REVIEW COMMENTS 6.A.l ROWE VARIANCE DE"E:LOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMI:;,NT MEMORANDUM #PZ 01-036 Staff Report Planning and Development Board and City Commission Meeting Date March 13, 2001 File No ZNCV 01-003 Rear yard setback Location 647 & 649 Lake Street, Boynton Beach Owner. David Rowe Project: Second floor deck addition with first floor structural support. Request: Request relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5 G 2 b, to allow a 976 foot reduction from the twenty-five (25) foot rear yard setback required within the R-3 multi-family zoning district for a duplex building or a 15.24 foot setback. BACKGROUND The subject vacant property and nearby neighborhood is currently zoned R-3, multi-family residential The applicant desires to develop the property for a two-story, two-family residence, one unit on the first floor and the second unit to occupy the 768 square-foot second-floor to be placed to the rear of the structure The City building permit was issued in November, 2000 As part of the project, the applicant is proposing to construct a second-story deck with its support structure at first floor level located at 15 24 feet from the rear property line The deck is designed in conjunction with the sole entrance for the second-story unit. Currently, the subject neighborhood is mostly developed with the exception of the two adjacent lots (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) Staff surveyed the area and it was observed that three (3) properties were developed with structures to the rear that appear to be encroaching into the required setbacks The encroaching structures, which have no permit nor variance records that could be located, appear to pre-date current regulations, however, subsequent permits were issued in the early 80's for elements such as electrical and plumbing (see Exhibit "B" - vicinity map) The following is a description of the zoning districts and land uses of surrounding properties North A duplex zoned R-3, multi-family residential district; South Lake Street right-of-way, and farther south a multi-family residential development, Via Lago, zoned R-3 and the Benvenuto's Restaurant, zoned C-3, East: Vacant property zoned R-3, and West: Vacant property zoned R-3 Page 2 File No ZNCV 01-003 ANALYSIS The code states that the zoning code variance can not be approved unless the board finds the following a That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district. b That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. c. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. d That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. e That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure f That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter [ordinance] and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare No circumstances appear to be peculiar to the land on which this structure is to be built. However, it is notable that the subject area appears to have been platted for single family homes, and later up-zoned Unless lots are assembled, values and demand may lead the lots to be built to the maximum extent allowed by, and even in excess of, current zoning regulations According to the applicant's response to the above criteria, contained in Exhibit 'Cn, the applicant feels that other property owners in the neighborhood have been allowed the privilege of reduced rear setbacks The applicant therefore feels that he is also entitled to similar privileges, and therefore, has provided a plan depicting a proposed 3,388 square foot duplex with a second floor deck that encroaches into the rear setback (see Exhibit "0" - proposed plan) It should be noted that the building encroachments on nearby properties represent an earlier time period when the regulations and process may have been less formal and stringent. It appears that modern improvements within the area were made according to current regulations (setbacks) The request could therefore represent a grant of special privilege to the applicant. With respect to item "e" above, which relates to the magnitude and necessity of the variance, the logical design of the structure includes placing the entry for the second-floor unit at the deepest point of lot. This location of the deck is also at the northeast corner of the property where there is the greatest chance of attaining a view to the Intracoastal Waterway The deck is proposed to be 12 feet deep which allows for more space than necessary for the entrance to the unit, which increases the magnitude of encroachment. Options for meeting the setback with the least design impacts appear to be limited to reducing the size of the structure If the Page 3 File No ZNCV 01-003 structure size is to remain as proposed, the magnitude of the variance could be reduced by reducing the depth of the deck, but with the impact of reducing functionality As for furthering the intent of the zoning regulations, and impacts on the area, staff considered the development potential for the area, the impact on privacy of adjacent properties, and the opinions of adjacent residents With respect to privacy, staff considered the impacts of the deck facilitating views to other properties from a height of approximately 15 feet and at a distance approximately 10 feet closer to the nearest property line (see Exhibit "E" - elevations") With only one small window on the south side of the nearest adjacent unit, and the outdoor yard area of the same unit being on the west-side of that unit, visual invasion of privacy by the subject unit would be minimum Furthermore, when compared to the current development potential of R-3 zoning, which would allow a 4-story structure on both the subject and adjacent properties, the subject project and impacts are also minimal Lastly, the quality of the proposed duplex, as represented by the permit drawings, would contribute to the aesthetics of the neighborhood and be compatible with the architectural character established by the adjacent Benvenuto 5 Restaurant. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATION Staff finds that the proposed project generally conforms to the intent of the subject zoning regulations, and the subject variance would have no measurable impacts on the subject neighborhood However, staff emphasizes that the need for the variance would be created by actions of the property owner, and that there are no special circumstances that justify the variance Therefore, staff recommends that this request for relief from Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5 G 2 b , to allow a 9 76 foot reduction from the twenty-five (25) rear setback required within the R-3 multi-family zoning district, be denied due do the lack of traditional hardship No conditions of approval are recommended, however, any conditions of approval added by the Planning and Development Board or the City Commission will be placed in the Exhibit "F" - conditions of approval Should the City choose to approve this request based on its particular merits rather than on traditional hardship, staff notes the following 1 The proposed variance would not create a noticeable deviation in the aesthetics of the area given the existing rear setback encroachments by other structures, 2. The variance is not for the main structure but essentially for a rear deck which would otherwise be allowed if placed on ground level, 3 The subject variance request is supported by 23 adjacent and nearby residents including those residents immediately to the north of the subject property (it was not confirmed if the signatures are from property owners), and 4 To prevent visual impacts not anticipated and analyzed herein, if the variance is granted, the variance should only be for the deck and not future screening or enclosing of the deck. The property owner should not be allowed to enclose the deck area or that area below the deck without obtaining additional variance approval MWR S:IPlanningISHAREDIWPIPROJECTSIDavid & Mary Rowe VariancelST AFF REP-Rear yard setbackvar.doc LOCATION MAP DAVID ROWE RESIDENCE EXHIBIT "A" 1/8 I. I I I I 800 FEET ~ f!t../t ~N.//V 6_ pEP r t::=:J : L' ' ,. I ~E ~ u C ... CD ~ ~ z > o CD , ~ o > ~ u '" ~ S :J ... ~ C II: o a. II: o U MILES I \ \ \ I 03/01 '1~ ---- VICINITY MAP EXHIBIT "B" ~ 'oJ (]II AC @I PAR ) NJ A > ~~~ ~ OW I ~ ii~ :J.-u 7\V1~ .:.; ~u ~ .. "'" ~ B lA' '2.17 2 ~ '63A,c, ~~ rn~~ o,~~ ~1, ffi~l1= I I ~ m ~ ., ~ I:!I iii ~ .::. . ~ liIJo.' ..iL~ffim..k. ..l< 2- 2. EiJ~ .2 ElLa li. , 0 TI/TF 22410 237 '1S' I.~~ . ~. .... SO '1 oil..I.<iO {' I ~ ~ .' , ! 'l. , \1 " II .' ~pl.- ,. - - - " _ _ t~. _. _ - ..... "' - ~ = -.,- ::... f " " -. - - - ". -...- .- > - """''''e 02: --~ :;) , .8.~.. '"' ~ ~ \\:1- Y , - RDefiR)"JE.S REAR -SETS ""' ,.1) .3 '" " t 2 36 A C) OR69/0 P/608 / TIIF 24361 OR 1435 P97 :- 1\1::140.5 f ~a '" 0. '" _ C N *'2J 7 / ~ J:O~AC . UR~90B F'1/29 " . . J,t; S ^'- ~s 6 .'0.: ;' 71.0 ".J1 <.:3.5 7 ACl If' OR2658 PIIJ9 '" , ~ . (183 A() (/~. OR4/46 POOB9 ~ Sl~)' 82i.l2 \- _, 9/600 TO E RI-' lIS IIwy" I ,- - .... ~- rC '" EXHIBIT "C" January 24, 2001 Rowe Duplex Lots 39-41, W S Shepards SubdIvIsIon Statement of Reasons to Justifv the Reouested Variance 1 ThIS buildIng IS a duplex resIdence and the deck In questIon IS located to gtve pnvacy to both resIdents. 2. The granting of the vanance requested does not confer any specIal pnvilege In that 3 garages and 2 sheds are located less that ten feet from the rear lot lIne In questIon. (See attached photos - ExhibIt A) 3 To locate the proposed deck at any other SIde of the duplex would result In the loss of pnvacy for both resIdents. 4 The grantIng of the variance will be In harmony WIth the general Intent of the 25 foot set back In that the structural hVIng space IS 25ft set back from the rear lot lIne and only the second floor wood deck IS In the space In questIon and IS not detnmental to the pubhc welfare, (See attached photos - ExhibIt B) ------, __--- i ____--- i : r--------I.um. \, I i \ -: ~ I \ \ : I \t oL-- w i I \ -;.- I ! J.-.::--- ~ I ! ,- I I I I I I i I I I I I ! ;11I pC:I\"'..e\~I-StI',sIlr G"'l """ 110. l~ 11 26 '~iGOC [ijIo,;l I, I: ",:: '0 I: ,~ DI t:i ; I~ i" ;~ i ~ i I : h I! ' ! : i I ! i I I I L ~ ~ !! .a! f ii:: ~9. !! ~-- !~Pi~~~~ H~ H~h~~H~H~~~I:u~-~n~i =!~~~l~~X~U~~;~~~!~~~~i.ii ~ .i 'el".., Oe' i ilt" 'ij"'l' Iii "'~Jj;l" l"l'l'l'l'~ll'll' ,~. 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'~l ~ ~ h'li~'~~' a' I' i ~ i i ~~~ :~al~ Q~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !i~ U~~.i l::. I I m X :J: - to - ~ = RmrE DUPLEX /' I I I I j '--.-----" LOTS :lU-41, BLOCK l W.5- SHEP.4..RD'S St'8DI\ISIO!Ii UllY;-.lTC~ DEACH, P...UI BEACH COUSTY ~'LURID:\ :l':~~~"'~l"~~":_ ',--- (;.o.r._ Il~".~, ''M'l 'Tn I~" o = r-- , "ALTER KARPl:-iIA. P.E. 1~"'f.RED PROfESSlOS4L [NCi:\"HR ll'PIITR. noRmA. (:>81)743-1400 n, RE'iU;-'!'::l rOR STRUcn.:R4.L MPlJA.!'lCF.. ~~ ... I~ 21 ~t: C9?ll<<1 [Glori IOh..lIcoo.\G)"\Io: nO:l... ~~.~..- ~ -,.,; ~ ~.;I -.-;~:-"~~~~"'-- , ! I I \. I ( "'U ::0 o "'U o (j) m o o m (") ^ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ ~ i 1~ ~ & ~~ ~ o~ ~~ ~ -r- -m ,." '-I I~ 1m Il'~< h. ...f..... '- ;0 :2 i i I I I / / /'T / / ) ! 1--- , Ro WE D L P I.E\ SCDOI\l51O' 2 W S SIIEP,,?]} S Y fLOR:DA T5 39-41, B~OCK PALM SHCII caUiT. _ ~OY>TO:,,~.~~~;~ ;;:~;:;: o.;~~,;.~~; "1J ::0 o "'U o (j) m o o m (") ^ W,\,LTER KARP!:\"IA, r.E. HR REGISTfRrD :;:~;ER.3~~~~~'" nl\ ST!ll'Cit'R.u TE: RE~'iE1fED r. -----" i'U4~=-=- (j) -i m "'U r :t> Z m X :J: - OJ - -t - m = EXHIBIT "F" ConditIOns of Approval PrOject name' DaVid Rowe's reSidence File number ZNCV 01-003 Reference: Annhcatlon received Januarv 22.2001 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments. None UTILITIES Comments. None FIRE Comments None POLICE Comments, None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments. None BUILDING DIVISION Comments. None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments. None FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments. None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments. None ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS To be detenmned. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS To be determmed. S, ,Planning\SHARED\ 'o\lP\PROJECTS\D"id & Mary Rowe \ ariance\COND OF APPROV ALdoc DEVELOPM~' IT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMlf -ON OF THE (" .-V OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIL".\ PROJECT NAME David and Mary Rowe APPLICANT'S AGENT David Rowe APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 647 & 649 Lake Street, Boynton Beach DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION March 20, 2001 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT Zoning Code Variance LOCATION OF PROPERTY 647 & 649 Lake Street, Boynton Beach DRAWING(S) SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows. OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows 1 Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2 The Applicant HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested 3 The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "F" with notation "Included" 4 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby _ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof DENIED 5 This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6 All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order 7 Other DATED City Clerk S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIDavid & Mary Rowe VariancelDevelop.Order CC 4-3-01.doc