LEGAL APPROVAL MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 Board recommended denial because the appl icatlon was lacking counter applications and because of a recommendation from the Fire Department relative to retaming the right-of-way for future use. The City Commission tabled this item pending receipt of all the abandonment applications b Forest Court Abandonment - The City Attorney recommended that we requIre with thiS, and future applications, that the applicant secure a legal opinion from an attorney regarding ownership of rights-of-way That legal opinion has been submitted by Mr Hams, and it is currently being reviewed by the City Attorney c Three Abandonments for Poinciana School - The City CommissIon approved the three abandonments subject to staff comments d Master Plan for Grove Plaza - This project was approved by the City Commission subject to staff comments e Community Design Plan Appeal for Boynton Festive Center - ThiS appeal was for Hops Grill & Bar The City Commission supported the applicant's position and approved the project in the way It was presented by the appl icant. f Packaging Concepts - Use Approval and Site Plan Approval - The Planning & Development Board discussed the possibility of widening the road for tractor/trailer usage. However, the Police Department retracted their comment relative to widening the road following a site visit. With regard to the use approval, the applicant raised concerns about the requirement for surety This .tem was handled under the DRI for Quantum Park. g. Site Plan Approval for Boynton Estates - The City Commission endorsed staff's recommendation relative to the name of the project, and approved the site plan h Mam Street Car Wash - The City Commission approved this project. 2 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA :J- Mayor Taylor qu stioned whether or not the applicant was comfortab with the surety issue. Mr Lis stated that if he i required to post surety he wants to know why st in what amount. He learned today that Quantu has a program for resource recovery If the jre potential contaminants used, there must be contal ment. Mr Lis has no problem complyin wlth that. In response to a questlo from Mayor Pro Tem Matson, Ms eyden confirmed that it IS necessary to amend the list of permltt uses because this use IS not c rr~ntly allowed Motion CommiSSioner Jaskiewicz mo d to amend th liSt of permitted uses to allow research and development and the manufacture f non-aerosol pfCiy dispensing systems on industrially designated lots, including staff recommendatlo . Mayor ro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried unanimously G Project Name' Owner' Agent: Location Description Mr Lis confirmed for Ms. Heyd 'that he is satisfied With the ay the Police Department Issue has been resolved Mr LIS explalne at when he appeared before th lannlng and Development Board, there was a request that the ro s be widened to 26' to accommod e semis which are 11' In width The Issue has been resolved w. the Police Department and as along the applicant is not required to widen the roads to accom date semi traffic within Quantum Park, th applicant has no problems with any other conditions' 'posed by staff Motion Mayor Pro Tem Mats tlmoved to approve Packaging Concepts, 4925 Park Ridge B d, request for site plan approval to co struct a 24,158 square foot manufacturing building on a portio of lots 47A and 47B (total of 1 4 . acres), designated as industrial, within the Quantum Park PID Commissioner JaskieWICZ seco oed the motion whIch carried unanImously /. p- tJ UP{i'~ 5 H Project Name: Boynton Estates f.k.a. Citrus Park 7 :;)- Of) Owner' Next Boynton Homes Ltd Agent: Ramiro Rencurrell Location 8350 Lawrence Road Description SITE PLANS: Request for site plan approval to construct project entrance structure, Signs and common area landscaping 23 MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 47 A and 47B (total of I 48 acres), designated as industrial, within the Quantum Park PID This item was discussed later in the meeting (2) Project. Agent. Owner' Location. Descnption. Boynton Estates f/k1a Citrus Park fJ i.{)' o? r..f, t-''JJ Ramiro Rencurrell Next Boynton Homes Ltd. 8350 Lawrence Road Request for site plan approval to construct project entrance structure, signs and common area landscapmg Mr Haag pointed out the location of this project on an overlay He pointed out the surrounding land uses and zoning district. This request is for entry signs The Sign Code states that planned unit developments must have a sign program for the signs located within their development This development will have two wall signs He pointed out the locations of these signs Color samples were circulated. He also circulated several photographs of the intersection where the signs are located, and photographs of other development signs along Lawrence Road. These photographs has been submitted by the applicant. The location and size of the signs fall within the code requirements The Building Department said residential developments are entitled to only one sign per the Sign Code However, since this is a planned unit development, this Board and the City Commission can approve additional signage and sizes This request is for two signs The Technical Review Committee and the Planning and Zoning Department staff recommend approval of this request, subject to staff comments Chairman Dube inquired about the name of the development. He said there was previous discussion about there being two Boynton Estates in Boynton Beach. Mr Rencurrell stated that there is an Old Boynton Estates, not Boynton Estates Ms Heyden advised that the concern had been that the names were too similar to other projects Mr Haag stated that this concern came up at staff level He said the Fire and Police Departments would be the ones who would be concerned with this, however, there is no problem as far as he knows Mr Rencurrell requested that staffs request for approval be accepted. 26 MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Motion SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 Mr Wische moved to approve the signage for Boynton Estates as presented tonight, subject to staff comments Mr Titcomb seconded the motion which carried 7-0 Motion Vice Chairman Golden moved to move Item 7 E 3 up on the agenda Mr Wische seconded the motion which carried 7-0 Major Site Plan Modification (3) Project Agent. Owner' Location. Description. , Main Street Car Wash Jim Zengage Mary Fisher 20 I East Boynton Beach Boulevard Request to amend the approved site plan to expand the car wash to include a canopy for automobile polishing and vacuuming, additional parking and a vehicle stacking area on a 23 acre parcel north of the existing car wash. Mr DeCarlo was handling this matter Since he had yet returned, Item 7 F I was heard next Motion Mr Elsner moved to move up Item 7 F 1 Vice Chairman Golden seconded the motion which carried 6-0 Mr Rosenstock had left the meeting F. Time Extensions (1) Project: Agent: Owner' Location. Description. Palm Walk aIkIa Boynton Belvedere Mark Fassey Trio Associates Limited North side of S W 19th Avenue, approximately 351 feet east of Congress A venue Request for a one year time extension for conditional use approval and concurrency certification for construction of 27 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 19, 1995 Mayor Pro Tem Matson stated that when this application came forward previously, the Commission voted that the applicant not use the name "Boynton Estates" She pointed out that she lives in Boynton Estates which is part of Boynton Lakes North There is another subdivision known as "Old Boynton Estates" When this application went before the TRC, staff recommended that It dId not matter She is concerned with whether or not the TRC can override a City Commission vote Mayor Taylor and Commissioner Jaskiewicz recalled that the Commission asked staff to mvestlgate this issue to see If there would be a problem with this name. Ms. Heyden stated that the TRC was not overrldmg the City Commission It was the TRC's opinion that there was not a problem Mayor Pro Tem Matson said she raised this issue because of her concern relative to confusion during emergency responses. Ms. Heyden advised that Police and Fire do not have a problem because they respond to emergencies by address. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK AT THE PUBLIC HEARING Motion Commissioner Rosen moved to approve this request subject to staff comments. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried 4-1 (Mayor Pro Tem Matson cast the dissenting vote) Project Name. Agent: Owner' Location Description Main Stre Car Wash Jim Zen age Mary Isher 20 ast Boynton Beach Boulevard JOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION Request to / mend the approved site plan to expand the car wash to /1 include a canopy for automobile polishmg and vacuuming, / additional parking and a vehicle stacking area on a 23 acre parcel north of the eXisting car wash / Ms. Heyden reported that a nuft,ber of issues arose at the Planning and Development Board meeting. Staff reevaluated two comme,{ts in the back-up memorandum and agreed to delete Comments #3 and 5 In addition, the applican,t'would like to add a storage budding at thiS pomt without staff review In revlewmg the area for its location, it appears there would be setback problems. For that reason, the storage building needs to be reviewed at a later date under a separate submittal Staff recommends approval subject to staff comments with the exceptions of Comments #3 and 5 I I Mr._Zen~agent/for the applicant, adVised that during the TRC meeting after first review of the plans, deletion of tile parking spaces came up, and the applicant agreed to that condition During the first opportunity oesite plan review, the applicant spoke with Ms. Parker about the addition of a storage shed on the new site It did not work out during that process. However at thiS pomt, it appears logical to add the storage shed No vanances are requested The applicant would like the opportunity to add 24