CORRESPONDENCE MRr-C4-19Q9 1~ 21 HOUSTON CUOZZO GROUP 551 221 0788 P 01/11 Fax Transmittal Houston Cuozzo Group, Inc. TO: FROM M-i~ IZ-ul1'lpf Mlc;,ell. COMPANY DAT!: FAX NUMBER. TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INa.UOING COVER: PHONE NUMBElt REFERENCE NUMBER. RE'Mob,1 Sm"h M (;cJa Y?+u Y"\ ~ r Ie- o URGENT C! FOR REViBW D PLEI\SE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REPLY o HARD COPY TO POLLOW 0 HARD COPY 1'"01 TO FOLLOW MESSAGE GhcJO'SJ.eI- IS Hu- S/Si1 &t2.k...~ l~gtA..a..~ fo'r '(lJi,A,y r~~, 49 Flagler Avenue. Suite 302 - Stuart, Florida 34994 Phone (561)221-2]28 - Fax (561)221-0788 E-mail hcgplan@fIinet com MR'r-124-1993 17 21 HOUSTON CUOZZO G~JUP 561 221 0738 P 02/11 (jJ ~fA ~(~ j PREPAJlED BV AND lUIT\.raN 1'0; ,\I~ JAMES O. WR.l.AJU), ESQUIRE SHU11SA80WDl :ION, ORANGF. AVF.NtJE SlIJTF. 1000 0lU.AND0. tll ORm" 1280 I .r....- .,~: ~~t-;7~!n. J:/ttf.'ll C?7-07Z05S olle 967J PI eZ4 I .... II In I..'. .. _ C3n 10.00 Dot iO <:RAN'T OF NON.IP.XCLUSIVJ: SICN r""I:MEN]' Tllis C~T OF 'lON.aXCUlSlVE SIGN EASEMENT (~6uemIDI") is m&cfc and entcnd jl\tO ;as of thie '"1. ~ " dey of Februry. I D97. by Mil MtwMn Q\JANTUM ASSOCIATES. . Flol'lda l~enJ partnership ("Orantor") Md CARMAX AVTO Sl1PERSTORES. INC., . Vlf'Slnia c.orpor&l.1on ("Orantee"). ~II~U::U f;:rHi WHEREAS. Granlor illhe oWl1Cr of CCl\alft Illld. locuet willWl Quan.tUl.1l Corpcme P.,k in '.Im Beach COUIU)'. FloTld, wN~h is more 1*Ii<<:l&lIrly described on me .ttIdt~ .Exhibit · A ~ (the .Property"); Gld WHER.EAS. Grmtnr _IfU \0 convey 10 Oranlac the lIon-ellclullVC pctpCl&u&1 ri~: to CONtna~l. operllc ond maintain I sien IlMlClUrc and UlCKi.'ed IlIldsclf)i,,~ 01'1 a pGnioft of the Property in accordance with It!C l<<tnl m conditions IIcreil\lftcr III fon". NOW THEREfOR F.. In eonDdcTahOn 0 r lhe pl'll;mises. 1m: p;IfllQ alJl'ec as (ollows: I GrmlofEasananl Grw1IW~p1U &n4convC)'StDGranlccanon-c:xclusl\le. pcrpctu&l e&lIl:II1aIl tOr (,he ~waIOn. .ranOR and mli<<eaanee of Ilnaftlll'U!''l1 s1JPl (tile 'SiJ"") ."d n=lIlcd il1qmJvcments over II'Id acrcJD thaI ccnlia CUC:mcrlC ~. (chc "E&5~1 ..vn") /110,.. pU\icc.lariy cScscribcd In I~ .nllC.hcd Exhibit -8" mcluding tile rilbllo ~m()vc: Iny lmprnvemenl. landsclfliol. or othc1'item frum the ~cnl^rca whIch obstnll:lS lhe: ';C:w f1rll'le.SIJ'l:l froallllc ..d:joininl Pllblic riCn\ orway 2. U. nCSiftl ~ Sllfl co be COIVl't\le.tod WiIN" the ~alC1hOnt Area wUItc ~ mlllti. pam:l Sign "",u. Me dllipatai advenbi"l .us or "pancla" 0,.,.. .Ilalll\aovc the elll;ILI"ve richl to ull'i~ 'he loWhemmost panel ror th. cxcluSI\le henetil or liS real prorm~ flllthcf dCkribcd Ofl Exhibi1"CIO ("Benefitted 'Property"). Cif1nlor-INY from lime \('1 time VMlt alditmnal SIB" c.uemcnt, ~t A1ea tD ather Ptnlelll 40 IIl1C lher tetnalnllt)C f'Al\Cl~ tln thiS "ti~n nit lemu 5ubsIMually Similar 10 those set ronh in this ElL'l;menl CI~"'~ _~t1. MH\-04-.999 17 22 HOUSTON CUOZZO GROUP ~ 561 221 0788 P 03/11 ... ~R8 9&75 ", 825 3. l""vpruI\lS UId Altt!l11iP"~ ^. Gnnl- sNll COr15V'JC11M Sip IRcl n:1IIl.cd raeiliLicl, ioel~din. Ilndsc.apittg and utllities (eollecll'"ly l!\t -tmpruvemenU") wilJU7I she P.asemc1'll Area. B. Prior to INIIII amstnIdlOll orchc 1mprcMm:nu, OrlRtor shall ....e the ntht tG' rusaNbty ~ des'ip Aftd COMlIUccion ,11N fbr thllrft~vemcnUl. Grannie shall ilOluutlalc con$"""lIOIL or~ Impt'O"emcnll. IQ' subsc,lntially ....Lhe ~"'cmts .fl. COl\llt'lK\ion, unbs OlUltor has appC'Ovect I~h p'-'- in wrili"i. slldt 11tPC'O"..1 ngt to lie unreuo""bly withheld or delayed. (' AlIlmpNvcmcnls shall M coaanuc:1ed and L'OIftplcu:d hy QrUIl'110 1ft :l aood Iftd workmanlike m.,ncr. _ sMSl be in compliance willi aU IOqWcmcnt, or applicable law., onIinlJ1ClC$ lIut replltians or any 1oeIl. _0 OJ bk:rII &II*Y UYiqjuri~oD IhGrcof. (JrIfttOJ ~tl1hal .It vU"iancC1 Vld other zOlftina apprDnl. for lhc CftCtion orl'hc hl'lJRVvcmcQ~ bavc ken obraUlcd by Gra."\\or O. Oran'ee shall pa)' for all eOlls uS'OCiaLed with the deslp. CONWclioa arid inllaU.ion or II'Ie ImprCtYft'IIetus. tiJMln c:omplet1tl1t oflhe amlb'uction. Or.'IlO' shaJl reimbur1' Gtarnec: fot ItoI. :Icl~1 coS1 or ttle desill'. eonlnction and inSl&llation of ltlC Improvements. [olhe clI(Iant such ~OII nCL'eds Sl ~.OOO. Grantor Ihall pa)'.n bilb IWbmincd It., Granlee for I~c:h ~asls within ~ifl)' (lO) day, of ilS ~cipt of LIle ~ E. Alllmprovemems c:onn'UCted witllin the EasaneI1' Area sflal1 be: the propeny of Cranlor F (JrWror; 5hlI11Itldenwf)', ~ef'c:nd aIld sa". GI'IftIM nannlC55 from and IS.'ns( ~)' i1nd ;all Q:.lSIS. d&D1a.i. lic:ns. claims and liabilitie" U1chadins reuDJ\lble auomcY" rell (l;oJI<<uvely "f;lalllU"). Ift(un-c:d In CC"MCtIOft with the Initial colllft'UC\\on of ImprovCf7\ents olher ,1\111 ~Iaims arisiq from tile !lCBhl~ or intmtiolla1 mlSCCndllcl of the GI'UMOf Under no drc:wnsl'm"lCe shill] the fee inlCfClt of Ihc Orartor in the Property or tile E.emcnl ARa b. subjeoled \0 WlY rned1anics or mill~.$I&o. ~ from Gnnt.e', CQQItnk;!ion of lAc (mproverllcmtl. l! Other lhIA rc::plira Ilnd mUII\CURCG SlIt CoNI in Seclio., 4 hlo. tbe Onnl_ slmll nO\ charlie lhc ~"IPlUcs or My olher UI*C vC,,"c IppCU1D'lCC or the Improvemenls """thout nT$1 c.om1l1)"\"ti w!Ch the feq\l~er,,~ of rile p.;lIfalion ofProl=livc:Covmanu of QUItlf,,,m r'ui( al lSoynlol\ BeKh da&.-lOctobft i 4. 191'7 I'4ICCMded UI Officu~ RecDl'lllllllook s..SO, Paic 1105 of the Pubtll; Ilccon1S or P~lm ~h CoWl')', Plurida. as may be amandcd from lime to \imG (lhe 'D~I...uon"). OnnlOt ~~ that \he An;hiLeCtlln I R~"lcw CommiUee Dr tho Ql&~ll&m Part Propcny Owftm' AS5ocaallon has .Jr,:ay appnwGd lh. COM1NC1ion o{ the Impl'Q"emenhif U l'eqlllred by the Decbralion. .1. MAr-04-1939 17 22 YOUSTON CUOZZO GRJUP 561 2~1 0783 P 04/11 ......., 0- ORB 9675?, 826 4 Rellal'" uuI ~aim~aftre GnDtor shall nuinhin tbe F.aICf1lelll Area Ind all lmPfl)vcmc:llLJ thnill ...s IhIU kllp IbaII Ale. nat. clem and in ,GOd order. condition ond. rtplir. GtlRlee shaJI be ~asiblc r. anao-\hint (tl3) ar an eosls UlDCi..... thefewitb. Grantee: $haU pay .11 lIilll submitted. by Cnnuw (or meh COlD withiD u.iny (30) eta)', orill race~ oflhc nme. I" lhe e\lem C;,...1Or does not teuanably and .sequMely tnainlaift .... EuOmeA\ Area lIDdIor the Im,rovemcnts. CilUlt_ &hall ~i. Onn1aT w;dt written nociec: ot such lnad.."..:)' (the ~MainlCnlDC8 NoUce~). r fllfi~" fi fteea (15) days of illl1lCCipl gfIM M"nlenanc:c NotiAc. Grator cIoa~ perform such maulhunce or repair. ann_ IMI1 have It.. riSk' balL "11M Ih. o'bli.ltlon CO ~tau, dle Eaclnenl AIr:. aadlDl' !he hnprovemenll Ind OnnlOr lhall n:lmbunc: Grvlt" fDr Ib pro nJa 3but of such cestl. S ComDIJanU ",.jth Law;;, Onntcc V&d en... Ihln ~mply ....ilb alii.,.,.. ~"t\l!ca, ord\nBAc:CS &NI ",lea .~b.UIbtd by &ocal. $talC or r~ lovc:mm&n~ .'lmcies alTeeling the Euemenl Nc.a MIllar lhe Jmpravcmc.... 6. Tufl'lll :md A.u-.uftllpt! Cinlnror IbaII PQ all 'U" Q r _)' 1t'lIne U!\poled upon t)u: Impnn'cmcnlll Uld W ~ Area. iD;ludiq ral .ale taus. berone any tine. penalty, JnleMSl or cost lhaeor Ifta)' he &ll~ by "')lla~cntnIIlI1-.J qenc)' Of1ln'~ ~l reimburse Gnnlor ror ClI'C-third or all sue" lulU ArId LUcy",,,,,. wi!hln Il\il'\Y (30) days or RC~.pl or "" ."voice rQI dte ..."e. 7 A.ssi~l DC Ri.,ts and Ohlillliom. Grantor. 1ft III sate discr,tIon II1d WtlhoUI the consenl af (j~tee. mil' mill" III ria,hts. IO~"1 _ ollli,lIions m Ihis Eucmem and the !uemcl\l Area 10 the QLlMCllm Pvle COmnNnicy De\'elol""enc Oillnct or the Quantum Pvk P"",a\y o..'MnI' AISoei:lllOfl, I"e. B. ~. 1\11 nDIic-. ~or olher eonvnwlIc:.aliona pamined or ""ulfell to ~ liven netcWlder Mall be: In wrillal and stulll be deliv~ eilher (il m.;lad po:ua.e pNp.i~ by cer1iflc:d or repSCOftd 111.1, rclwn RCerpl requalod, (iil by hand delivery or (iii) D\lemlgtn delivery by . ~gpized nalionaJ COU:"1er SeC'\fICC, ld4rcsscd 10 lbe pan.ies " Ihe rouo-InS .ddrc5SQ: III Gn.T\\~f: OuUlClllll iwocl81~ N.w...l Clay ~I\l'" II S West WuhiopOtl St. lalaa-.wlia. IDdiu\a 46204 Acllt AnIIur Feldlu WIth II copy 10. 1... G. WillIrd. !"quire. Sh~ts . Bow," ~O NonI\ Otancc A venue, Suiw lOOO Orlando. Florid. 31801 ~. ..... f1A''''-04-.999 17 23 HOUSTON CUOZZO GROUP 561 221 0788 P 05/~1 r'- ORE 9675 P, 827 To Ci~tllC:: C'arM611 Auto 5wpcraUJrn. rnc. ~SO Marylud Driw Ricllmcnd. VA ZJ23'~ Ann: BeIljamill B. Cllmmi"p. Jr wiltlll COPy 10: JamC$ D. Thorman. Esq. MaY''' Valenti_ 1111 East MIiA SI. IUcNacmd. Vup.i. 3231" or such Other adclrrsses . ml)l "requesled by IN paniCS rram 11I11C !O lime pl1mant to written notice '" xc:nrdancc wi th Ulis PIlaI:IIph. It b-...and ...;pc Tberish\lllSJoItJl,ahoasofthe partIes her~und&r shall nan with the Eaanncnt Area ud the Benermecl Propmy _'''''11 bs "ilUlinl upon the Grll\tcr and (in.ncoe, ~ their ~IYO auccason 1M ISIS". 10. r.-.l M.ltll!nl. nu. EMCIM8' chili be c0nstnJC4 in accordance wilh Uta lawl of !hI: State of F\orida. I" the C\'mI of IIl1)' CI.I4m or ~ by eithar G~ fir ~ to cntcm:.c ils nlSpKlIYC rishtt hcnwadcr. the UftlUllCcuru1 ptIIy lpullG pay all cOltS incumd by the prcvailill8 party thcraft. il,elu14inl reasonallle IUome)'s' f.s. hoth at tNl and OR appeal or In any bankruptcy plOCc.:dmg. '" WT1'NESS WIoiElUiOF. Gr.II\lar lIrul (;rnFl'Cec h:.". executed thl5 Ease",*,' as of tl\e da)' Ql'\d )'1:1lI linll abo....c wrilla'l. GRANTOR: WITNESSES QlJAN1't1M AS5OCIATES. a Flonda plCIl pannenhl, By' QU~NTUM SlMON. lSC.. By' an la~ COf1Klration ^ I. ~1:Sr. ~ 'rilk; hJ'~ Print Ne.mc; t't\e-/",~ .r,"" ffV'I,/ & f'~ rd~ WttnelJ __ fk fJ,~.( re.it k .r Print Name ~.---- ) ~.~ ~EA/:iW~ ~rf~AJ(J( Print Name .... MA\-04-1939 17 2J .,OUSTON CUOZZO G~OUP '~ 561 221 0738 P 06. 11 STATE Of _~'N.1-) Ol\b 9675 P. 828 COWIo'TY Of )~ ~ 1\e for~illa lftS~ wu ~w!cd.gcd,beron:: me &I11I~ day of q. ~ 191)7 b)l ,,~ ~_~ ofQU."NTUMStMO}.l.INC.,InIMI~ CDrpontiOn. on behetf or tho corporl.illl'l. as ICAcral pII'1nCI' or Quanlurn As$OQaccs. . Florida gencnl pannership. on heMlr ofdle sennl plftlMntup. HclShe is penonally known 10 me ~ pt"DCt'-'4 -as,idmtiflclllna and.whc>-4icf.{dtd.t1otHab III Sill\!.. tJ~"rr\ ~ NOT AltY PUBUC 1) I Pi N'po.. M :::rA CO~ My commission Ilxpnw T yped-od1rintod .Namc-of.Notar1 J~ . I t - q '7 seri&l No.. i r ~Y' ~ ~~,:.,ftlltf~.., . ....-. ,<JI ~ f!1 ...." /. ~""-""~D l\ (t) i ~I' \~ Iii e :.,('/'I/!t.. "II J." ,.,: .rr "r. ~ , tI ~L .(,'1 v'~tt ~1.." ~ .Ii" '" A... Z . - '!.~..~ ~ ''I'~. to) ',V ~ '" , r'J......, ~ MRr-C4-1939 17 23 ~OUSTOh (UOZZO GROUP 5b1 221 0788 P 07/11 ,,-.. - OfiE 967S F, 829 GRANRr,; CARMAX AUTO SV'EltSTORU. INC.. a VlIl:llUl CC'Iplf'llI"" l~"",,-~ p l~,.." ~J" Print NImC 8~~, \2.. (L.. - '"'f :\ II' B. CU\IIlin,.. Ir., ,~ Vice trUidtm B;~ - Pri...-:.--' · US STATU OF ()~hl ~~ ~rt ) COUNTY OF ilYJ I t I focqoin& illtlr\llMnl WU IClcnawledted bef'on: me this ~y ~ 19971>y \ -l'brCA.!.),Ll)( AUTO SUl'E.RS1ORES. INC.. a Yilli'" ~on.Oft fo wcorporaUOft. HcISbe IS paszmaDy kno.,. lQ me or flu pfQduc:ed :lS1_itkaCioll and who did (did noO .ake an oath. '~l~" (2~#,(fV ~C ar.c: CJ1"th~"", T r "rinHld~.~ ~"r~k.,,;~'."'~,,~,,_ ... '.._~lIJ:' , !l:.1? t..~,; .,......,~ .....y co,"mi'.lon ea,"ra. "'Nf'O:". :~3~': . ;;'\~'- '1ti1:1'U'. tt t1 ~::" ::., SeNI N~l..lf8n)" '~=>I "'\~~~-;..:~' r J" ~. ".~ -~,.~ ~. .....c ,,:0'.... '" .......~.:" ....6:' -",: '.,J 'It ,.i nllll'" '4'1'1 n.. .,. .~ MAY-04-_999 17 24 HOUSTON CUOZZO GROUP 561 221 0788 P 08/_1 .~ .-... " ft1I ..000nn OF18 q b 75 P9 830 LOt 65 a 4ccord1n9 eo tbe plat 0& ~Dt~ '&~k at BGyntOD Belch. P 1 D Plat NO ,. a. reco~ded 1n Plat Book 60, ,~.. 12 and ]1, Public Record8 of '.l~ Beach Couney, flozid. .ann ... MAY-e4-1999 17 24 [ ~ .. " 1--= . .. '::- ~' _.,.... ..,-uT RAl.~" . ..' -. ~ 0{) c ~ o ... DOiIlll"t' -If' I ;:_ I 'oi I :- I ! ~ \.1 I i ::; -"'Jltfl \11 ~e"t _1~'ICIIoI r tIO ICAke . 1.., ,,-, Ie .t"gt .... Me:. __ ~.. 1'14"". 'C'\ . LIDBERG LAND SURVE:YING INC !. S."31 u. _. '_'__..... Sol/TO 1110. J""r "...,... 1J.~, tfl. ,., w'.4~'" .- ~"I'~'" "'.f~ -. ""LX!d~..'~..'Jn llnalll ".. I~'~'" '1'~IlM~.. ':!RiP".....'t:t. or.,. Tlln "L~L.ft "''' V~'.'J~..':iclU::I". ~":a. :a . ~I:I:.. .....y.... II-.; t- ..>C _ lC I., 'H). S/1 4 OT' '",-1. o.rc om"" "f} O&L llC' ...17,)'...., '.- ....- P 09/11 MA"-04-_999 17 24 f I 1 I \ I \ ~ --- ~ I " .0 ~ , =. : :: -~..lICf.J .!"..rp;T pol; nUT ~ ~ ~.""ICII'I HOUSTON CUOZZO GROUP F.NiDeIl' ~ 0lIl 561 221 0788 9675 r' '--83 1:;" .. ....." " ..,.,.. , ~ oft . ... c:I I .. I I I 1 " ! I ~ "\1 I ..... . ---~ . , .. It.-. ", ,~ .\."-, Ie II( c.... .... ....:;_ -. ... 'nI,.... I'C\ ~- ~tf'l~lIJ~"ft ~ no( iJHaJ"]J4IlI.,l." Ilriftil ,. 1..,.,'...,.11 ~n,,~.'.._..~,:Lo 91'-to · '.1.. ~\.lIojlaH "n '&'~!Yff.!.~.t!et'lolIl ;1.:;. :.:.& . ~I:~... I..;;;..... :_ " 0&'1'{ . ~( ~I LIDBERG LAND SURVEYING INC LB443J .,. .... /,..,.._ ~ $WI.. I.. J...,'."-. n...,. .IJ.~. nL. "'-'~"4~4 ~.. v~ 'cO. rtI" ~,,, aD. ,."- 0.&. .. OA F( W1117T .. ...JlY1lrI ,., .-c. SRE I P 10/11 MHY-04-l999 17 25 HOUSTON CUOZZO GPOUP ~ 561 221 0788 P 11/.1 I "-- I'F'NF' I~ Ilpc~r.rf p -' 'AACEL 1 OAB 9675 p, 832 DOROM' K. Wt1.~'EN.. CLERH ..pt CMTV r R. Lot la, PLAT OF P.C.D. CENnR.. aceordia. to die Plat dunaf Oft file in !.he omcc oCche Cicek or\l1l CiRWl COIIR in IIIIS Ibf hili 8cIch C.,,)'. Florida...oed iat PI.. Book~. p.p 106; saicl Iand.I ,i EUat.. l)'in, and be_ in PI1In 8cIIdt CoUllly Fto"'" Lea dill pU\ ,,(Lor 10. PLAT OF '.C.D. C~....... iA'lu BooIt~. pi" 106.. ~ to tile S.. ofJi'larida.. Deed.... 0dD,* 10, ltto -S1lCClNcd J...uy 21. \991 '" omcw ~ Boot 6~. ......16. Dr*, Mlie....of'PabD .... County, ,laricla, bcinI CIlo~ pcQcld.-t) d~ .. follow.: Coaunace lllAl Wesa Q'.wter ~ 1/4) CllIIWf on..ft 16. Township" Sou\h. It.anie 4l Eat; ~.. nul Nonb 01 ....13 Wnll" 32 .... W.. &Ionl dle W.. liM ofuld Secrion 16. to 1M ....riM e( dI'II'Cf fW JtlW lW A.... . .....rot ol22..69 teet. dlllllCC SCMICft 18 depea 57 """\Ita ., ..... 6aat, . ~"... of 13 lS.16 r_ *-" ..Uauclille; .... s.o.au. 01 ...... 0: ftIinu.. .3 ......., W.,- . diIt_. ~ tto.ft .... till.. ~ ~ of unS "1I1nd tis. Point of~~a; IIlcam SGudllJ __ 01 ..... 41 .... W.l. 11M, &be E&*rly 1_ 01 Aid Pfu,.. .. .. -__ W.acdy niltUllli&III-a(.WIYliDc (or 1M CSX R.ail..s. .4iIIIIU of' I A.51 fOCl:~" Nonb &9 ..... 52laiDu&a.w -.0_ Wen. aIeq die SO\Ilhtrly hat of said p~ allilC... or 10.61 r.; u..:e Nd II upes lO mialll. 09 secoudI Eat. a eIi.tIn" of IIU.J' ('..~ thlna South.,..... 02........ J'...-.v ~ _GllhC rfanft<<J)' lift. of $Ild PIa. Mid time also .a1beaiauaa Sou:hcrly Lami\1Id Access R..n~f. Way lan.lar HW UIId A~lIc. a d1S&lDca ot ~.OO,.. Ig Ute Pvin& orB~ t ~~. AND \ i \ \ \ , \ I I ~~ 71, 71_ 19 QVANnJM PARk AT IOYNTON lEACH. P t.D.. PLAT NO.1, acconIinc to the Pl. u..( Oft ~.. III dte 0.. ollbt Ct_ of die C".mIIC Court in &lid (Of h1Ira Buch CO\&l\ty Florid&neotded in PI.t Book 51,,.. I,., u.id '''* "t\IA1C. ly\nS and be,", in Palm Beach County Rcrida. ClIlLM "", I ~ ElOtTllTT 'C~ TOTAL P 11 /",r o <:: C "'<,~;.-- '<.-oJ 0 r' QUANTUM LIMITED PARTNERS, LTD 1401 Forum Way, Suite 101 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 686-6959 Fax 686-8863 May 4, 1999 Anna S Cottrell & Associates 319 Clematis Street SUite 600 West Palm Beach. FL 33401 RE Mobll Oil Site Plan, Lot 65B Quantum Corporate Park Dear Ms. Cottrell As the Owner of Lot 65B. and the grantor of the non-exclusive sign easement upon the property. we express no objection to the proposed improvements upon the easement area. The proposed improvements mcluding pavmg, curbmg, dramage pipes, landscaping and a minor aerial encroachment by the proposed canopy The non-exclusive Sign easement shown on the survey of the property allows for all the proposed improvements. ~ Thomas A. McGllhcudct?- Quantum Limited Partners C:Quantum Limited/correspondence! Anna Cottrell.doc >.c,~ ~ ~~r q, "Q- <:""-r -,.- QuantuM part Profert, OWnlJrJ J AJJocialion, J-nc. 2Je~itll. Review Lommitlee 1401 Jo,um Wa" Suite 1 0 1 We~l palm Beacl.., Jof 33401 May 4, 1999 Anna S Cottrell & AsSocIates 319 Clematis Street SUite 600 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE SubmIttal to Quantum Park Design Review CommIttee For Mobd Od Dear Ms. Cottrell The Architectural Review Committee has reviewed the plans submItted for the proposed Mobd Od StatIon on part of Parcel #65B and has determIned that they are approved WIth the folloWIng attached condItions Please provide a copy of the site plan and landscape plans along wIth the conceptual paVIng, drainage, water distribution and waste water plans as approved by the City Commission. SI cerel):', klS Dougla MacDonald Quantu Park Property Owners' AssocIatio DesIgn RevIew CommIttee Enclosure cc' Winston Lee (VIa facsimde 689-5559) Eugene Gerlica (via facsImile 478-7248) John Ghdden (via facsImIle 684-6890) C:Quantum POAIDRCI Anna Cottrell. doc Attachment to Letter Dated May 4, 1999 CondItIons of Approval for Mobil Oil Engmeenng Review Comments. 1 Quantum Community Development District (QCDD) permit reqUIred pnor to start of construction for dnveway connections and drainage connections to QCDD facihties 2 Developer shall comply with the Quantum Park Hazardous Material Management Plan. Architectural Review Comments. 1 Developer will proVIde opaque screemng via the canopy mansard to block view from any pedestnan view at all distances up to 600' from the canopy (includmg along the Gateway Boulevard ramp up to the 1-95 mterchange). 2. Concrete roof tile to be neutral, hght gray or hght beige. Landscape ReView Comments. 1 All Oak trees to be 12' x 8' in size. 2. Two Oak trees on Gateway Boulevard need to be spaced away from Canary palms and from eXlstmg FICUS trees. 3 All plantmg areas (property of Mobil Od, sign easement. adjacent right of way) between entrance on Gateway Boulevard and entrance on High Ridge Road will be substantially enhanced with larger hedging, shrubs and ground cover SUItable to the Design ReView Committee. 4 A depiction of the eXisting nght of way tree plantings on High Ridge Road (and any relocated trees) and coordmation of proposed Oak trees with eXisting trees will be reqUired. Add substantially more foundation plantings on east Side of convenIence store 5 4' minImum height screenIng at mstallatIon (mamtamed at 6' height) for rear of convenience store, air conditIOnIng UnIts and dumpster enclosure. 49 FLAGLER AVENUE, 302 STUART FLORIDA 34994 (561) 221 2128 FAX (561) 221-0788 Apn18,1999 - HOUSTON CUOZZO GROUP INC. Mr Michael Rumpf CIty of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Mobil Station at Quantum Park Our Ref. #98-123 A Dear Mr Rumpf' Enclosed please find 12 copIes of the revIsed plans, proposed sIgn elevatIOns and response letter from Palm Beach County for the traffic. The followmg IS a wntten response to the comments we receIved from the varIOUS departments Public Works Department 1 We agree. 2. We agree 3 DetaIl has been mcluded, and the dImensIOn has been revIsed to show 10' mSlde dImensIOn. Utilities Department 1 All utIlIty easements are shown on the sIte plan and landscape plan. 2 We agree. 3 We agree The calculatIOns will be submItted at tIme of HRS permIt. 4 We agree. Specific Conditions 1 We agree. 2 We agree. 3 The fire hydrant has been located on the plan so that all bUIldmgs are wlthm 200' 4 Water and sewer plans have been submItted. 5 We agree 6 We agree 7 We agree. LAND PLANNING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PROJECT COORDINATION GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS . STRATEGIC PLANNING Mr Rumpf Page 2 of3 April 8, 1999 Fire Department 1 Plan has been submItted. Police Department No Comments Engineering Division 1 We agree. 2 ThIs was submItted wIth the ongmal submIttal. 3 ThIS reqUIrement does not pertam to thIS sIte due to the fact that the peak hour tnps do not exceed 250 The dnveway IS not a major dnveway and WIll not be reqUIred to have the 100' dIstance to the access aisle. 4 The proposed cross access to the south wIll be provIded through the commercial center to the south m coordmatIOn wIth the Quantum Park Developer The access on HighrIdge Road WIll be desIgned to meet the reqUIred dnveway separatIOn of 150' 5 The medIan cut has been removed for the plan. Building Division 1 The convemence wIll not be utilIzmg a walk-m cooler as has been mterpreted by the CIty; mstead the area at the rear of the bUIldmg IS bemg used for the AC condenser umts, and the cooler condenser umts that are needed for the operatIOn of the convemence store The umts have been added to the SIte plan to show the locatIOn and have been added to the rear elevatIOn to show the heIght of the umts. These are condenser umts and are not reqUIred to the meet the zomng setbacks, however they wIll be reqUIred to meet a 5' setback establIshed by Chapter 2, SectIOn J 13 Other Structures. The Canopy elevatIOns have been submItted With thIS resubmIttal. The SIgn detaIls have also been submItted to show the locatIOn and SIze of the proposed wall SIgns. 2 The survey mdIcates the flood zone and the SIte plan has been reVIsed to mclude thIS mformatIOn. I have also mcluded a copy of the conceptual South Flonda Water Management DIstnct permIt to mdIcate the mmImum fimshed floor elevatIOn. 3 We agree. 4 SIgn details have been mcluded m the resubmIttal and the calculatIOns have been mdIcated on the SIte plan. 5 CalculatIOns are mcluded on the SIte plan. 6 The detail drawmg of the monument SIgn has been submItted and the mmImum setback has been mdIcated on the SIte plan. 7 Plan has been reVIsed to mdicate the property lIne symbol. 8 The accessible ramp detail has been added to the SIte plan. 9 The CIvIl engmeenng plans mdIcate the elevatIOn dIfferences. Parks and Recreation No comments. Mr Rumpf Page 3 of3 April 8, 1999 Forester/ Environmentalist No comments. Planning and Zoning 1 The sIte data has been corrected. 2 We agree. 3 The proposed heIght has been revIsed to be consIstent With the elevations. 4 SIgn detaIls have been Included wIth the resubmIttal. 5 Dumpster detaIl has been provIded wIth the resubmIttal. 6 Fue hydrant has been added to the SIte plan. 7 We WIll submIt these graphIcs pnor to the Planmng and Development Board meetIng. 8 DImenSIOns and ADT's have been added to the SIte plan. 9 DImenSIOns have been added to the SIte plan. 10 ThIS has been added to the landscape plan. 11 DImenSIOns have been added to the archItectural plans. 12. Note has been added to the SIte plan. We have also Included a detaIl of the au handler to show that thIS vent wIll not be vIsible from the front of the bUildIng. Please call me If you have any questIOns or need any addItIOnal InfOrmatIOn when reVIeWIng these reVIsed documents. Thank you for your assIstance WIth thIS project. SIncerely, fJucUt/LLA W~ Michelle L Coward, Project Manager Enc cc Aaron Weeks, Himes & ASSOCIates, Inc. Paul Capromgro, MobIl 011 CorporatIOn Anna Cottrell, Anna S Cottrell and ASSOCiates, Inc Jeff IravanI, Jeff H. IravanI, Inc. Michael Houston, Houston Cuozzo Group, Inc. Q'\Documents\Letters & Memos\98-123-response.doc Department of Enltlneerlng and Public Work5 PO Box 21229 WeS[ Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.co.palm-beach.n us . Palm BeAch County Board of County Commissioners Maude Ford lee. Chair Warren H. Newell. Vice Ch:.lrman Karen T. Marcus Carol ^. Roberts Mary McCarty Burt ^aronson Tony Masllo[U Cour,ty Administrator R.obert Weisman ~" Equal Oppor"mity ,Actio" Employ.".. April 5, 1999 Mr Michael Rumpf CIty of Boynton Beach Planning and Zonmg Department 100 East Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE. MOBIL AT QUANTUM TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Mr Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic DIvision has reviewed the reVIsed traffic statement (dated 4/2/99) for the project enhtled Mobil at Quantum pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 ofthe Palm Beach County Land Development Code The proJect IS summanzed as follows' Location. MuniCIpalIty' Proposed Use: Gateway Boulevard, west of HIgh RIdge Road Boynton Beach 1) Convemence Store 2) Service StatlOn 1,730 tnps per day 2000 (3,054 sf) (16 fuelmg pOSItIons) New Tnps. Buildout. Based on our review the Traffic DlVlslOn has determmed that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County If you have any questions regardmg this reVIew, please contact me at 684-4030 Smcerely, ~, Set gineer cc: j., 'f Ira.vani, P E. ff d. lrava.ni, Inc. File: Gene.., TPS MUD .,me Study Review h:\.traffic\."pf\tps\'99030" 'pI[ TAZ 420 ~!RR-24-1999 16 34 PBC TRAFF Ie ENG 561 478 5770 P 01/01 Date. Name: Fax: Phone" From: Phone: Subject: Pales. PALM BEACH COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC BNGINEERING DIVISION FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL March 24, 1999 Michael Rumpf, Actmg Manager of Planrung and ZOnIng Clty of Boynton Beach 561 375 6259 561 3756260 Al Federico, P E ~ 561 684.4030 Mobil at Quantum TPS ReVIew. Comments ...1..., includmg tills cover page The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement submItted for the MobIl at Quantum project. At thIS bme we have the followmg comment: 1 InformatIon must be provIded on the status of the overall development In relation to the approved vesting. Specific information that must be prOVIded mcludes the type and SIze of uses orlginally approved, what is currently approved and what has been constructed to date. Based on this review the Traffic Di.vis~on hU4 determmed that this project does not meet the Traffic Performance Standard8 of Palm Beach County and should not be approved until thi8 ~ssue has been addre88ed. If you have any questwns rega.rding these comments, please contact me at 684 4030 cc; Jeff Iravani, P.E. JefIIravani, Inc. (fax 561 5756088) Please call 561.684.4030 if this information was not transmitted clearly. h:'\truffic '\apl'.tps\9903Ocl. wpd. TOTAL P 01 Department of Engineering and Public Works PO Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.copalm-beach.f1.us . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Maude Ford Lee, Chair Warren H. Newell, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony Masilotti County Administrator Robert Weisman An Equal Opporrunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper April 5, 1999 Mr Michael Rumpf CIty of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: MOBIL AT QUANTUM TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Mr Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic DIViSIOn has revIewed the revIsed traffic statement (dated 4/2/99) for the project entltled Mobil at Quantum pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards m Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The project IS summanzed as follows. Locatlon. MunIcIpahty' Proposed Use. New Tnps. Buildout: Gateway Boulevard, west of HIgh RIdge Road Boynton Beach 1) Convemence Store 2) ServIce StatIOn 1,730 tnps per day 2000 (3,054 sf) (16 fuelmg posItlons) Based on our reVIew the Traffic DiVISIon has determmed that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County If you have any questions regarding thIS review, please contact me at 684-4030 Smcerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER cc: Jeff Iravani, P E. Jeff H. Iravani, Inc. File: General TPS MUll Traffic Study Review h. '\traffic '\apf\tps '\99030app. wpd T AZ 420 PIA""IN - .!vIV G AN') .-______..._ JOlVi If ,,!lr-~::..t --- -" ''''!-'! --......- .~- To: Fax: From: Date: Pages: From the desk of Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33425 561-742-6260 Fax: 561-742-6259 Mr Michael Houston Ms Michelle Coward 6v I-Qa.\-078"6 / Michael Rumpf May 17,1999 1, including cover sheet. Subject. Mobile Station at Quantum Park Request for modification I am in receipt of your request for minor site plan modification. However, the next step in the review of this Mobile StatIOn in Quantum Park is the submittal of a rec~fied site plan (the site plan revised to incorporate all conditions of approval) This step is initiated by providing me with three copies of the rectified plan. The version of the rectIfied plan signed off by all TRC members represents the actual approved plan. This is the version of the plan that your minor modification is to be based on. If you prefer, I will hold the submittal and payment until you we attain a signed-off rectified site plan. Please contact me if you have any questions r;~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Building . Planning & Zoning . Neighborhood Services . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment March 20, 2000 \Vinston Lee, ASLA, AICP Winston Lee & AssocIates, Inc 1532 Old Okeechobee Road. Swte 106 West Palm Beach, FL 33409-5270 RE. QUANTUMPARK-MOBILONTHERUN Dear Mr Lee' Thank you for conveymg the Quantmn Park Arclntectural ReVIew COmmIttee's concerns to me regardIng MobIl on the Run. The CIty IS oblIgated to reVIew and Inspect the applIcant's plans that have been approved by CIty COmmISSIOn. We cannot add condItIons, rmplemented by your re\'1ew cOmmIttee, to theIr perrmt. The temporary CertIficate of Occupancy WIll expIre on April! 0, 2000. and they will be elIgible for one more extensIOn of theIr temporary CertIficate of Occupancy, wlnch would be valId for 30 more days. TheIr project manager has IndIcated that they are near completIon and will shortly be callIng for final InSpectIons for theIr permanent CertIficate of Occupancy SIncerely, i\ Don 10 on BwldIng OffiCIal DJbg XC Michael Rumpf, Planrung & Zonmg DIrector Michael E. Haag, BuildIng Code Adrmrustrator J 'SHRDA TA\Development\Building-6870\DocumentsiWinston Lee-Mobil on the Run.doc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., POBox 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742~350 . www.cLboynton-beach.fl.us 03/15/28e0 15 55 1-561-689-5559 WINSTON LEE PAGE 02 j-555= I ~nston ~ociates, InC. - Landscape Archirecture Land Planning F.S.L. tLC C116 March 15, 2000 Mr Don Johnson, Building Official City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33425-D310 RE. Quantum Pa\1{ - Mobil On The Run Our File No 98-010 Dear Mr Johnson After reviewing a copy of the Partial Certificate of Occupancy for the above referenced project, I am writing to convey the Quantum Park Architectural Review Committee's concerns in regard to same. As a consultant for the Committee, I had previously reviewed the landscape planting plans for this project. Subsequent to that, during construction some of the trees on site which were slated for preservation were destroyed. On behalf of the Committee. I have requested a replacement plan to review and am still awaiting that plan. As you can see by the attached memorandum to Mike Houston, the landscape architect for Mobil, there are other items which still need to be resolved. The Committee will only sign off on the project when it meets the intent of the plans originally reviewed and conditionally approved by them. I would appreciate being informed prior to a final certificate of occupancy being issued on the project to help assure that the Committee's appro al have been complied with, as some of the Items are 'above code' ~ Winston Lee, ASLA, AICP President ec: Mike Rumpf. Boynton Beach Zoning Director David Norris, Esq. Doug MacDonald, Quantum Park Architectural Review Committee 1532 Old OkeeebQbce Road, Suite 106, West Palm Beach, FL 33409-5270 Tel 561-689-4670 · Fax: 561-689-.5559 · E-mail. winstonwla@ao1.com