CERT OF OCCU CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33425 Ors~~ . 'l;' ?138- C E R T I F I CAT E o F OCCUPANCY Issue Date 7/21/06 Parcel Number Property Address 08-43-46-05-08-000-0080 3210 SW 14TH PI, BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 Subdivision Name Legal Description Property Zoning LAWSON INDUSTRIAL PARK PI, 1 LOT 8 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Owner . WOOD MANUFACTURES INC 4501 S FLAGLER DR WEST PALM BEACH FL 33405 Contractor J I, COLE INC Application Number. Description of Work Construction Type Occupancy Type OCCUPANCY LOAD AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTE EDITION OF CODE . 05-00007138 000 000 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TYPE IV/UNPROTECTED FACTORY-INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYEES YES FBC SPECIAL CONDITIONS RAV MILLWORKS Approved ~ x: ~ulL B;il~Officia{/ .f'{/'j VOID UNLESS SIGNED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL The described portion of the structure has been inspected for compliance with the requirements of the code for the occupancy and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified. . . [;0\ (D City of Boynton Beach - BU~~~9~ ~i~i:i~~ ~\J ~;\\WiK: CO & CC CHECKLIST Permit NoW "1 l3i Address: .:)~\ D 3\;0 \~~ ~L Date: ')-10)~ DENSITY Yes Comments: REPORTS OR PILING No CERTIFICA TION INSULATION Comments: CERTIFICATE, IF APPLICABLE ELEVATION Yes Comments: CERTIFICATE (FEMA) No THRESHOLD OR Comments: SPECIAL INSPECTOR CERTIFICATION, IF APPLICABLE INTERIM FIRE RESCUE Comments: ASSESSMENTS CALCULATED FINALS Fire Sprinklers ---- REVISIONS STILL IN BUILDING DIVISION VERIFICA TION OF OUTSTANDING PERMITS FOR THAT ADDRESS TIE-IN SURVEY OR FORM BOARD SURVEY TERMITE CERTIFICATE Plumbin tQ~ }l.f-6 ~O Excavation Landscape ~ -- Irri ation ~ ------ Clear & Grub -----=- ------- Y s ~ Outstanding Issues: Outstanding Issues: Yes No Yes No Comments: S:IDevelopmentIBuildingIForms- Templates-Signs\ln-House\CO&CC Checklist (10/05,1/06,3/06) FROM :BOYNTON DRYWALL OF 5 FLA FAX NO. :5619682423 Jul. 10 2006 01:08PM Pi .., o 5 -. ~ 7 1 3 8 - . . . q ..t-tf. W( <<> rAl q b (!-t:. ~~..s ",-- . City of Boynton h8C:il Building Division - JNSULAjlON INSTA~LATION CERTljjCATION Job _t- .:. 2..10 c; "u.,) \ LI ot;!'l1=\ ~ . p.m,1It. S7A ,- rBfT OFCG'lIfIIIIMICIt - we, .. ~ned.""''' thIItlhe ~ _.....,.. been InIbIhd In the .,nane.1i ~ ....IImceWllh... PIaItda.... en.w I!IIcoIenGy 8uIdtng ~ ..,... ~ pIanI Md ~.. 4J..... 8I1d In 4CCOI'dIIaca'" FIOd canSractfon Ihdfca. 'nIII ~1On fUmIIhed fa arthe type. Wallil.U1W. ...xl R... _ .. tath b8IGIw: S'I1JI) WAlJ..INStJLATp~ ......... 6vJF:~ t'~~ rwe ~~ .~r.l=f5 Thlarm IT - J 'I.~ II Rv.Jue 2-11 OTHER II&JlATJaN: - i:~ 1IaJ:. Wiu..~ . _(i~,J(JJ<t 1)pe (~~~ 1i.1I 'ntIokn11l oS /, RY81U8 p-~ R f"!aI.INtM1OQF DIM JlATION:: MIIrauf8aknr. 1'Jpe. TItIoIcit.- R""'-' . ~r ~ '1!aI tNt.a; ~TION: ~ ,.,.. '11....1. _ R v....- - Io{IA -"- iJIA. .. 08t8: {./o-do InIUIaIIon CardJBcItDrIBuIr ~l ~ ...'Sv.'r~ ~ "'f.l~ SulldlNleomractorCOJ..JlJ 5'6t.f=1 N8me ~~ ~~ . . AUllMfIICI ConbrA~ ~on '-;-I{)-Q~ ....... n.dR . r-..:~~~~~..~-~-=-..~..:: ,,- -2'~ -~=-.J ...... ..............110......................... .........-~~ _~_I" ftl .....".,. .~ ..ur III ~ -"II~ -,.... &11 ~ - -';-P I nv.. ~ __I . ~oon;ool8 ..,.--- A'ddns 8. ~~OI"I. ~VH SO~38L~~8i XY~ L&:l~ 900~/~oILO -----:- T H E GARRI S ON05--71 DESIGN GROUP Friday, March 24, 2006 City of Boynton Beach Building Division 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Subject: 3210 SW 14111 Place, Boynton Beach, FL. To Whom It May Concem: The followings items below selVes as a revision for the property as listed above: It shall be acceptable to install 28 Gauge Metal studs @ 24" O.C. for a typical non bearing interior partition wall. This shall not be acceptable at any fire walls. It shall also be acceptable to us 28 Gauge studs for the ceiling framing as well. If there are any questions please do not hesitate to call at the numbers listed below. Best Regards, Michael Garrison, Pres. The Garrison Design Group Engineer of Record: Luis A. Lopez F Lise. # 59805 I /)"l i &AJ 3;S~/C1b 405 Mission Hill Rd. Boynton BE~ach, FL 33435 561.1602.5003 1509 N Military Trail # 208, West Palm Beach, Fl 33409 Phone (561) 835-9744, Fax (561) 686-1953, Toll Free (800) 835-9744, www.GarrisonDesign.net 1:>5 ~-;?-/:3 g o 5 .. 7 " 3 i J e 8- FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CHAPTER 4 - Commercial Building Compliance Methods SOUTH Climate Zones 7 8 9 FORM 400C-01 Limited and Special. Use Buildings Project Name: Address: City, Zip Code: Builder: Owner: ~ Zone: Building Classification: Building Permit No.: Permitting Office: Jurisdiction No.: L--O "'^ BUILDING I nON WALL.S ROOF/CEILING FLOORS DOORS GLASS TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA Concrete (CBS) 1,^'11l1 Under Attic Slab-on-orade 'lr1_' Wood Smale, wall -?1Aft... Wood frame i Sinale Assemblv Raised Wood , Metal .LID Double. wall Metal frame :v"l' Other: Raised Concrete Insulated . Sinole. roof Insulation R-value " I~ Insulation R-value I:~ Insulation R-value Other Double, roof I SYSTEMS INFORMATION AIR CONDITIONER HEATING SYSTEM HOT WATER TYPE EFFICIENCY TONS TYPE EFFICIENCY BTU/H TYPI, Unitary & Heat Pump ~EER ~t~ Central & Heat Pump -l- HSPF 7- .? Electric <65,000 Btulh <65,000 Blu/h ~~ REsistance D ~,OOO Btu/h _EER _IPLV ~5,000 Btu/h _COP DE,dicated Heat Pump D Water cooled _EER _IPLV Water cooled _COP Gas Evaporatively oooled _EER Evaporatively cooled _COP NJi.tural D PTAC _EER Electric Resistance _COP LPG 0 Chiller _COP _IPLV GaslOil (circle one) HRU 0 Gas heat pump _COP <225,000I3oo,000Blu/h _AFUE Other: 0 Other: ;;,225,000/300,000 Blulh _Et LIGHTING Total Ughting Wattage QOl.z \.~~ SIZING CALCULATION DUCTS R-value Total Conditioned Floor Area '-{ '\ ." 0 Watts/sq.ft. Attached 0 Location PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (Must be met or exceeded by all buildings.) Comoonents Section Requirements Check ODerations Manual 102.1 -ooerations manual will be provided to owner. ...... Windows & Doors 406.1 Maximum: .3 cfm per SQ,ft. of window area; Maximum: 1.2 cfm per 5O.ft. of door area. J.- Joints/Cracks 406.1 To be caulked, llaskeled, weatherstripped or otherwise sealed. -;. DropDed Ceilina caVitY 406.1 Vented: seal and insulate ceilino(no T -bar ceilinos). Unvenled, no ceilino air barrier. seal and insulate roof and side walls. /" Reheat 407.1 Electric resistance reheat prohibited. - Ventilation 409.1 Supplied with readily accessibie switch for shut-off and/or volume reduction when ventilation is nol nequired. v HVAC Efficiency 407.1,408.1 Minimum efficiencies - Heating: Tables 4-7, 4-8, 4-9. Cooling: Tables 4-3, 4-4, 4-5. 4-6. - ......... HVAC Coolrols 407.1 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic themostat for each system. ..",-- HVAC Ducts 410.1 Air ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, seailed. insulated and inslaned in accordance with the criteria of section 410.1. ............. Balancing 410.1 HVAC distribution system(s) tested and balanced. v'" Piping Insulation 411.1 In accordance with Table 4-11. ...........- Water Heaters 412.1 Automatic electric storage water heaters s120 gallons and gas & oil fired storage water heaterS ::;75,000 BtuIh shan meet performance requirements in Table 4-12. Electric >120 gallons: standby loss s.30+27Nt. Gas >75,000, Oil >105,000: E, .78, - Standby loss s 1.30+114NT. Gas, Oil >155,000: E,.78, Standby loss S 1.30+95NT' Swimming Pools 412.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers. Non-commercial pools must have pump timer. Gas spa & ~,ool heaters must & Spas have a minimum thermal efficiency of 78%. . - Hot Water Pipe 412.1 Piping heat loss is limited to the levels in Table 4-11 for circulating systems and the first 8'of p~ from a storage Insulation lank. ....-- Water Fixtures 412.1 Shower head water flow restricted to maximum of 2.5 gpm at 80 psi. Toilets meet 42CFR 6295(k). Public lavatory 1ixture maximum flow of .5 gpm; or if self-clOSing valve, .25 gallon circulating, .5 gallon non-circulaling. V" Lighting 415.1 Ballasts shall have PClWer Factors no less than .90. V If required by Florida law, I hereby certify that the system design is in compli ARCHITECT: ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DESIGNER: LIGHTING SYSTEM DESIGNER: MECHANICAL SYSTEM DESIG PLUMBING SYSTEM DESIGNER: Compliance with Chapter'" was demonstrated Detached Buildings <200 sq.ft. 0 Skyboxeslsports stadiums Traffic safety control towers Do. RegiStration No. C4'J-# (~q '- a Prescriptive Measures I1\!tthodology: Convenience stores <5,000 sq.ft. Restaurants <5,000 sq.ft. Retail stores <5,000 sq.ft. D o o Office buildings <5,000 sq.ft, School buildings <5,000 sq.ft. Storage buildings <5,000 sq.ft. -=.-f~l ATE: Z-. b Energy Code. DATE: Review of plans and specificatlons covered by this calculation indicates compliance with \he Aorida Energy Code. Ilefure conslruclion is completed. this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553.908, ~ ~ @ r;:Ji n '1.'1. f11 ~ BUILDING OFFICIAL:' ! ~ It \VI - . - -- - DATE: CORRECTED PilE COpy BUILDING DIVISION &SL~ir~3:0'i'0~! I Project Report · . .' '. . .. . .".. '. .-...:...........- ''',' . . .".. -." :., I ., .-',...-....:..." '<:.::"'~,--:'i< . . . . ""',' .' . -.. -" . ....... . - ,.-. ...,...... ,..... -,-.' . . . ". ." ,. . .' -'. . .". .~ - :"... ".." , '. ". . . .. . . . . . {} . . Project Title: GaIT Millworks Project Date: Thursday, January OS, 2006 Client Name: Garr Millworks Company Name: Wallen Service Corp. ~JJ)~t4\i~~~'E;ccii:5';@~:;f'~i"i{t;~~~iIfl~'1;~!;@X;'1"{0Q',~~SitJ!N:;~t?:::.~~;)~~~:;"ff~~;L0?~i,';1~;:fi*18!'~{i:0i?;~;;~~~;i:qg~i~'i~4!~~it.y~(g;~'.t;(it{t{f:;U';;jj~if1i~i~%%i'i%W~$;.?\f;;;i.;@!f~~:;~i:t'!!1 Reference City: West Palm Beach, Florida Daily Temperature Range: Medium Latitude: 26 Degrees Elevation: 15 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.999 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Winter: Summer: Outdoor Drv Bulb 45 91 Outdoor Wet Bulb o 78 Indoor Rel.Hum 30 50 Indoor Drv Bulb 72 75 Grains Difference o 59 Total Building Supply CFM: 4,195 CFM Per Square ft.: Square ft. of Room Area: 4,930 Square ft. Per Ton: Volume (IP) of Cond_ Space: 49,295 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): Ika;jilqlntfit.Qa.q$?i~H;"i0'!2{'i;t~';;~fffJ;~ifi;~.;;~':W~iW'iGc;!'~g€HJi.>"j:i:kt'0J{/~0.i;tS;lq;:ttli!i~;fZ;ii;'0'.'~~i\;f,fW;%fgj~ffi8it&).j;!,~;~*;cf;,~;W:t;;8~J:;0; Total Heating Required WJl:h Outside Air: 66,861 Btuh 66.861 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 104,367 Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 36,575 Btuh 26 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 140,942 Btuh 11.75 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 5N2&:W;;~;~l;jtf~~i~:f;M4}jt;":<\HI 0.851 420 5.1 nis';f;J~t~;;~t*t'Ei~VJi'J€Uf#/tt:X! Calculations are based on 8th ecfltion of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. rnl~~~OW~@ FEB 1 6 2006 CORRECTED FILE COpy SLillOING OIVISIOtJ !~aC~~i~eiltiar~lJgbt9~jjurt~tCi<itliY'J\C:L.l);"dS .,:.... !~~j;~~~~:;:~L~4D9 Winter: Summer: 45 91 o 78 30 50 i~~~t;~!r~lij~i::;;~\R~~'t~:(~if!;f&'t~fii~Ciit~%t:rf;)':;im~]l"f.%,~~i;,fr&+i~i~\{f'~}1at:{;;f.jJ~!~K,;~~~~,t;'tJ:?,j:%~T:,;~~1f%~,;\J;~~%:;~}f"t-*,y~Jt~z~1&t];,;:i:i$i~,:~t~;;;;:#S;0~)f)ii:%U~t~i#~~.%'~li1U:~-,,1 . Main Trunk Runouts Calculate: No No Use Schedule: Yes Yes Roughness Factor: 0.003000.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wg.l100 ft. 0.1000 in.wg.l100 ft. Minimum Velocity: 650 ft.lmin 450 ft.lmin Maximum Velocity: 900 ft.lmin 750 ft.lmin Minimum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Maximum Height: 0 in. 0 in. ri~%~~~J~~'~~~"i:~l:t3\:)''Y;N~H;~:..];{@f{;!(~';f?t''.fx{!0;yi;rfiN'C}1iJtn :,i~;~:~~H!i'r ,".' Winter 0.000 AClhr X 49.295 CU.ft. o CU.ft./hr X 0.0167 o CFM 690 CFM Infiltration: Above Grade Volume: Total Building Infiltration: Total Building Ventilation: -System 1- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: -System 2-- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: Infiltration &. Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: -System 3- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: '."=."-". r~-;;;f:~~;~;l;;Ji~~;~/:~~:fZe~;t~i~}~~~~~~.~/~~:~tt;:~~~u:-~.~?;t:f:~1":r~~1YtizP~:~~:..:.:~~::,}{/:;~~-:_:~.:O<-~/:f:~:.~::: ......,--.. .' 0:;-.::..;;': ..'" _~ '.: :. :- : Summer 0.000 ACJhr X 49.295 CU.ft. o CU.ft./hr X 0.0167 o CFM 690 CFM 17.59 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 16.00 Summer Temp. Difference) 40.38 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 59.42 Grains Difference) 29.68 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 27.00 Winter Temp. Difference) 17.59 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 16.00 Summer Temp. Difference) 40.38 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 59.42 Grains Difference) 29.68 = (1.10 X 0_999 X 27.00 Winter Temp. Difference) 17.59 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 16.00 Summer Temp. Difference) 40.38 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 59.42 Grains Difference) 29.68 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 27.00 Winter Temp. Difference) m1~@~uw~@ FEB 1 S 2006 CORRECTED FilE COpy BUilDING OMSION I . ! f~'=~,1~"0mo"iOIjtv~y.. · , i Load Preview Report . . .. ...". ."..- .....-.. .................."'....... ': . "-:.' .' -".' . -': .~..,;, "..:". .' . "-:..:".".. . ...... .... . . ..' .. - .- .' .. .. . - . . . - . . -. .' . . . - '. . . ..:. .....": .".. .,,.,_:~:..:....._.>-.>._-.:..:: . . .' .Elites.oftwaI't!DeyelopmeJ)1:.:Iilc~. ." :.:-." -,~..:.:-:,.:~,~':'.' ...... :....-"....:...:....... "::"_:.. ........:{.:.~G~rrMn~rt<s~: ..... 'I\'t" 'r.' '" .' . .. U,T"'';'.' . ......N..~.>l?a.. 4 _. ..... - . '" .'1 . . ... .' c.' '''''-c~'''c''''.... ..' ... I [p~lt~1i1d'irl1~tV~:JN~t~qii~w;~t~~lJ~t~tg~{l'~1::~~tr~~~~~itijg;;l::MJ;;~~~fi:11if&!rJc~~~W[~'Wgf,.;M~'!.1,i'~4;Ji,ift!;.{:i'0~;\'tt;,~;;i}:~J'~;;;'kWi:rt37H:;?:!;;~@?;i;gU?Yr!;j Building 4,930 104,367 36,575 140,942 66,861 5115 4,195 4,195 ~'$'l$~i:-1:~{<~W$"9c~e~;ifiD~W0f~~~ff~;f1lli'~J*;t.:~~'fJ~~laJ?i}!f:l;?"~tmg;;~;;~;!'.;1;c:2;W;fi;Aff~r:'i;1,.:~%i~};1f,2S\;~1i;;~~tt~*0Xt,;0;.;~;W~i,)};;i~i0Jf{~~;;~K~;g;iiBl;i{,;~~';!';;~i\fSW"~;";'~1 System 1 1,500 38,152 14,437 52,589 24,065 1615 1,495 1,495 0* Ventilation 5,277 12,115 17 ,392 8,905 AED Excursion 2,652 2,652 Duct Loads 3,815 722 4,537 2,406 Zone 1 1,500 26,407 1,600 28,007 12,753 1615 1,495 1,495 1-Showroom 1,500 26,407 1,600 28,007 12,753 1645 1,495 1,495 5-0* ri;$~~i~2:t{A\~:;ff~"$tiill~~%:{~7#~;1~tr~fl1t~{i~~}[il${~gf~tf,3,i:1tJO,{~~t'lf\!J~;:{;;,~\"E1S~Ji'~f~:g;~~~i~r&~X::(ii;1A~;.{gZii~{;%}'11fJ:~~~f~iI~~t~~;~~iV1f~2k{t0:tfU:;~(,fs~lftt~X%t;j System 2 1,724 30,646 9,626 40,272 18,921 15l~ 1,262 1,262 0* Ventilation 2,902 6,663 9,566 4,898 AED Excursion 1,000 1,000 Duct Loads 3,065 963 4,027 1,892 Zone 1 1,724 23,679 2,000 25,679 12,131 15l~ 1,262 1,262 , 2-Bath 1 & Offices 806 10,235 600 10,835 5,907 n 545 545 2-0* i 5-Reception And Offices 918 13,444 1,400 14,844 6,224 8'1 716 716 3-0* . System 3 1,706 35,569 12,512 48,081 23,875 192 1,438 1,438 0* Ventilation 3,958 9,086 13,044 6,679 AED Excursion 321 321 Duct Loads 3,557 626 4,182 Zone 1 1,706 27,733 2,800 30,533 3-South Offices 513 9,919 600 10,519 4-Dominics Office And Bath 383 6,483 200 6,683 6-Breakroom 810 11,331 2,000 13,331 2,388 . -- . -.. .. 14,809 8,184 4,171 2,454 192 101; 5,~ 3.' ,- 1,438 514 336 587 1,438 514 336 587 2-0* 1-0* 2-0* [~~@~OW~[Q) FEB 1 S 2006 CORRECTED FILE COpy f:3UiLDING OIVISION ,"i::~~;I~~ii$=,~;~~~Cia1'HV~C.~d$,""".""""' 1 C-hm: Glazing-Single pane window with storm, heat- absorbing, metal frame no break, u-value 0.87 , 1A-hm-o: Glazing-Single pane, operable window, heat- absorbing, metal frame no break, u-value 1.27 11 P: Door-Polyurethane Core 13A-20cs: Wall-Block, board insulation only, R-2 board insulation, open core, siding finish 12B-Osm: Part-Frame, R-l1 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, metal studs i 16A-19: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Unvented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Any Roofing Material, Any Roof Color, R-19 insulation i 22A-ph: Floor-Slab on grade, No edge insulation. no insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy moist soil 100.1 2,350 168 5,760 140.1 1679.4 1,027 9,115 3,150 1124.9 4929.5 6,522 321 11,769 Subtotals for structure: People: Equipment: Lighting: Ductwork: Infiltration: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 690, Summer CFM: 690 AED Excursion: . -. ....... - .. . ~ Total Building Load Totals: 32 39,693 0 6,400 o 9012 6,686 2,310 o 0 20,482' 27,865 o 0 ............._ .. .. . ........ .... _. _. un- .. .. _ ..... "_ _. 66,861 36,575 o 3,656 3,656 9,978 715 6,212 2,016 17,151 o o o 9.978 715 6,212 2,016 39,728 13,760 o 30,731 12,747 o 40,003 " u},9?~ 140,942 o o o o 17,151 1)'413.~..$:.;Fltil1iA~;';Zi~;;!A:iti~&~i':'W~%{'fWK;}!e1ild/~j8;S:;'ft'ifE~;ft>}t!;~;'ilc@;~~f;;i:'dS{~Ni~}itJg;51f!f;?ij~;;t;i\\k'%~\'f~"2M:~:O<;i;:fj;;~t;~f:i,-~c::~~~:ir~'iH:Ff~~;;j;Y;,H:'}'~~!i;;;~{;jM):;;}~"1 Total Building Supply CFM: 4,195 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.851 Square ft. of Room Area: 4,930 Square ft. Per Ton: 420 Volume (fP) of Condo Space: 49,295 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 5.1 t~jJ~lJ@.:~~ti\M"j~li;fli;;if~{tlt~i.~j1(~JIZ~ij~1g;it;{;c\~~~~;;t~1!i;~N,~i!r{I;i%':sN':,;j:{(~{g4;~0E~.f%W;::;~;~~:J*fi)~:M#~~~i%~~~;,~~1K~;1;;J;Nt@'I'~f2&'t,~;%t;;;';i!,}f;,;:;i;~ii;j[0iWiG~1~Y!~@F:;!fJ);E1 Total Heating Required With Outside-Air: 66,861 Btuh 66.861 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 104,367 Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 36,575 Btuh 26 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 140,942 Btuh 11.75 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) t;:t~~<~r:;J!J!6jt;!~Hi~1;;@\'t~:;t~ye~i'i*R.'&f:t:?:i;1!tW;;;jf$t;~1j~~;{/~ff;W[.i:::t;;'flntV:;fi/;:0\}~}~i::?~~1};;Z0i%':.;;%~i~~~;~1;~i{t::[!;;$i,~-;\;7~;}~1tW:1~!JM:;~~'~F~;E~;{;'ni;j~j;l's;'t;;!;~~i{;;[;~*:\.\j Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. o 39,728 7,360 o 30,731 10,437 o 12,137 ~,9?4 104,367 rm~@~nw~@ FEB 1 6 2006 CORRECTED FILE COpy BUILDING DIVISION I r=~E~t'=0"0"0AeS0...."..i f.System 1 Room Load Summary...... ..:..::.....""''';..-....... :..: :: . -': '.:":' .~'. ..:.-.... . ..' : ~. .- . .:.-.;: __ ".;. '._ ~'_.i -.. _ . . '. '. ~. .>' :. ..'E:liteSo:ftWareDe"efQPfl1!!rit.:rl1c~ . . .' .:.... :" '.. .....-. ..... . ..C..."'.... ....0.....&. )fM.,.iL..IWotks.:a....'....e.....6...n ..' ....:. ':::o-rY:,~. <", '.0 r: --Zone 1- 1 Showroom 1,500 12.,753 166 5-0 0 n~.A()r n. t690 1,495 J,.49~ Ventilation 8,905 5,277 112,115 AED Excursion 2,652 Duct Loads 2,406 nun.. _n'nn,,,,,'n 3.81? 722 System 1 total 1,500 24,065 166 38,152 114,437 1,495 1,495 l:9i:YQ!Ifig:g~ek!i:$~wm~*:t:i!\;2'i~iiWi:flf~&'~U;~~~~~~i4s'6~j%~;;;;i{2..*'1:;'1;:;'f~:'-\i?;fiiW~~f;:!;~gt%;&':t~~~,'&s;g;;it~;fi;}%;:;;~:::',~',;>>~~'~,:K;i;~:~~f5i~~~}~!f:?~;'{E;ig~~~~*;tf,~"i~:~~*:~;;~;;~;::1 Net Required: Actual: 5.04 72% /28% 43,850 16,650 60,500 W~qW~~P~~Y"irfi~~&~tii;f;;;:n~1iJ;Wt0~f~~;%:;~12~d1*&;:~g~:;~$~{b:r'ii;::Z'{%:::!ii:j:;':if~XJ~;I7/i~i1\}{Ji~2~t~}li;~:ri;,frifEB~liJ1;-0:f~~t~kZ~~}j'{~lfJt{f4f~ii'i~;i?;~>%i;;;stf;:<:;';;:,H0;;:i;Wl Heatina Svstem Coolina System AHU Standard Air Conditioner lWE2060P13FP 2A7NA2060AlOOOA GMC or EQUIVALENT TRANE 12 SEER Obels 60500 43,850 Btut! 16,650 Btut! Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: Latent Capacity: 34100 nla nla a~~@~UW~lQ> FES 1 6 2006 CORRECTED FiLE COpy 8UIL'OING OIVISION ~~p!!,,.tiC==~00'l!I'''l\C~......>..... [System 2 Room Load Summary ........ . .. .o.i~04'i"'3";"~~ I --Zone 1-- 2 Bath 1 & Offices 806 5,907 77 2-0 0 10.235 600 545 545 5 Reception And 918 6,224 81 3-0 0 13,444 1,400 716 716 Offices .... .. ....--.. Ventilation 4.898 2,902 6.663 AED Excursion 1 ,000 Duct Loads 1,8~2u.uu.uun..uu_}.0~5 963 ..1 System 2 total 1,724 18.921 158 30.646 9.626. 1.262 1,262 I t~QtipgI~~~7iB$:U~nl'?K4t~Nff~1~;';0;E:iN'Jg~~!i~~W;%t~I:;~f~?[;(;JfIW::i;:fi$},&W~}WiCS;)G~:;1%'di1j'gi,0~'.@:it!E)~i~Eg;{;r~fi,'~R;;!;;f;;~~!~Pt';f~if;!~:J~!!t;t;W:";f2!;;t!ii~%:;:..!m/i~;~:}EH Net Required: 40,272 Actual: 49,500 ~:!ftf!.M~i:~t;W1~fa.:Nii:li'i?1i;ytl:tf!'Bi':i~ii;}{;tt!~,,\tr$:rf;i~f{i'*~%~~!:itjf::'}~s;.;t~'j~1gf0.N&W1B(Hf,t\~?f'JH~1~r;~i\~P1:;li~ff':;~N[~l't~K;;!R~i~'~r[tf;fX,Ktfig2;'i~;!,i;;g~}~if):;"l;;,:itS~;;t'WC;{;~;\MII Heatino System Coolino S~;tem AHU Standard Air Conditioner TWE048C14FC 27NA2048A 1 OOOA GMC or EQUIVALENT TRANE 12 SEER o bels 49500 35,950 Btuh 13,550 Btuh Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: Latent Capacity: 34100 nla nla rnl~@~nW~[ID fEB 1 6 2006 COR.~ECiED FILE COpy BUILDING OIVfSION . 'r ~1~L"ZZ!0...'00~i... l System 3 Room LoadSummarj/ . . ::::......::..:.'........:. . . . ~.' ;.' . '. . '.. . '~". '. .:..::....::.... <;.-<.' . ..' .' - . . . '. . -. . '.' .,., . '. . . . .- . .'. . '. . ..... - . , '. '. -'. .: .... -. ...... .... .......:. . . ". . '" ..- . ~ '.' "05,,;~>7J 513 8,184 106 2-0 0 9,919 600 514 514 383 4,171 54 1-0 0 6,483 200 336 336 6 810 ?~454 32 2-0 0 ...... ~1,~~~. .. ?,Q()O .. 587 587 -...--.--.. .. . .. . - ..-. ...... ...-.-- 6,679 3,958 9,086 321 2,388 :3 ,~!).7 626 . .. --.-.- ..-._.. 1,706 23,875 192 35,569 '12,512 1,438 1 ,438 Net Required: Actual: 5.04 72% /28% 43.850 16,650 60.500 W~q~j~~~f.t:';l?i~:t,,;~~~ff:37&d1i~;i,!i)lr~~~~1:~t~;t;t~1~p,j~MtJri(~:g~t,~~:j,~~;i!i;~t@);\02g~i2.f~~~'0*'Jf*i11i[;;7Jfi$::0[J~l~1f11~~J~1;~j*;~f~~4tB;::,ji:J:i:i?;)!},~+~ij:,~2;!,t;j:j;;;U?ij;;,;;:S:.':;j Heatina Svstem Coolina System AHU Standard Air Conditioner TWE2060P13FP 2A7NA2060AlOOOA GMCorEQUNALENT TRANE 12 SEER OOOls 60500 43,850 Btull 16,650 Stuh Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: Latent Capacity: 34100 n/a nla fRl~@~nw~@ FEB 1 6 2006 CORRr:creo FILE COP" BUllD!NG I:'ll"!SIO"" . o 5 .- ~ 7 1 3 8 - FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CHAPTER 4 - Commercial Building Compliance Methods SOUTH Climate Zones 7 8 9 FORM 400C-01 Limited and Special. Use Buildings Project Name: Address: City, Zip Code: Builder: Owner: Zone: Building Classification: Building Permit No.: Permitting Office: Jurisdiction No.: (....0 'fV\. BUILDING INl"uftMATluN WALLS ROOF/CEILING FLOORS DOORS GLASS TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA TYPE U ARE.~ TYPE U AREA . ConcretelCBS 1I"lllC Under AllIc Slab-on-nrade 'N7_1 Wood SiOOle, wall 4/~~ Wood frame ; Sin"le Assemblv . Raised Wood , Metal IYO Double, waU Metal frame IIVT Other: Raised Concrete Insulated . STniile, roof Insulation R-value .1 I&; Insulation R-value \ A Insulation R-value Other Double, roof ./ \ I SYSTEMS INFORMATION AIR CONDITIONER HEATING SYSTEM HOT WATER TYPE EFFICIENCY TONS TYPE EFFICIENCY BTUlH TYI'E Unitary & Heat Pump :5't~ Central & Heat Pump ~~? Be"lIic <65,000 BtuIh +ksEER <65,000 Bluth -+-HSPF Hesistance 0 2:65,000 Btu/h _EER _IPLV - <!65.000 Btu/h _COP - Dedicated Heat Pump 0 WSW cooled _EER _'PLV - Water cooled _COP - Gas Evaporatively cooled _EER - Evaporalively cooled _COP - Natural 0 PTAC _EER. - Electric Resistance _COP - L.PG 0 Chiller _COP _IPLV - Gas/Oil (drde one) HRU 0 Gas heat pump _COP - <225,0001300,000 BtuIh _AFUE - Other. 0 Other: 2:225,000/300,000 BtuIh Er LIGKrlNG Total Lighting Watlage QOI"Z , .~-z, I SIZING CALCULATION I DUCTS R-value = - 0 T alai Cornfrtioned Floor Area '1'\ ." 0 Wattslsq.ft. Attached Location PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (Must be met or exceeded by all buildings.) CamDOn~ts Section Reauirementa Check Ooerations Manual 102.1 Operations manual will be provided to owner. ....", Windows & Doors 406.1 Maximum: .3 cfm oar SQ.ft. of window area; Maximum: 1.2 cfm per sa.ft. of door area. ,/ joints/CraCks 406.1 To be caulked. oaskated, weathersllipped or otherwise sealed. /' Drooped CeilIna Cavilv 406.1 Vented: seal and insulate ceUin!l (no T -bar ceinn"sl. Unvented, no cainn" air barrier. seal and insulate roof and side walls. ...... Reheat 401.1 Electric resistance reheat prohibited. - Ventilation 409.1 Supplied with readily accessible switch for shut-off and/or volume reduclion when ventilation is not required. v HVAC Efficiency 407.1,406.1 Minimum efficiencies - Heating: Tables 4-7, 4-8, 4-9. Cooling: Tables 4-3, 44, 4-5, 4-6. ......... HVAC Controls 407.1 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. .""'- HVAC Ducts 410.1 Air ducts, ffllings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached. SEaled, insulated and installed in accordance with the criteria ofsec1ion 410,1. ~ Balancing 410.1 HVAC distribution system(s) tested and balanced. ......... Piping Insulation 411.1 In accordance with Table 4-11. .........- Water Heaters 412.1 Automatic eleclric storage water heaters -:>120 gallons and gas & oillired storage water heaters 515,000 BtuIh shall meet perfonnance requirements in Table 4-12. Electric >120 gallons: standby 1oss~30+27NT' Gas >75,000., Oil >105.000: e. .78, - Standby loss s 1.30+114NT. Gas, Oil >155,000: E,.78, Standby loss S 1.30+95NT. Swimming Pools 412.1 Spas & healed pools must have covers. Non~mercial pools must have pump timer. Gas spa & pool healers must & Spas have a minimum thermal elficiency of 78%. - Hot Water Pipe 412.1 Piping heat loss is 6milBd to the levels in Table 4-11 for circulatIng systems and the first 8' of pipe !from a storage Insulation tank. ......- Water Fixtures 412.1 Shower head water flow reslrtcled to maximum of 2.5 gpm at 80 psi. Toilets meet 42CFR 6295(k). Public lavatory fixture maximum flow of .5 gpm; or if self-closing valve, .25 gallon circulating, .5 gallon non-circulaling. V Ligtlling 415.1 Ballasts shall have Power Factors no less than .90. Y" If required by Florida law, I hereby certify that the system design Is in comp . ARCHITECT: ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DESIGNER: UGHTING SYSTEM DESIGNER: MECHANICAL SYSTEM DESI PLUMBING SYSTEM DESIGNER: Compliance with Chapter. 4 was demonstrated Detached Buildings <:200 sq.ft 0 Skyboxeslsports stadiums Traffic safety control towers 0.. Registration No. 04C!-JCI- {~oCf '- b o o o OffICe buildings <5,000 SQ.1t. School buildings <5,000 sq.ft. Storage buildings <5,000 sq.ft. a Prescriptive Measures methodology: Convenience stores <5,000 sq.ft. Restaurants <5,000 sq.fl. Retail stores <5.000 SQ.fl. rID CORRECTED FILE COPY BUILDING DIVISION "'-7138'~ f!~!~~~'~~Lj~j!~mv!~a~:~0")0~~;~;::.~ -' l Project Report .' . . . -;}~>~.-\,-'. '. ....-...-:-...... '":",:-...-''' ."" ".",' . '. -." . .". .." . ~~1~I!f?Ji(l~?of!~f~~~~~t;{!;~l'tR~~*l~~;~'!t:f~:m!%~~:~.i~'t~i*~~~:&Z(~r~;j;~~~f~{*r~tif.tjf~;;q;i!~~~tf1:$~;:~sr,..~~p;f!tf:,J;It)l~$;lfii1F,~I;;:~d1t~fL:fi~fi~ Project Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\Karen\My Documents\My Projects'garr rav mill.rhv Project Td:le: Garr Mil/WOrks Project Date: Thursday, January 05,2006 Client Name: Garr Millworks Company Name: Wallen Service Corp. I ~~~~~rf:~~~tj$f*t;ltff;:;fic'B~:;~~}h~A%~~~0i~@~~~\1jj~i~~~%~ik!ittfJ,i-E!i'I~i?ttrs;'1~I;tt~~fl~::tiit~lt'11W#\g{*,1~~Mf%j~,\lflf&'8~T~%?ili~*,~~~j?tt~t?t:'~;w~~~1 Reference City: West Palm Beach,Florida Daily Temperature Range: Medium LatibJde: . 26 Degrees Elevation: 15 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.999 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1 .000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Winter: Summer: Outdoor Dry Bulb 45 91 Outdoor Wet Bulb o 78 Indoor Rel.Hum 30 50 Indoor Dry Bulb 72 75 Grains Difference o 59 ~~~"t:m.~~j7;if'-~€4{tt~&?;"~'#~fht{~$1fU&i~~~~t~~}i;*jk'r~if;tt~~W{~';g00't't*$i~03~**i-(;s;~i'~4:~~~~;~i'~~lji~~~0~~~~t1f~fi~~@~;'Nij~0~&~n~;t71!&it~:j~K\'~il Total Building Supply CFM: 4.195 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.851 Square ft. of Room Area: 4,930 Square ft. Per Ton: 420 Volume (fP) of Condo Space: 49,295 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 5.1 g~t.'Plt~j~'i;~4W~t;;fgt~11fP;;~~~0;~0",itiMi{t{1lt~;'flt%';}~t*~is#~1~~Z~ji~"iiM~:4;ij~~t1~\~~~f14~1;;;~?J.;jf~~;;;1@rf;1~Y,~~~~Wf1'!fi~;titf~ttNi~?~~f~'2~t;jif1&i%ji'?3;;pJj1i:);1 Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 66,861 Btuh 66.861 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 104,367 Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 36.575 Btuh 26 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 140,942 Btuh 11.75 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) ~~~:~~~f=:'~:;~~~f~7;~~f~;f~ffE~~~*~:~;r~~~9~1:ts~*~1~~i:{ffl~;blJ!;i~1tfi~~~B~~(~W~j;~~%*:;i~~Wl~t&lJf~~it%~%~1}!~~~4}lt:;1t~j0;j All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary_ Be sure to select a' unit that meets both sensible and latent loads.