LEGAL APPROVAL DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment May 13, 1999 Michelle Coward 49 Flagler Ave, 302 Stuart, FL 34994 Re FIle No LocatIOn MobIl Station at Quantum Park CaDS 99-002 Southwest Corner of Gateway Blvd & High RIdge Rd. Dear Ms. Coward. Enclosed IS the City of Boynton Beach Development Order for condItIonal use granted on May 4, 1999 To contmue thIS project through the development process, please submIt to thIS office a rectified plan (a sIte plan revIsed to mcorporate all applIcable condItIons of approval) Should you have any questIOns regardmg thIS matter, please feel free to contact thIS office at (561)742-6260 Smcerely ~. ./?' f'0~. Michael W Rumpf DIrector of Planmng & Zomng MWR.Jrna J'lSHRDATAIPlanninglSHAREDlWPIPROJECTSlMelear PUDlOevetopmen. Order Leuer,doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CI" OF B{ "TON BEACH, FLORIDJ b ~d~ PROJECT NAME. Mobil Station at Quantum Park PID (USAP 99-002) APPLICANT'S AGENT Michelle Coward APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 712 US Highway 1 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION May 4, 1999 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT Conditional Use Approval LOCATION OF PROPERTY Southwest comer of Gateway Blvd. and High Ridge Rd. DRAWING(S) SEE EXHIBIT liB" ATTACHED HERETO THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows. OR X THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows. 1 Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant -X- HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhihit "C" with notation "Included" 4 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby -X- GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof DENIED 5 This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6 All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order 7 Other DATED" 5"-7-<:1q ~ '/lI. City Clerk JISHRDATAIPlanninglSHAREDIWPIPROJECTSIMOBIL AT QUANTUMlCOUSlOevelop,Or , p~ Page 2 FIle Name Mobil Station at Quant__.,. Park File No. COUS 99-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 7 Provide an engmeer's certification in wntmg that dramage wlll conform X with all rules, regulations, codes, etc. including, but not limIted to Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 of these Land Development Regulations. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2.] BUILDING DIVISION Comments. 8 To properly identify setbacks from the north property line, show the X setback dImenSIOn measured perpendicular from the property line. 9 Correct the proposed setback dimension from the east property line to the X east side of the convenience store. The plan reads five (5) feet. 10 Provide notes, measurements and computations on the site plan or floor X plan that verifies the proposed finish floor elevation is m compliance with the minimum standards. The finish floor shall meet the mmimum elevation requIred by the flood zone that the project is located withm and mimmum elevation reqUired by the South Flonda Water Management District permit for the project. Also, verify that the elevation of the fimsh floor IS not less than six mches above the crown of the abutting rights-of-way 11 At time of permit reVIew, indicate on the SIte plan or floor plan drawing the X occupancy classification and type of construction proposed for each bUilding. The occupancy and type of construction shall comply with the speCIfications identified m the Building Code. Also, mdicate the number of stones that are in each building. 12 To verify that the wall signage illustrated on the elevation view drawmgs of X the convemence store, canopy and car wash are in complIance With the lImits of the Sign Code, add dimension lines and dimensions to identify the size of the signs. 13 The height of the proposed monument sign exceeds the maximum height X speCified m the approved sign program. Reduce the height of the sign to comply with the regulations of the sign program. The submitted plans indicate that the monument sign is to be mternally illuminated. However, the sign program depICts monument signs without internal 1I1umination. Change the plan to mdicate that the sign is not mternally illuminated, or modify sign program accordingly 14 The maxImum wall Sign area that is allowed for all three structures X (car wash, convenience store and canopy) is determined by multlplymg the total combined length of the building frontage of the car wash structure and the convenience store buildmg by 1.5 Amend the Page 4 File Name Mobil Station at QuantL...n Park File No. COUS 99-002 DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT centered on the south side of the main bUildmg. Remove or screen accordmgly 26 Project must be approved by the Architectural Review Board for Quantum X Park prior to site plan approval. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 27 Lighting not exceed 60 foot candles. X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 28 Modify comment #16 to read. "Obtain consent from grantor of the non- X exclusive Sign easement for the encroachment required to construct gas pump canopy as proposed on plans." MWR.dim 1'ISHRDA T AIPLANNINGlSHAREDlWP\PROJECTSIMOBIL AT QUANTUM\COUS\2ND REVIEW COMMENTS,DQC MEEnNG MINUTES PLANNING. DEVELOP" . BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI...... APRIL 27,1999 Mr Myott noted that there were comments from Development regarding the aesthetic issues of this building He requested that the applicant try to incorporate more of the features Boynton Commons has into the exterior of this building Vice Chairman Dube pointed out that this request would not result in any change in the Comprehensive Plan The motion carried unanimously Use Approval Description Mobil Station at Quantum Park PIC (Originally appeared on agenda as Item 7.8,1) Michelle Coward Quantum Park Partners Ltd Southwest corner of Gateway Boulevard and High Ridge Road Request the list of approved uses for the Quantum Park PID be amended to include gasoline sales with convenience store and car wash 3 Project: Agent: Owner' Location Anna Cottrell, 319 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, represented the applicant. She said this request is part of the evolution of the changes taking place in Quantum Park. Quantum Park is now intended to become a full-service park. The service station will serve the needs of the employees in the park as well as the general traffic. There are no impacts on any residential uses and it takes advantage of already existing volumes of traffic. This will be a convenience service for the Park. After reviewing the map that indicated gas station and auto repair uses within the Oty, Mr Myott advised that there is a gas station at Gateway Boulevard and Federal Highway Ms. Cottrell agreed that the gas station exists approximately 1 V2 miles away from this proposed gas station. Vice Chairman Cube expressed his opposition to any additional gas stations in Boynton Beach. Although this area may need the station, he is against Mobil getting a station with no competition. He felt Mobil would be given carte blanche. This station will create an increase in the traffic coming off 1-95. Ms. Cottrell pointed out that this is an Issue that will be faced by localities that have reduced the number of opportunities for gas stations. Gas stations that have been located on comers have been reduced In size and are becoming functionally obsolete. There are no opportunities to bring them up to standards because of the site sizes. Other gas stations are close enough to this proposed station to create some competition. Most of the customers will be drive-by customers and people will drive a distance if the prices are not competitive. 7 MEEnNG MINUTES p~NmNG&D~E~PM BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 27, 1999 Vice Chairman Dube asked for clarification of the strip of land to the north that fronts the street at the corner Ms. Cottrell advised that DOT has ownership of that land and they are retaining it for future right-of-way There are no plans to use it. Following that explanation, Vice Chairman Dube said this property does not qualify for a gas station since it is not on a corner Ms. Cottrell explained that it is on a right-of-way There is no intervening property owner Mr Rosenstock said he could understand the new owners of Quantum Park wanting to sell as much land for as many uses as they can in order to make a profit. However, the City had grandiose ideas about how Quantum Park would be used There were plans for scientific research centers, industrial sites and others. When the Simon Group appeared before the Commission, they proposed other changes they wanted to make It is Mr Rosenstock's opinion th2~ the Park is being whittled away parcel by parcel The Park now contains a fast-food restaurant, two hotels, an auto resale business and now a gas station Mr Rosenstock said he couldn't support this request for all of the reasons he has stated in the past. Mr Reed said there is at least one other location in the City where there is a Mobil station that has no competition and it affects pricing In his opinion, there should either be no gas stations or there should be two stations. He does not believe a monopoly should be established In response to Ms. Frazier, Ms. Cottrell said this is a company store and there will be no repairs made at this location Mr Rosenstock inquired about the number of gas stations within the boundaries of the City Mr DeCarlo explained that the map only dealt with auto repairs, of which there are 40, 12 body shops and 6 auto detailing shops. Mr Rosenstock reiterated that he specifically requested a map from Mr Rumpf indicating the locations of the gas stations. He again made a request for a map indicating all gas stations within the boundaries of the Oty of Boynton Beach. Mr Friedland pointed out that the housekeeping at the Mobil and Amoco stations in the western part of the City has been of a high standard. He is not concerned about their pricing. He did a study by questioning 14 leaders of buildings in his community (Village Royale on the Green) about complaints regarding this gas station. No negative complaints were received. The employees of the Park will need fuel. Even though there are some negatives associated with gas stations, Mr Friedland feels this would be a positive to this particular area. Mr Rosenstock felt Mr Friedland's logic was false because the distance from the gas station to where he lives is quite large. Mr Rosenstock also referred to the last meeting minutes where he made the request for a color coded map depicting gas stations and auto uses in the City CHAIRMAN WISCHE ANNOUNCED THE PUBUC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT TO ADDRESS THIS APPUCATION 8 MEEnNG MINUTES PLANNING It DEVELOP 4T BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 27,1999 Motion Mr Rosenstock moved that the petitioner, asking for a Mobil Station at the southwest corner of Gateway Boulevard and High Ridge Road, be rejected Vice Chairman Dube seconded the motion that FAILED 3-4 (Chairman Wische, Ms. Frazier, and Messrs. Friedland and Myott dissented) Motion Mr Myott moved to approve the request. Ms. Frazier seconded the motion Mr Reed requested that Mr Myott amend the motion to delete Comment #2 because he does not believe we should set a monopoly Mr Myott was not willing to amend the motion The motion to approve the request carried 4-3 (Vice Chairman Dube and Messrs. Reed and Rosenstock dissented ) Description Mobil Station at Quantum Park PID (Originally appeared on agenda as Item 7.A.3) Michelle Coward Quantum ,Park Partners Ltd. Southwest comer of Gateway Boulevard and High Ridge Road Request approval to construct 3,701 square foot gas station/convenience store with a car wash on 1.13 acres 4 Project: Agent: Owner' Location Anna Cottrell advised that only one comment required clarification. Condition #16 - "The permit for the canopy shall not be issued until the existing sign easement is reconfigured so that the canopy does not enaoach into the easement, or canopy moved outside of easement. " There is an easement that was written by Quantum to provide room for a large monument sign (Park identification sign). The easement covered a larger area than what was needed for the sign construction. this is a non-exduslve easement and there is no prohibition against other kinds of improvements in the easement. The applicant has received permission from Quantum to construct the improvements within the easement. A small portion of the canopy extends into the edge of the easement. The applicant requests deletion of this condition. Mr DeCarlo said he spoke with Mike Haag today and if they can provide verification of permission from the property owner, staff would have no objection to deleting the condition. 9 MEEnNG MINUTES PLANNING 8& DEVELOPM~NT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 27, 1999 Mr Rosenstock said there have been many discussions about the number of foot-candles with respect to lighting gas stations. He asked jf the Planning Division addressed this issue Ms. Cottrell said this issue is not reflected in the conditions because the plan was modified to be consistent with the illumination levels recommended by staff The plans show that the applicant will not exceed 60-foot candles throughout the site Sixty-foot candles are the maximum that was agreed to on an overall basis. Ms. Cottrell reminded the members about the discussion that was generated when the Mobil Gas Station on Woolbright Road was reviewed Staff and Mobil did a great deal of research about what was existing on other stations and what was acceptable Sixty-foot candles was a compromise and it is less than the average existing overall and slightly more than staff initially proposed Mobil has agreed to 60- foot candles and that is what this project will be permitted to. Ms. Cottrell was not opposed to the addition of a condition of approval regarding the illumination levels. Vice Chairman Dube recommended that a condition of approval be added whereby the illumination levels at this gas station do not exceed the illumination levels that were agreed to by the Planning & Development Board at the Mobil Gas Station on Woolbright Road Mr Rosenstock requested that staff take illumination measurements at some of the gas stations throughout the City and provide the members with the locations and the foot-candles measurect at driver height sitting in an automobtle. CHAIRMAN WISCHE ANNOUNCED THE PUBUC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS APPUCAll0N. Mr Myott asked for clarification of Condition # 13. Ms. Cottrell reported that Quantum Park is readdressing their program and will look at materials, type of illumination and the sizes. Mobil's proposal is for a 5V2' sign. Mobil will work with Quantum Park. This will come back as a modification to their PID The applicant wishes to keep the language generic so that when Quantum readdresses the sign program, they wnJ be able to make accommodations for the sign. Motion Mr Myott moved that we grant the request to construct a 3,701 square foot gas station, convenience store and car wash on 1.13 acres subject to staff comments. Ms. Frazier seconded the motion. Mr Myott agreed with Vice Chairman Dube's amendment to include "at previously approved foot-candles for Mobil Gas Station. The motion carried 5-2. (Vice Chairman Dube and Mr Rosenstock dissented.) 10 MEEnNG MINUTES PLANNING. DEVELO~I.....t4T BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 27,1999 Ms. Cottrell questioned whether the motion included the deletion of Condition # 16. The response from Chairman Wische was affirmative. C. SITe PLANS New Site Plan Description Lot 58 Quantum Park PID Winston Lee, Winston Lee & Associates MFT' Development Inc. Quantum Lakes Drive (Quantum Park PID, Lot #58) Request site plan approval to construct a 51,556 square-foot office building in two phases on 4 93 acres 1 Project Name Agent: Owner' Location Winston Lee, 1532 Old Okeechobee Road, West Palm Beach, said there were three conditions he wished to discuss. He introduced Eugene Gerlica, Project Engineer from Mock Roos. Condition #5. - "Add a note to the Paving and Drainage plan stating that all proposed st{)rm drainage structures and pipes in Phase II will be constructed with. Phase I." Condition #6 - "Add a note to the Wastewater and Water plan stating that all proposed water and sewer lines in Phase II will be constructed with Phase I." Mr Lee clarified the meaning of these conditions. These conditions require the ultimate buildout. The applicant would like to be able to phase the project. The retention area (Condition #5) would be able to successfully handle all water quality issues of the entire buildout within Phase I. With respect to Condition #6, there is a looped pressurized water system that is completely self-contained and can stand on its own. The applicant would like to be permitted to phase the stormwater and water and sewer service. f Mr Barber said he had not seen the plans but feels the concern is that Phase II might not become a reality Mr Barber agreed that if the applicant had calculations for storing all the water for the site, he would not be opposed to the applicant's request. Mr Lee and Mr Gerlica confirmed that the applicant meets those standards. Mr Gerlica advised that he met with Ray Davidson to discuss his comments. With respect to the phasing issues, he was satisfied with the applicant's presentation. Mr Gerilca said it was his understanding that these comments would not be induded on the staff report for this board meeting. Mr Davidson was satisfied with the issues of phasing the water main and looping it for Phase I. With respect to the water management of the dry pretreatment, what the 11 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING 8& DEVELOPMl:no ( BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 27, 1999 applicant is providing in the first phase is 100% of the dry pretreatment required to be constructed in the first phase. South Florida Water Management District has already issued the applicant a permit for that work. In Phase II, the applicant would connect the "T" and extend the line to provide service with hydrants and meters. Condition #7 - "Remove proposed median cut on Quantum Lakes Drive and install "Right Turn Only" sign at exit, or close existing median opening to the east at Lot 59 and replace with proposed opening Proposed opening is too close to existing opening at Lot 59 to ensure safe and proper design The existing median opening at Lot 59 should be moved to the eastern end of Lot 59 if properly designed with adjoining intersection This relocation should be done in conjunction with the ultimate development of Lot 59 " Mr Lee advised that the original median cuts were set up on the original master plan using outdated plan criteria that allowed one median cut with two access points side-by-side. The applicant would prefer to open the median section, relocate the trees, have the median cut serve one side and leave the existing median cut to serve Lot 59 Mr Barber advised that Ray Davidson-is standing firm on his recommendation with respect to the median There is a split entrance for the two lots (Lots 58 & 59). There is a situation of safety and welfare for the people traveling on this road. There is also a safety issue with the turn lane. Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer is concerned about how the turn lane will work.. Staff recommends carrying the median down, carrying the tum lane down and making an entrance for Lot 58. At the board members' request, Mr Barber explained that on Quantum Lakes Drive, the existing drive splits between the two lots. Lot 59 has two entries and the only entry for Lot 58 is the split drive. The applicant wants to establish a stand-alone with its own driveway entrance and Lot 59 will have its own driveway closer to the intersection. The traffic lanes are supplied with the tum lane. The applicant would like to break the median and allow the cars to enter through another median without a tum lane supplied on that median. Staff is recommending that the applicant close off the median between Lots 58 and 59, carry the existing tum lane down across from Lot 59 so that the configuration of median just opposite Lot 58 resembles the configuration of the median that is already established. Mr Gerlica said the applicant's objection is to the elimination of the median opening and modifications to the existing median opening. The applicant would prefer that the condition be rewritten or deleted to allow him to provide the median opening as shown and to leave the existing median as it currently exists. The applicant is making this request for the following reasons: 1. Any further improvement reduces the flexibility of what to do on the second half of Lot 58 because this is a phased project. 12 MErnNG MINUTES PlANNING It DEVELO.. _NT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 27,1999 2. At build out, the applicant projects the traffic on the roadway to be 2,500 trips. The capacity on a four-lane divided roadway is 31,100 trips. If this is compounded with the traffic using the two lanes that are westbound accessing Lots 52, 58 and 59 and with access to Lot 59, the only traffic that will be going past the opening is traffic that will make a left-turn entrance into Lot 58, With respect to safety, if the applicant provides the median opening where it currently exists, all the U-turns will be eliminated 3 By leaving the existing median opening, conflicts with cars traveling eastbound that would have to make a U-turn would be eliminated Mr Rosenstock referred to Item #2 on the "Facts and Issues Regarding the Proposed Median Opening for Lot 58" sheet provided by Mr Gerlica and pointed out that if the following fact was true, there was no reason for debating the issue (A copy of the sheet is attached to the original set of these minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office.) Item #2 read as follows. "The POA transferred title to the COO with reservations. The reservation being the developer, Quantum Umited Partners, reserved the right to modifY the roadway at their discreb'on. N Mr Rosenstock recommended. that staff review the agreement. Mr Barber explained that this is an agreement that allows the change to the master plan. He said staff agrees with most of what Mr Gerlica spoke about. However, staff is not in agreement with where the turn lane should be, or whether there should even be a tum lane at that entrance. Mr Gerlica reminded the members that a four-lane divided roadway does not require a dedicated deceleration lane because the speed does not exist on this roadway and there is an ability of using the right-hand lane to get around the person making the left turn. In this area, there will be very little through-traffic. Mr Barber explained that we have a conflict because the Oty does not have a Traffic Engineer Therefore, even if staff feels this recommendation would be satisfactory, we might not be able to make that judgment. Mr Friedland feels the applicant's plan is a safer, better and quicker plan. Chairman Wische and Ms. Frazier agreed with Mr FrIedland. CHAIRMAN WISCHE ANNOUNCED THE PUBUC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS APPUCAllON. Mr Barber said the Planning Department would like consent from Palm Beach County that this is a safe situation and altering the master plan would not conflir.t with any issues in the future. 13 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING It DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 27,1999 Mr Gerlica objected to this recommendation because the applicant's proposal meets Palm Beach County standards. What was reported to him through the representatives of the City engineers is that they are applying Palm Beach County standards that do not apply to the condition This is a local street with low volume and low speed It is not a thoroughfare or collector road Palm Beach County does not have a requirement for access management on a local street. Chairman Wische felt this was similar to any private street in a private development in Palm Beach County Vice Chairman Dube questioned the difference between the roadway in question and any street in Hunters Run He pointed out that the County has nothing to say about the roads in Hunters Run Motion Vice Chairman Dube moved that we approve the request for site plan approval to construct a 51,556 square-foot office building in two phases on 4 93 acres for MFT Development, Inc., subject to all staff comments with the deletion of Conditions #5, 6 and 7 as presented Ms. Frazier seconded the motion that carried unanimously ~ 8. OTHER None 9. COMMENTS BY MEMBERS . Chairman Wische recommended that a workshop meeting be scheduled with the City Commissioners. Mr Rosenstock said he would like the Oty Attorney's Office to provide the board members with information as to their legal status as a board with respect to suggestions to the Commission and votes. The status report should be presented to all new board members each year so that everyone has a clear understanding of the board's duties and responsibilities and the consequences of those actions. Mr Rosenstock would like this information prior to the workshop meeting. Vice Chairman Dube reminded the members that the Ordinance that was changed approximately two years ago defined the board's duties and responsibilities. He questioned whether or not the Commissioners were aware of the Ordinance. Vice Chairman Dube recalled times when the Commission sent applicants back to the Planning & Development Board. He feels the new Commissioners are not aware of that process. With the board's direction, Attorney Cirullo will provide a simple outline of what the Ordinance provides with respect to authority and rights. He feels a workshop would provide an opportunity for open discussion on roles and responsibilities. 14 MOC~~."OO; ENGINEERS · i~}JJ}YEYO~:~ilLANNERS Facts and Issues reeardine the Proposed Median Openine for Lot 58 Subject: Quantum Park Lot 58 (Our Ref No 9900800) 1 Quantum Lakes Drive is a pnvate road by Plat dedication. 2 The POA transferred tItle to the COO WIth reservations. The reservation be10g the developer, Quantum Lirruted Partners, reserved the right to modify the roadway at their discretion. 3 The roadway by definition is a local street. 4 Local streets are not required to be divided roadways or have medians. Medians are desirable on higher speed, larger volume roadway facilities such as, collector roads and artenal roads. 5 The speed of a roadway dIctates the median width. 6 Median openings are recommended to be placed at intervals convenient for crossmg movements and safety of the collector or artenal facIlity Quantum Lakes Dnve is constructed as a four (4) lane diVIded roadway There are two (2) lanes 10 each dIrectIon, 24 feet of pavement and a 16 foot landscaped median. This roadway was constructed to this cross sectIon to provide the boulevard appearance. This is purely an aesthetIc enhancement to this roadway It is not required by any design criteria of AASTO or the State of Florida. 7 Median operungs could be provided at each driveway accessing each lot, WIth or without deceleration lanes. 8 It is important to note that westbound traffic on Quantum Lakes Drive west of Quantum Boulevard, as a practical matter, will only be traffic accessing Lots 52, 58 and 59 That total traffic IS further reduced by the available access to Lot 59 at the Quantum Lakes Drive and Quantum Boulevard intersection. 9 The application of Palm Beach County Access Management Standards and Turn-Lane Requirements are inappropriate for the proposed development. the roadway length and the proposed median cuL 10 The landowner for Lot 58 is the same landowner for Lot 59 The landowner prefers to leave the existing median openlOgs as they are and lOstall the proposed median opening to provide flexibility in marketing and developing Lot 59 and the Phase II development within Lot 58. Prepared by Eugene A. Gerhca, P.E. Apnl 27, 1999 Letters:q Ipl:q I plqu5 8' 99008 .00'1023egjh.doc Mock. Roos a Associates, Inc. 5720 Corporate Way West Palm BeaCh. Florida 33407 2066. (561) 683-3113. fax 478-7248 MEETING ~INUTES PLANNING It DEVELOP. 4T BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 27, 1999 . Mr Friedland requested that staff not forget about standardizing the Sign Code. Vice Chairman Dube pointed out that the Director of Development was the leader of the proposed Sign Code amendments. When he left, the project stalled Ms. Byrne will follow up on this project to check on its status. Mr Rosenstock advised that the previous Director of Development secured samples from major sign companies. His intention was to prepare a booklet/brochure depicting the signs that would be acceptable in the City However, all of the signs were of a particular character that did not give the developers a wide-enough choice. He recommended that staff find the information and use it as a starting base · Mr Rosenstock reminded staff that there was a recommendation from the Planning & Development Board to the previous Commission that the Code be amended to require every developer to include letters of a particular size showing the street number of the building so that the traveling public does not have to stop abruptly to locate a particular address. . Mr Myott reported that he received a telephone call from the Sun-Sentinel regarding the expansion of Showlime. No one else on the board had received a call 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come b~fore the board, the meeting properly adjourned at 8 50 p.m. &;~;n~ Deputy Oty Oerk (Three Tapes) 4/30/99 3:05 PM 15