CORRESPONDENCE jj<: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 00-343 TO Technical Review Committee Members FROM Marshall Gage, PolIce ChIef Chnstme Roberts, Intenm PublIc Works DIrector John Wildner, Parks DIrector John GUIdry, UtIlItIes DIrector Mike Rumpf, Plannmg & Zomng DIrector Steve Gale, Deputy FIre ChIef Don Johnson, Bmldmg OffiCIal JL9 October 19,2000 DATE RE ~~~~~~~~FOCCUPANCY PERMIT # 00-0765 CONTRACTOR. TRI-ST AR BUILDING CORP The above referenced project IS neanng completIOn. Pnor to the BUIldmg DIVIsIon Issumg the CertIficate of Occupancy, I would like to ensure that you do not have any outstandmg or pendmg condItIons concernmg thIS SIte that must be rectIfied (excludmg Issues that are covered entIrely wIth a CIty approved surety) If any outstandmg condItIons are related to penmts Issued by the BUIldmg DIVIsIOn, please provIde thIS dIVIsIon a memorandum contammg a descnptIon of the unresolved condItIons. If the unresolved condItIons are not permIt related, please notIfy the owner or the owner's agent to ensure that the matters are rectIfied. Please respond to me, wIthm ten (10) days, m order that we may proceed m a tImely manner to Issue the CertIficate of Occupancy No response IS necessary If your department IS satIsfied wIth the current state of the above referenced SIte. Thank you for your cooperatIOn. DJbg XC Ed Yates, OccupatIonal LIcense Manager Kevm Hallahan, Forester/EnvIronmentalIst Frantz LaFontant, Engmeenng Inspector II \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A\Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC 10 DAY MEMOS\Majestic Greetings.doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Building - Planning & Zoning - Neighborhood Services - Occupational Licenses - Community Redevelopment Apnl 13,2000 Lenny Seigel Tn-Star BUIlding CorporatIon 2900 N MilItary TraIl Boca Raton, Flonda 33431 Re' Majestic Greeting Cards NWSP 99-026 Dear Mr SIegel Enclosed are the plans that were submitted to the PlannIng and ZOnIng DIVISIOn for the Majestic GreetIng Card project on February 12,2000, for second revIew As we are currently in rectified and use approval process, we are returning to you a copy of these plans for your records. If you have any questIOns please contact thIs office at (561) 742-6260 f~(l~ Nicole LewIs PlannIng and ZonIng DIvIsIon nSHRDA T A IPlanning\SHAREDlWPIPROJECTS\MAJESTlC GREETING CARDlApplicanl Letter-2nd review plans.doc City of Boynton Beach - 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., PO. Box 310 - Boynton Beach, Florida 33425~310 Phone: (561) 742~350 - www.ci.boynton-beach.fl.us Ma ..~ c.. "'r "'AR b LD~RS' ~i4J-C1i r. J .., S '- i ~ 1 'i' . L! TRI-STAR BUILDING COlU'ORA nON 2900 N. MIUfAKY TRAIL sum ,us JIOCA IlATON, n uu. 111,; (561) fl8-fU7 fAX: (56t) 911..0437 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO $ Lu~a Galav COMPANY City of Boynton Beach FAX NUMBER (561) 742-6259 PHONE NUMBER, (561) 742.6262 RE. Traffic Study FROM. LIsa Flnerow DATE: March 22, 2000 TOT AL NO OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER 20 TRI 51 AR. REFEREN CE 762 YOUR REFERENCE NUMBER. Majestic Greeting Cards Thank you. 2: 17 PM DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 00-075 ~~ ~J~--i-' II~~! ljpd MAR29 ,/ l-CL.._ [;. W-.-- TO MIchael Rumpf, Planmng and Zomng DIrector FROM MIchael E Haag, BUIldmg Code AdmmIstrator DATE March 15, 2000 RE Majestic Greeting Card - Rectified Site Plan ( Ist Review Comments Before the BUIldmg DIVISIOn WIll SIgn off on the rectIfied SIte plan, the plans shall be amended to comply wIth the followmg comments 1 Withm the SIte data found on sheet SP-1 or wIthm the notes found on sheet C-1, IdentIfy the proposed fimsh floor elevatIon of the proposed bUIldmg (lowest floor elevatIOn) Venfy that the proposed elevatIOn IS m complIance wIth regulatIOns of the code by addmg speCIficatIOns to the SIte data or engmeenng notes that address the followmg Issues a) From the FIRM map, IdentIfy the tItle ofthe flood zone that the bUIldmg IS located wIthm. Where applIcable, specIfy the base flood elevatIon. If there IS no base flood elevatIOn, mdIcate that on the plans. b) As the desIgn professIOnal-of-record for the proJect, state on the plan that the proposed floor elevatIOn IS above the hIghest 1 OO-year base flood elevatIOn applIcable to the bUIldmg SIte, as detemllned by the South Flonda Water Management DIstnct's surface water management constructIon development regulatIOns. [SectIOn 3107 1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edItIOn of the Standard BUIldmg Code] Note two found on sheet C-l did not state that the elevation identified was determined by using the surface water management construction development regulations of the South Florida Water Management District. Correct the plan accordingly c) IdentIfy the floor elevatIon that the desIgn profeSSIOnal has establIshed for the bUIldmg wIthm the footpnnt of the bUIldmg that IS shown on the SIte plan, floor plan and CIVIl plans. MEH bg \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A \Deve1opment\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\NWSP 99-026 Majestic Greeting Card rectified site plan 1st review.doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Building . Planning & Zoning . Neighborhood Services . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment March 10,2000 Lenny SIegal Tn-Star 2900 N MilItary TraIl, #165, Boca Raton, 33431 Re FIle No LocatIOn. MajestIc GreetIng Card NWSP 99-026 Southeast comer of IntersectIOn of High RIdge road and Commerce Road Dear Mr SIegaL Enclosed IS the CIty of Boynton Beach Development Order for SIte plan and condItIOnal use approval granted on March 7, 2000 To contmue tills project through the development process, please submIt to thIS office four (4) sets of rectIfied plan (a SIte plan revIsed to Incorporate all applIcable condItIOns of approval) The rectified plan must be SIgned off by all TRC members prior to submItting for bUIldIng permIts. Should you have any questIOns regardIng thIS matter, please feel free to contact thIS office at (561)742-6260 SIncerely, --x,--:? / --Uc- Michael W Rumpf DIrector of Planmng & Zomng MWR:ncl J:\SHRDAT AIPlanning\SHAREDlWPIPROJECTS\MAJESTIC GREETING CARDIDevelopmen, Order Lenerdoc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., PO. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.{)310 Phone: (561) 742~350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.fl.us DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT DIVISIon of PlannIng and ZonIng Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment February 22, 2000 Dan WeIsberg AssIstant DIrector of Traffic DIVISIOn Department of Engmeenng and PublIc Works POBox 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re Traffic Study' Majestic Greeting Card in High Ridge Commerce Park PID Southeast corner of intersection of High Ridge Road and Commerce Road File No. NWSP 99-026 Dear Mr WeIsberg The enclosed traffic study for the proposed new sIte plan of the Majestic Greetmg Card Company, dated January 20, 2000, was prepared by Joseph B Pollock Jr, of KImley-Horn and Associates, Inc Please reVIew the enclosed mformatIOn for conformance wIth the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordmance, and prOVIde Michael Haag, BUIldmg Code PermIt AdmInIstrator, and me wIth your wntten response. If you have questIOns regardmg thIS matter, please call me at (561) 742-6260 Smcerely, ~(J~ Michael W Rumpf DIrector of Plannmg and Zonmg MWR/nl S \Planning\SHARED\WPIPROJECTS\.\'IAJESTIC GREETP.'IG CARD\Traffic Memo doc America's Gateway to tire Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., PO. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD PO BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI DA 33425-0310 FAX. (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to: fax #. date: from re: 1 ~~ 1/~0 570/ - Cf6'f? ~ [; if 37- 0).-10 -60 ~~f-4 )/dav) ~ f!tLllM.,e. klr-hL A'-f1-h7J t'wzc/j pages: ?, including cover sheet. ,-.:J ncL 1:l&le(J.) a (;'YYLt~tJ-& ( t<2l?- 1:(41.- (2I~~A 0U-L. I.A/4L bL ,~a x.. J 1/(7' ~!{)~ ~. ~ rzj}jlJd- Lv/ djCicAIJ1C~iJ {l 1.-// I; 1 yl CU.CUl9 J V\d. :&t/ (, Cc1PVt~d.J '2() 2M.-,) M ~ 0J h-k bz(n}VL CJu ;~f) ''ML-i1:j f'l-[) -u ScJv6~ ~ 1eb d:2rc1 '1, D U fJJ Wy C 0VVc 1'f~16"v CIi C;-, I:x I-!. Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 SWS EngIneers Incorporated 536 Jumper Place, WellIngton, FL 33414 January 21, 2000 City Of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 AUn Engineering Division. Re High Ridge Commerce Park - Majestic Greeting Cards Dear Madam I Sir ThIS letter IS to certIfY that the above referenced project Dramage System will be desIgned WIth full complIance With all the latest CIty Of Boynton Beach,the South FlOrIda Water Management DIstnct and the Lake Worth Dramage DIstnct codes and standards. Very Truly Yours ~\V\~\N 11,9fif//141t, Arumugasaa Panchads Florida P .E. No. 42824 Phone (561) 795-5579 Fax (561) 795-5521 .... .1B..t;. .......IIATE. ARCHITECTS a CONSULTANTS ~ Si:ABIUIZI AVENUE, SUITt:.JOa. DELRAY .~ACB, fL ,UHJ n:LEPKONE VOICE (!61) 266-9999 ""ClIMILE f!'6l) ~"77 lUG. 1'lO. ""OGIIcrJ4 October 1, 1998 To Planning &. Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Ref.. USE APPROVAL A f f'c. l c..A:t:rc ~ High Ridge Commerce Park &. Cedar Ridge (pOO, PID) Lot U A let 14 C~nlull..rn II ~ad . .PF8pePl) CenlrelllGl ~:l=4'W:C02::()()]3 ana OOT~ ' I rI:? ( I- f oJ ufltf)!- I . "user~ fr/l4 n'l) r i1-~ q, -e"-l (j r ~~6tf'~1 ~&~:~:~::~~j;_ LJG~~~,-s~r~ Ll ~~--~Cr'-C1. To Whom itMayCon~) ~ l.___ 1 J=~~h\)4 ~(/I Q.A-- (ducCf."'4 p 1'J (h. bi.&i, r IJ Q lK! kOl<J-v, ( 1 ":etlld like te rete; \0 ~ CO{tfu UlutiOll that my elieat' 5 use wgyJtf be-lpproved ~ (/ mel1tivu locatisR. I I I I ~ ~ame ~ ~e~~(~ ~s. Inc. wh~ are currently-lOcated. In Like-Worttr } l _ ('. - A V~D g '" est side ot ~ _ ~ ("'\<:: ~ ~<:..... " l <f ,b - ~ ( 5> -{. ~ r p/~~s.(? CLc.'-c:..et' ~<J Gi.^,- ~t<G,-..h-.. f.~ ~.-..,..J","..s:... <...~~~ j:. +<-...5> YJcb 1"hevfr.p~.IIt". 11~ or ,hopJ~r"~~~im -f<. ~((<<-u ~ ~t!iisE~/~~~:~J'-O () __ {~~<'heir busmess will consiS;!O' e deSign and manufacturing of signs and the administrative ~c \0 c:.. function of operat2ng that usiness. They wilt have approximately (20) employees on ':1 '--S . duO b --t't-C=-- prenu.ses nng U$Jness . [O)~@~o\nrn1 ill tIJV -,.. ~ BUILDING DIVISION -~'~~;~;':' ~~.:_ .,~r-.~:.,~ ._:;{ ':"'~~i;.~i~~9~~~~~~t~~~f.{(-j~~~~:f~~;~~?S~2.~ '~y'"'-' 'lr~' ~ . of n ---~ 4 C ~'>~ 5 .... c~ . 6 ~ ,;<'':: I .4~ I .,/~ 7 _':7 ~ ~<. ~ ~ 8 , .{Q-' k' 9 10 11 ---- ,- ... ~....-- -~--.,~ --.-..."'----" Tne following are responses to Section N PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. The above use will not cause nOise as specified In N-I --- 2. The above use will nOt cause vibrations as specIfied in N.2. -- "'T 3 The above use will not cause smoke, dust. dirt or other plUtlcuJar matter as specified m 1\-3 - The above use will not cause odor and fumes as specified in N-4 The above use will not cause toxic or noxious matter 13 specified in N-S , The above use will not cause fire and explosion hazards as specIfied in N-6 The above use win not cause heat, hurrudity or ~1are lIS specified in N-7 The above use will not cause liquid waste as specified in N-8. The above use will not cause solid waste as specified in N-9 The above use will not cause electromagnetic interference as s~ified in N-IO The above use ",ill not handle or utilize hazardous materials or hazardous waste as specIfied in N-II I look forward to hearing from you concerning this approval Sincerely, ~Z~ M1DIe~~lnC ----------..-- ~ I ~ -: I I'; i_ ~ I . ~ ~ . -' b 1 'I' : ,,) \-"=-_._:'-~-----, I Ii I~Dl NUV 48 IU BUILDING DiViSION c, '" l'I"I ~ "G ~ ~