CORRESPONDENCE 03/15/2080 15 58 1-561-689-5559 W I NSTO~j LEE PAGE 132 I ~inston e . SSOclates, fue. - l,and~Cilpe Ar;b.itecture Land P:annbg F.S.L. #LC C 16 March 15, 2000 Mr Don Johnson, Building Official City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33425-031 0 RE. Quantum Park - Mobil On The Run Our File No 98-010 Dear Mr Johnson After reviewing a copy of the Partial Certificate of Occupancy for the above referenced project, I am writing to convey the Ouantum Park Architectural Review Committee's concerns in regard to same As a consultant for the Committ&8, I had previously reviewed the landscape planting plans for this project. Subsequent to that, during construction some of the trees on site which were slated for preservation were destroyed On behalf of the Committee, I have requested a replacement plan to review and am still awaiting that plan A:5 you can see by 1he attached memorandum to Mike Houston, the landscape architect for Mobil, there are other items which still need to be resolved. The Committee will only sign off on the project when it meets the intent of the plans originally reViewed and conditionally approved by them I would appreciate being info(med pnor to a final certificate of occupancy being issued on the project to help assure that the Committee's appro al have been complied with, as some of the items are (above code' ~ Winston Lee, ASLA, A1CP President ce' Mike Rumpf, Boynton Beach Zoning Oirector David Norris, Esq. Doug MacDonald, Quantum Park Architectural Review Committee J 1532 Old Ol<eecbobee Road. SUIte 106, West Pabn Beach, Fi 33409-5270 Tel 5<:1-689-4670 Fa" 561-689-55~9 · E-mail.winstonwla@aol.com 03/15/2eee 15 58 1-561-589-5559 WINS-ON LEE PAGE 133 I }':inston 41 X~~ociates, Inc. Landscape Architecture Laud Planrung f S.L.. *LC CI16 FAX MEMORANDUM DArE. February 18, 2000 TO. Mike Houston ~< FROM. Winston Lee VJ RE. Mobil at Quantum Park Our File No. 98010 No. of Pages (Including covor) 1 Per our previous conversation of January 28, 2000, regarding the destruction of trees slated for preseNation, I am still awaiting your proposed replacement plan AdditIonally, I have noticed the landscape installation on the site appears to not meet the required standards as approved by Quantum J understand that a temporary C 0 has been issued until some other work is done Please be advised that this office will not be able to sign off on the installed landscape for Quantum until such time as all required material is installed and an acceptable replacement plan is submitted, reviewed, approved and installed. As a reminder, there is a number of material, other than the ficus 1.8 Chinese Fan Palms, that need to be relocated elsewhere, as part of your conditioned approval I look forward to your timely response so that your client does not experience problems with obtaining a final C 0 cc Doug MacDonald Tom McGillicuddy Aaron Weeks J 532 Old Okeecbobec ROJd, S1lite lOb, West PaJrc D....i.ch, FL 3H09-S27C 561-689-4670 . Fa:>. 5{)1~611\i~~"5~ . .. ~- Transmittal TO. Nicole Lfu.,(}..i2 COMPANY CIty of Boynton Beach Planmng RE. Mobil StatIon at Quantum Park Houston Cuozzo Group, Inc. FROM. Michelle Coward DATE. February 8, 2000 JOB NUMBER. 98-123A o HAND 0 CLIENT PICK UP o MAIL o FEDERAL EXPRESS o UPS CONTENTS 2 copIes of the revIsed landscape plan MESSAGE Per your request, enclosed are the adchtIonal copIes that you needed to process the mmor amendment for the above referenced proJect. Please call me If you need any adchtIonal mformatIon. Thank you. fFS rn @ ~ !--7 -. R fnfl " 0 ! r--- ~ - ... 11 ~ I ... FEB q ?nnn . f . -~- --.-.j Jl ~ {~\G ---- -- 49 Flagler Avenue, SUIte 302 - Stuart, Flonda 34994 Phone (561) 221-2128 - Fax (561) 221-0788 E-maIl hcgplan@f1lllet com DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT DIvIsion of Planning and ZonIng Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment February 8, 2000 Michael Houston, RIA, AICP Houston Cuozzo Group 49 Flagler Avenue, 302 Stuart, Flonda 34994 Re Mobil Station -Quantum Park Gateway Boulevard MMSP 00-012 Dear Mr Houston. In response to your request for the admmlstratIve reVIew and approval of modIficatIOns proposed to the above-referenced, approved site plan, please be mformed that the proposed change IS "mmor", as defined WItlun the Land Development RegulatIOns, Chapter 4- SIte Plan ReVIew The two replacement trees are located m the north penmeter of the 15 foot Flonda Power and Light utilIty easement along Gateway Boulevard. Approval may be reqUIred from Flonda Power and LIght. Tlus project may continue to be processed by the Buildmg DIVision as a permit applIcatIon. Be adVIsed that the proposed change may reqUIre a modIficatIOn to the bUIldmg permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 If you have any further questions. Smcerely, ~-~ lfAc/ LusIa Galav Semor Planner, AICP LG/nl J:ISHRDA T AIPlanningISHAREDIWP\PROJECTSIMOBIL AT QUANTUMIMinor Modificalion-Mobil.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 ~f-CO-OI~ 49 FLAGLER AVENUE. 302 STUART. FLORIDA 34994 (561) 221 2128 FAX (561) 221-0788 February 1,2000 In) , ~ @ ~ U ~1 ~ IUU FEB 2 \999 8 ,~ HOUSTON CUOZZO GROUP INC. Mr Michael Rumpf CIty of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 pu\NN1NG AND ZONING OEPT. Re: Mobil Station at Quantum Park Minor Site Plan Revision Our Ref. #98-123 A Dear Mr Rumpf' Please accept tlus letter and the attached plan as our apphcatIOn for a mInor sIte plan reVlSlon for the above referenced proJect. On the origInal landscape plan, we were propOSIng to keep SIX ficus trees at the entrance at Gateway Boulevard, however dunng construction and the InstallatIon of the utIlities three of the trees were removed, one was blown down dunng the hurncane and one was found to be In very poor condItIon once the other trees were removed. Weare now proposing to install two Laurel Oaks in addItIon to the LIve Oaks along Gateway Boulevard. These Laurel Oaks will be Installed at 18' height with an 8' spread as noted on the reVIsed landscape plan. Enclosed IS a check for $100 00 made out to the CIty of Boynton Beach along with the revised landscape plan. The property owner IS attemptmg to receive the certIficate of occupancy; therefore your lllunedIate attentIOn to thIS matter IS greatly apprecIated. Thank you for your aSSIstance With tlus project. Please let us know If you need any addItIOnal InfOrmatIOn. Smcerely, e?~~~ cc Aaron Weeks, Himes & ASSOCIates, Inc. (w/encl.) Paul Capromgro, MobIl Oil CorporatIon (w/o encl.) S. iDocumentslLetters & Memos\98-123-minoramenddoc LAND PLANNING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE . PROJECT COORDINATION GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS . STRATEGIC PLANNING M(')~ \ 0A~~\l" - ~ ol"'cL 49 FLAGLER AVENUE. 3B STUART, FLORIDA 34994 (407) 221 2128 FAX (407) 221-0788 3 ~ 00 HOUSTON CUOZZO GROUP INC J e -M) I tv-) ~d.. -to <;; CA b~ + --tvv\ <; \0 v ~ \ olA ~ ~ -e. y- rY\.. I t I('..e.. V I S \ UV\. ) n \.:) "^-" e.-- v-e r Lf cTV\ y- vU"Vv' pC<.. r1 ~ cI\A ~ ~~r ~ C)JCA ~c; ~y~ OLAt f SI'1f^- ef Y\.D~VI~ Ik-e-V\ ~ ~V--vY" ~+ r.u. V-.e- fu-v'" ~ --to ~ k:?u I I ~I V'-(r ~ 0{ e. p~V-t?v\..~ ~ V\J\ SO ~k uJrr~ ___ r'-.J 'CO \e:.. t~i$ f7~ (\\1\ ?\~V1A\~ ft" ~~ 10 lJl;:t ~V ~ 'b (~ ~ ~~ ~ -foV- ~ W~ - dJ.-l (J'-e Y'~ +0 ~ bv \ \ cJ.-'( ~ c:J....J- pIA r~ fl~ CaJJ. ~ ,1 y~ VlOvU-C ~ 't v-W--11 0VL4-- ~O\.AAJ.-. ~ ~ ~h~, ~~OZ LAND PLANNING . LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PROJECT COORDINATION GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS . STRATEGIC PLANNING '" BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING IIERMIT REVISION APPliCATION PLEASE PRINT ORIGINAL PERMIT # qC\ClO(\o 33lf 7 MASTLR PLAN # _ PROJECT NAME. MOb// 5jr;c!7()1/] q,t ~WY11U.h1'\DDRESS /r;k-rsccfln--of ff.aleU-ttf.( f/ ff?Jltr-t'd9- ~ Au Bv I a rk" -' (2G'C1-c( Contractor's Name - tv J cl {J #"'1. ______~ Contractor's Phone /I S 6/ ~ '- 1 - ~<, I,::> TOTAL ESTIMATED VAl UE OF TillS REVISION $ ',']I)3-CO ____._____ DLSCRIPTION OF WORK (Please specify 111 delall what IS bell1g revised from ongmal pernlll) BUILDING Value ot'Work: $ CLEARING & GRUBBING Value of Work $ DRAINAGE. / Value of Work. $ ELLCTRICAL. Value of Work. $ EXCA V AnON Value of Work $ FILL. Value of Work. $ I IRE SPRINKLER. Value of Work $ lRRIGA nON Yalue of Work. $ -1.'103 {1l1 LANLo)SCAPING . Value of Work $ MECHANICAL Valuc of Work $ PA VING Value of Work: $ P A VINGIDRAINAGE. Value of Work' $ PLUMl3ING Value of Work $ ROOnNG. Value of Work. $ SIGN Value of Work $ 'lITE LlGIlTINq value or Work. $ Wish to revise lhe above referenced permit to pcrfor \-the-wur~ described hercm. 1 cerltfy that all work will bc constructed III onfonnance With alllaws,....Ggd gu tions, r~ retc..-gQVermtlg Boynlon Beach, and I certify that the above mfomlatlon IS true nd correct. ~ ~ on tractor's Signatur _ '- (.~. Daleo '3 - (5 ,- 00 IAIHW FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACII -,/ S!fJ I ~ , '7 herurc lInglinICI"'rt~mr~t~~W;I~!Fl>l:JofeJJ'!Clhi5 :::t <;J I ~(Jale)by~(+ k) <LQU e ,whoispcls(Jnallykno~llomeorwhuhas fIlduceJ. I JQNU:K1~~V,~ i.if 'i1~nlilicali&n) as idenlilicDlion D.Il' who did (did nol) lake un ualll. NOTARY PUIl':/(_ ST... n: OF FI ()}. I I L0\1~IIS510~ '\( 1 (l 4iU MP~ EA\) MYC()\l\ffSS10~_~.L___;__ _I h- gmllure of per~laking,~nuwIcJt:cmclll 'l.L __. _~______ _ NUIJIC uf ol11cer laking DckllowlcllgclIlClIHYl1Cd. I1rinlcd or slumpcd ~'" r ~~~_ Tille nrrank ______d_ __________ <;crialnumhcr ifuny _____._ .__ ______ PPLlCATION APPROVl!.D 13Y PeruulOfficer Dale' )St '\ NeE OF TillS ReVISED PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF CITY CODES OR nr:ED RESTRlcrlONS FEES FOR m~\ ISIONS 1\nr. NDIJ!IW~J)^m,E Application fI ___.__ peN # (Palm Beach County Property Control II) ZONE. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUP ANCY TYPE FENCE TYPE ROOF TYPE FLOOD ZONE DASE FLOOD ELEVATION FINISH FLOOR ELEV (PROPOSED) NUMBER OF UNITS PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PARKING SPACES PROVIDED AREA SQUARE (IEET (GROSS) AREA SQUARE FEET (NET) NUMBER OF STORIES II OF BEDROOMS REMARKS REVISION II \\CK\MAIN\SKRDATA\Oevelopment\rORMS doc\Revision Application doc 1]/98 Rev 6/99 Master Plan 1/ APPLICATION DATL. RECEIVED I3Y ADDITIONAL rEE BCAIF PARKS FEE PENALTY FEE PUBLIC ULDG FEE \ RADON FEE ROAD IMPACT FEE SCHOOL FEE- SEWER FEE WATER FEE FIRE DEPT FEL SUB~TOTAL _Building. _Clearing & Grubbing _Drainage Electrical Excavation Fill _Fire Sprinkler _Irrigation _Landscaping Mechanical _Paving _PavinglDrainagc _Piumbmg _Roofing _Sign _Site Lighting SUB-TOTAL TOTAL VALUE FEE Pennit #I Review Date stamp marking on the plans Date turned over to Plan Review Completed By Dale Date StafTNotified Initials Clec. Mech. Plumbing Structural P&Z Eng. Fire I Utilities Police PW Parks Forester Dev Dcpl Date applicant called to pick~up comments Initials -- Pennit ## Review Date stamp marking on lhe plans ---- Date turned over to Plan Review - Completed By Date ----- Date StafTNotified Initials Elec. Mech. Plumbing Structural P&Z Eng. Fire - J)cv Utilities Police PW Parks Forester Dept Date applicant called to pick~t1p comments Initials LESS PLAN FILING FEE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE RECEIPT NUMBER DATE PERMIT ISSUED / Permit #I Review ~------ Date stamp marking on lhe plans_,,________ Date turned over to Plan Review Completed Ily , Dale Date Staff Notified Initials Elec. Mcch. Plumbing Slructural - \ 1'&7 Eng Fire Utilities rolice PW Parks Forester Dev Dept Date applicant called Initials. to pick-up comments -