APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: MOBIL STATION AT QUANTUM LOCATION- SOUTHWEST CORNER OF GATEWAY & HIGH RIDGE RD COMPUTER ID- MOBIL STATION AT QUANTUM I FILE NO' COUS 99-002 II TYPE OF APPLICATION I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON OWNER/APPLICANT ANNA S. COTTRELL & ASSOCIATES & QUANTUM LTD PARTNERS LTD HOUSTON CUOZZO GROUP, INC. C/O COHEN & NORRIS ET.AL. PHONE 561-832-4600 PHONE 561-832-4600 FAX. 561-832-4626 FAX. 561-832-4626 ADDRESS 319 CLEMATIS ST., STE 600 ADDRESS 712 US HIGHWAY 1 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33401 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408-4509 DATE. SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 3/1/99 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE PUBLIC NOTICE OUT/CITY ATTY 4/1299 CITY CLERK/FAX. 4/14/99 PUBLISH. 4/16/99 TRC MEETING 4/6/99 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 4/27/99 MEETING CITY COMMISSION MEETING 4/20/99 COMMENTS S'\FORMS\PROJECT TRACKING INFO PROJECT NAME MOBILE STATION AT QUANTUM PARK LOCATION SOUTHWEST CORNER OF GATEWAY BLVD AND HIGH RIDGE RD COMPUTER ID: MOBILE STATION AT QUANTUM PARK I FILE NO COUS 99-002 II TYPE OF APPLICATION, USAP I AGENVCONTACTPERSON OWNER/APPLICANT HOUSTON CUOZZO GROUP INC QUANTUM MICHELLE COWARD PHONE PHONE 561-221-2128 FAX. FAX. 561-221-0788 ADDRESS ADDRESS 49 FLAGLER AVE, 302 STUART, FL 34994 DATE. SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 3/1/99 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE PUBLIC NOTICE TRC MEETING PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 4/13/99 MEETING CITY COMMISSION MEETING 4/20/99 COMMENTS S:\FORMS\PROJECT TRACKING INFO STATEMENT AND JUSTIFICATION CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION BY MOBIL OIL COMPANY LOT -- QUANTUM PARK The followmg IS provided to confirm that the apphcatIon presented by Mobil 011 Company meets those standards for conditIonal use approval as noted m the Boynton Beach Land Development RegulatIons 1 Ingress ami egress to the subject property and proposed structures thereon, with particular reference to automobile and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow ami control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. The property IS ,located at the southwest corner of the mtersectlon of Gateway Boulevard and HIgh RIdge Road The locatIon and configuration of the lot provIde the opportUnIty for access on three sIdes of the property The sIte plan has been desIgned to accommodate three dnveways, each provldmg mgress and egress, WIth one access on Gateway Boulevard, one on High RIdge Road, and one on Park Ridge Boulevard As proposed In the plan, both access and sIte cIrculatIon afford sufficIent automobile and pedestnan safety and convenIence Access and cIrculatIon accommodate traffic for both service dehvery for the gas station and fire trucks 2. Off-street parking and loading areas where required, with particular attention to the items in subsection D 1 abm'e, ami the economic, glare, noise, and odor effects the cOlulitional use will hUl'e 011 adjacent ami nearby properties, and the city as a whole. The proposed MobIl StatIon will be located WithIn the Quantum Corporate Park There IS no Impact on any resIdential use The site has been desIgned to meet all performance standards of the CIty code With respect to glare, nOIse, and odor effects There wIll be no adverse conditIon assocIated WIth the proposed development of thIS sIte 3. Refuse ami service areas, with particular reference... to the items in sub...ection D 1 ami J) 2. abol'e. The proposed development consIsts of a facilIty offenng the retail sale of gasohne and a convel1lence store The proposed dumpster will be located on the site such that the refuse IS eaSIly pIcked up The dumpster location does not Interfere WIth any parkmg areas or vehicular cIrculatIOn. 4 Utilities, with referel1ce to 10catiol1s, lll'ai/ability, ami compatibility. The sIte wIll be servIced for water and sewer by the CIty of Boynton Beach Water UtIlItIes UtIlItIes systems will be desIgned to meet the cntena and standards for CIty of Boynton Beach and the Quantum Park utIlIty master plan, 5 l\creellil1g, bufferillg amllal1dscapil1g with referel1ce to type, llimel1siol1s, ami character Native shade trees and natIve shrubs WIll be utIlIzed around much of the sIte as well as accent trees and palms A natIve "re-creatIon" area IS planned east of the buildIng and WIll consIst of under story, mId story and canopy natIve plant matenal Penmeter shade trees WIll be 12' tall by 5' WIde at InstallatIon Palm tress WIll vary In height to emulate a natural conditIon, 6. Siglls, ami proposed e.:'(terior lightillg, with referel1ce to glare, traffic safety, ecollomic e.Uect, ami compatibility ami harmol1Y with adjacel1t al1d l1earby properties. Slgnage WIll be Internally IllumInated as noted on the detaIl plans submItted under separate cover Extenor ltghtIng Will meet national and local standards to proVIde safe and convement VIsibIlIty No off SIte lIght WIll effect residential areas slllce this site IS located III the core of the Quantum Industnal Park 7 Required setbacks al1d other opel1 spaces. The sIte deSIgn meets all the reqUired setbacks Nearly 21 % of thIs sIte area IS dedicated to landscape buffers (a total of 10,305 square feet) AddItIOnally 122 % of the sIte IS reserved In other open space 8. (Jelleral compatibility with lll!;acellt properties, ami other property ill the zol1il1g district The proposed development will be entIrely consIstent and compatible WIth development of adjacent propertIes WIthIn Quantum Park An applicatIon for use allowance, presented as an amendment to the Quantum Park master plan, IS submItted SImultaneously With tIllS applIcatIon for conditIonal use approval The proposed facilIty consIsts of pump Islands WIth canopy for the gasolIne sales, a car wash and a 3,054 square foot convemence store The development IS entIrely consIstent WIth the general development of the area WIth respect to both the proposed use and ItS appearance 9 Height of buildings ami structures, with reference to compatibility and harmony to lIl!iacent lIIlllnearby properties, ami the City tiS a whole. The proposed building Will not exceed one story There IS no adverse Impact on the Park or the general area presented With the building height. J O. Economic effect.'t on adjacent ami nearby properties, ami the (ity as a whole. The completIOn of development of Quantum Park Will allow the City to reahze the goals It estabhsh~d for economic development when It approved Quantum Park Both residents of the general area and employees of bUSinesses Within the Park Will benefit from the avatlabtllty of a gasoline and convemence goods retatl faclhty J J cOl~forllulllce to the standllrd.'t ami requirements which apply to site plans, as .'tetforth in Chapter 4 of the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulation.'t. The sIte plan whIch has been developed fully comphes WIth the standards and reqUIrements which apply to site plans as set forth In the Land Development Regulations J 2. (omplillllce with, and abatement of nui.'ttlnces and hazards in accordance with the pe1formance standard.'t, Section 4.N l~f Chapter 2, also, cOl~formance to the City l~f Boynton Beach NOl,'te control Ordinance, Chapter J 5, Section 15 8 (~f the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. The sIte development as proposed will meet all of the standards of SectIon 4 N of Chapter 2, as well as the City NOIse Control Ordinance ,. ,Ill 'SINFSS\ WPDOCS\BUSINESS\80 1-849\833\Jl'STIFlC.833 - APPLICATION ACCE ~LE DATE ~ RECEIVED~Y STAFF 'MEMBER ~~~d FEE PAID T I ct't1 () cJ 1 RECEIPT ~BER - 1/& ?Lj CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION NOTE This form must be filled out compietely and accurately and must accompany all applications subm1tted to the Planning Department (2 COP1es of application required) PROJECT NAME AGENT'S NAME ADDRESS PHONE OWNER'S NAME (or trustee) ADDRESS PHONE Mobil Station at Q,u.qntum Park Anna S Cottrell & Associates & Houston Cuozzo rroup, Inc 319 Clematis Street, Suite 600 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 8 2 (zip code) 3 -4600 FAX: (561)832-4626 Quantum LTD Partners LTD c/o Cohen & ~orris et al 712 US Highway 1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408-4509 (zip code) FAX. PROJECT LOCATION South Corner of Gateway Blvd and High Pidge Rd (not legal description) CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS * Same as agent (if different than agent or owner) · This is the only address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded z:ta 3:l\;;l'd : z ~ d H8~38 N01NA08 5~Z:9~LE1:9~ 8E 5ta 555 1:/z:ta Iz:ta 2 Fee File No Date Submitted CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION February 9, 1999 Mobil Oil Corporation Applicant Name Appl~cant Address 2255 Glades Rd Suite 444W Boca Raton, FL 33431 PHONE (561)912-1567 (Zip code) Fax: (5 6 1 ) 9 9 7..- 1 3 5 1 Site Address None Legal Description See Attached. Project Description Property is approximately 1 13 acres located on the southwest corner of Gateway Boulevard and High Rt1ge Poad Signature of OWNER It!! ~ I./!:!;t::;'if::-l e t te r ..~ . The OWNER has hereby designated the above signed person to act as his agent in regard to this petition (To be executed wh~n owner designates another ~o act on his behalf ) Et3 39t1d z ~ d H8t138 N01NA08 5C;2::%LE19C; BE 513 5551/2::13/2::13 3 CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL APPLICATION I GENERAL INFORMATION ~a P0 39t'd All property owners (400)feet surrounding notified located within four hundred the subject parcel shall be b The ownership of all surrounding propertier; as submitted by the applicant, shall be reviewed by t;}ie City Clerk, who shall notify the owners by regular mail of the date and purpose of the public hearing held in conjunction with the conditional use application c Notice of the public hearing shall also be advertised in a newspaper published in the City at least ten (iO) days in advance of the hearing d At the public hearing held by Development Board, evidence for presented the Planning or against may and be e The Planning and Development Board may recommend approval, approval with modification or denial of the application subject to the standards provided in Ordinance No 76-46 A written report of the Board's findings shall be forwarded to the city Commission At a regular meeting, the City CommissiQn may approve, approve with modification or deny the application subject to the standards provided in Ordinanoe No 76- 46 f g Each new application for conditional use approval shall be accompanied by a fee payabie to the City of Boynton Beach as per the attached fee schedule as well as labels and postage for property owners eo be notified. h Each application for an e~tension in time of a conditional use approval shall be accompanied by a fee payable to the City of Boynton Beach for one hundred and twenty-five ($12S)dollars Such application shall by submitted to the Planning Director not less than 45 days prior to the explration of the approval : z ~ d H8~38 N01N^Oa 5SC;9SLEI9S BE 50 555I/C;0/C;0 4 CONTENTS OF THE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION II CONTENTS OF THE CONnITIO~AL USE APPLICATION Application for conditional use shall contain two (2) copies of the following items td Si0 38t'd a Statement of the applicant's interest in the p~operty to be developed, including a copy of the last recorded Warranty Deed, and a certificate from an attorney-at-law or a title ihsurance company certifying who the current fee simpie title holders of record of the subject property arej and the nature and extent of their interest therein, and 1 If joint and several ownership, a written cOnsent to the development proposal by all owne.s of record, or 2 If a contract purchase, a copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the seller/owner; or 3 If an authorized agent, a copy of the agency agreement and written consent of the principal/owner, or 4 If a lessee, a copy of the lease agreemene ana written consent of the owner, or b 5 If a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application, and written proof that said representatives have the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation Legal survey, prepared by a surveyor registered in ~he. State of Florida, showing an accurate legal description of the subject property; and the total acreage Qompueed to the nearest one-hundredth (i/100) of an acre (these two surveys are in addition to the surveys required on page ~ of this application, Sec III 19 ) Vicinity map, showing the location of the subject property in relation to the surrounding street system c Drawing showing the location of all property lying four hundred feet (400) adjacent to the subject parcel, and a complete list of the property owners' names, mailing addresses and legal descriptions The owners of property shall be those recorded on the latest official County tax rolls Such list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the applicant'S knowledge, said list ~s complete and accurate : z ~ d H8~3g N01N^03 5SiC::9SiLEt9Si 8E 5~ 555t/C::0/C::~ I ff I il ,'. 11 II 5 III SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS :i i; ~ ! (check) .j i ; Twelve (12) complete, assembled and stapled sets of plans shall be submitted All drawings shall be scaled and the maximum size sheet shall be 24" x 3611 The following site informaeion shall be shown on the submitted plans or where applicabie, separateiy submitted Incomplete site plans will not b~ processed x x 'r, Ii I~ i' ,I I' i: I: I x x x x t i I 'i: I i I !, x N/A x NjA 11 '1" ! x x x x I I I ! NjA x 90 39\v1d 1 Boundaries and dimensions of the parcel Scale, graphic scale, north arrow, ana date 2 3 Adjacent properties or land usee Pavement edge and/or right-of-way lines for all streets, alleys, sidewalks, tUrn laneS, driveways and unimproved rights-of-way within one-hundred (100) feat of the site Also, names of adjacent streets and rJ.ghts-of-way 4 5 Location of all proposed structures, and any exi~ting structures that are to r~~ain on the site 6 Setbacks of all structures (over 3 ft in height) f~om property lines Use of each structurel indicated on the sit& plan Number of efficiency, l-bedroom; 2 bedroom, etc ; dwelling units in each residential structur&; to be indicated on site plan Indication of height and number of stories of each structure 7 8 9 10 Indication of structureS, equi~mentl ete , above 4$ foot height, including height ~n exoess of 45 ft 11 Floor plans or typical floor pl&hS for all structures Finish floor elevations of all structure See drainage clan Uses within eacn seructure, indicated On floor plans Elevat~ons or typical elevations of all structures; including materials, surfaces, including roofs 12 13 14 15 Indication of the numbers and types of recreational facilit~es to be provided for residential developments 16 Indication on site plan of location, orientation, and height of all freestanding signs and wall signs Z 8 d HJ~38 N01NA08 5SG9SLE19S BE 50 5551/G0/G0 N/A Ii ( !~ ~ I: , , ~ :r I' x x x L13 38\;1d x x x 24 6 17 Location of walls and fences, and indication of their height, materials, and color 18 A landscape plan, showing conformance with the Landscape Code and Tree Preservation code, and showing adequate watering facilities Plante must be keyed out according to species, size and quantity 19 A sealed survey, by a surveyor regiseer~d in the state of Florida, and not older than S1X (~) months, showing property lines, including bearings and dimensiofist north arrow, data, scale, existing structU~es and paving, existing elevations on site, righ~s-of-way and easements on or adjacent to the site, utilities on or adjacent to the site, legal description; acreage to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre, location sketch, and surveyor's certification Also, sizes and locations of existing trees ahd shrubs, including common and botanical names, and indication as to which are to be retained, removed, and relocated, or replaced 20 Location of existing utility lines on or adjacent to the property to be indicated on the site plans in addition to being shown on the survey Aleo, location of existing fire hydrants on or adjacene to the site 21 Location of additional fire hydrafitt, to meet standar~s set forth in Article X, Section 16 of the Subdivision and Platting Regulation~ Fire flow calculat10ns justifying line size for both on/off site water lines. 22 23 Sealed engineering drawings for proposed utilieiQ~, as per City specifications Information regarding form of ownership (condominium, fee simple, leas~, etc ) 2S Location and orientation of garbage cans or dumpster facilities All garbage dumpsters must be ao l6~ated to provide direct access for the City front-end loaders, and the dumpster area must bs provided with adequate width and height clearance The s~te must be so designed to eliminate the necessity for th~ front= end loader to back into any street. If any use requires the disposal of wet garbage, a ten foot by ten foot (10' x 10') concrete slab shall be provided All dumpsters must be screened and landscaped in acoordande with the city Landscape Code (see Sec 7 5~35(i)) A minimum 10 foot w1de opening is required for dumpster enclosures Z 8 d H8\;138 NOIN^08 6S;?;%LE'[9S BE 613 666,[/;?;13/;?;~ x I II I I I I ~ ~ l 1. I t [ t '1 I r , f I I ! i '! I I ! 80 39l;1d 7 26 A park1ng lot design and construction plan showing conformance to the City Parking Lot Regulations, and including the following informat1on Any exceptions to the Parking Lot Regulations that are proposed for that are to continued will require a~ application for variance to the Parking Lot Regulations. a Location of all parkirtg and loading faeilities b A parking lot layout plan, including curbs, oar stops, and double striping c A cross-section of materials to be used in the construction of the parking lot d A 11ghting plan for the building exterior and site, including exterior secur1ty lighting, and lighting for driveways ahd parking lots; to include the location of lighting standards, direction of lighting, fixture types, lamp types and sizes, and average illumination level(e) in foot candles e Information showing conformance with the City Street and Sidewalk Ordinance, including constru~tibrt of eidewaiks along adjacent public streets Location of eXisting and proposed public and private streets, including ultimate rights- of-way f 9 On-site traffic plan, including a~rowe ahd other pavement markings, traffic signs, and stop signs at exits h Location of handicap parking spaeas, plus signs and access ramps, consistent with the state Handicap Code A drainage plan for the ent~re site, inclu~ihg parking area, to include finish grade and pavement elevations, drainage calculations, and d~tails of the drainage system If the total imperviouB area on site exceeds twenty~five thousand (is,oOO) square feet, then drainage plans and oalculations must be prepared by an engineer registered in the State of Florida, and must be sealed Percolation tests must by provided with dra~nage calculations i j Existing elevat10ns on adja~Bht properti~$, and on adjaoent rights-of.way Z 8 d ~Jl;138 N01N^08 5Si~9SLEI9Si 8E 50 5551/L0/~0 i i 01 ., B N/A 27 Where conformance with the County's Environmentally Sensitive Lands Ordinance is required, an Applicat~on for Alteration of Env~ronmentally Sensitive Lands (Environmentally Impact Study) must be submitted to the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental ResourCes Management (copy to City) prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the site plan to the City Submit a traffic impact analysis for the proposed use The analysis shall comply with the Palm Beach County Traffic P~rformartce standards Ordinance Six (6) copies of the analysis shall be submitted with all conditional use applications x 28 NOTE Failure to submit traffic impact analys~s in the manner described above may delay approval of the site plan application x 29 In addition to the above requirements, the following ~tems shall be submitted to the Planning Department nQ later than the site plan deadline a One copy of colored elevations for all buildings and signage to be constructed on site These elevations must be must be of all sides of each type of building and signage proposed and the . colors proposed must be accompanied by a numerical code from an established chart of colors Elevat~ons must also inolude information related to bu~lding materials All alevations must be subm~tted on 24" X 36" dra\t.r~Ii.gs Buildin9'~ constructed will be inspected on the basis of the elevations submitted to the city and ~pproved ~y the City Commission Failure to construct buildings consistent with ~levations submitted will result in the Certificate of Occupancy being withheld b A transparency of the site plan (maximUm size of 8-1/2" x 11") At the d~scretion of the appl~cant, the Plann~ng Departmeht will prepare transparencies from t~e site plan document However, the Planning Department will not be responsible for poor quality transparencies which result from the submission of poor quality site plan blueprints, and poor quality transparencies will not be presented to the Planning and Development Board or city Commission c Colored photographs of surrounding buildings (minimum size 8" x 10 ") 50 39\jd z ~ d ~8\j38 NO~N^08 5S(;%LE1% BE 50 5551/(;0/(;0 13T 39lJd x 9 30 Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be required by the Technical Review Committee to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances Any of the above requirements may be waived by the Technical Review Committee, if such information is deemed to be non-essential by the Committee Z 8 d ~JlJ38 NOIN^08 5SZ;9SLET9S BE 513 555T/Z;13/Z;0 IV SITE DATA 1 2 3 10 The following 1nformation must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan Land U~e Catesory shown in the comprehensive Plan Industrial Zoning District Planned Industrial District 1 13 Area of Site 4 Land Use -- Acrea~e Breakdown 11 3911d a Residential, includ1ng surrounding lot area or grounds b Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) c Water Area d Commercial 49,488 e Industrial f Public/Institutional g Public, Private, and Canal Rights-of-Way h Other (specify) acres 49,488 sq ft acres % of site acres t of site acres % of site acres 10 0__ % of site acres % of site acres % of site acres % of site acres % of site i Other (specify) acres % of site j Total area of Site 49.488 acres 100 % of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 it by 50 ft Z 8 d H81v'38 NOINA08 5~~%LE 1% BE 59 5551/~9/~9 11 5 Surface Cover a Ground Floor Building 3,701 sq ft 7 5 % of site Area ( "building footprl.nt" ) b Water Area sq ft t of site c Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streets, pave area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas) and sidewalks, patios, decks, ana athletic courts 29,424 sq ft 59.5 % of site d Total Impervious Area 33,125 sq ft 67 %' of site e Landscaped Area Inside of Parking Lots (20 sw ft per interior parking space requ~red--see Sec 7 5-35(9) of Landscape Code sq ft , of site f Other Landscaped Areas, 16,363 33 excluding Water Area sq ft % of site 9 Other Pervious Areas, includ~ng Golf Cqtirses, Natural Areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding Water Areas sq ft % of site -_. h Total Pervious Areas 16,363 sq ft. 33 % of site ~ Total Area of Site 49,488 sq ft 100 % of site 6 Floor Area a Residential sq ft b Commercial/Office 3.701 sq ft c Industrial/Warehouse sC'J: ft d Recreational sq ft e PublicI Institutional sq it f Other ( specify) sq ft 9 Other (specify) sq ft 2:1 39'i1d z ~ d HJ'i13H NDIN^DH 6!;2:9!;LE19!; BE 69 6661/2:9/2:9 12 ., , h Total Floor Aea 3,701 sq ft 7 Number of Resident1al Dwelling Units a Single-Family Detached dwelling units b Duplex ... dwelling unl.ts c Multi-family (3 + attached dwelling units (1 ) Efficiency dwelling units {:2l 1 Bedroom dwelling units (3 ) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4 ) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d Total Multi-Family dwelling units ._" . e Total Number of Dwelling Units 8 Gross Density Dwelling Units per Acre 9 Maximum Height of Structures on Site Proposed height 24' Requir~d Off-Stree~ Parking a Calculation of Required b Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces 1 per 250 SF = 12 Spaces 45 feet stories 10 Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on S1te Plan 16 Spaces E1 38\;;1d z ~ d H8\;;138 NO~N^08 6S~%LE19S BE 60 6661/~0/~0 RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLlCA TIC The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans specifications drawings, engineering and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense claim liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO this ~ day of FGbruar{J , 192..2 .. . hv~ ~ u-w~ Applicant Planning and' Zoning Department - Rev:3/18/97 \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\NWSP\SITEPLAN.WPD Mobil Oil Corporation 2255 GLADES ROAD SUITE 444-W BOCA RATON, FL 33431 February 5, 1999 CIty of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE MobIl StatIOn at Quantum Park To Whom It May Concern. ThIS letter IS to serve as authonzatIOn for Anna S Cottrell and Houston Cuozzo Group Inc to act as the agent, to prepare and submIt all documentatIOn and attend all meetmgs pertammg to the property described m attached legal descnptIOn as It relates to any SIte plan approval for the above named project. Furthermore, MobIl 011 CorporatIOn, the contract purchaser, does hereby authonze Anna S Cottrell and Houston Cuozzo Group, Inc to agree to terms and condItIOns, whIch may arIse as part of the approval of thIS applIcatIOn. Sincerely, ~4W- Paul M. Capomgro Attorney - In- Fact STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH en was acknowledged before e tills ~ day of Veb(lA.u..'( i- 1999, by who IS ersonally known to m or who has produced IdentIficatIOn and who ' (lId not ake an oath. J--~~ ~~ 'i'lo <rancus NI """'m,,, ~ ~Commis:;iOfJ # CC 747~ ~ co S Expires June 1 2001 ~ (!f" BONDED 1'Hf'U flF~, I\T:..ANT-lr ~ONOH"(; 'f), ,Ie LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of lot 65 - B "Quantum Park at Boynton Beach, PI 0 Plat No 9" according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 60 at pages 32 and 33 of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows Commencing at the northwest corner of said lot 65-B, thence run south 88d 12' 15" east along the north line of said lot 65-B for a distance of 42 16 feet to the point of beginning, thence continue south 88d12'15" east along the north line of said lot 65-B for a distant of 55 25 feet to a point; thence run south 77d48'55"east along the north line if said lot 65-B for a distance of 162 79 feet to a point; thence run south 39d 10' 06" east along the northeast line of said lot 65- B for a distance of 31.23 feet to a point; thence run south ODd 31'17"east along the east line of said lot 65-B for a distance of 167 70 feet to the southeast corner of said lot 65-B, thence run north 90d 0' 0" west for a distance of 235 60 feet to a point; thence run north ODd 00' 00" east for a distance of 228 00 feet to the point if beginning Containing 49,488 square feet DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENi MEMORANDUM NO PZ 99-057 TO' TRC MEMBERS Bob Borden, Assistant Fire Marshal Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Sgt. Eric Jensen, Police Department Pete Mazzella, Utilities Department Michael Haag, Building Division Ken Hall, Engineering Division AI Kim, Public Works John Wildner, Parks Division Ray Davidson, Acting City Engineer Bob Donovan, Supervisor, Permit Application Group fl1~ Michael W Rumpf Acting Manager of Planning and Zoning FROM DATE March 3, 1999 RE SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1 ST Review - Conditional Use Project - Mobil Station at Quantum Location Southwest Corner of Gateway Blvd & High Ridge Rd Agent Anna S Cottrell & Associates & Houston Cuozzo Group, Inc, File No CO US 99-002 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments to me no later than 5:00 P.M. on March 12. 1999. When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories, code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval 1 Use the review standards specified in Part IV, Land Development Regulations, Site Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments 2, The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete however if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Scott Barber 3 Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents 4 Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify In their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with Page 2 Development Department Memo PZ 99-002 Mobil Station at Quantum Park TO TRC Members other departmental improvements 5 When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified 6 If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memorandum, within the time frame stated above, to me The memorandum shall state that the plans are approved and that they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and that they recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted to me for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memorandum Scott Barber will be the Planning and Zoning staff member coordinating the review of the project. First review comments will be transmitted to the applicant along with a list of Technical Review Committee (TRC) members The applicant will contact TRC member(s) to clarify comments Amended sets of plans will be submitted prior to, or brought to the TRC meeting Amended plans and outstanding comments will be reviewed at the TRC meeting to confirm that the project is ready to move forward to the Planning and Development Board meeting MWR.bme Attachment XC William Bingham, Fire Chief Marshall Gage, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Larry Roberts, Public Works Don Johnson, Building Division Sebastian Puda, Engineering Division Central File J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Stor AII\COUS 99-001 \1 STREVIEW-PLANS.doc \ \ Mobil Oil Corporation 2255 GLADES ROAD SUITE 444-W BOCA RATON, FL 33431 February 5, 1999 CIty of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE MobIl StatIOn at Quantum Park To Whom It May Concern. ThIS letter IS to serve as authonzatIOn for Anna S Cottrell and Houston Cuozzo Group Inc to act as the agent, to prepare and submIt all documentatIOn and attend all meetmgs pertammg to the property described m attached legal descnptIOn as It relates to any SIte plan approval for the above named project. Furthermore, MobIl 011 CorporatIOn, the contract purchaser, does hereby authonze Anna S Cottrell and Houston Cuozzo Group, Inc to agree to terms and condItIOns, whIch may anse as part of the approval of thIS applIcatIOn, Smcerely, ~4W- Paul M. Capomgro Attorney-In-Fact ST ATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH g m~tru en was acknowledged before me thIS ~ day of VeJJ(lA.u..'( i- 1999 by l \ 'who Is~nally known to my:? or who has produced IdentIficatIOn and who . (lId not ake an oath, J-~~ b~ 'I'" ".ne,'" M. "..lima, ~ ~CommissiOfl # CC 747295 ~ ~ ;f Expires June 1, 2002 ~ ~ BONDeoTHRll OF w Im.ANTlr I!O\lDl"U; (\ I!.'f 49 FLAGLER AVENUE. ~02 STLART~ FLORIDA 34994 (561) 221 2128 FAX (561) 221-0788 February 23, 1999 HOLSTON CUOZZO GROUPINC. Mr Michael Rumpf CIty of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Mobil Station at Quantum Park Our Ref. #98-123 A Dear Mr Rumpf Enclosed please find the CondItIonal Use ApplIcatIOn for the above referenced property The subject property IS located at the southwest comer of Gateway Boulevard and High RIdge Road, and IS a portIOn of lot 65-B of Quantum Park, Planned Industnal Development. The property has an Industnalland use desIgnatIOn and IS zoned Planned Industnal Dlstnct. We are proposmg to develop the SIte WIth a gasolIne sales facilIty havmg 9 dIspenser pumps with a maxImum of 16 fuelmg posItIons, In cOnjunctIOn With the sale of gasolme are the 3,054 square foot convemence store and a car wash. Enclosed wIth these applIcatIOns are the followmg matenals 1 12 copIes of the CondItIOnal Use ApplIcatIOn 2. 12 copIes ofthe JustIficatIOn statement 3 12 copIes of the vIcmIty map 4 1 copy of the authonzatIOn letter 5 1 copy of power of attorney letter 6 1 copy of the tItle cOllumtment 7 1 copy of the surroundmg property owners lIst and affidavIt 8 12 copIes of the traffic statement 9 12 copIes of the envIronmental analYSIS 10 12 copies of the survey of eXlstmg condItIOns 11 12 copIes of the SIte plan LAI'\D PLA:'\NING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PROJECT COORDINATIO'\l GOVERI'\I\IE:'\T AFFAIRS STRATEGIC PLANNI!\G Mr Rumpf Page 2 of2 February 23 1999 12. 12 copIes of the landscape plan 13 12 copIes of the archItectural plans 14 12 copIes of the dramage plan 15 ApplIcatIOn fees for the CondItIonal Use Approval Check #0107 m the amount of $1,75000 (includes the EnVIronmental ReVIew Fee and the Use Approval Fee) Please call me If you have any questIOns or need any addItIOnal mformatIOn when revlewmg thIS applIcatIon. Thank you for your aSSIstance WIth thIS project. Smcerely, nu~ c;( Ctrw~. Michelle L Coward, Project Manager Enc cc Aaron Weeks, Himes & ASSOCIates, Inc. Paul Capromgro, MobIl Oil CorporatIon Anna Cottrell, Anna S Cottrell and ASSOCiates, Inc Jeff IravanI, Jeff H. IravanI, Inc Michael Houston, Houston Cuozzo Group, Inc Q"\Documents\Letters & Memos\98-123-submitta1.doc POWER OF ATTORNEY MOC PIA No .:2.s'"3a - KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That MOBIL OIL CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York (the "Company"), does hereby make, constitute and appoint *"r P J BEARSE, J B BONNEMA,<P~ M. CAPONIGRWT A. CASEY, M J D'AMICO, T E. DAVIDSON, A. L. GLAESER, A. J GIAQUINTO, W J HELFRICH, 0 W HEALD, D J HILL, T A. HIRSCH, F J L1NDHJEM, G L. MARTINIE, S P MESTHOS, I MORGANO, V H RANKIN, W VALENCIA, and each of them, its true and lawful attorneys for it and in its name, place and stead, to do or perform any or all of the following 1 To make, execute, and deliver contracts for the sale of personal property, having a value of not more than $15,000, other than merchandise held for sale in the ordinary course of business, on behalf of the Company; 2. To make, execute and deliver contracts for the construction, repair and maintenance of properties of the Company at a cost not exceeding $1,000,000, 3 To execute arid file any and all instruments, documents, forms, reports and applications necessary or proper for filing before administrative or executive officers, boards, and agencies, whether federal, state, or municipal, and to procure any authorization, permit or license from any such officer, board or agency, whether federal, state or municipal, and 4 To execute on behalf of the Company indemnification agreements for third party costs, expenses and damages arising out of environmental conditions caused by the Company's operation of its facilities or arising out of entry onto said parties' real property to remediate any such environmental condition Each and every power, discretionary or otherwise, herein granted to the aforesaid attorneys shall be deemed as granted to them in severalty, as of the one exercising any power hereunder has alone been appointed and named as attorney herein This power is given in accordance with authority duly granted by the Board of Directors of the Company HEREBY REVOKING the following Powers of Attorney heretofore granted MOC PIA No 2508 granted to H ALLGAYER, T A. CASEY, R. J CICCOTELLI, M J DAMICO, T E. DAVIDSON, A. L. GLAESER, A. J GIAQUINTO, W J HELFRICH, D W HEALD, D J HILL, T A. HIRSCH, F J L1NDHJEM, J J LOYKA, G L. MARTINIE, S P MESTHOS, I MORGANO, V H RANKIN, 0 H STEPHENS, W VALENCIA, R J WOLFF I under date of January 21, 1998 yY10(!.. t' /!1- ~S"E ~ - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said MOBIL OIL CORPORATION has caused these presents to be signed by an Executive Vice President, and i~ corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by an Assistant Secretary the / (, cA.. day of June, 1998 MOBIL OIL CORPORATION By' JIl1 flll1.A-v..f ~ f{ M P Ramage, Executive Vice President ATTEST G Cl. ~.-"- Sr Assistant Secretary COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF FAIRFAX ) On the / (, a:; day of June, 1998, before me personally came M P RAMAGE, to me known, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that he resides at 3225 Gallows Road, Fairfax, VA 22037, that he is an EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT of MOBIL OIL CORPORATION, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation, that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order ~ )j~~u Notary Public My Commission Expires: ENGPOA.3 Lindl RoaeB, Notary Public Commonwealth of Vircinia My Commission eXDlres January 31 1999 12/10/" TBU 11 15 511 1 5509 COHEN CBERNAY iI 001 ODEN. NORRIS. SCHERER" WEINBERGER. '''''....I'~ J~_ .JI AI~ rlf/ ~~ ~ '-'... '-I' . GUI, .&. ~r. · '_/ ,..c.~. rJ&. ..... &- ---.&. ~ A"'" ftlI,,..,. '" 71J V.!. BlOJrlI'AJ" OR, SVlD ... p, o. .. lJJH NOU'II 'ALM .~B, n.DBAt. 3Uf1.114f nulWONB (Ill}""''' 'A~ fJfl} JO.4,ItI .tw~ ~ J.MOIUIr. r... aICIkD L bCaJNa LA.,.. ..~ .... CIIIfW ~ NoI' ~ .............'4 ,.,.. .. alr .-c.M~ ....", I....... rA- m. .&. ......",. ....r II. .....-.... r... ...- !Iaf..-r ~ ,."", ,,,~ tHU....... December 10, 1998 Mr WilHam TralJUMl1 Crow Ul.5 SoUlb Federal Suite 113 "--' Boca Raton. Florida 3 2 Vii. P-mmilc lDS61.3~14 lle: Quaatum Dear Bill. P8rtIlen, Ltd. Sale to MobO 011 CorpondoD In accordaDcc with lepbODc conversation BDd your rcquat. lIthlrW please find a copy of Commonwealth Land 1 C InsuraDCe Compall)' CommitmeDt '864-678647 for the abovc-rcfercDCCd trIDIlCtiOD. The orialDal Commi W Vale, Esq at Shu with copies of applicable cxccptiODS are being forwuded directly (0 Robert BoWeD by Fcden1 Exprus today .ODS do DOt hesitate to comact rhe undersigDcd. Sincerely . ~ Lqal Aaistant _ (7 pqa iDcludiDa this pqe) DEC-21-1998 14 17 98% P 02 12/10/88 TBU 11 1& 1!81 . 5501 COHEN CBnl"AY ~ooz IIIUID It CoWNITWENT FOil Tnu Iflil5UIWIC! o Com 1'n'UIl"".uaAMa eoMMNY nwealth COMMITMENT NUM8ef' 8b'+-blBbttl In Wltne.. Whereof, lftc1udina CommUment, Authorized Ot1lc1t or TITLE INStJJtANCB COWPANY. a pennsylYania ~orporaUoD. herein gJJed the company. fot a by comml.u to 1l1li1 lu po&y Or poUclel of tltl. insurUICI. U iunUne4 in Schedule A. 1ft t~r of d in SdlectlMe A, u owner or mortppe or 1M ..tate or lnt:er.lt covwred hereby In the lanel ScbecI"a. A. upoa paynwnt of tho pmniunu and clwaes1here(or; all subject 10 the pr~ClIII of e ConclItlDftJ Uld Stipulations heROe. COMMONWEALnt valuable ~onsI4en11oa. 1M plOpoeed IftllQ~ clCll:rlhecl or referred t SeIlldullS ... and land -- 11dI Commitment IbaU ccnunitted for ha~ Commitment or by sub T1Ua Commitment" P hcmmdlr JhaJl cease all.u be laued, whlda company elfec:dte lHIIy wilen the Identity of the propoNcllnlurcd and thlamount of thI policy or polldes lIIIettM In Scbe4uJ. It. hereof by the Company, either at the t1me of the iSlUMCe of this nt CDdanantllt. to "'I IllUIIlCl of IUCh polky or po1kies of title lnsuJ'MCI and all lSabDlty aM obUlatlona .nafnate 120 day. an.r dut effective dati Maof or when th. paU~y or polldes committee! for 'h,t occun. prowided that the faflUl'l to blue such policy or polldOI II not thai fault oC lh.e d Company )w ~aUled lu Corpora.. Name an4 Seal to be herRllto a.fllx.ed, this instrUment, Idans and StlpuJaUou attached, to become valid when cOUDtertllned on Schedule A. by an of 1M Compeny s::.( e! 4t:- By' ~~ COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY p.J--- CJglnn~ ~nd Chief Qecll\ivc Ollll.ll:r AmerIaM ...... "* ......011 F.. p... 110,", '~17 _ __DEC-~l :1~'3~___~4 18 nm.nt. 1811 Valid Oft.Iv If ~............. .. ~_.. ,,----- . 98/' P 03 12/10/98 THU 11 18 S81 1 SSOIl COHEN CHERNAY aI 003 CO ONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR nTLe INSURANCE SCHEDULE A CO",",1ImMt ND.: F" No.: 1441.021 BEl' 1', 11.. . ,,:OOPM IMUed: Amount of Paley OWNER": LOAN: n,e'a.t In 1M land de.,lbad or referred 10 In thla CDmmltment Ind "lnple Md la It 1M IffIolIve dlte hereof Vlated In: TED PARTNlRS L TO.. A nORIDA UMlTED PARTNERSHIP 3. TlI. lend .......... foIDwa: th. Commllment '- llIaMIM In the County of PALM .~CH. $lete of Florid.. and C1..crlbed .. The Comp. when the company u CDmpeny or COhen, Norrie, LOT '1-8, Q THE PLAT COURT IN PAGE 31. n toO be provided. ,t... be.n repra.nta" to the COmpany that the . Portion of ... following: TUM PARK AT BOYNTON lEACH P.I.D. PLAT NO. I ACCORDING TO "EOF ON fiLE IN THE OF"CE OF THE CLlAK OF THE CIRCUIT FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA AECOftDED IN PLAT BOOK 80. Coun.,..ned: - -....... .. ,...~ '...... DEC-21-1998 14 19 97% P 04 1%/10/18 THU 11 11 511 1 UD9 COHEN CBER.~A.Y ~004 CO ONWEAL TH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR Tl11.E INSURANCE ICHEDULe 8 - SECTION 1 COfMlIm,... No.*: the requlre",_n.. tit be complied with: 10 ~ .. ttle aaeOUl\t of. ~ grMUlfe or mo~ _. ......."... .... end .....Nd "'11 IUbleoc ,......, whlDh ... dye ."d p.... s.. In.~.) the ..... or ~_t Ie De ~lUl'llcI mult be ~~ ...ul8d .rlel 'U.d for reoi'd. QUANTUM LIMfTEC PARTNeRS LTC A. !fLORIO'" L1MIT!D PARTNeRSHIP to MOBIL OIL .. Ia tPle .ubf.. ,",*". -- 8. "."Ia' AI..... rwoenIed ~ OA IUtn of "'-.CICO .... In .or ot PALM lEACH NA.TlONAI. BANK AND TRUST COMPANY AS TAUST&e. I ~ - of tfte PubID Recent, 0' PALM B!ACH County. florid., In IN orIGinal prine...' 8. ....... of OA I!lD01c 1~. from IhM C*ta~ CO....I Aulgn...nt of Lee,.. ."d Alan'. recorded Augult '3. ll1H1 In , IIubID ~ of'. 8..... County, IIIDtIdL 7 ........ Of It", .'1. Puble froIn that ~~ UCC.l Flt\aneilll S1a......t recorded Aueull '3. ,gee, ~ OoR. aoak '0179. at ...... &.oh County. FIor1dL e. Ptoof 01 ~ J ---- due QI,.ntum Communlfy ~p~ OIlRI. 9. Prae' of "~ munID..' ..,. or ............ ". Preot 0' pa)m...1 , ~ ~ AaaadltlDn Ae....mentI. '-" ALTA CammlltlWH - t $o~" 8 . 8eGIIDn FOI'''' 1006-'" DEC-21-1998 14 19 97~ P 0S lZ/10/aa TBU 11 16 581 1 5508 COBEN.CBERNA.Y ijD005 CO NWEAl TH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMllMENT FOR TIn.! INSURANCE SCHeDULE 8 - UCTlON II 71147 COMmII'Mo.t NoA: Sdl..... I of ... ...... of Ie IN Of polio'" 10 be III,,*,, will contain .option. to .... following man_. un... ttle ...... are 1/1 tilt c....,: 1. ~..... lllahln8 . the .... or , IGWrM ...... or otIW ....... IltIy, Cl'Mt.d. lht IPlMarlnQl h th. public rKDr" or tM __.. .. ,... IIUt pdor to 1M .... tM DfOPOud .....urN _Qultll for VIIlu. 01 reoord "*'IIQII ....., 00lllMd by 11\. cD/MlllmMt. 2. ... or etIiImI In poe....1on nOI ahown by tII. DutllO IWaOflla. 3. ~.., fIlM , or II.... ~. 1I0t 'I'IOW" by ltlo publll 1'I00l'ft. 4. ~h""'. ___ Iftd 1ft . boUndlry 1111 .pll.... ."d any oUlar metl.. _hlah -ould be ClI&cIo..cl by &II lCCuraa .... PfWIIl.... '---" 5. My"', or rWIt lion. for ~, aDor 01 IIlIlterleJ heretofore Of herMllet "'I'ltned, ilftpo'~ by law end not ahowft by ... ""* .. My ~ INI II MIlIIIIld . oWfttd by IN &Ita 01 ,/oI1da by ,~t of .~8lFtY. IC\G ~n ~"ta. . any. 1 T_ or u..,rMftt. on ,.. __1'1 .. not IhoWn .. IllIIC'"G /llnl by 1M ,.."d, .f any ..... ....thority Chat IIvla. taU or or by 1M publID 'IOCrCII. '- ~ 8ft" ... feW tM year I. Met aubMquent yt8tlI, whlctl .,. not ytIt clue end payablll. 9. T....., ClOftdlllorw. No. . ....... In P .,0, '. ZlD. ... OA IIoaIl 1171. 1M ... "..,. .. ahclwn on t'" ,,!at or QuanM" Par1I\ at Boy"ton Beach. P.I.D Plat 17 'ege 181. .. I_lid by all'ldlvllB ,.carded In O.R. look 5411. Pae- 2U Md 0.1'. 80011 lay l'IIoJutJoft Afld d..,lllnw lWIarded May 'e. '118. In 0.". lool! .73. Page 1131 end P\Me ." ,,~ ..." County, Florida. . ...dtID". 1M ....... ., COllta~ on tn. ptM 01 QIIentum ...artl al Boynton Beuh. PJ.D.. look 10, ,.... st, Puble "-corGI of ..." ..." CoulllY. fIb'Idl. n.AIIft!IIoft.. oo".lnod In tho ... watI .... OA 10011 101<<), AlDDI'CI Of "a"" . cCltlclllllne Il\CI ...,.... _"Ie" "elude pl'ovlllon, for , prtvate Oharge or .....I11ItftI. II deled Oeto"", 14. ,., and ruorded Octo"" '6. lH? In O.R. ..ok eqa, "_. 1106, II noClOIdId h OJll look DI3. Page 118. AI'lIn""l 01 AIohll ~o"'d Jllly r1, 1181. i AnlIo._.dlMnt 10 .n.........t l'IClorded Augu.t 17 ,... OJ~. loole 10182. Page 125e, Public: , FIortdL ........... ""', ....WIId it hU\InMI eta1ld ~'" 11M and rOGllrded rwrarv" t, 1114 In O,R. Book 01 hht ...... COIItII)', F~. DEC-21-1998 14 20 97% P 06 12/10/98 TBU 11 11 S8 II SS09 COBEN.CBERNAY ~ooo ,.. NnliawI by tile cantmed In ~. C Ornr DOn'I,"" In InIININIU l'lIOordad Ma, I. 1HII In 0.11'. ao-* ... PII. 1721, a, ,"""1: OA lOOk IOID. I'IQl510: OA !00k SSM, 'eo- '213 and OA look SII79. P8l1 ..... ,.. Public RaoorGI 01 Palm a.ah County. Flortda. 11 Ada,tloft of modIIId In 0.... .. and OA I... w.dt Dr&~ Dlalrtat ~ u. lnl ....lred "'el\tt-ot-Way lor ..lnql contrvl lW'd irrigation ordlId In OJIL 800t 1711. "'.812. Publo ABoordtl vr Pam leech County ~ ,.. GI'Mt vi ..." County. , SIgn E.--. rtoordIcI FtbruIry" 1117 O>R. Book 117S. ... _ Public Atoord. of "11m 11. MeIftoNndulft or ~ralleft. ~. by end ....., Quafttulft Un" ~. L TO.. Md BoyJItoft InduI'tll1 ....1Iry t? '... 0.... Boak '0112. Peo- 1'oa. I'l.lblD "-catda Of Pam -..0" C~ly. florida. 17 1#1.'1 ~lU'" COlMlUft" ... I)r _.aDO. . Impol'*'. ~ .. Or InIlMIt, .",... now "'llnt or ...,.ft.r orealed or Impoled by the t Olltl'lol. lpeclfloaly ralallng to ."y bond u....menl Of lien o,...lIId by virtu. QI the In SpIoIII Aa...MWIC londl, s.n.. ,81M. . ."Iah may b. .po.~ by tha Quantum Co",",u"lty c.valopm."t O".rlo' reI."n, to In. INOturW owned or trlUlIaNd by the ~b"" CCIftlmUtlIty ~t Dllllrict. NOTE. T_ for ,he year '1117 W.' 'lid In .h. amount of 122.121.17; Oro.. Amount . q .1I.00HI6I. No ~ 1IIId. ....../ DEC-21-1998 14 20 97/' P 07 1%/10/98 TBU 11 17 S81 ;1 SS08 4704 COBIN CHEltNAY IiIIOOT o nn.a " CoMt'AN" CoMMn'MINT Fol. TmE IN CE ../ I..... IT COIIllno. AID STIPU\ATlDII 4. An)' .cllon or -':11 out of ahe .lIl... of mual be based nn IncJ UMcI beleln.lhaIllMIllde deed of troll, trust deed, III other ..curtlY Wlrumcnt. -- 2. If ah_ prapo..d I .rr.ctlna !he ut... ....~or and.... fad for uy 1011 or ct_ diJclOM uch know otherwise acquires II 111 option may Fram lIablllcy prni J UabQlly or me CaIn under the deftnJdon f tw..on 1ft un !kheduJel. or (c) to shill such UabWty . S\Ib)ect to the in. polley or pollclsl C made. part oftbJa h. or lCquinl aclull knowJedal of Ifty defeCl,li.n. encumbr.nc~, ad","" claim or other nlAller .m. Or mor..." thlteOll ~rwd by this Corrunhmcnl owr than lhwe Ihown la Schedule 8 clhd.. aucb Mowle4. to the Company In .ridn.. the Company Ihall be reUcved Crem liability 1UIt1ft1 from any 11:\ of ....,.ftCC heTtun to \he utent the Company II preJudked by r.nun h) SU . If the propoetd InlUred .,n diseJOII ,1lCh knowledp \0 the Comp:any. ur if the Company kno"led.. or an)'sudl defacl, lien, Incumbrance, IdYftW dalm ur olber mlUlr the Company Sc:htduJe 8 or this Commibnent Kcordll\a1y, but Iuc:h amlndrn.nllhaJl not relieve the Company ftCUrred punuant to parqraph 3 or lh.. ConditlCln. and Slipullllona. under thII Commiunent Ihall be only to the named propoaollllllur.d UId ~ pullet Jnduded lUred In tile form of policy or pol1des committed for and only for aetq 1015 InclImd In reliance JOOCI (lids el) to comply With. the requlrwmanll h.reof, or (\I) to eUmiftat.c excepUollS shown in I 011 aute the elllt. or Jntemt Dr mortpae thereon coyered by dUa Commitment. III no ..ent the amount .lIted in Schedule A Cor the policy or polklcl committed for and IUch liability is rcwWonl, the Conditionl lad Sdp\l1aUonl. lII1d 1he Exdullona from CoYUqC o( Ibe fonn of I'" for In flYar of .lbe propOlld lnsu18d which an hereby incorporated by ,.fenll" and arc "lment exe.,tu exp1Ctlly mocWlod herein. o "",ta of Kllon that the pruposed InlUrtd Ina) haWl or ...IY brin, lIPinll the CoJftpany arIlin. Ide 10 the Iltlll or "'lereSl or Ihe "11111 of the mOllpp therean cuyered by lhis C'ummllmenl IIlb}ec:t 10 lhe p,cMIioM ur this Comrnllmml "'---'" DEC-21-1998 14.~1 97% P08 BLYTHE ENVIRONMENTAL, INe. 5782 SE HULL STREET STUART, FLORIDA 34997 561-287-0549 February 8, 1999 Houston-Cuozzo Group 4q SW Flagler Avenue Stuart, Flonda 34994 RE ENVIRONMENT AL ASSESSMENT 1 2 ACRE SITE, GATEWAY BOULEVARD AND HIGH RIDGE ROAD, BOYNTON BEACH Dear Michelle On Monday February 8 1998 bIOlogIsts from Blythe EnVIronmental, Inc surveyed a parcel of land on the corner of Gateway Boulevard and High RIdge Road, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Flonda. Dunng thIS survey, observatIons were made of on SIte soil and vegetatIon condItIOns and for protected plant and ammal speCIes. SOILS The Soil Survey for Palm Beach County Area, Florida, publIshed by the USDA Soil ConservatIon ServIce IndIcates one soil type WIthIn the lmllts of thts property A bnef descnptlOn of thIS soil type IS lIsted below ThIS descnptlOn IS a generalIzatIOn and does not account for any drainage Improvements that may Influence plant speCIes and hydrology on the SIte ScB--St LUCIe sand, 0-8 percent slopes ThIS nearly level to slopIng, excessIvely draIned, deep sandy soil IS on long narrow, dune-like coastal ndges and on Isolated knolls. The water table IS below a depth of 6 feet throughout the year VEGETATION Uplands The forested portIons of thIS SIte, approXImately 1 2 acres, IS compnsed of predomInately Sand Scrub ThIS commumty occurs on nearly level to strongly slopIng land. The areas are usually lImIted to several hundred acres In SIze When no draInage Improvements are present, water movement IS rapId through the soil. SpeCIes observed Include' Trees Sand Pine Slash Pine Cabbage Palm Pinlfs clalf'lG PilllfS elbollli Sabal palmetto HOUSTON-CUOZZO GROUP 1.2 ACRE, BOYNTON BEACH SITE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FEBRUARY 8, 1999 PAGE TWO LIve Oak Scrub Oak Shrubs Sawpalmetto Gallberry F etterbush Staggerbush Wax Myrtle Hogplum Gopher Apple Tarflower Cocoplum Seagrape Rosemary Wildflowers and Understory Golden Aster Love Vine Goldenrod Blazmg Star Wiregrass DeerMoss Pnckly Pear Cactus Yellow IndIangrass Purple Lovegrass Knotroot Bnstlegrass Spamsh Needle Partndge Pea Crotalana Dog Fennel IndIgo Clubmoss Spike Moss Wild Grape Caesar's Weed Greenbnar Torpedo Grass Crab's Eye Quercus virginiana Q geminata Serenoa repens flex glabra Lyonia lucida L. ferruginea Myrica cerifera Yimenia americana Licania michallxii Befaria racemosa Chrysobalanus icaco Cocoloba uvifera Ceratiola erico/des Heterotheca subaxillaris Cassytha fill!formis Solidagospp Liatris tenuifolia Aristida stricta Cladonia spp Opuntia humifusa Sorghastrum nutans Eragrostis spectabilis Setaria geniclllata Bidens pilosa Cassia fasciclllata Crotalaria spp Eupatorium capillifoium /ndigofera spp Lycopodium spp Selaginella arenicola Vitis rotundifolia Urena lobata Smilax spp Panicum repens Arbrus precatorious HOUSTON-CUOZZO GROUP 1.2 ACRE, BOYNTON BEACH SITE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FEBRUARY 8, 1999 PAGE THREE Exotic and Nuisance Plants Java Plum Melaleuca Austrahan P10e BrazilIan Pepper Earleaf AcaCIa Syzygium cumini Melaleuca quinquinervia Casuarina equisetifolia Schinus terebinthifolius Acacia auriculaeformis Wetlands No wetland condItIOns were observed on-SIte PROTECTED SPECIES SURVEY Dunng the field 1OvestIgatIOn penod, observatIOns were made for protected plant and anImal speCIes A gopher tortOise survey was conducted to determ10e the frequency of burrows on the sIte Transects were walked at ten meter 10tervals to locate and flag any encountered burrows, nests, and dens Random wildhfe observatIOn statIons were establIshed to lIsten and observe for other protected plants and anImals No protected plant or anImal speCIes were observed utihz10g tins sIte at the time of tins field 1OvestIgatIOn. These observatIOns were made between the hours of 1030 AM and 1 00 PM, February 8, 1999 Ammal speCIes observed on sIte were as follows Northern Card10al Brown Anole Mock1OgbIrd Cardinalis cardinalis Anolis sagrei sagrei Mimus polyglottus Several Card10al Wild P10e plants were observed 10 and under the scrub oak trees on-SIte ProtectIOn of thIS speCIes IS typIcally accomplIshed through preservatIon of representatIve areas of habItat ThIS speCIes IS most frequently found on larger oak trees 10 areas where suffiCIent shade IS present to allow them to flounsh. PREVIOUS IMPACTS Tins property IS 10 natural vegetation of mature sand p10e scrub Several areas of the sIte have been Impacted through the use of all terraln off road velnc1es. These areas are lack10g any vegetatIon and VIsible tIre tracks With mound1Og of the sand IS present. A few HOUSTON-CUOZZO GROUP 1.2 ACRE, BOYNTON BEACH SITE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FEBRUARY 8,1999 PAGE FOUR large BrazilIan pepper trees are contamed wIthm the site. These trees have created a dense trucket out competmg the natural vegetation. Should you need additIOnal mformatIOn regardmg my field mvestIgatIon of this site, please let me know Smcerely, ~~/? ~fL Wayne P Blythe, Pres~7~ BL YTHE ENVIRON}.,ffiNT AL, INe Traffic Impact Statement For Mobil Oil Corporation SS# 02-LXD Gateway Boulevard & ffigh Ridge Road Boynton Beach, Florida 02-09-1999 Prepared By: JeffH. Iravani, Inc. 1934 Commerce Lane Suite 5 Jupiter, FL 33458 PH: (561) 575-6030 Fax: (561) 575-6088 c~ Jeff H. Iravani, P.E. Florida Registration #33155 1-....1.,' , Introduction The site is located in the southwest comer of gateway Boulevard & High Ridge Road and consists of 1 14 acres of vacant land. The lot is a portion oflot 65-B of Quantom Park At Boynton Beach PID Plat No 9 A 3,054 SF convenience store with an 8 fueling station gas station is proposed. The access is to be provided by right-turn only turnouts onto Gateway Boulevard & High Ridge Road. This proposed project is to estimated be completed in one year This report shall provide the trip generation for this project so it can be deducted from the approved trips for the entire PID 1 Trip Generation Institute Of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation, 6th edition, and Palm Beach County approved trip generation rates were utilized to obtain the Average Daily Trips (AnT) and the AM & PM Peak Hour Trips (PHT). Use ADT AM PM VTEPD VTEPH VTEPH IN OUT IN OUT Convenience Store 3054 KSF@ 737 99 2,254 100 100 81 82 Internal @ 32% 721 32 32 26 26 Pass- By @ 60% 920 41 41 33 33 Generated 613 27 27 22 23 Gas Station (8 Fuel Position @ 174 71) 1,398 50 48 59 57 Pass-By @ 60% 839 30 29 35 34 Generated 559 20 19 24 23 Total Generated Proposed 1172 47 46 46 46 Attracted Proposed 118 116 114 113 2 i_ocCJtion MCJp- SITE a <;;[ o Q:" u..J o o Q:" :r. o :r I____~ ~~ ___ 1-95 JHI J elf H. Iravani, Inc. Consulting Engineers February 9, 1999 City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Phn. (561) 742-6000 Fax: (561) 742-6090 Re: Mobil, SS# 02-LXD, Gateway Blvd & High Ridge Road Gentlemen. Please be advised that the drainage system for the above referenced project, shall conform with all rules, regulations, codes, etc. including, but not limited to, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 ofthe City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any assistance. Sincerely, Jeff H. Iravani, P E. Horida # 33155 1934 Commerce Lane, Suite 5 Jupiter, Florida 33458 (561)575-6030 Fax (561) 575-6088 Iravani@worldnet.att.net " ~~~ . 61.3 ~~6,'lO 68/ ~ 2,06AC 80 68.2 (3 73AC) ~ , t:A Air I I, ~....,) L~ , Ai , A' " t5./ 2 ~J At.. ~- I, 6lJ 2 45AC 911 6 50AC ~')~) J 4 ,1 AC , ~ " -._- ------ ll\ ~ ~ '" 7 /)2 lL- 5 t1 S AC "' (:) 1.2 I 88 AC 44~ sz. VICINITY MAP Mobil Station at Quantum Park Scale. 200' 15 A F F I D A V I T STATE OF FLORIDA 99 COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFO~E ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED 4/;-A 0T~ , ~ I WHO BEING bULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS That the accompanying Property Owners List is, to the be~t of his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, ma~ling addressee and legal descr~ptibn~ as ~eco~ded in the latest official tax rolls in the County CQurthou~e for all property with Four Hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel of land The property in question is legally described as foll~w~~ SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4'~;;T ".,-10 day of -= G ~AtZ-:J A D ~S~~ State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires; 19 17 !~::#.~:';~.. ANNA SIEFRING COTTRELL ~.Jt/ EXPiRES: May 10,2002 ..~. Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters