APPLICATION PROJECT NAME MAJESTIC GREETING CARD LOCATION:.SOUTHEAST CORNER OF INTERSECTION OF HIGH RIDGE AND COMMERCE ROAD COMPUTER ID. PERMIT #. I FILE NO.: NWSP 99-026 II TYPE OF APPLICATION. NWSP I APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON OWNER! APPLICANT Lenny Siegal - Tri-Star Building DSLA Realty Company PHONE 561-988-2437 l3Q-095l... PHONE 516-491-0880 FAX. 561-988-0437 ADDRESS ADDRESS 2900 N Military Trial #165 387 WyandanchA ve. Boca Raton, FL 33431 North Babylon, NY 11704 Date of submittal/Projected meetinl: dates. SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 12/22/99 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE 1/6/00 PUBLIC NOTICE N/A TRC MEETING 2/1/00 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 2/22/00 MEETING CITY COMMISSION MEETING 3/7/00 COMMENTS S'\FORMS\PROJECT TRACKING INFO ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIr.. PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION (\J \.US'? q q - 0<. f, SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE Application Acceptance Cate l) ? l-Cf1 Fee Paid Receipt Number' This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as all original to the Planning and Zoning Division. TWELVE COMPLETE, sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STAPLED sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROCESSED I Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Project Name /7/ It J7 sri C (0 j;? f eTJ AI ~ ('fJRlJ 2. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) Phone Tf1/ S T fj /1 B (/...tJ./li# 6- (i; J? jJ . J9m IV i77/~ /rfJ.RY 771/111. / :# /6r~ ~kh /?n"IPtI; .?3Y3/ t-. ' / .JZi Code) ~{(lJ) 9 f3fr d Y]7 Fax: (riP/) 9fJB {}t/l7 p Address 3 Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant) Address 2ro N. {lit 'f!!'fl r,y1f'J ~/tb[ Ii tOe:/} R(fch .. 3tft/:;/ ~ 1:.- (Zip Code) Phone (JioJJ rf p -slJ37 Fax: ~j(j;I) 9gB ()fIt' Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name /J S LfJ Hi"}..\! ljy,11J?tlJ..('I L TJJ Address ~~k'fq ',(1.'1B~;1r;t/d ~Jcvt~ y. //70 cf (Zip Code) Phone (jJ{P) 'tCfI ,() fJfju Fax: ()lft)} 1/9/- /s'-yf3 4 5 Correspondence to be mailed to agent only; if no agent, then to applicant unless a substitute is specified below'* *This is the one address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be mailed 6 What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (owner, buyer, lessee, builder developer, contract purchaser, etc.) .') Qc.t I 'vA ff? 7 ~ 8 Property Control #. Legal description of site .<Jeff fil TTl'l('rfW 9 Intended use(s) of site W fJ JJ i f/()(/J( / IJ ltc, ~c /6 '-tt / 10 Developer or Builder' 1M i~ :,\'711 If t3cl/t. i1l~~ tolj'j>- 11 12. 13 14 15 16 17 Architect: v;COJiirpf F. tuJfJ7T I1IfI <P t5~C/llrES Landscape Architect: {J!1 n {IT TH tf)~1/ 8 /?(Jdj:/f ~ J1s'<;CXI liT&} Site Planner' .t; 1_ e - , !:JI tnt(J~~{ r tdrfi7l: JlTJ'/ Q..- tl-ssa-/t/Te.:T Engineer fit.;, :IJ"~~ .- Surveyor'. (J . 1/ ~ 7i?!{r rt mlflytlcY {.:tNC.' Traffic Engineer' IV / R Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? NO 18 Estimated construction costs of proposed improvements shown on this site plan , / # 05{),a:;o. rex;, , , II SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan 1 2. 3 4 Land Use CateQorv shown in the Comprehensive Plan ZoninQ District Area of Site acres Land Use -- Acreaoe Breakdown sq ft. a. Residential, including surrounding lot area of grounds % of site acres b Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) % of site acres c. Water Area % of site acres d Commercial .~ acres ; tltJ67 acres e Industrial % of site it>> fr> % of site f Public/Institutional % of site acres g Public, Private and Canal rights-of-way % of site acres Planning and Zoning Division - Rev 10/15/1998 J:\SHRDA TA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMSIAPPS\NWSP\SITEPLAN.DOC h Other (specify) acres % of site Other (specify) acres % of site Total area of site 2. 961{,,7 acres IfJO % of site * including open space suitable for outdoor recreation and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5 Surface Cover a. Ground floor building I, OOt/ acres JJ r % of site area ("building footprint") b Water area acres % of site c Other impervious areas including paved area of public & private streets paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks and athletic courts acres % of site d Total impervious area hiRi2 acres 31. :7(3 % of site e Landscaped area . girt! acres 18, 8 % of site inside of parking lots (20 sq ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7 5-35(g) of Landscape Code) f Other landscaped areas,_ acres % of site g Other pervious areas, including golf course, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas acres % of site h Total pervious areas acres % of site i. Total area of site acres % of site 6 Floor Area a. Residential sq ft. b Commercial/Office sq ft. {;~f c. Industrial/Warehouse lf4 ~sq ft. d Recreational sq ft. e Public/Institutional sq. ft. f Other (specify) sq. ft. g. Other (specify) sq ft. Planning and Zoning Division - Rev 10/15/1998 J:\SHRDA TA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\NWSP\SITEPLAN.DOC h Total floor area '11, BJ"l . sq ft. 7 Number of Residential DwellinQ Units a Single-family detached sq ft. b Duplex sq ft. c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) (1) Efficiency dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d Total multi-family dwelling units e Total number of dwelling units 8 Gross Densitv dwelling units per acre 9 Maximum heioht of structures on site 3/'l I ~ feet z stories 10 Required off-street Darkino a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces b Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan @9 ~o Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development and City Commission meetings held to review this project. Planning and Zoning Division - Rev 10/15/1998 J:\SHRDA TA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\NWSP\SITEPLAN.DOC "' CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Division (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below c;?;;;JJ ~ U""N 1J~~",L Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee of Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity I?- '2/ 'If Date IV In. J(''ir Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application )t~~ 1>0"* ;Sr~~J ~ Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity J;(ra/~c;T Date SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule Date Received Technical Review Committee Planning & Development Board Community Appearance Board City Commission Date Date Date Date Stipulations of Final Approval: Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted Additional Remarks. A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TRC, P&D AND CC MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT Planning and Zoning Division - Rev 10/15/1998 J:\SHRDA TA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\NWSP\SITEPLAN.DOC .<IDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans specifications drawings engineering and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards commissions staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach or its boards commissions staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance and the applicant shall indemnify reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense claim liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same -"'\ EA~KNO~EDGED AND AGREED TO this 10/ $t day of ?t~~ ,1911 Witness Applican , i?laJJ~ Witne s Planning and Zoning Division - Rev 10/15/1998 J:\SHRDATA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\NWSP\SITEPLAN.DOC 01/20/00 16 09 FAX 5618823703 1aI002 ~=~ Klmley-Horn and Assoclates, 100. January 20.2000 Ms. Usa Finerow Trt,Star Bulld1ng Corporation 2900 N. Military TI3il, Suite 165 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 . 44S1 EmIlIrcadtm Orlw Will PIIm Buell, FIOIldI ~ Re: Majestic Greetings Site Hilh Ridge Road at Miner Road Boynton Beach. Florida Dear Ms. Finerow- Kimley~Horn and Aaaodates, Inc. is pJeued to submit this proposal tot' professional consultinllervicet to undertake traffic perlonnance standards evaluations for the above referenced parcel You desire to develop approximately 50,000 square feet of watehouse use on the parcel. The propenv is located on the ept side of High Ridge Road between Miner Road and Commerce Road. Our proposed scope of servicc8, schedule. and tee tollow SCOPE OF SERVICES Task I - Traffic ImDact An.l-t. A t:raf6.e impact 1lnGly.i, (or submittnl to the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County will be prepared. A traffic generadon. distribution, and assignmel'u: analysis Will be undertaken for the site in order to provide data to evaluate the traffic impact on the adjacetu: roed network. Traffic generation and distribution models from related retearch will also be used in the analysis. Based upon the land use, we envision that the traffic: assignment will only need to be carried out: to a'maximum of one half mile from the site. The buildout timeframe you desire is 2001. We will analyze the Test 1 standard of the Countywide T rafiic Pedonnanc:e Standard Ordinance. We will perfonn the Ten 1 analysis utilizing available trafftc count data and infonnanon. The Test 1 evaluations will colllider project traffic, historical growth traiJic. major project traffic and road improvemetlu which are usured to commence construction coincident with the schedule of the development. A Test 2 (Model Test) eval\18uon will also be performed. An access analysis will also be undertaken to identify daily and peak hour volumel at each site ac:c:ess point. From the traffic volume information. we will determine the need for turn lanes into and from the site. . 1a 561 845 _ FAX!l81 H3 S17$ Received Time Jan 20 4 12PM 01/20/00 16 09 FAX 5618823703 iii 003 ~=~ KJm/ey-Hom and Associates, Inc. ~. u. Pmcrow. JIIll/llry 20. :ZOOO. Pip 2 We will prepare a summary report desaibine our analyses, conclusion., and recommendation.. Ten (10) copies of the report will be provided. Talk n .. Additional Services We wt1l provide, as requested. and authorized by you. additional services chat require analyses beyond those described inTask I. These additional se{Vices may include, but not be limited to: (1) traffic enamcerin& analvsis (2) other meetif18l (3) general civil engineering (4) environmental analysia and ensineering (5) plannins and zoning assistanCe (6) permitting and regulatory ."istance (7) surveying (8) highway and bridae desip1 (9) muctural eneineerlng (10) forensic (expert witneSl) .erviCe8 (11) COIllltrucOon admininration Received Time Jan 20 4 12PM 01/20/00 16 09 FAX 5618823703 141 004 ~.~ Klmley-Horn and Associates, Inc. MI. u.. Fm_. ""'lit"., 7.n. 1(100. f...,., 3 SCHED'ULB Tuk I will be complefc!d within ten (10) days of Notice to Proceed. FJm AND BUl.JNG We Will accomplish the servic:es o\\tlined in T uk I for a lump IUIIl fee of $1,800.00 including direct expenses. We will accomplish the services outlined in Task II on the basis of our hourly billina rates in eHect at the time the services are provided plua an amount to cover certain direct expenses for the project which would include in~house duplicalin8. facsimile. local mileage. telephone. po.sta&c. in~hoU8e blueprintini. word lJI ~t:lHfillK ..uJ. t.:dluwr plWllC WlC. hi lldditi.on, other direct expenses will be billed at 1.15 times COUll. Kimley-Horn's computer mmburaable expenses are billed at the hourly rate of $25.00. Pees are payable $750.00 aI a retainer, with billina tnOllth1v hued upon the percentage complete oflump sum elements or for services actually accomplished for hourly rate clemenu. The retainer will be deducted from the final invoice. Billing will be due and payable within 25 days. RAGAiVAd TimA .1~n?O 4 l?PM 01/20/00 16 09 FA! 5618823703 1aI 005 ~=~ Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. M.. u.. Rnanow, J.nuary 10, 1000, Pa.,. " CLOSURE In addition to the matters .set f'orth. herein, our Agreement shall include, and shall be subject to, the Standard Provisions attached hereto and hereby incorporated herein. The term "the Client", u uaed in the attached Standard Provisio1ls, shall ~d'cr to TRl-STAR BUILDING CORPORAnON If yQU concur in the foregoing and wish 'Co direcl: us to proceed wirh the aforementioned service&, pleaae execute the enclosed copy of this letter agreement in the space provided and return the same to the undersigned with a retainer of $750.00. Fees and mnee stated in thirJ Agreement ore valid fo~ llixty (60) do.ys after the date of ail'eement by the En~neer. We appreciate this opportunity to submit a proposal. Please contact me if you have any questions. Very t:ruly yours. l{~ Senior Vice President ,INC. JBP:mrd Attachment: Standard Provisions 4c ) 2fJJi) Agreed 1:0 this ",,) day of U CiA- ~ ~ORPORATION ./ #/,. By- TItle: .p If t.S . (Member or Manap, as authorized) ;:f;uOr~/wJ . or Type Name} . Wimeu 852N-J8'-ai-SQI'.doc Received Time Jan 20 4 12PM 01/20/00 16 09 FA! 5618823703 IaJ 006 KIMLEY-BORN AND ASSOCIATES. INe. STANDARD PROVISIONS (1), COlUUltat'. Seope of Seniea tho Ccmaulta1lt"a1ll1Clenaldna to pmfmm proteufoDa1 servtces cx1mds cmJ:y to the lemcu speciftca1ly de&cribecl in dUs Ap'eemeDt. However, if reqMt1Ild by the CIieDt ad aareec1 to by tho Camulbmt, the Cc:msaltaat wf11 perform additloDa1 semc:e& (" Acldidcmal SerYiceI") hereuadc:r. The COIISUbm is alto authorized, but DOt requjnd, to perform Additicma1 Services for servicea deemed. WtOpriate by the CoDIul1aDt in respoase to erneraencies, UDa11~ted ICIioas by the ClieDr's COI11II.CfOrS, IeYised reguJatiou.. or reqairemelltB 0( 111thoritiea, if advance authorlzation CIDDOt be obtained. The Coasultmt wiD notify the Cleat as SOOD. IS praetica1 of the io.ceptton or such Additional Savica. (2) Client', R.espollllbUltles In lIdcIition to cnber respoas1bllitles described herein or imposed by law, the Client .balI: (a) DesigDate in writtDa a peno:a. to aot IS it!! represemative with respect to Ibis Apeement, such persOll having complete mthorify to traDlmit Jutrucdoas. receivo infarmaticm. aDd make or inta:pret 1he Client's dechdnnll. (b) Provide all iDformatiOll and criteria 18 to the Client's requiremeaIs, objeetives, and expectatioas for the project bu:1u.dina all nu.me:d.ca1 criteria that are to be met and all IItJmdards of development, de6ip. or CODStmctioD. (e) Provide to 1he CoaIu1ta1lt III previous studies. phms, or other doc:woeutI pertaiDJD.e ~ the ptOject and all Df:W data reasoaabIy Decosary in the Consultant's opiDiaa, sUClh as site SUlVey and e.QJineeriDa cJaca, onviroDD1cntal impact assemnentS or ~ts, zonine or other land \lie regulatiODS, ctc.. upon aU ofwhicb the CoDSUltaat may rely. (d) Arraqo for access to 1be site ad o1het private or public property as tequjred for the CODSUltmt to ptOvide its services. (0) Review an documeDIS or oral n:ports pnlImlted by tile ConI\I1t111t aud reDder in writtna decisions pcr1BinjDg thereto widUn a rea&ODable time 10 as DOt to delay 1he .ervieeI of the CouIultant. (f) FlIIDisb approvab aDd pe=its fiom IOvemmenta1 aud10rides haviD& jurisdiction over du: project and appnMIls and coose:aD ftom ok putiel U may be neceuuy for c:omp1ctton of The CoaIu1taJ1tIs acrviecs. (g) Cause to be provided such indepea.dcm: accoumiDa, Iepl. inaunx:lcc, cost esri'l'll_tiug and overall feasibility services as the Client may require or the Ccmsu1JaD.t may reasonably ICqUCSt. (h) Give prompt written notice to the CODIu1taDl whe.Devc:r the CJHmt bllCOllllll aware of any clevelopmat tbat l1!ects the scope and timfnc of tho Coasu11ant's servicea or any defect or DODCOIDpWmce in my apect of the project. (i) Bear aU costs incident 10 the respoasibilitics ofdle CJieDt. e3l Period of SenlC8I Uulea o1honriae .ta1Ied be:reia. the Coasultant will belin work timely after teeeipt of III executed Copy of this A&fecment and will complete the services in a reasonable time. This AIfOeIIICDt II made in anUcipation of CODCIiUODI permiuiDc ~s and orderly proems 1hroup. completion of the servic:ee. 'l'ima for performance shall be extc:lDded as necessuy for delays or suspcDSions due to any circumstaoccs that die Cousuhaut does Dot control Such a delay or susponsiOll shall DOt terminate drls Agreement unleu the CODSuJlant elects to tmniDate pmmaIlt to other provisiODS of this AgrecmCDt. If such delay or SUIJImJlion extends for mol'O 1han six months (cumulatively). the rates 0{ compeDSltion provided for:in this Ap'eemeat sbaU be reoeaotiated. (4) CompeuaUoa for Addlfluaal SerYices UDloA othClWile a,peed to m writiD&'. the Client IIud1 pay the CoDIUIbmt fur the pmlWl'nJmcr; of my Additional Servicelan IDlOUDt based upon the CoDaulIInt's CUIrCD.t hourly mtes p11Q m amouu.t to cover certain dioct ~e.s iI1cludiDg in-house duplicating. local miJ.eaee, telephone calls. postage, and word prot'___ing Other direct expenses will be billed at 1.15 times cosl TecImical use 0( compUtell fUr design, aualyais. and. gtaphica, etc., will be biDed at $25.00 per bour. (5) Metbod of Payment CompeasatlOJJ.lha1l be paid to the CODSultant in accordance with the fbDowiug pmWiOD.l: (I) I1lvoiCCl will be mbmittld by the CouIul1aut to the Client periodically for senicea performed and. e:xpeusa iDcmred. Plymem of each invoice will be due witbm. 25 days of receipt. The C1ieD.t shall also pay to tho Ccmsu1taat all fJIxu. if my, whether IIatI!, local, or &deral, 1eviecl with napect to IID01IIltI paid bereunda'. The Couultut ,batt be c:o~ in U.s. dollars. Interest will be added to ICCOUIl1'8 DOt "aid within 2S days at the mu:imum race allowed by law If the CHeat &:ils to malee any payment due the Couulta1lt for services and cxpeases within 30 days after the Consultant's tDJ1smittaI of its invoice, the Consultant may, after giving 7 days' writtm notice to the Client, suspeD.cl services under this AafeemoI1t atll aU amoUDts due lie paid in fUlL (b) If'1be CHeat objects 10 1111 invoice, it ID1JIt Idvise the Consultant in wrldne Bivins ibIl'CUOD.1 w:itbia 14 days ofzeceipt of tho invoice or du: Client's objecti.oDs will be waived. md 1he iIlvoice shall conclusively be deemed due aDd ow:iDg. (e) If tho Consultant initiates lepl proceectiDc- to collect paymea.t, it may recover, in addition 10 an aIDOUDts due, its teasouabIe attomoys' fees, reasonablo expezu' :fees. and other apmI8S related to the pro~ell. Such ~ shall include the cost. at the Cou.mbut'. DODDaI boudy bUJiDc raleS, of the time devoted to I\I.ch proceedl". by its e:mplo:yeOL (d) The Client .pees that the pa.y.meut for services ren4ered and expenses iDcurred by the CoDSUltant pursuant to this Agreement is not subject to any COJltinaeucy or CODdition. (6) Ule of DoculDCllts All documents, includios but not limited to drawfD&s, specificatious UJd data or PropalPS Ifmed e1cctroDically, prepaml by the CoDSUltlmt are related exclusively to the services describecl in this Ap'ee:ment. They IIRl Dot iutcudcd or repraeDtec1 to be suitable fbr putW Use or reuse by the Client or otherJ em ex.teDsioDs of1his project or on any other project. Any modificatiODl made by the Client to my of1hc Cousultant's documents, or my partial use or nmae of tbe doCUD1OlltS without written alllhorization or adaptatioD by the Coasultlml: will be at the Oicnt's .ole risk. and without ..., 1/00 Received Time Jan 20 4 12PM 01/20/00 16 10 FAX 5618823703 raJ 007 liability or legal cxpOJUIC to the CODSUltmt, and the ClieDt sbaIl imiemnify. defimd IDd hold the CoasultIm harmlesI fiom aU claims. damqea. tosses and expenses. ioclutH", buc DOt limited to attomeys' fees, renlting there1tom. Any audlodzadoa 0.1. adapcatl.ou wUl C4tlt1o tho Qmsu1~ 110 f'ut1heJ: QOwpCllSatioJl all.l.a lu be -81-.l upull by III" CUcut IIIld the Comul1:lDt. (7) OplDloDl of Colt Because the CcmsulIInt does DOt cOD.trol1he cost of labor, materials, equipment or services furnished by others, methods or c1etamiIUaS prices, or eompeti1ive biddiDg or market concJitiODl, lilY opinioDs 1'eI1c1ezed IS to coati, including but DOt limited to apiDiOllS as to the costs of ccmstmctioD UKl DIlI.1I!ria.Is, ,baD be made onlhe basis of ill experience and. repesmd: its jpd~t .. In expc:ricnccd IJ1d ClJllllifir:d pmfeuioaaJ. 1'aIPiliar with the iDdusuy 1be CDDSUltant cmmot UJd cIou not guDlJPA! that pmpo.IlI1s, bids or actlJal com wi1l DOt VlIl'Y ti'om lIS oplDloas or cost. If1be C1ie:o.t wiahea Ife&ier asauruce as to the lDDOUDt of my C08t, it sball employ an iDdepencJeat <:ost estfmator. CoDsubants servica required to briq costs within any IimitatiOD em.blilbcd by the Client will be paid for as Additional Services. (8) TermiDaUoD Tbe obliption to provide 1\1rtber servic:ea UDder 1bis ~ mAY be temDDated by either puty upoa seven day.' ,mtteD nodce in the event of substmdal f'1iluro by the otbet party to pcrfonn in accordance 'With the 1mms hereof tbmUgb. no fault of the tezmiDaUq party In the eveJlt of my 1e11Dinati0ll, the l.:ODsu.ltJmt sbaU be paId far all services rendered and c:xpcD.Ics iDcuucd to the cffc:ctivc date of tcDIUoaticm, and other reucmable expcmel iDc:urml by tbe Consultant as a te8Ult of sud11amiDauOD. If the CoDsultaut's ~tiOD is a fixed fee, the amount payable for serviees will be a proportloDal amount of tho total fee baed 011 the ratio of the amount of the serVices ~ IS telSoubly defem1ined by tho Cousul1ant, to the toIal amcnmt of services which were 10 have been petfon:ocd, te.. prior putial paymeAtl. (g) lDIuraDee The COJlIultaDt is proleCted by Wotters' CompenJa1ion insurance, ptOfeuiooalliabillty iDsmaD.c:e, au.cJ ge:o.ma11ia1nlity insuxaDce for bodily injury and property damage and will ~e eertiticates of iDsuam.ce 1lp0lll request. If the Client cUrec:uI the Coasultant to obtain inaeased iDsuraDce coverqe, or if die DaNre of the CoDsu1fantl activities teqUirea ac1ditioaal iDsuraDee coveralo, 1he Consultant will take out such additioDal insurance, if obtainable. at the CJiem'. oxpea.se. (10) Llabillty In pcrfODDiDl its profeuional services, die ConsultlJ1t will use that degree of cue and skill ontiaarily exercised, under similar chwmst:UlCOl, by IepUtable members of ita profcuion in the SlIDe localif,y at the time the semcel are provld.ed. No wtmI1t)', express or impticd., is made or inb:nded by the Coa.su1tant'8 uuderCakinl haeiD or Its perfomll:DCO of services, met it is aped that the CoaJttlttant is DOt a tiducimy with IIl:IpIlet to tile Cleat. To the fbne.t extent of the law, IIld notWitbsllnctiD& my other provisicms of tbis ~ the total liability, in the agrepte of the CoDsWtmt ancl the CouultaD.C's oificc:a, directors, cmp1oycca, accms. lIDd _~ to 1he Client 01" to u.ycme e1alm~r by, tluough or under the C1ico.t, for any and all claims, 1olleS, colb or damages whatsoever arisiDg out of, resuld.a,c tiom or in &11Y way related to die services UDder 1bis A&reom=t from any cause or C&Ula. including but not limitccl to, tho DecJipDce, protes8icmal errom or omissions, miet 1iabi1ity or breach of coatalct or any wanauty. express or fmpH~ of the Consulrant or the ConsultInt's officers, directorS, employees, agen1s, and mbc:ouIu1tmfs, sbal1 not exceed twice the total compc:uaatioa xeecived by the Ccmsu1t11lt under this Agreement or S50,ooo, whicbever is peater. U:oder DO circumabmca IhaJ1 the CoasuJ.tJmt be liable for lost profits or ccmaequential c:Iautapa, for extra co.. or other ~ doe to c.baDged cDDditiDDS. or for COS'bI related to 1he fiWure of CODtncton to perfOIDl work: in accordance with the plaDs and specifications. (11) Cerdf1~atioDl The CoDSultant shall DOt be required to exoeutD any certlficaticms or othel' documen13 lbae in any way IPight, in the J\J4l1"l!ftt of the Consultam, incrcuc the CoasuJIant's risk. or Uf'ect the aftiJabi1ity, applicability, 01' cost ofits w.w~. (12) Ji:J;(JeJ1Je8 of LiUpdoD If UUpUon or arbiuatioD related to the services performed is initiated against the Ccnm11taat by d1e Client, 111 CODtIactorI, or IlUbcontraClOrl. aDd such prooceding CDDcludes with the 0DtEy of. jvdgrn-t or award favorable to 1he CcmsultaDt, the ClieD.t sba11 re:imburIe the Coanltmt ita RUooabJe aUomoys' fees, reucmabJe experts' f'ees, IIld other expeoses related to the pmceediag. Such expellleI shall iDclude the cosr, deteDniDed at 1he ConsultIDts nomml hourly billing m_. of the time devated to the proceed.insR by the C".tlftllUlmniA emplnye~ (13) Dispute ReIoIUtlOIl All cJaDm by 1he Client uilUIg oat oftbis Apeement or Its breach sbaI1 be submitted first to mediation in accordance wi1h the CouItnIetioD Industry Mediation llules or the American AIbitra1ioa Association as a Ccmdi1iOD precedeDt to litigation. Any mediation or clvn acdon by Client mtIIt be commenced witbin one yell{ of 1he accrual of the cause of action asledlld 'but ill 110 event later tbaIl allowed by applicable statutes. (14) BuardOUl SuMtanees and Conditio... (Ill) Uul_ Ifl.al.lw ha lb.., KUpC ur Rl:Vicw, jJ is apx:d be the CUmt does DOt RqU.OIt d1e CoDsullll1c 10 per1bm1 my services or to malas my ~ iIlvolviq hazardous subs1a1lce! 01' CDDditicms, as deftDed by federal or state law If such services are apeed to. Ccmsultant IbaD. !lOt be a c:ustodJaD, UlllSpOltllr, haDdler, lIl1'IIDgeZ', c:ontnctor, or remecliator with respect to hazardous subatances md c:onditions. CcmsuItIIlt's serviceI will be IiuIimd to protessfoaal aalyu., xecomme:o.datioDS, and rcpordDc. iacludiDg, when apad to, plaus and spccificaticms !or isolatiou, removal, or temedi.aon. (b) The Ccmmltant sba1l DOtify the ClieDI of hIaIdoua mb:stllDce.l or contildnn. nnt Mnfemplated in tbe 8COp8 of IeI'Vices of wbich the CoD8UltaDt actuaJly becomes awu:e. Upou such notice by Ihe CoonltlDt, the Consulllllt may stOp atreemd portiou of its services UIl1iI 1he hazardoua SIIbsllmce Of ~clitlcm. is elm.;ft..~ Tho panies sha11 decide if CoDI\1kaDt is to proc:cec1 with its servicel and if Coasultmt is to conduct testbJg and evaluations, and the parties may enter fDto t\mba' ~J~ 1 Received Time Jan 20 4 12PM 01/20/00 16 10 FAX 5618823703 iii 008 agnsu_..., as to 1he additioDallCOpe, fee, IIl4 terma for suah services. (c) Except to the extmt of1lOlliaace, if my, oa the pan ofme CoDsu1taDt in pm1bnai:a. MMeeII expterI81y UDdenaJam in c:cnmectioD. with huINous subAmcee aDel COIlclitkml~ the ClieD.I: agrees 10 hold JJarmleIs. indemDit.Y. and deftmcl1he Coasultmt ftom aDd apiDst aa.y IDcl all cJaiml, loacs~ damages, liability, and C081B in any way IIi.siag oat 01' CODDeCted with the pmence. discharge. release, or UClpe of hazardowI subs1m:es or conditioul of my kiDd, or flI1viroDmental liability of any mturc. in my 1DIIDIU!1" I1IIated to services of the CcmsaI1ant. (15) CoDStruetioa Ph... Senieu Ca) Ifme Omsu11ant's sexYicr:s include the plop_mOD of doeamcms to be UJed fOr construetio1l and the Consultant is not ret:lined to make periodic me viIits,. the CUeut llIUIDeI all respoDSfbi1ity fbr interpretation or the doc;mneats and for constnJ.Ctioa obRrvatioD, JIJId the CU_ waives any cJaIms apiDlt the CoasalIIIDt in my way ccmaected thenco. (b) If the Consultmt provides CODStrDetiOD pbase lIOIVices, the ConIulIlmt IIW1 have DO respcmsibiUty for a1J'j conuaetor'. mans" methods, teclmiques, equipment choice aDd usaae. sequence, scbedule, safety proanms. or n.tety pract1ces, DOt shall CoMultant have any authority or J:eSpODSibility to stop 01' direct the work of aa.y COD!rI.Ctor. The CoD8ultaat. vfsits will be tor the pmpose of endeavoring to pIOVide the l;bent a greater c1ep'ee of CODfideace that the compJeled 1lIOrk of its contractors will gcnemIly confonn to the ~D doCUlDCll1ts prepued by the CoDSUl1aDt C0IISU111D.t neither auaranfees the poa.&..DDaDC8 of contnldorl, DOl' aaumes respODlibility for my ccmtractor'. failure to perfcmn its wmk in accordance with the COIltmct do,,~ (c) 1he CJient agrees that each COJJbct with aa.y coDUaCtOr shaD. srate that the conttadOr sball be solely &c:sponsible fcII' job site safi:ty aud for its means IIlC1 metbocIa; that the contractor IbaD. iDdmmaify the Cliom IDd the Consultmt for an elaims and liability ariaing out of job site ac:cidents; and that the Client and the Cousul1ant shall be made additioual insureds under the COIIb:actof'. paera11iabflity iD&uraDce policy (1G) AalpDJem aDd SllbeoDuacUDC 'IbIs.Ap'eemCDt Jives DO rigbl5 or beDe1i1l to 111)'ODCl other tbm the CUeIIt IDe! the Coun.haa.t, aDd all duties aut respoa.sibi1iti UIldertU:eD. pum1II1t to tbJs Aereematt will be fbr the sole benefit of the Client IIl<i the Consulla11t Ne:ithe&' the Client nor the eoa.ulWrt shall usip. or ttIIISfer JIJIY rights 1mder or inl:erest in this Aereement wi1hout Ihc writtm cousent of1he other. However. nothiD& herein ahal1 pxeYent or restrict the Coumltmt from tctaiaiaa indepcndmtpro!asUmal associates, IUbcoDsu11aDts, and supplieu u the CoDlUltant may deem. appropriate. (17) CoDfideatiallty Tbe Client consents to the use and ~;nlltioD by the CoDsultant ofpho~hs of1l1e project aud to the use by 1he CoDlUltaDt of 18c1II, cia.. and iufm:matiaa obtliaed by 'the Owultant in the perfOlJDlllce of its services. If, however, lilY facts, da18 Of iDfonDation are specifically idad:itled in writing by the CJient as eoDtldontial, 1he CoJiAullaul a&1uaI1 UR IllUUDMblc: caR to mainadn tbe cODfldeDdallty 01tbat macerJaL (18) MiseelllUlCOQl ProvldODl This Aarecment is to be govemed by the law of Ibe State of Florida. 1bis.AplelDfll1t shall bind. lIIld 'the beDeti1B 1hereot sha11 inuIe to~ the parties haeto, their 1ep1 mpnseotatives, executon. .mnmdtnton, auc:cessan md assipas. This Apement .-.tain. the entire and tUlly ~d apsement betweeD. dle pard.es, and IlIpCISCda an prior ami CODt=IpotaD.eOUS neaotiations. :representatloD8, ~ or ~IJS, -.vhetb.e.r wriUa or onl. ThilI.A.plemeDt c:an be supplemented or ummded 0Dly by a w:rittcD. dOC1bDmlt eucuted by both pudea. Provi4ed, however, that my coa1IicdDa or addidtmtl tams OIlllllY purchase order issued by tbe C1ia.t ,bill be void and 11'0 heRby upess17 ntjected by 1I1e ConsukanL ArJ:y provision. in tbis AIreemeat tbat is UDm1forceable ill aa.y jurls41ctlon IbaD, u to _uh jul'Uldioti~ be iDc1!'cctivc to the cxtmJ.t of al1dl1lDCDfcmcablllty witlwul iIA..udaUnl &he rm-inRlr pro'Visicm5 or ~ the valicUty or cDf'orceability of sw;h pnrrisioD ill any other jurisdictiOlL The DOD.-emorcemeDt of my provision. by either party sba11 Dot CODItitute a waiver of that PNVisiOD Dot sba11 it a1fcct the enforeeabWty of thaI ptovition or of the remainder oltbis ~ (19) Coaslderatloll As specific ccmsideration for tile ~Hteati.an provided tile CoDsultaa.t by the Client hereuDder, the Cou.sultant aball pay the Client the amoant of 0I1e Dollar ($1.00) by credit upon the traDSmit1al1O the Consulta:at of a signed Agreement. ~1~ 3 ~eceived Time Jan 20 4 12PM Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD POBOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI DA 33425-0310 FAX. (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to: fax #. date: from re: ~ a.. rL/;...t./-rC- 1</)-&2~2 i ,L.If.L,Ax:? pages: :b, mcluding cover sheet. Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 Traffic Consultants Andrea M. Troutman, P.E. Pmder Troutman Consultmg 2324 South Congress Ave, SUIte IH West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Tel. 561-434-1644, Fax. 561-434-1663 Emall pmdertroutmani{imsn.com Joseph B Pollock Jr, P.E Klmley-Hom and Associates 4431 Embarcadero Dnve West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Tel. 561-845-0665, Fax. 561-863-8175 Yvonne Zlel Yvonne Zlel Traffic Consultants 1144086 Street North West Palm Beach, FL 33412 Tel. 561-624-7262 Department of Engineering and Public Works PO. Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 wwwco palm-beach.fI.us . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Maude Ford Lee. Chair Warren H. Newell. Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Mary McCarty Burt ,'\aronson Tony Masilotti County Administrator Robert Weisman An Equal Opportumty Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper ri~- ~ @ '~ n ! U I r".~~ - Wo'-' I ~) 1 3 0 20nn ! li;i MAR 'JU !oJ......, , L~. ~ .~.........l p~; <it; AND r~ ;~ OF.PT. ,-- t " I ~In .1 Ii I ! I) } '" March 27, :000 Mr Ml~hael Rumpf City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zonmg Department I 00 East Boynton Beach POBox 3 1 0 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE MAJESTIC GREETING CARD IN HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE P AR."I{ TRAFFIC PERFOR."\'lANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Mr Rumpf The Palm Beach County Traffic DlVislOn has revIewed the traffic study (dated February 8, 2000) for the project entitled Ma1estlc Greetmg: Cards Warehouse pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards In Article 15 of the Palm Beach Counn. Land Development Code The pruJcct IS summanzed as foilows LocatIOn MUOIclpalltv' Proposed Use New Tnps. Budd-out, southeast corner of High Ridge Road and Commerce Road BO\..~tCil 8ea,--h Warehou3c 232 per day 2001 50,000 square feet Based on our reView the Traffic DiVision has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County Please contact me If you have any questIOns regardmg thIS review Smcerely OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER Dan Weisberg, P.E. ASSistant DIrector - Traffic DIVISIOn cc Joe Pollock, P.E - Klmley-Horn and ASSOCiates File' General TPS - Mun Traffic Study Review F TRAFFIC\apf\.tps\00026app wpd T AZ 41 X Ha J 2 '9Piy: T~ SlAR 5! _i:r. ~ I r , -+iot 0 . TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Majestic Greeting Cards Warehouse Boynton Beach, Florida Prepared for Tn-Star BuddIng CorporatIon Boca Raton, Flonda 040708000 JlebnJaty :woo e K.iml~, Horn and .'laC\;i.Ma, Ine. ....,_1nI Kimley-Hom 1IIII....l_~ and Associates, Inc. ~~ar _~ 00 .~ ~TA~ ~ _:ER~ f"' r ,-.... "'-lo .!; I I "!".... J I No 7649 c q -' I: ~=~ Klmley.Horn and Aasoclales, Inc. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Majestic Greetmg Cards Warehouse Boynton Beach, Florida Prepared fof' Tn-Star Budding Corporation Boca Raton, 'Flonda 040708000 Pebru.ry 2000 . Kimloy.Horn IfId Allooiltel. 1m. 4'31 BrAbarcadero Drl"e Wat Palm Belch. Florida 33407 (561) 84$-1)665 $onph B. PoIlcx:ic,.IT P.B. Florida Pi .19562 P 3/21 M ~ r 1" 0 1 ~=~ ('- ~~~ ~ ~~A.~ Q _J~P' ~6 ~~ Klmley.Hom and Associates, Inc. ti 0 ~ 5 4 q P 41 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION IN'J'RODUCTION {NVBNTORY AND PLANNING DATA Inventory Planning Data................ PROJECT TRAFFIC Traffio Generation...................... Traffic Distribu.tion Traffic Assignment BACKGROlJND TRAFFIC ASSURED CONSTRUCTION LINK. BV ALUATION Teat 1 Teat 2 eAIii 1 .2 .2 .2 ......,..",....,,,........4 .4 4 .6 7 .......8 ...,................,,9 5' 9 DRlVBW A Y CLASSIFICATION AND TU:RN LANE REQUIREMENTS 12 Driveway Classification......... .. ......,.......t..."...,.........,..........................12 Tum Lane Requirements................... 12 CONCLUSION APPENDIX 0<4070I000.o200 ........ ..................,.. ,,.... If ...,......~. '...f.........., 14 Page i MH ~ {'...,.... U J ! ~=~ ^ ~ '"" l ,.I !~: -q!~-~~ 5 _JE~S 1~ ~Liti ~ 7c4S P 5/:1 Kimley-Horn and A88ocIatea, Inc. LIST OF RGURES Figure No. Ii1&. &a 1 Site Location Map 2 Significant Impact Daily Link Analysis 3 Peak Hour Site Access Traffic .3 11 13 LIST OF TABLES Table No. TIUe I!I.a 1 Trip Generation...... 5 2 Average Daily Traffic Link AnalyS1S (Test 1) 10 3 Average Peale Hour Traffic Link Analysis 10 Q4C701QOO.0200 Page ii ~! ...") r 1\ ::. 1 L ~ '-. ~=~ -II ... ~ 1 ~n 'R49 ~ 6/~1 "r; ':1~R el ~ ~E;~ 6 44'" ".- i 1 Kimley-Horn and Associaiel, inc. INTRODUCTION A Majcstio Oreetin& Cards Warehouse is proposed to be located in the northeut quadrant of the intmection of High Ridge Road and Miner Road in Boynton Beach, Florida. The proposed site development COtl81sts of 50,000 square feet of warehouse space. Kimley-Hom and Associatcs,-Inc. was retained to prepare a traffic impact analysis for the project. Thls document presentB the methodology used and the fmdings of these analyses. The traffic impact analysis was conducted in accordance with the Traffic Pcrfonnance Standards of Palm Beach County The analysis used owrent data available from Palm Beach County The buildout year for the proposed development is 200 1 . 0407080(10.0200 Page 1 Mar '! ni '"l. ~.~ 2 i P ~J. !r ~A,q B L:ER~ 1~Ji4~" ... ~~J 764q .... .., t"'; Kimley.Horn and Associates, Inc. INVENTORY AND PLANNING DATA Inventory The data used in this analysIs were obtained from Palm Beach County They included. . 1998/1999 24-hour traffic \'olumes . Roadway leometries . Historic COWlt data Because no eOWlt station is located Dn Miner Road, the daily volume on Miner Road was ob1ained from approach/departure volumes at ConjreU Avenue & Miner Road counted by the County on January 21. 1998 The location of the Site 15 shown in Fiaurc 1 PlannIng Dat. Information on the planned development was proVlded by Tri..star Building Corporation. Access to the development will be provided throuJh one full access driveway on High Ridge :Road and one full access driveway on Commerce Road. 040708000.0%00 Page 2 M~ r 'I "'. j L " 1 '\1 GAnw'AY Il.YO. IOTNTON ltACH al.VO, NOT TO SCALE "'~........ ,.,..- ~ IiaJ ) - ~~j..~ ~ !""I"""r-~ I__..:t~) & = I i 11 . I SITE r'.! , , L..J WINtIt RD. ::h 44- i LAHT~ RD. HTPOl.UXO m. OU) IO'I'I4TOH 1tC. 5 i ~.~O 7349 " /("; "j I ~ \ II ( j . i -1 l , fi C>> ~ C ~ ::: ~ ~ ~1 MAJeSTIC GREETING8 SITE LOCATION MAP tJ=~ ~~",Inc. . 04070100CI 'na' ~~ ~ ~=~ : I~ .,.~ j~R 8 44'"'h"7 r'J 1 D' 9 J II r:1 ! I C. : 1 r--I' ~ ~ : c......... Klmley.liorn and Associates, Inc. PROJECT TRAFRC ...... Traffic Generation The daily traffic pneration for the development was based on trip generation rates published by Palm Beach Cowty Peale hour chatacteristicl were based on infonnation published in the:: Institute of Transportation Engmeers' 7Hp Generation Report (6th Edition) Table 1 presents the proposed potential trip generation for the projeot site. Pass.by rates publ1Sbed by Palm Beach County were used in the analysis. Internalization was assumed to be zero. Traffic Distribution From a review of the exi.stina and approved development in Palm Beach Cowty and considering the arterial network with its travel time characterUtics, the external traffic distribution was caloulated. These were 5UIll1.Tlerized by general directions and are dept~ted below' NORTH soum WEST - 40% 50% 10% 04C70s000..o200 Page 4 t., a nr v' T:I ~T~R B! rL.C:p~ ~~ 't+- ! ~Il .... 11111 \0 '64~ :) TABLE I MAJESTIC GREETINGS 'J'1UP GENUA. nON Land Un latetulty Dally AM Peak Hoor PMPtakHour T rilll TttaJ II Out Total In. Out PTOIHI'ld Site Ttams: WlII'ehouso ~O,OOO ..f. 244 '0 41 9 44 11 33 P...~By Trame S% 12 3 2 J 2 I 1 Driveway Volum. 244 SO 41 9 44 11 33 N.t N.w Itxterna' 132 4' 39 8 41 10 32 Note: Trip pneration wu galculatfld using the foUowI.ng data: Daily TraffIC OOllefll1ion W.."Chouse [p.B.C.] = T = 4.88 trips I 1,000 5.f. A..\i Peak Hour Trattlc Gcncralion Warehouse [ITE 1 ~l - Ln(r) - 0.707 · Ln(X) + I 148; (82% in. 18% out) PM Pade HQur Tl8ffic Generation WllftlhoUIe I1TE 150] . Ln(T} - 0.754 · Ln(X} + 0.826, (24% in, 76% out) P:~~'\Hf)l)Dv.,.<<..ftt9-", l/JIOIJ !1:32 C.",."..,C: 2000, KMtI,y.H"" ntI"""""",/ntJ. ria r Jl) ) _"eM ~=~ "'Fl:JAF: 51 '~, 7 c _~ Ii ,C~~ c 11 /2 ,.I 4 ~ 1.._... ~'! IJ Klmley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Traffic AssIgnment The distributed cxternal trips for the project in 2001 were 8881gned to the roadways within the radius of influence, both in tcnns of daily uternal trips and A.M. and P.M. peak hour 'Volumes. Based on the net impact of the project, 1t was detennined that the maximum radius of development influence for Test 1 of the traffic performance standards is one-hatf mile. The maximum radius of development influence tor Test 2 is the directly acocsscd link. 040708000.Q200 Page 6 1'1 a or' ~=~ ,-~PM TO SJ4~ - _C~PS ;h 44~ ~ ~.) i54j Cl 122 Kiml.y.Horn and Associates, Inc. BACKGROUND TRAFFIC Background traffic 1& comprised of two components: . Traffic from the unbuilt portions of appro'\Ted major de'\Telopmcnts · Historical srowth No major proJ~ts will contribute greater than ten percent (10%) of the level of service standard on any link 5ignificantly impacted by the project during its huildout time frame. AooCl'dmg to the requirements of the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County, existing traffic volumes were grown by factors determined by a review of growth data published by Palm Beach County The total background traffic WlS dctermmed for each link within the radius of influence by applying the growth rate through the buUdout year and addin& major project traffic. Because no count statton 1$ located on Miner Road. the historic growth rate found on High Ridge Road was applied to Miner Road traffic. 040708000-lnOO Page 7 f/ar i: ~j..iL ~=~ .. ~ "~ ~J .:J~F ... !i...CEC'2 t:: 44~ i ~ ~5~j J 3/2 Klmley.Horn and Associates, Inc. ASSURED CONSTRUCTION - The existing laneage for each link analyzed was Identified. A review of the Five. Year Plans of Palm Beach County and FOOT, as well as those improvements committed by the developers of projects in the area was made to identify pertinent roadway improvements. No roadway improvements are planned. CJ.4070flOOO.0200 Page 8 " IV a ~=~ I' ~~PM rj 1549 , ~. "' '1-"""- ", I!: ""! 1 I ~4. ! T: ~J!iP e. Kimley.Horn and Associates, Inc. LINK EVALUA rlOH re.t 1 A link performance standard evaluation was undertaken for each link considering its total traffic volume and the roadway lancsge to be in place in 2001 Project traffic and total traffic for 2001 are shown In Tables 2 and 3 for daily and average peak hour conditions. Figure 2 depicts the roadway Imks that are significantly impacted on a daily basis by project traffic. As can be seen, nO roadway hnb upon which tho project has significant impact fail to meet the daily or average peak hour level of service standard through 2001 r8.t2 The Model Test 2 indioates a radius of influence of the directly accessed link. No roadway segments on the Teat 2 failure Hst lie within the project's radius of development influenoc. ()4()7~OO Page 9 rh _ r" '- '- ,1 ... ,.....-,..., 1 14.~.~~v.~1 -: l~,~C b l_.:....~ i ... . Ii) ~ ~~ 1 iU !!! I 1} J JJ i . ..., '1" ! .J ~ :l ::ld . .. ~ IiI ~ l~ j f... 1 '".11 Ii &iil t ...! I . lIE: ~ tIt j 0.. It ~ 5l~ III S II Ii .. ~~ -I Jf, ! !I Ill" .... IltS ~lt 0 .... I.E.:: "It g :!:~ ! S ~ ~,. ill · .. ! ~U ~ H ill it! i il .~m ~t ~ H il)U - -- J Ii td Ii" C lEa I .. J;J 5 55 i iJ 113 "" za :::' lu ~ H =11 u !!~ ~II tU I H i!IJ ~ ~l'l I I~ ! i · jU ~ n! jl " !ht! I Ita j i Ii I J I t i )1,1 ~ I j I 1 JJIJ I I fllllJh : ~ 31 J[ J)III I! Illfll . . - n p ~/"I ~'6..~ J _, i~ I..; I' ...J ~\!; :1 " !i ~ ~"""'l"J -~ _ 0:AD 2 i! rc:;'" I..... ~ ~l..-...-. I J..._ . \. I _ oJ'_ ~ c 1 ~4"7 ., r "rLa P ~ --.' .. JI ~ ~ lNlTANA RD. 95 HTJIOl.UXO .0. . e I I I . ; :I: ~~:IFJ \ \ I I l J y 10\ 20 (28.,) ..lNEIl RO. 2l SITE roo! I , I I L-~..J B Ql U <::) /j I . II :a j - ~ GA'ttWA'r IL'fO.. g . DIJ) 100000TON liD. i ~ LEGEND y MEETS STANDARD N DOES NOT WEET STANDARD iaJ FIGURE 2 ) to'i. PERCENT or TOTAL TRArrlC MAJE8T1C QREETlNGS 23 PROJECT TRAF'F'IC SIGNIFICANT IMPACT <2&43. TOTAL TRAfFIC DAILY LINK ANAL. VSIS NOT TO SCALE 2L LANE CEOMETRY ~=~ ==-,~. . (MOJO.OllO . ,........ 80'tNT01l IIUoCtl 1lYD. ~i a r I C"J '- :~cM ~=~ '7 c ""_7 A R 5 i i.. D: ~ ~ 1 ~ E 447 F -; .,: G 7 ~ L 9 ~ ' / ~ Kimley.Hom and Associates, Inc. DRIVEWA Y CLASS/FICA TION AND TURN LANE REQUIREMENTS Driveway Classification According to the Palm Beach County "Guide Parking Lot and Street Access Design Criteria and Standards". It is nece&Sl1j' to elass!fy project enttanoes as minor, intennediate. or major according to the following criteria. 1 Minor - Provides for a maximum average daily traffic of 500. 2. Intenncdtate - Providc$ service for a ma~mum average daily traffic from 501 to 2,000. 3. Major - Provides service for a maximum average daily traffic greater than 2000. Using these criteria, both driveways would be claasified as minor Tum Lane Requ/,..ments Figure 3 presents the proposed project AM and PM peale hour total vol\lID.cS assigned to the project's access drivc:",..ys. Consideration of these volumes with respcot to the Palm Beach County access design standards results in the determination that a no iDp'oss designated turn lanes are required. 040708000-0200 Page 12 f;;/; a 1 1 Ii" I:! - :HM T- \.!,~R 2 j 1_ - :qc - ~ :]SI44~E'1 ~~"\ 1 64 9 - ~ Q "J 1 I . '- i I . :E: o ~ COMlllENCE 110. [E] n-, I i I I j , i i 1 i j I t .. C11'.~ ~. o ... ~ SITE ..,m Ill). i ~3 ltO) ~ ..., (31 It '..,:.- 6 (17) I 220 I I .tI_.._.._.._.._....._...~_...._-..- .____.._-.1 41>... P N i ~ ~ ) LEGEND e AM PtAK HOUR VOLUME 1m PW lltAf( HOUR VOLUME I 220 I DAILY TR..rFIC VOLUME FIGURE S ~811C GFlEEmGS PEAK HOUR SITE TRAFI'IC NOT TO eCALI ~~ =..~ .. 04070aoao ~- ....... Mar ,_ -1 [ ~.~ ~4~\~ rr- ~ L.: t:.; ~ 7~~ \i:.. ...,+, II \ -F~9 ! j " c TP!:;'H~ t Kimley.Horn and Associates, Inc. CONCLUSION This traffic impact analysis shows that th~ proposed Majestic Greeting Cards Warehouse development meets Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards. ()40708000.0200 Page 14 t.J... " ) I";j '- ..~or ~=~ J P ~~ ...41 :\1 "'c ~!AR :; i ~8EFS ~,r Klmley.Horr. and Associates, Inc. ~ i - "'''+1 f'I'" ! ~49 APPENDIX "RI Q ~ ('1 / tj .:.1"..1 L. fia iCJO t:,~'J TP['...TH~ 5i _C'E ~ ~~1 1 )LUME: COUNrS I 'F4;- ~. 1/_'p';ge <4<"#lt:*'**** *.*~**** ~*** *t=ll .....***..** ***** * **** ** ***-- tc~ * **** ******:1:******"'.**' Stet.lot'l Nwnber Stb~~ Time ~nd Dat. I nte'l" sect Ion 1..OQIlt. tQn W..~M.r ~ondltion CounteT.s Name 000000000121 2:00 PM on Wednesday - 21 3ar,u8ry ~8 M!N~R RO & CONGRF.SS AVE CLOUDY CHARLES RALPH ***~********~**********************************~**************************~**. Mor n i ng Pes I~ How Tis 7 1. 5 AM - 8 : 1 S AM Noon P6ak HOUT 1~ 11:45 AM - 12 45 PM Afternoon Peek HOUT i~ ~ 4~ PH - 4;45 PM Mornin~ ~eak Volume is 2432 Noon Peak volume is 2289 Aft.rnoon Peak Volume is 3228 TIME: N'p-NO ~***c~***~************~***~#~**************************.*****************~*~~: w"aNO E/W TOTAL TOTAL 1 00 AM ~ 00 AM '1~OO AM 4 00 AM 5 00 AM 6;00 A~ 7 00 AM B 00 AM q 00 Ato1 10 00 ~M t1 00 AM 12:00 AM 1 00 PM 7. 00 'PM 3 00 PM .. OQ PM !5 0(') PM ~,:OO PH 7 (')() PM 8:00 PM " 00 PH 10:00 PM t1 00 PM 12 00 PM 158 43 46 4,!l; 4(') sq 329 761 722 646 762 ~O~ 1044 1.100 1107 1469 1.777 "84~ 'l4~A <;50 722 68~ ~91 401 .,w.._...._.... 2tl1 TOTAL. _ T()TAI.. 17464 4~ () $'RND E'BNP 7 6 .., o 15 20 48 50 46 34 39 38 54 49 '- Sl ~e2 \ 74 '" 1 09 "70 46 32 36 21 1.6 113 10 12 4 31 54 139 268 200 99 111 El4 109 10e 106 143 125 1'1 119 t04 54 57 48 55 25 9' 101 B. 131 28 105. 223 20~t 148; 178C 198E 22~! 222f 226, 277: 32H 309; 2Sat 174': :l30C 117i 73; 70! N/S TOTAL 77 40 50 ~5 67 144 584 1208 1:l44 742 907 99S 110~ ',020 \OSA 1161 1.'316 1C)82 10~S ~.q5 524 A3? 2~A 24~ :235 83 96 eo 107 23:::1 913 1969 1866 13Se 1669 1904 21i4fi 2120 2161 2630 30<93 2926 2463 l645 1246 11. 20 689 &50 11 4 5 A 16 \34 ~ 91 ,\218 154 '\. 6S '73 46 ~5 S9 55 Er1 51 6'2 Aq 58 2~ 21 27 39 ........-- _____w 15968 44 8 33432 9~.7 1280 3.6 949 2 7 2229 6 ::\I 3566 ] )I:**************:r.*lf."**.********~**********************)/C************************;$ .. TOTAL P 1212