REVIEW COMMENTS '" ~ \A.~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-379 TO: William Hukill City Engineer UPtM.lxt~ Tambri J Heyden, AICP 17.1... /A ;rj Planning and Zoning ~i&trectO{ - tJ Michael E. Haag ~ Current P1anni~a or July 15, 1996 THRU: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Isles at Hunters Run - Review of plat documents File No. PLAT 95-010 Please be advised of the following comments regarding the third review of the above- referenced request: 1 It is recommended that Section 6 of Article VIII of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Isles At Hunters Run be modified by omitting the text that identifies the specific setbacks approved for the project. Insert language in the document referencing that the building, pool and screen roof enclosure setbacks are listed on the City approved master plan for Isles at Hunters Run. Also indicate in the document that all other improvements, not identified on the master plan, shall comply with the regulations of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Stating in the Home Owners' Association documents that the setbacks are established on the master plan rather than identifying the setbacks in the document, will eliminate a conflict if the setbacks are changed in the future. 2 Provide verification that the recreation fee for 1 008 acres has been submitted to the Development Department. 3 Specify on the construction plans the type of finish and color of the retaining wall found on sheet 6 of 6 of the paving, grading and drainage improvements plans, dated April 17, 1996 MEH.dim xc: Central File a:3rdlsle,PIt/MH4 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO 96-124 FROM William Hukill City Engineer ~, Tambri J Heyden /~ Planning and ZOning~ector Michael E Haa~~ Current Planning'tyordinator March 8, 1996 TO THRU DATE SUBJECT Isles at Hunters Run - Review of plat documents File No PLAT 95-010 please be advised of the following comments regarding the second review of the above-referenced request 1 The master plan shall receive unconditional sign-off by all Technical Review Committee members 2 Modify the paving and drainage plans and, where applicable, the water & sewer plans and plat drawings to show a handicapped adaptable parking space at the guardhouse or provide legal verification that the proposed Tract "A" of Isles at Hunters Run is tied to Tract "X" of Summit Plat No 1 (P B 36,pgs 48-51) and further verify that there is at least one (1) surplus parking space located at the existing gate house site (located in Tract "X") to accommodate the parking need for the new gate house 3 It is recommended that Section 6 of Article VIII of the Home Owners Association (H 0 A ) documents be modified by omitting the text that identifies the specific setbacks approved for the project Insert language referencing the setbacks listed on the City approved master plan for Isles at Hunters Run, which governs the location of the buildings, pools and screen roof enclosures within the project and that other improvements not identified on the master plan shall follow the regulations of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances It is believed, stating in the H 0 A documents that the setbacks are established on the master plan rather than identifying the setbacks in the document, will eliminate a conflict if the setbacks are changed in the future 4 A recreation fee for 1 008 acres is required 5 A resolution regarding the lack of landscaping in the landscape easement along the south and west property lines, which is contrary to City Commission approval, is pending MEH dim xc Central File a Plat Isle 2 ~ .... C" Iro)~@~UW~I~ I ~11 [ "fiN 1 1 916 1l!!J PLANNING AND ZONING DEPl ENGINEERING MEMO #96-037 DATE January 30, 1996 TO BILL CAVANAUGH, FIRE PREV OFF ROBERT EICHORST, P W DIR. SGT MARLON HARRIS, P.D T AMBRI HEYDEN, PLAN & ZONING DIR. * SKIP MILOR, UTIL. CHIEF FIELD INSP * AL NEWBOLD, DEPUTY BLDG OFF JOHN WILDNER, PARKS SUPER. & KEVIN HALLIHAN, FORESTER FROM KEN HALL, ENG PLANS CHECKlINSPECTOR X-6283 ~ SUBJECT T.R.C REVIEW/SIGN-OFF - ISLES OF HUNTER'S RUN - PLAT AND REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS. THE SUBJECT PLAT AND REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN REVISED TO ADDRESS YOUR COMMENTS IF YOU HAD NO COMMENT, OR IF YOUR COMMENTS HAVE BEEN SATISFIED, PLEASE SIGN OFF ON THE ST A1\1PED SET OF PLANS LOCA TED IN THE ENGINEERING DIVISION IF THERE ARE STILL ITEMS REQUIRING PLA1'J REVISIONS, PLEASE PROVIDE US WITH YOUR CONCERNS IN EITHER CASE, PLEASE RESPO~D BY FEBRUARY 16TH. THANKS KRHikrh C Wilham Hukill, Dev Dlr - Isles of HR ENGINEERING MEMO #95-454 TO BILL CAVANAUGH, FIRE PREV OFF ROBERT EICHORST, P W DIR. SGT MARLON HARRIS, P.D T AMBRI HEYDEN, PLAN & ZONING DIR. SKIP MILOR, UTIL. CHIEF FIELD INSP AL NEWBOLD, DEPUTY BLDG OFF JOHN WILDNER, PARKS SUPER. & KEVIN HALLIHAN, FORESTER FROM. KEN HALL, ENG PLANS CHECK/INSPECTOR 375-6283 e- SUBJECT T.R.e. REVIEW- ISLES OF HUNTERS RUN rnm o w ~ ill DATE November 29, 1995 tIJf 2 9 1995 Please reVIew the attached plat, water and sewer plans, and pavmg and gradmg plans and send your wntten code comments and recommendations to the engmeenng diVIsIon by the end of December 12th. If you have no comments. so note m your response. When the plans have been corrected by the apphcant, they will be agendaed for the next T.R.C meetmg for your review and sign-off If you have any questions, please gIve us a call. Thanks. KRH/krh C Wilham Hukill, Dev Drr '" and to file Attachments. 3 plans Islesofhr trc PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO 95-708 TO William Hukill City Engineer FROM December 12, 1995 THRU DATE SUBJECT Isles at Hunters Run - Review of plat documents File No PLAT 95-010 Please be advised of the following comments regarding the first review of the above-referenced request 1 The master plan shall be modified to receive unconditional sign-off by all Technical Review Committee members Three eets of the rectified master plan documents which show compliance with the conditions of approval for the project are required to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department 2 Please note that association documents are required for the project The documents are reviewed by staff and the legal department and required prior to final plat approval [Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2 5 Planned Unit Development, Section 2 D] 3 Submit for review copies of the "Lake Area Management plan" and "General Maintenance Guidelines" that are referenced on the plat 4 Show and label on the plat the common ground tract shown on the site plan and the other infrastructure drawings in Westlake Drive located in front of lots 1 and 2 5 Modify the water and sewer plans, paving and drainage plans and, where applicable, the plat drawings to show a handicapped adaptable parking space at the guardhouse MEH arw a Plat Isle MEH Page 5 Memorandum No 95-706 Isles at Hunters Run NWSP 95-010 28 The master plan shall be modified to receive unconditional sign-off by all Technical Review Committee members Three sets of the rectified master plan documents which show compliance with the conditions of approval for the project are required to be submitted to the PlanninQ and Zoning Department 29 Modify the color elevation view drawing (previously submitted) of the guardhouse building to include a method of identifying the type of exterior material(s) and color(s) of the materials. The color (s) by color name, color designation (letters and/or numbers) and manufacturer of the color shall be identified on the color elevation drawing On sheets L-3 of 11, L-4 of 11, L-5 of 11 and L-6 of 11 remove from the perimeter setbacks the following text "/Landscape tract", 1110' Landscape Easement", " I Landscape Buffer with 5' Berm" and "I Landscape Tract & Berm" There is no requirement to identify or have a landscape easement within common ground or at the rear of the west lots that do not have a requirement for the installation of landscaping Easements in these areas may be removed from the site plan, master plan and plat drawings MEH dim xc central File C ISLES NSP Ron please add the following comment as a recommendation to my plat comments (Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No 95- 708) There is not a city requirement to show or dedicate a landscape easement along the east, north or west sides of the project These easements may be removed at your discretion .1 , ~2 d-r;- IdjJ3/1S- / Gt.! /4. ~J J/J k{ / ;'//.1' / /'~~- --y,;. -,i? /./~ _J ..-'7 j" /I. r;' ~/'--' r...!) r--< ,'1r J ; ~M jJ(t;~[; !i-rc ~N1 ~!...I..... -/ /I" / ;?(~ ~ .:;p....."'" C Nit- /'/1-6/0 ..) 9s - 7t?&> ---;7/#/#/<f ~ e/.4 ;J r :z; f1)ft,. '\ T7.1~ 1:/ A:" 1J,:~'l :J-J j :r /;7/10{ TV ~/IJ U15,r ~ ../~ /Jdt/.IJ( . " /(/ r)/ 1~,L{)~o/ (/(j~L1ZL.t., vt>Jt''/J nk/~~ V' / J 71ie City of .0 2J=Ii~~D--''- ~_~~ ~"ZS-O-4ZD a." ~ r4VT.I 37'~ ::F.!IIX: r-7'> 37'S_ I~ 'TVaS _0. THU_ FRI.] ~.~~~~ rA.CS Ta& FAX DATE /.::z - 1:3 - ?,..s- /h~ ~ ~r m~~~$~_~~=" tU~ ~,- .....OM TO: FAX NO RII;, TOTAL. or PAOSS ~NCLUDrNa COYS. SKEST. ~ ~ ~rK4a" g_~ _ ItJiU gwf..-.- TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT ** COUNT ** # 2 *** SEND *** ~ REMOTE STATION I D START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT L2-1 4076841812 12-13-95 9 18AM 1 24- 2 1 TOTAL 0 01 24 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 ~ (T\ el) ~ 0 \ -\f') -n-o-oo 0 ~ )>*~() ~ ~$~~ c ~g~~ Ct (f) ~m:p~ Z O')(X)~)> 0 G) (X)~.. 0 Z ~\..,,::o ~ '$r,<: v ~ 00 .~ ~ fT\ G') Z 0 ~. (J z C') t'Ji ~ g ~ 0 1 z \ ~ OJ '"0 \l '-\ ~ j:. 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