REVIEW COMMENTS STAFF COMMENTS QUANTUM OFFICE PARK (LOTS 20 & 21) BUILDING DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UTILITIES DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT FORESTER/HORTICULTURIST NEW SITE PLAN See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO 90-057 February 16, 1990 TO: J Scott Miller, City Manager . Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director~~ Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator THRU FROM RE: COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD - FEBRUARY 15, 1990 MEETING The Community Appearance Board met on Thursday, February 15, 1'990, and took the following action NEW BUSINESS 1. SITE PLAN a Target Shopping Center - The Board unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, to allow construction of a 140,000 square foot shopping center, including a junior department store and three outparcels, subject to staff comments with the following stipulations i In addition, a minimum of sixteen (16) landscaped islands, with trees, are to go into the main parking lot directly in front of Target ii The entrance into the Target Shopping Center will have decorative stampcrete floor surface material, similar to the entrance to Service: Merchandise iii The visual barrier to screen outside storage in the garden area will be decorative metal other than chain link fencing iv Enlarge the landscape strip directly behind the Target store to eight feet (8') wide b Quantum Office Park - The Board unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, to allow construction of a 50,978 square foot office complex consisting of two buildings, subject to staff comments 2 SITE PLAN MODIFICATION a Cas a Blanca Apartments of Boynton Beach - The Board unanimously recommended approval to allow for changes in building layout and design, subject to staff comments with the following stipulations associated with the attached letter i All of the proposed changes were recommended for approval, except that #1 was rejected Memo to J Scott Miller Re February 1990 CAB Meeting February 16, 1990 Page Two ii Request #4 was deleted from the list by the applicant The curved arches will remain as shown on the original plan c. Airco Industrial Gasses Tank Farm - The Board unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, to allow for the addition of a tank farm to the Motorola project, subject to staff comments 3 SIGN APPROVAL a Two (2) City of Boynton Beach Welcome signs - The Board unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, to allow for the placement of "Welcome to Boynton Beach" signs at South Federal Highway at the City limits and West Boynton Beach Boulevard at the City limits (in the medians) If I can be of any further assistance, please advise MEH eaf attachment cc Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Timothy Cannon, Planning Department Johnnetta Broomfield, Community Improvement Dept CABREP SDD MEMORANDUM TO Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board Timothy P Cannon lie Interim Planning Director THRU FROM Tambri J Heyden Assistant City Planner DATE February 7, 1990 SUBJECT Quantum Office Park (lots 20 & 21) Site Plan - File No 408 Please be advised of the following Planning Department comments with respect to the above-referenced request for site plan approval 1 Indicate on the elevation sheet the materials and color of the roof-mounted equipment screen, canopy, doors and railing. Application checklist, page 5, item 14 2 No signs are shown on the plans submitted. A future site plan modification will be needed prior to permitting signs on these two lots. Chapter 21-14(M)2 3 Show on the site plan the existing 15 foot utility easement along the west property line of lot 21 and the 6 foot drainage easement along the east property line of lot 20 Appendix A-Section 11(A)8 4 Show stop sign locations on the site plan and pavement markings on the paving and drainage plan Chapter 19, Article II, Sec 19-17(e) 5 Submit a copy of the cross access agreement prior to "final sign-off" for review by the City's legal department to provide for the cross parking areas, access aisles and driveways shown on the site plan. The alternative would be to submit a unity of title 6 If development of lot 21 is not constructed as shown on the site plan, with respect to cross access, then the layout and design of the driveway and parking area along the property line between the two lots must be modified to meet the Landscape Code - Article 7 5-35(e) and the Parking Lot Regulations - Article X, Sec. 5-142(1) 7 If the type of ownership should change to condominium, the City Engineer should be consulted to determine whether replatting is necessary ,{f ~~~~ r ...J"'aME:::. ~c::> '-05 "'-.J TO SE""-l lOt<... C 1/''1' ?L.~r-.J ~ eJ2-, -, FROM r<:oa~l~ 1=k 'JI ,.J a. 6~c:> ~>\ '~J 13l.... \ (.... l-Lk.~ ~ ..PI e6G~ SUBJECT d}~_____t2~&o'___:-__Q~~:rU^""\_____?2~et;:_~_________~~_'<_-DATE.,___~~_=2~______ PO LO . n --;-::::, .. r--> IV'R,...J --r::>0 ~p ~ ,-~<. '-A-L? 0""'; ~ \ <=-tt '\ Y 5 ro C4 ~~-l I ~e.. Ac~ s.. C-A\.-'-- 1==U8 L-1.. c.... ~ol'24~~ pl2-.\ o~ \"C:> Fc:>~(,.jG, ~0r'V\P~~E(c::... t:AD, PLEASE REPLY TO 1 . SIGNED REPLY DATE. SIGNED Item II F269 Grayarc, P,O. Box 2944, Hartford. CT 06104-2944 @ WheelerGroup,lnc,1982 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED -L RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #90-069 TO Tim Cannon, Interim Planning Director FROM Kevin J Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist SUBJECT Quantum Office Park - Site Plan DATE February 6, 1990 The following comments pertain to landscaping at the above site 1 The size of the saw palmetto species should be noted on the landscape legend 2 30% of the landscape plants (not trees) must be native species 3. The applicant should be aware that the rear of the property landscaping (littoral and upland hardwood plantings) must adequately screen the parking lot from sites directly across the lake I will review the site with the applicant to make a determination that additional plantings are not required for visual screening 4 If there are any locations along the lake edge abutting the two sites where soil erosion has occurred, the areas must be sodded. This will be determined with a site review by the applicant and myself 5 The phase II site must be seeded and receive irrigation to prevent blowing sand, until the site is developed 6 The species of "hedge" material should be noted on the landscape legend 7 Potable water cannot be used for landscaped areas AHA(, c;. 7IA/h~ Kevin J Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist KJH'ad ~ MEMORANDUM February 6, 1990 TO Timothy Cannon, Acting City Planner FROM Michael E Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE QUANTUM OFFICE PARK - NEW SITE PLAN Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes 1 South Florida Water Management District permit or letter of exemption is required to establish the buildings' minimum finish floor elevation 2 Lake Worth Drainage District permit or letter of exemption is required 3 Identify the type of material and color proposed for the north and west wall exterior entrance decor 4 Show east wall entrance on east wall elevation drawing 5 Show each building with the required number of handicapped parking spaces Provide a typical handicapped and regular parking stall detail drawing showing the dimensions of both types of stalls and the appropriate size, color and location of stall striping. For handicapped accessibility to both buildings show and identify the following location and height of all handicapped signs (not in sidewalk), appropriate location, width, slope and length of handicapped ramp, elevation of each handicapped parking space and adjacent curb or sidewalk where handicapped ramp is to be located Provide spot elevations along the handicapped accessibility path leading to the entrance of the building from each handicapped parking space All handicapped code requirements must comply with the Accessibility Requirements Manual, January 1990, first edition, first printing 6 Show and identify the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform required at the entrance to each building 7 Provide plan view and detail section drawing of dumpster pad and enclosure Identify overall size of idumpster enclosure, including the clear opening minimum width dimension of ten feet (10') Include type of building material and structural components. Also, identify the location, type and color of finish material for the dumpster enclosure ~ Memo to Timothy Cannon Re Quantum Office Park February 6, 1990 Page Two 8 Indicate location, type, size and spacing of accent shrub landscape material required around three (3) sides of all dumpsters 9 Show the location and identify the type of lawn grass landscape material 10. Continue the vehicular use area screening material around the perimeter of the project to form a solid continuous barrier 11 All landscaped areas shall be provided with an automatic irrigation water supply system 12 Identify the type, size and spacing of the required vehicular use area visual screening landscape material 13 Identify and show the appropriate percentage of required native landscape material 14 Provide a survey of the property not older than six (6) months 15 Show unobstructed cross visibility area and space through the required site perimeter landscape strip at both sides of all ingress and egress driveways The cross visibility area and space is shown by placing and dimensioning on the site landscape plan drawing a ten foot (10') isosceles right angle triangle with the right angle on the property line at the edge of the driveway and landscape strip and completing the remainder of the triangle into unobstructed landscaping and stating that the vertical space within this area is clear of landscape material between thirty inches (30') and six feet (6') 16 Show unobstructed cross visibility area and space through the require site perimeter landscaping at the corner of the property (where two adjacent public right-of-ways intersect) The cross visibility area and space is shown by placing and dimensioning on the site landscape plan drawing a thirty-five foot (35') isosceles triangle at the corner of the property line where the intersection is located and complete the remainder of the triangle into unobstructed landscaping and stating that the vertical space within this area is clear of landscape material between thirty inches (30") and six feet (6') Memo to Timothy Cannon Re Quantum Office Park February 6, 1990 Page Three 17 Show location of all signs and/or signage, including directional signs and building and/or tenant advertisement signage. 18 Provide statement that site lighting pole structures will meet the requirements of the Standard Building Code, 1988 edition, Chapter 12 19 , Provide spot elevation along required handicapped accessibility path leading to the entrance of the building from the sidewalk starting at the public right-of-way, including the gradient in rise in inches per foot of run where elevation changes In order to facilitate the permitting process, the following information should be included within your docu~nts submitted to the Building Department for required permits 1 All signage must comply with the Boynton Beach Sign Ordinance and/or approved sign program. 2 Secure approval from Boynton Beach Utility Department and other utility companies, including Florida Power & Light, for location and type of trees planted within utility easement areas bordering on public right-of-ways Haag meh:eaf cc Don Jaeger QUNTMOFC SDD ~ ~1 EMORANDlJIlH DATE FEBRUARY 7, 1990 TO JIM GOLDEN, PLANNING DEPT. F R Ot>1 W.D CAVANAUGH, FIRE DEPARTMENT RE QUANTUM OFFICE BUILDING LOTS 20 & 21 QUAHTUM PARK PROVIDE FIRE HYDRANT ON NORTHWEST 22ND AVENUE IN FRONT OF PROJECT , f!;f~=o/( FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I xc Deputy Chief Crockett Fi 1 e WDC/pg / / MEMORANDUM February 5, 1990 TO Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM Vincent A. Finizio Acting Assistant to the City Engineer RE T R B Carrrents for "Quantum Office Park" Architect Jeff Falkanger & Associates Inc Camero & Associates Inc ] Locate all inlet structures in grassy swale areas Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations, Article X, Section 5-l42(g) "Standards" including Appendix C, Article X, Section 5A,5B "Drainage and Storrrwater Treabrent" 2 Typical extruded curbing as shown on Paving & Drainage plan does not cooply with minimum City standards Revise curbing detail to indicate a total curb height of 13~", 8" wide at base and 6" wide at the top See Engineering Departrrent's Standard Drawing A-86030, Article X, Section 5-l42(g) "Standards" 3 Provide a "stop sign" detail that confonns to the specifications contained within the Federal Hwy Adrrdnistration's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (M U T CD) and State of Florida Standards Article X, Section 5-142 (g) "Traffic Control Standards" , 4 Revise Site Plan sheet A-I of 4 to indicate the color "Blue" for handicap stalls, and include handicap logo which shall be applied to pavenent surface Standard stalls shall be of a "white" color, Article X, Section 5-l42(k) Handicap 5 Provide a headwall construction detail for the two headwalls that are shown on the Paving & Drainage Plan Article X, Section 5-l42(g) "Parking Lot Construction" 6 Include note that drainage retention area abutting north property line shall be grassed in confonnance with stonnwater pre-treabrent requirements stated in Article X, Section 5-142 (g) "Drainage Standards"and Appendix "C" Article X, Section 5A, 5B "Drainage and Stomwater Treabrent 7 Provide percolation test data (geotechnical), test locations and drainage calcu- lations for the design of the drainage/storrrwater treabrent plan Drainage calculations are required in all instances in accordance with Article X, Section 5-142 (f) "Drainage" and Section 5-l42(g) "Drainage Standards" VM'/ck cc J Scott Miller, City Manager' MEMORANDUM utillties =90-084 FROJ1 Timothy Can:Wl1 Ac~ing ?lal1nin~ Dlrector John!-. 3J.idry ~ ,y D_rec~or of utilitieE~ TO DATE February 7, lSQO SUBJECT TRE Review - Quantum Office Park 3i~e P_an We car approve this project sutject to the following conditions 1 Provide file f_ow calculations ~ Relocate the water mains to a point at least 5-feet further frcm the buildings 3 Indicate all easementE to be dedicated fer the on-site water mains 4 Re-a_ign t~e watel main or storm drainage in the southeast ane southweEt portions of the parcel so as to eliminate the crossing conf:ict3 r: -' Relocate the (J" 3. locaticn sout Jats \alve shown in the stub to the east t~ cf the nearest tee clw be Pete~ Mazzella MEMORANDUM TO Mr. James Golden FROM: Lt Dale Hammack RE. Quantum Office Park DATE February 7, 1990 In regards to this project, I am recommending the following 1 Stop signs and stop bars at the ends of parking lot isles (Ord 5-142C) 2 Comply with Construction Security Code (Ord 5-8G) 3. Rear door be key access only, due to its close proximity to the stairwell, bathrooms, and elevator (Public Safety) ci;{)aY~ Lt Dale Hammack DH/cm R:r;rr-r,rUD . .D~.1'._~_'.. V L> J- t._j "") PLAl'-H~1 ,.L. DEPT . GrAynrc P.O. Box 2944 ~:~to~'1:I8.T FC:i~~;~~.243'5250 REPLY MESSAGE Fold At ( .1 To Fit Or.y.re Window Envelope' EW10P REORDER ITEM I F2et I ..T Q 1"\ E:::. ~c::> '- 0 CSii "-..J TO SEt~ l C> Q.... C I"Y ?L-~I'.J tV e..l2... -, FROM T(O'a~""'T 6~C) ~>\ R<. -rl ,.J Go r:::o e l.. \ c.... l..lh.k! t .:D ( e 6G SUBJECT cD'74E;:.,. t2~M. - C9u~rU^'1. ?'~ef:.~,_.u__._~~I<"__-DATE..,__?~-2!?,_________ ,"OLD. --rtJR-.l ~,-,~P~ICS'<" P~L::> 0/V ~\c..ti\ '-IS" ~C4.. -:B~ l I .Qo ~ A c ~ S- . C-A'--'-- ~~/.u Go, ~'-' I"V\p ~'(Ecc:... 1=L>8L-lC- ~ol'24~S P~IC>e.. \~ ~D . PLEASE nEPL Y TO SIGNED 1 ... REPLY DATE. SIGNED Item' F269 Grayarc. P,O, Box 2944. Hartford. CT 06104,2944 @ Wheeler Group, Inc, 1982 .L '~"'''1''.-.._-~_..,.....-~. .- THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ~~' ~". PERSON ADDRESSED 'RETURN-iH'isc6pY:1q~SJtiDER~;tr~,f~i~i;~~~ -~"~'~J;].;--_. I MEMORANDUM ~ Tq Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board Timothy P Cannon ,-C Interim Planning Director THRU FROM Tambri J Heyden Assistant City Planner DATE February 7, 1990 SUBJECT Quantum Office Park (lots 20 & 21) Site Plan - File No 408 Please be advised of the following Planning Department comments with respect to the above-referenced request for site plan approval 1 Indicate on the elevation sheet the materials and color of the roof-mounted equipment screen, canopy, doors and railing Application checklist, page 5, item 14 2 No signs are shown on the plans submitted A future site plan modification will be needed prior to permitting signs on these two lots Ch~pter 2l-l4(M)2 3 Show on the site plan the existing 15 foot utility easement along the west property line of lot 21 and the 6 foot drainage easement along the east property line of lot 20 Appendix A-Section 11(A)8 4 Show stop sign locations on the site plan and pavement markings on the paving and drainage plan Chapter 19, Article II, Sec 19-17(e) 5 Submit a copy of the cross access agreement prior to "final sign-off" for review by the City's legal department to provide for the cross parking areas, access aisles and driveways shown on the site plan The alternative would be to submit a unity of title 6 If development of lot 21 is not constructed as shown on the site plan, with respect to cross access, then the layout and design of the driveway and parking area along the property line between the two lots must be modified to meet the Landscape Code - Article 7 5-35(e) and the Parking Lot Regulations - Article X, Sec 5-142(1) 7 If the type of ownership should change to condominium, the City Engineer should be consulted to determine whether replatting is necessary /l . ~ J~' TAMBRI J. ~EN~_....__ ~ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #90-069 TO Tim Cannon, Interim Planning Director FROM Kevin J Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist SUBJECT Quantum Office Park - Site Plan DATE February 6, 1990 The' following comments pertain to landscaping at the above site 1 The size of the saw palmetto species should be noted on the landscape legend 2 30% of the landscape plants (not trees) must be native species 3 The applicant should be aware that the rear of the property landscaping (littoral and upland hardwood plantings) must adequately screen the parking lot from sites directly across the lake I will review the site with the applicant to make a determination that additional plantings are not required for visual screening. ~ If there are any locations along the lake edge abutting the two sites where soil erosion has occurred, the areas must be sodded This will be determined with a site review by the applicant and myself. 5 The phase II site must be seeded and receive irrigation to prevent blowing sand, until the site is developed. 6. The species of "hedge" material should be noted on the landscape legend 7 Potable water cannot be used for landscaped areas. ~-Y"" 9- </. / .. Lb..l<;.~j Kevin J Hallahan -~ Forester/Horticulturist KJH.ad ,.