APPLICATION -: PROJECT NAME Boynton Terrace Apts. LOCATION' 700 N. Seacrest Blvd. COMPUTER ID. 82-0000017 PERMIT #: I FILE NO. ZNCV -00-020 I TYPE OF APPLICATION Zoning Code Variance AGENT/CONTACT PERSON Jeff OWNER/APPLICANT Boynton Assoc. Kammerude /Mike McPhillips LTD PHONE 321-799-4090 x 2:iJ1 PHONE N/A F~. 321-799-0233 F~. N/A ADDRESS 5505 N Atlantic Ave., Suite ADDRESS 9090 Wilshire Blvd. Suite #201, #115, Cocoa Beach Fl. 32931 Beverly Hills CA 90211 Date of submittal/Projected meetim! dates. SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 11/16/00 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE N/A PUBLIC NOTICE 12/11/00 TRC MEETING N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 12/26/00 MEETING CITY COMMISSION MEETING 01/02/01 COMMENTS nSHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Boynton Terrace Apts. (Z?'\CV)\PROJECT TRACKING D;FO.doc APPLICATION ACCEPTAN( JATE. FEE'PAID.'t4aj (X") T pofcg:-;- RECEIVEC STAFF MEMBER. L.~~ '-:'l-:z.... RECEIPT NUMBfJi ::::u3~ r~i ,7-> ; n I I;' ; IUli~(l-J . ": ! , ! .1 NOV I 6 ZONING CODE VARIANCE APPLlCA TIOK ---................- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ! SUBMITTAL DEADLINE SEE SCHEDULE OF DATES FOR BOARD rvi'EEffNGS AND SUBMITTAL DATES Please Print (in ink) or Type Submittal Date NDV I~, 00 The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the Planning and Development Board to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the existing Zoning or Sign Code of said City pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s) Property involved is described as follows. Lot(s) 'SEE: ATTAC/...HY\E-N'I "Au Block Subdivision Plat Book Page or otherwise described as follows Property Address 700 N, SCACRe5T i3L vD,.1 /3Cy'^...,J"Tc:...'A..j B2.~cl-l);:::2- 33935 "' Variance requested \'B11 .:seE ,~TTt:)CHmEfI....)T The following documents are required to be submitted with this application to form a Single package Incomplete package will not be accepted 1 Two sealed surveys by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating A. All property lines B North arrow C Existing structures and paving o Existing elevations E Rights-of-way, with elevations F Easements on or adjacent to the site \ G Utilities on or adjacent to the site H Legal Description I Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre J Location sketch of property K. Surveyor's Certificate 2 Two site plans properly dimensioned and to scale showing Page 2 Zoning Code Variance Application A. All proposed structures B All existing structures that are to remain on site C Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the property lines to the closest vertical wall of structures D Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site 3 Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the County Courthouse, including a tax map showing placement of 400 feet boundary Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate, as well as labels or addressed envelopes and postage (1st class-- stamps or payment for required postage) 4 Proof of ownership of property by petitioner(s), such as deed or purchase contract agreement. If an aqent is submittinq the petition. a notarized COpy of a letter desianatinq him as such must accompany the petition. 5 Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception or variance Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or type). A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; B That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; C That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; D That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; E That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure, F That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare 6 An application fee in the amount of $400 00 plus postage, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany a completed application The $400 00 application fee covers a request to vary one (1) section of the Code Seeking relief from more than one section of the Code will require payment of $100 00 for each additional Code section Page 3 Zoning Code Variance Application 8 Name and address of owner' 130y'A)10N ~)c LID jqcq() C<.JILSf+/!2E l3LUD SuiTe 20/ /3EI/Er2LY f-hL-L..<;.J CA 9'02/1 Name of applicant: Je FF k~ m In GIL <....! DE c rn / /LE In ~ Ph I LLI G 5 -fQ'/3 1-79t?- t('"-".:z,:<: Applicant's address S-~oS- N, C)/LAAJTJG AVE SL. Ire? //5' . COCcA J?,EAcl--ll ~L- 32C{y I :z. /11 . 17 Applicant'sphone#" (32/) /9Cj--L-(0QD J:15)V::; jc7 r L1';;::?--;":'b/ // ~~p Date Noll IS, 00 Signature of Applicant: ~ u7 ~ ~ - 7 TO BE COMPLETED BY PLANNING AND ZONING 1 Property is presently zoned F\-:S formerly zoned 2 Property Control Number' 3 Denial was made upon existing zoning or sign requirements (list section(s) of Code from which relief is required) 4 Nature of exception or variance required 5 Case Number" Meeting Date Page 4 Zoning Code Variance Application TO BE FILLED OUT BY BOARD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD Approved Aye Denied Nay Stipulations. Signed Chairman Page 5 Zoning Code Variance Application CERTIFICATION TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THE ATTACHED LIST IS A TRUE AND CORRECT LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FOUR HUNDRED (400) FEET OF THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY _fJ~~ APPLlC ENT NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING AND/OR LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL ZONING CODE VARIANCE All applications received by the City of Boynton Beach after August 1, 1985 shall be accompanied by mailing labels with the names and addresses of all property owners within four hundred (400) feet of the subject property Applications will not be accepted without these mailing labels. CONTACT -- PALM BEACH COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISERS OFFICE A TTN MAPPING DIVISION 301 North Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida (561) 355-3881 S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\ZNCV\ZNCV.APP Junel,1997 R o~~~Jf~~)~~ November 13, 2000 Cay of Boynton Beach Planmng and Development Board 100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Flonda 33435 Re Bovnton Terrace To Whom It May Concern, Please be advIsed that Boynton AssocIates, Ltd., a Florida lImIted partnershIp ("Owner"), the owner of the above referenced property, through ItS general partner Rosewood Apartments CorporatIOn, hereby authorIzes Michael McPhIllips and Jeff Kammerude to act as agent for Owner to apply for variances to parkIng lot regulatIons and admInIstrative SIte plan reVIew to construct a new club house If you have any questIOns, please do not hesItate to contact the underSIgned, SIZ ~~ ,,~~/~ Jeffred ~~c::::::--- Sem~ Vice PreSIdent & General Counsel JHS/eId cc Charles H, Boxenbaum Wilham E. RIce Michael McPhIllIps (VIa Federal Express and faCSImIle 321-799-0233) -- ACKNOWLEDGMENT -- State of CahfornIa County of Los Angeles On November 13 2000 before me Ehsabeth DI NUCCI. Notary PublIc, personally appeared Jeffrev H, Sussman, personally known to me to be the person whose name IS subscribed to the wIthIn Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same In hIS authOrIzed capaCIty, and that by hIS SIgnature on the Instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of WhICh the person acted, executed the Instrument. 9010 WilSHIRE BOUl kD SUI T E 0 BHERLY HILLS CA H2il 3\0 2782191 I...... H ~J'.:M"'I e. CommIssionl#ll63203 i Notary PublIC - CalIfomb . I..os Angeles CounfV j ~ ~ ~ _Mv~~~~~~lf \\NTNAPICO\DA TA \users\JHS\Funds\ReaI 6\boynton heritage agents.doc EXHIBIT 2- Legal Description PARCEL 1 A portion of Block C of the Plat of BOYNTON HILLS, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County Florida, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 51 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, described as follows Commence at the Northeast comer of Lot 147 of said Block C thence South (assumed), along the East line of said Lot 147 a distance of 20 00 feet to the Point of Beginning' thence continue South, along the East line of said Block C, 228 36 feet to the Southeast comer of Lot 134 of said Block C, thence West, along the South line of said Lot 134, a distance of 100 feet to the East fine of Lots 135 and 136 of said Block C, thence South, along said East line and the Southerly prolongation thereof, 189 19 feet to the centerline of Grand Circle "N", being a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 591 65 feet (a line radial to said curve bears North 410 04' 57" East), thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve 5 02 feet through a central angle of 00 29' 11" to the intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the East line of Lot 129 of said Block C (a line radial to said curve at the saId point of Intersection bears North 400 35' 46" East), thence South along the said Northerly prolongation of the East line of said Lot 129 a distance of 57 60 feet to the Southeast comer of said Lot 129; thence West along the South line of said Lot 129 and the South line of said Lot 128 a distance of 150 00 feet to the West line of said Lot 128, thence North along said West line 1500 feet to the South line of Lots 127 and 126 of said Block C; thence West, along the said South line of Lots 127 and 126 a distance of 100 00 feet to the West line of said Lot 126, thence North along said West line, 45 00 feet to the South line of Lots 124 and 123 of said Block C, thence West along said South line 10000 feet to the West fine of said Lot 123 thence North along said West line and the Northerly prolongation thereof, 193.23 feet to the intersection with the V'Jesterly prolongation of the South line of Let 141 of said Block C, thence North 760 46' 35" East along said Westerly prolongation, 157 99 feet to the West line of said Lot 141. thence North along said West line, 101.25 feet to the North fine of said Lot 141, thence North 830 17' 55" East along the North line of Lots 141 and 142 of said Block C, a distance of 75 51 feet to a line 25 feet West of and parallel with the East line of Lot 150 of said Block C; thence North along said parallel line 92 44 feet to the North line of Lots 150 149 148 and 147 of said Block C; thence East along said North line 205 00 feet to the beginning of a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 2000 feet and a central angle of 900 00' 00"; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, 31 42 feet to the Point of BegInning aforedescribed. PARCEL 2: Lots 116, 117,118.119, 181 182, 183 and 184. Block C, BOYNTON HILLS, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 51, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County Florida. PARCEL 3. Lots 1 through 12 inclusive in Block 1 of PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 11, at Page 43, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; and the South 1/2 of the East 1/2 of Lot 2, of Subdivision of the West 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Sedion 21, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, at Page 4, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida LESS AND EXCEPT THEREFROM the South 125 feet thereof' and LESS the right-of-way for "Seacrest Boulevard" as shown on Road Plat Book 5 at Page 1 82, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County Florida, ATTACHMENT "B" Variance Reauest The City of Boynton Beach requires by its regulations 194 (one hundred ninety four) parking spaces for Boynton Terrace Apartments (Land Development Regulations Chapter 2, Zoning Section 11 Supplemental Regulations, Paragraph "H" 16 @ 2). We request a waiver on this regulation to eliminate 89 (eighty nine) parking spaces, leaving 105 (one hundred five) spaces, allowing a ratio of 1.25 spaces per unit. i=f: 05 q PALM BEACH COUNTY REQUEST POR DATA RUN PROPBRTY INFORMATION REQUEST NAME OF COMPANY AND/OR INDIVIDUAL ~~ ~y f s ADDRESS o - j - <1-~- - 2. -co-6vQ" OtJ2- I -/230 ~ -( O-~/- 0010 " ~/. 7 1- If- o/c X .JJ- C I TELEPHONE NUMBER 3~/-4:5~ -~Si03 DESCRIPTION OF RUN OR AREA REQUESTED CHECK ONE LABELS PRINT-OUT PRINT-OUT & LABELS HOMEOWNERS ASSN INDIVIDUAL OWNERS NAME OF EACH CONDO UNIT TAX ROLL RECEIPT -X I, THE UNDERSIGNED, WISH TO ORDER THE ABOVE DESCRIBED DATA RUN I UNDERSTAND THAT I WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CHARGES INCURRE PLEASE CONTACT, PHONE #355-2358 #355-2352 CLARICE P PETERKIN OR FAX 355-4416 GLORIA DEAN (SIGNATURE) *103'. ...turn to Soutb County II 14-NOV-2000 C = Condo flag Property Appraiser GIS PCN List by Parcel Control Numoer Page 1 of 2 Radius 0 - 400 S 08-43-45-21-00-000-0021 S 08-43-45-21-07-003-1230 S 08-43-45-21-10-001-0010 08-43-45-21-00-000-0022 08-43-45-21-00-000-5010 08-43-45-21-05-000-0820 08-43-45-21-05-000-0850 08-43-45-21-05-000-0890 08-43-45-21-05-000-0900 08-43-45-21-05-000-093, 08-43-45-21-05-000-094J 08-43-45-21-05-000-0970 08-43-45-21-06-001-001~ 08-43-45-21-06-001-0012 08-43-45-21-06-001-001 08-43-45-21-06-005-0010 08-43-45-21-06-005-0040 08-43-45-21-07-001-1910 08-43-45-21-07-002-1000 08-43-45-21-07-002-101~ 08-43-45-21-07-002-102d 08-43-45-21-07-002-104~ 08-43-45-21-07-002-1041 08-43-45-21-07-002-1060 08-43-45-21-07-002-1080 08-43-45-21-07-002-1101 08-43-45-21-07-002-1120 08 - 4 3 - 4 5 - 21- 07- 002 -1180 ---(} 8 -4~~-4S-H -0 7 - 003 -1530 08-43-45-21-07-002-1200 08-43-45-21-07-002-1211 08-43-45-21-07-002-123, 08-43-45-21-07-002-124 08-43-45-21-07-002-125 08-43-45-21-07-002-129] 08-43-45-21-07-002-130 08-43-45-21-07-002-1320 08-43-45-21-07-002-136, 08-43-45-21-07-002-137~ 08-43-45-21-07-003-1000 08-43-45-21-07-003-1020 08-43-45-21-07-003-1040 08-43-45-21-07-003-1060 08-43-45-21-07-003-1080 08-43-45-21-07-003-1110 08-43-45-21-07-003-1130 08-43-45-21-07-003-1160 08-43-45-21-07-003-1200 08-43-45-21-07-003-1210 08-43-45-21-07-003-1250 08-43-45-21-07-003-1300 08-43-45-21-07-003-139~ 08-43-45-21-07-003-140J 08-43-45-21-07-003-1501 08-43-45-21-07-003-1520 08-43-45-21-07-003-1540 08-43-45-21-07-003-1550 08-43-45-21-07-003-1561 08-43-45-21-07-003-1562 08-43-45-21-07-003-1590 08-43-45-21-07-003-1660 08-43-45-21-07-003-168~ 08-43-45-21-07-003-169d 08-43-45-21-07-003-1700 08-43-45-21-07-003-171\ 08-43-45-21-07-003-171~ 08-43-45-21-07-003-1910 08-43-45-21-07-004-1300 08-43-45-21-07-004-132~ 08-43-45-21-07-004-133d 08-43-45-21-07-004-1390 08-43-45-21-07-004-140~ 08-43-45-21-07-004-140~ 08-43-45-21-07-004-145~ 08-43-45-21-07-004-1460 08-43-45-21-07-004-147 08-43-45-21-07-004-152~ 08-43-45-21-07-004-153d 08-43-45-21-07-004-154<< 08-43-45-21-07-004-1560 08-43-45-21-07-004-1600 14-NOV-2000 C = Condo flag Property Appraiser GIS PCN List by Parcel Control Numoer Page 2 of 2 Radius 0 - 400 08-43-45-21-10-002-0010 08-43-45-21-10-002-0030 08-43-45-21-10-002-0040 08-43-45-21-10-002-0070 08-43-45-21-10-002-0090 08-43-45-21-10-002-0100 08-43-45-21-10-002-0110 08-43-45-21-10-002-0130 08-43-45-21-10-002-0150 08-43-45-21-10-002-0190 08-43-45-21-10-002-0230 08-43-45-21-10-002-0240 08-43-45-21-10-003-0010 08-43-45-21-18-000-1210 08-43-45-21-28-001-0010 08-43-45-21-28-001-0020 08-43-45-21-28-001-0031 08-43-45-21-28-001-0041 08-43-45-21-28-001-0061 08-43-45-21-28-001-0071 08-43-45-21-28-002-0010 08-43-45-21-28-002-0020 08-43-45-21-28-002-0030 08-43-45-21-28-002-0040 08-43-45-21-28-002-0050 08-43-45-21-28-002-0060 08-43-45-21-28-002-0070 08-43-45-21-28-002-0080 08-43-45-21-36-000-0270 08-43-45-21-28-002-0090 08-43-45-21-36-000-0340 08-43-45-21-28-002-0100 08-43-45-21-36-000-0350 08-43-45-21-28-002-0110 08-43-45-21-36-000-0360 08-43-45-21-28-002-0120 08-43-45-21-36-000-0370 08-43-45-21-28-002-0130 08-43-45-21-36-000-0380 08-43-45-21-28-002-0140 08-43-45-21-36-000-0390 08-43-45-21-28-002-0150 C 08-43-45-21-37-003-0010 08-43-45-21-28-002-0160 C 08-43-45-21-37-003-0020 08-43-45-21-36-000-0080 C 08-43-45-21-37-003-0030 08-43-45-21-36-000-0090 C 08-43-45-21-37-003-0040 08-43-45-21-36-000-0110 C 08-43-45-21-37-003-0050 08-43-45-21-36-000-0120 C 08-43-45-21-37-003-0060 08-43-45-21-36-000-0130 C 08-43-45-21-37-003-0070 08-43-45-21-36-000-0140 08-43-45-21-36-000-0150 08-43-45-21-36-000-0160 08-43-45-21-36-000-0170 08-43-45-21-36-000-0180 08-43-45-21-36-000-0190 08-43-45-21-36-000-0200 08-43-45-21-36-000-0210 08-43-45-21-36-000-0220 08-43-45-21-36-000-0230 08-43-45-21-36-000-0240 08-43-45-21-36-000-0250 08-43-45-21-36-000-0260 ;r.;~ ~' ( PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD APPLICATION .~~ ,...- ~ BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA All ~pplications to be processed by the Planning and Zoning Board must be received and accepted by the City Planner thirteen (13) days prior to the regular meeting. The applicant will be advised as to supplemental meetings necessary for application review. An application fee of two-hundred dollars ($200.00), payable to the City of Boynton Beach, is required. All applicants with approved site plans, which at a later date request a revision, will be processed in the same manner as the initial application subject to all Code requirements effective at the time the revision is requested. Name of Applicant ~ ~(2{)f>i&Tl~ ~ fc...ouV4 l '"'t.u:. Applicant's Addr~, ~O~ &;;O,!:> ~6..~T'U!.. ,.+:'I-<),t,w ?'s5/g Address of site _~~ 13>w,pl _ ~Wfff Au-'VJU~ Intended Use of Site ~0 ~ ~vJ> ~4 ~~ rAw.IUl)) ~ ~b' ?t-AvS ~ Twt, h,)~tJltx)V-U- \ ~ :3 ~ .r if I'i ! 1_ m m E: Legal Description of Site ~\2C~\ The following data must appear on all copies of the Site Plan: 1. Existing Zone Q - ~ Area of Site 1. ~3~b 2. ci eJl' t' 5 rc 3. Total Number of Units Proposed ~~ 4. Density Gross~ D.72 Per Acre Building Area 45", S'?>J Sq. Ft. \'~ :~+ Parking Spaces: Req'd \6~ 'Droposed \~q . Parking - Aisle Area ~'2,o~Sq. Ft. ~\~ 5. % of Lot 6. 7. % of Lot 8. Street Area L.I1. 9. Landscape Area ).J.b. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. % of Lot % of Lot 10. Height of Buildings Feet \..4J'D '1 ~'L'f- 11. Total Floor Area t 1 \ %43 Sq. Ft. Stories 12. Estimated Total Value of Construction '-" ....... ~ ~w.t..Dvf- .-:. What is the applicant's interest in ~he premises affected? ~~~ rvA€-'\JJ~ ~ 11\o~~\..v-...,,\~~U~ -\0 (Owner, Agent, Lessee, Etc.) (I) (We) understand that this Site approval becomes a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and the statements or showings made in any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the be?t of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be ac- cepted unless signed by the owner of the property. ~: D~ L. L~ ~~~S <[ U~~~\ Signature of OWNER The Owner has herepy designated \'\ ...... 1 the above signed person to act ~ \"~~f.~,s:;f' t\....E)2l~ I ~ as his agent in regard to this petition. (To be executed when Owner designates another to act on his behalf.) ~vuJ~ ~ ~t:>~ T ~ INCOME GUIDELINES - 2000 MEDIAN = $56,600.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ! person persons persons persons persons. persons persons persons I Very Low- I : Income $19,800 $22,650 $25,450 $28,300 $30,550 $32,850 $35,100 $37,350 i 50./. Median Low- Income 80". $31,700 $36,200 $40,750 $45,300 $48,900 $52,500 $56,150 $59,750 I Median Moderate I ! Income I $47,520 $54,360 $61,080 $67,920 $73,320 I $78,840 $84,240 $89,640 i 120". I I I Median i i .AS RECEIVED FROM FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION MARCH 20TH, 2000. ... ;~ ./'iGHr-r;,. T I. \t:r.r;;r.; lJr.il:,r- m::: I ~1r:\H ::r.r.r.IJ: ~\f:IY. r- T -'-fififi.r.r.r DEC-13-20CO ~tD 10 24 AM FAX NO. P 02 December 7, 2000 Mr. Josa Alfaro City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE Boyton Terr~ce Dear Mr Alfaro Per Our conversation, this letter ;s for c1arifiCCltion of the parking variance request. We are in the process of the preparing an application to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation for funding allowing us to rehabilitate the existing units and provide a clubhouse for the residents of Boyton Terrace In which a budget of approximately $3r300,OOO Is proposed. As a part of the application to the Florida Housi'lg Finance Corporation a local government contribution is required To accomplish what we are proposing for the Boyton TerrClce development we would need to provide parking spaces in accordance to the building code, Presently we have 173 parking spaces and need to incorporate some of this area in the p~oposed rehab. ThiS would reduce the number of parking spaces available and will leave existil"g parking spaces when the new clubhouse is built. Additional green space is incorporated as part of the proposed rehabilitation plan. Due to the cost of creating new parking spaces, we are requesting from the City of Boynton Beach a variance in parking space requirement. The savhgs ;s derived frem an estimate of what a parking s~ce would cost to construct times the number of parking spaces relief is being sought for The calculation is as follows: Current number of Residential Spaces Relief of Parking Spaces Number Of Parking Spaces Estimated cost per space Total Contribution 168 -!i 84 $ 4,017195* $337,444 38 "'405 sq ft. of paving per space with back~up area @$9 919 per sq ft. (this includes stabilized sub-base, lime rock base, 1 1/2" asphalt, parking space stripping and parking bumper) Please give me a call should you have any questions at (321) 799-4090, ext. 259. s~~ 1-- ~I .. ~\J I-- I I ~I I I ..~ - ~-- ,!),. .... -- .... ~~~ TO BE REMCMD (NP.) ---~-..~... JPOSEI).;. PICtIC 'A EXIST PAVED PARKING N.W. 8TH AVENUE ~ bl~"'^ ~q lIi~ ~z .::) tn, ~cb ..... ..,..~- ~ a.U8HOUSE e . ~;, == = = = = == = = = ====- - = = ====:::== = ==..." ...;;' .....,.,.... ,"" ~ fi If sit " \I I 11 It . " I I:. II II .,l 1:" 1l'~ . :~ .. ,) ~lI ~ II II . \I 1 II II 1 \I 11 .., . II ~*1' t ~... ;"'.'>~ .}".. ..... r - - 100.00 - -. ~~>: I t I I L .~ .! I . J,". "l" -- -- ~~i'("" JI V. ~(.' ~ o tii~ ~z .=> 'tn I i5co EXIST. PAVED PARKING ~ ~ \;J"f- 3\ (-0 l~ ~, ~ ~z .::) In. ~CX) ~~lr.f !~~;;~~i ~ t '.~. _:;':::::,!}. 'h - '"*~~'~ ~--~ ":-.- :XIST. 1 STORY 'c' , JNIT ' i'c' i.j . " ",:_:T" , t ,t- . -- : )().oo I" ,. o ~ '-- --1" 100.00 i 0( -- - ~ ~ , dfh ~ o ln~ ~Z .::) ~I ~CX) -- 1 SO.oo 2 bJv... oJ!: , ln~ ~Z .::l tn, ~CO I I 02 Ii I . _ _ -.J~ 1. ~ ~ -~ $ ;~~ {~r :r~ t ...:~ ~ .~I. . ..... .11 II II ",,jJ 11 \ '11 ~~~,:: -__ -t\ II I! ,~ I ,~ I 'I j' r I 1 -,,"'. I I I rl I ...: I \ I I ----------------------------------------- N.E. 1St'STREEi PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT IHEETING DATE l z.. - \~,o C TTh1E "\ ~o Z 3D ATTEl'l1)ING FOR APPLICA..!.~T NOTICE The purpose of this conference sh:1I1 be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attending Staff ~D~/J f) @ C!-t, y L.,w I ~{Z tv \To Ivn '?(J JJ R.o~t f,.;,E~LH,r::L.l)~ I I I I f."t\ ' I <- K l...' vv--, (Q{l '/tI II Ii ~ 14 ~~~e I ~ ,"",'" . _ L,.# . .sht'/'~of!?,.C!, I h~r/1H/1' ~/1tI)..fII.lS ~ ~ l '5""\0\ 14- L - bO <- " ---F" ~Q c..~o ~ c..o,:t) <:\ \ ~~ ,^"\o,--..-~c.:l,< ~~ ~ ,_ .1 \. I, I \~-I 1.~../. .. - ~ ; 1 J J J".sHRD..\ T "\'\PLA..'i;';I:'o GiSHARED\ WP\FOR.\tS\PRE-A.PPL 'tEETI:'. G~IG'i r:-; SHEET,DOC "p(' ~-' ~ . E)ll'llal" ,-r..:4f " M~P .. --:1 w-::"'~ 1\ON RACe. II' ,1~~ ~~,~ LOC~Otl1E~ ~ EB:l .. .--i, I L" ~ 00'ltl1 '~i\-q t:l Ji f"', tc:W::: p ~ ~WB:: -.. rc;'F - 4\~- ~~ ..'~) Eft:~,~~ I~\rr-~]:fl~~~~_ " ,> " \ "~-', " R -,.. "'"I' > ' .( , '~~, II , I , .. '), ,...~!:, --_c '?-~~\~~:\','"" ~ \ .~ .d.,l~~~ -:. I '~i ~ " ~ i l..V~"'S I ' (~~"\~~"~'~~' ~~~~ \.J ~'@t~. '~~1~~" ~ ~r~'J~,~ ~~~~~,~,~ I --~'~. ~-~ e.~, p \\\'~" tt. ~\~!.~"il. I ~~;!~ II ~~~r":m~1 ~i \ \ ,~A in1illffiTt.:..; ',-:;:::j ~ k'" . ,\ ! -, ";,\1\1:~~~, " " _~\ III ~\\r= ~ c:::l ~', " · "'" """ '. " " , , , 7 ",.., ~~ -:c:; " , , ' \ ~ -~" . ~"" 4 '.. -'- _.. . .;.,-.." t:r.'\..!, '...~ ' 3, ~~' 1 ;:., ~ \\~\~. '~I~.. .. .~. I'. \\\..V ::~. ~ ,,~ ,-,' ,\' ' P 'cj) t't ,'if:' ~~. /J, . J ~ \ ~ \\' '\'''~;7:\;\i~i: ~~~ ~%6 -~< ,~ _ ! ~, l'. _ ; ~ ~~'?R~Qi m~~~~~~Ji" ~ e.l~\\\~m' '~''''~\''' '"" ',r _ '. _' \ L-lJ ,I c,~'''',', '4\~~:j' ". ~. s"\ ::C;';~ :I'':> -"'~;;-ctli - \\1\ \\ \t'., \1. ~.8 1 ~~\'.';~1 . ~lt,..-" ~H ~~\ -'- 1,\ '" 1~'~ ~,.~ '-m-~,~'f.~\~ c ~j-~\\\ \ P -< ,', \. H' ',\;0' ~1 ~f~~i~ ~, , \::.::, 1,\1 ~ \.J ,:~~ ~.\ :~~~L~~.0'dl'! W' '~.,~ '~",.,-';?5-a' _ \-"::.. ~ , if- --' - ~ '2\'€:; @>~" .~ p.\l-"" .,::.--...... ' . ,c:;;:J" 1/- - il \ \ \. c ~ ' \ ~-0-" " i ~1 \ ',1\' , c:S \ '~'-;:r" ~" '" ~~\; l ' N\\L- %\ \\ .-"- ~,~ ":,~, \-:,I:\:~t ~~ 11\~O \ \ ~~:\VQ.""",~.',... \;;J' ",~. "~~\&iil. ; IU.O \ _~\ ',-, ~,\ I' II !,,\' ~ I ~c .,1,",", ~_ \\\\ \ cc.... ~ '@8\\~'\I\ \\"~~, "~.~ ~~ h,w'.: \ 00 3~!~","JI'" <'~ ~~~\~~\\\~~"'>:'\~"'~ ~\,i~;:--~.\",-}l~ " . . / \ ~ \ \ \1 ' · - " ,. ,~ ~ -"", \ \ ~ i\1 <~ VI~%\ ;'~,~~J"" ,\\~~1J.{h\'~' :::--~\ b~ \~\ \r; \', 11 \,~ ~z. ~ \ I" I \ , ' . \\\ ,'~~ -- 'j ---1 , .- ---. - ~-- -," --- EXHIBIT "A" L[CC~ t . m-TUO.I€ J:=;;o '- . --- J '*111 It'A T(I? h€T[R ... - II'Ai!R "'tV[ rf'l _ f"R[ NYORANT ~ _ SA.VTAfiY S[1~crl UUHOLf _ _ _ _rr:--!fW~T STREET _ ". '-... CCN: - CCN:P.CTC - - _ OV!~AO IJTLITY LrCS TJ.€ !Y(;,R'l'n LIC CY L~iS .'47-TSO IS ASSI.IoCD TO BEAR [Asr ftCWZc;;..c. US UTI..1T'I' iiQJ( tR .. ,/tr Wi R':XJ ,",T.., CA.;1 11..8 ..!5J LP LOiTmf c....t aNTRAL MG.! R _ P.QJS ca .. C>()Oll) afARU; P_OE. - .t:.t(X'-IT OF B{C/'NvC '-... '-... '-... '-... ~ '" " ~ El ~ lil '-... '-... '-... '-... '-... '-... '-... '-... '-... '-... e 'i I I I ~ ~OT e1 e ~ !l ~ g~ ~. ~ ~ \ \ \ G~ 1'IIiJ-E) ... ~ E s: 'I ~~a !~ "~ ~~ I~ t~ \ "i i\ . "",. ~ r .... >QE r___ CAr.u<<J a~' _ t~WflTON.. ~ ",.~- ---~ PARCEL 2 !O C~rt/fClol' 10()() O'8l'C".lo, sure" . 01Mlf.ll we. 2Z -<11 <:::r .oao~ r..____"",.,.<'iY. ".,,-~, \ ( rw..., ; "..,,,,,,,;Qri _.l/I"aSJ , , , . , , "," (- 'U I!l r-:. , o I I I I I ~: I "", 2:1 "- ~I 't I!l I . - ~ r ..:w.. C;Jf;J -I-"-+'--r'll _:1"\,::. I ~T "-~ ~ : ~ Q } I ,.a ~ ~ '-E! i ~ -f] '--1 " I ~ I r; .J"" ! qg 11- r1 " i ~ EXHIBiT "A,jf I I ~I ~ Ul 1~ 110 pi'! ~ ::r~j i ~ -~. .ij >-l.h 1 C5 if! I I ~ ~~~i l ~ !;~t ~ ji.: ~5 0 !a. ~ ~lJ)f'l~ ~. '<l~n~ - ~~ !Il~ ~~ ~~:L ~ ~~ ii!~ ~ 1'3;;:i. ~ ~ I.B j.1 V}~~f~1 Cl'i,l pi;;:' .~.~ . .,,!~~ 'jl!;! .S~ ~. ~:h !, ~ i\i i. ii:zl !II C }... 1I~'12' !ul i:r: _~~I~:n;. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .p~~,~i ~ ..~~~~.. "" ,~"~-.'s~, ~~;~. ~5~~O~ g~l~~~~~~ ~~ I J I d I I~ ~E:; ~' a i~ "tl ; -.J I ~iJ Lu ~ ",' ll:: ",I ", -q; ~ Q. I I I I I I -::-' -1 .,;} I ,;',"~ - ai;5-;&i1JiJ::;JG'J - - - - - - -'I \ I:, r I I I I I _____-.J i i ~ I ~ <9 EXHIBIT "B" City of Boynton Zoning Code Variance Application Item number 5, page 2 to ApplIcatIOn, A. The vanance request for parkmg for Boynton Terrace Apartments IS partIcular to the land and bUIldmgs mvolved, We belIeve them to be specIfic and dIfferent to other land or structures wIthm our zomng dIstnct because of the umque nature of thIS development. As documented herem by the property management company, RelIance Management ServIces, the resIdents of Boynton Terrace Apartments are predommately smgle famIly, WIth only two known mamed couples, ThIs provIdes for only approxImately 2% of the resIdents WIth two parent households, much lower than any state or natIOnal averages for smgle parent households. ApproxImately 60% of the resIdents utIlIze publIc transportatIOn and do not own a vehIcle AddItIOnally, thIs development IS of an affordable nature, WIth plans for sIgnIficant rehabIlItatIOn should fundmg be approved m 2001 These Items contribute to the peculIar/partIcular nature of the land and bUIldmgs for whIch the vanance IS requested. B The specIal condItIons noted above are not dIrectly a result of any actIOns of the applIcant. eWe do not belIeve that the grantmg of the vanance requested would confer any specIal pnvIlege that IS demed by the Ordmance to other lands, bUIldmgs or structures m the same zomng dIstnct. D In our reasonable VIew, a lIteral mterpretatIOn of the prOVIsIons of the chapter would depnve the applIcant of nghts that are commonly enjoyed by other propertIes m the same zomng dIstnct under the terms of the Ordmance An unnecessary and undue hardshIp would otherwIse be placed on the applIcant. E The vanance requested to be granted IS the mImmum vanance that WIll allow for the reasonable use ofthe land and bUIldmgs as contemplated by the applIcant. F We belIeve that the grantmg of the vanance WIll be m harmony WIth the general mtent and purpose of thIs chapter and that such vanance Will not be mJunous to the area mvolved or otherWIse detnmental to the publIc welfare. EXHIBIT "C" CondItIOns of Approval PrOject name' Boynton Terrace File number ZNCV 00-020 (parkmg reductIon) R fi Z C d V A I d dN b 16 2000 e erence onml! o e anance mnlIcatIon ate ovem er DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REdl PUBLIC WORKS Comments, None UTILITIES Comments. None FIRE Comments, None POLICE Comments, None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments. None BUILDING DIVISION Comments' None P ARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments, None ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS I To be deterrmned, ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 2 To be determmed, MWR.dim S:IPLANNINGISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIBOYNTON TERRACE APTS. (ZNCV)ICOND. OF APPR P&D.DOC EXHIBIT "B" City of Boynton Zoning Code Variance Application Item number 5, page 2 to ApplIcatIOn. A. The vanance request for parkmg for Boynton Terrace Apartments IS partIcular to the land and bUIldmgs mvolved, We belIeve them to be specIfic and dIfferent to other land or structures wIthm our zomng dIstnct because of the umque nature of thIS development. As documented herem by the property management company, RelIance Management ServIces, the resIdents of Boynton Terrace Apartments are predommately smgle famIly, wIth only two known mamed couples. ThIS provIdes for only approxImately 2% of the resIdents wIth two parent households, much lower than any state or natIOnal averages for smgle parent households. ApproxImately 60% of the resIdents utIlIze publIc transportatIOn and do not own a vehIcle. AddItIonally, thIS development IS of an affordable nature, WIth plans for sIgmficant rehabIlItatIon should fundmg be approved m 2001 These Items contribute to the peculIar/partIcular nature of the land and bUIldmgs for WhICh the vanance IS requested. B The specIal condItIons noted above are not dIrectly a result of any actIOns of the applIcant. c We do not belIeve that the grantmg of the vanance requested would confer any specIal pnvIlege that IS demed by the Ordmance to other lands, buildmgs or structures m the same zomng dIStnCt. D In our reasonable VIew, a lIteral mterpretatIOn of the prOVISIOns of the chapter would depnve the applIcant of nghts that are commonly enjoyed by other propertIes m the same zomng dIstnct under the terms of the Ordmance. An unnecessary and undue hardshIp would otherwIse be placed on the applIcant. E. The vanance requested to be granted IS the mImmum vanance that WIll allow for the reasonable use of the land and bUIldmgs as contemplated by the applIcant. F We belIeve that the grantmg of the vanance WIll be m harmony WIth the general mtent and purpose of thIs chapter and that such vanance WIll not be mJunous to the area mvolved or otherwIse detnmenta1 to the publIc welfare. EXHIBIT "A" LCCCfO € . CCNTm..r.c lnI itA T[I? ItCTfR l:;:3 ,~ "'" ... - WATt!? ~ALVF F"t FIi( H1';:JRMT 5SW'1 _ SA.VTARY SEfffli ItIAf-#O.[ ::ac - C(N;REiC - -_OIlf~ADutL!TYLr.cS M fY()RiH LI€ (F LOiS _'47-750 5 Ass..&€O TO BEAR [AST noa; 1O^C. US - UTLITY BOX lR. _ 5/r 1/0'1 raJ woT,., CAP 11..8 JSJ i.P. LCHT POLE CA. (It.;iRAL A!.G..C ~ - i?Q.tS CB - CHOt?D 8[A!fN; P.O.B. - pr.IVT OF BECINvC _~w. 1ST STREET _ 'co "'" "'" "'" g I:l ... g El g &1 "'" "'" "'" "'" "'" " "'" "'" "'" "'" " e ~ a I 2 STORY APAi/JENT 9..l.!WC / " ....-~/ / GRA'f') CRCL! ~ Aft AlDS ~ / (~8;;ff:/ _ _f RCS(iUTON NO. '~~ 71-,J}7~~vFD/ """''''''-tv \ -- -.. ~\ /' "'" .\ .r \ e~~~ ~~ \ , ':!.'i'$~ c , =-,. ~ - \--- .,'0: ~... ~~ \ t 'O~-<~ \ \ ~~~~ \ ~S~~ \ <!-~ \ -----, \ \ \ \ \ \ r- \ '1 I I I ~ 51 ..~~ ..~ g~~1 e LOT U8 \ Lor 142 \ '; \ __.-J__ l"';"'1, ! I I I t i~ ,ec, <,:-I ")0. 'I~I I I I I 01 LOT 01 f,9,79' ''''''''Lor 02 3~ ~= .~ liq !~, Lor W H~ ~~~ ~ ~ Sa ~ E ~. i \ ~ \ \ \ Ii: \ G~f>ADtJ .. 'I ~ ~ ,u,,.._ JlfIOtTOltJraoorC!YWo"l'-TtJrlOrtrorOolI&Ls'ID"""Oo1 a:.o:. ~ I/LIDf "'.....,..11'. flCl'lrool, ACCO'DoG 10 1J€ JI..r >>ofaT .u>Y'rO'llmI/.......,I/OOI(..~S'{JFFJCIlULCMCClCIStJr ~~ClClLNrr.IlQllDl,~.d",Q..l.~ "". "1.,1 r-=_ tAP'" A"'" 3142' CA .,WQl' .-:..J'll;.0C' u S,",WOO'l -~ ~I _ fi_dW_NTCW" ~ "'..- ___-.J PARCEL 2 c:> coPl'IfOfr 100D OtllWN. surelf . O"''l INC. -... 71.-e:::lI~ I I I I 1 ,_~__" I i~\ I I' _ -'T --.J I..J l"'I'.!;I"" -~I~ - ..- - - - ~'~ - O;ffrii'l~-;:i5~ - - - - - - \ \' 1flW.SlSl ':IN 3 .on:oo ....""~.. "';":':::::.. : ; 1 \ \ I i \ ! :~ ~ I i I. ! I ~I lie I \ I I I \ 1\ I : \ I '\ \ ; , \ ~\ \ \ ~I ~I ~ I > \ >- =-~ '''' I '0 \ \ I \~ \~"VJ L _ ~l~-_ ~ EXHlBlT I~A"\' . " ~\ 'at B' ~ \~ j. \~~ !.::"'_.. .. _ _~ fl6 >-m~ iQ'~!,~il ~ "~n l'i r~ <~?i' ~ t>: ".;; ~'5 \0 ~h \ "- "- iX b~ ". ~~~'15' Q I o '," ". ,~,~." ~ ~ >-~~.~ ,~. :","'... ~ \ .......0::: I;:;;1'iiC 'jl 'LlJ~l'!I~;'" '-<J ~~iiH i~, \~~~i~~ ~ ::J!~ I 1i\ i ~...~;~; ,11 I 15 !n~ ill \~ dt _~~o ;~h :li,IE ~~ \,,\, ,..1 , 1\0 'oll~, !;n il~ l~~~lrl~' ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 . - ~ ~~l!._~~ · ~~l!'~~~' ~ H;'ig~~~d~ ~""- ~',~ @ ~...I....~ ~<ie~ I' , , s I ~ ~. $ ~! ; ~lJ ..: 4i\ z. 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