APPLICATION ~ - ./-y,. ~.. PROJECT NAME. Isles of Hunters Run LOCATION' 32 Island Drive COMPUTER ID' 45-000005 PERMIT #. I FILE NO. MPMD 00-006 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Master Plan Modification AGENVCONTACTPERSON OWNER/APPLICANT John M. Contant Andrew Steinberg/President PHONE 561-364-9664 + j3J, PHONE 561-364-9664 /2'f... J FAX. 561-364-8871 .~ FAX. 561-364-8871 ADDRESS 101 Westlake Drive, Boynton ADDRESS 101 Westlake Drive Boynton Beach Beach Florida, 33436 Florida, 33436 Date of submittal/Projected meetine dates. SUB MITT AL 1 RESUBMITT AL 7/12/00 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE NIA PUBLIC NOTICE N/A TRC MEETING 8/22/00 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE NIA ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE NIA LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED NIA (SITE PLANS) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 9/12/00 MEETING CITY COMMISSION MEETING 9/19/00 COMMENTS J'\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Isles of Hunters Run(32 Island Drive)\PROJECT TRACKING INFO,doc -" ('DviY)D -co ~ , '''"' HOMi D~mMr~ ~ ~o, 2 .J !~1 _._......"..~. ...........-41"- I H[M[ HVH01M[Nf [0 P L-..__ i ie, ""_C'>;"~... --....~ c............j .>1' l. j -I July 12, 2000 Mike Rumf Planmng and Zomng CIty of Boynton Beach Re The Isles at Hunters Run Screen enclosure setback for back-loaded pools on the non-zero SIde Dear Mike Accordmg to the approved SIte plan for The Isles at Hunters Run, we have setbacks for two types of homes, The Band D models, WhICh are courtyard homes, have a screen enclosure setback on the non-zero SIde of 3 ' The A and C models, WhICh are bac~-- loaded pool homes, have a screen enclosure setback on the non-zero SIde of 1 (( If a homeowner would like to mstall a screen enclosure after the pool has been mstalled usmg the pool setback of 12', accordmg to the approved SIte plan, they would be unable to do so ThIS IS per the Boynton Beach Code 501 1 1, whIch states that there needs to be a mmImum of 3' around the pool. I have such a SItuatIOn for a new homeowner at 32 Island Dnve. What we would like to do IS to change the screen enclosure setback for the back-loaded pools on the non-zero SIde to 8 feet to accommodate a safe and comfortable walkway around the pool. Very truly yours, HOME DEVELOPMENT CORP OF SOUTH FLORIDA Andre is~J~. PreSIde t ~ AS/It Home Development Corp of South Florida - (Y1{J{y)D- CD lTh Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (561 )689-5522 Fax (561 )689-2592 TRANSMITTAL DATE 7/12/00 PROJECT NAME Isle at Hunters Run PUD PROJECT NO 12471 TO Andy Steinberg For Internal Use Only REGULAR MAIL ~ HOLD FOR PICK-UP COURIER OVERNIGHT DELIVERY FED-EX UPS_ a.m p m _ Sat. Copies to. 15 Master Plan w/enc NO OF DATE DRAWING DESCRIPTION/REMARKS COPIES OR ITEM NO 15 7/12/00 95-48 Master Plan KILDAY & ASSOCIATES, INC BY ......~#.,,"',..~ - ~;I"'" - .~~:.._"-~,, HOME UEVeo w~p-- (X)-{XXo HOME OE\HOPMENT WP ( j; m mowrn rn June 14, 2000 Mike Rumf Planmng and Zonmg CIty of Boynton Beach Re The Isles at Hunters Run Screen enclosure setback for back-loaded pools on the non-zero sIde Dear Mike: Accordmg to the approved sIte plan for The Isles at Hunters Run, we have setbacks for two types of homes. The Band D models, whIch are courtyard homes, have a screen enclosure setback on the non-zero SIde of3' The A and C models, whIch are back- loaded pool homes, have a screen enclosure setback on the non-zero SIde of 10' Ifa homeowner would like to mstall a screen enclosure after the pool has been mstalled usmg the pool setback of 12', accordmg to the approved SIte plan, they would be unable to do so ThIS IS per the Boynton Beach Code 501 1 1, whIch states that there needs to be a mmImum of 3' around the pool. I have such a SItuatIon for a new homeowner at 32 Island Dnve. What we would like to do IS to change the screen enclosure setback for the back-loaded pools on the non-zero SIde to 8 feet to accommodate a safe and comfortable walkway around the pool. Vcrytrulyyo=, 4 ~ ~c ~ John M. Contant PrOject Manager JMC/It Home Development Corp of South Florida