Mr Rumpf
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February 23, 1999
3 Smoke. dust or other particular matter: No emISSIOn of smoke, dust, dIrt, or other
partIcular matter wIll be created. The proposed uses wIll not allow the emISSIon of
any substances m VIOlatIOn of any federal, state, county, or CIty laws or permIts
governmg the emISSIOn of such substances.
4 Odors and Fumes. No objectIOnable or offenSIve odors wIll be readIly perceptible at
any pomt beyond the mdustnal dIstnct.
5 Toxic or noxious matter: The proposed use WIll not allow any tOXIC or noxIOUS
matter to be dIscharged m such concentratIOns as to cause damage to property or
vegetatIOn, dIscomfort or harm to persons or ammals, or prevent reasonable use and
enjoyment of property or nghts-of-way at or beyond the property lme or to
contammate any publIc waters or any groundwater
6 Fire and Explosion. Local, State and federal regulatIOns related to gasolme storage,
transport and sale reqUIre stnct safety standards to be followed m the development of
thIS faCIlIty
7 Heat. Humiditv or Glare: The proposed use will not create any large amounts of
heat, humIdIty or glare that wIll affect the surroundmg property The proposed
lIghtmg wIll conform the maxImum foot-candle standard establIshed by the CIty of
Boynton Beach Code.
8 Liquid Waste: Any dIsposal of lIqUId waste wIll be m conformance WIth the
provlSlons of Chapter 26 of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordmances and any
applIcable federal, state or county laws or permIts.
9 Solid Waste: Any accumulatIOn or dIsposal of solId waste will be m conformance
WIth Chapter 10 of the CIty of Boynton Beach Code or Ordmances and will not be
transferred to adjacent property or nght-of-way
10 Electromagnetic Interference: No electromagnetIc radIatIOn or mterference WIll be
11 Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste: No hazardous matenals or waste WIll
be created, stored, or handled With the proposed use.
Enclosed IS a copy of the proposed SIte plan for your reVIew WIth thIS use approval
request. The applIcatIOn fee of $250 00 IS mcluded m check #0107 that was submItted
WIth the CondItIOnal Use Approval applIcatIOn on February 23, 1999
(561) 221 2128
FAX (561) 221-0788
February 23, 1999
Mr Michael Rumpf
CIty of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
POBox 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 \
Re: Mobil Station at Quantum Park Our Ref. #98-123 A
Use Approval for Gas StatIOn With Convemence Store and Car Wash
Dear Mr Rumpf
Please accept thIS letter as our CondItIOnal Use ApphcatIOn for the above referenced
project whIch IS for a MobIl convemence store/ gas statIOn at the southwest comer of
Gateway Boulevard and High RIdge Road wlthm the Quantum Park Planned Industnal
Development. The hst of allowed uses wlthm Quantum Park DRl Development Order
does not mclude the gas statIOns, convemence stores wIth a car wash, therefore, we are
requestmg a Use Approval to allow the proposed faclhty at thIS locatIOn.
The CIty of Boynton Beach Code, Chapter 11 SectIOn L.3.a. estabhshes 10catIOnal
standards for retall sales of gasolme estabhshments. These 10catIOnal cntena hmlt the
number of potential SItes for gasohne sales wIthin the CIty of Boynton Beach. The
proposed SIte IS one of the few SItes that meet those cntena. Please consIder thIS use and
ItS accessory uses as an allowed use m the Quantum Park Planned Industrial
The gas sales faclhty, convemence store and car wash Will comply wIth all of the CIty'S
performance standards. They are mdlvldually addressed as follows.
1 Noise. No sound Will be created whIch IS m VIOlatIOn of sectIOn 15-8 of the CIty of
Boynton Beach Code of Ordmances.
2. Vibration. No ground vibratIOn wIll be generated by the proposed use
Mr Rumpf
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February 23 1999
Please reVIew these cntena and call me If you need any addItional mformation or have
any questIOns pertammg to thIS request. Thank you for your assIstance on thIS matter
/hItitIb;( ~
Michelle L Coward,
Project Manager
cc Aaron Weeks, Himes & ASSOCiates, Inc
Paul Capronigro, MobIl all CorporatIOn
Anna Cottrell, Anna S Cottrell and ASSOCIates, Inc
JefflravanI, JeffH. IravanI, Inc.
Michael Houston, Houston Cuozzo Group, Inc.
Q'\Documents\Letters & Memos\98-123-use application.doc