CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment September 6, 2000 Mr Robert E Fetrow Gator Engmeenng, Inc 7289 Garden Road, SUIte # 104 West Palm Beach, FlorIda 33404 Re Poly Plastic-Elevation Modifications MMSP 00-050 Dear Mr Fetrow. In response to your request for the admmlstratIve reVIew and approval of modlficatlOns proposed to the above-referenced, approved SIte plan, please be mformed that the proposed changes to the buildmg elevatIons for additIonal doors and a roof over the loadmg area sho'NTI on the revIsed plans date stamped 9/01/00 are "mmor", as defined wlthm the Land Development RegulatIOns, Chapter 4- SIte Plan ReVIew ThiS project may contmue to be processed by the Buildmg DIVISIon as a permit applIcatIOn. Be adVIsed that the proposed change may reqUIre a modificatIOn to the bUIldmg permIt. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 If you have addItIonal questIOns Smcerely, J /1 eX U~W j;)C-J:~lV Lusla Galav, AICP Semor Planner Cc Jose Alfaro, Planner J \sHRDATA,PlannlOg\SHARED'WP\PROJECTS.POL"r PL\STIC PACK.-\GI~G'.Ele...at:0n \1odlficat:ons doc America's Gateway to tlte Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., po. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 F~,,(. (561) 375-6259 GATOR ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. J\J~Lt SP~cxJ -G~ 289 Garden Road. SuiteYW West Palm Beach Florida 33404 (561) 841-9990 Fax (561) 841-9991 E-mail gatoreng@aol.com August 31, 2000 r/iJ IE Iii n. W IE ij lni~w ~-~- 'NO--1 lOr I ~,I[' .!~- 1~~....,,~ RE Minor site Plan Modification Exterior Elevation Changes for Poly Plastic Packaging Warehouse/Manufacturing Addition at 510 Industrial Boynton Beach, FL City of Boynton Beach Planning Department 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Attention Mike Rumpf Building Company Ave in Dear Mr Rumpf This letter is being written to inform the City of Boynton Beach that the following building elevation changes are being made to the Poly Plastic Packaging Company Warehouse/Manufacturing addition at 510 Industrial Ave in Boynton Beach, FL This is a minor site plan modification to the approv-ed site plan drawings They are as follows 1) Relocated personnel manufacturing area due to suppression system door on a conflict west elevation of with the fire 2) Relocated personnel door along east elevation at warehouse area due to the addition of another bathroom 3) Added two additional personnel elevation for emergency exits from room and existing warehouse area doors existing along paint the east storage 4) Added covered roof over the loading dock area 5) Modified exterior wall exhaust vents size and locations to meet requirements for ventilation of manufacturing and warehouse area If you have any questions regarding this letter or the drawings, pl ase feel free to contact me t E Fetrow, P E # 35867 cc Herb Rothchild - Poly Plastic GATOR ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. y'Y}~--O(J --asP' 289 Garden Road. Suite --( W West Palm Beach Florida 33404 (561) 841-9990 Fax (561) 841-9991 E-mail gatoreng@aol com City of Boynton Beach Planning Department 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33435 SEP& ~ 1~20W IE, (ffiJji ll.. '1 DO f' j' '"-" --PzLANNINGAM}---l ----.:J2!:iJ!iQ_DEPT.' ! ~--..J August 21, 2000 Attention Mike Rumpf RE Exterior Building Elevation Changes for Poly Packaging Company Warehouse/Manufacturing Addition Industrial Ave in Boynton Beach, FL Plastic at 510 Dear Mr. Rumpf This letter is being written to inform the City of Beach that the following building elevation changes made to the Poly Plastic Packaging Warehouse/Manufacturing addition at 510 Industrial Boynton Beach, FL They are as follows Boynton are being Company Ave in 1) Relocated personnel manufacturing area due to suppression system. door on a conflict west elevation of with tne fire 2) Relocated personnel door along east elevation at warehouse area due to the addition of another bathroom 3) Added two additional personnel elevation for emergency exits from room and existing warehouse area doors existing along paint the east storage 4) Added covered roof over the loading dock area 5) Modified exterior wall exhaust vents size and locations to meet requirements for ventilation of manufacturing and warehouse area If you have any questions regarding this letter or the drawings, p ease feel free to contact me cc Herb Rothchild - Poly Plastic PROJECT NAME Poly Plastic LOCATION 510 Industrial Ave. Boynton Beach COMPUTER ID 85-000042 PERMIT # I FILE NO MMSP 00-050 I TYPE OF APPLICATION Minor Modification Site Plan AGENT/CONTACT PERSON OWNER/APPLICANT N/A Robert E. Fetrow PHONE N/A PHONE 561-841-9990 FAX. N/A FAX. 561-841-9991 ADDRESS N/A ADDRESS 7289 Garden Road, Suite #104, West Palm Beach Florida 33404 Date of submittal/Projected meetine dates. SUBMITT AL / RESUBMITT AL 09/01/00 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE N/A PUBLIC NOTICE N/A TRC MEETING N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING CITY COMMISSION MEETING N/A COMMENTS J \SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\POL Y PLASTIC P ACKAGING\Poly-Plastic MMSP 00-050 Elevations Changes\PROJECT TRACKING INFO doc