CORRESPONDENCE Nlv\SP C\ C\. - D~ = 49 FLAGLER AVENUE, 302 STUART FLORIDA 34994 (561) 221 2128 FAX (561) 221-0788 00 8C~ 4U(] .'!' Iv i;:- ^ ~ '/ ....V ~(.q, . ' l008 '\t ~ @ ~ 0 w rn '{)~}~/iC 7" May 11, 1999 V Ia OvernIght Mail HOUSTON CUOZZO GROUP INC. MAY I 21999 Mr Michael Rumpf CIty of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. Re: Mobil Station at Quantum Park Minor Site Plan Revision Our Ref. #98-123 A Dear Mr Rumpf: Please accept thIS letter and the attached plans as our applIcatIOn for a mmor site plan reVlSlon for the above referenced project. As you dIscussed With Michelle Coward, we have revIsed the plans to mdlcate a mansard roof as opposed to the hIpped roof WhICh was mdlcated on the ongmal submittal. Enclosed IS a check for $100 00 made out to the CIty of Boynton Beach. The attached set of plans mcludes a revIsed SIte Plan, Landscape Plan and Canopy ElevatIOns Plan. Thank you for your aSSIstance WIth thIS project. Please let us know If you need any addItional copIes and what meetmg date we WIll be scheduled for Smcerely, /A1~rr- Michael Houston, RIA, AI CP cc Aaron Weeks, Himes & ASSOCIates, Inc. (w/encl.) Paul Capromgro, MobIl 011 CorporatIOn (w/o encl.) Anna Cottrell, Anna S Cottrell and Associates, Inc. (w/o encl.) JeffIravanI, JeffH. IravanI, Inc (w/o encl.) Michelle Coward, Project Manager(w/o encl.) LAND PLAN'\jIl\G LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTCRE PROJECT COORDI~ATION GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS STRATEGIC PLANNI~G