AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Requested City Commission Meeting Dates Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office April 23, 1999 (noon) o May 18, 1999 o June 1, 1999 o June 15, 1999 o July 6,1999 May 7 1999 (noon) 0 March 16, 1999 0 April 6, 1999 ~ Ap~120, 1999 0 May 4, 1999 March 5 1999 (noon) March 26, 1999 (noon) May 21 1999 (noon) April 9 1999 (noon) June 4, 1999 (noon) June25 1999 (noon) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM o Administrative ~ Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Bids o Announcement o Development Plans o New Business o Legal o Unfmished Business o Presentation RECOMMENDA nON Please place the request below on the April 20, 1999 City Commission agenda under Consent- Ratification of Planning and Development Board action. The Planning and Development Board with a 7-0 vote, recommended that this request be tabled pursuant to the request of the applicant, to allow this review to be combined with the review of the corresponding conditional use review scheduled for the April 27th Planning and Development Board meeting. For further details pertaining to this request see attached Department of Development Memorandum No PZ 99- 093 EXPLANA nON PROJECT Mobil Station at Quantum Park PID AGENT Michelle Coward OWNER. Quantum Park Partners Ltd. LOCA nON Southwest comer of Gateway Boulevard and High Ridge Road DESCRIPTION Request the list of approval uses for the Quantum Park PID be amended to mclude gasoline sales with convenience store and car wash. PROGRAM IMPACT N/A FISCAL IMPACT N/A ALTERNATIVES. N/A City Manager's Signature ~(./- -/~ Planning and Zoning Director City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources J:\SI-IRDA T AIPLANNING\SHAREDlWP\PROJECTSIMOBIL AT QUANTUMIUSAP\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST 4-20-99,DQC DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 99-093 FROM Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board /'?0re Michael W Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director TO. DATE. SUBJECT April a, 1999 \ Mobil Station at Quantum Park (USAP 99-002) Use approval for gas station with convenience store and car wash NATURE OF REQUEST Michelle L. Coward of Houston Cuozzo Group, Inc. is requesting that a gas station with convenience store and car wash be added to the list of approved uses for the Quantum Park PID Quantum Corporate Park is a 539 9 acre development of regional impact (DRI) that is generally located west of the intersection of High Ridge Road and Gateway Boulevard (see Exhibit "An) BACKGROUND The future land use map designation of Quantum Park is "IndustriaL" Pursuant to Chapter 2- Zoning, Section 7 E., of the Land Development Regulations, in a PID, a building and its customary ancillary structures and land uses may be erected, altered and occupied for any office, professional, business (wholesale and retail), educational institution or adult entertainment use in accordance with Section 11 M of the zoning code or industrial use, provided that such use or uses is/are approved by the Planning and Development Board (and City Commission) To approve such a use, the Planning and Development Board must make findings that the proposed use will not be in conflict with the performance standards listed in Section 4 N of the zoning regulations, and that the use proposed is consistent with the intent and purpose of the planned industrial development district. Also, pursuant to Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 11 L., of the Land Development Regulations, a gas station shall be located only at the intersection of any combination of the following roads as designed in the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan County arterial, state arterial, local collector or county collector; and (same section 11) gasoline dispensing establishment shall only be located at any intersection consisting of roads of four (4) lanes or wider It should be noted that the proposed location at Quantum Park is at the intersection of two (2) roads consisting of four (4) lanes each (Gateway Boulevard and High Ridge Road) Also noteworthy is the close proximity of the proposed location to 1-95, and the absence of gas stations within this vicinity The nearest gas stations are one (1) mile from the Quantum Park PID (Federal Highway and Gateway Boulevard), and two or more miles (Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road) As indicated in Exhibit "Bn this area of the city is void of gas stations uses, Page 2 Mobil Station at Quantum Park File USAP 99-002 PID (Federal Highway and Gateway Boulevard), and two or more miles (Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road) As indicated in Exhibit "Bn, this area of the city is void of gas stations uses, including the major intersection of Congress Avenue and Gateway Boulevard. The placement of this use within the Quantum Park PID would minimize travel distances for commuters accessing the area via 1-95, and avoid unnecessary vehicle trips on the roadway network. " ANALYSIS The intent and purpose of the planned industrial development, as specified in Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7.A, is as follows. INTENT AND PURPOSE. "A planned industrial development district (PID) is established. The purpose of this district is to provide a zoning classification for light industrial development that will better satisfy current demands for light industrial zoned lands by encouraging development which will reflect changes in the technology of land development and relate the development of land to the specific site and to conserve natural amenities Regulations for PID are intended to accomplish a more desirable environment for industrial development in relation to existing and/or future city development, permit economies in providing public services, allow for economies of scale in industrial development, and to promote the public health, safety, convenience, welfare and good government of the City of Boynton Beach." All uses located within the city shall conform to the performance standards set forth, and shall be construed, maintained and operated so as not to be a nuisance or hazard to persons, animals, vegetation or property located on adjacent or nearby properties or right-of-way' or to interfere with the reasonable use or enjoyment of adjacent or nearby property by reason of noise, vibration smoke dust, or other particular matter; toxic or noxious matter; odor, glare, heat or humidity' radiation electromagnetic interference, fire or explosive hazard, liquid waste discharge, or solid waste accumulation Furthermore, no use shall be carried out so as to create any nuisance or hazard which is in violation of any applicable federal, state, county or city law or permit, and all such laws and permits are adopted as performance standards in these zoning regulations To evaluate the Chapter 2, Section 4 N I Performance Standards of the Land Development Regulations the applicant has prepared a response that addresses each of the eleven standards. The responses are found in Exhibit "C" - Performance Standards. An analysis of the applicant's responses indicates that the project will demonstrate compliance with the performance standards However, regarding handling and storing of hazardous material (reference the underground fuel storage tank), environmental review is recommended RECOMMENDATION Supported by the information provided herein, staff recommends that the list of permitted uses for the Quantum Park PID be amended to include gas station with convenience store and car Page 3 Mobil Station at Quantum Park File: USAP 99-002 wash. This recommendation is based on the conditions indicated in Exhibit "08 - Conditions of Approval, which would require environmental review and approval, and limit the Quatum Park PIO to a single gas station in order to avoid any future proliferation of such uses as seen in other areas of the city \ \ \SHRDATA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\MOBIL AT QUANTUM\USE APPROVAL REQUEST. DOC ='OCATION MAF- EXHIBIT "I MOBIL STATION AT QUANTUM PARK - - .=: ---.. ~ ...... - --. w'~t~ ~~L ~I -1 ~ III.........: y'~~..." .. '_..~~... , - fJl.'f ,7 1.~. .'L, ~,"II "" I 1-1 f NOT -- '<!tt t= I '; ^ (fji!J'It l=E, IN~- ~ I f ~ =~- . CITV "t..:...:. 1 - J;. r-!.. t;J. - : .. ~mt- ,f-r- r-U i ~~:El( t5Jti ~ I c- ~E,i :w. Y'-- ~ B' ~ ':t 1 ~.~7llLij"J:j~ ~~t J~. ~TY' u_ ~~ ~ ~ Z5~\.ID.7i':- I,,-{..i~\ -- 1=I'1^^~\~~'\ / / -, oS ~ a "~"" - J __ ,,-- t.\ r ~,L.:J P }I"M' ~ r~ ~ ~~I~I:~ ' . /) I t"/~\~- ;~ rA .If , I r-_I~ l~i~ (] ~I '1 ~ 1/l:.~1 .~ ~ ..~ - I . ,~ '; /.C~~"~ ~ 3. ) (C::3 : '\ \\ ~ ... '- ~j.~/" 113. .-:' \\ ~ \. ,. . J>' .". (i) ._ _ (_ " '~... _.' ~" . .: '" I L.- ft:J.\ : ',~ I ~-~~ / '. ...; . · I . l ~ n " ,""- /' . ~ .: J I _ """:11 ,." ... ,.. I. '-0 ,..... . . ~ ~ ' '. ~ /'~ n ; /": ,.-~' ~ -- .~~m~~ I /~ {( ~\ f/'" ,/ f 7. IH': - vt1: ' i~'II.' if U I -, . ' ---::.::::..... [ ~/ ' : CYNT _____ _:~~'b H - -~- ,~ r-_uK OF COMMER__ ~ _ _rrIUANTUM PARKJ \J - II ~ .... ~ 7; .... q-~ n , -J , ~ " ~.~ z: ~i 'Ii / - 1/'/ ~ I~ PIC - 't.- b.: r - ....-...-- f~ . . Ii, !~ , ~ PARr IUQC PI .. . I. ...... -= . -nu,u .... \ \ I' ::::: ~i-'i9Lrmml fi' -I.~ ... ,,---=- I . ......:--.. -----:';"-T"1. ~ ", ~= :::;: 11111 rl 1'1 L !..- - --... - EXHIBIT liE ., I lJ .J EXHIBIT "C" ~9 FLAGLER AVE'\;UE. 302 STUART FLORIDA 3499~ (561/111-2128 FAX (5611 ~21-0n~S February 23, 1999 HOUSTON CUOZZO GROUp. INC.. " Mr Michael Rumpf CIty of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re' Mobil Station at Quantum Park Our Ref. #98-123 A Use Approval for Gas StatIon WIth Convemence Store and Car Wash Dear Mr Rumpf- Please accept thIS letter as our ConditIonal Use ApplIcation for the above referenced project whIch 1S for a Mob11 convenience store/ gas station at the southwest comer of Gateway Boulevard and High Ridge Road Within the Quantum Park Planned Industnal Development. The lIst of allowed uses WIthm Quantum Park DR! Development Order does not 10clude the gas statlOns, convemence stores With a car wash, therefore, we are request10g a Use Approval to allow the proposed faCIlIty at thIS locatIon. The C1ty of Boynton Beach Code, Chapter 11 SectIon L.3.a. establIshes 10catIOnal standards for retaIl sales of gasoline establishments. These 10catlOnal criteria limIt the number of potent1al SItes for gasolIne sales witlun the City of Boynton Beach. The proposed sIte IS one of the few sltes that meet those cntena. Please conSIder tlus use and Its accessorY uses as an allowed use 10 the Quantum Park Planned Industnal Development. The gas sales facllIty, convemence store and car wash Will comply WIth all of the CIty s performance standards. They are 1OdIv1dually addressed as follows. 1 Noise. No sound WIll be created whIch IS 10 VIolatIon of section 15-8 of the C1ty of Bovnton Beach Code of Ord1Oances. 2 Vibration. No ground vibratIon w1ll be generated by the proposed use. L"I) I'L\"I'G L"O\C \pr \RCHITECTL'RE . PROJECTCOOROI'AT(O' GO\ ER'\IE:-;T \FFAIRS STRATEGIC PLANNING Mr Rumpf Page 2 of3 February 23. 1999 3 Smoke. dust or other Darticular matter: No emission of smoke, dust, dirt, or other particular matter will be created. The proposed uses will not allow the emissIOn of any substances in VIOlatIOn of any federal, state, county, or CIty laws or pernuts govermng the emISSIon of such substances. 4 Odors and Fumes. No objectionable or offensive odors will be readily perceptible at any pomt beyond the mdustnal distnct. 5 Toxic or noxious matter: The proposed use will not allow any toxic or noXIOUS matter to be dIscharged m such concentrations as to cause damage to property or " vegetatIon, discomfort or hann to persons or animals, or prevent reasonable use and enjoyment of property or rights-of-way at or beyond the property line or to contaminate any publIc waters or any groundwater 6 Fire and Explosion. Local, State and federal regulations related to gasoline storage, transport and sale require stnct safety standards to be followed m the development of thIS faCIlIty 7 Heat. Humidity or Glare: The proposed use will not create any large amounts of heat, hurmdIty or glare that wIll affect the surrounding property The proposed lIghtmg WIll conform the mW{lmum foot-candle standard established by the City of Boynton Beach Code. 8 Liquid Waste: Any dISpOSal of lIquid waste will be In conformance With the proVISIons of Chapter 26 of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances and any applIcable federal, state or county laws or permIts. 9 Solid Waste: Anv accumulation or dIsposal of solId waste Will be In conformance WIth Chapter 10 of the CIty of Boynton Beach Code or Ordinances and wIll not be transferred to adjacent property or nght-of-way 10 Electromal!netic Interference: No electromagnetIc radiatIon or Interference Will be created. 11 Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste: No hazardous matenals or waste WIll be created, stored. or handled WIth the proposed use. Enclosed 1S a copv of the proposed SIte plan for your review With thIs use approval request. The apphcatlOn fee of $25000 IS mcluded in check #0107 that was submItted WIth the CondItional Use Approval applIcatIOn on February 23, 1999 Mr Rumpf Page 3 of3 February 23. 1999 Please revIew these critena and call me If you need any additional informatIon or have any questIons pertaInmg to this request. Thank you for your assistance on this matter Smcerely, th/~~~ Michelle L. Coward, Project Manager " Enc cc. Aaron Weeks, Himes & Associates, Inc. Paul Capronigro, Mobil Oil Corporation Anna Cottrell, Anna S Cottrell and Associates, Inc. Jeff Iravanl, JeffH. IraVanl, Inc. Michael Houston. Houston Cuozzo Group, Inc. Q'\Documents\Leners & Memos\98-I 23-use application.doc EXHffiIT "D" CondItIOns of Approval PrOject name Mobil at Quantum Park File number' USAP 99-002 Reference Use Aooroval DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments None \ UTILITIES Comments. None FIRE Comments None POLICE Comments. None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments None BUILDING DIVISION Comments None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments. None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments. None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments 1 Environmental review and approval shall be reqUIred prior to the Issuance of an occupational license or certificate of occupancy 2 To avoid the excess of such uses within thiS mdustrIal park, this PID shall be limited to one gas statIon and conveOlence store No other single uses or combination of the two uses shall be permitted. Mobil at Quantum Park USAP 99-002 Page 2 of2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 3 To be determmed. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 4 To be determmed. MWR/kcw/dim J:ISHRDATAIPLANNINGISliAREDlWP\PROJECTSIMOBIL AT QUANTUMIUSAPlEXlilllIT D COND OF APPRVLDOC DEVELOPMl r ORDER OF THE CITY COMMIS~.ON OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME. Mobil Station at Quantum Park PID (USAP 99-002) APPLICANT'S AGENT Michelle Coward APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 712 US Highway 1 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION' April 20, 1999 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT Use Approval LOCATION OF PROPERTY Southwest comer of Gateway Blvd. and High Ridge Rd. DRAWING(S) SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows. 1 Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3 The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included" 4 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby _ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof DENIED 5 This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6 All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order 7 Other DATED' City Clerk J:\SHRDATAIPlanningISHAREOIWPIPROJECTSIMOBll ~ QUANTUM PARK\USAP\ DEVELOPMENT ORDER.doc