVELOPMENT CORPORA nON OF SOUTH FLORIDA," ~ r - Z .." corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Florida, \ having its principal place of business in the County of DADE of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "SELLER", for and in consideration of the sum of TEN Dollars, in lawful money (and other good and valuable considerations unto it moving) to it paid by the City of BOYNTON BEACH, County of Palm Beach, and State of FLORIDA hereinafter referred to as the "BUYER", receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by it, has granted, bargained, sold, transferred, set over and delivered unto the BUYER, its successors and assigns, all those certain goods and chattels, described as follows: KNOWN ALL MEN BY mESE PRESENTS. The water and sewer systems described on sheet(s) 1 thru 8 of 8 fI the plans by Lawson. Noble & Webb. Inc., project number A013: THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN Excluding the private lift station and force main TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the BUYER, its successors and assIgns forever And the SELLER, for itself and its successors, hereby covenants to and with the BUYER, its successors and assigns that is the lawful owner of the said goods and chattels; that they are free from all liens and incumbrance, that it has good right to sell the same as aforesaid, and that it will warrant and defend the same agaInst the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the SELLER has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscT and ItS corporate seal to be affixed ~ its officers hereunto duly authorized, this the 4 day of C..e.b A D 19t1 Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: ~ /J t-Jeu.- Witness /~ Home Development Corporation ::sout~~ ~ {An m rg 4.6.Q7 , President (SEAL) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Dt.DC: pcJm ~ BEFORE ME, an officer acknowledgements, personally ap (SEAL) a corporation of Florida, and acknowledged they executed the foregomg Contract as the proper OffiCIalS of the CORPORA nON and the same IS the act and deed of the CORPORA nON ~ IN WITNESS OF THE FOREGOING, I have 7t mr._hand and official seal at ~ OJ'~ in the State and County aforesaid on ~.Lf Cf'7 ;A~~~ Notary Pubhc My Commission Expires. This Instrument prepared by N I\R LAURIE 1H)MPSON NOTARY PUBLIC STATB OF ~NO.~ WY~NEXP.llJB.l W1 Address. S<..Lh., ~-- .f 100 'E. tJJoynton tJJeadi 'BouIn1tm{ P.o tJJo~310 tJJoynton tJJuu.h.., :JCoritla 33425-0310 City 1foil. (407) 375..(i()(JfJ :J.9IX (407) 375-6090 December 7, 1995 Kilday and Associates, Ine 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Attn Kieran Kilday RE Isles at Hunters Run - File No NWSP 95-010 Acceptance - Site Plan Review Application & Submittal Documents New Site Plan Dear Mr Kilday This letter will supersede the previous Isles of Hunters Run acceptance letter dated December 1, 1995 (attached) On November 28, 1995, your submittal for Site Plan Review of the above-referenced project was reviewed for completeness It has been determined that the submittal is substantially complete and accepted for further processing Michael E Haag, Current Planning Coordinator, within the department will be reviewing and coordinating your application through the remainder of the Site Plan Review process and can be contacted if you have questions The next step in the review process is for the Technical Review Committee to review the submittal for compliance with the review standards identified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 and all applicable sections of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances The results of the review will be available to you on December 12, 1995 In order for the si te plan review request to be presented to the Planning and Development Board on January 9, 1996, a complete second review submittal shall be turned into the Planning and Zoning Department on December 14, 1995 before 5 00 P M The cover letter attached to the results of the 1st review will include a checklist of items required for the second submittal The Technical Review Committee (TRC) will meet on December 12, 1995 to discuss the first review comments jifmUUQS (jattway to tfu (juifstream Page2 Isles at Hunters Run Site Plan Review - NWSP 95-010 If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (407) 375-6260 Very truly yours, /- ! I -) .... / 7 ---:~/~vt<-u ;-/ 0~Ck- ~ Tambrl J Heyde~ J Planning and Zoning Director TJH bme a IstAcptLt2 isl tJ1ie City of 'Boynton '.Beach VIA FACSIMILE Kieran Kilday Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Place Suite 1 OOA West Palm Beach 33401 RE Site Plan Submittal - Isles at Hunters Run Dear Mr Kilday I am in receipt of your request for an expedited review process for the Isles at Hunters Run Unfortunately, the timetable proposed is not feasible I am suggesting the following * TRC Meeting * Resubmittal to Address TRC Comments by Applicant December 12, 1995 December 14, 1995 * Special TRC Meeting to Review- Date Set by Planning Second Round Comments Planning and Development Board Meeting January 9, 1995 January 16, 1996 * City Commission Meeting This schedule assumes that your staff will have a quick turnaround time and address the TRC comments by December 14 Please remember that we are trying to accomplish this over the holiday time when our offices are closed for three days, as well as when many of our staff are on vacation. Your staff is encouraged to attend the TRC meeting on the 12th to discuss any comments at that time Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH n I Carrie Parker City Manager cc: Tambri Heyden Mike Haag Bill Hukill / { --- .....-- i jIrrrerica s gateway to tfU (julfstream r ) J_l ?lie City of ~oynton ~eacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Buun 'Boulevard P.D 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Buun, 1"Cori.da 33425-0310 City:Ha1L (407) 37UOOO 1"JIX. (407) 3754090 December I, 1995 Kilday and Associates, Inc 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Attn Kieran Kilday RE Isles at Hunters Run - File No NWSP 95-010 Acceptance - Site Plan Review Application & Submittal Documents New Site Plan Dear Mr Kilday On November 28, 1995, your submittal for Site Plan Review of the above-referenced project was reviewed for completeness It has been determined that the submittal is substantially complete and accepted for further processing Michael E Haag, Current Planning Coordinator, within the department will be reviewing and coordinating your application through the remainder of the Site Plan Review process and can be contacted if you have questions The next step in the review process is for the Technical Review Committee to review the submittal for compliance with the review standards identified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 and all applicable sections of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances The results of the review will be available to you on December 21, 1995 If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (407) 375-6260 Very truly yours, ~fC?7Jd<-;;U-:/,~ Tambri J Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH bme a lstAcptLtr isl Jtmeriau (jateway to tfit. 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