CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT DIvIsIon of Planning and ZonIng Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment January 18, 2000 Ted CIaCCia The FItzgerald Group 4700 NW 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, Flonda 33486 Re 3020 High Ridge Road MMSP 00-005 Dear Mr CIaCCia. We are m receIpt of your letter dated January 11,2000 regardmg the 3020 High Ridge Road property as referenced m the letter The letter requests a mmor modIficatIOn to the sIte plan. The fee for tills reVIew IS $100 00, and If thIS was an oversIght on the part of your firm, we ask that you send a check to us for that amount, so that thIS mmor modIficatIOn may be processed. Smcerely, '-I c:::x U.<r.,... ~a,6"' ~ ;. L- Michael W Rumpf DIrector of Planmng and Zonmg J \SHRDA T AIPlanning\SHAREDlWPIPROJECTSlHigh Ridge Properties-MSPM.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 fVlMCp ()J-cW / ~ -c. ;:.: ~ ".. ~.~)~ ~~ ~ THE FITZGERALD GROUP COMMERCIAL REALTORS@ CO~o"lERCL\L · Il'-.DLSTRLU . PROPERT'r \:L\'-AGEME'-T . I'-.\EST\IE'-TS . DE\ ELOP~IE'-T January 11, 2000 Mr Mike Rump CIty of Boynton Beach Department of Development, BUIldmg DIVISIon 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Flonda 33425-0310 RE 3020 HIgh Ridge Road Dear Mr Rump Pursuant to our meetmg and dIscuSSIOns wIth your assIstant, Jose Alfero, we are formally requestmg a mmor change to the sIte plan at 3020 High Ridge Road. The FItzgerald Group, Inc, m the persons of Ted CIaCCia and Nick SolImme, represent the Owner/Landlord of the property, QualIty Warehouse, Rappaport Realty Menn Hunter Codman, Inc through theIr agent, Donald Gache, represents the perspectIve tenant, TruGreen ChemLawn, a natIOnal company operatmg m 47 states and wIllIng to relocate theIr Palm Beach faCIlItIes from the CIty of West Palm Beach to Boynton Beach. TruGreen has mdlcated a desire to lease approximately 17,660 square feet on the southern most end of the subject property of (::l::) on-thIrd of the entIre bUIldmg. There presently eXists 159 parkmg spaces aVaIlable to all Tenants of the bUIldmg. TruGreen has reqUIred that thirty-five (35) of their service vehicles be m an outdoor, secured and locked-up area each busmess mght between 5 30 p.m. and 7 30 am, and at all tImes on weekends and holIdays. Their request, therefore, IS to construct a fence around the parkmg area as shown on the attached site plan. We are aware that the fence needs to be at lease SIX feet high and that emergency services have access to and around the secured areas at all tImes of the day and mght. Weare open to any suggestIOns from the vanous city departments to accomplIsh thiS task. Please contact me at your earlIest convemence so that we may get the process started. tf TEL. (561) 620-2800 1 of this matter "'L\. (561) 620-2810 CEl L. (561) 239-9634 TED CIACCIA 4700 NW 2l'D AVEI'U, Sun 303 BOCA RUG]\', FL 33431 - - THE FITZGERALD GROUP COMMERCIAL REALTORS@ --, Cor.II.IERlIAL. INDUSTRIAL . MArJAC~ErlENT. IrNEsnIEcNTS. DEvfcLoPIIEcW 4""00 NW 2'-.D AnKLE SelTE 303 BOCA RATOl'-. FL 33431 TELEPHO'\!E (561) 620-2800 FAX. (561) 620-2810 E M.\IL sales@firzgeraldgroup com WEBSITE www firzgeraldgroup com