PREAPP i \ '.. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT DIvisIon of PlannIng and ZonIng Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment February 12, 1999 Marc Fender High RIdge PropertIes Inc. 2900 High RIdge Road Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Dear Mr Fender In response to your request for admImstratIve reVIew of the proposed addItIOn to the subject property, please be mformed that the subject Improvements are construed as "mmor", and elIgible for reVIew through the CIty'S buildmg permIt process. However, I should add that If the Improvements mclude an mcrease m 25% or more parking spaces, the changes mItIate applIcatIOn of Chapter 23 Parkmg Lots, of the CIty Land Development regulations. ThIS scenano would mean that the eXIstmg parkmg area would be reVIewed for conformance WIth all regulations as referenced above. If the expanSIOn represents an Increase of less than 25% In parkmg spaces, only the addItIOnal parkmg areas must comply WIth said regulations (e.g. parkmg layout and dImensIOns, handIcap reqUIrements, lightmg, dramage etc.) If a major SIte plan modIficatIOn applIcatIon IS stIll forthcommg, at which time the entIre SIte wIll be expanded and meet code reqUIrements, I would suggest that you lImIt mmor Improvements to only a dnveway, and time the additIOn of parkmg spaces WIth the pending major SIte modificatIOn. If you have any questIOns about thIS determinatIOn, please contact me Smcerely, ~~ 0 -~t~ Michael W Rumpf Actmg Manager Planmng & Zomng MWR.Jma IICH\MAlN\SHRDA T AIPLANNINGISHAREDlWPICORRESPILETIER BENDER. DOC America's Gateway to tile Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. PO. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 HIGH RIDGE PROPERTIES INC February 2, 1999 Mr. Michael Rumph ActIng Planmng MaIlager Gty of Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Rumph, Attached please find a copy of the proposed site plaIl for our buildmg expansIOn. You may remember that we have already attended a pre-applicanon meenng for tlus proJect wluch IS located on the northeast comer of High Ridge Road and lndustnal Way. We have recently received a letter of mtent from a national tenant for lease of a large pom,on of the exisnng building. This lease IS contIngent upon our ability to construct an entrance onto lndustnal Way and re- establish an existing truck:well pit m a tlme restramt gtven us. Therefore we respectfully request a "Minor Site Plan Moc:hficanon" on the eXiStIng facility and conslderanon that the proposed SIte plan will be submttted shortly. Although all present at the pre-applicanon meetIng were m agreement on the locanon, we will agree to readjust the entrance/turnout should It become necessary durmg the SIte plan approval process. Please call If you have any quesnons. ~arely, ~ ~ Marc Fender: fVW ~ /L... #- {O tf--- <{t.f'vt ..f CPHQ:NE','C.AI..L) I 3t;. f;- ~ M OF :?I/-J AREA CC8= P~ONED RETURr\JED YOUR CALL EXTENSiON LORIO A 33426 5 1998 CITY of BOYNTON BeACH ~ ~., , .;. , ~ --. 200 N Seacrest Blvd ~ Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (407) 738-7490 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR September 1, 1988 Roy 0 Barde~, ASLA/AICP The Barden Planning Group ~ 0 Box 3971 . Boca Raton, FL 33427 Re High Ridge Center Preapplication Our file # 116 Dear Mr. Barden: On Tuesday, August 9, 1988, the Planning and Zoning Board approved the referenced preapplication subject to stipulations set forth in the attached staff comments. If you have any guestions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to cont~ct me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~s CARMEN S ANNUNZIATO, AICP PLANNING DIRECTOR CSA ro cc City Manager Technical Review Board Central File '- " Utilities Department Planning Department Forester/Horticulturist STAFF COMMENTS HIGH RIDGE CENTER PREAPPLICATION See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo .~~ J ------ M E M 0 RAN DUM August 3, 1988 TO. CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOAR FROM CARMEN S ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE HIGH RIDGE CENTER--STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request for preapplication approval 1. The City's subdivision regulations (Article X, Sections 10 and 19 of Appendix C) and the zoning approval for this property require the dedication and construction of Industrial Way as an eighty (80) foot wide collector to the western limits of the property In the letter of submittal for this application, the applicant is requesting a waiver of the requirement to construct Industrial Way This requirement can only be waived by approval of a subdivision variance by the City Commission The variance would have to be submitted and approved prior to a master plan submittal which would reflect the deletion of this roadway. The appropriate forms for this variance can be obtained from the City Engineer 2 As per the zoning approval, a 25 foot wide greenbelt is required along the eastern property boundary adjacent to High Ridge Road. This requirement should be reflected on the master plan document 3 The environmental analysis for this site should be submitted with the master plan document 4 All other conditions of zoning approval contained within the staff report dated February 2, 1987 must be complied with at the appropriate level of approval . C~~ CARMEN S ANNUNZIATO CSA ro cc Central File ::> / ~ ---- M E M 0 RAN DUM To Carmen Annunziato, City Planner FROM Kevin J Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist SUBJECT August 3, 1988 High Ridge Center - Pre-Application DATE The applicant must prepare a tree mapagement plan for the 25% preserved area and other locations dh the site. This plan should be documented on the plat during master plan submittal. The applicant must also comply with the Tree Preservation Ordinance No 81-21 during land clearing ~--; ~~ Kevin J allahan Forester/Horticulturist KJH:pb A HIGHRIDG DOC .. MEMORANDUM Date Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director~ ~L~ John A Guidry, Director of Utilities 6~ August 2, 1988 To From Subject TRB Review - High Ridge Center - Pre-Application We offer the following comments 1 The 8" diameter gravity sewer must be extended on-site as a service connection may be made to the existing sewer on the east side of High Ridge Road across from the parcel 2 Indicate all on-site water mains, fire hydrants and connec- tions dmt bc Peter Mazzella /f:r~(fj(-FDC-E C(5,NTJ;R !i<EA-fPL:+cA-T-ToA! ,^ lOr {' } i '> I), l L 0 ;~cf j 1 o. it'''. XL }. Tte f; ~YJ. v 5' ~., '1! ~r l: '-'3 <'(,) f-le ZvVc':J 17? "f,' '-;' r f. v f- k".s t7' vi' f,;; Vr'^' c~ fer:., '. ;[,) (~ J;.", IdLVcJ Co '^ stvH I; 0'" 0 f TfJ,^~k ~ /' w'/". "'< <<. <€ tk~ q'e;, <-. f IA.. J. 0' fI, < i-" v 10 i- Ce (jJ e li~ v V\ f, 1M. ,'/-s 1<0 F t- Lp "r/ ":?-' TVI f- C co, (,-{,v<7fsq~v.'J,r/ /o~' f-lrs w!.r1u/C'iJ i L w f, (' ~ ) I ~~ < -.,. ~; v /. '" '/ f" ~J ct. I;v u v C. v " f f C, (C v y " CorOA (~ {., {: "-.5 t '- ", L I , ' Iv,} A$fvr ~ ( W"-7 I TC s vr '" '-C '1''''~ f c~,,-I "'} ie. WAf vJ ~ Ii/' c~v~ (" f dC ,s,,[j, V .:"OVl , v", vr." "'-( ~ fr f Q/ {if (0, v.< ""-{ .5 5 '" V\ " I r. <- ,,~-- < "(~ w",r) Lvo !-'1e- s~lw<.'!-!-e0 ""~rm c'r~.'-r;~ r I~ Il ~ "" {/VI" f h v(/'( <" 5 ,t & '-'<, I,. ~ -/ v.-:", ~ - ~ v- c" c, vcfr_L+fl,.cj,rl~-otr.: VHJ""7' lCc. -r;pGp,t ~,~/~ {,t""S {Q v 1- ~ v ~ Iv" ~ '- ~ <>1- ~ ( ceO( "l {t- it? { {- ~A- f \;t C cl {: 0 'tl t ~ ~ C 'y t.:; r "lux, ;]. 1scev th, [;,''':) 17?vo'./~ dCcl5 /o,fw,je.JJve,,,te/f f5 ?:"",j t'1J ft~ "1' Ie-ry' v fr t. . ,of./, " ) j' " ~ f . r~) I, f<.' J e /J " .. , 3~ \f 5 tFV-fJv- ~j;=Vlf\;v :r.N{. ft-1-N[J~!'f305.5 [t3i/13R.. IP~rlr:rCFD t f}Jr)~,)jr;.fPf-D5/\f{:r~5 5v~V(3r T f2- ~ r:- S (i 1;Q v j3 Y 5 ~ t3 Jvl-1 T T)rl /1-;- ry)( E C /::- J1? A?/~ 1/ A- L {ft-v!JvJ A-. r J t-; r ( I j r . ~ ; __ I (;;! . f~,' (', ", '-!' ~f % "', If? ~ C-o L'L t Co H '" fA.~e V!vl'f-C,V\tCc 5/~ff-]r",i J.hl r;Ccu7 ~,/!Jl7) I/>A K < f C "- {' 'tJ (" ' u.. , f C ~ f 'f-I".e 'tty '(? " ~ t-e. Ie" "- / O{WL<7L.!, .. ... Soil Associations Approximately 90% of the site is classified PcB, Paola Sand, o to 8% slopes. The remainder is classified ScB, St Lucie Sand, 0 to 8% slopes There are scattered pine with mixed undergrowth. Soil descrip- tion and interpretation is shown below Soil Description and Interpretations Soil Name Brief Soil Depth Seasonal High Iermeability Degree and Degree and Description to Water Table Rate Kind of Kind 0 tap Symbol Rock Depth Duration (in/hour) Limitation Limitat For Low For Po Buildings Embankm PcB * )20' > 72" most of 0-80 ") 20 slight sever, year (5,6, ScB * )20 I )72" most of 0-8 0 ") 2 0 slight seve I year 5,6, / Source: Soil Survey of Palm Beach County, Florida U S. Department 01 Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service issued December, 1971 * See attached Resource Conservation Data and map (1) Wetness (2) Cutbanks,cave (3) Excess humus (4) Low strength (5) Seepage (6) Piping (9) Unstable fill (8) Erodes easily (9) Compressible ...;....;:.....<i-=-......J...-____.;..__._.___ _ so ,;.,... ~-.;.. "- ." ;~, .. .~:- , "I,.:.. ., ~;.. ;;.-. '~..~.......:.'~ ~ ;~... F.' "f~.' ~~. 7~.ll:t1 -..- ......--~~._-,;,;....:-:........: - _. SOIL SURVEY '/.: dune-like ridges near the Atlantic coast. They formed in thick beds of sandy marine sediments. The water table is below a depth of 6 feet. In a representative pedon the surface layer is dark gray sand about 4 inches thick. The subsurface layer is white sand about 17 inches thick. A layer of yellow sand 4 inches thick is at a depth of 21 inches. It is transitional to the subsoil, which is strong brown sand about 12 inches thick, Light yellowish brown sand extends from a depth of 37 inches to a depth of 80 inches or more. Permeability is very rapid throughout. The available water capacity is very low Organic-matter content and natural fertility are very low Representative pedon of Paola sand, about 0 4 mile west of U.S. Highway 1 on the north side of Donald Ross Road in a cutbank on the right-of-way, SW1l4 SW1/4 sec. 21, T 41 S., R. 43 E. A1-O to 4 inches, dark gray (10YR 4/1) sand; sinJ~.le grained; loose; many fine and medium roots; very strongly acid' clear wavy boundary A2--4 to 21 inches; white (10YR 8/1) sand; single grained; loose; common fine and medium roots, slightly acid; gra<;iual wavy boundary Bl-21 to 25 inches; yellow (10YR 7/6) sand. white (10YR 8/1), light yellowish brown (IOYR 6/4), and brownish yellow (lOYR 6/6) splotches, single grained; loose; medium acid; clear wavy boundary BciA-25 to 37 inches, strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) sand: single grained; loose; tongues 1 to 3 inches in diameter extend through horizon, filled with white (lOYR 8/2), yellowish brown (10YR 5/6), and light yellowish brown (lOYR 6/4) sand, outer edges of tongues, 0.5 to 1.0 inch wide stained dark brown (7.5YR 4/4) by organic material, weakly cemented; medium acid; gradual wavy boundary B3-37 to 80 inches; light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) sand; single grained; loose; color gradually lightens with increasing depth; slightly acid. Sand extends to a depth of 80 inches or more. Silt plus clay between a depth of 10 and 40 inches is less than 5 per- cent. Reaction is generally strongly or very strongly acid, but ranges to slightly acid during dry periods because of ocean spray The Al horizon is dark gray (lOYR 4/1), or gray (lOYR 5/1,6/1), and is 2 to 5 inches thick. The A2 horizon is light gray (N 7/0; 10YR 7/1, 7/2) or white (N 8/0; 10YR 8/1, 8/2) and ranges from 10 to 40 inches in thickness. Some pedons have a thin, discontinuous Bl horizon which ranges to 5 inches in thickness and is yellow (10YR 7/6, 7/8) or brownish yellow (10YR 6/6, 5/8) and has few to common splotches of white, light gray, yellow, or brown. The BciA horizon is strong brown (7.5YR 5/6, 5/8), brownish yellow (lOYR 6/6, 618), or yellow nOYR 7/6, 7/8) Tongues of white sand, 1 to 3 inches in diameter ex- tend through the horizon. The tongues have a '-2 to I-inch sheath of dark brown (75YR 4/4) to brown (lOYR 5/3) weakly cemented sand. The B&A horizon commonly has a few coarse weakly cemented, dark reddish brown to strong brown pockets. . The B3 horizon is below a depth of 36 inches and is light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4), brown (10YR 5/3), pale brown (10YR 6/3), or very pale brown (10YR 7/3, 7/4,8/3, 8/4) Paola soils are associated with St. Lucie, Palm Beach, and Pomello soils. They have a B&A horizon, and St. Lucie soils do not. Unlike Palm Beach soils, they have a B&A horizon and lack shell fragments. They are better drained than Pomello soils and lack the black weakly cemented Bh horizon of Pomello soils. PeB--Paola sand, 0 to 8 percent slopes. This nearly level to sloping excessively drained, deep, sandy soil has yellowish layers beneath the white subsurface layer It is on lonJr, narrow dunelike 'ridges near the Atlantic coast. It has the pedon described as repre- sentative of the series. The water table is below a depth of 6 feet. Included with this soil in mapping are small areas of St. Lucie, Palm Beach, and Pomello soils, soils that lack the thick, white, subsurface layer; and soils that have the yellowish layer at a depth greater than that described for Paola sand. The natural vegetation is sand pine and an under- growth! of scrub oak, palmetto, and rosemary The surface is sparsely covered by grasses, cacti, mosses, and lichens. Large areas are in native vegetation. Some areas are cleared and smoothed for urban use. This soil is not suited to vegetables and most culti- vated crops because it is droughty and has many other poor soil qualities. It is moderately well suited to citrus. In citrus groves, a cover crop of weeds and grasses is needed to keep the soil between the trees from blowing 'Tillage should be kept to a minimum. Sprinkle irrigation is needed to insure the survival of young trees and a good yield of fruit from mature trees. This soil is poorly suited to improved pasture of bahiagrass and other deep-rooted grasses. In such pastures, frequent application of fertilizer and care- fully controlled grazing are needed, Capability unit VIs-1 Pineda Series The Pineda series consists of nearly level, poorly drained, sandv soils over loamy material. These soils are on broad: low flatwoods and in grassy sloughs. They formed in sandy and loamy marine sediments. Under natural conditions, the water table is within 10 inches of the surface for 1 to 6 months in most years and within 10 to 30 inches most of the remainder of each year, except during extended dry periods. Water covers depressions for 1 to 3 months. In a representative pedon the surface layer is dark grayish brown sand about 3 inches thick. Below this is about 16 inches of yellowish brown and brownish yellow snnd. The next layer is light gray sand about 15 inches thick. A grayish brown sandy loam that has vertical sandy tongues that extend from the layer above is at a depth of 34 inches. The underlying mate- rial is a mixture of light gray sand and sheIl fragments below a depth of 44 inches. Permeability is rapid in the sandy layers and mod- erately rapid in the loamy layer The available water capacity is very low in the sandy layers and medium in the loamy layer Organic matter content is low, and natural fertility is low Representative pedon of Pineda sand, about 045 mile east of the Sunshine State Parkway and about 660 feet south of Forest Hill Boulevard, NE1/4NW1/4 sec. 16, T 44 S., R. 42 E A1-0 to 3 inches; dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) sand; weak fine granular structure; very friable: many fine roots; medium acid; clear smooth boundary B2lir-3 to 14 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) sand; common medium faint light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) and few fine prominent yellowish red mottles; i I :.I_""'li~Ml ,;f....~Jfd'I~~.J{,~!.i'~), J~""""J';-ll,~~~~~-~'d~,~.". ,.~~....~.~_.l.~ ~~~IJ'~_"'-=~. L, Lillo?, " -- ~~ ~i \\\ \~ '{ 9.. \\ 'l!I" ..'i .. t S " 't~ \\ \ ~ ~ \ \ \. ., ,..' \ .. .. . ~~ ~ (\ , - \ \ , tnll '\ \ \P ~~i _ _ . \ \ \ \ 'i \ ~'a\ \ \' \ ~ \t t , \ \' i \1' , \ .. , ~a\ \ ,\t\i ~ \ \\\ \ \\ d\ i'l d 11 ",en '1\ ~ 1~~' \ i tl l 'I' 0 it I. . _ ,10'", . ' \ \ \ ) J ~ \ ~, ..... .. \\ \ ," ~ \ Vi ~ . t \ ~ ~ i ~ \lJ ! ':\I .. ~ _ . t ~ a:. J' \~9 ll~ \lJ ~ \-\~ '%' \\ ~ \\ 1 \\\ \..~ ;\ "'\\\\\ 'i\i\i1tP ! ~ :it o \A1 tii o'S ~\>>. ;;..l ~<<1 gi ~2 w~ ~ g ~ Q ~ li % \ a Do 1. \ \ - - 1.\' \ \ \ ,%.\ \\\~.' \ \i1 \ \ \ 1 t \ \ r~\\'. \ 1- \\ \ \\\\ \II "\' \ \ \ \ \ \ \~~ ~ \\ . . \ ~ ~ I \ · ~ ~ \ \ \ ~ \ h~ U. \ \ \ \' \ \ - \ ' ~ . \ \ ~ \ \ \ i tt.\ ~1 (\ i i \\ t t I I \ \ \ ~ % \ \ \ \ W \ \ \ \ \\\ \\, \!\ 1 \ \ \ I \ \ \\\h\\ \ \ , \' ..' I I ~ \\ '& i\ i\ ~~ ~~ \' \. .l \\ f,'\ \\\\ l\\\ \ .,\ .. \\\\ ~ ,I \\ ~ \\\1 i '" I\l\ . fi \\\1 \ \\ \\ \ \\11,\ l\U\ 01!l0>%\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~\ ~f · > h II ~l " \\ \ > \ \I , \ \ \\ ,. \1>> \\ \ \ >\\ II \11 \ i\ , \\;1 .1\ II \\ \ 1\11 ,1\ 'I' ' 1\ \\ 1\\\ \\1' "II \'1\ \1\ \t\\l \' 11 \' ~\\\\ \\~\l1 'r\\ \ \ 1:\ \ \ \ \. \\~ 11\\\,\1\ iii \~~ \\111 \ 1\ '1\, _ _ -1 ..~~- ~~., \\~, . ." I . , .' .,, .11...." · ..... -- . ~ t.t.. ..t.. .,. · · .1' ... ----- -~-------------- .-- ---- -------. ~ pr-otection, easements or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedications as may be required ___~(10) For rezonings to planned zoning districts (PUDs, PCDs, and PIDs), the specific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. Copies of evidence for unified- control and development of the property, as well as condominium, homeowners, and property owners' association documents shall be submitted in three (3) copies for planned zoning districts. Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master plan (in ~ copies, including survey) shall also be submitted. III. 6EEbl~6IIQ~_E~~~~ Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by resolution. A fee schedule is attached to this application. All fees shall be paid by chec~, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. ~~BIIEI~BIIQ~ (I) (We) understand that this application and all plan and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief This application will not be accepted unless signed according to t~e instructions below. _~__tjL~,_~(~ _~~~_~~!lfb Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, Date or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. V 6~I Q8~~~~_==t~~~~I ----- U-lS.~t~.A-Lt... /P Ire of Authori.:. d A9~~r~ J~~~Q /~____ 1- Da t~j (I) (loJe) hereby -desi gnate the above si gned person agent with regard to this application ~~--~~t---~-~ Signature of Ownerl(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. as (my) (our) authorized ~~~-4--~T[jft' Date ... Flanning Dept 4-86 page 7 MAX SCHORR ATTORNEY AT LAW 250 ROYAL PALM WAY PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33480 TEL.EPHONE 1305) 832-6444 November 18, 1986 City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida Re Parcel Government Lot 1, Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, County of Palm Beach, Florida Gentlemen This letter will serve to designate Roy 0 Barden as agent for the undersigned, owner of the subject property, to perform all acts required in connection with the application to the Board of Adjustment of Boynton Beach for waiver of the 25-acre requirement Very truly yours, MAX SCHORR, Trustee j~1f a~VU Max Schorr By /rmb 4771s -- A-j , AFFIDA VIT . J STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) S5 1 . , 4 Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared ~~ Schorr, Trustee ___(Name of ~~ner) . who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and s~s: .J J t .. 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) A 10.84 acre p'arce1 of land on High Ridge Road w&.ich is part of Old Gover~ent , J Lot 1. Section 17. Township 45 South. R~~ 43 East in PAlm Be~ch County. See ... the attached legal sketch and description. J J (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he des f res annexati on to Boynton Beach_ Florida J . ,t to act as Roy o. Barden 3. That he has appofnted_____{Name of Agent) agent in his behalf to accomplish the abov~ A[~~ ~UQL\ (5i gnature of' O..,.ner) Affiant . f . Sworn to and subscribed before me th 1 s qlJ- do.\' of J ui;;.. . 1 ~S ". J .. J MY Commls~ion Expires. '~TARY PUBLIC STATE Of FLORIDA IY r.nMWT~~T~ (XP 'ut g, 1187 'O~OEO THRU GEM IISURAlCE UID ~ . . -- ----- Ii I. I . I I I I I, .1 A-7 ~- The Barden Planning Group Landscape ArchItects, Urban Plannmg and DeSIgn 305i392-0597 or 368-3740 ) ". '-..: July 25, 1988 Hr James Golden Planner Planning Department Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE Preapplication Plan High Ridge Center Subdivision Dear Jim Attached hereto are seven copies of our revised preapplication subdivision plan of High Ridge Center Proposed_~~~el~ment High Ridge Center is a 10 41 acre tract of land owned by Max Schorr, Trustee [see attached copy of indenture] and located at the southwest corner of High Ridge Road and the proposed Minor Road The property is zoned M-l Industrial, and is proposed to be developed as a four lot subdivision to accommodate four warehouse buildings, as shown on the plan These buildings are similar to an existing warehouse structure across the street The four lots are approximately 2 6 acres each A preserve area of about 2 65 acres [24 4% of the site and 31 2% of existing vegetative cover] has been set aside as a combination sandpine, native vegetation and wildlife habitat Located on the western boundary of the site, the preserve area is based upon the type of warehouse structures proposed for the site, as well as the results of an enviromental survey, previously submitted, and will be managed and maintained by a master property owners association The preserve area can be expanded and extended to the west once that area is developed Right-of-way- required f or Minor Road has been dedi cated by the trustee Buffer areas are orovided on the north and south Waiver of Industrial Way is requested Access to the lOLS will be provided by a 24 foot eastment parellel to High Ridge Road, and to Minor Road, as shown One access point is provided on High Ridge Road Condition of the site The land is high, sandy and well drained The lowest e"fevatron-r; 16 8 feet and the highest is 24 9 feet The soil is 90% Paola Sand with the remainer St Lucie See attached soil associations, description, and interpretations There are scattered pine with mixed undergrowth which cover approximately 8 35 acres, or 77%, of the site. POBox 3971, Boca Raton, FlorIda 33427 112 East Boca Raton Road Boca Raton, FlorIda 33432 Public utilities. Existing water and sewer service is available to the subdivision Connections will be made to an existing sewer manhole, at the intersection of Industrial Way and High Ridge Road, as shown for Site 1 An existing water main is located along the western right-of-way line of High Ridge Road, and connections will be made as shown for Site 1 Electric and telephone service is available Grading _~~~~ain~~ No change of grade is proposed for any of the preserve areas MInImal grade changes are proposed for the balance of the site to accommodate building pads, paved areas, and positve drainage structures Wo on-site ponding is proposed Protection of all preserve areas will be accomplished during on-site construction by barriers and/or fences All building floor elevations will meet or exceed minimum 100 year flood levels I believe the above information complies with your requirements for subdivision preapplication plan submittals, but if more information is needed, please let me know Sincerely, ~Barden. ASLA/AICP ROB/bw Attachments cc Alan Citlin, Esquire ~1ax Schorr, Trustee fee\ ~OOO " .000 0000 1 20 .o.-t 105) ca\e (joiIIa _. . ,. 45 S. \A .. '<to ;j ~ CIl 1,.. . '" "'!' .:: f; .~ t.,... . '*,' T./I""",,-}*. -::::7, '" ...~ .'. , .~~ ~ ",,Ie. - '.,.~:, ~ -: T l)) .,J'" .~ . ,Y.;' ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ...~. . .,.."" .. -.1'.. . !$It! , :s.:.-. ....,..... ~ .~ .1' ~~. .. ;J:-. ~ .i. " ',: ,~~ ~'~f~ i ~. f~ ,,~H ;r .:'~ ' ,,-- "7\ ,,6 \ ,------" \\ ~ I \ I \ @ ~ ~ c@ \S ~ JJ o Z ~ .J 0- ~ '2. U1 ni \1\ ~ 'i\ t\ '\1 ~ 0.11 O ., \ e e\. .J ,.P it ~~r U1 ~'a ~ o;.-C- ? ~~~\t. Ul ~ \ o _\ tt .,. t-\ ,~ ~ t-\\G A'O~ Ul. ,. c:;. '" .,. e A \' ~ ----------~'~-' _ _ _ _ \::::11 U ---- - - ---- -------~ , \ \ \ ~ ' \ III ~ \) \ \ 3.\ ~~ <::i,\: ,J.' '~~ ~~ ,,\ ~ \ ~~ \ \ \\ l.w" \\~ _,I \ \ 0 . It \ ~~ __-\.:: \ C; 4 sit#S oa-ea ~ "1. "'Ie -' .\G""" INOU"'''''''p.\.. P./W .A3 SPsOS e..e6 ~o.~4 ~ \,!,-> \:~<~ ~~~~ ~~I~ \"3= \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ __J- r....' \~\ \~ \ \5 \ ~e __,111.1..l1..J 1 j., .1 ,-