CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopmi!nt May 23, 2000 LOIS Schatzberg PresIdent 3700 Clubhouse Lane Boynton Beach, Flonda 33436 Re Southport at Hunters' Run- Handicap Lifts MMSP 00-028 Dear Ms. Schatzberg In response to your request for the achmmstrative reVIew and approval of modIficatIOns proposed to the above-referenced, approved SIte plan, please be mformed that the proposed change for the addItion of handIcapped lIfts for all four-plex, two-story bUIldmgs IS "mmor", as defined WIthm the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4 -SIte Plan ReVIew TIns project may be processed by the BUIldmg DIVIsion as indiVIdual permIt applIcatIOns. Please contact Jose Alfaro at (561) 742-6260 If you have any further questIons. Smcerely, diA~v Lusla Galav, AICP Semor Planner LG/nl Cc Jose Alfaro llSHRDA T AIPlanningISHAREDIWPlPROJECTSlHunler'. RunlMinor Modification Approval Letter-Southport.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 (l1 (J/fr- () ()--{) :J-1 SOUTHPORT AT HUf@ ~tt CondomInIUm ASSOCIatIOn, Inc May 11,2000 ~m. r-LLt.. ~ n ' I I: ! I I iLl i ! ~ PL -.-----1L CIty of Boynton Beach Plannmg and Zonmg Department POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 ._~ To Whom It May Concern. The Southport Board of DIrectors hereby requests from the City of Boynton Beach Plannmg and Zomng Board a SIte plan modIficatIOn. The Southport Board of DIrectors grants Its approval for the SIte plan modIficatIOn for the mstallatIOn of the Federal Fau Housmg "Reasonable AccommodatIon" HandIcap lIfts to be Installed on the common element area m front of all four-plex and elght-plex two story Apartment buildmgs m Southport. IndIVIdual wntten approval IS needed for each umt owner's request by the Board of DIrectors. If you have any questIOns m regards to thIS letter, please do not heSItate to contact us at 561-734-5000 Thank you. Respectfully, \// ~;t/ 7/~ ~ _>:r~. )/' LOIS Schatzberg PresIdent SOUTHPORT BOARD OF DIRECTORS ST ATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregomg mstnunent was acknowledged before me thIS 1/'0ray of ~ 2000 by LOIS Schatzberg, PresIdent of Stratford at Hunters Run Condommmm Assocla lon, Inc., State ofFlonda. She IS personally known to me and dId not take an oath. u1tuu:J tI-1J1~ Notary PublIc Marcy L. McFaul CommISSIon #CC871377 I ",~~,f""" MARCY L MCFAUL .. [..'f'. ,.~ MY COMMISSION I CC 871377 J - . . $ EXPIRES: September 14, 2003 1\ ' Bonded ThN NcCary Public Underwri1e18 J ' ... . J Adam\SPT -BBSltePlanMod.1tr2 3700 Clubhouse Lane, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436. Telephone. (561) 734-5000