LEGAL APPROVAL I r ,i I I I I I I II II I. II , I j' ,I II II Ii WHEREAS, the Ci ty Commission of the Ci ty of Boynton Beach, I upon recommendation of staff, does hereby accept the Final Plat for The Isles at Hunters Run, and also approves the form and content of I the Declaration of Restrictions for The Isles at Hunters Run; the Surety; the Maintenance Agreement; and the Development Order which documents are attached hereto as composite Exhibit "A", "B" & "c" ~~ i I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION 'OF THl!!lANNINC ND CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPR ONING lJl:.PT. ACCEPTANCE OF THE FINAL PLAT FOR THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN, ALSO APPROVING THE FORM AND CONTENT OF THE DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS FOR THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN; THE SURETY; THE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT; AND THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER WHICH DOCUMENTS ARE ATTACHED HERETO AS COMPOSITE EXHIBITS "A", "B" & "C"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE - ~ II W rn I. r'~') ~ RESOLUTION NO R96 -//5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, I Florida, does hereby approve the Final Plat for The Isles at 1'1 Hunters Run and also approves the form and content of the Declaration of Restrictions for The Isles at Hunters Run; the II' Surety; the Maintenance Agreement; and the Development Order which documents are attached hereto as composite Exhibit "A", "B" & "C" ,I 'I I I I Section 2. upon passage That this Resolution shall take effect immediately PASSED AND ADOPTED this b day of #U4U5r, 1996 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor , (, / '- i~'-'----~ . -) 4 ~"--.--:::.- Commissioner ~ -, ~_. ATTEST ~u_ld C7ssioner i~~~~A/_ Ci Y Clerk I I' (Corporate Seal) Ii II I :1 I Final Plat 8/1/96 THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN C:ISUHKI'N ~ ".ut . '" . KEY MAP GOlf' ~AO LOCA l10N SKETCH HUNTERS ~ "lJN P U 0 J C ! .,.. I - -/ lk '" ~ '" W J 5 5 ~ I I '- I SITE .~_....:t'A !IJ.I&\. -_.__.--~ Project name ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONS ISLES OF HUNTERS RUN PUD Type of Development Order (Master Plan, Site Plan or Plat) PLAT DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT DEVELOPMENT Comments I Applicant must amend dedicatiOn of Tract A to mclude dramage pnor to recording. 2 Applicant must obtain written approval from the City Attorney of Surety pnor to recording Plat. 3 Apphcant may provide 14 ft. Lake Mamtenance Easement m lieu of 20 ft. easement reqmred by LOR. B FIRE Comments. None C PARKS & RECREATION Comments None D PLANNING & ZONING Comments None E. POLICE Comments. None F PUBLIC WORKS Comments. None G UTILITIES Comments I ProVide 12 ft. Utihty Easement Agreement on eXisting 8" water main from southeast comer of Plat to Summit Road prior to recordmg, b\ Yb //.LI EXHIBIT "C" DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICANT APPLICANT'S AGENT APPLlCA nON NO DATE OF APPLlCA nON DA TE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 6. 1996 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT FINAL PLAT APPROV AL LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO ISLES OF HUNTERS RUN PUD LA WSON. NOBLE & WEBB. INC. DRA WINGS(S) SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City CommIssion of the City of Boynton Beach, Flonda on the date ofheanng stated above. The City CommiSSIOn hav10g considered the relIef sought by the applIcant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of CIty admimstrative staff and the public finds as follows I ApplIcation for the relief sought was made by the Applicant 10 a manner conSIstent WIth the requirements of the CIty'S Land Development RegulatIOns. 2 The Apphcant II" HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basIs for the relIef requested. 3 The condItions for development requested by the ApplIcant, administrative staff, or suggested by the publIc and supported by substantial competent eVIdence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" wIth the notatIOn "Included. " 4 The ApplIcant's applIcation for relief IS hereby v GRANTED subject to the condItions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof DENIED 5 This Order shall take effect immedIately upon Issuance by the City Clerk. 6 All further development on the property shall be made 10 accordance WIth the terms and conditIOns of this order 7 Other- DATED a4~z:. 8, /9'Pc. (/ / Ie CIty Attorney / _.J~: " / // ~ -( ---- ~~~<~ CIt Clerk JC:r1/WVH:bh Rev 1/2/96, 1/30/96,2/5/96 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 6, 1996 10. Proposed Resolution No. R96-113 Re Authorize execution of Consultant Service Agreement with Lawson, Noble & Webb, Inc for final design, engineering and construction administration for Palmetto Green Park Expansion for a fixed fee of $18,085 00 11 Proposed Resolution No. R96-114 Re Ratification of South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board Action of July 18, 1996 a. Authorization to expend $10,000 from Sinking Fund to replace #2 RAS B plant motor drive (emergency purchase) b Authorization to enter into contract with Insituform Southeast, Inc. to repair deteriorated concrete aeration basin channels on a unit cost/sq ft. basis (estimated cost $144,136) c. Authorization to expend an additional $50,000 from Sinking Fund to repair deteriorated concrete channels ($100,000 previously authorized in 1995/96 Sinking Fund Budget) d Authorization to enter into contract with C K. Walker Builders, Inc. in the amount of $109,991 for construction of operator's control station and door replacement e Authorization to expend $30,000 from Sinking Fund to replace "B" Plant Blower Housing & Impeller f Authorization to expend an additional $20,000 from Sinking Fund to replace various doors throughout plant g. Authorization to establish user rate to cities for Fiscal Year 1996/97 h Approve acceptance of 1996/97 0 & M Budget, Capital Projects, Capital Assets, Repair and Replacement Expenditures 12. Proposed Resolution No. R96-115 Re Final plat approval- Isles at Hunters Run 13. Proposed Resolution No. R96-116 Re Authorize execution of a contract for Sale and Purchase between the City of Boynton Beach and Johnny Lee Roberts and Betty Roberts for the purchase of property for the Palmetto Greens Park Project 14. Proposed Resolution No. R96-117 Re Authorize execution of a contract for Sale and Purchase between the City of Boynton Beach 5