REVIEW COMMENTS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 01-030 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION February 26, 2001 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project Name/No, Richardson Building / NWSP 00-19 Property Owner' Robert Richardson Applicant/Agent: Burl Gentry Location Lot 17 and Lot 18, less the south 1 00 foot of the west 47 54 feet of said lot 18 as measured along the south line of said lot 18 Block "E" of Hathaway Park. The subject project is located approximately 120 feet north of Southeast 1 oth Avenue, 120 feet west of Southeast 3rd Street, 300 feet south of Southeast 8th Avenue, and 30 feet from the Florida East Coast Railroad East Railroad Avenue directly abuts this property to the west. Land Use/Zoning Local Retail I C3 (Community Commercial District) Type of Use Office I Retail Project size Site Area 0.267 acres (11 175 square feet) Building Area 2,661 square feet Adjacent Uses (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) North - Commercial property zoned C-3, and farther north Southeast 8th Avenue, South - Commercial property zoned C-3, East Single- and two-family development, zoned R-2; and West - East Railroad Avenue Right-of-way, and farther west Florida East Coast Railroad Right-of-way Site Characteristics The subject site is comprised of two vacant, flat, rectangular shaped lots located in the southern portion of the City's Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) The property does not meet the minimum lot size criterion, therefore, the applicant will be required to also obtain approval Wood fences six (6) feet in height are in place along the front (west) and the rear (east) of the property adjacent to the residential development. A chain link fence four (4) feet in height is located just outside the subject property's southern property line This fence shall remain The wood fence along the western property line will be removed when the site is developed The wood fence located along the eastern property line will be replaced with a six (6) feet in height concrete block wall when the site is developed Proposal This proposal is to construct a one-story 2,661 square foot office I retail building on a 0.267 acre lot (see Exhibit "B" - Proposed Site Plan) This site was once zoned M-1 but was subsequently rezoned to C-3 in 1975 The adjacent properties have retained their industrial character; however all proposed uses at this site must be consistent with those permitted uses found in the current Code Page 2 Richardson Building - Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum No PZ 01-030 Concurrency. a, Traffic- b, Drainage- Driveways Parking Facility' aP yw.- p~ L(j)()I-' . {6 ,.,AuK' (, "'iI'~ \)v v"LR--- J~" .k>-' .[lNV . ,..".,0- '] / V iY V-lAY, ) ,)",V .tfJ j'f\ ~-yJr IJ({J lii\W':"';.(J "'\ -.x _ pprv {~l~ ltvbfi- fl""'. Landscaping ,,\'?t~} l[j-\i</ ~~ v~\~~~ Building and Site Community Design The proposed building height is a total of 15 feet, of which, a 3-foot parapet wall will be used to screen the rooftop mechanical equipment. A traffic statement for this project was submitted and was sent to the Palm Beach County Traffic Division for their review and approval The Palm Beach County Traffic Division determined the project is in compliance with the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County Conceptual drainage information was provided for the City's review The City's concurrency ordinance requires drainage certification at time of site plan approval The Engineering Division is recommending that the review of specific drainage solutions be deferred until time of permit review, when more complete engineering documents are required On-site traffic circulation will consist of a proposed one-way driveway providing access from East Railroad Avenue The one-way entrance, which provides ingress to the site, loops around the building and eventually returns to East Railroad Avenue This one-way entrance is 12 feet wide and commences eleven feet north of the southwest corner of the property Initially, the drive-aisle runs eastward along the southern side of building As it runs northward around the rear of the building, the drive-aisle becomes 16 feet wide Finally as the drive-aisle moves westward towards East Railroad Avenue, it becomes 12 feet wide again, providing vehicular egress onto the right-of-way This one-way drive aisle, in part, provides access to the proposed parallel parking areas located at the sides (north and south) and rear (west) of the building A total of thirteen (13) spaces are required for the proposed use based on the ratio of one (1) space per 200 square feet of gross retail floor area The most intense parking ratio was utilized in order to allow for a broader mix of future tenants that may require additional parking The number of parking spaces provided equals thirteen (13) with one (1) space designated for handicap use All spaces, except the lone handicap space will be dimensioned nine feet by eighteen feet (9' x 18') and shall include wheelstops It should be noted however, that the four (4) parking spaces in front of the building will require a variance from Chapter 23, Article II, 1.2 in order to allow vehicles to back out onto a road right-of-way When staff comments are met the proposed landscape plan will meet minimum code requir~ The site will contain a buffer hedge four (4) feet in height along the north: 'SOaffl, and west property lines Also, the proposed Silverleaf buttonwood hedges around the front parking area are extensive and further enhance the site A required six (6) foot concrete block wall will separate the retail use from the residential use to the east. In addition, four (4) of the required twelve (12) shade trees (Live oak) will be located along the rear property line to help serve as a buffer between the commercial and residential uses Building and site regulations will be fully met when staff comments are incorporated into the permit drawings The architectural design for the retail building will be a one-story concrete block structure with stucco finish and a concrete roof The stucco walls will be light brown (Sherwin Williams' Soft Sand) with all doors to be painted dark brown (Sherwin Williams' Spice Trader) Staff strongly recommends that the applicant provide additional architectural Page 3 Richardson Building - Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum No PZ 01-030 features or elements to the building fayade, such as score lines or bands, to enhance the outside appearance of the structure Signage The applicant has not submitted any signage for this project. Site signs not submitted with this package will require separate review and approval RECOMMENDATION, dQ/~ cJ Staff recommends this site plan application be aJ3prove<:l, subject to the comments included in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval and subject to the granting of the two required variances warranted by the project. The Technical Review Committee (TRC) recommends that the deficiencies identified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit. xc: Central File S '\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Richardson Building\Staff report NWSP-OO-O 19 .doc LOCATION MAP Richardson Building .. ~ ~ ,- , I I , r-1 "--- . .. ....---. .. ;1 '~ ~ / I )1"" ~ ! I ___ T: .. IlK' - r . I' -_ ,'J <~ ''1, ; U' ~ """tr11tt........."" f#t ....' -I f:: - v ~ ~ ( hr: ......... ~ J ~ 'J:: - ~ .D _i I~J .; '- J- ."-'~...-.-.I t.t ~ lID....... ol'I'I ~ /1=- · I 1"-; i...! /r,.s- I: I \' IoooJii ..... .. ~ J'- I r I lY J - ! 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J t~..._" " tt.:.. r !~. TJV<lS ~-lI~YII J''''Ii..S'y C~ i r, ,- I: I: I 1 "i ~ I d i ; I ~ , 0 ! ~ , . : : i i g--'I ;v;1 00 "' l.....oISV _:1_"0 91 03SO..01!1I 00 it 1 1 I_~ , , I: i I- ~ ;" I~ ~ I~ " 1 i ~ I ~ i ~ I '" " - ~ < l " 0 ,: ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ...JU<u.~~~ ~~~;~i~ ~~~~~~:: ~~~u.~~~ i ~Hi~1 '"' 0> ~ I I ""'Y'."" """.;';~: ";~':",,:::;n~: ~,,:,. ~:;' ";;:' ""';'~:;, " ~ ! -... ,-.., ,-.. " -.."" ~." -... -., ""- ~ / ".,,, ~""'" .""." '\ i i I I I I I ~I I -c - -.--- - - - .. S i ~ i[ 00. :I gl (^V~-~C-lH~ ~ COI J QVO~l/V~ lSVO;J lSV: VQI~Jl, - -- ------- - ---'- "s... ~IH x;, "#O-.iHf)I. avO.""'''::JO ~ll'I~"'3;) -- - --- --------- --- --- ! ;:~ ~~ ~ ~ ~-~ o r ;~ ~~ DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES MEMORANDUM NO 00-282A TO Michael W Rumpf, DIrector of PlannIng and ZOnIng H. DavId Kelley, Jr , PE/PSM l~ CIVIl/UtIlIty Engmeer Actmg InterIm DIrector of EngmeerIng fILE COpy FROM. DATE January 30, 2001 RICHARDSON BUILDING _2ND REVIEW NWSP 00-019 (Follow-up Comments) RE We offer the followmg reVIew comments on the above noted project. These are based on the numberIng system establIshed on the Plannmg and ZOnIng DIVIsIOn's compIlatIOn comments Issued at the TRC meetmgs of January 23rd and January 30th 2. Addressed. [Delete] 3 Addressed. [Delete] 4 Not addressed, applIcant states that he WIll prOVIde, but has not to date. To Remam 5 Addressed. [Delete] 6 Addressed. [Delete] 7 Not addressed, applIcant states that the SIte plan reflects where the proposed 6-mch water mam wIll be connected to at each end. ThIS IS unacceptable. ModIfy the comment to read. "SIte plan mdIcates a proposed 6-mch water mam along the west SIde of East RaIlroad Avenue. ApplIcant to deSIgn and submIt the proposed routmg and Health Department applIcatIon to the UtIlIty Department for reVIew and approval." 8 Addressed. [Delete] 9 Addressed, per se Refer to comment #7 above. To Remam 10 Not addressed, applIcant stated that the owner or thIS project also owns Lot 20 I find to record of any utIlIty easement across the back of Lot 20 to support Lots 17 & 18 ThIS comment needs to be amended by addmg (as follows) "ProvIde 12-foot utIlIty easement across Lot 20 to support utIlIty access to thIS project." 11 Addressed. [Delete] 12. Addressed. [Delete] UtilIty Department MemorandUIl1 i ~o 00-282A Re RIchardson BUIldmg (NWSP 00-019), 2nd ReVIew (Follow-up Comments) January 30, 2001 Page Two 13 Addressed. [Delete] 14 Addressed. {Delete] If you need any clanfication on thIS matter, please contact the sender HDKlck C:\My Documents\Richardson Building, Utilities 2nd Review (Follow-up Comments).doc MaJj.p~ 011 z 3/o-} r REVIEW New SIte Plan Project name R1chardson BUIldmg FIle number NVf~~ pO-O 19 Reference yrr~plans IdentIfied as New SIte Plan. FIle # NWSP-00-019 wIth a December 4.2000 1 dZ D d k" P annml! an Olllnl! eoartment ate stamo mar mg. DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - (GENERAL) Comments 1 Access to the dumpster reqUIres a 60 degree tummg radIUS and a 60 foot back-up dIstance, WhICh appears unobtamab1e WIthout encroachment mto the raIlroad RJW Locate the dumpster elsewhere on the sIte usmg the above parameters. If the dumpster cannot be located on SIte, then curbSIde cart pICkup will be used which may mhiblt the uses assocIated WIth C-3 zonmg. PUBLIC WORKS - (TRAFFIC) Comments NONE UTILITIES Comments. GENERl\.L COMMENTS 2. All utilIty easements shall be shown on the rectIfied site plan and 1andscapmg drawmgs so that we may determme whIch trees may mterfere WIth utIlItIes. In general, palm trees WIll be the only tree speCIes allowed withm utilIty easements. Canopy trees may be planted outSIde of the easement so that roots and branches WIll not Impact those utilItIes wIthm the easement m the foreseeable future LDS Sec. 7.5-18 1 gIVe public utilItIes the authonty to remove any trees that interfere WIth utIlIty servIces, eIther m utilIty easements or publIc nghts-of-way 3 Palm Beach County Health Department pernnts may be reqUIred for the water and sewer systems servmg this project SIte (CODE Sec 26-12) 4 FIre flow calculatIOns will be reqmred demonstratmg the CIty Code reqmrement of 1,500 g.p.m. as stated m LDR Chap 6, Art. IV, Sec 16, or the reqmrement Imposed by msurance underwnters, whIchever IS greater (see CODE Sec. 26-16(a)). 5 CODE Sec 26-34(E) reqmres that a capaCIty reservatIOn fee be paId for thIS project eIther upon the request for the Department s signature on the Health Department applIcatIOn forms or vv,thm 30 days of SIte plan approval, whIchever occurs first. ThIS fee WIll be deternnned based upon final meter SIze, or expected demand. 6 ComprehensIve Plan PolIcy 3 C 3 4 reqmres the conservatIOn of potable water CIty water may not, therefore, be used for ImgatIon where other 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS Richardson Bldg.doc 01/19/01 2 ~~~ . ~~MENTS INCLUDE REJECT sources are readIly available. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 7 SIte plan mdicates a proposed 6-mch water mam along the west sIde of East RaIlroad A venue. ProVIde a plan reflectmg where thIS proposed water mam will connect to on each end. 8 Water and sewer hnes to be owned and operated by the CIty shall be mcluded wlthm utihty easements and/or CIty nght-of-way Please show all proposed easements on the engineenng drawmgs, usmg a mimmum wIdth of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedIcated VIa separate mstrument to the CIty as stated m CODE Sec 26-33(a). 9 ThIS office WIll not reqUIre surety for mstallatIOn of the water and sewer utIlItIes, on condItIons that the systems be fully completed, and glVen to the City Utihtles Department before the first permanent meter IS set. Note that settmg of a permanent water meter IS a prerequlSlte to obtammg the Certificate of Occupancy 10 SIte plan reflects a sanitary lateral to the south SIde of the bui1dmg, crossmg pnvate Lot 20 (refer to #8 above for further comment) ProvIde a plan mdlcatmg where thIS proposed 1ateral1me will connect to an eXlstmg samtary mam. 11 Appropriate backflow preventer will be required on the domestic water servIce to the buildmg, m accordance WIth CODE Sec 26-207 12. A buildmg penmt for thIS project shall not be Issued until thIS Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer Improvements reqUIred to servIce thIS project, in accordance \VIth CODE Sec 26-15 13 LDR Chap 3, Art. IV, Sec 3(P) reqUIres a statement be mcluded that all other utihtles are available and will be provIded by the appropnate agencIes. ThIS statement IS lackmg on the subrmtted plans. 14 PaVIng, dramage and SIte details as shown on sheet 5 of 5 will be reVIewed for constructablhty at the tIme of constructIOn permIt apphcatIOn. FIRE Comments. NONE POLICE Comments NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS RIchardson Bldg.doc 01/19/01 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments. 15 Add the followmg notes to the pavmg and dramage plans. a) All stnpmg, markmg and signage shall conform to the CIty'S Standard Dra'vVlng B-9800 1 b) The drainage system shall conform to the CIty'S Standard Drawmg B- 91007 c) Add the followmg certIficatIon to the dramage plan. The dramage plan shall conform to the CIty'S L.D.R. and specIfically Chapters 6 and 23 16 The parallel parkmg spaces shall be 9' x 25' per CIty Standard B-90013 17 Show DOT "D" curb along the east SIde of the parallel parkmg spaces and the ends of the first and last space to prevent encroachment mto the landscaped areas. Also show curbmg along the west SIdes of the first two parking spaces at the mgress/egress dnveways. 18 The buffer wall shall be set back two feet from adJommg property lInes per LDR Chapter 2, Section 4 19 Show the 5' accessible path outsIde of the 12' H/C space and at the same elevatIOn as the parkIng space WIth a ramp up to the SIdewalk at the end of the path per Florida Accessibility Code. 21 PrOVIde a cross-sectIOn of the East Railroad A venue shOWIng the speCIficatIons for the road constructIOn (see CIty Standard Drawmg B-91005) 22. Show the plan for all of East Railroad A venue to be constructed in conjunctIon WIth the SIte Plan. 23 TypIcal SectIOn "AA" indIcates the same thIckness for shellrock or hmerock. EIther use 8" of shellrock or 6" of limerock. 24 Show a "stop SIgn" and bar and "one-way arrow" SIgnS at the egress driveway Include the "Do Not Enter" SIgnS along WIth the "Stop" signs. 25 Smce the minimum WIdth of the one-way als1eway may be 12', consIder narrowmg the asphalt dnve from 17' to 15' for addltIOna11andscapmg. BUILDING DIVISION Comments 26 Add to the bui1dmg that IS depIcted on the drawmg tItled SIte plan a labeled symbol that identIfies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance doors to the bUIldmg. Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for Bui1dmg ConstructIOn, SectIOn 4 1.2, 4 3 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS RIchardson Bldg.doc 01/19/01 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 27 On the floor plan drawmg(s), add a labeled symbol that IdentIfies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance doors to the bui1dmg. The locatIOn of the doors shall match the locatIon of the accessible entrance doors that are depicted on the sIte plan drawing. Flonda AccessibilIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn, SectIOn 4 1.2, 4 3 28 Add a labeled symbol to the sIte plan drawmg that represents and delIneates the path of travel for the accessible route that IS required between the accessible parkIng spaces and the accessible entrance doors to the buildmg. The symbol shall start at the accessible parkmg spaces and ternunate at the accessible entrance doors to the bui1dmg. The symbol shall represent the locatIon of the path of travel, not the locatIon of the detectable warnmg or other pavement markIngs that are reqUIred to be mstalled along the path. The locatIOn of the accessible path shall not compel the user to travel m a dnvellane area that IS located behmd parked vehIcles. IdentIfy on the plan the WIdth of the accessible route. (Note The mInImum WIdth reqUIred by the code IS forty-four (44) mches). Add text to the drawmg that would mdIcate that the symbol represents the accessible route and the route IS deSIgned m complIance with Section 43 (Accessible Route) and 46 (parkIng and Passenger Loadmg Zones) of the Flonda AccessibilIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. Please note that at time of pernut reVIew, the applicant shall prOVIde detailed documentatIOn on the plans that will venfy that the accessible route is m complIance WIth the regulatIOns speCIfied m the Flonda AccessibilIty Code for Building ConstructIOn. ThIS documentatIOn shall mclude, but not be hrmted to, provldmg finIsh grade elevatIOns along the path of travel. 29 IdentIfy WIthm the SIte data the finIsh floor elevatIOn (lowest floor elevatIon) that IS proposed for the bui1dmgs. Venfy that the proposed elevatIOn IS m complIance WIth regulatIOns of the code by addmg speCIficatIOns to the SIte data that address the followmg Issues [SectIOn 3107 1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach Amendments to the 1997 edItIon of the Standard BUIldmg Code] a) The deSIgn professIOnal-of-record for the project shall add the followmg text to the SIte data. "The proposed finIsh floor elevatIOn __ NGVD is above the highest 100-year base flood elevation applIcable to the bui1dmg SIte, as determmed by the South F10nda Water Management DIStnCt'S surface water management construction development regulatIOns." b) From the FIRM map, IdentIfy m the SIte data the tItle of the flood zone that the bui1dmg IS located WIthin. Where apphcab1e, speCIfy the base flood elevatIOn. If there IS no base flood elevatIon, mdIcate that on the plans. c) IdentIfy the floor elevatIon that the deSIgn profeSSIOnal has estabhshed for the bui1dmg wIthm the footpnnt of the/each buildmg that IS shown on the drawings titled SIte plan, floor plan and paving/drainage (civil plans) 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS RIchardson Bldg.doc 01/19/01 5 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I 30 On the drawmg tItled sIte plan, IdentIfy and label the symbol that represents the property lIne 31 As reqUIred by Chapter 4, sectIOn 7 of the Land Development RegulatIOns, subnut a floor plan drawmg. The building plans are not being revIewed for complIance WIth the applIcable bui1dmg codes. Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout IS conceptual" below the drawing tItled Floor Plan. Add to the floor plan drawmg a labeled symbol that IdentIfies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance doors to the bui1dmg. The locatIOn of the doors shall match the location of the accessible entrance doors that are depIcted on the sIte plan drawmg. 32 As reqUIred by Chapter 4, sectIOn 7 of the Land Development RegulatIOns, subnut elevatIOn VIew drawmgs of the bui1dmg. DImenSIOn on the drawmg the overall heIght of the buildmg. The overall heIght of a building shall be measured from finIsh grade to the hIghest pomt of the roof or parapet wall. The overall height of the bui1dmgs shall not exceed the heIght lImItatIons of the ZOnIng Code 33 Add to the SIte plan draWIng all eXlstmg easements that are shown on the survey Also, add all proposed easements. The locatIOn, type and SIze of the easement(s) shall be sho\VTI and Identified on the SIte plan. Where applIcable, amend the plans so that structures do not encroach mto an easement. 34 Place a note on the elevatIon VIew drawmgs mdlcatmg that the wall openIngs and wall constructIOn comply WIth Table 600 of the 1997 edItIon of the Standard BUI1dmg Code. 35 IndIcate WIthm the SIte data the overall heIght of the buildmgs. The overall heIght of the bui1dmg shall not exceed the heIght limitations of the ZOnIng Code. 36 On the 1st floor plan draWIngs, mdICate withm the footpnnt of the bui1dmg the number of stones that are m the bui1dmg mcludmg, where applIcable, mezzanines. 37 IndIcate on the SIte plan, wlthm the floor area of the new buildmg, the primary use of the structure/facility 38 IndIcate on the floor plan draWIng, wlthm the footpnnt of the bui1dmg, the primary use of the structure/facilIty 39 IdentIfy on the sIte plan drawmg the actual dIstance that the bui1dmg is set back from the north, east, south and west property lInes. Please note that overhangs, covered walkways, canopIes, awnmgs or other appurtenances that are attached to the bui1dmg shall be conSIdered when Identlfymg bui1dmg setbacks. Therefore, Identify on the plans the WIdth of the proposed 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS Richardson Bldg.doc 01/19/01 6 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT overhangs, covered walkways, canopIes, awmngs, and/or other roofed areas that extend out beyond the mam walls of the bui1dmg. The bui1dmg setbacks shall comply with setback regU1atlOns specIfied m the Zomng Code. 40 To verify that the proposed buildmg IS m comphance With the apphcable bui1dmg setbacks, show and dImenslOn on the SIte plan the Width of the bui1dmg overhang. Also, IdentIfy the size or 'wIdth of the covered walkways, awmngs, canopIes and/or other roofed areas that extend out beyond the mam walls of the building. 41 At time of pernut reVIew, prOVIde a completed and executed CIty umty of title form. The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combmed as one lot. A copy of the recorded deed WIth legal descnptions of each property that IS being umfied is reqUIred to be subrmtted to process the form. The property owner that IS identified on each deed shall match. 42. At time ofpernut review, subrmt SIgned and sealed workmg draWings of the proposed constructlOn. 43 Add to the submittal a partIal e1evatlOn VIew drawing of the proposed penmeter fence. Identify the type of the fence material and the type of matenal that supports the fence, mcludmg the typIcal dIstance between supports. Also, prOVIde a typIcal sectlOn VIew drawmg of the fence that includes the depth that the fence supports are below fimsh grade and the heIght that the fence IS above fimsh grade. The location and height of the fence shall comply WIth the fence regU1atlOns specified m the Zomng Code. 44 On the floor plan draWing, IdentIfy the 10catlOn of the mechamcal room or closet and electnc room. 45 For purposes of settmg up property and ownershIp mto the CIty computer, provide a copy of the recorded deed for each lot, parcel or tract. The recorded deed shall be submitted at time of pernut revIew PARKS AND RECREA nON Comments NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments. .." \J j The landscape plans should indIcate If there are any deSIrable trees, and theIr 10catlOns on the SIte. The project should continue m the normal reVIew process. PLANNING AND ZONING 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS RIchardson Bldg.doc 01/19/01 7 v DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments J 1/-4 (r"v 1L if {'1~ V 47 Label all sIte plan sheets with proiect name "RIchardson Bui1dmg." - '\ vi '48 )Survey IS not current (WIth 6 months) \.../ 49 IndIcate the zomng and land use of the parcel under sIte data. V IndIcate the proposed use of the bui1dmg under SIte data. V 50 51 Provide elevatIon drawmgs of all sIdes of the bui1dmg showing heIght t/ dImension. IndIcate the matena1 and colors, by manufacturers name and number, to be used on the bui1dmg. 52. Put a note on the SIte plan and/or elevatIOn drawmgs that all rooftop t/ equIPment will be screened from VIew to a dIstance of 600 feet. 53 The lot SIze does not meet the 15,000 square foot requirement for the C-3 L/ zoning dIStnCt. ApplIcant must apply for a zoning code variance. 54 ProVIde a detail of the proposed 6 foot CBS wall. IndIcate the reqmred two L/ (2) foot setback from the property lme. IndIcate the color of the wall by manufacturers name, color and code number 55 IndIcate location of the SIte lIghtmg on the SIte plan. ProVIde a detaIl of the V proposed fixture, mcludmg a heIght dImenSIOn. fi7'O((-~ (,O/.A.~~ I (:j) Relocate dumpster to the rear of the bm1dmg or use roll-out contamers for curbSIde pIck-up. If dumpster WIll be used, provide a detail on the SIte plan. "'- / &Dumpster enclosure wallIS reqmred to be SIX (6) feet hIgh. Please reVIse plans accordingly 58 A colored elevatIOn drawmg IS reqmred for the P1anmng Development Board V meeting. 59 Parkmg is bemg calculated at 1 space per 300 square feet. No proposed use IS V proVIded. ParkIng calculatIOn cannot be venfied. Traffic study mdIcates 1320 square feet will be general retail and 1320 square feet will be office. Reqmred parkIng IS 12 or 14 depending on the method of calculatIOn. 60 ProVIde a 10admg space m accordance WIth (Ch. 2. Sec. 11 J) V 61 IndIcate under SIte data the number of regular and handIcapped parkIng c/ spaces required and provIded based on the proposed use. ;...:t. IndIcate the maXImum heIght of the bui1dmg on the SIte plan. - v J 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS RIchardson Bldg.doc 01/19/01 8 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJE ProvIde a detail of the handica 64 Compact parkmg spaces are not permItted. Remove them from the parkmg l/ stall detail on Sheet 5 of 5 65 ProVIde an engIneer's certIficate m writmg that drainage ",ill conform WIth the () rules, re latIOns and codes of the CI of Bo ton Beach. 66 The followmg comments relate to Chapter 7.5 Landscape Code V a) A 7-foot landscape buffer IS reqUIred along East Railroad Avenue. . Landscape buffer to be landscaped m accordance WIth Ordmance 00- f ~,,51 whIch amended ArtIcle II, Sec. 5.D of the Landscape Code. \.; rb) 'j Mulch other than Cypress IS reqUIred. Please proVIde a note on the U landscape plan specIfymg the type of mulch to be used. I / c) Landscape plan does not meet the 50% natIve vegetatIon reqUIrement. V ReVIew and proVIde addItIonal natIve specIes. d) Indicate the number of trees reqUIred and the number provIded on the V SIte plan. Landscape plan does not currently meet the code reqUIrements. Buffer areas reqUIre one (1) tree per every 30 hnear feet. One (1) mtenor tree for every ten (10) parkmg spaces must be r:... " provIded. ,j & FICUS species for hedge IS not permItted. Identify alternative hedge _ matenal. J C!V IndIcate heIght of all plant matenal on the landscape plan. Plant matenal must meet rmmmum code reqUIrements of 12 feet for shade trees and 24 mches for shrubs. Buffer hedges must be a rmmmum of four (4) feet at tIme of planting. g) Label all reqUIred buffers on the landscape plan. A five (5) foot V buffer IS reqUIred along the rear property 1me. SIde yard buffers must be 2.5 feet WIde. \./ @ Label ten (10) foot clear SIte mangles on the SIte plan and landscape Ian. r\ 67 Label five (5) foot area m front of the buildm . Is It a SIdewalk? j 68 Label buildm entrance and eXIts on the SIte Ian. {/ SIgnS not submitted roval. v MWR/b1w IICHIMAINISHRDATAIPLANNINGISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIRICHARDSON BUILDINGI1ST REVIEW COMMENTS RICHARDSON BLOG.DOC ,--/ _ U ;-/I:~' , -L :~~~=,_2~~/kj ;) f LC+'I~oI ~ -----:=f:,;...,c..--- _!-!t!l=-f~!!c'C;:i'l'-(~ li/- r::!-!J:!~~ ",,-'C/.;J~.?}~ _._______ ___~________ '___ _~_. _____________Do-e.& tJS1-L3Jr. {'JJr) J./.1<./t!. a~~ .?f= )5/~e_(j-.~O-#-_-- ______________________ v :; - to _:l.:__i'::..{..;I,~-)'..." ..i(- .-!~tr-;;vfiC-t0 ------- -- ----:;;----:--: 1------L--~n-------/-r;:-.-r _?..,i -if-, 't :2-jr:';lfn 2buH N~ (Jr _____ _____ ____=_~::"/" (, _~__:n_______:~_~~:1c': ~__,. ..;__~lc :: ~O __ n' oJ .. ;;c i ') ..)..j ";.~ ';.1. (i (.( ,_ (-...----------- l -'-0...,),. ~ (U-r~ Cl\...~) / }yo W .J...U ~ C ,.L (" ,__J.../:!' 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I 1 (t- t ~'1ih 'r1c.Ti ~J:){r, tip:) "'-.1 ,'it.. t1-<-,~ /.)JtUC}<- I..v..vJ rc~ .---.--.----.-.--.-----(J,~- .-.-------- ...----.--- .---. .-.-. .-" -- -------.--. II. .----. -~-..-. -- c)---------..-----....-- , ...J-.'!..l/(k,zb.... ;Zb, i ~ {}..-.c.-( d~:; rriYJ'J ==_~~~;;:~;~=-;,~-,~~~~~ .!~~:Ii~ ~:~-.;'.~-~"_~;-;;~-;;~~-~~-~-- ~::'~I. ("--fir, ,1i/{uI ,I, ("6C,c:,L1 ~ U. 2i frJJI- C ---------------- -.---.(j---.- .--- ---.-.-- .------.-..--. .--.-- zr--t;-.---.---------..--.-~--. _.. .-.--.--.----..---. ._- .-.--.---- DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO 00-186 THRU Michael W Rumpf, DIrector of Plannmg and z~/ John A. GUIdry, InterIm DIrector of EngmeerIng \\~ ;( H. DavId Kelley, Jr., PEIPSM, CIVIllUtIhty Engmee4 Ken Hall, EngmeerIng Plans Analyst ~. December 18, 2000 TO THRU FROM. DATE RE RICHARDSON BUILDING (NWSP 00-019) - ENGINEERING 1sT REVIEW COMMENTS ThIS department IS now assIsting the Department of Pubhc Works m the plan technIcal reVIew process. Our engmeerIng reVIew WIll be preceded by our reVIew on behalf of the Department of Pubhc Works. Therefore, we offer the followmg comments on the above noted proJect: PUBLIC WORKS A. Access to the dumpster reqUIres a 60 degree turnIng radIUs and a 60 foot back-up dIstance, whIch appears unobtamable WIthout encroachment mto the raIlroad R1W Locate the dumpster elsewhere on the SIte usmg the above parameters. If the dumpster cannot be located on SIte, then curbsIde cart pIckup WIll be used whIch may InhibIt the uses assocIated WIth C-3 zonmg. ENGINEERING 1 Add the followmg notes to the pavmg and dramage plans a. All strIpmg, markmg and sIgnage shall conform to the CIty'S Standard Drawmg B-98001 b The dramage system shall conform to the CIty'S Standard DraWIng B-91007 2 Add the followmg certIficatIOn to the dramage plan. The dramage plan shall conform to the CIty'S L.D.R. and speCIfically Chapters 6 and 23 3 The parallel parkmg spaces shall be 9'x 25' per City Standard B-90013 4 Show DOT "D" curb along the east Side of the parallel parkmg spaces and at the ends of the first and last space to prevent encroachment mto the landscaped areas. Also show curbmg along the west Sides ofthe first two parkmg spaces at the mgress/egress drIveways. 5 The buffer wall shall be set back two feet from adJommg property lmes per LDR Chapter 2, SectIOn 4 Engmeenng Department Memv~..uldum No 00-186 Re RIchardson BUIldmg (NWSP 00-019) 1 st RevIew Comments December 18,2000 Page Two 6 Show the 5' accessible path outsIde of the 12' H1C space and at the same elevation as the parlang space wIth a ramp up to the sIdewalk at the end of the path per Flonda AccessibIhty Code 7 ProvIde a cross-sectIOn of East RaIlroad Avenue showmg the specIfications for the road constructIOn (see CIty Standard Drawmg B-91005) 8 Show the plan for all of East RaIlroad Avenue to be constructed m cOnjunctIOn WIth the SIte Plan. 9 TypIcal SectIon "AA" mdicates the same tlnckness for shellrock or hmerock. EIther use 8" of shellrock or 6" of hmerock 10 Show a "stop SIgn" and bar and "one-way arrow" SIgns at the egress dnveway Include the "Do Not Enter" SIgns along WIth the "Stop" SIgns. 11 Smce the mmImum wIdth of a one-way aIsleway may be 12', consIder narrOWIng the asphalt dnve from 17' to 15' for addItIonallandscapmg. JAG:HDK.KRHIck C"Wy Documents\Richardson Bldg. New Site Plan Engineering 1st Rev .doc DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES MEMORANDUM NO 00-282 DATE Michael W Rumpf, DIrector of PI~g and ~mg John A. GUIdry, UtlhtIes DIrector I ~ _. r.-- H. DavId Kelley, Jr., PE/PSM, UtIhty Engineer 1:9'- December 18, 2000 TO' THRU FROM. RE. RICHARDSON BUILDING - 1 st REVIEW NWSP 00-019 We offer the followmg comments on the above noted proJect: GENERAL COMMENTS 1) All utIhty easements shall be shown on the rectIfied sIte plan and landscapmg drawmgs so that we may determme whIch trees may mterfere wIth utIhtles. In general, palm trees will be the only tree speCIes allowed wlthm utIhty easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches Will not Impact those utlhtIes withm the easement m the foreseeable future LDR Sec 7 5-18 1 gIVe pubhc utIlItIes the authonty to remove any trees that mterfere wIth utIhty servIces, eIther m utlhty easements or pubhc nghts-of-way 2) Palm Beach County Health Department permIts may be reqUIred for the water and sewer systems servmg thIS project SIte (CODE Sec 26-12) 3) FIre flow calculatIOns will be reqUIred demonstrating the CIty Code reqUIrement of 1,500 g.p.m. as stated m LDR Chap 6, Art. IV, Sec 16, or the reqUIrement Imposed by msurance underwrIters, whIchever IS greater (see CODE Sec 26-16(a)) 4) CODE Sec 26-34(E) reqUIres that a capacIty reservatIOn fee be paId for this project eIther upon the request for the Department's SIgnature on the Health Department apphcatIOn forms or wlthm 30 days of SIte plan approval, whIchever occurs first. ThIS fee wIll be determmed based upon final meter SIze, or expected demand. 5) ComprehensIve Plan Pohcy 3 C.3 4 reqUIres the conservatIon of potable water CIty water may not, therefore, be used for lITIgatIOn where other sources are readIly available SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1 SIte plan mdlcates a proposed 6-mch water mam along the west SIde of East Railroad Avenue. ProVIde a plan reflectmg where thIS proposed water mam will connect to on each end. Department of UtIhtIes Memor<<......Lum No 00-282 Re' RIchardson BUIldmg - 1 st RevIew (NWSP 00-019) December 18, 2000 Page Two 2 Water and sewer lmes to be owned and operated by the CIty shall be mcluded wIthm utIhty easements and/or CIty nght-of-way Please show all proposed easements on the engmeermg drawmgs, usmg a mmImum wIdth of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedIcated VIa separate mstrument to the CIty as stated m CODE Sec. 26-33(a) 3 ThIS office wIll not reqUIre surety for mstallatIOn of the water and sewer utIlItIes, on condItIOns that the systems be fully completed, and given to the CIty UtihtIes Department before the first permanent meter IS set. Note that settmg of a permanent water meter IS a prereqUIsIte to obtammg the CertIficate of Occupancy 4 SIte plan reflects a sanItary lateral to the south sIde of the bUIldmg, crossmg pnvate Lot 20 (refer to #2. above for further comment) ProvIde a plan mdIcatmg where thIS proposed lateral hne will connect to an eXIstmg sanItary mam. 5 Appropnate backflow preventer wIll be reqUIred on the domestIc water servIce to the bUIldmg, m accordance WIth CODE Sec 26-207 6 A bUIldmg permIt for tills project shall not be Issued until this Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer Improvements reqUIred to service thIS project, m accordance WIth CODE Sec. 26-15 7 LDR Chap 3, Art. IV, Sec. 3(P) reqUIres a statement be mcluded that all other utIlItIes are aVaIlable and wIll be provIded by the appropnate agencIes. ThIS statement IS lackmg on the submItted plans. 8 Pavmg, Dramage and SIte detaIls as shown on sheet 5 of 5 will be revIewed for constructabIhty at the tIme of constructIOn permIt apphcatIOn. JAG:HDKlck C:\My Documents\Richardson Bldg. New Site Plan Utility 1 st Rev .doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 00-388 TO Michael Rumpf, Plannmg & ZOnI~f\DIrector Don Johnson, BUlldmg officlal,iJ2 December 14, 2000 FROM DATE SUBJECT Richardson Building - New Site Plan (NWSP 00-019) - 1st review comments We have revIewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board reVIew WIth the understandmg that all remammg comments wIll be shown m complIance on the workmg drawmgs submItted for permIts. Buildine Division (Site Specific and Permit Comments) - Don Johnson (561) 742-6366 1 Add to the bUIldmg that IS depIcted on the drawmg tItled SIte plan a labeled symbol that Identlfies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance doors to the bUIldmg. F10nda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn, SectIOn 4 1.2, 4 3 2 On the floor plan drawmg(s), add a labeled symbol that Identlfies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance doors to the bUIldmg. The locatIOn of the doors shall match the locatIOn of the accessible entrance doors that are depIcted on the SIte plan drawmg. Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn, SectIOn 4 1.2, 4.3 3 Add a labeled symbol to the SIte plan drawmg that represents and delmeates the path of travel for the accessible route that IS reqUIred between the accessible parkmg spaces and the accessible entrance doors to the bUIldmg. The symbol shall start at the accessible parkmg spaces and termmate at the accessible entrance doors to the bUIldmg. The symbol shall represent the locatIOn of the path of travel, not the locatIOn of the detectable warnIng or other pavement markmgs that are reqUIred to be mstalled along the path. The locatIOn of the accessible path shall not compel the user to travel m a dnve/lane area that IS located behmd parked vehIcles. Identlfy on the plan the WIdth of the accessible route (Note The mmImum WIdth reqUIred by the code IS forty-four (44) mches) Add text to the drawmg that would mdIcate that the symbol represents the accessible route and the route IS deSIgned m complIance WIth SectIOn 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 46 (Parkmg and Passenger Loadmg Zones) of the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUI1dmg Constructlon. Please note that at tlme of permIt reVIew, the applIcant shall prOVIde detailed documentatIOn on the plans that WIll venfy that the accessible route IS m complIance WIth the regulatIOns speCIfied m the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. ThIS documentatIOn shall mclude, but not be lImIted to, provIdmg fimsh grade elevatIOns along the path of trf-y.cl....- ___ _--- _ ;--.\ ~ :~ ;.: 'Inl.L. ~ . ,,\ \ n! '} 0 uu DEe" 2000 l PlP,'~ 'JG AND zmd';G DEPT Bmldmg DIVISIon Memo No 00-388 to Michael Rumpf RE Richardson Building - New Site Plan - 1 st review comments December 14,2000 Page Two 4 IdentIfy wIthm the sIte data the fimsh floor elevatIOn (lowest floor elevatIOn) that IS proposed for the bmldmgs. Venfy that the proposed elevatIOn IS m complIance wIth regulatIOns of the code by addmg specIficatIOns to the SIte data that address the followmg Issues [SectIOn 3107 1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach Amendments to the 1997 edltlon of the Standard Bmldmg Code] a) The desIgn professIOnal-of-record for the project shall add the followmg text to the SIte data. "The proposed fimsh floor elevatIOn _ _ NGVD IS above the hIghest 100- year base flood elevatIOn applIcable to the bmldmg SIte, as determmed by the South Flonda Water Management DIstnct's surface water management constructIon development regulatIOns." b) From the FIRM map, IdentIfy m the SIte data the tItle of the flood zone that the bmldmg IS located wIthm. Where applIcable, speCIfy the base flood elevatIOn. If there IS no base flood elevatIOn, mdIcate that on the plans. c) Identlfy the floor elevatIOn that the deSIgn profeSSIOnal has establIshed for the bmldmg wIthm the footpnnt ofthe/each bmldmg that IS shown on the drawmgs tItled SIte plan, floor plan and pavmgl dramage (CIVIl plans) 5 On the drawmg tltled SIte plan, Identlfy and label the symbol that represents the property lme 6 As reqmred by Chapter 4, sectIOn 7 of the Land Development RegulatIOns, submIt a floor plan drawmg. The bmldmg plans are not bemg reVIewed for complIance WIth the applIcable bmldmg codes. Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout IS conceptual" below the drawmg tItled Floor Plan. Add to the floor plan drawmg a labeled symbol that Identlfies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance doors to the bmldmg. The locatlon of the doors shall match the locatIOn of the accessible entrance doors that are depIcted on the SIte plan drawmg. 7 As reqmred by Chapter 4, sectIOn 7 of the Land Development RegulatIOns, submIt elevatIOn VIew drawmgs of the bmldmg. DImenSIOn on the drawmg the overall heIght of the bmldmg. The overall heIght of a bmldmg shall be measured from fimsh grade to the hIghest pomt of the roof or parapet wall. The overall heIght of the bmldmgs shall not exceed the heIght lImItatIOns of the ZOnIng Code. 8 Add to the SIte plan drawmg all eXIstmg easements that are shown on the survey Also, add all proposed easements. The locatIOn, type and SIze of the easement(s) shall be shown and Identlfied on the SIte plan. Where applIcable, amend the plans so that structures do not encroach mto an easement. Plannin!!: Memorandum. Forester / Environmentalist To Lusla Galav, Semor Planner From. Kevm J Hallahan, Forester / EnvIronmentahst Subject: RIchardson Bmldmg New Site Plan -00-019 1 st Review Date December 12, 2000 The landscape plans should mdlcate If there are any desirable trees, and their locatIOns on the Site The project should contmue m the normal reVieW process. Kjh Xc Blythe Wilhamson thru E-mail file FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No 2000-157 0,', . r,-;-- 'I . [of- :"; ~ .1 TO M Rumpf, Director Planning & Zoning Steve Gale ~ Fire Marshal - ,y ,t) December 11,2000 FROM DATE SUBJECT NWSP 00-019 Richardson Building Lots 17 & 18 Hathaway Park This project is acceptable as proposed and should move forward in the process cc File email to Blythe Williamson i' ~- J \. , -~ r'~ f '-1 __-.oJ Williamson, Blythe From Sent: To Subject: Livergood, Jeffrey Monday December 11 2000 3 55 PM Rumpf Michael; Williamson Blythe NWSP 00-019 Richardson I have reviewed the above referenced plans and find that the site plan as proposed will reasonably accommodate the projected minimal traffic volume Furthermore there is no need for off site improvements. Jeff Jeffrey R. Livergood Director of Public Works City of Boynton Beach 1 TO MIchael Rumpf, DIrector of Plannmg & Zonmg '"' y LEISURE SERVICES. PARKS MEMORANDUM #00-183 THRU John Wildner, Parks DIrector FROM Barbara J Meacham, Parks & Landscape Planner RE Lot 17 & 18, Block "E" Hathaway Park '. Date December 8, 2000 The Parks DIvIsIOn has revIewed the plans and exhibIts for the aforementIOned projects and has no comments. S '\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Richardson Building\Parks comments.doc --. Plannin2: Memorandum. Forester / Environmentalist To LusIa Galav, Semor Planner From KevIn J Hallahan, Forester / EnvIronmentalIst '{OJ lE & fl n w l1/J J "2 am Date December 12,2000 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT SubJect: Richardson BUIldmg New SIte Plan -00-019 1 st RevIew The landscape plans should mdIcate If there are any desIrable trees, and theIr locatIOns on the SIte. The proJect should contmue m the normal reVIew process. Kjh Xc Blythe WillIamson thru E-mail file S \Plannmg\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\RIchardson BUIldmg\Forester comments 2 doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment December 6, 2000 Mr Masoud Atefi MSCE, Senior Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works POBox 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re Traffic Study' Richardson Building NWSP 00-019 Dear Mr Atefi The enclosed traffic generation statement for the Richardson Building Site Plan prepared by Gentry Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc., was received by Planning and Zoning recently for the above-referenced application Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance, and provide Tim Large, Building Code Administrator, and I with your written response If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742-6260 Sincerely, d&<A J!oJav P- Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR/bw J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Richardson Building\TRAFFIC MEMO RICHARDSON BUILDING.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6260 FAX: (561) 742-6259 GENTRY E~\oA'NEERING AND LAND SUh oj EYING, INC. PO BOX243 DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33447-0243 PHONE. (561) 272-1924' FAX (561) 272-7741 MEMBER AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS AMERICAN CONGRESS OF SURVEYING & MAPPING MEMBER FLORIDA SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS Traffic Statement Re Bob Richardson Building Lots 17 and 18, Block "E" Hathaway Park The Zoning for the subject property is C-3, which allows General Commercial Office and Retail The General Commercial Retail generates 167 59 trips per 1000 SQ FT of floor area with 45% pass by and the General Commercial Office generates 24 61 Vehicle trips per 1000 SQ FT of floor area with 5% pass by, based on the Palm Beach County Fair Share Impact Fee Schedule It is the intent of the property owner to have approximately 50% of each in this building when complete, therefore all three options were checked to see if anyone would exceed the maximum vehicle trip generation that would require a traffic study The proposed building has 2639 8 SQ FT floor area, Total Trips for all General 167 59 Veh Trips/1000 SQ FT (2639 8 SQ FT ) 442 4 Vehicle Trips Pass by Trips = 442 4 (0 45) = 199 1 Vehicle Trips Commercial Retail = 442 4 - 199 1 = 243 3 Vehicle Trips With all General Commercial Retail, T re With all General Commercial Office, T ff' = 24 61 Vehicle Trips/1000 SQ FT (2639 8 SQ FT ) o ~ce 65 Vehicle Trips Pass by trips = 65(0 05) = 3 2 Vehicle Trips Total Trips for all General Commercial Office = 65 - 3 2 = 61 8 Vehicle Trips Assuming that 50% General Commercial Retail and 50% General Commercial Office = (243 3 Vehicle Trips + 61 2 Vehicle Trips)/2 = 152 55 say 153 vehicle Trips per day The peak Hour Vehicle Trips 153 ( 0 096 ) = 14 69 Vehicle Trips, say 15 Vehicle Trips/Hr Based on the above this project would not require a Traffic Study and would have a minor impact on the existing roadways that would serve this property 10/4/00 TO TRC MEMBERS Bob Borden, Deputy Fire Marshal Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Louie Zeitinger, Police Department John Huntington, Police Department H David Kelley Jr , Utilities Department Timothy K. Large, Building Division Ken Hall, (Engineering) Public Works-General Jeffery Livergood, Public Works-Traffic Barbara Meacham, Parks Division H David Kelley Jr , Engineering Department Lusia Galav, Planning Department DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 00-352 / / ~ u~n--r~r./ c;r/0~ o li cJ- FROM Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning DATE December 6, 2000 RE. SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1 ST Review - Site Plan Approval Project - Richardson Building Location - Lot 17 & 18, block "E" Hathaway Park Agent Burl Gentry File No - NWSP 00-019 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments or e-mail to Blythe Williamson and I no later than 5.00 P.M. on December 14. 2000. When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories, code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval. 1 Use the review standards specified in Part IV, Land Development Regulations, Site Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments. 2 The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete with the exception of traffic data, however, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Lusia Galav, or myself 3 Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents Page 2 4 Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental improvements 5 When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified 6 If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memorandum, within the time frame stated above, to me The memorandum shall state that the plans are approved and that they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and that they recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process. All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted or e-mailed to Blythe Williamson and I for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memorandum or e-mail Lusia Galav will be the Planning and Zoning staff member coordinating the review of the project. First review comments will be transmitted to the applicant along with a list of Technical Review Committee (TRC) members MWR. blw Attachment XC Steve Gale, Fire Marshal Marshall Gage, Police Department John Guidry, Utilities Director and Interim Director of Engineering Don Johnson, Building Division Christine Roberts, Director of Public Works Central File J:ISHRDATAIPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSlRichardsan BuildinglTRC Memo for Plans Review Richardson Bldg..doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 00-352 TO TRC MEMBERS Bob Borden, Deputy Fire Marshal Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Louie Zeitinger, Police Department John Huntington, Police Department H David Kelley Jr , Utilities Department Timothy K. Large, Building Division Ken Hall, (Engineering) Public Works-General Jeffery Livergood, Public Works-Traffic Barbara Meacham, Parks Division H David Kelley Jr Engineering Department Lusia Galav, Planning Department FROM 1I1lJl2- Michael W Rumpf t Director of Planning and Zoning DATE. December 6,2000 RE. SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1 ST Review - Site Plan Approval Project Richardson Building Location - Lot 17 & 18, block "E" Hathaway Park Agent Burl Gentry File No - NWSP 00-019 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments or e-mail to Blythe Williamson and I no later than 5.00 P.M. on December 14. 2000. When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories, code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval 1 Use the review standards specified in Part IV, Land Development Regulations, Site Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete with the exception of traffic data, however, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Lusia Galav, or myself 3 Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents 4 Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or Page 2 when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental improvements 5 When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified 6 If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memorandum, within the time frame stated above, to me The memorandum shall state that the plans are approved and that they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and that they recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted or e-mailed to Blythe Williamson and I for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memorandum or e-mail Lusia Galav will be the Planning and Zoning staff member coordinating the review of the project. First review comments will be transmitted to the applicant along with a list of Technical Review Committee (TRC) members MWR.blw Attachment XC Steve Gale, Fire Marshal Marshall Gage, Police Department John Guidry, Utilities Director and Interim Director of Engineering Don Johnson, Building Division Christine Roberts, Director of Public Works Central File J:\sHRDATAIPlanningISHAREDIWPIPROJECTSlRichardson BuildinglTRC Merro for Plans Review Richardson Bldgudoc Q-~~ ~~~ (J\ Q -- PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE TIME [O?O ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT 1/11:7 NOTICE The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies, and codes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual plans submitted for review City of Boynton Beach Attendin Staff Attending for Applicant ~~ :60 E l?,clJ ~/Z b.i" (j Ii.( \'(\~ ~ ut\~~~~SoC"\ <)\~ Q\~ PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PRE-APPLICATION MEETING Contact Date Meetin2 Date' Time. PURPOSE OF APPLICATION ZONE PROJECT NAME PERMIT NO Attending Staff: Mike Rume!, Bob ponovan, Ken Hall, & Ed Y ~~es ( '~ .~LI~ Attending for Applicant: Phone: Fax: Name of Owner Address Phone' Fax: Name of Applicant/Contact: Address Phone: Fax: Project Address PCN Fax: Date Submittal Received. Received I Date Denied nSHRDA T A \Development\PRE APPLICATION TRACKING LOG FOR."v1.doc ;<.,~"'~s~ PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE (J.?- -.20 - 0 I TIME / / 00 AM ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT NOTICE The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual plans submitted for review City of Boynton Beach Attending Staff !'- t / ,.v ('f ' (, L- , ~- ~ 0U.~c ;~ - E. R Ie L :yo ttNSb~ - r?; iC f?v M d"' --- ..v Attending for Applicant J:\SHRDA TA\PLA:"INING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\PRE-APPL MEETNG-SIG:'J 1:-.' SHEET.DOC ~ ,. .-.) J ,.....-. --------~ / / jJ /II/I /~ I .,./; IJ:'?r. ...I. I'. j ~1-L $. V:1'1 I f ,;c. / C' / I -' J 11-4 /"f' .... ~/A1 - ( , (i.7 J .).,$jl I~;;;' ~ J'3 ;J), / JJ../ /Y .:- e i ! / I; . '". :- .-!_ 1- ~ , ! I , , J 1.:/ ./ ~ ~') ~ .. '../ tI "" !II I J t .-;~ i ...--- f , L- ./ ....(p[ n / " \.. r j I r- ,..., <~ cJ, /~,;-,. ( 4 / P' ~+- {, .- t ..2 It I (--' "j'J. I -- ...(,A.{4-.f ~ j ") ~. /I- ['. il ,. /:Ll , / /. ~ r~ ,.(. I Iv(j\.-' J :;&.1 /,00(;-1 1..-1 ( / .~'\. ! / I ::~ 7 A.) / . i C" c' v I j./ t1(! ./ ~J ir' r: t. ',- v ~ ....... ( -- -, I 1./ '/ .." / J ,-- / I (j~ 7 'l/.J _? .f / , ~ JJ..i \.. c:- ~.:c.>>1 I"" , ~I ~ '-..(:~, , ) I .t~'/l,,-J, .,l r ", f --VI-""'; } I 1 It) P-:LJtO GENTRY ENGINE:.t;;RING AND LAND SURVEYh>4G, INC. PO BOX243 DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33447-0243 PHONE. (561) 272-1924. FAX (561) 272-7741 MEMBER AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS AMERICAN CONGRESS OF SURVEYING & MAPPING MEMBER FLORIDA SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS July 15, 1999 Micheal W Rumpf Planning Director Comprehensive Planning Div Planning and Zoning Department 100 E Boynton Bch Blvd Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Mike, We are submitting herein the written statement as required for the preapplication for the proposed Bob Richardson Commercial building to be located on Lots 17 and 18, Block "E", Hathaway Park, lying north of SE 10th Avenue and east of the Florida East Coast Rairoad, as follows The property is currently vacant as shown on the attached Survey and the Owner proposes to develop a lease commercial concrete block building with movable partitioning for commercial tenants in accordance with the current C-3 Zoning The property lays on the sandy ridge along said railroad right-of-way and provides excellent building base material All required utilities are currently available to this site The property owner currently owns the commercial building south of this site and the development will be an expansion of the commercial use for commercial lease property If you should have any questions or need additional information please contact my office ~.== ~ -c cJ(IY--aNt..77U~ . t F'O(lb.A. C.AST~-i.A/Lf<..(JAD ( -70~~~~'lw) - --- .... o o ~ } 7- "' o o ~ -- ~A A.r~'" -..1#.-.... "04 ~ ~-'-"---..- -;___ -'-III.- .'-- ___ \ ... 0..' 0 ID A~r, 0 PA"E~O 'Tb ~(lo.~AY~. J "\f-'> ~ ' , .. c.\ttJ~\f},,<.V> " ~ ~ ?i'McA~. ( /00.0& PLA,) ~ ~ -...-- I ' · <l4' 32 " ~' Woo r~1'/ ~c: wrrN ',./1 w.J AI JJ l.t'll< F: C 4lt:: t - I \1(, ~ , O~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ rn \ ~ I ' ~ (.{)1"" ~O I LOT L&.__ :. ., ,..." '1",1, tP l5 L (} iZ-K " Co " . ,\9>IV'~ ,4IATf!AWAY ~ I \ \) otJ,/JJroIV- I CA~'" ~AI(.(()A/) AVl:.Nuc. (30',(/W) ,at L1MclLo.f"J(bAbWAY ->- i 1 (\} tY " I ~ \ I(t .. ol'*~ ,;()~ 6\ ~ I ~I tD JI .llr (' I, ~ ~\ff 1M' II x I )f I x I LOT 1ft; ~ I I LOT ,i EMJ< BeIJU, { ~\~ ~ ~t rLJ x --J( -J( . , I o .'J l\, \J ((J It ~ \J ~ I ~ l( ~ I <:l I ~ I ~ , ~ 'D ~~ B(;o,;::- ~ \' z~ If ~ I~ ,\ 4i'i-\ if' -__ , "r\~\f) . Lor?:;:: LOT .~ LO T 4- LDT $ GENTRY ENGINEERING & LAND .SURVEYING, INC. PO BOX 243 DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-1924 -P- INDICATES IRON PIPE FOUND INDICATES IRON ROD FOUND INDICATES RIGHT-OF-WAY INDICATES POWER POLE INDICATES OVERHEAD POWER LINE INDICATES CHAIN LINK FENCE INDICATES ASPHALT INDICATES MEASURE INDICATES CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND INDICATES WITH INDICATES FENCE LEGEND 'I P F I R F R/W P P CLF ASPT MEAS CMF W/ -x- NOTES 1 UNLESS IT BEARS THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER, THIS SKETCH IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT VALID LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 17 AND LOT 18, LESS THE SOUTH 1 00 FEET OF THE WEST 47 54 FEET OF SAID LOT 18 AS MEASURED ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 18, BLOCK "E", HATHAWAY PARK, A SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13, PAGE 17, IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CERTIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY THIS SKETCH AS SHOWN HEREON REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE UNDER MY DIRECTION AND TO BE TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS OF RECORD AND MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS OF RULE 61G17-6 OF THE FLO IDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 1998 GENTRY ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEYING, INC. POBOX 243 DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444