REVIEW COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 00-037 RE Majestic Greeting Card - New Site Plan (N\VSP 9 2nd review comments TO Michael Rumpf, Planmng and Zomng DIrector FROM. MIchael E. Haag, BUIldmg Code Admmlstrato DATE February 4,2000 We have revIewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board reVIew The recommendatIon IS WIth the understandmg that all remammg comments wIll be shown m complIance on the workmg drawmgs that are submItted for permIts Buildine Division (Permit & Site Specific Comments) - Michael E. Haae (561) 742-6352 1 Add to the bUIldmg that IS depIcted on the site plan drawmg a labeled symbol that Identifies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance door to each tenant space. Show and label the same doors on the drawmg tItled floor plan. 2 Add to the drawmg tItled site plan a labeled symbol that represents and delIneates the path of travel ofthe accessible route that IS reqUIred between the accessible parkmg spaces and the accessible entrance door to each tenant space. The symbol shall start at the accessible parkmg space(s) and termmate at the accessible entrances to the buildmg. The symbol shall represent the locatIOns of the path of travel, not the locatIOns of the detectable warnmg or other pavement markmgs that are reqUIred to be mstalled along the path. Please note that at tIme of permIt reVIew the applIcant shall provIde detaIled documentatIOn on the plans that wIll venfy that the reqUIred 44" wIde accessible route IS m complIance WIth the regulatIOns specIfied m the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. 3 Withm the site data found on sheet SP-l, IdentIfy the proposed fimsh floor elevatIOn of the proposed bUIldmg (lowest floor elevatIOn) Venfy that the proposed elevatIon IS m complIance WIth regulatIOns of the code by addmg speCIficatIOns to the site data that address the followmg Issues a) From the FIRM map, IdentIfy the tItle of the flood zone that the bUIldmg IS located wlthm. Where applIcable, speCIfy the base flood elevatIOn. If there IS no base flood elevatIOn, mdlcate that on the plans. b) As the deSIgn professIOnal-of-record for the proJect, state on the plan that the proposed floor elevatIOn IS above the hIghest I OO-year base flood elevatIOn applIcable to the bUIldmg sIte, as determmed by the South Flonda Water Management Dlstnct's surface water management constructIOn development regulatIOns. [SectIOn 3107 1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edItIOn of the Standard BUIldmg Code] c) IdentIfy the floor elevatIOn that the deSIgn profeSSIOnal has establIshed for the buildmg wlthm the footpnnt of the bUIldmg that IS shown on the SIte plan, floor plan and CIVIl plans Bmldmg DIVISIon Memo No 00-037 to Michael Rumpf RE Majestic Greeting Card - New Site Plan - 2nd review comments February 4,2000 Page Two 4 Amend the last sentence of note number five found on the SIte plan to state the followmg. "SIte hghtmg wIll be evaluated at tIme ofperrmt reVIew The proposed SIte hghtmg fixtures WIll Illummate the SIte consIstent WIth the specIficatIOns IdentIfied m the Parkmg Lot Code." 5 Clanfy the wIdth of the easements that are shown on the drawmg tItled site plan. Where apphcable, amend the plans so that the proposed structures do not encroach mto an easement. 6 At tIme ofpenmt submIttal, proVIde a completed and executed City unIty of tItle form. The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combmed as one lot. A copy of the deed wIth legal descnptIOns of each property IS reqmred to process the form. To umfy the propertIes, the owner IdentIfied on each deed shall be the same. 7 Comphance wIth the Bmldmg Codes WIll be evaluated at tIme of permIt reVIew The permIt fee, water and sewer facIhty fees, FIre and Life Safety fees, County fees and State fees WIll be determmed at tIme of permIt reVIew 8 PermIts are reqmred to construct the Improvements that are shown on the approved SIte plan/condItIonal use documents. PermIt apphcatIon forms are avaIlable III the Bmldmg DIVISIOn of the Development Department. A permIt submIttal checkhst IS avaIlable m the Bmldmg DIVISIOn. The hst IdentIfies the baSIC documents that the Plans Analyst checks for when an apphcant submIts for permIt reVIew MEH.bg \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A \Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\NWSP 99-026 2nd review Majestic Greeting Card.doc CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425 TRC COMMENTS 2 1 2000 MAJESTIC CARD PUBLIC WORKS 1 HAVE PUT ON LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS 2 WE WILL APPLY TO HEALTH DEPARTMENT 3 THE ENGINEER HAS REQUESTED FIRE FLOW FOR THIS USE 4 WILL COMPLY 5 IRRIGATION WILL BE FROM A WELL- SEE SP-1 6 WILL COMPLY 7 HAVE SHOWN ON CIVIL, LANDSCAPE & ARCHITECTURE SITE PLANS 8 WILL COMPLY 9 WILL COMPLY 10 WILL COMPLY FIRE 11 WILL COMPLY POLICE 12 HAVE REVISED - SEE SP-1 13 HAVE REVI SED - SEE SP-l ENGINEERING 14 ADDED NOTE ON SP-1 15 HAVE REVI SED - SEE SP-l 16 HAVE REVISED - SEE SP-l 17 HAVE REVI SED - SEE CIVIL DRAWING 18 J>..:::lDED NOTE - SEE SP-l 19 HAVE REVISED - SEE SP-l 20 HAVE COMPLIED SEE CIVIL DRJ>.~ING 21 WILL COMPLY 22 HAVE REVISED 23 HAVE REVISED 24 WILL COMPLY 25 ADDED NOTE - SEE SP-1 26 HAVE RELOCATED - SEE SP-1 27 REVISED - SEE SP-1 BUILDING DIVISION 28 HAVE COMPLIED - SEE SP-1 29 HAVE COMPLIED - SEE SP-1 & A-1 30 HAVE COMPLIED - SEE SP-1 & A-1 31 REVISED - SEE SP-1 32 HAVE ADDED LIGHT POLES & NOTE ALSO REMOVED SITE LIGHTING PLAN 33 HAVE INDICATED SUCH - SEE SP-1 34 ADDED NOTE TO A-1 35 HAVE SHOWN ON SP-1 36 WILL COMPLY FORESTER 37 HAVE COMPLIED - SEE LANDSCAPE DRAWING vtANrvl N~ ~38 APPLICATION IS TO BE REVISED) 39 HAVE COMPLIED SEE CIVIL, SP-1 & LANDSCAPE PLANS 40 HAVE COMPLIED - SEE SP-1 41 WILL SUBMIT UNDER SEPARATE COVER 42 HAVE COMPLIED - SEE PLANS 43 REVISED ON SP-1 44 WILL COMPLY CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425 TRC COMMENTS 2 1 2000 MAJESTIC CARD PUBLIC WORKS 1 HAVE PUT ON LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS 2 WE WILL APPLY TO HEALTH DEPARTMENT 3 THE ENGINEER HAS REQUESTED FIRE FLOW FOR THIS USE, WILL SUBMIT 4 IRRIGATION WILL BE FROM A WELL- SEE SP-l 5 WILL COMPLY 6 WILL COMPLY 7 NO WASTE STREAM FIRE 8 WILL COMPLY 9 HAVE REVISED - SEE SP-1 10 HAVE REVISED - SEE CIVIL 11 WILL COMPLY 12 WILL APPLY FOR PERMITS 13 WILL MARK CURB & PAVEMENT SEE SP-1 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 14 ADDED NOTE - SEE SP-1 15 HAVE REVISED - SEE SP-1 16 HAVE COMPLIED SEE CIVIL DRAWING ITEM C) ADDED TO FLOOR PLAN 17 REVISED NOTE SEE. SP-1 18 HAVE REVI SED 19 WILL COMPLY 20 WILL COMPLY , 26 21 WILL COMPLY PLANNING & ZONING 22 CIVIL DRAWING WAS REVISED ALL NOW MATCH 23 REVISED - SEE SP-1 24 25 HAVE COMPLIED - SEE SP-1 HAVE COMPLIED - SEE SP-1 HAVE COMPLIED - SEE LA-1 REVISED - SEE LA-1 WILL BRING TO MEETING HAVE INDICATED SUCH - SEE SP-1 HAVE SUBMITTED TO PLANNING DEPARTMENT WILL COMPLY 27 28 29 30 31 C/l ~ 11 ~~ I ,Z +~. I I '5 (') z :; -< r > " G (J) 1J I d I II Ie) II I I I 1;0 10 '0 1fT] I I I ,~ I ~J 1;0 ~ I ~ as o I s:~ I ~ ~_____~_._____________. CQ.~ M_E..F5~~._...._BQ.~D._______._._.__ I . Vl o o d o o o 0 ~ 2 ~ I 0 I . . ! i r : ~ . I ~ I2l W-I 11'~. I i I ~ I I ! I I ~ 0 A . . ~ I I 8 I i i n--t---+--1-----+ , ~ ,I : : I i I I ! I II . I lod -i I I , ! i.. Ell al 1U3iii;1 m~ ~ ii~ . iiill;~~IS ml i!! ~ . _. -- .--wAY '~i a'l. lI~._E 5_.lc~ I I~ :Ji~iii~ ! g II ~------------._-------------------l-m----_mm~!'L ___m_m_mumJ.~ Ii l'lil.~: ~~~ ~ ~~ - - - - - - - - - - - ~..:...;..;. ~ - - - - - - - I -j .~:I ~ ! ~ -~~i= ~-::-~-::-:;:~-~-=-'~;;67 ~~= - ~ Ijlk lil~illi li;l:I i Iii ;ni ~ =!!::!I!! I i~.I; iij ,Iii ~ ~m n; k~ *J.'~ ili~~ !& I Iv II;,~ ~~I'II : 1:11: ~II ~iil n ix ~d i I . . ~;liCi ~~ I~~~ . ". ')~ .. ..n 211m ~~ MA~ESTlC OREETlNO CARD ~----- George F White A.IA. and Associates. Inc. 5455 North r.dpr"ol Highway Suite r Boca. Ro. ton, Florida 33487 561 997 6698 .'r'~r ~l ii;' Ii i~ o 'x -Q-, !~I nuum t}fiHUIi !!! III IUiiIU;U111 Pili! ill ~'lilll!HIJ liUillHilUlilPt,lfll.1 dt'f~l nll!!liflililt'lljnllJOIH"UI!IH ,UrtlHi 11.1.1i t! ,H Ifill I I l'h H 1011 l~iltlJl ~. I h l} ihlw!1i2,ftitUU }!I }1!!liIHr1i.ll HI 'Ii n ;ltllhlo ....'1.)1: !ll~!.tl.I'II. Illl. h .I~ ~l! j!lljiJI ~ .12 it[ It Hili'! ! r 'I n iii lin ~iiffU k~ m l uti Ii 111 tJ I' }tl ftlt IUiUq i: 1n ;I! I J(!l 9 ! 1 r1 tl~ till! 1:1 U! lilP ill I 1:"1' f r I n.t I · I :J ~ I' 6 ~ 6 2 ii l ~ ~ ~ ~ J: III "'TI ffi ... .. . I I I t-- ~ Un nli!! ~~ pI ~ ~ t-___~-------~QMM~RCE-_-B..QAD ----t-~ - I I I II i~ ! , ~i SI ~I , , I~ '0 I~ I l'i I :~ ;;0 il I~ U o I i-'nr-r I .. II In J ! : I i I I I . . II lilt III t If n II n n I. hii ill I'" t " .. " p II.; .11!~:IUm!!la:'9U ~~ ='.. II ;qlU~t.ml1ln,bIU i JU If ',Cldil II ., , d:i!~I!l! ml (it! ~ t"rlTiiri i ~ 'I , z · , t I · [I ~ I~ '"3" 3.... r~ !l"IlHlii;1 ~ ilP'lii'l<1 3 ~n~l\lf~1 I ~(r. p di i J I ~ I> ;II I ;ll I, ~ I: E9 di al Ii i In: II I~ill f .- II , ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~~ :~ ! ! 0, ~~ mi , I I III; . . III III . I I I I . . . - , ::: ...... ...... ...... ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I --.J , ----, I I I ! . . . '-- r-- t t )> I I\) MA~ESTlC ClIREETlNClI CARD ~~ . 9~~~rF~:' H~:Y ~.~it;. R.t~~;~4~S~~~_~~ MfiF ~ i~ e a a 188 NORTH AMERICAN INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Cross References. Establishments primarily engaged in- . Manufacturing pulp from wood or from other materials-are classified in Industry 322110, Pulp Mills, . Manufacturing paper from pulp or making pulp and manufacturing paper-are classified to Industry 32212, Paper Mills, . Manufacturing paperboard from pulp or making pulp and manufacturing paperboard-are classified in Industry 322130, Paperboard Mills; . Manufacturing paperboard containers-are classified in Industry 32221 Paperboard Con- tainer Manufacturing; . Manufacturing bags of coated, laminated, or uncoated paper of metal foil, or combinations thereof-are classified in Industry 32222, Paper Bag and Coated and Treated Paper Manu- factunng; and . Manufacturing stationery and other related office supphes-are classified in Industry 32223 Stationery Product Manufacturing. 323 Printing and Related Support Activities Industries in the Printing and Related Support Activities subsector print products, such as newspapers, books, periodicals, business forms~-;;tf~ and other materials, and perform support activities. such as bookbinding, platemaking services, and data imaging. The support activities included here are an integral part of the printing industry and a product (a printing plate, a bound book, or a computer disk or file) that is an integral part of the printing industry is almost always provided by these operations. Processes used in printing include a variety of methods used to transfer an image from a plate, screen, or computer file to some medium, such as paper plastics, metal, textile articles, or wood. The most prominent of these methods is to transfer the image from a plate or screen to the medium (lithographic, gravure, screen, and flexographic printmg) A rapidly growing new technology uses a computer file to directly drive' the printing mechanism to create the image and new electrostatic and other types of equipment (digital or nonimpact printing). In contrast to many other classification systems that locate publishing of printed materials in manufacturing, NAICS classifies the publishing of printed products in Subsector 511 Publishing Industries. Though printmg and publishing are often carried out by the same enterprise (a newspaper for example), it is less and less the case that these distinct activities are carried out in the same establishment. When publishing and printing are done in the same establishment, the establishment is classified in Sector 51 Information, in the appropriate NAICS industry even if the receipts for printing exceed those for publishing. This subsector includes printing on clothing because the production process for that activity IS printing, not clothing manufacturing. For instance, the printing of T shirts is included in thiS subsector In contrast, printing on fabric (or grey goods) is not included. This activity is part of US-United States industry only CAN-United States and Canadian industries are comparable. When neither US nor CAN appears, Canadian, Mexican, and United States industries are comparable. http://www.ntis.gov/naics APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PROJECT TITLE Maiutic Greeting Card FILE #: NWSP 909-026 PROJECT LOCATION Southeast Comer of intersection of Hil!'h Ridge Road and Commerce Rd. TYPE OF APPLICATION: New Site Plan PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIRED: (YIN) REVIEWER'S NAME AGENT ADDRESS: AGENT PHONE: FAX: DATE REC'D: AMOUNT RECEIPT NO 12 SETS OF PRE-ASSEMBLED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW 2 OF 12 SETS SIGNED AND SEALED 0 SURVEY 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 FLOOR PLAN 0 SITE PLAN WITH SITE DATA 0 APPLICATION/SUBMITTAL: DATE ACCEPTED: DRAINAGE PLAN ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS COLORED ELEVATIONS RECEIVED MATERIAL SAMPLES RECEIVED PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED o o o o o DATE DENIED: DATE OF LETTER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 1/6/00 MEMO# DATE MEMO# DATE POUCE PLMlNING DG RESTER r'-~4 Co'M\Q,,1-s- 'Il,-loo 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED DATE OF LETTER SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: 90-DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLETE (ASSEMBLED) SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2ND REVIEW PRE-ASSEMBLED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW AMENDED APPLICATION 2 OF12 SETS SIGNED AND SEALED SURVEY LANDSCAPE PLAN FLOOR PLAN SITE PLAN WITH SITE DATA 2ND REVIEW MEMO: DATE SENT o o o o o o o o o o o o DRAINAGE PLAN ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS COLORED ELEVATIONS RECEIVED MATERIAL SAMPLES RECEIVED TRANSPARENCY RECEIVED PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED MEMO NO RETURN DATE: 2nd REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED PLANS MEMO# DATE PLANS MEMO# DATE UTI L. 0 POLICE 0 PW 0 PLANNING 0 PARKS 0 BLDG/ENGR 0 /'J fJ /)31 rJ./1.{ FIRE 0 FORESTER 0 BOARD MEETING DATE: BOARD: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY DATE SENT / SIGNS INSTALLED: DATE: CITY COMMISSION: DATE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER RECEIVED FROM CITY CLERK: 0 DATE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER SENT TO APPLICANT 0 DATE: S:\FORMS\TRACKING LOG FORM - 3/98 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 00-037 RE Majestic Greeting Card - New Site Plan (NWSP 9 -026) 2nd review comments TO Michael Rumpf, Planmng and Zomng DIrector FROM. MIchael E Haag, BUIldmg Code Adnllmstrato DATE February 4,2000 We have revIewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board reVIew The recommendatIOn IS WIth the understandmg that all remammg comments wIll be shown m complIance on the workmg drawmgs that are submItted for permIts Buildin~ Division (Permit & Site Specific Comments) - Michael E. Haa!! (561) 742-6352 1 Add to the bUIldmg that IS depIcted on the site plan drawmg a labeled symbol that IdentIfies the location of the handIcap accessible entrance door to each tenant space. Show and label the same doors on the drawmg tItled floor plan. 2 Add to the drawmg titled site plan a labeled symbol that represents and delmeates the path of travel of the accessible route that IS reqUIred between the accessible parkmg spaces and the accessible entrance door to each tenant space The symbol shall start at the accessible parkmg space(s) and termmate at the accessible entrances to the bUIldmg. The symbol shall represent the locatIOns of the path of travel, not the locatIOns of the detectable warnmg or other pavement markmgs that are reqUIred to be mstalled along the path. Please note that at time of permIt reVieW the applIcant shall proVIde detaIled documentatIOn on the plans that wIll venfy that the requued 44" WIde accessible route IS m complIance WIth the regulatIOns speCIfied m the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. 3 Withm the site data found on sheet SP-I, Identify the proposed fimsh floor elevatIon of the proposed bUIldmg (lowest floor elevatIOn) Venfy that the proposed elevatIOn IS m complIance WIth regulatIOns of the code by addmg speCIficatIOns to the site data that address the followmg Issues a) From the FIRM map, Identify the tItle of the flood zone that the bUIldmg IS located wlthm. Where applIcable, speCIfy the base flood elevatIOn. If there IS no base flood elevatIOn, mdlcate that on the plans. b) As the deSIgn professIOnal-of-record for the proJect, state on the plan that the proposed floor elevatIOn IS above the hIghest 100-year base flood elevatIOn applIcable to the bUIldmg sIte, as determmed by the South Flonda Water Management Dlstnct's surface water management constructIOn development regulatIOns. [SectIOn 3107 1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edItion of the Standard BUIldmg Code] c) Identify the floor elevatIOn that the deSIgn profeSSIOnal has establIshed for the bUIldmg wlthm the footpnnt of the bUIldmg that IS shown on the SIte plan, floor plan and CIVIl plans. BUIldmg DIVISIOn Memo No 00-037 to MIchael Rumpf RE Majestic Greeting Card - New Site Plan - 2nd review comments February 4, 2000 Page Two 4 Amend the last sentence of note number five found on the sIte plan to state the followmg: "SIte lIghtmg WIll be evaluated at tIme of permIt reVIew The proposed SIte lIghtmg fixtures wIll Illummate the SIte consIstent WIth the specIficatIOns IdentIfied m the Parkmg Lot Code." 5 Clanfy the wIdth of the easements that are shown on the drawmg tItled site plan. Where applIcable, amend the plans so that the proposed structures do not encroach mto an easement. 6 At tIme of permIt submIttal, proVIde a completed and executed CIty unIty of tItle form. The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combmed as one lot. A copy of the deed WIth legal descnptIOns of each property IS reqUIred to process the form. To unIfy the propertIes, the owner IdentIfied on each deed shall be the same. 7 ComplIance WIth the BUIldmg Codes wIll be evaluated at tIme of permIt reVIew The permIt fee, water and sewer faCIlIty fees, FIre and LIfe Safety fees, County fees and State fees wIll be determmed at tIme of permIt reVIew 8 PermIts are reqUIred to construct the Improvements that are shown on the approved SIte plan/condItIonal use documents. PermIt applIcatIOn forms are aVaIlable m the BUIldmg DIVISIon of the Development Department. A permIt submIttal checklIst IS avaIlable m the BUIldmg DIVISIon. The lIst IdentIfies the baSIC documents that the Plans Analyst checks for when an applIcant submIts for permIt reVIew MER bg \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A \Development\Building-6870\Documents\ TRC\NWSP 99-026 2nd review Majestic Greeting Card.doc Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD PO BOX310 BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX. (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION TO. Lenny Siegal FAX #. 561-988-0437 DATE. 1/12/00 RE. MAJESTIC GREETING CARD - COMMENTS Please find attached the first review comments for your project. To stay on the current review schedule, please do the following steps listed below, and bring all documents to the TRC meeting scheduled for February 1, 2000 1 Revise your plans incorporating all comments listed herein, including the addition of notes on plans to confirm response to general statements/comments, and bring 10 copies to the TRC review meeting (full sets including all pages originally submitted), 2 Submit the additional information as requested within the attached comments,( i e traffic analysis, engineering certification, etc.) 3 Prepare a written response (7 copies) consisting of a list briefly summarizing how each comment has been addressed on the revised plans or with the supplemental information including location on the plans (this promotes an expeditious 2nd review by staff and your project representatives during the TRC meeting), and 4 Submit reductions (8 ~ x 11) for the proposed site plan, elevations and landscaping plan (this is required for the final report and public presentation) The applicant should not attend a TRC meeting (2nd review) until all documents have been revised and copied for staff review Page 1 of q Planning and Zoning DiVISion City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach. Flonda 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 If plans will not be fully revised and brought to the scheduled TRC meeting, contact JoAnn Alea in this office by the Thursday prior to the schedule meeting date Projects deviating from the original schedule are eligible for review at subsequent meetings which are held every Tuesday To reschedule, contact JoAnn Alea by the Thursday prior to the Tuesday TRC meeting that you desire to attend The remainder of the review schedule will be adjusted accordingly If you have questions on the attached comments, please contact the respective reviewer using the attached list of TRC representatives. If the plans are reasonably complete and all significant comments are addressed following TRC (2nd review), the project is forwarded to the Planning and Development Board meeting that falls approximately 2 to 3 weeks following the TRC meeting An "*" by any comment identifies a comment that must be addressed prior to moving forward to the Planning and development board Note Items recognized by staff as typically outstanding at this point include a traffic report and/or confirmation of the traffic concurrency approval from Palm Beach County drainage certification by a licensed engineer, and colored elevations of the proposed project. This information is necessary for the project to proceed If you have submitted this information, please disregard this note TRC MEMBERS BOB BORDEN, ASSISTANT FIRE MARSHAL KEVIN HALLAHAN, FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST LEE THOMPSON, POLICE DEPARTMENT PETE MAZZELLA, UTILITIES DEPARTMENT MICHAEL HAAG, BUILDING DIVISION LARRY QUINN, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MARK LIPS JOHN WILDNER, PARKS DIVISION JACK CASLER, ACTING CITY ENGINEER KEN HALL MICHAEL RUMPF, PLANNING AND ZONING JIM NGUYEN, PLANNING DIVISION LUSIA GALAV, PLANNING DIVISION FRANTZ LAFONTANT ENGINEERING DIVISION 742-6602 742-6227 742-6105 742-6404 742-6352 742-6202 742-3208 742-6226 742-6280 742-6283 742-6260 742-6367 742-6262 742-6757 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS PrOject name MAJESTIC GREETING CARD File number' NWSP 99-026 Reference 1 st RevIew. New SIte Plan. FIle # NWSP 99-026 wIth a December 22. 1999 Plannmg and Zoning DeDartment date stamD markmg DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments. NONE UTILITIES Comments 1 All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscapmg drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future LDR Sec 7 5-18 1 gives public utilitIes the authority to remove any trees that mterfere with utilIty services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-wav 2 Dept. of Health permIts will be reqUIred for the water system servmg thIS project. (Sec 26-12). 3 Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1500 g P m. as stated in LDR chap 6, Art. IV, Sec. 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (see Sec 26-16( a) ) Please submit these calculatIons with your Health Department permit submittal 4 Sec. 26-34(E) of the CIty Code reqUIres that a capacIty reservatIOn fee be paid for thIS project eIther upon my request for SIgnature on the Health Dept. applIcatIon forms or wlthm 30 days of SIte plan approval, whichever occurs first. ThIS fee wIll be $790 02 based on a 1" meter size 5 Camp Plan policy 3C.3 4 requires the conservatIon of potable water City water may not, therefore, be used for lITIgation where other sources are readIly avaIlable 6 ProVIde an engmeer's wrItten certIficatIOn that drainage wIll conform to all rules of the CIty and the South flOrIda Water Management DIStrICt. (LOR Chap 4, sec 7F) 7 Water and sewer lInes to be owned and operated by the City shall be mcluded wIthin utilIty easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engineermg drawings, usmg a mmimum WIdth of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated VIa separate mstrument to the CIty as stated m Sec 26-33(a) of the Code 8 ThIS office will not reqUIre surety for InstallatIOn of the water and sewer Page 2 MAJESTIC GREETING CARD File No NWSP 99-026 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT utIlItIes, on condItIon that the systems be fully completed, and gIven to the CIty before the first permanent meter IS set. Note that settmg of a permanent water meter IS a prerequlSlte to obtammg the certIficate of occupancy 9 A buildmg permit for thIS project shall not be Issued untIl thIS office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer Improvements required to serve the project. (Sec 26-15) 10 The waste stream from the manufactunng process must meet the City's pretreatment reqUirements. A samplIng pomt must be provIded to allow momtonng of thIS waste stream. (Sec 26-143,26-147) FIRE Comments II A fire flow test is reqUired pnor to constructIOn. LDR 6-16 The Fire Department connectIon for the fire sprmkler system may not be more than 150 feet from a hydrant. Hydrants wIll be in place pnor to above grade constructIon. NFPAI POLICE Comments 12 WhIle the SIte plans meet the State and CIty reqUirements for handIcapped parkmg. They do not meet the CIty reqUirements for traffic control m parkmg lots Ref Chapter 23 Art II B 1 I3 Traffic control, each parkmg lot parkmg plan shall provIde for stop SIgns at eXIsts, dIrectIOnal arrows, mternal traffic SIgns and mformation SIgns where appropnate for the proper and efficIent movement of traffic onto and through the SIte. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments 14 On the Site Plan add a general note that all plans submitted for speCIfic permIts shall meet the CIty'S code reqUirements at tIme of applIcatIOn. These permIts mcIude, but are not lImIted to the followmg: SIte IIghtmg, pavmg, dramage, curbing, landscapmg and IrrigatIOn. PermIts reqUired from other permlttmg agenCIes, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be mcluded WIth the permIt request. 15 On the Site Plan and Pavmg & Dramage Plans, at the west SIde of the north dnveway, extend the curbed Island two feet to the end of the parkmg stall. Page 3 MAJESTIC GREETING CARD File No NWSP 99-026 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 16 On the Site Plan and Pavmg & Dramage Plans extend at least one of the handicap accessibihty paths through the landscape area and connect it to the pubhc sidewalk to satisfy the reqUirements of the Florida Accessibihty Code 17 On the Pavmg & Dramage Plan provide an engineer's certificatiOn that the Dramage Plan conforms to the City'S Land Development Regulations as stIpulated m Chapter 4, SectiOn 7.F Also, add a general note that the Dramage Plan shall conform to City Standard Drawing B- 91007 and modIfy your plans accordmgly 18 On the Lightmg Plan, add a note that the hghtmg system shall be controlled by photoelectnc sWitch. For your mformatiOn the City code allows a mmimum average light level of one-foot candle subject to other mmimum specifications specified m LDR Chapter 23, Article II.A. 19 Construct a four-foot concrete sIdewalk along Commerce Road, which shall extend through the dnveway per LDR Chapter 22, Article I, Section 5 and Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV., SectiOn 10 of the LDR. Also, stnpe two, six-mch thermoplastiC lines through the High Ridge Road entrance to delineate the pedestrian path through the dnveway 20 On the Pavmg & Dramage Plan either delete the note "proposed outfall control structure, see detaIls" or show the detalls on the plan. 21 There shall be no land clearmg, land removmg or land filling Without first obtammg the appropnate permits. [LDR Chapter 8, Article I. Section 1 and Chapter 75, Article I, Section 5.B ] 22 The Site Plan and DraInage Plan shall be at the same scale. Modify one of the plans to meet the code reqUirement. [LDR Chapter 4, SectiOn 7.F] 23 Show all of the necessary traffic control markmgs, signage and stripmg on the Site Plan and the Pavmg & Dramage Plan where not shown mcludmg directional arrows WithIn the parkmg lot. [LDR Chapter 4, SectiOn 7.F ] 24 A Work m the Right-of-Way permIt is reqUired for all constructiOn WithIn the Commerce Road nght-of-way [LDR Chapter 22, ArtIcle II, Section 7 ] 25 Due to the nature of the business, we recommend establishmg a fire lane along the west side of the buildmg. 26 Locate the dumpster so that the open gates wlll not mterfere With the Page 4 MAJESTIC GREETING CARD File No NWSP 99-026 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I parkmg stalls. 27 Remove the "Handicap Parkmg Space Detail" and msert the detail shown on City Drawmg B-9800 1, mcluding the handicap sign. BUILDING DIVISION Comments 28 Add to the bUildmg that is depicted on the site plan drawmg a labeled symbol that identifies the locatiOn of the handicap accessible entrance door to each tenant space Show and label the same doors on the drawmg titled floor plan. 29 Add to the drawmg titled site plan a labeled symbol that represents and delineates the path of travel of the accessible route that is reqUired between the accessible parkmg spaces and the accessible entrance door to each tenant space. Add a note to the plan that would mdicate that the symbol represents the accessible route and the route is deSigned m comphance with Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4 6 (Parkmg and Passenger Loadmg Zones) of the Flonda Accessibihty Code for BUildmg Construction. The symbol shall start at the accessible parking space(s) and term mate at the accessible entrances to the bUildmg. The symbol shall represent the locatiOns of the path of travel, not the locatiOns of the detectable wammg or other pavement markmgs that are reqUired to be mstalled along the path. Please note that at time of permit review the apphcant shall proVide detailed documentatiOn on the plans that Will venfy that the reqUired 44" WIde accessible route is m comphance With the regulations speCified in the Flonda Accessibihty Code for BUildmg ConstructiOn 30 Withm the site data found on sheet SP-l, identify the proposed fimsh floor elevatiOn of the buildmg (lowest floor elevation) Venfy that the proposed elevatiOn comphes With regulations of the code by addmg speCificatiOns and notes to the site data that address the followmg issues. a) From the FIRM map, identify the title of the flood zone that the building is located withm. Where apphcable, speCify the base flood elevatiOn. If there is no base flood elevatiOn, indicate that on the plans. b) As the deSign professiOnal-of-record for the proJect, state that the proposed floor elevation is above the highest 100-year base flood elevation applicable to the bUildmg Site, as determmed by the South Flonda Water Management Distnct's surface water management construction development regulatiOns. [Section 3107 1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edItion of the Standard BUilding Code] c) Identify the floor elevatiOn that the deSign profeSSiOnal has estabhshed for the building wlthm the footpnnt of the building that is shown on the Page 5 MAJESTIC GREETING CARD File No NWSP 99-026 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT site plan, floor plan and civil plans 31 On the drawmg titled site plan, identify the symbol that represents the property hne 32 Add to the drawmg titled site plan a labeled symbol that represents the location of the proposed site hghtmg poles. Add a note to the site plan indicatmg that the locatiOns of the sIte hghtmg poles are conceptual. Also note the followmg: "SIte hghtmg will be evaluated at time of permit review The proposed site hghtmg fixtures willillummate the site consistent with the specificatiOns Identified m the Parkmg Lot Code" Include wlthm the note the overall heIght dimenSiOn of the site hghtmg pole and fixture The overall height of the pole/fixture shall not exceed the height hmitatiOns of the Zonmg Code. (Omit the pole lightmg photometric mformatiOn and drawmg that was submItted. This mformation is reqUired at time of permit submittal, not at site plan reVIew) 31 Add to the drawmg titled site plan all of the easements that are shown on the survey The location, type and Size of the easement(s) shall be shown and identIfied on the Site plan. Where apphcable, amend the plans so that structures do not encroach mto an easement. 33 Add to the site data the number of stones m the building. Also, mdlcate the overall height ofthe building (fimsh grade to the highest pomt ofthe roof or parapet wall) The overall height of the bUildmgs shall not exceed the heIght hmitatiOns of the Zomng Code 34 Below the drawing titled Floor Plan found on sheet A-I, add text that would mdicate that the room layout that is shown on the drawmg is conceptual. 35 To venfy that the proposed bUildmg IS m comphance with the apphcable bUildmg setbacks, show and dimension on the Site plan the Width of the building overhang and, where apphcable, size or Width of covered walkways, awnings, canopIes and/or other roofed areas that extend out beyond the mam walls of the bUildmg. 36 At time of permit submIttal, provide a completed and executed City unity of title form The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combmed as one lot. A copy of the deed With legal descnptions of each property is reqUired to process the form. To umfy the properties, the owner identified on each deed shall be the same. Page 6 MAJESTIC GREETING CARD File No NWSP 99-026 PARKS AND RECREATION Comments. NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments 37 The apphcant should mdicate on the plans If there are any of the 19 eXistmg deSIrable trees (Slash Pme and Sabal Palm), which will be preserved m place, relocated or removed and replaced on the site PLANNING AND ZONING Comments 38 Square footage for floor area does not match between site plan and apphcatiOn (the total floor area hsted m the apphcation is 43,827 square feet while the figure m the site plan tabular summary is 43,651 square feet). 39 The followmg comments relate to Chapter 4 SectiOn 7, Site Plan submissiOn reqUirements - Site plan, landscape and engmeermg plans should use the same scale Also, the plans should be onented m the same directiOn. - Indicate adJacent zonmg for propertIes to the south and east on the sIte plan. - In tabular summary on the site plan, provide sIte acreage, total lot coverage and net bUildable area m square feet and acres. Also proVide percentage for perviOUS and imperviOus area. - In the tabular summary on the site plan, proVide data for reqUired and proVided parkmg. Based on code reqUirements for Planned Industnal Development, the number of off-street parking spaces is based on the number of employees (1-112 spaces for each two employees on a maXimum shift) - ProVide traffic control signage and markmgs for entrances and parking areas - Provide dimensiOns for the Width of both dnveway entrances. - Provide locatiOn of sIte hghtmg on site plan and landscape plan. - ProVide on the landscape plan a note on the method and source of the irngation system. - Label "dumpster" locatiOn on the site plan. - ProVide extenor colors on elevation drawmg to key With ID number given. Indicate type of roof matenal used. - ProVide mounted color elevatiOn drawing pnor to the Planning and Development Board meetmg. - Provide an engmeer's certificatiOn m wntmg that dramage will conform With all rules, regulatiOns, codes, etc. mcludmg, but not hmited to, Chapter 6, Article 4, Section 5 of the Land Development RegulatiOns (Sec 7 F 2) 40 The followmg comments relate to Chapter 9, Commumty Design Plan reqUirements Page 7 MAJESTIC GREETING CARD File No NWSP 99-026 - Provide pedestnan/handlcapped connection between the front entrance and sidewalk on High Ridge Road ( Section 10.B.2). - Provide a note on the site plan mdicatmg that all roof top eqUipment will be screened from View at a minimum distance of 600 feet. 41 Elevation drawmg mcludes a wall Sign. Identify the dimensions for the proposed Sign. Provide the typical detail for the Sign. SIgn must meet the requirements of Land Development RegulatiOns, Chapter 21 42. The followmg comments relate to Chapter 75, Article II, Landscape Code - Indicate locatiOn and dimensiOns of all required landscape buffers on the Site plan and landscape plan. Check buffer area dimensiOns for west Side - ProVide the number of trees reqUired and the number provided. - Cypress mulch is not permitted. Indicate what material other than cypress Will be used as mulch. - A mimimum of 50% of all reqUired plant matenal must be native species (Comp Plan Pohcy 4 4.5) Indicate the percentage of native plant matenal on the landscape plan. - Indicate 10 foot landscape Site tnangles at each entranceway on the SIte plan and landscape plan. - On the north and west Side, landscape hedge should be located adJacent to parking lot spaces. ReqUired trees should be placed in the 5 foot landscape easement. Currently the Site plan shows reqUired trees planted m the 40 foot greenbelt and 10 foot utIhty easement. - Provide the percentage of mterior landscapmg proVided on the Site plan calculations. 43 Revise handicapped stall dimensiOns on the Site plan to reflect 18X12 size as shown on the typical detaIl. 44 Submit reqUired traffic analySiS to obtam confirmatiOn from Palm Beach County that proJect conforms With T.P S nSHRDATAIPLANNING\SHARED\WPIPROJECTS\MAJESTIC GREETING CARD\IST REVIEW COMMENTS. DOC DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 00-007 TO' Michael Rumpf, Plannmg and Zomng DIrector h Michael E. Haag, BUIldmg Code Admlmstrarorf E u' January 10,2000 D FROM DATE RE Majestic Greeting Card - New Site Plan (NWSP 99-026) 1st review comments We have revIewed the plans for the above-referenced project. The applIcant must acknowledge and address the below lIsted comments before the project IS presented to the Board for theIr reVIew Buildine Division (Permit & Site Specific Comments) - Michael E. Haae (561) 742-6352 1 Add to the bUIldmg that IS depIcted on the site plan drawmg a labeled symbol that IdentIfies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance door to each tenant space. Show and label the same doors on the drawmg tItled floor plan 2 Add to the drawmg tItled site plan a labeled symbol that represents and delIneates the path of travel of the accessible route that IS reqUIred between the accessible parkmg spaces and the accessible entrance door to each tenant space. Add a note to the plan that would mdlcate that the symbol represents the accessible route and the route IS deSIgned m complIance WIth SectIon 43 (Accessible Route) and 46 (Parkmg and Passenger Loadmg Zones) of the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. The symbol shall start at the accessible parkmg space(s) and termmate at the accessible entrances to the bUIldmg. The symbol shall represent the locatIOns of the path of travel, not the locatIons of the detectable warnmg or other pavement markmgs that are reqUIred to be mstalled along the path. Please note that at tIme of permIt reVIew the applIcant shall proVIde detaIled documentatIon on the plans that WIll venfy that the reqUIred 44" WIde accessible route IS m complIance WIth the regulatIOns speCIfied m the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. 3 Withm the site data found on sheet SP-1, IdentIfy the proposed fimsh floor elevatIOn of the bUIldmg (lowest floor elevatIOn) Venfy that the proposed elevatIOn complIes WIth regulatIons of the code by addmg speCIficatIons and notes to the site data that address the followmg Issues a) From the FIRM map, IdentIfy the tItle of the flood zone that the bUIldmg IS located wlthm. Where applIcable, speCIfy the base flood elevatIOn. If there IS no base flood elevatIOn, mdlcate that on the plans. b) As the deSIgn professIOnal-of-record for the project, state that the proposed floor elevatIOn IS above the hIghest 100-year base flood elevatIon applIcable to the bUIldmg SIte, as determmed by the South Flonda Water Management Dlstnct's surface water management construction development regulations. [SectIOn 3107 1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edItIon of the Standard BUIldmg Code] BUIldmg DIVISIOn Memo No 00-007 to MIchael Rumpf RE Majestic Greeting Card - New Site Plan - 1 st review comments January 10,2000 Page Two c) IdentIfy the floor elevatIOn that the desIgn profeSSIOnal has establIshed for the bUIldmg wlthm the footpnnt of the bUIldmg that IS shown on the sIte plan, floor plan and cIvil plans. 4 On the drawmg tItled site plan, IdentIfy the symbol that represents the property lIne. 5 Add to the drawmg tItled site plan a labeled symbol that represents the locatIOn of the proposed SIte lIghtmg poles. Add a note to the site plan mdlcatmg that the locatIOns of the SIte lIghtmg poles are conceptual. Also note the followmg: "SIte lIghtmg WIll be evaluated at tIme of permIt reVIew The proposed SIte lIghtmg fixtures WIll Illummate the SIte consIstent WIth the speCIficatIOns IdentIfied m the Parkmg Lot Code." Include wlthm the note the overall heIght dImenSIOn of the SIte lIghtmg pole and fixture The overall heIght of the pole/fixture shall not exceed the heIght lImItatIOns of the ZOnIng Code. (OmIt the pole lIghtmg photometnc mformatIon and drawmg that was submItted. ThIS mformatIOn IS reqUIred at tIme of permIt submIttal, not at SIte plan reVIew) 6 Add to the drawmg tItled site plan all of the easements that are shown on the survey The locatIOn, type and SIze of the easement(s) shall be shown and IdentIfied on the SIte plan. Where applIcable, amend the plans so that structures do not encroach mto an easement. 7 Add to the site data the number of stones m the bUIldmg. Also, mdlcate the overall heIght of the bUIldmg (finIsh grade to the hIghest pomt of the roof or parapet wall) The overall heIght of the bUIldmgs shall not exceed the heIght lImItatIons of the ZOnIng Code. 8 Below the drawmg tItled Floor Plan found on sheet A-I, add text that would mdlcate that the room layout that IS shown on the drawmg IS conceptual. 9 To venfy that the proposed bUIldmg IS m complIance WIth the applIcable bUIldmg setbacks, show and dImenSIOn on the SIte plan the WIdth ofthe bUIldmg overhang and, where applIcable, SIze or WIdth of covered walkways, awnmgs, canopIes and/or other roofed areas that extend out beyond the mam walls of the bUIldmg. 10 At tIme of permIt submIttal, proVIde a completed and executed CIty unIty of tItle form. The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combmed as one lot. A copy of the deed WIth legal descnptIons of each property IS reqUIred to process the form. To UnIfy the propertIes, the owner IdentIfied on each deed shall be the same. MEH.bg J'\SHRDA TA\Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\NWSP 99-026 1st review Majestic Greeting Card.doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 00-007 TO Michael Rumpf, PlannIng and ZOnIng DIrector FROM. MIchael E. Haag, BUIldIng Code AdmInIstrator DATE January 10 2000 RE Majestic Greeting Card - New Site Plan (NWSP 99-026) 1st review comments We have revIewed the plans for the above-referenced project. The applIcant must acknowledge and address the below lIsted comments before the project IS presented to the Board for theIr reVIew Buildine: Division (Permit & Site Specific Comments) - Michael E. Haae: (561) 742-6352 1 Add to the bUIldIng that IS depIcted on the site plan draWIng a labeled symbol that IdentIfies the locatIon of the handIcap accessible entrance door to each tenant space Show and label the same doors on the draWIng tItled floor plan. 2. Add to the drawmg tItled site plan a labeled symbol that represents and delIneates the path of travel of the accessible route that IS reqUIred between the accessible parkIng spaces and the accessible entrance door to each tenant space Add a note to the plan that would IndIcate that the symbol represents the accessible route and the route IS deSIgned In complIance WIth SectIOn 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 46 (ParkIng and Passenger LoadIng Zones) ofthe Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldIng ConstructIOn. The symbol shall start at the accessible parkIng space(s) and termInate at the accessible entrances to the bUIldIng. The symbol shall represent the locatIOns of the path of travel, not the locatIOns of the detectable warnIng or other pavement markIngs that are reqUIred to be Installed along the path. Please note that at tIme of permIt reVIew the applIcant shall prOVIde detaIled documentatIOn on the plans that WIll venfy that the reqUIred 44" WIde accessible route IS In complIance WIth the regulatIOns speCIfied In the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldIng ConstructIOn. 3 WithIn the site data found on sheet SP-I, IdentIfy the proposed finIsh floor elevatIOn ofthe bUIldIng (lowest floor elevatIOn) Venfy that the proposed elevatIOn complIes WIth regulatIOns of the code by addIng speCIficatIOns and notes to the site data that address the follOWIng Issues a) From the FIRM map, IdentIfy the tItle of the flood zone that the bUIldIng IS located WIthIn. Where applIcable, speCIfy the base flood elevatIOn. If there IS no base flood elevatIOn, IndIcate that on the plans. b) As the deSIgn professIOnal-of-record for the project, state that the proposed floor elevatIOn IS above the hIghest 100-year base flood elevatIOn applIcable to the bUIldIng SIte, as determIned by the South Flonda Water Management DIstnct's surface water management constructIOn development regulatIOns. [SectIOn 3107 1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edItIOn of the Standard BUIldIng Code] BUIldIng DIVISIOn Memo No 00-007 to Michael Rumpf RE Majestic Greeting Card - New Site Plan _1st review comments January 10, 2000 Page Two c) IdentIfy the floor elevatIOn that the deSIgn profeSSIOnal has establIshed for the bUIldIng WIthIn the footpnnt of the bUIldIng that IS shown on the sIte plan, floor plan and CIvIl plans. 4 On the draWIng tItled site plan, IdentIfy the symbol that represents the property lIne. 5 Add to the drawmg tItled site plan a labeled symbol that represents the locatIOn of the proposed SIte lIghtIng poles. Add a note to the site plan IndIcatIng that the locatIOns of the SIte lIghtIng poles are conceptual. Also note the follOWIng' "SIte lIghtIng wIll be evaluated at tIme of permIt reVIew The proposed SIte lIghtIng fixtures wIll IllumInate the SIte consIstent WIth the speCIficatIOns IdentIfied In the ParkIng Lot Code." Include WIthIn the note the overall heIght dImenSIOn of the SIte lIghtIng pole and fixture The overall heIght of the pole/fixture shall not exceed the heIght lImItatIOns of the ZonIng Code (OmIt the pole lIghtIng photometnc InfOrmatIOn and draWIng that was submItted. ThIS InfOrmatIOn IS reqUIred at tIme of permIt submIttal, not at SIte plan revIew) 6 Add to the draWIng tItled site plan all of the easements that are shown on the survey The locatIOn, type and SIze of the easement(s) shall be shown and IdentIfied on the SIte plan. Where applIcable, amend the plans so that structures do not encroach Into an easement. 7 Add to the site data the number of stones In the bUIldIng. Also, IndIcate the overall heIght of the bUIldIng (finIsh grade to the hIghest pOInt of the roof or parapet wall) The overall heIght of the bUIldIngs shall not exceed the heIght lImItatIOns of the ZOnIng Code 8 Below the draWIng tItled Floor Plan found on sheet A-I, add text that would IndIcate that the room layout that IS shown on the draWIng IS conceptual. 9 To venfy that the proposed bUIldIng IS In complIance WIth the applIcable bUIldIng setbacks, show and dImenSIOn on the SIte plan the WIdth of the bUIldIng overhang and, where applIcable, SIze or WIdth of covered walkways, awnIngs, canopIes and/or other roofed areas that extend out beyond the maIn walls of the bUIldIng. 10 At tIme of permIt submIttal, prOVIde a completed and executed CIty UnIty of tItle form. The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combIned as one lot. A copy of the deed WIth legal descnptIOns of each property IS reqUIred to process the form. To UnIfy the properties, the owner IdentIfied on each deed shall be the same. MEH bg J '\SHRDA T A \Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\NWSP 99-026 I st review Majestic Greeting Card.doc DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO 00-003 FROM. Michael W Rumpf, DIrector of PlannIng and Zotg John A. GUIdry, Intenm DIrector of EngIneenng J W January 6, 2000 TO DATE RE MAJESTIC GREETING CARD (NWSP 99-026) NEW SITE PLAN 1sT REVIEW COMMENTS 1 On the SIte Plan add a general note that all plans submItted for speCIfic permIts shall meet the CIty'S code reqUIrements at tIme of applIcatIOn. These permIts Include, but are not lImIted to the follOWIng' sIte lIghtIng, pavIng, draInage, curbIng, landscapIng and lITIgatIOn. PermIts reqUIred from other permIttIng agenCIes, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, LWDD, DEP and any others, shall be Included WIth the permIt request. 2 On the SIte Plan and PavIng & DraInage Plans, at the west SIde of the north dnveway, extend the curbed Island two feet to the end of the parkIng stall. 3 On the SIte Plan and PavIng & DraInage Plans extend at least one of the handIcap accessibIlIty paths through the landscape area and connect It to the publIc SIdewalk to satISfy the reqUIrements of the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code. 4 On the PavIng & DraInage Plan prOVIde an engIneer's certIficatIOn that the DraInage Plan conforms to the CIty'S Land Development RegulatIOns as stIpulated In Chapter 4 SectIOn 7.F Also, add a general note that the DraInage Plan shall conform to CIty Standard DraWIng B-91 007 and modIfy your plans accordIngly 5 On the LIghtIng Plan, add a note that the lIghtIng system shall be controlled by photoelectnc SWItch. For your InfOrmatIOn the CIty code allows a mInImUm average lIght level of one-foot candle subject to other mInImum speCIficatIOns speCIfied In LDR Chapter 23, ArtIcle II.A. 6 Construct a four-foot concrete SIdewalk along Commerce Road, whIch shall extend through the dnveway per LDR Chapter 22, ArtIcle I, SectIOn 5 and Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV , SectIOn 10 ofthe LDR. Also, stnpe two, SIX-Inch thermoplastIC lInes through the High RIdge Road entrance to delIneate the pedestrian path through the dnveway 7 On the PavIng & DraInage Plan eIther delete the note "proposed outfall control structure, see details" or show the detaIls on the plan. 8 There shall be no land cleanng, land remOVIng or land fillIng WIthout first obtaInIng the appropnate permIts. [LDR Chapter 8, ArtIcle I SectIOn 1 and Chapter 75 ArtIcle I, SectIOn 5.B ] EngIneenng Department MemonlJ..uum No 00-003 Re MajestIc GreetIng Card - New SIte Plan 1 st RevIew Comments January 6, 2000 Page Two 9 The SIte Plan and DraInage Plan shall be at the same scale ModIfy one of the plans to meet the code requIrement. [LDR Chapter 4, SectIOn 7.F ] 10 Show all of the necessary traffic control markIngs, sIgnage and stnpIng on the SIte Plan and the PavIng & DraInage Plan where not shown IncludIng dIrectIOnal arrows WIthIn the parkIng lot. [LDR Chapter 4, SectIOn 7.F ] 11 A Work In the RIght-of-Way permIt IS reqUIred for all constructIOn WIthIn the Commerce Road nght-of-way [LDR Chapter 22, ArtIcle II, SectIOn 7] 12 Due to the nature ofthe bUSIness, we recommend establIshIng a fire lane along the west SIde of the bUIldIng 13 Locate the dumpster so that the open gates WIll not Interfere WIth the parkIng stalls. 14 Remove the "HandIcap ParkIng Space Detail" and Insert the detail shown on CIty DraWIng B-98001, IncludIng the handIcap SIgn. If there are any questIOns please contact Jack Casler, CIvIl EngIneer at 742-6282 or Ken Hall at 742-6283 JAG/ck ~~ 1- 1 C'\My Documents\Majestic Greeting Card New Site Plan 1st Review.doc Parks Division Memorandum- TRC To Mike Rumpf, DIrector ofPlanmng and Zomng KevIn J Hallahan, Forester / EnvIronmentalIst r~ ff From. Subject MajestIc GreetIng Card New SIte Plan -1st RevIew Date January 6,2000 The folloWIng comments are In reference to the landscape plan review of the above project The apphcant should IndIcate on the plans If there are any of the 19 eXIstIng deSIrable trees (Slash PIne and Sabal Palm), whIch wIll be preserved In place, relocated or removed and replaced on the site ThIS InformatIon would be In addItIOn to the landscape plan Information. The project should contInue In the normal reVIew process Kjh PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #00-003 VIA. MIke Rumpf, DIrector of Plannmg & ZOnIng Chnstme Roberts, InterIm PublIc Works DIrector CR- TO' FROM. Larry Qumn, SolId Waste Manager DATE. January 4, 2000 SUBJECT I st RevIew - Project - LocatIOn - Agent - File No - New SIte Plan Majestic Greetmg Card Southeast corner of mtersection of High RIdge Road & Commerce Road Lenny SIegal - Tn-Star Buildmg CorporatIon NWSP 99-026 The PublIc Works Department has no comments or objectIOns to thIS project at thIs tIme. If you have any questIOns please contact me at (561) 742-6200 ~ ~ LQ/pl Attachment MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT NO 99 - 341 --------.--. ~ ; , r' r. fi;' /' ~ I I' C " , .' il 10.,-" -..' Ii n ! l -... · 'WI..! ...-.. I PL /,~,\\[) ! 7'- ~(~T TO. Mike Rumpf, Planning Director \ t\. . / John A. Guidry, Utilities Director ~ "'" FROM. DATE. December 31, 1999 SUBJECT Majestic Greeting Card 151 Review We offer the following comments on this project. GENERAL COMMENTS 1) All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future LDR Sec 7 5-18 1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way 2) Dept. of Health permits will be required for the water system serving this project. (Sec 26-12) 3) Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1500 g p.m. as stated m LDR chap 6, Art. IV, Sec 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (see Sec 26-16(a)) Please submit these calculations with your Health Department permit submittal 4) Sec 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be $790 02 based on a I" meter size 5) Comp Plan policy 3C 3 4 requires the conservation of potable water City water may not, therefore, be used for irrigation where other sources are readily available 6) Provide an engineer's written certification that drainage will conform to all rules of the City and the South Florida Water Management District. (LDR Chap 4, sec 7F) SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1) Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be included within utility easements Please show all proposed easements on the engineering drawings, using a minimum WIdth of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the City as stated in Sec 26-33(a) of the Code 2) ThiS office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and gIven to the City before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy 3) A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec 26-15) 4) The waste stream from the manufacturing process must meet the City's pretreatment requirements A sampling point must be provided to allow monitoring of this waste stream. (Sec 26-143, 26-147) Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella (742-6404) of this office JAG/PVM Xc Skip Milor Peter Mazzella File II i. ! " , -I FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No 99-400 Q.~ /' ,>V _ \ ."" - ,": ; ! - , . . ., NFPA Life Safety Code 101, National Fire Code 1, all applicable National Fire Protection Association codes, and the City Fire code shall be adhered to TO Mike Rumpf, Director Planning & Zoning FROM -- D/C Gale ~ Fire & Life Safety '0 December 29, 1999 DATE SUBJECT NWSP 99-026 Majestic Greeting Card SE Corner High Ridge Road & Commerce Road A fire flow test is required prior to construction LOR 6-16 The Fire Department connection for the fire sprinkler system may not be more than 150 feet from a hydrant. Hydrants will be in place prior to above grade construction NFPA 1 We recommend this plan go forward with the above comments cc File LEISURE SERVICES PARKS DIVISION MEMORANDUM TO Michael W Rumpf Director of Planmng & Zomng FROM . /' -;::;/ John Wlldner, Parks Dtrector r J, RE. Majestic Greeting Card DATE December 28 1999 I have no comments on the above-named project ThIS project should contInue In the normal reVIew process CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd POBox 31 0 Boynton Beach Florida 33425-0310 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EFFICIENCY BY WHICH YOU RECEIVE YOUR PERMIT DEPENDS ON YOUR RESPONSE TO THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CAREFULLY READ AND CORRECTLY RESPOND TO ALL ASPECTS OF THIS DOCUMENT COMMENTS For permit application number' Project Name or Address REVIEWED BY NWSP-99-026 MAJESTIC GREETING CARD Department and/or Division Police Department Name of Reviewer' SGT LEE D THOMPSON JR Trade Police Phone # (561) 742-6100 ext. 3166 Fax # (561) 742-6185 Date Started Review' 12/29/99 Type of Review' Traffic Data Review Which Review' [8J 1st D2nd D3rd o 4th 0 Other COMMENT DISTRIBUTION Person identified on the application to receive comments Name Phone # (area code 561) ext. Fax # (area code 561) Date(s) reviewer called Person who received the call THE FOllOWING AREA SHAll BE FillED-IN IN THE PRESENCE OF THE PLANS ANALYST AND/OR PERMIT CLERK COMMENTS/PLANS PICKED UP Comment(s) reed by print name and date OR Plans/Comments reed by print name and date Page 2 of 2 1" 2nd 3rd 4th Plan RevIew Comments for PermIt ApphcatlOn #- N\iV v~-99-026 Your permit application and supporting documentation do not comply with the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances Prior to receiving a permit to construct or install the requested improvements the plans and documents shall be amended to show compliance with the below listed comments Prior to making the changes to the plans and/or documents please read the attached Submittal of Corrected Plans form This form contains important information relative to amending documents and submitting corrected plans and/or documents Questions regarding the comments may be directed to the reviewer named above If a conference is necessary, please schedule an appointment with the reviewer Please note that additional comments may be generated following staff review of the amended plans Timely approval of your project is dependent upon your prompt and correct response to the information provided in this document Find attached, a form titled Submittal of Corrected Plans this document shall be properly completed and stapled to the file copy of the corrected plans when submitting them to the Plans Analyst. While the Site Plans meet the State and City requirements for Handicapped Parking. They do not meet the city reauirements for traffic control in parking lots. Ref Chapter 23 Art II B 1 . Traffic Control. Each parking lot parking plan shall provide for stop signs at exits. directional arrows, internal traffic signs and information signs where appropriate for the proper and efficient movement of traffic onto and through the site. 2 MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TO: DIane Reese, Fmance DIrector ~ FROM- Iw- John A. GUIdry, UtIlItIes DIrector DATE: //;9/ov (/ /' /' . SUBJECT: ReservatIOn fee transmIttal for... fI Or.Jf!J-/tc- ~- Enclosed IS a reservatIOn fee for the subject proJect: Amount - $ 7'{0, 0,"- Check no ... / .5-'-/ 'I 7 From - -r;, - J>~ &J~",(' CI'";? I' G"fi. ~ nl'1 'j / k/ /"/c Please deposIt thIs fee In the appropnate account. You may refer any questIOns on thIs matter to Peter Mazzella of thIS office JAG/PVM bc Peter Mazzella xc MIchael Rumpf, Plannmg DIrector FIle !; ,J; 20l --.=oi -\ND 'tPT. I .1 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Project name' MAJESTIC GREETING CARD File number NWSP 99-026 Reference 1st Review. New Site Plan. FIle # NWSP 99-026 With a December 22. 1999 Planmng and Zoning Deoartment date stamo markmg DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments. NONE UTILITIES Comments 1 All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future LDR Sec 7 5-18 1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utilIty easements or Dublic rights-of-wav 2 Dept. of Health permits will be required for the water system serving thiS proJect. (Sec 26-12). 3 Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1500 g p.m. as stated in LD R chap 6, Art. IV, Sec 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (see Sec 26-16(a)) Please submit these calculations with your Health Department permit submittal. 4 Sec 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this proJect either upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. applicatiOn forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be $790 02 based on a 1" meter size 5 Comp Plan pohcy 3C.3 4 requires the conservatiOn of potable water City water may not, therefore, be used for Irrigation where other sources are readily available 6 PrOVide an engineer's wntten certification that dramage wIll conform to all rules of the City and the South Florida Water Management District. (LDR Chap 4, sec. 7F) 7 Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be mcluded wlthm utihty easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engineenng drawings, using a mmlmum Width of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated via separate mstrument to the City as stated m Sec 26-33(a) of the Code. 8 ThiS office Will not require surety for installatiOn of the water and sewer Page 2 MAJESTIC GREETING CARD File No NWSP 99-026 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and gIven to the City before the first permanent meter IS set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter IS a prerequisite to obtainmg the certificate of occupancy 9 A bUildmg permit for this project shall not be issued until thiS office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer Improvements required to serve the proJect. (Sec. 26-15) 10 The waste stream from the manufacturmg process must meet the City'S pretreatment reqUirements. A samphng pomt must be prOVided to allow momtonng of this waste stream. (Sec 26-143,26-147) FIRE Comments. 11 A fire flow test is reqUired prior to constructiOn. LDR 6-16 The Fire Department connectiOn for the fire sprmkler system may not be more than 150 feet from a hydrant. Hydrants will be in place pnor to above grade construction. NFPAl POLICE Comments. 12. While the site plans meet the State and City reqUirements for handicapped parking. They do not meet the City requirements for traffic control m parking lots. Ref Chapter 23 Art II B 1 13 Traffic control, each parkmg lot parkmg plan shall prOVide for stop signs at eXists, directional arrows, internal traffic signs and informatiOn signs where appropnate for the proper and efficient movement of traffic onto and through the site ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments 14 On the Site Plan add a general note that all plans submitted for speCIfic permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits mclude, but are not hmlted to the following: site lighting, paving, dramage, curbing, landscaping and irrIgatiOn. Permits reqUired from other permitting agencies, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be mcluded With the permit request. 15 On the Site Plan and Pavmg & Dramage Plans, at the west Side of the north dnveway, extend the curbed island two feet to the end of the parking stall. Page 3 MAJESTIC GREETING CARD File No NWSP 99-026 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 16 On the Site Plan and Paving & Drainage Plans extend at least one of the handicap accessiblhty paths through the landscape area and connect It to the public sidewalk to satisfy the reqUirements of the Florida Accessibility Code 17 On the Pavmg & Drainage Plan provide an engineer's certification that the Dramage Plan conforms to the City's Land Development Regulations as stipulated in Chapter 4, Section 7.F Also, add a general note that the Dramage Plan shall conform to City Standard Drawmg B- 91007 and modify your plans accordmgly 18 On the LIghting Plan, add a note that the hghtmg system shall be controlled by photoelectric switch. For your information the City code allows a mmlmum average hght level of one-foot candle subJect to other mmimum specifications specified m LDR Chapter 23, Article II.A. 19 Construct a four-foot concrete sidewalk along Commerce Road, which shall extend through the dnveway per LDR Chapter 22, Article I, SectiOn 5 and Chapter 6, Article IV., SectiOn 10 of the LDR. Also, stripe two, slx-mch thermoplastiC lines through the High RIdge Road entrance to delineate the pedestnan path through the driveway 20 On the Pavmg & Drainage Plan either delete the note "proposed outfall control structure, see details" or show the details on the plan. 21 There shall be no land clearmg, land removing or land filhng without first obtaining the appropnate permits. [LDR Chapter 8, Article I. Section 1 and Chapter 7.5, Article I, Section 5.B ] 22. The Site Plan and Dramage Plan shall be at the same scale. Modify one of the plans to meet the code reqUirement. [LDR Chapter 4, SectiOn 7.F] 23 Show all of the necessary traffic control markings, slgnage and stnpmg on the Site Plan and the Pavmg & Drainage Plan where not shown mcludmg directional arrows wlthm the parkmg lot. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.F ] 24 A Work in the Right-of-Way permit IS reqUired for all constructiOn within the Commerce Road right-of-way [LDR Chapter 22, Article II, Section 7 ] 25 Due to the nature of the bus mess, we recommend estabhshing a fire lane along the west Side of the building. 26 Locate the dumpster so that the open gates wIll not mterfere With the Page 4 MAJESTIC GREETING CARD File No NWSP 99-026 DEPARTMENTS parkmg stalls. 27 Remove the "Handicap Parking Space Detail" and insert the detail shown on City Drawmg B-9800 1, mcludmg the handicap sign. BUILDING DIVISION Comments 28 Add to the bUlldmg that IS depicted on the site plan drawmg a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible entrance door to each tenant space Show and label the same doors on the drawing titled floor plan. 29 Add to the drawing titled site plan a labeled symbol that represents and dehneates the path of travel of the accessible route that IS reqUired between the accessible parkmg spaces and the accessible entrance door to each tenant space Add a note to the plan that would indicate that the symbol represents the accessible route and the route IS deSigned in comphance With SectiOn 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4 6 (Parkmg and Passenger Loadmg Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building ConstructiOn. The symbol shall start at the accessible parkmg space(s) and term mate at the accessible entrances to the buildlllg. The symbol shall represent the locations of the path of travel, not the locatiOns of the detectable warnmg or other pavement markings that are required to be installed along the path. Please note that at time of permit review the apphcant shall prOVide detaIled documentation on the plans that will venfy that the reqUired 44" Wide accessible route is m comphance With the regulatiOns speCified m the Flonda Accessiblhty Code for Buildmg ConstructiOn. 30 Withm the site data found on sheet SP-l, Identify the proposed fimsh floor elevatiOn of the bUildmg (lowest floor elevatiOn) Venfy that the proposed elevation comphes With regulations of the code by addmg speCifications and notes to the site data that address the followmg Issues a) From the FIRM map, identify the title of the flood zone that the buildmg is located withm. Where applicable, specIfy the base flood elevation. If there is no base flood elevation, mdicate that on the plans. b) As the deSIgn professiOnal-of-record for the proJect, state that the proposed floor elevation IS above the highest 100-year base flood elevation apphcable to the bUildlllg Site, as determined by the South Flonda Water Management Distnct's surface water management constructIOn development regulatiOns. [SectiOn 3107 1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 editiOn of the Standard BUildmg Code] c) Identify the floor elevatiOn that the deSign profeSSiOnal has established for the buildmg wlthlll the footprmt of the bUilding that IS shown on the INCLUDE REJECT Page 5 MAJESTIC GREETING CARD FIle No NWSP 99-026 DEPARTMENTS site plan, floor plan and CIVil plans. 31 On the drawmg titled site plan, Identify the symbol that represents the property line 32 Add to the drawing titled site plan a labeled symbol that represents the locatiOn of the proposed site hghting poles. Add a note to the site plan mdlcating that the locatiOns of the site lightmg poles are conceptual. Also note the followmg: "Site lIghtmg will be evaluated at time of permit review The proposed site hghtmg fixtures will Illummate the site consistent With the specificatiOns identified in the Parking Lot Code." Include wlthm the note the overall height dimensiOn of the site lightmg pole and fixture The overall height of the pole/fixture shall not exceed the height limitations of the Zomng Code (OmIt the pole hghting photometnc mformation and drawmg that was submitted. ThiS mformatiOn IS reqUired at time of permit submittal, not at site plan review) 3 1 Add to the drawmg titled site plan all of the easements that are shown on the survey The location, type and size of the easement(s) shall be shown and Identified on the site plan. Where apphcable, amend the plans so that structures do not encroach mto an easement. 33 Add to the site data the number of stones m the buildmg. Also, mdlcate the overall height of the buIlding (fimsh grade to the highest pomt of the roof or parapet wall). The overall height of the buildings shall not exceed the height hmitatiOns of the Zoning Code. 34 Below the drawmg titled Floor Plan found on sheet A-I, add text that would mdicate that the room layout that IS shown on the drawmg IS conceptual. 35 To venfy that the proposed bUildmg IS in comphance With the apphcable buildmg setbacks, show and dimenSiOn on the site plan the Width of the bUlldmg overhang and, where applicable, size or width of covered walkways, awmngs, canopies and/or other roofed areas that extend out beyond the mam walls of the build mg. 36 At tIme of permit submittal, proVide a completed and executed CIty umty of title form. The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combmed as one lot. A copy of the deed with legal descriptiOns of each property IS reqUired to process the form To unify the properties, the owner Identified on each deed shall be the same. INCLUDE REJECT Page 6 MAJESTIC GREETING CARD File No NWSP 99-026 PARKS AND RECREATION Comments NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments 37 The apphcant should mdlCate on the plans if there are any of the 19 existing desirable trees (Slash Pme and Sabal Palm), which will be preserved m place, relocated or removed and replaced on the site PLANNING AND ZONING Comments. 38 Square footage for floor area does not match between site plan and apphcatiOn (the total floor area hsted m the apphcatIon IS 43,827 square feet whIle the figure m the site plan tabular summary is 43,651 square feet). 39 The following comments relate to Chapter 4, SectiOn 7, Site Plan submissiOn requirements. - Site plan, landscape and engmeermg plans should use the same scale. Also, the plans should be oriented in the same directiOn. - Indicate adjacent zonmg for properties to the south and east on the site plan. - In tabular summary on the site plan, provide site acreage, total lot coverage and net bUildable area m square feet and acres. Also prOVide percentage for perviOUS and impervious area. - In the tabular summary on the SIte plan, prOVide data for reqUired and prOVIded parking. Based on code reqUirements for Planned Industnal Development, the number of off-street parkmg spaces IS based on the number of employees (1-112 spaces for each two employees on a maximum shift) - PrOVide traffic control slgnage and markings for entrances and parkmg areas. - PrOVide dimensiOns for the Width of both dnveway entrances. - PrOVide locatiOn of site lighting on site plan and landscape plan. - PrOVide on the landscape plan a note on the method and source of the Irrigation system - Label "dumpster" locatiOn on the site plan. - Provide extenor colors on elevatiOn drawmg to key WIth ID number given. Indicate type of roof material used. - Provide mounted color elevation drawing pnor to the Planmng and Development Board meeting. - Provide an engineer's certification m writing that drainage wIll conform With all rules, regulations, codes, etc mcludmg, but not limIted to, Chapter 6, Article 4, SectIOn 5 of the Land Development RegulatIOns (Sec 7 F 2). 40 The following comments relate to Chapter 9, Commumty DeSign Plan reqUirements. Page 7 MAJESTIC GREETING CARD File No NWSP 99-026 - Provide pedestnan/handICapped connection between the front entrance and sidewalk on High Ridge Road (Section 10.B.2). - ProVide a note on the site plan indlcatmg that all roof top eqUipment will be screened from view at a mmlmum distance of 600 feet. 41 Elevation drawmg mcludes a wall sign. Identify the dimensions for the proposed sign. ProvIde the typical detail for the sign. Sign must meet the reqUirements of Land Development RegulatiOns, Chapter 21 42 The followmg comments relate to Chapter 7.5, Article II, Landscape Code' _ Indicate locatiOn and dImensions of all reqUired landscape buffers on the site plan and landscape plan. Check buffer area dimenSiOns for west Side - Provide the number of trees reqUired and the number provided. - Cypress mulch is not permitted. Indicate what material other than cypress will be used as mulch. - A mlmimum of 50% of all required plant matenal must be native species (Comp Plan Policy 4 4.5). Indicate the percentage of native plant matenal on the landscape plan. - Indicate 10 foot landscape site tnangles at each entranceway on the site plan and landscape plan. - On the north and west Side, landscape hedge should be located adJacent to parking lot spaces ReqUired trees should be placed m the 5 foot landscape easement. Currently the site plan shows required trees planted in the 40 foot greenbelt and 10 foot utlhty easement. - Provide the percentage of mtenor landscapmg provIded on the site plan calculatiOns. 43 ReVise handicapped stall dimensiOns on the site plan to reflect 18Xl2 size as shown on the typical detail. 44 Submit reqUired traffic analysis to obtain confirmatiOn from Palm Beach County that proJect conforms With T.P S J:\SHRDA T AIPLANNING\SHARED\WPIPROJECTS\MAJESTIC GREETING CARD\lST REVfEW COMMENTS. DOC