REVIEW COMMENTS 7.A.4 SENIOR CENTER ZONING CODE VARIANCE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM No PZ99-199 Staff Report for Planning and Development Board and City Commission Meeting Date August 10, 1999 File No ZNCV 99-007 (setback from side property line for awning) Location 1012 South Federal Highway Owner. City of Boynton Beach Project: Senior Center Request: Request for a variance from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 6 C 3 to allow a fifteen (15) foot side setback variance, or zero (0) foot setback for an entrance awning BACKGROUND The subject property, located at the northwest corner of S Federal Highway and S E 10th Avenue, has been used for a restaurant since 1955 (See Exhibit "A" - location map) The property is currently zoned C- 3, Community Commercial Subsequent to opening the restaurant (staff could not determine when the entrance canopy was erected), a canvas canopy was constructed from the entrance to the sidewalk to protect patrons from inclement weather The restaurant closed for businesses in June 1998 and the property was acquired by the City of Boynton Beach for the purpose of converting it into a meeting and recreation center for senior citizens Mr Bill De Beck, project manager for the city, desires to maintain similar protection to visitors of the future senior center, and therefore filed a permit on May 04, 1999 for a new canvas canopy to replace the aging canopy Staff then determined that the original canopy not only encroached into the current minimum setback, but also exceeded the limits of the property line (Exhibit liB" shows both the former canopy location and the proposed canopy) In order to erect a new canopy to the sidewalk, relief must be sought and granted to allow the canopy to exceed the minimum 15-foot side setback. According to Chapter 2 Zoning, section 6 C, the minimum setback requirement for corner lots is 15 feet. Although section 4 J 8 allows awnings without supports to extend into the 15 foot setback by 2 5 feet, the proposed awning will include structural supports and will therefore not be eligible for this code provision ANALYSIS The code states that the zoning code variance can not be approved unless the board finds the following a. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district. b That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. \ Page 2 Senior Center File No ZNCV 99-007 c. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. d That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. e That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure f That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter [ordinance] and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare (Exhibit "C" contains the applicant's response to the above criteria) Staff analysis has focused on the legal non-conformity of the original awning and item lie" above This circumstance was essentially created when the building was originally constructed and designed to face the adjacent street with minimal setbacks Under current regulations, the use would likely have been constructed with the entrance placed internal to the property such as within the parking area to facilitate drop-off traffic or valet services (e g Benvanuto's Restaurant) To alter the building to locate the main entrance on an alternative side would require significant modifications, and would not rectify the building setback which also encroaches into the minimum setback and is therefore legally non-conforming With respect to this request being the minimum necessary to make possible the reasonable use of the structure, it should be noted that the proposed awning will extend outward approximately 7 feet less than the original awning, will not extend over the property line unlike the original awning, and will be setback from the sidewalk by approximately 6 feet. The proposed modification will represent an improvement in the level of non-conformity of the existing awning With respect to maintaining uniformity of setbacks with adjacent properties, the subject use is the sole use occupying the block between S Federal Highway and S E 4th Street, and therefore would not represent a visual deviation from existing building setbacks which may conform to current setback regulations RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that this request for relief from Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 6 C 3 to allow a 15 foot side setback variance, be approved Staff has not recommended any conditions of approval, however if conditions of approval are added by the Board and Commission, said conditions shall be listed in Exhibit "D" xc. Central File S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\SENIOR CENTER\Staff Report.doc c. LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT "A I .. ~l'EIJD"E~ S~:IO~ CENTER I I r ~ t::'1 li,l 1I=:fctt2I'K 'o<J "tIIl3'<-o-~ c4 I I , c- i- y o-':-LIT 1 II~ F " I rf , = I" Ii 'If ~ ::: ~ P11'li;; , : ~ oil '~ 1- ~. '.111",11, lIt ~_ / ~~~ ~ - ~ -~ t --t-_-1 --r-t- I ~I':~~~'" ~. -~r~':"iH-5<:' :cri-jll ie:a I] T ..il:~;~~~_..~1 I ,!:":":'''''I'''[fI--';' ':'I! ;'1': ,l!t~1;;1;J 0" C~~:::: Rr--i! : t--- ;~,~~tEill~:I' ';~'I ,r~' :;:,' j ~14 ~!Ir:mliJ It. ;. 'iITirr~~ .JlLJI!!'~RI j~~ It!t' ~,~ L' .1 titJt Jl' ~ C-~ i I~ rf}I.;'.1b !I !!I '_ J, ,m Iel W '.. " I' II IS"' ,1'"J '[ ~ hlUe-1 ,ld ["iI ,,,r Ii:..... ,Iij,r~~' ~'! ," ,f, f;;~; 1.11 - - 1" I! 1 J II ' ~{" ' I ~ ,'-.. ""j · t ~-- t I j', _ ->- + _ . t I 1 I '_ 11 II [J f J I ' l f I H' II 1 'I r ., I , , I I " ! I : I I J_ . ~- I' ' i ~ - L--'} j==-' J . ' -~ . - -- Jl~ L_ , - ";1:~lll-:.l . + ! !it "'"1,:'li. 111 T1 ~c.; _r -d6:1[' ,-- , , , I ,! ; i i I i-.iIJ ' .1 : I . 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C Request IS to Install awnmg In same locatIon as prevIous buildmg to allow protectIon from elements for semor cItIZens. D Non-approval would mean deletIon of total awnmg over outside patio area along With walkway cover and depnve CItizen of the full use of the proposed semor center faCIlIty E. Vanance IS for structure already m place for 15-plus years and consists of steel post legs and awmng cover F Vanance IS for publIc semor center, has no effect on any surroundmg bUlldmgs, does not set a precedence for deSign and follows the set pattern of grand-fathenng the replacement of an eXlstmg structure s EXHIBIT "D" CondItIons of Approval PrOject name' Senior Center FIle number ZNCV 99-007 (setback for a canopy) Reference' Zoning Code Vanance Aoolication dated June 1 1999 , I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS Comments. None UTILITIES Comments. None FIRE Comments None POLICE Comments. None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments. None BUILDING DIVISION Comments. None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments, None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments. None ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS To be determmed, ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS To be determmed. MWR.dim .S:IPLANNINGISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSISENIOR CENTERICOND. OF APPR P&D.DOCC G