REVIEW COMMENTS TRANSMITTAL OF DOCUMENTS TO DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PROJECT NAME t\\I~r) ~c.....~~~. /.~ft ...,'7?)\. ~~~'.J- #A~t:...J. f"/)t,-f....~k:l{ Type of Application A~~) J:",.i fl4.~ Planning and Zoning ) ..-. Department File No /jI,'J.) .sf .~ ~- - 9l)c.:;- Agenda Memo/Staff Report w/cof.ments/p << D Agenda 1/ # Pages (+ 7 :j: of Comments +~ Documents Not Previously Submitted) Control Plans ~In File In Tube ~# of Sheets Color Elevation Drawings Material Samples Color Samples -,LN/A LN/A _N/A 1') /~ ~In File _In File ....J.L...In File fJ W S r ? 5 ~'{).s Board of Adjustment Approval Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Approval 'i/' "',/7.... Meeting Minutes '1 I, (7/1:'; Meeting Minutes . ,. City Commission Approval Resolution No I A/J. I Ordinance No , JJ/4. Rectified MASTER PLAN Sent to Applicant ____yes ____No ~N/A Transmittal sent to the Develop~ent Department ~Yes _No Date (I-(p -q> Memo No '15 - ~ 3q Bldg ..L.. Eng _ (Copy in file - if transmittal sent) Jt. trnamtt:. dev HEM arw PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO 95-508 Agenda Memorandum for September 19, 1995 City Commission Meeting FROM Carrie Parker City Manager ~ Tambri J Heyden / Planning and Zoni g Director TO DATE September 14, 1995 SUBJECT Boynton Festive Center (Hops Grill << Bar) - CDPA 95-006 Community Design Plan Appeal please place the above-referenced request on the September 19, 1995 City Commission aqenda under Development Plans DESCRIPTION Jill Jarkesy, agent for Douglas McMillen property owner of the Boynton Festive Center, .located at the northwest corner of congress Avenue and old Boynton Road is requesting approval of an appeal to the Community Design Plan The appeal is requested to allow construction of a Hops Grill and Bar with certain colors, materials and features in contrast with the other buildings located on the site, more specifically wood siding, a multi-color awning, a metal simulated barrel tile roof, tile trim around the top of the walls and exposed cedar supported by round columns RECOMMENDATION The Planning and Development Board, with a 4-3 vote, recommended approval of this request subject to the revisions agreed to by the applicant in her August 30, 1995 letter of submittal These include changing the color of the stucco walls and columns to coconut cream (elevations submitted to match the shade of coconut cream to be used on the main bUilding), and omitting the exposed red neon band that borders the top of the walls of the building TJH dim Attachment , xc Central File .. CCAgenHe Hop& PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO 95-490 TO Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THRU Tambri J Heyden Planning and Zoning director FROH Michael E Haag 3UBJEC"!' September 7, 1995 Boynton Festive Center (leased outparcel tenant - Hops Grill << Bar) - CDPA #95-006 [proposed wood sidi~g, mul~i- color awning, metal roof (simulated barrel tile), tile trim around the top of the walls and exposed cedar supported by round columns] DATE NATURE OF REQUEST Jill Jarkesy, agent for Douglas McMillen property owner of Eoynton Festive Center, is requesting approval of an appeal to Chaptel q - Community Design Plan, Section 11 C of the city's land development regulations (see Exhibit "A" - letter of request, site plan and proposed elevation view drawings) The Boynton Festlve Center project is located at the northwest corner of Congress Avenue and old Boynton Road (see E>..hibit "B" - location map) The appeal is requested to allow the proposed Hops Grill and Bar building to be constructed at the Boynton Festive Center \Vi th certain colors, materials and features that are not consistent with the other buildings located on the site BACKGROUND The Boynton Festive Center project was approved by the Ci ty Commission on May 17, 1994 The original project consisted of a total of 104,018 square feet of gross leasable area which included a 88,818 square foot main retail building and two 7,600 square foot leased outparcel restaurant buildings The elevation view drawings on the main retail building were approved, however, the elevation view drawings for the two outparcel buildings were not submitted 01 approved , , On July 19, 1994 the City Commission approved a site plan modification which modified the site as follows, total area 96,512 square feet which included 88,489 square foot main retail building and one 8,032 square foot leased outparcel building The leased outparcel building was approved for a Red Robin restaurant The elevation view drawings of the main retail building and the Red Robin restaurant were approved On october 18, 1994 the City commission approved a site plan modification which modified the site as follows; total area 104,112 square feet which included 88,489 square feet main retail building, 8,032 square foot leased outparcel bUilding (Red Robin restaurant) and a 7,600 square foot leased outparcel bUilding (Longhorn re~tcUlrant) The elevation view drawings of the main retail bUilding and the Longhorn restaurant building were approved with the Red Robin maintaining its original approval The City Commission also approved a Community Design appeal for the facade of the Longhorn restaurant at the October 18, 1994 meeting It should be noted that the design of the exterior elevations of the bUildings processed up to and includin9 October 18 1994 were reviewed basad on the or1ginal community design plan whi~h included the Moc'lern, Mediterranean/Spanish and Coastal Village arch! tectural deSign theme stan~ards Under the original community design plan t~e Boynton Festl.ve Center was located in the modern desi JI1 distrlct Page 2 Boynton Festive Center Hops Grill << Bar Subsequent administrative site plan modifications have been approved and/or are in progress for the site and buildings These subsequent modifications have been deliberated using tho? legulations identified in the current community design pial} which became effective on March 21, 1995 The tenants for the main building are Circuit Ci ty and Borders Books and Music Permi t plans for these two tenants are currently being reviewed in the Building Department On April 5, 1995 the City commission approved an administrative appeal to allow the design of the facade of the Circuit City portion of the main building to have an entry featur~ built of red tile (the applicant has not submitted a sample of the tile) An administrative approval for the design, colors and architectural features is in process for the facade of the Bordels Books and Music portion of the main retail building The subject of this request is the proposed change regarding omitting the Red Robin restaurant building and replacing it with the ploposed HOps Grill and Bar restaurant building ANALYSIS Find attached Exhibit "C" comparison chart of the exteri01- materials, colors and architectural features of the e~i3ting buildings and the proposed new building The only true way to represent a color and its visual impact on the design of the building 1s to have a sample of the actual material to be used on the bUilding with the actual color on it and colored drawings of the elevations of the building (see display of materials and COIOl and elevation view draWings) Considering the character of the buildings that was created with the existing approved colors, materials and architectural features the following analysis and conclusions are recommended to achieve harmony between the proposed new building and the other buildings located on site while allowing the proposed tenant building to express some of its identity and prOVide compliance with section 11 C of the Community Design Plan Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan Section 11 - Exterior ~ullding Design C Buildinqs or 8tructure. which are perceived as part ot a present or future group of bUildings shall exhibit similar, unifying design elements 1 Change the color of the red metal simulated barrel tile canopy roof material to the red color that would match the color of the tile approved for the Circuit City entry feature and change the shape of the metal simulated bal..rel tile roof material to a shape that would match the metal standing seam roof material existing on the adj acent Longhorn restaurant building 2 Change the color of the red tile trim and the red stripe in the awninq to the red color that would match the color of the tile approved for the Circuit City entry feature 3 Change the color and material of the lower portion of the exterior walls from clear stained cedar wood siding to coconut cream (sundrop SW2353) stucco The proposed stucco and color would match a material and color of the walls of the main retail building However, the clear stained cedar wood siding and supp~rt be~ms proposed for the area of the main entry feature including all window trim is acceptable as clear staIned cedar Page 3 Boynton Festive Center Hops Grill << Bar 4 Change the color of the clear wood stain for the cedar support beams of the canopy to a red stain that would match the color of the tile approved for the Circuit Ci ty entry feature There is a conflict with respect to the color of the wood fascia proposed for the canopy The color shown on the color elevation drawing is coconut cream and the note on the elevation view drawing indicates the fascia as cont cedar trim with no color specified Staff recommends the fascia color be coconut cream or a red stain that would match the color of the tile approved for the Circuit City entry feature The coconut cream (sundrop SW2353) color is a color that matches a color of the walls of the main retail building 5 Change the color of the green goose neck lights to the red color approved for the tile entry of the Circuit City facade 6 Change the color of the stuccoed portion of the exterior walls and columns of the bUilding from a light beige to a darher tone color called coconut cream (sundrop SW2353) The coconut cream color would match a color of the walls on the main retail building The applicant has agreed to change the color of the stucco to coconut cream (sundrop SW2353), omit the exposed red neon band that bordered the top of the walls of the building and allow round rather than square vertical columns Staff believes the other recommended changes would provide harmony between the main building and the proposed restaurant building RECOMMENDATION staff recommends approval of the request subject to the six (6) recommendations identified and listed in the analysis portion of this report , , E X H I BIT "A" , . ~~~ i~ ~ fil ~ n WI ~ _ ,ill OI~~5 ~~, J~~. ~t/~Jf- & fiJf-ky. 9 d . PLANNING AND lOtHNG DEPT. .~- F MARTIN PERRY ROBERT LEE SHAPIRO' JORDAN R MILLER" nu. A. JARKESY SANDRA DURLOO ADAMS /d~;}- AI... ~,U', .h:bJ :f/J;"r/ .4,/.- ocJ(7 ~... -AlA". ft)uwl. )r~,,~ y.j..f/('/ TELEPHONE (-107) h!l-l--l~l~) F'\\(-l1l7JhH-llllll~ "BOARD CERTIFIED IN REAL rROrERTY LAW ~ ADMITTtD IN FLORIDA AND DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA August 30, 1995 HAND DELIVERY Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director city of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: McMillen Development Corporation Our File No.: 3246 01 Boynton Festive Center/Community Design Appeal for Building Elevations for Hops Restaurant Dear Ms. Heyden: Please consider this correspondence Boynton Festive Center's request for a Community Design Appeal regarding the building elevations for Hops Restaurant. It is our understandinq that this appeal will be .cheduled eo be heard ae ehe Sepeember 12, 1995, Planning and Development Board hearing and the September 19, 1995, City commission hearing. As you are aware, on August 9, 1995, Michael Haag of your office and I met with Bill Holmes, Kevin Torrey and Kevin Toomy of Hops Grill and Bar to discuss the administrative approval of the buildinq elevation at ~u. ~4V~V..Y nv~. ~..~4urane at eha Boynton Festive Center. At that meeting, Mr. Haag indicated that you had reviewed the submitted elevations and that you had agreed to process this site plan approval administratively if we would address certain comments which we discussed at the meeting We agree with several of your recommended changes, but there are certain items about which the Hops representatives fe.1 stronqly because they enhance the overall image and marketing scheme of this successful establishment. Therefore, although we have made significant concessions as set forth in my correspondence of August 11, 1995, to you, the principals at Hops Grill and Bar have determined that it would be in their best interest and even the city's best interest to appeal certain of your recommended changes Following are the four items which Hops Bar and Grill are including as part of this community Design Appeal 1. The City had requested that Hops Grill and Bar modify the red simulated barrel tile metal roof by replacing it with a standing seam roof. Hops would prefer to keep the barrel style roof rather than utilizing a flat, standing seam roof 2. The City had requested that Hops utilize the exact color of the Circuit City entry feature tile on all of the red trim shown on its elevation. Hops has obtained a sample of the Circuit City entry feature tile and has determined that it is too burgundy in color. Please be advised that Circuit City is proposing a truer red for all other accents on its building. In addition, the Borders Book and Music store is also proposing a truer red than is shown on the Circuit City entry feature. The color red which Hops is proposing is very similar to the truer reds approved on both the Borders and Circuit City elevations. Hops intends to utilize this red for its red roof, striped awning and red accent tile along the top of the roof. 3. The City had requested that any and all cedar wood which comprises the facia, wood siding, entry feature and trim around the windows be painted red In addition, the City had requested that any and all wood sidin~~e eliminated from the building everywhere except the entry feature. First of all, the Hops Grill and Bar vehemently objects to the painting of any cedar trim This makes no sense from an architectural standpoint. It would cause the entire elevation of the building to blend together and would take away from the natural look of the building. Furthermore, the minimal wood siding adjacent to the entry feature ot the building is part of its architectural feature. As you can see from the enclosed prototype photographs, Hops is proposing significant landacaping on the front elevation of the building. The principals from Hops Grill and Bar maintain that all cedar is stained with a natural sealer and is extremely well maintained. It gives the building a very finished and uniform look. 4. The City had also reques~_': _u__ ____ _.J"'h:':~': ~....~.:;;co columns shown on the elevation be modified to square columns made out of brick. The columns as currently shown correspond with the stucco on the building and will be painted coconut cream in color as will the background of the building. There are also rounded columns approved and shown on the Border's elevations. Hops Grill and Bar a... nQ rea.on why these columns should be square nor why they should be brick. The use of brick is architecturally inappropriate for the proposed Hops Grill and Bar elevation. In reViewing this community Design Appeal, I would request that you keep in mind that the Hops Bar and Grill is nearly 450 feet away // / / '/ ii //, \ J,//'/"/ / ~ / from the circuit City and Borders stores. The colors we are proposing are very similar if not exact to most of the accent features on the main part of the shopping center We would kindly request that you recommend approval of these four items proposed for the Hops Grill and Bar elevations Again, Hops Grill and Bar feels strongly that it has made significant concessions and has met the intent of the City of Boynton Beach Code and Ordinances The proposed elevations architecturally enhance the overall image and marketing scheme of this successful establishment and of the Boynton Festive Center Sincerely, 9<" u f}ak&CJ.. Jill A. Jarkesy JAJ:jrt cc: William Holmes Doug McMillen , , /" rl'r //(,",/ /"1' 11//;:)< l );........A ~ // / /"", ,#,-,.J 1m ~ @ rn u \VL~ yJ.~1 ._~ :tmlG r..-NO ~1 .i:l.i:tEL-itt I \I \I'Tr' IT"'" ",'1'1 I'i III ~H \1'I"l" ,,,I \'" \11111 1" \ ,,,,,,~, " >.'l'lhh""""b . i1 ~~?" . / lr,,/r I'~ ,- /;;/,{ I' I.l j:" I'h,1 Y /1'; J )",~/,.. /j,,.,,.J# /",1.1 r)/,.,/ '1,." "~'" t ,,/(, I" I! I I I"~ lilt" 1111 ,.,,, I I ,II" I ,\ \ II. I I 1\ I I\. to ~1 r"l'I'. Nl' I "" \. l .~ I" ""'''''''''15:1,'' " 'Il \lfll\ August 11, 1995 Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: McMillen Development Corporation Our File No.: 3246.01 Boynton Festive center/Building Elevation for Hops Restaurant Dear Ms. Heyden: , . On August 9, 1995, Michael Haag of your office and I met with Bill Holmes, Kevin Torrey and Kevin Toomy of Hops Grill and Bar to discuss the administrative approval of the building elevation of the proposed Hops Restaurant at the Boynton Festive Center. Mike Haag indicated that he had reviewed the submitted elevations with you, and that you had agreed to process this site plan approval administratively if we would address certain comments which we discussed at the meeting. We agree with many of your recommended changes, but there are certain items about which the Hops representatives feel strongly because they enhance the overall image and marketing scheme of this successful esta~lishment FOllowing are the items that we discussed at our meeting relative to your recommended changes: 1. Hops Grill and B'ar agrees to paint thE: UClu~ytu"'IlU uL the building coconut cream to correspond with the coconut cream on the Circuit City and Borders structures. 2. "opa prelim1narily agrees to modify the red simulated tile metal root by replacing the barrel style roof with a standing seam root. The color red will correspond to the color of red tile that is being proposed on the circuit City entry feature. 3. Hops is presently trying to obtain a sample of the tile ~hich Circuit City is using in their entry feature Once this is Tambri J Heyden August 11, 1995 Page 2 obtained, Hops will make every effort to match this color red with any red trim on the b~ilding, including the red metal roof 4. It is my understanding that the striped awning was acceptable to you, except you had requested that the red al~o correspond with the Circuit City red. Hops agrees to coordinate the awning color red with the Circuit City red. 5. Hops agrees to eliminate the neon tubing in the metal track along the top of the roof. 6. Hops also agrees to match the red accent tile band along the top of the roof with the circuit City tile. 7 You had requested that the cedar beams which comprise the facia, wood lIidin9, entry feature and tr im around windows be painted red. The Hops Grill and Bar vehemently objects to the painting of the cedar trim It makes no sense from an architectural standpoint. It would cause the entire elevation of the building to blend together and would take away from the natural look of the building. As a compromise, Hops Grill and Bar is proposing to stain all cedar with a reddish stain to give it a more finished and uniform loo~.' The representatives from Hops Grill and Bar indicated that all of the cedar is stained with a natural sealer and is well-maintained. 8 You had requested that the rounded stucco columns shown on the elevation be modified to square columns made out of brick. The columns as currently shown correspond with the stucco on the building and will also be painted cooonut o~..m in color. There ar. .1.0 I:'ounded columns approved and shown on the borders' elevations. The use of bricks is architecturally inappropriate for the Hops Grill and Bar. We also discussed the Hops sign and logo. It will be constructed out of channel letters with exposed neon similar to the Longhorn Steak House sign. Mr. Haag indicated that the permit-:..~..i ';"':;" colors were black, white, red and pump orange. The red needed to match the existing signage at the shopping center. The raceway would also need to match the color of the wall behind it. Hops has no objection relative to these requirements. Hops Grill and Bar also agreed to 8ubmit their landscape plan and acknowledge that they would meet or exceed the original amount of landscaping apP~oved for this portion ot the site. We will be providing you with color photographs of the Hops Bar and /" t' ( )' (" / / Tambri J Heyden August 11, 1995 Page 3 Grill prototype. The principals of the Hops Corporation feel strongly that they have compromised significantly to try to achieve uniformity within the Boynton Festive Center. We hope that you agree that these changes are adequate and that you administrativoly approve the elevations as modified herein. We would respectfully request a response relative to this administrative approval on or before August 16, 1995. Hops Grill and Bar is anxious to proceed with permitting and looks forward to working out these minor details relative to the approval of the elevations Thank you very much for your consideration of this matter. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding the matters set forth herein, please don't hesitilte to contact mo. Sincerely, lu L ,< tli-tWl Jill A. Jarkesy ~ JAJ/dbb cc: Michael Haag , , Doug McMillen Bill Holmes Kevin Torrey Kevin Toomy ;) / ,.. I f ~ / ....,.._L ~ o - ]J o c: ~ o ~ OJ >0 z:D c~ ~:D eCJ) cnOJ -0 00 " BOYNTON(/) BEACH MALL ~1'1 I : I ).~..~. __/ I IL___ , --..------ IWNCHtS lER ".--- --- PAIlKWA' ------- -- .-- ....~---- = = = = :::: -- -- ~.... .... ================~ - - - I ~ I Ci) ~~: !. ~! ~ If~~~.~ I · ~ I!I. . J!~ -. t r' z B I I"!! I I n~ ~:J: t:J~ m'" >G> ::0:0 - I r- r- () I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I /, I I( I 1\l1 1\\ I \I I \I : I ~\ III I I " I 11 " liu I 1'~gJ . . -< /rz n I I I b II I 'r II I I CD II I I ~ \I I I C1 II I I I J: \\ I I I 3:: " II F i\\ I )> I II I C1 I II I ~ I II I ~ I II I l;u I II 110 I U l ~ i:) 'to A- I. 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CD I I ::s nrt nOH fnP/-):1-rt "'I = 0 H::OZ 0 rt I"tI tl rt ::s l:J:I ~ n ..... 0 III ~t'1~ ~o.O::S""'1-' I"tI n n n::ot'1 n I-l ..... 11 CD 11 CD C::en'":3 ntlo.::sn ::s CD H ):1 O~CDlQ~ro 0 III l:J:I t-3l:J:1H m I-l ....::s rt S I-' not-< O'rtm rtrt 0 0 III '<- I-l <: I n H:;o::l:J:I ::s n...-: ..... ~ t-3[J)t-< 0.:;0 .... m tl ~ tl [/l0 rt .... ~ I l<>C) [/l '< 0' [/l CD _. t- rt I fl> '< 11:==::-.: =_-====:;;""=-==:Co_.==-===:=..=:':::=.:===_===,===:=-====:=, ~ o ~ C> Z t-JI::I I:E:I en ~ ...... <:: J:Ej n I:E:I :z: ~ J:Ej :::ctI ~ t:z:i Z ~ en .:s:-td~'" - PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO 95-511 Agenda Memorandum for September 19, 1995 City Commission Meeting FROM Carrie Parker City Manager Tambri J Heyden T~ Planning and zoning Director TO DATE Septemtember 13, 1995 SUBJECT Boynton Estates (fka Citrus Glen Phase II and citrus Park) NWSP 95-005 New Site Plan (signage) Please place the above-referenced request on the September 19, 1995 City commission agenda under Development Plans DESCRIPTION Ramiro Rencurrell, agent fOF Next Boynton Homes LTD, property owner, is requesting approval for entrance walls, signage, and accompanying landscaping for the Boynton Estates PUD Boynton Estates is located on the east side of Lawrence Road, immediately north of Citrus Cove Elementary, and is currently under construction for development of 113 potential single-family homes RECOMMENDATION The Planning and Development Board, with a 7-0 vote, recommended approval of this request, subj ect to staff comments (Building Division Memorandum No 95-310 and Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No 95-466) please note that on June 6, 1995, the City Commission made a finding of no substantial change for a request to modify the Boynton Estates master plan At this time the Commission also determined that a name other than Boynton Estates be used if the name of the pun was going to be changed (last known as Citrus Park) This was discussed again by the Technical Review Committee during review of the site plan and no objections were raised regarding the name change Therefore, the applicant continues to request the name Boynton Estates 'fJH dim Attachment I!I. CC1t;,n9o~. T.rot PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-493 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION September 12, 1995 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT. Project Name Boynton Estates aka Citrus Glen Ph II and fka Citrus Park Applicant Next Boynton Homes LTD Agent Ramiro Rencurrell Location 8350 Lawrence Road (see Exhibit "A" - location map) File No NWSP 95-005 Land Use Plan Designation Residential low density (LDR) Zoning Designation Planned Unit Development (PUD) Type of Use This application is limited to entrance walls, signage, and accompanying landscaping Number of Units Not applicable (development has 113 potential single-family homes) Square Footage Site area Tract "L" of an 83 81 acre project Building area N/A Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning District North Citrus Trail, zoned PUD South Elementary school (Palm Beach County), zoned Single-Family Residential R-1-AA East Land located in Palm Beach County West Lawrence Road and farther west land being developed for single-family homes, zoned PUD Existing Site Characteristics The existing project is currently under construction for development of single-family homes Proposed Development The subject site plan refers to two (2) entrance walls, signage and their immediate landscaping The proposed walls and signage faces Lawrence Road and Citrus Park Boulevard Concurrency a Traffic - The plat for the PUD addresses concurrency and is not applicable to this discussion Drainage - The plat for the PUD addresses concurrency and it is not applicable to this discussion b Page 2 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum #95-493 Driveways The driveway is not applicable to this request However there is one two-way entrance into the project which is located near the south property line of the project at the west terminus of citrus Park Boulevard (city right-of-way) Parking Facility Parking facility is not applicable to this request Landscaping The landscaping of the entrance structures fully meets code requirements when staff comments are incorporated Building and Site Regulations Building and site regulations will fully meet code requirements when staff comments are incorporated Community Design Plan Colored elevations of the entrance structure reflect the harmonious theme of Boynton Estates Signage The two (2) entry wall signs submitted as part of this package are consistent with all code requirements when all staff comments are incorporated Building Department Memorandum No 95-310 states that the code will allow only one sign on each side of an entry The sign code further specifies (Chapter 21 - Sign Code, Section 7 A) that sign requirements for planned districts are to encourage continuity for signage while allowing for flexibility with respect to type, color, number and location (exclusive of setbacks) and design of signs As previously stated there is one entrance to the project which is located near the south property line of the project at the west terminus of Citrus Park Boulevard The total number of entry signs will be determined as a result of the approval of the request (see Exhibit "B" - site plan) REVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS. Below is a list of those departments that have comments regarding this request (see exhibit lie" - staff comments) DEPARTMENT ATTACHED MEMORANDUM Public works utilities Fire Police Engineering Division Building Division Parks & Recreation Forester/Environmentalist Planning and Zoning NA NA NA NA NA Memo #95-310 NA Na Memo #95-466 The above departments' comments may be addressed on the permit set of drawings The remaining departments did not have comments regarding their review of the amended plans RECOMMENDATION. The Planning and Zoning Department recommends approval of this site plan request, subject to the permit plans for the project being amended to show compliance with staff comments and the applicable City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances MEH dim xc central File a BOIlSStAf GilL E X H I BIT "A" I - tn~l/ ,~ ,~~ /~: --- ../\" ,I l.II t ./ :...:..:/ LeCATION MA~ BOYNTON ESTATES -illl~" ", , ~' I ~ , ~T:i t- CL., ~'.'/ "" ..... ~ . rmft ~,~, ~ II _ ,- II IlllllIJ-.., I II I I...... =, I I I I I I ,-;, \ I Jj krii'( \ To"' tlk-:- .. ' ~~~(~:" ~ ~~~ '; , U k~~ t ~~ \( ~P1JI L ~ ~1~ b I I I []]lJl / 1 t-j'- T III I ri :00 I J I ~ , 1 --=-L - --- I P I . -----' ~ L-~ y ~ SITE I - 1.lri]'~" W1T 11TfTU]i r~~-:-- - f-- ~ rn.- tt....;a- t~ oJ 'I: f-- r-~ ~ ' f=: -;- '---':i 0 ~-r-, \' I-..- -, .~" .J..j --'..--- ,'" \. -" - ~ .1IIII'II''It" " '1 I rS\\1- . - ! rrD~ '- ~/"'~')"\:;!.\ ~1 ~ ~ II 1/ '" '. .... ::A..-:a~,~. r ~ ~" t=: I ~ ~l:.:. W" <"'- .. tWo .~ 't- l= F\ >= !. -(':; .~fl ,.' r J ~...1- . , 1= \l ---=- _ " , I , , I ", I I I I 1 ~ ~ ~~ ~ r, g 1= :: == I-- '.' /--- ~~\).' i== ~ :t>~ Y. ~ .J;;; ^ L - f-- i- LL ,/..#410/7 C,A#AL L ,#D llllllll B~: I . --It = , TITl '" T-~ .L J I rl7 T TTrr--'" -;r-- ~~. - '- . ; - ~~-- - !: i AG "aOYNTON NURSERIES" puo LUI:4.0 Uf\i' 'Ill q1AA ." .= ~RAL.. .,. ~ CA ..,.... .-:';,~-U 1:g11. ~..--....~ JjlU. 11 r~ = . = "SAU~~::"~~S" <<' 'K_ -' ij::ll - ~ 11 U1jC_1..1 /' In: ~ P U D I_"~mtt.lf L--=' =' - ~l ';=: '- = LUIS D I II ' [~ 1I/~~ ! ~: j ~~l == ill I IL ~ /U'\'-.Ji I L \.JI ~CJ~. .._ i ~LJl ~ _,..,~=:J ~ . .- _ _. _ . ...""......,. tUVJ>. ~. _ '. ~- 11' ,-- U Ib':' jU i S~'0 -- '\Jm .~ -. 'r..: : i' [lit u. ~. .1111.; IIIIHIIIIIU ~ I c I c)~ I I ,[:-- [j , M:: ~~ -F~=t@ at. - f)' 0 " .I J) I 'I I .. .. -r. ,- - - ~ -' '-r3 "11.. ". - - -, '; t ~ ,I r~ l; z ~Ft ;_:. ~-,-~ ~~ -~ ~I /1/1 :, J I - ~ ~,;< .:J L_u~ "':'~llJJJJ..LLUli' . 0_ -1 ~~~_. I. J 2? I -;;-/ ~",. DJ>lO I I ~j '--.-v J - -. J. rTTTTTTl DI1J]J l] I , ::~,tl ~#++-H-IDr ~~ mV' -, ,q,v tlUJ-UIIJIE_L WEBIIJ~]]- rT'"" lUIE! l - ~I =-:J c>, .. - 'ill- ..., ., ~. 0 :~IJ!J (II. .' i. ""'. __.. __._ _ __.'_ .. __ t~iRffi~rr~ II uffiu' II~ILrw!1 t 8 C Y IJ T t'I ,^.J C A IV ALe - Co ----~=--~-...,..r; l-.i--<-'!"'""'l'-.......-..~--... .~..I. IrWf:';:'~C;-f_- ,-- i ~C!~rr't..: L=-1 REC i' j, ~.. H.' .j,~+ i. -j:1~. j..--, :=-ll .' :;"'.~. I i 1'--; //,' o 1/8 / _ ~1i'1\-"J c'l~ 1 !,jt ~ ~-! :rilrr--~l'-' r(/ I IIII 'I ffi'un):)fl j; r ;.Jl ~ I d t. .~ " t I .'~ I: : l_ /rL.,lUL. ~ LI_r~=t====Tr:n'll;.n ! r 1, \. '0 400 800 FEET 'f- , ;,.~t- Cltl~:J~:{ t:0tj~ ~f1UL1JJ ILj;/~J r~-' /1'/ '" _L::l. ~ }..,[,F~""'~ Y .;:'. i' I' Iii: " , /Ld' 7--- "'U' () I ,: . : r" (. :' I I )' . . __.....L.. "- .~~_ L___~ "~.s..c . c" __~o.io! j l, - ~ . J E X H I BIT "B" SICNACE PLANT I.IST OUlln BataniraUr.ttllllllen N.III~ Descrlntlnn S7"1"" _mAl 16'.11" hi!. doUble lit. SR" QueD PIam LV \.inlpC IIlUICIII '..riellU' l.p\.MI 60 ~ Qrus C7cu ......... or Ilobelllal 10-)01. )' 1 2' 4- CY ICineS1CO __I A....b ." pol' 91 AN rruvidt p.anlcr wkh li,IM ~ wel"" pllntinllGil. S S c. I .,.,-- ?:. / ,/ // AN SO C. I &fi SIGNAGE PLANTINUi'LAN DETAIL NOTE. SIGNAGE PLANTING PLAN DElM TO 0\'ERRlDE APPROVED LANDSCAPE PlAN I :/---1 -~o ~ 0 JI~I l......... : IT~~] I t ~ ~ ,~ h-----T-I ill 21"-~ ;~~~~I.. ~ ?_~ I [ ~~/~"" l)---..- . J. ( Ir(i , r I I - II ~ @\ t) 13 -r - ./ i I( L A t<. e:. IJII--J I I ll~GJ-- 1-0---, i l t 2 ~ \ ":::--..----==- ~ ~ .- - - - - - /' ./' <~~ 19 cz (j -4 l.) rL / ill () 2 ill rL ~ -<f. -J 'b \.i ~ 9 8 7 6 ~ e~~~~, ~~T\LJr \~ LOCATION PLAN Jat~ / / I" - c;;o' ENTRY FEATURE/PERIMETER WALL r ~ ~ ~ ~ u.. ~ ~ ; 0 ~ ~ l5 I ::l a: .. ~ ~ "' 8 ~ I ~ I 0 i ~ 'tJ 6; j ~ ~ ... ~ I ENrl"'.Y i F&.A TIJ 1"-1;. DATI ~ I 8CAU! AS S>IOI'ti DRAWN ..al I SHEET I 1 I OF' SH:ETS 1 I .-f I r-- I ~ z I ~ ~ i I ~ c... [g 0 1 I - I ~ I ~ > I ~ ~ 0 I t..... I >< !Xl ~ I z E X H I BIT "e" BUILDING DIVISION August 18, 1995 ~f{ @ lH WI ~ fnll ~U All!) 2 '1995 !.VJ PLANNING AND ZONING OFPT. MEMORANDUM NO 95-310 To Tambri, Planning & Zoning Director From Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Boynton Estates {aka Citrus Glen Phase II fka Citrus Park New Site Plan - Sign Program (Entry Signage Only) 8350 Lawrence Road Re The color rendering does not correspond with the detail drawings 1 There is no planter box shown on the drawings, therefore, I would assume that the renderings would be modified to match the drawings and measurements including the planter boxes would be a maximum of 6 Ft 2 Code would only permit one wall sign on each side of the entry-way The entry to this property on Lawrence Road would be shared by the school and Boynton Estates, therefore, only one sign is allowed The appropriate location should be more or less at the center of Lot 11 3 If the colors are to be as shown on rendering, please identify the colors by name and number AN mh iIt:/ (l/ / .f11?~c 0 Al Neildi-- Att Plans cc William V Hukill, P E , Department of Development Director A BBSTATBS TRC PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO 95-466 TO Tambri J Heyden Planning and Zoning Director FROM Michael E Haag Site and Zoning Development Administrator DA.TE September 8, 1995 SUBJECT Site Plan Review - 2nd Review - Project Boynton Estates (aka fka Lawrence Road Boynton Homes Ltd 95-005 New Site Plan Citrus Glen Phase II citrus Park) Location Agent File No 8350 Next NWSP The follOWing is a list of comments regarding the second review of the above-referenced project It should be noted that the comments are divided into two (2) categories The first category is a list of comments that identify unresolved comments either from the first review or new comments as a result of the second review To show compliance with these comments will not substantially alter the configuration of the site and design of the building The second category is a list of recommendations I believe will enhance the aesthetics and function of the project All comments and recommendations can be rectified on the plans at time of permitting it the site plan request is approved The applicant must understand that additional comments may be generated upon review of the documents and working drawings submitted to the building Department for permits for the proposed project I SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS, 1 Identify on the plans of the entry wall, the color of the pre-fab coping, bracket and circular sphere 2 Add a note to the landscape plan that indicates the landscape material shown and approved with the master plan will remain as originally approved 3 Add to the landscape plan a note that specifies the grade of the landscape material is Florida #1 or better as given in "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants" state of Florida Department of Agriculture Also specify that the material will be installed in a sound workmanlike manner and according to accepted planting procedures 4 Specify on the landscape plan a note that indicates the landscaped areas shall be irrigated with an automatic irrigation water supply system (Chapter 7 5, Article II, Section 5 B ) 5 Dimension on the drawing the line of sight triangle at the intersection of Citrus Park Boulevard and Lawrence Road Also, specify the size of the unobstructed clear cross visibility space required within the triangular area 6 Define clearly on the drawing, the extent of the work proposed with this site plan, e g the wall, the landscaping for the wall, etc Indicate on the plan, in note form, that all other improvements shown are not part of this request TO. FROM. DATE. August 21, 1995 SUBJECT Boynton Estates (Entry SIgnage) The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the amended site plan for Boynton Estates (entry signage) There are no outstanding recreation related Issues on this project. Plans may contmue through the normal review process. JW.cm BUILDING DIVISION August 18, 1995 TnJ1f (n u w ~ rnTI ~J AlliJ 2 , 1995 ~ I PzLANNING AND ONING DFPI MEMORANDUM NO 95-310 To Tambri, Planning & Zoning Director From Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Boynton Estates (aka Citrus Glen Phase II fka Citrus Park New Site Plan - Sign Program (Entry Signage Only) 8350 Lawrence Road Re The color rendering does not correspond with the detail drawings 1 There is no planter box shown on the drawings, therefore, I would assume that the renderings would be modified to match the drawings and measurements including the planter boxes would be a maximum of 6 Ft 2 Code would only permit one wall sign on each side of the entry-way The entry to this property on Lawrence Road would be shared by the school and Boynton Estates, therefore, only one sign is allowed The appropriate location should be more or less at the center of Lot 11 3 If the colors are to be as shown on rendering, please identify the colors by name and number AN mh ~/ / rz/ //' >if::Zlf/i, ~ Al Neilct...:-- . Att Plans cc William V Hukill, P E , Department of Development Director A ..IlTAT.. Tile: TO. FROM. DATE. SUBJECT RECREATION & PARKS MEMORANDUM NO. 95-378 Boynton Estates - Sign Program No comments. The project should contInue on the normal reView process. KH.cm BUILDING DIVISION August 18, 1995 ![DJ m @ m u Wi m fiil ~J AllG 2 '1995 ~I PZLANNING AND ONING OFPT. MEMORANDUM NO 95-310 To Tambri, Planning & Zoning Director From Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Boynton Bstates {aka Citrus Glen Phase II fka Citrus Park New Site Plan - Sign Program (Bntry Signage Only) 8350 Lawrence Road Re The color rendering does not correspond with the detail drawings 1 There is no planter box shown on the drawings, therefore, I would assume that the renderings would be modified to match the drawings and measurements including the planter boxes would be a maximum of 6 Ft 2 Code would only permit one wall sign on each side of the entry-way The entry to this property on Lawrence Road would be shared by the school and Boynton Estates, therefore, only one sign is allowed The appropriate location should be more or less at the center of Lot 11 3 If the colors are to be as shown on rendering, please identify the colors by name and number AN mh Att Plans cc William V Hukill, P E , Department of Development Director A BBSTAT'S TRC TO Tambri J Heyde , Planning & Z DI FROM. John A. GUidry, Director of Utilities Date August 16, 1995 SUBJECT MEMORANDUM UtilIties # 95-259 fi~~--J t! . I ~ .I.' 1. i I i j i i J t "'--"----"-. Boynton Estates (aka Citrus Glen Phase ill, fka Citrus Park) New Site Plan Sign Program, Second Review Staff has reVIewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments 1 UtilIties has no additional comments at this time. It IS our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. ~~ If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404 sm xc Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella /y File r L, i1 I !1 , I ~ FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO 95-318 WDC August 14, 1995 TO planning Department FROM Fire Department SUBJ NWSP 95-005 Boynton Estates (Citrus Park) 8350 Lawrence Rd rn~~'~lU~OO L_. PLANNING AND \ ~ ; ZONING DEPT. ~.::::.. We have no objections to the entry sign as proposed cc Chief Jordan Steve Campbell, FPO II File ~(/'7. 2;t ,{14' a--c~/ ( , wil iam D cavanaugh, FPO August 11, 1995 ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 95-300 FROM Tambri Heyden Pla~'n Director ~~ ~. m ~ Hukill, P E ~ .. g~neer CITRUS PARK (AKA BOYNTON ESTATES) ENTRY SIGN TO RE The Engineering Division has no comments on subject signage WVH bh A SIGN TO FROM. DATE. REF BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT rn m@~aw~,... In - ~I! '"' -- v' J TAMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT MARLON HARRIS, POLICE DEPARTMENT 15 AUGUST 95 BOYNTON ESTATES (ENTRY SIGNAGE ONLY) MEMO #0159 I have revIewed the above site plan and figq;'flQ, p~b~m au9.iS)lme. ::.; .: :: .,,: ..:. . . . . : . I ~: ; I}fr "., if : t *.., ." ~ ..-......;........ ....l..l....:...""^:..... :JCSP 6t~~1.y..;::::::::. ~ 'rm' .' .. ,.f _ . /J _ ':"':::~ ",; .:- Sgt. Marlon Harris ..-...................... i r'."'..~j ~ r~.........<<..}: t~:::::::::::;... ~:1 C;::;~:~i'....;\ t..;.~.:.:::::::.. ........... '7':;;. .~. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-142 TO Tambn Heyden, Planmng & Zomng DIrector FROM Robert EIchorst, Pubhc Works DIrector SUBJ SIte Plan SIgn Program - 2nd ReVIew - Boynton Estates DATE August 11, 1995 ~. [D) ffi (iJ ffi 0 \1 ~.., ~ wI J L~-- c -" ''''''-----~...-- The Pubhc Works Department has no problems With the above SIte and the plans should be forwarded to the Plannmg & Development Board for conSIderatIOn. obert EIchorst Pubhc Works DIrector RElcr rr1ie City of fBosnton ".Beacli .(;It 'PC4nnirre .,. Zarai."6 'D.~"..ne 1. DO 2:. 'Boyneo.. 'B~acn ~VGra !P o. '.1!I0IC.-' 1.0 'Boyneo... '.1!I~acli. 7fori.d4 33425-0.31.0 (407)373-Ga60 .AX (407)375-6090 :&-~ ~~I!!5lII---------~--- c:::~--=- ~::EIC.:..&.::..&.:~ DATE (2. ~ /~, /'F~..s- FAX NUMBER TRANBM:I:'r'.r:I:NG ~, "?.3/-~-~y NUMBER OF PAGBS BBING r.RANSMI~: (Inc1ud~nq Co~_r Lett_r) ora. ~ LA~ ( ~ :j>/ -.M.S"" (1) .~~ ~-7':~ FROM. LCJA>~ /1\ ~A -rr..!--.; :;:> ? .s- - 6....2 ~ ,i? :Rll: ., r>J<_1~_::p dl./,.. ./ ..:? ..... , r 7}.J:Jlil ;? ...~._-^.. ~~L.:.J-'1J' OA~d . j;ti', 19"1U sent By. ~~d7.1.A1 C FAX_JM .9I.rneriCQ s t;7ae..-.vQY 'tD "lie f;iulfstrea7n TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT ** COUNT ** # 2 *** SEND *** Nol REMOTE STATION I D START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT 1 I 8-15-95 10 43AM 1 40 2 TOTAL o 01 40 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 ~1 ~3 ~5 CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review Turning in this list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Planning and Zoning Department Project Name Boynton Estates (a k a Citrus Glen Phase II and Citrus Park) (File No 95-005) Submit an amended Site Plan Review/Conditional Use application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form with the changes identified If there are no changes~ required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal 2 Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents, including surveys that show compliance with the Code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s) Plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete paCkages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3 submit color photographs of the bUildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property The minimum size is 5" by 711 Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project 4 Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project The colored elevation views shall match the elevations shown in the documents that were submitted for site plan review The applicable exterior surfaces as identified above shall be colored with the color name and associated color reference number identified The type of exterior surface material shall be identified next to the associated color The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified The title block of the original drawing shall be shown The maximum size is 2411 by 36" Do not submit on board of any kind submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors Each sample shall have attached a label that identifies the color by name and numerical/letter code from an established color chart 6 submit a 8 1/2" x 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings ~1 --*"3 ~J 5 CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review Turning in this list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Planning and Zoning Department Project Name Boynton Estates (a k a Citrus Glen Phase II and Citrus Park) (File No 95-005) Submit an amended Site Plan Review/Conditional Use application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form with the changes identified If there are no changes required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal 2 Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents, including surveys that show compliance with the Code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s) Plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3 Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property The minimum size is 5" by 7" Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project 4 Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project The colored elevation views shall match the elevations shown in the documents that were submitted for site plan review The applicable exterior surfaces as identified above shall be colored with the color name and associated color reference number identified The type of exterior surface material shall be identified next to the associated color The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified The title block of the original drawing shall be shown The maximum size is 24" by 36" Do not submit on board of any kind Submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors Each sample shall have attached a label that identifies the color by name and numerical/letter code from an established color chart 6 Submit a 8 1/2" x II" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO 95-428 FROM Carrie parker, City Manager Robert Eichorst, Public works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention officer Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utility Dept Chief Field Insp Sgt Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist William Hukill, Director Department of Development '--, / Tambri J Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director /~~ August 10, 1995 TO DATE RE 2nd Review New Site Plann S1gn Program (Entry signage only) Project Boynton Estates (aka Citrus Glen Phase II) (fka Citrus Park) Location 8350 Lawrence Road Applicant Next Boynton Homes Limited File No NWSP 95-005 Attached 1S the amended site plan submittal for the above referenced project for your final review and recommendation We would ask that you review this amended site plan subm1 ttal to determine if the plans have been adjusted to satisfy comments previously made by your department If your comments have been satisfied or if your comments can be met at time of building permit, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing If your comments have not been met, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing Finally, we would ask that you include in your memorandum a recommendation as to whether the project should be forwarded to the planning and Development Board for consideration Please return your memorandum and the amended plans to the Planning and Zoning Department by 5 00 P M on Friday, August 18, 1995 If you should have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to call Michael E Haag at Extension 6260, who is coordinating the review of this proJect cc (Memo Only) Floyd Jordan Charlie Frederick Tom Dettman John Guidry II 2ndRevN boy DATE RECREA nON & PARKS MEMORANDUM NO 95-38 m ffi @ ffi U WI ffi 1 ~ Tambn Heyden, PIanmng & Zomng DIrector I~ X pUG 2 I 1995 I WI t ' L - i\ John Wildner, Parks Supenntendent PLI\ 'lING AND I .___ Ie ~ .L~fl- TO' FROM. August 21, 1995 SUBJECT Boynton Estates (Entry SIgnage) The RecreatIon & Park Department has reViewed the amended SIte plan for Boynton Estates (entry sIgnage) There are no outstandmg recreatIon related Issues on tlns project. Plans may contInue through the normal reVIew process. JWcm TO' FROM. DATE. SUBJECT RECREATION & PARKS MEMORANDUM NO. 95-378 Tambn Heyden, Plannmg Drrector KeVIn J Hallahan, Envrronmentahst/F orester August 18, 1995 Boynton Estates - SIgn Program No comments. The project should contmue on the normal reVIew process. KH.cm f}~. o .r-4?'~ ill ,.., ~"""' u! ~)J '---- ' p; '~-... lr .......--. -........<.;...'- celV\. .........,--.......-..~ '....... TO Tambn J Heyde , Planmng & Z DI FROM. John A. GuIdry, DIrector of UtilItIes Date August 16, 1995 MEMORANDUM UtilItIes # 95-259 r:----.. Ir~.....""\.. I ..r 1.__ } . SUBJECT Boynton Estates (aka Citrus Glen Phase ill, fka Citrus Park) New Site Plan Sign Program, Second Review Staffhas revIewed the above referenced project and offer the followmg comments 1 UtilItIes has no addItIonal comments at tlus tIme It IS our recommendatIon that the plan proceed through the reVIew process. ----,:;;, " 1, I ! ; , )) If you have any questIons regardmg thIS subject, please contact Slap Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404 sm xc Clyde "Slap" Milor Peter Mazzella ty-- File BUILDING DIVISION August 18, 1995 PzLAo NNING AND NING OFPT. MEMORANDUM NO 95 - 310 To Tambri, Planning & Zoning Director From Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Boynton Bstates (aka Citrus Glen Phase II fka Citrus Park New Site Plan - Sign Program (Bntry Signage Only) 8350 Lawrence Road Re The color rendering does not correspond with the detail drawings 1 There is no planter box shown on the drawings, therefore, I would assume that the renderings would be modified to match the drawings and measurements including the planter boxes would be a maximum of 6 Ft 2 Code would only permit one wall sign on each side of the entry-way The entry to this property on Lawrence Road would be shared by the school and Boynton Estates, therefore, only one sign is allowed The appropriate location should be more or less at the center of Lot 11 3 If the colors are to be as shown on rendering, please identify the colors by name and number AN rnh Att Plans cc William V Hukill, P E , Department of Development Director A BBSTATIJS TRC PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-142 TO Tambn Heyden, Planmng & Zomng DIrector FROM. Robert EIchorst, PublIc Works Dlfector SUBJ SIte Plan SIgn Program - 2nd RevIew - Boynton Estates DATE August 11, 1995 ill R (ji). ~ n ~q ~ .~.n D lS ~ .---, !\ Il I '"e'''! 'J p. .," J L- The PublIc Works Department has no problems wIth the above sIte and the plans should be forwarded to the Plannmg & Development Board for consIderatIOn. obert EIchorst Pubhc Works DIrector RElcr TO FROM. DATE REF BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT w A'. 'r ~ I:...., ~ @ :~ } '1.) T AMBRI HEYDEN PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT MARLON HARRIS, POLICE DEPARTMENT 15 AUGUST 95 BOYNTON ESTATES (ENTRY SIGNAGE ONLY) MEMO #0159 I have revIewed the above sIte plan andfigd,;tl9, lk9b1~m a~Jqls.,~I,me );~~~ Sgt. Marlon Hams .!.llW~~ 5 19S6 ~ ZONING gf~~O August 11, 1995 ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 95-300 FROM Tambri Heyden Pla.~'n Director ~~ ' m ~ Hukill, P E ~ glneer CITRUS PARK (AKA BOYNTON ESTATES) ENTRY SIGN TO RE The Engineering Division has no comments on subject signage WVH bh A SIGN FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO 95-318 WDC August 14, 1995 TO Planning Department FROM Fire Department SUBJ NWSP 95-005 Boynton Estates (Citrus Park) 8350 Lawrence Rd 100 I I . , ~ @ ~ 0\\7 ~ i.fnl ~VG I 4 1995 \!J We have no objections to the entry sign as proposed cc Chief Jordan Steve Campbell, FPO II File PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. ~ -1 ~ ~/ dill?, C k -C i'l ~ {' a--L- wil iam D Cavanaugh, FPO (/ \ \ %e City of tJ3oynton tJ3eacn 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boulevard P.O 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Bead;', lfCorida 33425-0310 City:JfafL (407) 375-6000 lf5U. (407) 375-6090 May 30, 1995 .- Ramiro Rencurell 8350 Lawrence Road Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 RE Initial Review Comments - (Boynton Estates (a k a Citrus Glen Glen Phase II and Citrus Park) File No NWSP-95-005 Dear Rencurell The city of Boynton Beach has completed its first documents submitted for the above-referenced project comments made by the reviewing departments during review of your project review of the Attached are their initial In order to complete the review process, the site plan and documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90 days of the date of this letter (If amended plans are not submitted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the project or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets (including surveys) of the plans to the Planning and Zoninq Department. When the amended plans and documents have been submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for second review and recommendation to the appropriate boards for approval or denial (see attached meeting schedule) A recommendation for denial will be made if there are major comments that have not been addressed on the resubmitted plans We have also enclosed for your convenience an approval schedule and a checklist that contains information regarding the second submission of the plans and documents for review JImerica s (jateway to the (jui/stream Page 2 Site Plan Review - 1st Review Boynton Estates (a k a Citrus Glen Phase II and Citrus Park File No NWSP 95-005 If you should have any questions regarding the comments or the approval schedule, please feel free to call Michael E Haag, who is coordinating the review of your site plan for the Planning and Zoning Department Very truly yours, __~ [ 1j.~6 ~ ,.~ I fi)P- T br' J Heyden Pl n ng and Zoning Director TJH dim Atts A 18tComlt C1t/TRC CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review Turning in this list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Planning and Zoning Department Project Name Boynton Estates (a k a citrus Glen Phase II and Citrus park) (File No 95-005) 1 Submit an amended site Plan Review/Conditional Use application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form with the changes identified If there are no changes required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal 2 Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents, including surveys that show compliance with the Code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s) Plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3 3 Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property The minimum size is 5" by 7" Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project 4 Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project The colored elevation views shall match the elevations shown in the documents that were submitted for site plan review The applicable exterior surfaces as identified above shall be colored with the color name and associated color reference number identified The type of exterior surface material shall be identified next to the associated color The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified The title block of the original drawing shall be shown The maximum size is 24" by 36" Do not submit on board of any kind 5 Submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors Each sample shall have attached a label that identifies the color by name and numerical/letter code from an established color chart , 6 submi t a 8 1/2" x 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO 95-212 FROM Tambri J Heyden Planning and Zoning Director Michael E Haaq<'{: ~t_:-i{) Site and Zoning D~velPpment ~/ Administrator TO' DATE May 26, 1995 SUBJECT site Plan Review - 1st Review Project Boynton Estates (a k a Citrus Glen Phase II and Citrus Park) 8350 Lawrence Road Next Development Company/Next Boynton Homes Ltd NWSP 95-005 Location Applicant File No The following is a list of 1st review comments regarding the Site Plan Review of the plans for the above-referenced project It should be noted that the comments are divided into two (2) categories, the first category is a list of comments that identify deficiencies from the City'S Land Development Regulations that are required to be corrected and shown in compliance on the plans and/or documents submitted for second (2nd) review in order for the project to continue through the site plan review process The second set of comment(s) are recommendations that the Planning and Zoning Department staff believe will enhance the proposed development The applicant shall understand that all documents plans submitted for site plan and/or permit review are subject to additional comments I recommend that the applicant/agent contact me regarding questions related to the comments If the applicant is not intending to correct code deficiencies they should contact me regarding the procedures, application forms, fees and submittal deadline dates for seeking relief from the code requirement I SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS. 1 Identify on the plans of the entry wall the color of the pre-fab coping, bracket and circular sphere [Chapter 4, Section 7 D ] 2 The maximum height allowed for the entry wall is six (6) feet Correct the plans accordingly or be granted approval of a variance to the zoning code requirement [Chapter 2, Section 4 J I 3 Add a note to the landscape plan that indicates the landscape material shown and approved with the master plan will remain as originally approved 4 Add to the landscape plan a note that specifies the grade of the landscape material is Florida No 1 or better as given in "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants" Part I, 1963 and Part II, State of Florida, Department of Agricul ture, Tallahassee Also specify that the material will be installed in a sound workmanlike manner and according to accepted planting procedures [Chapter 7 5, Article II, Section 5 A and 6 ] 5 specify on the landscape plan a note that indicates the landscaped areas shall be irrigated with an automatic irrigation water supply system [Chapter 7 5, Article II, Section 5 B ] 6 Show and dimension on the plan the Landscape Code and Zoning Code line-of-sight triangles that are required at the intersection of Citrus Park Boulevard and Lawrence Road Also specify the size of the unobstructed clear cross visibility space that is required within the triangular areas Amend the plans accordingly [Chapter 2, Section 4 E and Chapter 7 5, Article II, Section 5 H 1 and 2 I Page 2 Memorandum No 95-212 Boynton Estates (a k a Citrus Glen Phase II and Citrus Park) NWSP 95-005 7 There is a note on the plan that indicates project signage is not part of this submission, please clarify 8 On the site plan indicate in large letters (one/quarter inch tall) "This submittal is for entry wall, entry sign, two (2) ground lights and landscaping shown on the sheet identified as sheet 1 of 1 and all other improvements shown are not part of the submittal" To clarify the request block out the following notes identified as General Notes (II) 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 Also block out the typical lot drawing, Detail A, development data, screen enclosure setbacks, bUilding setbacks and General Notes 1) and 3) It is further recommended to combine General Note number 2 and number 3 from General Notes (II) into one set of notes and indicate the notes apply to the request Amend the plans accordingly 9 Add to the landscaping/site plan all existing and proposed easements, including the location of overhead utility lines Identify the type of easement and dimension the width Note Some landscape material is not allowed to be planted with an easement and under overhead lines [Chapter 7 5, Article I, Section 18 1] 10 Show and label on the site plan the perimeter and title of the tract where the proposed entry wall and entry wall landscaping are to be located II RECOMMENDATIONS 11 specify on the plan that melaleuca mulch will be used in the planting beds MEH dim . tcomBoyn .at/Tac TO FROM SUB] DATE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-72 Tambn] Heyden, Plannmg & ZOning Director Robert EIchorst, Public Works Director New SIte Plan Sign Program - Boynton Estates May 15, 1995 \\ \"~~ The Public Works Department has no problems wIth the above slgnage program. RElcr Robert EIchorst ublIc Works DIrector , \ -1 (0 " \ \,., I . \\. 1 \ \ ..... ~ '\\~\ ,-~~:, .~-' V\ \.\. 1 -I' \ \ \l \\.'\...-."""'. \~ TO FROM DATE RE FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO 95-262 WDC Planning Department Fire Department May 16, 1995 NWSP 95-005 Site plan & Signage Boynton Estates (AKA - citrus Park) 8350 Lawrence Rd Developer next to Boynton Homes Ltd We have no objections to this plan at this time // ' ~ / ( t I/~ l .L~ William D /11 / /~ L (l-t(l(-( t-t'L( I , Cavanaugh, FPO ) c !1 i i "\i : ~ i 1/ . i ('I' ), if ,\ ! I) 1 i i-i-I .._.w.... ~_ Pi. r....:-.s. BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT TO' FROM DATE. REF Tambri Heyden, Plannmg & Zomng DIrector Sgt. Marlon Hams, Pollee Department May 18, 1995 Boynton Estates (Ditrus Glen Phase II, Citrus Park) MEMO #95-0135 I have viewed the above listed site plan~J\!Utl\fiiitl~~i~~dW~Y.lmprovements (wIdening or turn lanes) shown. This Issue may have:!~~~.':;dar.~Sse~.~ prev~ibq~:::tneetmgs or sIte approvals. OtheIWise, I find no problems ~;thli~~~e'i .... . .." :;..............................:. I r"..w''''.i'~ I L.w......,..,.. ~ .....,.w. I j'.\1 L .~:::::::::~~::, ,:' ;.........................:-,.. ~ ~ < l ~ ~ \..........,........,... Re~~:;;& ~arlO'1~ L_:. 11_)) ::................;..... J .~.....~1 .:.,~ [ .~,.".. t, .........:0: .~ ',.... ~ .l~'...;....;........;.:. c:::::::;~i;~) c:;::~:.~" \Q1 <> (Or .. ....-? l~. tJ r<'~":::>. \\.. ! t') \.<^""">" f) ( :~. ~.l (If) t. ,:::d;' j@I~Jf~fI.""11 ! -~-_. fl UJ MEMORANDUM Utihtles # 95-163 TO Tambri J Heyden, Planmng & Zonm~ D~irector l John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities \ ~ May 17, 1995 FROM. Date' SUBJECT Boynton Estates (aka Citrus Glen Phase II, fka Citrus Park) New Site Plan Sign Program, First Review Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offer the followmg comments 1 No trees, structures or appurtenances shall be placed on Utility Easements per package submittal sheet 1 of 2 General Notes # 3 It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questIOns regarding thiS subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404 sm I .. \~ (il \ ii \r! \ I! xc Clyde "Skip" Milor 1'1) . ~! l Peter Mazzella ;.:L : . "\11 File ill I d \ III I l'li fb I i ENGINEERING MEMO # 95-161 DATE. May 22, 1995 TO: T AMBRI HEYDEN, P&Z DIR. FROM. KEN HALL, ENG AIDE PHONE 407-375-6283 ~ SUBJECT. CITRUS PARK N/N/A BOYNTON ESTATES - ENTRANCE SIGN & PERIMETER WALL The following comments/recommendatIOns are submItted for your revIew If any of the code comments dIsallow the applIcant to develop the sIte as sublmtted, the apphcant may request a vanance thru the plannmg department as stIpulated In Chapter 23, Section 3B (parkmg lots) of the CIty'S Land Development RegulatIons. All plans submItted for speCIfic permIts shall meet the cIty's eode reqUIrements at time of applIcatIon These permIts Include, but are not lImIted to the following: Site IIghtmg, PavIng, Drainage, Curbmg, Landscapmg, lITIgatIon, and Traffic Control DevIces. PermIts reqUIred from agencIes such as the F DOT, P B County, S F W M D., and any other permlttmg agency shall be Included WIth your permIt request. COMMENTS I ApplIcant shan provide a scaled detail of the intersection of Lawrence Rd. and Citrus Park Blvd. The detaIl shall show that the new sIgn IS outside the required clear sight distance for crossing maneuvers as stipulated m the F DOT "Green Book" (Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards For DeSIgn, Construction and Mamtenance for Streets and HIghways) ,Chapter 3 9 Chap 7 5 Art. II, See 5H (LDR) KRHlkrh \D), ~ @ ~ " \II r~.~.. llli I" 2. 2. \\lj tt PlP-NNING AND ZONING nEPT. c: William Hukill, Dev Dir cltpksgn.1 rv BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 95-144 May 22, 1995 To Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director From Milt Duff, Chief Plans Check Inspector Re New Site Plan Sign Program (Entry Signage only) Boynton Estates (aka Citrus Glen Phase II, fka Citrus Park) 8350 Lawrence Road With reference to subject project, the Building Division offers the following comments 1 Shows location in Tract "L" - cannot verity if construction is allowed in this area 2 Maximum sign and wall height six feet 3 All dimensions and setbacks required on plans 4 Survey showing easements, etc required 1.Jtf)---\t Milt Duff MD mh cc William V Hukill, P E , Department of Development Director 1" (01 P n \"l F' , J " h [. , I . , i f I A BOYBST TRC ~b MEMORANDUM TO Tambri Heyden, DATE S;/flJ /1.5 ..J Planning & Zoninq Director superintenden~ FROM John Wildner, Parks RE site Plan Review - New Site Plan - 1st Review Project f3oyp1~ Fs-flttJ6S -- N!vJS(6,v f'L.A-~ The Recreation and Parks Department has reviewed the above referenced project There are no outstanding recreation related issues on this project ~ rn lL~~" w ~ ~ , 231 - I I J I - I \ Pl1\HNING AND ZOlIl!iG OEPT. --~-~------_._------ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-221 TO' Tambn Heyden, Planmng & Zonmg Duector FROM, Kevm J Hallahan, Forester/EnvIronrnentahst '(~~ RE. Boynton Estates - Entry SIgn Only DATE. May 23, 1995 There are no existing tree issues for this location. The project should proceed on the normal review process. KH.ad rf1r',~ rn@rnn WI [f-~~ 11;;11---;-, ~II lill1, ~4, I .1 ~b ~~~~\~~ DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO ~ MAY 2 5 1995 w 95-166 ~,f:''''~ TO Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director '~~~m ~ukill, P E ~ Englneer May 24, 1995 BOYNTON ESTATES (A K A CITRUS PARK) - ENTRY WALL SIGNAGE FROM DATE RE Our comments are covered in Building Division Memo No. 95-144 & Engineering Division Memo No 95-161 WVH/ck C CITRUSPK SGN BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-144 May 22, 1995 To Tambri Heyden, Planning & zoning Director From Milt Duff, Chief Plans Check Inspector New Site Plan Sign Program (Entry Signage only) Boynton Estates (aka Citrus Glen Phase II, fka Citrus Park) 8350 Lawrence Road Re With reference to subject project, the Building Division offers the following comments 1 Shows location in Tract "L" - cannot verity if construction is allowed in this area 2 Maximum sign and wall height six feet 3 All dimensions and setbacks required on plans 4 Survey showing easements, etc required h.J;t17~ Milt Duff MD mh cc William V Hukill, P E , Department of Development Director A BOYIIST TRC --------_--.------'- --- rn~~:::~w' DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 95-166 .-- DATE Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director 1~~~~am ~ukill, P E L~~ Englneer May 24, 1995 TO FROM RE BOYNTON ESTATES (A K A CITRUS PARK) - ENTRY WALL SIGNAGE Our comments are covered In Building Division Memo No 95-144 & Engineering Division Memo No 95-161 WVH/ck C CITRUSPK SGN BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 95-144 May 22, 1995 To Tambri Heyden, Planning & zoning Director From Milt Duff, Chief Plans Check Inspector New Site Plan Sign Program (Entry Signage only) Boynton Estates (aka Citrus Glen Phase II, fka Citrus Park) 8350 Lawrence Road Re With reference to subject project, the Building Division offers the following comments 1 Shows location in Tract "L" - cannot verity if construction is allowed in this area 2 Maximum sign and wall height six feet 3 All dimensions and setbacks required on plans 4 Survey showing easements, etc required J,J;t1J~ Milt Duff . MD mh cc William V Hukill, P E , Department of Development Director A BOYBST TRC MEMORANDUM TO Tarnbri Heyden, DATE ~/ 11"3 I r.5 ./ Planning & Zoning Director superintenden~ FROM John Wildner, Parks RE Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - 1st Review Project t3oy#1tJv..i pS-tJttj6S .- NWSt6/U flc,A-~ The Recreation and Parks Department has reviewed the above referenced project There are no outstanding recreation related issues on this project r-':~Tr;-!-i-' 'T- .~ 23 ; t_,..._~,- -:__w ! /, ...~............<- ~.._~~- RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-221 TO' Tambn Heyden, Plannmg & Zomng DIrector 'f- '0 ~ FROM. Kevm J Hallahan, Forester/Envrronmentahst RE Boynton Estates - Entry SIgn Only DATE May 23, 1995 There are no eXIstmg tree Issues for thIS locatIon. The project should proceed on the normal reVIew process. KH.ad f -...-. --.--...-. -.- ---.. I n r: r. \" i 1'-- j.~',:; ,~ !! ii , 24 ~b MEMORANDUM TO Tambri Heyden, DATE :5/!l319~ .; Planning & Zoninq Director super1ntenden~ FROM John Wildner, Parks RE Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - 1st Review Project f3oYjtJ1e...J ~.J1PtJ6-.s -- N&WStGN I't:.rt~ The Recreation and Parks Department has reviewed the above referenced project There are no outstanding recreation related issues on this project -~-_.._-~-- .----.- -~-..-, I ;1:0)---~~ up ri.~ n \n ~ I. ' ! - -t, r !l . tt, r 1 . ('-I L, ,., 1, ~_, t Ii . r' - 1 '. ! I ,1 ' 'i ,)' ! : !II.I. _ i !l i. ' I .___ ! -~(U..! I,. I,. ft! . Zi'lJ:.:..H...L__;; "._1 -M...........--~ BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 95-144 May 22, 1995 To Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director From Milt Duff, Chief Plans Check Inspector New Site Plan Sign Program (Entry Signage only) Boynton Estates (aka Citrus Glen Phase II, fka Citrus Park) 8350 Lawrence Road Re With reference to subject project, the Building Division offers the following comments 1 Shows location in Tract ilL" - cannot verity if construction is allowed in this area 2 Maximum sign and wall height six feet 3 All dimensions and setbacks required on plans 4 Survey showing easements, etc required J.JX1J4f Milt Duff MD rnh cc William V Hukill, P B , Department of Development Director A BOYBST TRC 23 ~b ENGINEERING MEMO # 95-161 DATE. May 22, 1995 TIL T AMBRI HEYDEN, P&Z DIR. FROM. KEN HALL, ENG AIDE PHONE 407-375-6283 ~ SUBJECT. CITRUS PARK N/N/A BOYNTON ESTATES - ENTRANCE SIGN & PERIMETER WALL The followmg comments/recommendatIons are submItted for your reVIew If any of the code comments dIsallow the apphcant to develop the sIte as submItted, the applIcant may request a vanance thru the planmng department as stIpulated m Chapter 23, SectIon 38 (parkmg lots) of the CIty'S Land Development RegulatIOns. All plans submItted for specIfic permIts shall meet the CIty'S code reqUIrements at tIme of applIcatIon These permIts mclude, but are not lImIted to the followmg: SIte hghtmg, PaVIng, Dramage, Curbmg, LandscapIng, IrngatIon, and Traffic Control DeVIces. PermIts reqUIred from agencIes such as the F DOT P B County, S F W.M.D., and any other permIttIng agency shall be Included WIth your permIt request. COMMENTS I ApplIcant shall provIde a scaled detatl of the IntersectIon of Lawrence Rd. and CItrus Park Blvd. The detaIl shall show that the new SIgn IS outSIde the reqUIred clear SIght dIstance for crossmg maneuvers as stIpulated In the F.D 0 T "Green Book" (Manual ofUmform Mimmum Standards For DeSIgn. ConstructIOn and Mamtenance for Streets and HIghways) , Chapter 3 9 Chap 7 5 Art. II Sec 5H (LDR) KRH/krh ~~_.,~<------ -_..~ ;~-~r:r \ \ ,.J.c...="",:,~_:~, ~~'\ 2.2 P i i UGL" ~.- . Iff DlflN!.. i 'G P.\':.p ( ..~. '".....Qj ZON1~\u \.;~~...."....~-~.~.,. C Wilham Hukill, Dev Dlf ~ ...--- cItpksgn 1 rv FLl'\tSoS. BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT TO' FROM. DATE. REF Tambn Heyden, Plannmg & Zonmg DIrector Sgt. Marlon Harris, PolIce Department May 18, 1995 Boynton Estates (DItruS Glen Phase II, CItruS Park) MEMO #95-0135 ,~'-".'.".' ....... I have vIewed the above lIsted sIte plan~~lJinq np::;roa4w.~Y.llnprovements (widemng or turn lanes) shown. ThIS Issue may have Pf<~.:itd~~e~ t.h preV}b4s;~$i"eetmgs or sIte approvals. :;" .:(":- .:.' ..........;~ . ....;.;.:. OthelWIse, I find no problems a.,tthI~:.~~(:.. .. RespectfullY~:. ,... . :..~\.: ~~......:,.: '.;~:, \::- , .. .. .:.'.Marlou'Harns.. .... . ... . . ............. -, '. ":, :. :. .: .... ".:. .. .. .' '. ,', L...............:) :111 .:!! I....:':':'::::':':::::::::.. r ._~ , 1 ~! ' ~ i ~ rf "__ ~'.1 ii ! il p {b MEMORANDUM Utilities # 95-163 TO Tambn J Heyden, Planmng & Zomng Director C'\ John A. GUIdry, ~ Drrector ofUtihtles \ ~ May 17, 1995 FROM. Date SUBJECT Boynton Estates (aka Citrus Glen Phase II, fka Citrus Park) New Site Plan Sign Program, First Review Staffhas reViewed the above referenced project and offer the followmg comments 1 No trees, structures or appurtenances shall be placed on Utility Easements per package subnnttal sheet 1 of2 General Notes # 3 It IS our recommendation that the plan proceed through the reView process. If you have any questIOns regardmg tlus subject, please contact SkIp Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404 sm xc Clyde "SkIp" Milor Peter Mazzella .&-- File ~l J~ ( ~ ~. 1 8 --.---,..,- f fh FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO 95-262 WDC TO Planning Department FROM Fire Department DATE May 16, 1995 RE NWSP 95-005 site Plan & Signage Boynton Estates (AKA - citrus Park) 8350 Lawrence Rd Developer next to Boynton Homes Ltd We have no objections to this plan at this time 1 1 /!tt/!&-lA---- William D 1: /; I---y LtVt (l<A {2'0~ . / Cavanaugh, FP~6 6 /::J ..,. ~ t::t r\ "- ::::, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-72 TO Tambn J Heyden, Planmng & Zomng DIrector FROM Robert EIChorst, Pubhc Works DIrector SUBJ New SIte Plan SIgn Program - Boynton Estates DATE May 15, 1995 The Pubhc Works Department has no problems WIth the above sIgnage program. RElcr ~ \\. \9 j_-~4-S: M' K l~ 5~ PM BOYNTON BEACH UTJ~!T!ES FAX NO 407 375 6298 p ./ ./ MEMORANDUM Utilities # 95-239 TO' Tambri 1 Heyden. Planning & Zo . or Date: July 24, 1995 ill ~ @ ~;j@ i PLMJN/NG AND ~> 1..____1L.i!'lli DEPT. FROM. John A. Guidry. Director of UtiliUCl:J SUBJECT Lawrea~. Lake, Master Piau Modlfieation, 'int Review Reviled Staff haa reviewed the above referenced project and o1fer the following CiOnunentS: The applicant has demonstrated, to this Udlity Department, they <*1 provide Samtal}' Sewer Service to the proposed new lot #34 It is our recommendation that the plan proceed throup the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject" please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375--6404 sm JCC: Clyde "Skip" Milor PcteT Maaella Mark Law File MEMORANDUM TO Tambri Heyden, DATE ~/ !2 "3 /9.5 .; Planning & Zoninq Director superintenden~ FROM John Wildner, Parks RE Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - 1st Review Project {3oy,vlt:Jt,4l ~s-flA.r6.s - NWS,6/U 'p~rr0 The Recreation and Parks Department has reviewed the above referenced project There are no outstanding recreation related issues on this project r.:-~~---~ @ (\. 'j.b . l 1-, , i 1\ ~..,... t! \' . d 'I \1..11; 1'1' II i I J ~_~.\_..- { ~ ! fl-(-. I , {t; ," 'i I- -. ill ;... I. .' _._< _~~~~"",,,,,,,,,'".___L~L'''''''''''''_''' r,~n.-- ,;fj.fii'--ic --1 \', \1 ~!_ L I i \ ; ) J RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-221 TO Tambn Heyden, Planning & Zoning Drrector ~'a~ FROM. Kevm J Hallahan, F orester/Envrronmentahst RE. Boynton Estates - EntIy SIgn Only DATE. May 23, 1995 There are no eXIstmg tree issues for thIS locatIon. The project should proceed on the normal reVIew process. KH.ad ----~--~-- ~---_.- -.- ---~ \ f: 0 i~ fI f0 1- - -; I.... !" J;J Ii ( ! --L~, '.,.-~....?-,~~--"-.....,.",:__i--. I ..j. ~) BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 95-144 May 22, 1995 To Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director From Milt Duff, Chief Plans Check Inspector Re New Site Plan Sign Program (Entry Signage only) Boynton Estates (aka Citrus Glen Phase II, fka Citrus Park) 8350 Lawrence Road With reference to subject project, the Building Division offers the following comments 1 Shows location in Tract "L" - cannot verity if construction is allowed in this area 2 Maximum sign and wall height six feet 3 All dimensions and setbacks required on plans 4 Survey showing easements, etc required hJ:t Jj ~W- Milt Duff. MD mh cc William V Hukill, P E , Department of Development Director A BOYBST TRC fl) ENGINEERING MEMO # 95-161 DATE. May 22, 1995 ~ T AMBRI HEYDEN, P&Z DIR. FROM. KEN HALL, ENG AIDE PHONE. 407-375-6283 ~ SUBJECT. CITRUS PARK N/N/A BOYNTON ESTATES - ENTRANCE SIGN & PERIMETER WALL The followmg comments/recommendatIons are submItted for your reVIew If any of the code comments dIsallow the applIcant to develop the sIte as submItted. the applIcant may request a vanance thru the planmng department as stIpulated m Chapter 23, SectIOn 3B (parkmg lots) of the CIty'S Land Development RegulatIons. All plans submItted for specIfic permIts shall meet the city's code reqUIrements at tune of applIcatIon. These permIts mclude, but are not lImIted to the followmg: SIte IIghtmg, Pavmg, Dramage, Curbmg, Landscapmg, ImgatIon, and Traffic Control DeVices. PermIts reqUIred from agencies such as the F.D 0 T P.B County, S.F W.M.D and any other permIttmg agency shall be mcluded WIth your permIt request. COMMENTS I ApplIcant shall proVIde a scaled detail of the mtersectIon of Lawrence Rd. and Citrus Park Blvd. The detaIl shall show that the new SIgn IS outsIde the reqUIred clear SIght dIstance for crossmg maneuvers as stIpulated m the F.D 0 T "Green Book" (Manual ofUmform Mimmum Standards For DeSIgn, ConstructIOn and Mamtenance for Streets and HIghways) , Chapter 3 9 Chap 7.5, Art. II, Sec 5H (LDR) -,...,..... ~..-..-::- "-. KRH/krh - ~~--I n~ R frU.ru_. ;'\_~~'. " 'I P \b .:; - U ~_L.J~_.. 'iUu[-- PL~N1m':G N\u ZON1;~G DEPT. ifP .....--.-..,.~.>. C WillIam Hukill, Dev DIr cltpksgn. I TV May 10, 1995 Next Development Company 901 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Suite #600 Coral Gables, FL 33134 RE: Boynton Estates (aka Citrus Glen Phase II) Acceptance - Site Plan Review Application & Submittal Documents New Site Plan Dear Mr Rencurrell On 1995, your submittal for site plan review of the above-referenced project was reviewed for completeness It has been determined that the submittal is substantially complete and accepted for further processing A Planning and Zoning Department staff member will be responsible for the review and coordination of your site plan through the remainder of the site plan review process The next step in the review process is for the Technical Review Committee to review the submittal for compliance with the review standards identified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 and all applicable sections of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances The results of the review will be available to you on , 1995 If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (407) 375-6260 Very truly yours, Tambri J Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH pab a:acltrboy est Revised April 4, 1995 PL "t.,j.~ BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT TO' FROM. DATE. REF Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zonmg Director Sgt. Marlon Hams, PolIce Department May 18, 1995 Boynton Estates (Ditrus Glen Phase II, CItruS Park) MEMO #95-0135 ........................ I have viewed the above listed site pla~~,:~~P~Jiritf'.~~~~4~JI.Y:..!mprovements (widening or turn lanes) shown. This Issue may have.p~p::;.a(4~sse~ ~ prev.}6~)j1.eetings or site approvals. Otherwise, I find no problems ~,h{~~:t;ih:te:e.. . w.....;.. '. ....:: . ... ..... , .... ~'l RespectfullY~i i;.~\ /}/1h/YJ1 ., l ~// II '~" ~. ~arlO~' t...,..,,,,.) 'I ~ i "\;j: :: ~ .~: :~ :. .: .':' . . .. .. .. .: :............ .......~. . .... ......;...:.:........ "'<.........~.;:) J rfDj=~ ~-fi- r-'~-(n1..~ !:]nJ . II 'J i l Li : , ,. ~~f UJ FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO 95-262 WDC TO Planning Department FROM Fire Department DATE May 16, 1995 RE NWSP 95-005 Site Plan << Signage Boynton Estates (AKA - Citrus Park) 8350 Lawrence Rd Developer next to Boynton Homes Ltd We have no objections to this plan at this time 4fuf~ 4~~ e William D Cavanaugh, FPO ! \! I' I \ ! ;' I ; :J ; i ~ i \ i ~ U I I '.1 I ') ,., PFFf. 7 \\ DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 95-166 lW~~ -~-~. ~ o-.\~ LS W.; 'f..r;- U r Iii! __ ~ ,...v"- TO Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director ~,~am ~ukill, P E ~ Englneer May 24, 1995 FROM DATE RE BOYNTON ESTATES (A K A CITRUS PARK) - ENTRY WALL SIGNAGE Our comments are covered ln Building Division Memo No 95-l44 & Engineering Division Memo No 95-161 WVH/ck C CITRUSPK SGN PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO 95-21l FROM Carrie Parker, City Manager Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Building Division Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Dept Chief Field Insp. Sgt Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist William Hukill, Director of Department of Development Tambri J Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director~~ 11 TO DATE May 11, 1995 SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES RE 1st Review - New Site Plan Sign Program (Entry Signage only) Project - Boynton Estates (aka Citrus Glen Phase II) (fka Citrus Park) Location - 8350 Lawrence Road Applicant - Next Boynton Homes Limited File No - NWSP 95-005 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above- referenced project Site Plan Review approval for this project will be granted by the City Commission To ensure that the project stays on line with the review time frame, I request that the plans and exhibits be reviewed and formal written conanents transmitted to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department no later than 5:00 P.M. on Monday, May 22, 1995. Do not return plans and exhibits. Retain same for the review of the amended plans (2nd review) . Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval 1 Use the review standards specified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments 2 The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete based on the submittal requirements identified in Section 7 of the Site Plan Review Ordinance. However, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer through the Planning and Zoning Department 3 Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents. 4. Technical Review Committee member (s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental improvements page 2 of 2 To TRC Members Re: Planning & Zoning Memo 5. When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified 6 If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memo, within the time frame stated above, to the Planning and Zoning Director stating that the plans are approved and they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department for distribution to the applicant Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memo Michael E Haag will be the Planning and zoning Department staff member coordinating the 1st review of the project The Planning and Zoning Department will send the applicant a cover letter which includes the comment(s) and directions to amend the plans to comply with the comments and the procedures for resubmission When the Planning and Zoning Department receives the amended plans, they will distribute the plans with a cover memo to all TRC Members for review and approval TJH pab Attachment XC (Memo Only) Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief Charlie Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Central File A IsREVboy est