CORRESPONDENCE 08 24/00 15 36 FAX 5~13643S7~ HOME DErco ~002 ~-..".- -- ~.. .... ......-.. ~ -- - \:-- HOME BEVen _l~..._';_ ._ IHi HIE n~:HH cw ! i' ~ i August 23, 2000 Mike Rumph City of Bovnton Beach Planning & Zoning / .r / ,/ Re: The Isles at Hunters Run F .A.R. f ~u. J"crar (lL.~ f'u:~'!'.tG Dear Mike, As per our conversation of yesterday regarding the models at The Isles at Hunters Run. We have five model types. The names are PortQfino. Maiorca, Capri, Miljorcl. and Barcelona. You a$ked me to try to IdentIfy the model types by a alphabetical system IA.B.C.D) In researching my rel;ords. I coul~ not find something that told me which of the models was an A-B.C- or D unit. The square footage has remained as the following Portofino 2738 a.c. (qat ~I - r ,2" I J~ I d Majorca 3280 a.c. ,carF6J Capri 3433 a.c. ~,l)t. ~ Monaco 4181 a.e. (tar peel r\r' ~ \ t' '.". ~ r ('{t'. ,"t(i\...., ~ t~ftbl In the vear 1998 we developed a new model named the Barcelon: with a tetal air conditioned square footage of 2501 We have since built and sold five Barcelona unlt$. We have also built three homes that were constructed on six lots. The square footage on these homes WITS apprDxlmately 5000 sq.ft. each. This coupled with the fIVe Barcelona Ul1its would bring the total number of units in the 2500 SQ. ft. range up to eleven units. I have enclosed the five tVPlcal flOaT plans that we have been building currently at the Isles. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, ENT CORP OF SOUTH FLORIDA ,--'t'LL -,....; )fJE~ Hcm~ Ce"eJr:~!)mem Com .,t 5ot.th Picr'aa r " 10 08 24'00 15 36 FAX 5613648571 HOME DEVCO Home Developrrent Corp of South Florida 101 Westiake Drive Boynton Beach, FL 33436 P,one 561-364.9664 FAX 561-364-8871 The Enclave Phone 561r638-360C FAX 561-638-3494 Fax ~OOl Home Devco To: LlGlft Frtlm: ~~~i~ 'ax: Pa,es: Phone; Dat.: Ite: cc: o Urgent 0 For Review C Please Comment 0 Please Reply C Please Recyde . Comments ~lu~,61 , Ils ff/ "->(., C4JJU~ "f;}06.'" I ~ fE:l'llW' f(.eJ6'6 1111 ~'/a). ~ NSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME 08/24/2000 13 39 NAME BOYNTON BEACH P & Z FAX 5513755259 TEL 5513755250 DATE,TIME FAX NO /NAME DURA TIm~ PAGE(S\ RESULT l."ODE 0sn4 13 38 97402429 00 01 09 02 Ok STANDARD ECM y.,-.r~"'-r-.... "",/<' -~, ""~ " HOME OEVm .... "'_'_ _"":"'"I'iJ'3>;-. HOM[ HiHOPMfN! CORP [ - August 15,2000 Mike Rumpf CIty of Boynton Beach Planmng & Zomng Re' FIrst reVIew comment response for master sIte plan modIficatIOn The Isles at Hunters Run Screen enclosure setback for back-loaded pools on the non-zero sIde Dear Mike: In response to the above matter, I would like to offer the followmg comments. Comment #1 Fire. Home Development spoke wIth Bob Borden on August 8 He was to speak wIth LucIa Galau wIth Planmng and Zomng and retract hIS comments and provIde a letter reflectmg the change. Comment #2 Building Division The first comment IS to provIde a letter that IdentIfies the proposed modIficatIOns to the master plan. A letter was submItted to Plannmg and Zomng wIth the ImtIal modIficatIOn request and, accordmg to LUCIa Galau, It IS m the file. The second comment IS expressed on the sIte plan to IdentIfy the A, B, C, and D models. Comment #3 Forester/Environmentalist: In reference to landscapmg m buffer areas, the proposed setback modIficatIOns do not affect any landscape buffer areas. If you have any further questIOns, please do not hesItate to contact me. Yours truly, HOME DEVELOPMENT CORP OF SOUTH FLORIDA 1 ~ Vv\ &!J'~ John M. Contant \.\ - \ Project Manager JMC/lt Home Development Corp of South Florida