REVIEW COMMENTS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 02-014 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION January 16 2002 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project Name/No Villas at Quantum Lakes (f.k.a. Grotto Bay) Future Lot 101, MSPM 01-002 Property Owner. Villas at Quantum Lakes, Inc. Applicant/Agent: Mark Hanson, Vice President Location Lot 101 Quantum Industrial Park Land Use/Zoning Industrial/Planned Industrial Development (PID) Quantum Park DRI Land Use is Mixed Use - MU Type of Use Residential Multi-family Project size Existing Site Area Additional Area Total Area. 15 16 acres 2.91 acres 18 07 acres Dwelling Units 272 Additional Units 42 Total 314 Adjacent Uses (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) North - Future Lot 100 Quantum Park, vacant, zoned PID, South - Quantum Lakes Drive and Lot 60 Quantum Park, Villas at Quantum Lakes under construction, zoned PID/ MU, East Water Management Tract "P" and Tract "Q" Quantum Park; and West - Lots 60 and 61 Quantum Park, Villas at Quantum Lakes under construction zoned PID/ MU Site Characteristics The subject site is currently a portion of the right of way for Quantum Lakes Drive and portions of Water Management Tract "P" and Tract "Q" of Quantum Park. On November 6, 2001, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No 01-54 approving Amendment #12 to the Quantum Park DRI Changes were made to the Quantum Park Master Plan that included eliminating a portion of Quantum Lakes Drive thereby creating new Tracts 100 and 101 both having a Mixed Use (MU) designation New Tract 100 is directly west of the existing Villas at Quantum Lakes, multi-family residential project currently under construction It is the subject of this application request. A re-plat of this area must be approved and recorded prior to the issuance of building permits for the proposed addition Proposal In December of 2000, the City of Boynton Beach approved a site plan for the Villas at Quantum Lakes (f k.a. Grotto Bay) The site plan included 18, two-story buildings containing 271 rental apartment units including a Clubhouse and an office area that can be used as a leasing center With this application, the developer proposes to construct three (3) additional two-story buildings containing 42 rental apartment units on a 2 91 acre addition The three additional buildings will be constructed using the previously approved Type IV design (see Exhibit "B" - Proposed Site Plan) Page 2 Villas at Quantum Lakes Major Site Plan Modification Staff Report Memorandum No PZ 02-014 Concurrency. a. Traffic- b. Drainage- Driveways Parking Facility. Landscaping Building and Site A traffic statement for this project was submitted and approved by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division Conceptual drainage information was provided for the City's review The Engineering Division is recommending that the review of specific drainage solutions be deferred until time of permit review A second entrance is proposed directly north of the main entrance It will use approximately one lane of existing pavement from abandoned Quantum Lakes Drive This road will continue north, providing access to the three existing buildings and the three additional buildings A connection to the existing development is located at the northwest corner of the site This connection was approved through the Minor Modification process for the existing site plan The second entrance is configured around a landscaped island It has a 15 foot wide entrance lane and a 15 foot wide exit lane The exit and entrance lanes converge into a 24 foot wide drive aisle that will be gated A Knox Box system will provide access for emergency vehicles The proposed site plan provides 84 parking spaces The applicant has calculated parking using a formula of 1 75 spaces per unit with an additional five percent (5%) of the total allocated for guest parking This parking formula was approved with the original site plan by waiver Based on this formula, a total of 78 spaces are required including two (2) spaces for handicap use Of this total, 30 spaces will be provided in garages and 54 will be provided in the surface lots Parking space dimensions will conform to code requirements of nine feet by eighteen feet except for those spaces provided in front of an enclosed garage space These spaces vary in width up to four (4) feet less than the required 12 feet for these types of spaces This waiver was approved with the original site plan for the project. The parking area design does not meet the city's code regarding the 27 foot minimum drive aisle width The plans show a 25 foot drive aisle throughout the project parking area. The landscaping proposed for the site will meet or exceed the code and continue the theme approved for the development. Because the new area to be developed includes existing vegetation, the applicant has provided a tree removal and replacement plan that must be approved by the City Forester/Environmentalist. A five foot buffer is provided along the north, south and west sides of the site The access drive is located on the east side of the site between the existing development and the proposed addition The jogging path currently located adjacent to the lake will be removed and replaced with landscaping Extensive foundation plantings are proposed for all of the apartment buildings. A five (5) foot landscape buffer is provided along the north property line and will include live oak trees planted 20 feet on center and a two (2) foot high viburnum hedge matching the approved development to the east. Villas at Quantum Lake is proposed to transition into the future mixed use development directly north The second entrance will be lushly landscaped and include three (3) Tabouchina granulosa which are signature trees The City Commission adopted Ordinance No 00-52 amending the Land Development Regulations Chapter 2, Section 7, Planned Industrial Developments to allow mixed use pods in a PID The ordinance outlines special submission requirements, procedures for review and for waivers from standard development regulations This application is Page 3 Villas at Quantum Lakes Major Site Plan Modification Staff Report Memorandum No PZ 02-014 considered a "technical site plan" as defined by the ordinance A total of six (6) of the eight (8) waivers originally approved are requested in conjunction with this submittal A list of the previously approved waivers applicable to the addition is located on the site plan Justification for all waivers was submitted and approved with the original site plan approval (NWSP 00-016) The site plan addition meets the 25 foot requirement for building separation A waiver is not necessary for the additional units The waiver for the pool setback does not apply to the site plan addition that includes residential buildings only Regarding the pool setback, the applicant has provided legal documentation showing that property lines extend into the water management tract adjacent to Lots 59 and 60 No setback waiver is necessary for the pool on the previously approved site plan All other building and site regulations will be met when staff comments are incorporated into the permit drawings Community Design The total project will consist of 21, two-story apartment buildings The three (3) new buildings are the previously approved Type IV design The buildings are designed with pastel colored stucco fac;ades and patina green, cement tile roofs identical to the approved project. Other fac;ade enhancements include covered porches, shuttered windows and textured banding Several buildings are located close to the road providing a more traditional neighborhood look. Sidewalks are provided throughout the development as well as lush landscaping around the buildings, the recreation facilities and common areas. Because a residential project in a PID is unique, no set design pattern exists Signage No additional project signage is proposed with this submittal RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends that this site plan request be approved subject to the comments included in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval The Technical Review Committee (TRC) recommends that the deficiencies identified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit. Approved waivers applicable to this site plan addition include Reduction in required parking, parking space width, reduced front, rear and side yard setbacks, setback measurement; reduced back-up dimension and landscaping between residential and commercial uses xc: Central File S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Villas at Quantum Lakes aka Grotto Bay\MSPM 01-002\STAFF REPORT.doc .......-"" ...-, ) / : ! . ! 1 1 , I 1 ! : I 1 I i . I , I . I , 1 , , 1 . 1 I , , en % s;pPl 'i51 -en " I - I I I " I . ".t. ! I , I 'I, i;.. (' 1 . I /, / ! : I I , , , I . ! 1 1 1 I I I J 1 j I , 1 1 . , . I I , I , I I ' , ' ./ I -' I _./ I I I I I I I I I I ---+ I I _ _ =-.L I I I I I I ----I ~F-~ I EXHIBIT "B" ~~ ~~I rrrrll 'i'i'i'fI!? "'..,- r- ..,- Ittttt;~ [1111- IJltEa .. r IJ II J,u ~ i ; m: 1!l1i II ~I ' I: I II ;.- I I . ; I!n III I ell II I., '1""0 i. .~. c~~ . I . !CI:II::_ ....!'II..,. · r=; .. . . i I E . . . I; · I · . I II Ii;" . .". I~I'II!.I '.II"111i '=111 IUI . .,. "I I . :Iu. I len II I."!" · .il!1 I m 111)' i Ii III IIIII, Ii i III, I -------------.1 1:.... ~ I .' III !,!'IIIII 7 II ~I ~III s p ~ I V1U..AS at QUANTUll IAKI (P~ ClRO'lTO lilT) ~. ~~ J'~ 'pI I'f ~ I ~ . ~ · BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA tle ..IS", f ... I IB' u~.. - I COVER SHEET . j; ::l ~ II lSibii ~n.' ! -I: ~ ~:I II IIJ I ~ '111'~1 I1111 !i,p..1 II ~IIII 11.- ~ i 'i~ Ilifa ,~!~ 5111 c 1I111 p II ~ Iii m II nil ~Piq I lid 11=. ;e i 11111111 'I I I lid II q -1111111 Iii , I I I'; ;1;; ! B n~~: i1 " · ,.1- . Ie 51 I I ''''.1 ' , I I Ii 51! ~ 'I ~ P. illl~a~1 I ! llll . ... I III I -u I III ~I 1:- ,II f~ VJlUS at QUANTUll UKI cr.u. ~ U%) J!! II. Iplll BOl'Jft'Olf BBCB. FLOKIDA ~ I ~Ii~ . -42 UNIT SITE PLAN ~ ~ ~ II EXHIBIT "B" 1'\--- I 1 1 I I : e I ';.I j \ \i" II II II I I t I I II II ! I I I I I I / / D I I I I I I ( { z 'llf'~1 illl!n~1 I IlllI V1LUS at QUANTUJI lAD (r,u, .mv U1') In III 'pi Iii BCmm>>f BIW:B, J'LORIDA 'I ;.Ii~ ,- 42 UNIT SITE PLAN ~ ~ ~ II ;~ t lEt ~ '1It~1 II II II ., II iI ~ 'IIII;'~I i !ilji EXHIBIT "B" II !I!!;:; I II ~i;! i;r. II i,IlI!I! IS i~!I!: i I i1i1lli; 11 il!I!! I 1,,;.1111 II!: I I-II i I .1 .11- 'I~ Iii ; I I! i.1I J; ;.. t.~ I I . , I ! ill I" I ......... ........... '& ...... ... . .. - ., ~ '1:~1I1 ~ Iff tfPi i I -- ..... l; ""'" I .tmm ~ " ...... ~- 111I " :'::':0 I ....... ! llu I=: IEIEU · WJ"I!: 81 U IJl ! f III :11111 I ...e 1111 fll IPi ull I J + ... I III I -II !i I =11 I' , .11 f~ I 11111 =1 ! 1111-11 i II HII I i ~ i J I I . .. hUll 1111 u: VJLlAS at QUANft1Jl lAD...u. ~ JIO) J!! II! IIIII~ BOYBfOlf BE!CJt 1'L01UDA ~; ;.I!: II' If 42 UNIT lANDSCAPE PlAN .: ~! II IM1aI ... - _ IHID L-t -u i ~I~ U' III . :1 Us " ~ z '111~1 iiiHiilll1 I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllll!'II!USlm.. 111I11111'1' UIIIRIIRRlfRffRtltlt'Umlmm I ~lIfll f HJIUUlmll!DU!!"l!!!!!!!!!!! t ....."....fm if'~""''''')"'''''fflfffrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr : ttttmiifi rqqlllMllnun flfflfnllll I [[[ .............., ...... '.....""" ,,,........ ......,'I\lIItIt.......................... i 1111 P ~ I VlUAS at QUANlUJI lAB . I" I i BOYJm)If B&\CB, FLORIDA .;, I ~ ~ 42 UNIT LANDSCAPE PLAN iiiiiiimlllii liDiii!!!!!."'.-".. HIIHIIUlwlllfiflllllr'1111I1 Itttltlt~"''''''''''IHHtI '...."....11 II mill..............,.. JllJI....'" rHlID"m"" m""OO rmrnm "Ill"' ""m ,,,"''''''''''''l"'lll'l''''I\lI'''''l'l'l'l'l'l'lllllll''''''''''l'''" I!! II! Ipl tItI ..If; !i ~! II HIBIT "B" IIII,.!: . I H ~ ; 1,,11 ~ I III ., ! i " I i" I L ~ II-I ~ I! I PI! ill . 1 I . I ~ 'I I I ' I I 111"1111& I 'II'II! III"! I ! i III N I III' i i! & I II! n II i,..' 'II .; Ie I · j 1;1 H l' :.. EXHIBIT "B" t~ ~~ ..~ ~ .s II I I J i i I I r I =1"'11","':'8 l;o~ f I iiiii~;j iij i I gllti~~ ~ I t nfd:[1 trl (J-r "I r I I iiiiiiii; ;~; I ~ ;~505;;5!l1 I:, 11 J5S!M~ I I I ~III:~I~~ I- I r r rr I 1 ill Pili VJLU8 at QUANTUJI LAB cr.u GIIlmO -I!! II~ IP" If I . { p . , BOYNTOlf BBACJJ. I'LOJDDA ~; ;"11: I' I .II; ,- TYPICAL UNIT PLANTING PLAN, DETAILS a: SPECIFICATIONS ~ ~! II EXHIBIT "e" CondItIOns of Approval PrOject name: Villas @ Quantum Lakes FIle number MSPM 0 1 ~02 Reference. 2nd reVIew plans IdentIfied as Major SIte Plan ModIficatIOn File# MSPM 01~02 WIth a January 15, 2002 PI & Z d k1 anmng omng ate stamp mar ng. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments. None PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: None UTILITIES Comments. 1 The applIcant shall SIgn a utilIty hold harmless agreement regardmg future utilIty repaIrs to those Improved areas wlthm the eXIstmg (and newly proposed) easements. 2 All utilIty easements shall be shown on the rectIfied SIte plan, prelImInary engmeermg plan and landscapmg draWIngs so the [the CIty] may determme which trees may mterfere WIth utilItIes. ThIS has not been addressed. In general, palm trees WIll be the only tree specIes allowed WIth utilIty easements. Canopy trees may be planted outSIde of the easement so that roots and branches will not Impact those utilItIes wlthm the easement m the foreseeable future. LDR Sec 7.5-18 1 gIve publIc utilItIes the authonty to remove any trees that mterfere WIth utIlIty servIces, eIther m utilIty easements. 3 On the PrelImInary Engmeenng Plan, proposed buildmg number two (2) [mIddle buildmg] appears too close to the eXlstmg samtary sewer collectIOn lme. The depth of the eXlstmg lme IS greater than average The applIcant will be reqUIred to eIther a) repOSItIon the buildmg closer to the water management tract, b) relocate addItIonal segments of the eXlstmg sewer away from the buIldmg, c) conSIder a grade beam-subsurface retammg wall for the face of the buildmg to keep It m place m the event the sewer mam has to be excavated for a repaIr, or d) the applIcant's alternate solutIOn to the SItuatIon. Easement WIdths are dependent on depth of the system m concern, and the soil condItIons supportmg the adjacent structures. FIRE Comments: CondItions of Approval 2 DEPARTMENTS 4 DesIgn documents shall demonstrate complIance WIth LDR Chapter 6, SectIOn 16, WhICh provIdes reqUIrements for hydrants. Hydrants m commercIal applIcatIOn shall be no more than 300 feet apart and the remotest part of any structure shall be no more than 200 feet from a hydrant. ConnectIons shall be to mams no less than SIX (6) mches m dIameter In addItIon to domestIc reqUIrements at a reSIdual pressure of not less than 20 pSI, a fire flow of at least 1500 gpm IS reqUIred. 5 DeSIgn documents where underground water mams and hydrants are to be prOVIded, must demonstrate that they will be mstalled, completed, and m servIce onor to constructIOn work oer NFPA 1. (1997) sectIOn 41-2.3.2 6 CIty Ordmance SectIon 9-6, 3 /7-11 reqUIres approved automatIc fire spnnkler systems throughout the follOWIng: a) InstItutIOnal or educatIonal buildmgs, hospItals, nursmg homes, homes for the aged, convalescent centers, rehabilItatIon facIlItIes, day care centers for more than 12 clIents under 1 year of age, adult congregate lIvmg facilItIes, and all occupanCIes and uses of SImilar nature. b) All wood or partIal wood frame buildmgs or structures WhICh are 2 stones or more than 20 feet m heIght as measured from fimsh ground floor grade to the underSIde of the topmost roof assembly c) All buildmgs or structures regardless of the type of constructIOn WhICh are 3 stones or more m heIght or all buildmgs or structures m excess of 30 feet m heIght as measured from fimsh ground floor grade to the underSIde of the topmost roof assembly d) All buildmgs or structures regardless of the type of constructIOn that are m excess of 12,000 square feet per floor e) All portions or sectIOns of buildmgs or structures WhICh are below grade or WhICh constItute the basement area of a buIldmg or structure regardless of square footage of floor area or type of constructIOn. POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 7 PrOVIde sIgnmg and strlpmg plans at tIme of permIttmg. INCLUDE REJECT Conditions of Approval 3 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I 8 Parallel parlang will be allowed on Quantum Lakes Dnve east of Quantum Boulevard WIth adjustment to SW curb radIUs. 9 Proof of other agency permIts shall be reqUIred pnor to the Issuance of the pavmg and dramage perrmt. 10 ProvIde a copy of the modIfied SFWMD perrmt. 11 It IS recommended that addItIonal stnpmg be added to the pavement Island(s) at the east dnveway (exlstmg) Extend cross-hatchmg from the pavement Island and from the radIal area to the nght, out to a tangentlallme drawn from the proposed stnpmg adjacent to the mgress aIsles northward to the eXlstmg sIdewalk. ThIS will bnng eXltmg traffic to a pomt out m the roadway for clear hne of SIght purposes. Relocate the eXlstmg stop SIgn accordmgly 12 Add a note to the landscapmg plan that eXIsting and proposed trees along the roadway shall be trImmed to prevent shadOWIng on the roadway BUILDING DIVISION Comments. None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 13 As a condItIon of Issuance of a land development order for a resIdentIal planned umt development the developer shall dedIcate land, pay a fee m heu thereof or both, at the optIon of the CIty, for park or recreatIOnal purposes and accordmg to the standards and formula m Chapter 1, ArtIcle V m the Land Development Code. 14 The CIty CommIssIOn exempted the orIgtnal 272 umts of the Grotto Bay (a.k.a. Villas @ Quantum Lake) development from the reqUIrements of the RecreatIOn DedIcatIOn Ordmance. ThIS submIttal mdlcates that there will be 314 resIdentIal umts. The addItIonal 42 dwelhng umts are subject to the Ordmance. Based on the addItIonal 42 resIdentIal umts the dedicatIOn reqUIrement IS computed as follows: 42 dwelhng umts x 015 acres each = 63 acres 15 If Y2 credIt for recreatIOn IS granted the dedIcatIon reqUIrement IS computed as follows. 63 acres dIVIded by 2 = .315 acres Conditions of Approval 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 16 At thIS tIme, Yz credIt for pnvate recreatIOn IS recommended. Pnvate recreatIon mcludes. a) Children's play apparatus area. b) Landscape park-like qUIet areas. c) Family plcmc areas. d) SWlmmmg pool and lawn areas e) RecreatIOn center buildmg mcludmg: 1 Full mdoor basketball court. 2 Indoor racquetball court. 3 ExerCIse room. 4 MedIa room. 5 Party room. 6 KItchen. 7 Bar area. t) Dock! Flshmg deck FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments. 17 The applIcant should mdICate on the landscape plan the eXlstmg trees that will be removed / replaced on the sIte. ThIS should be shown m a tabular summary for all trees mcludmg the common areas and the lake plantmgs (upland and lIttoral vegetatIOn) All trees should be replaced WIth an equal quantIty of tree calIper mches. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 18 A re-plat IS reqUIred for thIS addItIOn. No buildmg permIts will be Issued pnor to the recordatIon of the plat. 19 ElevatIon for Buildmg Type IV to match preVIOusly approved and permItted olans. 20 PrOVIde an engmeers certIficate m wntmg that dramage will conform to all Rules, RegulatIOns, and Codes of the CIty Of Boynton Beach. 21 No sIgnage IS bemg approved WIth thIS submIttal. 22 ProvIde a colored elevatIon draWIng of the sIte for the Planmng and Development Board meetmg. 23 IndICate the color palette of the buildmg materIals by manufactures name and number on the elevatIon drawmg sheet B4 - 4 Conditions of Approval 5 b™ENTS INCLUDE REJECT 24 On sIte plan sheet SP-l, correct waIver #2 to allow a wIdth of 25 feet for the back-un dImensIOn. 25 No structures mcludmg overhangs shall encroach mto the easement. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: To be deterrmned. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: I To be deterrmned. I I I S"\Planning\SHARED\\NP\PROJECTSWillas at ClJantum Lakes aka Grotto Say\MSPM 01-002\Condition of Approval 2 page revised 2002 form.doc I -(OA5 , ViRE--"'IE\v COlVIlVIENTS MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION {V\(.\sti{L cor-y PrOject name' Villas @ Quantum Lakes File num};>~ SPM 01-002 Referen~ reVIew lans IdentIfied as Ma or SIte Plan ModIficatIOn. ~ 2001 Planmng and Zomng Department date stamp markmg JaI\V~:J Is File # MSPM 01-002 wIth a . . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments. None PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic C01.nments: None UTILITIES ~Comments: 8 The applIcant shall SIgn a utilIty hold-harmless agreement regardmg future utIlIty repaIrs to those Improved areas wlthm the eXlstmg easement. ~ All utIlIty easement shall be sho\VTI on the rectIfied SIte plan, prelImInary engmeerIng plan, and landscape plan so that we may determme whIch trees may mterfere WIth utilItIes. In general, palm trees will be the only speCIes allowed wlthm utIlIty easements. Canopy trees may be planted outsIde of the easement so that roots and branches WIll not Impact those utilItIes wlthm the easement m the foreseeable future. The LDR, Chapter 7.5, SectIOn 18 1 gIves publIc utilItIes the authOrIty to remove any trees that mterfere WIth utIlItv serVIces eIther m utilIty easements or nublIc rI!!hts-of-wav. 3 Palm Beach County Health Department perm!i~ll be reqUIred for the water and sewer systems servmg thIS project (CODE, SectIOn 26-12) 4 CODE, SectIOn 26-34(E) reqUIres that a capaCIty reservatIOn fee be paId for thIS project eIther upon the request for the Departments's SIgnature on the Health Department applIcatIOn. forms or wlthm 30 days of SIte plan ! approval, whIchever occurs titst. ThiS fee WIll be determmed based upon final meter SIze, or expect~d demand. 5 ComprehensIve PI an/ PolIcy 3 C 3 4 reqUIres the conservatIOn of potable water CIty water .rimy not, therefore, be used for IrngatIon where other sources are readjly available. I, " 6 PrOVIde a parkIng space for UtIlIty Department vehIcles m front of, or II adjacent to, the eXlstmg lIft statIOn. ! 7 Water and sewer lInes to be O\vTIed and operated by the CIty shall be Il)Yluded wlthm utIlIty easements. Please show all proposed easements on tlie engmeenng drawmgs, usmg a mlmmum WIdth of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedIcated VIa a record plat or bv separate mstrument to the CIty as 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 3 ~l) , , DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT homes for the aged, convalescent centers, rehabilItatIOn facIlItIes, day care centers for more than 12 clIents under 1 year of age, adult congregate lIvmg facilItIes, and all occupancIes and uses of sImilar nature. b) All wood or partIal wood frame buildmgs or structures WhICh are 2 stones or more than 20 feet m heIght as measured from finish ground floor grade to the undersIde of the topmost roof assembly c) All buildmgs or structures regardless of the type of constructIon WhIch are 3 stones or more m heIght or all buildmgs or structures m excess of 30 feet m heIght as measured from fimsh ground floor grade to the underSIde of the topmost roof assembly d) All buildmgs or structures regardless of the type of constructIOn that are m excess of 12,000 square feet per floor e) All portIOns or sectIOns ofbuildmgs or structures whIch are below grade or whIch constItute the basement area of a buildmg or structure regardless of square footage of floor area or type of constructIOn. POLICE Comments. None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: K. The backup dIstance reqUIrement for 90 degree parkIng IS 27 feet (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIon I and CIty Standard DraWIng B-90013) The Developer has requested a waIver to reduce the reqUIred backup dIstance to 24 feet. The Engmeenng Department has no ObjectIOn to the requested waIver ,/ ^ 9 I1O.x -rVh--e Ur, I '" 18 PrOVIde sIgnmg and stnpmg plans In llrrorclanrp ""tb tl::1~ LDR, Cft8flt~r 6, MIele IJ, SleC'tI9FI. 17 aHa Cllapkl 23, Amck II, "prhon B, to Hipntlfy llll ~s3afY traffiC) e:5ntrol de ,:Ices such as stop bars,---5t51' SIgnS, dOuble yellow lane 5'i:J3arat6f3 stnplng, dIrectIOnal arrmvs and 'DQ Net Eult:r" ~ig.llage, =. ~ct:(:;iTV ~IanC1arQ urawi.lll!.::> n-::1OVV 1 .. ~~~........- -1.... ,,_ W PrOVIde adequate turnmg radIUS around north Island (m front of automatIc gate) for emergency vehIcles. G Parallel parkIng WIll Htt be allowed on Quantum Lakes Dnve east of Quantum Boulevard.w/\f-1, acfJl)}fm# -to SLU (!.Uf2h rt2dw.$. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 4 , II DE] ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT X See attached revIsIOns/recommendatIons to mtersectIOn/stnpmg. (0 Proof of other agency permIts shall be reqUIred pnor to the issuance of the pavmg and draInage permIt. GJ! ProvIde a copy of the modIfied SFWMD perrmt. C;j It IS recommended that addItIonal stnpmg be added to the pavement Island(s) at the east dnveway (existmg) Extend cross-hatchmg from the pavement Island and from the radIal area to the nght, out to a tangentIallme drawn from the proposed stnpmg adjacent to the mgress aIsles northward to the eXIstIng sIdewalk. ThIS will bnng eXItIng traffic to a pomt out m the roadway for clear lIne of sIght purposes. Relocate the eXIstmg stop SIgn accordmgly K Add a SIX (6) Inch thIck SIdewalk through the north dnveway and a stop sIgn/bar four (4) feet behmd the SIdewalk. ~~ Add a note to the landscapmg plan that eXlstmg and proposed trees along the roadway shall be tnmmed to prevent shadowIng on the roadway I BUILDING DNISION Comments. liD 1tJJJ) ~ The buildmg plans are not bemg revIewed for complIance wIth the applIcable buildmg codes. Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout IS conceptual" below the drawmg tItled Floor Plan found on sheets B-4-1 & B- 4-2 However, add to the floor plan dra\\<'lng a labeled symbol that IdentIfies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance doors to the tenant spaces. The locatIOn of the door(s) shall match the locatIOn of the accessible entrance doors that are depIcted on the Site plan draWIng. SubmIt draWIng CVR 2 for reVIew ~ At tIme of permIt revIew, provIde a completed and executed CIty umty of tItle form. The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combIned as one lot. A copy of the recorded deed wIth legal descnptlOns of each property that IS bemg umfied are reqUIred to be submItted to process the form. The property o\\<TIer that IS IdentIfied on each deed shall match. , 2Y At tIme of permIt rev'lew, submIt signed and sealed workIng drawmgs of the I proposed constructIOn. ../. j~ The data shall mclude a breakdO\vTI of area for each floor of each buildmg. I \ I The breakdown shall mclude the followmg areas and each area shall be ! labeled on the applIcable floor plan draWIng. I a) common area covered walkways, I I b) covered staIrways. I I 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 6 . j. Atv/ J':. It;!," (J-.e'ff fL? I At thIS tIme, Y2 credIt for pnvate recreatIOn IS "" recommended. ~ ~..J.S lWailable..tO meet ".qth the de"doper t6 diSCtiS&- 2 \t' ProvIde to the CIty at the close of constructIOn as-built plans showmg the locatIons of ImgatIOn Imes m CIty nghts-of -way and medIans. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments. The apphcant should mdlcate on the landscape plan the eXlstmg trees that will be removed / replaced on the SIte. ThIS should be sho\\TI m a tabular summary for all trees mcludmg the common areas and the lake plantmgs (upland and httoral vegetatIOn) All trees should be replaced wIth an equal uantI of tree call er mches. PLANNING AND ZONING Survey note #5 refers to Broward County and Coral Spnngs. ReVIew and revise accordmgly A re-plat IS reqUIred for thIS additIon. No buildmg perrmts will be Issued nor to the recordatIon of the lat. (M~c)t- ? ~ncv}A No addItIOnal recreatIon amemtIes are proposed. Amend note to read pool crosses property lme mto water management tract. Request modIficatIon to ongtnal waIver LL"NPr 1&_ V1 0 Project must have approval from the Quantum ArchItectural ReVIew CommIttee SubmIt letter pnor to Planmng and Development Board meetmg. ProVIde wntten JustIficatIOn for each waIver request. OiL Buildmg 21 shows a prOjectIOn mto what appears to be a utilIty easement adjacent to Water Management Tract Q No portIOn of the bUIldmg nor any y Connect the SIdewalk to form a contmuous pedestnan path on the north portIOn of the SIte. @ ElevatIon for Buildmg Type IV to match prevIously approved and perrmtted plans. INCLUDE REJECT "" d d<1/.L 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 7 INCLUDE REJECT All shrubs and hedges to be a mmlmum of 24 mches m heIght, 24 mches m spread planted tIp to tIp. ( Chapter 7 5, Art. IT, Sec 5 C.2.) Put a note on the Landscape Plan mdlcatmg that 50% of all sIte landscape matenalls of natIve speCIes. Project entrance should mclude a sIgnature tree (Yellow Elder 'bouchm 3 Granulosa and Bougamvillea) ThIS tree does not contribute toward the re Ulred number of enmeter trees. f3{ Show sIte VIsibIlIty trIangles for the project entrance on the Site and Landscape Plan. IndIcate source of water for IrrIgatIon on the Landscape Plan. ProvIde an engmeers certIficate m wntmg that dramage will conform WIth all Rules, RegulatIons, and Codes of the CIty Of Boynton Beach. No SIgnage IS bemg approved WIth thIS submIttal. ProvIde a colored elevatIOn drawmg of the sIte for the Planmng and Development Board meetmg. ProvIde buildmg heIght dImenSIOns on the elevatIOn draWIng sheet B4 - 4 IndIcate the color palette of the buildmg matenals by manufactures name and number on the elevatIOn drawmg sheet B4 - 4 All site plan components should be prepared at the same scale. ReVIse plans accordmgly MWR/sc S.\Planning\SHARED\\^.iP\PROJECTSWillas at OJantum Lakes aka G'otto Bay\MSPM 01-002\1ST REVIEWGOMMENTS.doc DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO 02-013 TO Michael W Rumpf, DIrector of Planmng and Zomng H. DaVId Kelley, Jr , PE/PSM, UtIhty Engmeet~ January 15, 2002 FROM. DATE REF Our Department Memorandum of 12/05/01 RE VILLAS AT QUANTUM LAKE (tka Grotto Bay at Bermuda Place) MSPM 01-002 - 2nd REVIEW Based upon our second reVIew of the above noted proJect, we offer the followmg comments that WIll be condItions reqUired for approval conSIderatIOn. 1 The apphcant shall SIgn a Utlhty hold-harmless agreement regardmg future utIhty repairs to those Improved areas wIthm the eXIstmg (and newly proposed) easements. 2 All utIhty easements shall be shown on the rectified SIte plan, prehmmary engmeenng plan and landscapmg drawmgs so that [the CIty] may determme WhIch trees may mterfere WIth utihtIes. ThIS has not been addressed. In general, palm trees WIll be the only tree speCIes allowed wIthm utIhty easements. Canopy trees may be planted outSIde of the easement so that roots and branches will not Impact those utlhtles wIthm the easement m the foreseeable future. LDR Sec 7.5-18 1 gIVe pubhc utIhtIes the authonty to remove any trees that mterfere WIth utIhty servIces, eIther m utIhty easements or pubhc nghts-of-way 3 On the Prehmmary Engmeenng Plan, proposed bUIldmg number two (2) [mIddle bUIldmg] appears too close to the eXIstmg samtary sewer collectIOn hne. The depth of the eXIstmg lme IS greater than average. The apphcant WIll be reqUired to eIther a) repOSItIOn the bUIldmg closer to the water management tract, b) relocate addItional segments of the eXIstmg sewer away from the bUIldmg, c) conSIder a grade beam-subsurface retammg wall for the face of the bUIldmg to keep It m place m the event the sewer mam has to be excavated for a repaIr, or d) the apphcant's alternate solutIOn to the SItuation. Easement WIdths are dependent on depth of the system m concern, and the soIl condItIOns supportmg the adjacent structures. xc Jeff LIvergood, DIrector Pubhc Works Launnda Logan, CIvIl Engmeer Peter Mazzella, Asst. to DIrector ofUtIhtles FIle HDK/kd S:\Engineering\Dostal\ENGINEERING\Villas at Quantum Lake Memo #02-0I3.doc 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS l\tIAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION PrOject name: VIllas @ Quantum Lakes File number. MSPM 01-002 Reference. I 51 revIew plans IdentIfied as Malor SIte Plan ModIficatIOn. 21 , 2001 Plannmg and Zonmg Department date stamp markmg ... utt l t1-t e~ ~ ~ ~ /^ /) t ~ ~ FIle # MSPM 01-002 WIth a November DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments. None PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Co~ents: None UTILITIES Comments: 1 The applIcant shall SIgn a utIlIty hold-harmless agreement regardmg future utilIty repatrs to t)lose Improved areas wlthm the eXlstmg easement. ~ " All utIlIty ea~menL'shall be shown on the rectIfied SIte plan, prelImInary engmeenng pl~d landscape plan so that we may determme WhICh trees may mterfere WIth utilitIes. In general, palm trees WIll be the only specIes allowed wlthm utIlIty easements. Canopy trees may be planted outSIde of the easement so that roots and branches WIll not Impact those utIlItIes wlthm the easement m the foreseeable future. The LDR, Chapter 7.5, SectIon 18 I gIves publIc utIlItIes the authonty to remove any trees that mterfere WIth utIlIty servIces. eIther m utilIty easements or publIc nghts-of-wav. 2. 3 Palm Beach County Health Department permits WIll be reqUIred for the water and sewer systems servIng thIS project (CODE, SectIOn 26-12) 4 CODE, SectIon 26-34(E) reqUIres that a capaCIty reservatIon fee be patd for thIS project eIther upon the request for the Departments's SIgnature on the Health Department applIcatIOn forms or wlthm 30 days of Site plan approval, whIchever occurs first. ThiS fee WIll be determIned based upon final meter SIze, or expected demand. 5 ComprehensIve Plan PolIcy 3 C 3 4 reqUIres the conservatIon of potable water CIty water may not, therefore, be used for IrrIgatIon where other sources are readily avaIlable. 6 PrOVIde a parkIng space for UtilIty Department vehIcles m front of, or adjacent to, the eXlstmg 11ft statIOn. 7 Water and sewer lInes to be owned and operated by the City shall be mcluded wlthm utilIty easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engmeenng draWIngs, usmg a mmImum WIdth of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedIcated VIa a record plat or by separate Instrument to the Cltv as ~ '~ ""~ ~~ ((;;. ~i {2x 7 fl.?!> -t I r~~~1 'L~_('i/ C>- ! '" I. /'~\" 111: \..~;;O-I Ll1& ",I 't te U/,., , , ?/fi JJ <--....~ '-f .:J ~. I I . ~ji I~ 7: 11/ " (/0 ) Lt ~ '1-/ ~ 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 2 . " DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT stated m the CODE, SectIOn 26-33(a) r', ,~~(~ 8 ApproprIate backflow preventers will be reqUIred on the domestIc water ~J servIce to the buildmg and the fire sprInkler Ime, If there IS one, m accordance wIth the CODE, SectIon 26-207 9 A buildmg permIt for thIS project shall not be Issued until thIS Department ~Y-'/ '",- ~~> v: has approved the plans for the water and lor sewer Improvements reqUIred ~~ to servIce thIS proJect, m accordance WIth the CODE, SectIOn 26-15 ..., ~, ~ FIRE Comments. 10 The SIte plan deSIgn document shall adhere to Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordmances of the CIty of Boynton Beach entItled "FIre ProtectIOn and PreventIon. " ThIS ordmance adopts NFP AI, Fire Prevention Code, 1997 edItIOn, and NFP A 101, Life Safety Code, 1997 edItIOn. 11 DeSIgn documents shall demonstrate comphance WIth LDR Chapter 6, SectIOn 16, whIch provIdes reqUIrements for hydrants. Hydrants m commercIal apphcatIOns shall be no more than 300 feet apart and the remotest part of any structure shall be no more than 200 feet from a hydrant. ConnectIons shall be to mams no less than SIX (6) mches m dIameter In addItIon to domestIc reqUIrements at a resIdual pressure of not less than 20 pSI, a fire flow of at least 1500 gpm IS reqUIred. 12 DeSIgn documents where underground water mams and hydrants are to be proVIded, must demonstrate that they will be mstalled, completed, and m servIce prIor to constructIOn work per NFPA 1, (1997) SectIOn 41-2.3.2. 13 Pursuant to City Ordmance 9-3F, the FIre Marshal has developed an AdmlmstratIve Order dated May 9, 2001, that prOVIdes the mmlmum performance for all securIty gates and emergency access. Another AdmlmstratIve Order dated May 15, 2001 addresses Knox Box storage of mformatIOn for respondmg emergency personnel. :1 14 DeSIgn documents must demonstrate comphance WIth the reqUIrements for fire lanes that are prOVIded m SectIOn 9-21 of the CIty Ordmances. SIgnmg and markmg are described m LDR Chapter 23 SectIOn B2 15 FIre Lanes shall be prOVIded at the start of a project and be mamtamed throughout constructIOn for access per NFP AI, SectIOn 41-2 1 16 CIty Ordmance SectIOn 9-6, 3 /7-11 reqUIres approved automatIc fire sprInkler systems throughout the followmg: a) instItutIonal or educatIOnal bUIldmgs, hospItals, nursmg homes, 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 5 DEPARTMENTS c) common area balcomes, d) entrance area outsIde of a umt, e) storage areas (not part of a umt), f) electncal room [Chapter 4 - SIte Plan RevIew, SectIon 7 E. 2. And 3 ] 31 At tIme of permIt reVlew, submIt for reVIew an addressmg plan for the proJ ect. ~) As a condItIOn of Issuance of a land development order for a resIdentIal planned umt development the developer shall dedIcate land, pay a fee m lIeu thereof or both, at the optIOn of the CIty, for park or recreatIOnal purposes and accordmg to the standards and formula m Chapter 1, ArtIcle V m the Land Development Code The CIty CommISSIOn exempted the ongtnal272 umts of the Grotto Bay (a.k.a. Villas @ Quantum Lake) development from the reqUIrements of the RecreatIon DedIcatIOn Ordmance ThIS submIttal mdlcates that there will be 314 resIdentIal umts. The addItIonal 42 dwellIng umts are subject to the Ordmance. Based on the addItIonal 42 resIdentIal umts the dedIcatIOn reqUIrement IS computed as follows. 42 dwellmg umts x 015 acres each = 63 acres The developer has the optIon of applymg for Y:z credIt for pnvate recreatIOn prOVIded. In order to qualIfy for Y:z credIt, the developer needs to prOVIde a mmlmum of 5 of the local park baSIC reqUIrements lIsted below, or a combmatIon of such, and other recreatIonal Improvements that ",ill meet the recreatIon needs of future resIdents of the area. a. Children's play apparatus area b Landscape park-like &qUIet areas c FamIly plcmc areas d. Turf playfield e SWlmmmg pool & la\x,.n areas f. RecreatIOn center buildmg If Yz credIt for recreatIOn IS granted the dedicatIOn reqUIrement IS computed as follows 63 acres dlVlded by 2 = .315 acres INCLUDE REJECT Pi?,VJ'tTE R ic(?fAi'o.v ;:/Uc('~,'bIG~ - "...... c /-I,/.. h~;"" S (:}I.A, Aff'/tA;,\7 ARE h l. a,..,..b s., "'f't P A~'" . L , k tC 9u'€1 A.('{,1..S' c. fit YlI1 / ''1 P,c,v''';' ANfAS 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS ~ SWI fl,,1'lJ n/G fO"1. -t ....Awl\.) A;f€AS 12/12/01 \ f!.. (t~~f..1T.D AJ t. t:......Ti&~ /3u., de>,iV' ;/oIct.....b,#( 6 I 1= VI (..'- :J'l..JbDDfl I?AslcFj-~A<-<' co...,.e t ~ J ~tVtxJo~ RAcQ. >L,;tlJ/t'... <D"/C- \ ~OO~ ne-o ^ DTMENTS ~ i x!1,:-,.J'; IetJ~_ f l~~ti ~~Ly!?~ ~ AREJECT , -n.'~" ,")01 P.noov-. . (~At thIS tIme, 12 credit for nnvate recreatIOn IS ~ It:Lommen eu. -Parks 1:1 DcpartR18Rt EtaffI3 a Hll I dLlc tv Hled \'V Ill. 111G J\..nJ"fl8r to dI6etlSS X altculatIves III order tg 'lIaahfy fer ~~ er@dIt. f boc, k) h s/!/w' hi C h. \' , ~ ProVIde to the CIty at the close of constructIOn as-built plans showmg the locatIOns of ImgatIon lmes m CIty nghts-of -way and medIans. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments. 38 The apphcant should mdlcate on the landscape plan the eXlstmg trees that will be removed / replaced on the SIte. ThIS should be shown m a tabular summary for all trees mcludmg the common areas and the lake plantmgs (upland and httoral vegetatIOn) All trees should be replaced wIth an equal quantIty of tree calIper mches. PLANNING AND ZONING ,.., 39 Survey note #5 refers to Broward County and Coral Spnngs. ReVIew and reVIse accordmgly 40 A re-plat IS reqUIred for thiS addItIon. No buildmg perrmts will be Issued pnor to the recordatIon of the plat. 41 No addItIonal recreatIOn amemtles are proposed. 42 Amend note to read pool crosses property lme mto water management tract. Request modIficatIOn to ongtnal waIver I I 43 Project must have approval from the Quantum ArchItectural ReVIew CommIttee. SubmIt letter pnor to Planmng and Development Board meetmg. 44 ProvIde wntten JuStIficatIOn for each waIver request. 45 Buildmg 21 shows a prOjectIOn mto what appears to be a utIlIty easement I adjacent to Water Management Tract Q No portIOn of the buildmg nor any .m:lV Into :l llh ],t" i 46 Connect the SIdewalk to form a contmuous pedestrIan path on the north ! portIOn of the SIte. 47 ElevatIon for Buildmg Type IV to match prevIOusly approved and perrmtted plans. I " /~ ~ .~ ? 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 6 . II DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 36 At thIS tIme, Y2 credIt for pnvate recreatIOn IS not recommended. Parks Department staff IS available to meet WIth the developer to dISCUSS alternatIves m order to quahfy for 12 credIt. 37 ProvIde to the CIty at the close of constructIOn as-built plans shoWIng the locatIOns of IrrIgatIOn hnes m CIty nghts-of -way and medIans. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments. 38 The applIcant should mdlcate on the landscape plan the eXlstmg trees that ~ WIll be removed / replaced on the SIte. ThIS should be shown m a tabular summary for all trees mcludmg the common areas and the lake plantmgs (upland and httoral vegetatIon) All trees should be replaced WIth an equal k ~ QuantIty of tree cahper mches. PLANNING AND ZONING 39 Survey note #5 refers to Broward County and Coral Spnngs. ReVIew and reVIse accordmgly 40 A re-plat IS reqUIred for thIS addItIon. No buildmg perrruts WIll be Issued onor to the recordatIOn of the olat. 41 No addItIOnal recreatIOn amemtIes are proposed. 42 Amend note to read pool crosses property lme mto water management tract. Request modIficatIOn to ongtnal waIver 43 Project must have approval from the Quantum ArchItectural ReVIew CommIttee. SubmIt letter pnor to Planmng and Development Board meetmg. 44 ProvIde wntten JUStIficatIOn for each waIver request. 45 Buildmg 21 shows a prOjectIOn mto what appears to be a utihty easement adjacent to Water Management Tract Q No portIon of the bUIldmg nor any 1 1nto II ., 46 Connect the SIdewalk to form a contmuous pedestnan path on the north portIon of the SIte. 47 ElevatIOn for Buildmg Type IV to match preVIously approved and perrrutted plans. 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 4 , II DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 21 See attached reVIsIons/recommendatIOns to mtersectIOn/stnpmg. 22 Proof of other agency permIts shall be reqUIred pnor to the Issuance of the pavmg and dramage perrmt. 23 ProvIde a copy of the modIfied SFWMD permIt. 24 It IS recommended that additIonal stnpmg be added to the pavement Island(s) at the east dnveway (exlstmg) Extend cross-hatchmg from the pavement Island and from the radIal area to the nght, out to a tangentIallme drawn from the proposed stnpmg adjacent to the mgress aIsles northward to the eXlstmg sIdewalk. ThIS will bnng eXItIng traffic to a pomt out m the roadway for clear lme of SIght purposes. Relocate the eXlstmg stop SIgn accordmgly 25 Add a SIX (6) mch thIck SIdewalk through the north dnveway and a stop sIgnJbar four (4) feet behmd the SIdewalk. 26 Add a note to the landscapmg plan that eXlstmg and proposed trees along the roadway shall be tnmmed to prevent shadowmg on the roadway BUILDING DIVISION .... /1 Comments: (SItC- l7~1 1/1/7rl J-, 27 The buildmg plans are not bemg revIewed for complIance WIth the ./ applIcable buildmg codes. Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout IS conceptual" below the drawmg tItled Floor Plan found on sheets B-4-1 & B- 4-2 However, add to the floor plan drawmg a labeled symbol that IdentIfies I the locatIon of the handIcap accessible entrance doors to the tenant spaces. The locatIOn of the door(s) shall match the locatIOn of the accessible entrance doors that are depIcted on the SIte plan drawmg. SubmIt drawmg CVR 2 for reVIew 28 At tIme of permIt reVIew, provIde a completed and executed CIty umty of ./ tItle form. The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combmed as one lot. A copy of the recorded deed WIth legal descnptIOns of each property that IS bemg umfied are reqUIred to be submItted to process the form. The property owner that IS IdentIfied on each deed shall match. At tIme of perrmt reVIew, submIt SIgned and sealed workIng drawmgs of the J I 29 proposed constructIon. 30 The data shall mclude a breakdown of area for each floor of each bUIldmg. J I The breakdown shall mclude the followmg areas and each area shall be I labeled on the applIcable floor plan drawmg: I I a) common area covered walkways, I i b) covered stairways, I I I 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 5 DEPARTMENTS c) common area balcomes, d) entrance area outsIde of a umt, e) storage areas (not part of a umt), f) electrIcal room [Chapter 4 - SIte Plan RevIew, SectIOn 7 E. 2 And 3 ] 31 At tIme of permIt reVIew, submit for reVIew an addressmg plan for the proJ ect. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments. 32 As a condItIon of Issuance of a land development order for a resIdentIal planned umt development the developer shall dedIcate land, pay a fee In lIeu thereof or both, at the optIon of the CIty, for park or recreatIOnal purposes and accordmg to the standards and formula In Chapter l, ArtIcle V m the Land Development Code. 33 The CIty CommIssIOn exempted the ongtnal272 umts of the Grotto Bay (a.k.a. Villas @ Quantum Lake) development from the reqUIrements of the RecreatIon DedicatIon Ordmance ThIS submIttal mdlcates that there will be 314 resIdentIal umts. The addItIOnal 42 dwelhng umts are subject to the Ordmance Based on the addItIonal 42 resIdentIal umts the dedIcatIOn reqUIrement IS computed as follows. 42 dwellIng umts x 015 acres each = 63 acres 34 The developer has the optIOn of applymg for Y2 credIt for pnvate recreatIOn prOVIded. In order to quahfy for Y2 credIt, the developer needs to prOVIde a mInImUm of 5 of the local park baSIC reqUIrements hsted below, or a combmatIon of such, and other recreatIOnal Improvements that will meet the recreatIon needs of future reSIdents of the area. a. Children's play apparatus area b Landscape park-like &qUIet areas c Family plcmc areas d. Turf playfield e. SWlmmmg pool & lawn areas f. RecreatIOn center buildmg 35 If Y2 credIt for recreatIOn IS granted the dedIcatIOn reqUIrement IS computed as follows. 63 acres diVIded by 2 = .315 acres. INCLUDE REJECT v v 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT stated m the CODE, SectIon 26-33(a) 8 Appropnate backflow preventers will be reqUired on the domestIc water servIce to the buildmg and the fire spnnkler lme, If there IS one, m accordance wIth the CODE, SectIOn 26-207 9 A buildmg permIt for thIS project shall not be Issued until thIS Department has approved the plans for the water and lor sewer Improvements reqUired to servIce thIS project, m accordance wIth the CODE, SectIOn 26-15 FIRE Comments: 10 The SIte plan desIgn document shall adhere to Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordmances of the CIty of Boynton Beach entItled "FIre ProtectIOn and ./ PreventIon." ThIS ordmance adopts NFP AI, Fire Prevention Code, 1997 ,,/ edItIon, and NFPA lOl, Life Safety Code, 1997 edItIOn. II DeSign documents shall demonstrate complIance WIth LDR Chapter 6, SectIOn 16, whIch proVIdes reqUirements for hydrants. Hydrants m commercIal applIcatIons shall be no more than 300 feet apart and the / remotest part of any structure shall be no more than 200 feet from a hydrant. ConnectIons shall be to mams no less than SIX (6) mches m dIameter In addItIon to domestIc reqUirements at a resIdual pressure of not less than 20 pSI, a fire flow of at least 1500 gpm IS reqUired. 12 DeSIgn documents where underground water mams and hydrants are to be prOVIded, must demonstrate that they will be mstalled, completed, and m / servIce pnor to constructIOn work per NFPA 1, (1997) SectIOn 41-2.3.2. 13 Pursuant to CIty Ordmance 9-3F, the FIre Marshal has developed an AdmlmstratIve Order dated May 9, 2001, that prOVIdes the mimmum / performance for all secunty gates and emergency access. Another AdmlmstratIve Order dated May 15, 2001 addresses Knox Box storage of mformatIOn for respondmg emergency personnel. 14 DeSIgn documents must demonstrate complIance WIth the reqUirements for fire lanes that are prOVIded m SectIOn 9-21 of the City Ordmances. SIgnmg V and markmg are described m LDR Chapter 23 SectIOn B2 15 FIre Lanes shall be prOVIded at the start of a project and be mamtamed ./ ! throughout constructIon for access per NFP A I, SectiOn 41-2 1 ; 16 City Ordmance SectIon 9-6, 3 /7-11 reqUires approved automatIc fire spnnkler systems throughout the followmg: ./ I a) InstItutiOnal or educatIOnal buildmgs, hospItals, nursmg homes, I 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT homes for the aged, convalescent centers, rehabIlItatIOn facilItIes, day care centers for more than 12 clIents under 1 year of age, adult congregate lIVIng facilItIes, and all occupancIes and uses of SImilar nature. b) All wood or partIal wood frame buildmgs or structures whIch are 2 stones or more than 20 feet In heIght as measured from fimsh ground floor grade to the undersIde of the topmost roof assembly c) All buildmgs or structures regardless of the type of constructIon which are 3 stones or more In heIght or all buildmgs or structures m excess of 30 feet m heIght as measured from fimsh ground floor grade to the underSIde of the topmost roof assembly d) All buildIngs or structures regardless of the type of constructIOn that are In excess of 12,000 square feet per floor e) All portIons or sectIons ofbuildmgs or structures whIch are below grade or whIch constItute the basement area of a bUIldIng or structure regardless of square footage of floor area or type of constructIOn. POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 17 The backup dIstance reqUIrement for 90 degree parkIng IS 27 feet (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn I and CIty Standard DraWIng B-90013) The Developer has requested a waIver to reduce the reqUIred backup dIstance to 24 feet. The Engmeenng Department has no objectIon to the requested waIver 18 PrOVIde sIgmng and stnpmg plans m accordance WIth the LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle II, SectIOn 17 and Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIon B, to IdentIfY all I necessary traffic control deVIces such as stop bars, stop SIgnS, double yellow lane separators StrIpIng, dIrectIOnal arrows and "Do Not Enter" sIgnage, etc See CItv Standard Drawmgs B-98001 and b-90013 for strIPml! details. il ; 19 PrOVIde adequate turnmg radIUS around north Island (m front of automatIc I gate) for emergency vehIcles. I 20 Parallel parkIng WIll not be allowed on Quantum Lakes Dnve east of I Quantum Boulevard. I 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT homes for the aged, convalescent centers, rehabihtatIOn facIhtles, day care centers for more than 12 chents under 1 year of age, adult congregate hvmg facIhtIes, and all occupanCIes and uses of sInular nature. b) All wood or partIal wood frame bUIldmgs or structures whIch are 2 stones or more than 20 feet m heIght as measured from fimsh ground floor grade to the underside of the topmost roof assembly c) All buildmgs or structures regardless of the type of constructIon WhICh are 3 stones or more m height or all buildmgs or structures m excess of 30 feet m heIght as measured from fimsh ground floor grade to the undersIde of the topmost roof assembly d) All buildmgs or structures regardless of the type of constructIon that are m excess of 12,000 square feet per floor e) All portIOns or sectIons ofbuildmgs or structures whIch are below grade or WhICh constitute the basement area of a bUIldmg or structure regardless of square footage of floor area or type of constructIOn. POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments. 17 The backup dIstance reqUIrement for 90 degree parkmg IS 27 feet (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn I and CIty Standard DraWIng B-90013) The Developer has requested a waiver to reduce the reqUIred backup dIstance to 24 feet. The Engmeenng Department has no ObjectIOn to the requested waI ver oIL- ~ .'OZ- 18 .JiL (J"SI 19 PrOVIde adequate turnmg radIUS around north Island (m front of automatIc gate) for emergency vehIcles. i i i 1/1. taL 20 oIL Parallel parkmg will ~ be allowed on Quantum Lakes DrIve east of Quantum Boulevard. wi C\ct )UL-,t f)')U\t 10 ~w C...u r\o rattl\Ah 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 4 DEPARTMENTS 21 See attached revIsIons/recommendatIOns to mtersectIOn/stnpmg. INCLUDE REJECT (f}~ 22. Proof of other agency permIts shall be reqUIred pnor to the Issuance of the pavmg and dramage permIt. 11V:Slot- 23 ProvIde a copy of the modIfied SFWMD permIt. 24 It IS recommended that addItIOnal stnpmg be added to the pavement Island(s) at the east drIveway (exIstmg) Extend cross-hatchmg from the pavement Island and from the radIal area to the rIght, out to a tangentIallme dra\Vl1 from the proposed stnpmg adJacent to the mgress aIsles northward to the eXIstmg sIdewalk. ThIS WIll brIng eXItmg traffic to a pomt out m the roadway for clear Ime of SIght purposes. Relocate the eXIstmg stop SIgn accordmgly 26 Add a note to the landscapmg plan that eXIstmg and proposed trees along the roadway shall be trImmed to prevent shadowIng on the roadway L 25 Add a SIX (6) mch thIck sIdewalk through the north drIveway and a stop sIgn/bar four (4) feet behmd the SIdewalk. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 27 The bUIldmg plans are not bemg revIewed for complIance WIth the applIcable buildmg codes. Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout IS conceptual" below the draWIng tItled Floor Plan found on sheets B-4-1 & B- 4-2 However, add to the floor plan drawmg a labeled symbol that IdentIfies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance doors to the tenant spaces. The locatIon of the door(s) shall match the locatIOn of the accessible entrance doors that are depIcted on the SIte plan drawmg. SubmIt drawmg CVR 2 for reVIew 28 At tlme of permIt reVIew, proVIde a completed and executed CIty umty of tItle form. The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combmed as one lot. A copy of the recorded deed WIth legal descnptIons of each property that IS bemg umfied are reqUIred to be submItted to process the form. The ro erty owner that IS IdentIfied on each deed shall match. 29 At tIme ofpenmt reVIew, submIt SIgned and sealed workmg drawmgs of the proposed constructIOn. 30 The data shall mclude a breakdown of area for each floor of each buildmg. The breakdown shall mclude the followmg areas and each area shall be labeled on the applIcable floor plan drawmg: a) common area covered walkways, b) covered staIrways, 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION ProJect name Villas @ Quantum Lakes File number MSPM 01-002 Reference 151 reVIew plans IdentIfied as MajOr SIte Plan ModIficatIOn. File # MSPM 01-002 WIth a November 21. 2001 Planmng and Zomng Department date stamp markmg. DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: 1 The apphcant shall SIgn a utihty hold-harmless agreement regardmg future utihty repaIrs to those Improved areas wIthm the eXIstmg easement. 2 All utIhty easement shall be sho\V11 on the rectIfied SIte plan, prelImmary engmeerIng plan, and landscape plan so that we may determme whIch trees may mterfere wIth utilItIes. In general, palm trees will be the only speCIes allowed wIthm utihty easements. Canopy trees may be planted outSIde of the easement so that roots and branches will not Impact those utihtIes wIthm the easement m the foreseeable future. The LDR, Chapter 7.5, SectIon 18 1 gIves pubhc utihtIes the authonty to remove any trees that mterfere with utihtv servIces eIther m utilIty easements or pubhc rI!:!hts-of-wav. 3 Palm Beach County Health Department permIts will be reqUIred for the water and sewer systems servIng thIS proJect (CODE, SectIOn 26-12) 4 CODE, SectIon 26-34(E) reqUIres that a capaCIty reservatIon fee be paId for thIS proJect eIther upon the request for the Departments's SIgnature on the Health Department apphcatIOn forms or wIthm 30 days of SIte plan approval, whIchever occurs first. ThIS fee WIll be determmed based upon final meter SIze, or expected demand. S ComprehensIve Plan PolIcy 3 C.3 4 reqUIres the conservatIon of potable water CIty water may not, therefore, be used for IrngatIon where other sources are readily available. 6 PrOVIde a parkmg space for UtilIty Department vehIcles m front of, or adJacent to, the eXIstmg hft statIOn. 7 Water and sewer lInes to be o\V11ed and operated by the CIty shall be mcluded wIthm utIhty easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engmeenng drawmgs, usmg a mmImum WIdth of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedIcated VIa a record plat or by separate mstrument to the CIty as 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 2 DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT stated m the CODE, SectIon 26-33(a) 8 Appropnate backflow preventers will be reqUIred on the domestIc water servIce to the buildmg and the fire sprInkler lme, If there IS one, m accordance WIth the CODE, SectIOn 26-207 9 A buildmg permIt for thIS proJect shall not be Issued until thIS Department has approved the plans for the water and lor sewer Improvements reqUIred to servIce thIS proJect, m accordance WIth the CODE, SectIOn 26-15 FIRE Comments: 10 The SIte plan deSIgn document shall adhere to Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordmances of the CIty of Boynton Beach entItled "FIre ProtectIOn and PreventIon. " ThIS ordmance adopts NFP AI, Fire Prevention Code, 1997 edItIon, and NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 1997 edItIon. 11 DeSIgn documents shall demonstrate complIance WIth LDR Chapter 6, SectIOn 16, whIch prOVIdes reqUIrements for hydrants. Hydrants m commerCIal apphcatIons shall be no more than 300 feet apart and the remotest part of any structure shall be no more than 200 feet from a hydrant. ConnectIOns shall be to mams no less than SIX (6) mches m dIameter In addItIon to domestIc reqUIrements at a reSIdual pressure of not less than 20 pSI, a fire flow of at least 1500 gpm IS reqUIred. 12 DeSIgn documents where underground water mams and hydrants are to be prOVIded, must demonstrate that they WIll be mstalled, completed, and m servIce prIor to constructIOn work per NFP AI, (1997) SectIon 41-2.3.2 13 Pursuant to CIty Ordmance 9-3F, the FIre Marshal has developed an AdmmIstratIve Order dated May 9, 2001, that prOVIdes the mImmum performance for all securIty gates and emergency access. Another AdmmIstratIve Order dated May 15, 2001 addresses Knox Box storage of mformatIOn for respondmg emergency personnel 14 DeSIgn documents must demonstrate complIance WIth the requirements for fire lanes that are prOVIded m SectIon 9-21 of the CIty Ordmances. SIgnmg and markmg are described m LDR Chapter 23 SectIOn B2 15 FIre Lanes shall be prOVIded at the start of a proJect and be mamtamed throughout constructIon for access per NFP AI, SectIon 41-2 1 16 CIty Ordmance SectIOn 9-6, 3 /7-11 reqUIres approved automatIc fire sprInkler systems throughout the followmg: a) InstItutIOnal or educatIOnal buildmgs, hospItals, nursmg homes, 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE RE TFrT homes for the aged, convalescent centers, rehabilItatIon facihtIes, day care centers for more than 12 chents under 1 year of age, adult congregate lIVIng facilItIes, and all occupanCIes and uses of sImilar nature. b) All wood or partIal wood frame bUIldmgs or structures whIch are 2 stOrIes or more than 20 feet m heIght as measured from fimsh ground floor grade to the undersIde of the topmost roof assembly c) All bUIldmgs or structures regardless of the type of constructIon WhICh are 3 stOrIes or more m heIght or all buildmgs or structures m excess of 30 feet m heIght as measured from fimsh ground floor grade to the undersIde of the topmost roof assembly d) All buildmgs or structures regardless of the type of constructIOn that are m excess of 12,000 square feet per floor e) All portIOns or sectIons ofbuildmgs or structures WhICh are below grade or whIch constItute the basement area of a buildmg or structure regardless of square footage of floor area or type of constructIOn. POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments. 17 The backup dIstance reqUIrement for 90 degree parkmg IS 27 feet (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIon I and CIty Standard DraWIng B-90013) The Developer has requested a waIver to reduce the reqUIred backup dIstance to 24 feet. The EngmeerIng Department has no obJectIOn to the requested waIver 18 ProVIde sIgnmg and strIpmg plans m accordance WIth the LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle II, SectIon 17 and Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn B, to IdentIfy all necessary traffic control deVIces such as stop bars, stop SIgnS, double yellow lane separators stnpmg, dIrectIOnal arrows and "Do Not Enter" sIgnage, etc. See CIty Standard Drawmgs B-9800 1 and b-900 13 for strIPmg details. 19 PrOVIde adequate turnmg radIUS around north Island (m front of automatIC gate) for emergency vehIcles. 20 Parallel parkmg will not be allowed on Quantum Lakes Dnve east of Quantum Boulevard. 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 21 See attached revIsIOns/recommendatIOns to mtersectIOn/strIpmg. 22 Proof of other agency permIts shall be reqUIred pnor to the Issuance of the pavmg and dramage permIt. 23 ProvIde a copy of the modIfied SFWMD permIt. 24 It IS recommended that addItIonal strIpmg be added to the pavement Island(s) at the east drIveway (exIstmg) Extend cross-hatchmg from the pavement Island and from the radIal area to the nght, out to a tangentIallme dra\V11 from the proposed strIpmg adJacent to the mgress aIsles northward to the eXIstmg SIdewalk. ThIS will brIng eXItmg traffic to a pomt out m the roadway for clear lme of SIght purposes. Relocate the eXIstmg stop SIgn accordmgly 25 Add a SIX (6) mch thIck SIdewalk through the north drIveway and a stop sIgn/bar four (4) feet behmd the SIdewalk. 26 Add a note to the landscapmg plan that eXIstmg and proposed trees along the roadway shall be trImmed to prevent shadOWIng on the roadway BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 27 The buildmg plans are not bemg revIewed for complIance WIth the apphcable buildmg codes. Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout IS conceptual" below the drawmg tItled Floor Plan found on sheets B-4-1 & B- 4-2 However, add to the floor plan drawmg a labeled symbol that IdentIfies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance doors to the tenant spaces. The locatIon of the door(s) shall match the locatIon of the accessible entrance doors that are depIcted on the SIte plan drawmg. SubmIt draWIng CVR 2 for reVIew 28 At tIme of permIt reVIew, prOVIde a completed and executed CIty umty of tItle form. The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combmed as one lot. A copy of the recorded deed WIth legal descnptIOns of each property that IS bemg umfied are reqUIred to be submItted to process the form. The property O\V11er that IS IdentIfied on each deed shall match. 29 At tIme of permIt reVIew, submIt SIgned and sealed workmg drawmgs of the proposed constructIon. 30 The data shall mclude a breakdo\V11 of area for each floor of each buildmg. The breakdo\V11 shall mclude the followmg areas and each area shall be labeled on the apphcable floor plan drawmg: a) common area covered walkways, b) covered staIrways, 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 5 DEP ARTMENTS c) common area balcomes, d) entrance area outsIde of a umt, e) storage areas (not part of a umt), f) electrIcal room [Chapter 4 - SIte Plan RevIew, SectIOn 7 E. 2 And 3 ] 31 At tIme of perrmt reVIew, submIt for reVIew an addressmg plan for the proJ ect. PARKS AND RECREA nON Comments: 32. As a condItIOn of Issuance of a land development order for a resIdentIal planned umt development the developer shall dedIcate land, pay a fee m heu thereof or both, at the optIOn of the CIty, for park or recreatIOnal purposes and accordmg to the standards and formula m Chapter 1, ArtIcle V m the Land Development Code. 33 The CIty ComrmssIOn exempted the ongtnal272 umts of the Grotto Bay (a.k.a. Villas @ Quantum Lake) development from the reqUIrements of the RecreatIon DedIcatIOn Ordmance. ThIS submIttal mdIcates that there will be 314 resIdentIal umts. The addItIonal 42 dwellmg UnIts are subJect to the Ordmance. Based on the addItIonal 42 resIdentIal umts the dedIcatIon reqUIrement IS computed as follows. 42 dwellmg umts x 015 acres each = 63 acres 34 The developer has the optIOn of applymg for Y2 credIt for pnvate recreatIon prOVIded. In order to quahfy for Y2 credIt, the developer needs to prOVIde a mImmum of 5 of the local park baSIC reqUIrements hsted below, or a combmatIOn of such, and other recreatIOnal Improvements that will meet the recreatIOn needs of future resIdents of the area. a. Children's play apparatus area b Landscape park-like &qUIet areas c Family pIcmc areas d. Turf playfield e SWImmmg pool & la\V11 areas f RecreatIon center buildmg 35 If Yz credIt for recreatIOn IS granted the dedIcatIon reqUIrement IS computed as follows. 63 acres dIVIded by 2 = .315 acres. INCLUDE REJECT 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 6 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 36 At thIS tIme, Yz credIt for pnvate recreatIon IS not recommended. Parks Department staff IS available to meet WIth the developer to dISCUSS alternatIves m order to qualIfy for Yz credIt. 37 ProVIde to the CIty at the close of constructIon as-built plans showmg the locatIOns of IrrIgatIon lInes m CIty rIghts-of -way and medians. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 38 The apphcant should mdIcate on the landscape plan the eXIstmg trees that WIll be removed / replaced on the SIte. ThIS should be sho\V11 m a tabular summary for all trees mcludmg the common areas and the lake plantmgs (upland and lIttoral vegetatIOn) All trees should be replaced WIth an equal quantIty of tree calIPer mches. PLANNING AND ZONING r 39 Survey note #5 refers to Broward County and Coral Spnngs. ReVIew and reVIse accordmgly 40 A re-plat IS reqUIred for thIS addItIon. No bUIldmg permIts will be Issued pnor to the recordatIon of the plat. 41 No addItIonal recreatIon amemtIes are proposed. 42 Amend note to read pool crosses property lme mto water management tract. Request modIficatIOn to orIgtnal waIver 43 ProJect must have approval from the Quantum ArchItectural ReVIew CommIttee SubmIt letter pnor to Plannmg and Development Board meetmg. 44 PrOVIde wntten JustIficatIOn for each waIver request. 45 Building 21 shows a projectIOn mto what appears to be a utilIty easement adjacent to Water Management Tract Q No portIOn of the buildmg nor any m~v Into ~ ., 46 Connect the SIdewalk to form a contmuous pedestrIan path on the north portIOn of the SIte. 47 ElevatIon for Buildmg Type IV to match preVIOusly approved and permItted plans. 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/12/01 7 . . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 48 All shrubs and hedges to be a mImmum of 24 mches m heIght, 24 mches m spread planted tIp to tip (Chapter 7.5, Art. II, Sec 5 C.2.) 49 Put a note on the Landscape Plan mdIcatmg that 50% of all SIte landscape matenalIS of natIve speCIes. 50 ProJect entrance should mclude a SIgnature tree (Yellow Elder, Tibouchma Granulosa and Bougamvillea) ThIS tree does not contribute toward the reqUIred number of perImeter trees. 51 Show SIte VIsibilIty trIangles for the proJect entrance on the SIte and Landscape Plan. 52 IndIcate source of water for IITlgatIon on the Landscape Plan. 53 ProvIde an engmeers certIficate m wrItmg that dram age will conform WIth all Rules, RegulatIons, and Codes of the CIty Of Boynton Beach. 54 No sIgnage IS bemg approved WIth thIS submIttal. 55 PrOVIde a colored elevatIOn draWIng of the SIte for the Planmng and Development Board meetmg. 56 PrOVIde bUIldmg heIght dImensIOns on the elevatIOn drawmg sheet B4 - 4 57 IndIcate the color palette of the bUIldmg materIals by manufactures name and number on the elevatIOn drawmg sheet B4 - 4 58 All site plan components should be prepared at the same scale. ReVIse plans accordmgly MWR/sc S:\Planning\SHARED\\NP\PROJECTS\Villas at QJantum Lakes aka Q-otto Bay\MSPM 01-002\1ST REVIEWCOMMENTS.doc il.d r 1>0 hie h (f) J?: \~T \J ~ ~ AJ C ~ <:1 IAs m r .i -; 'l.;~)! ml'~ llZl0-'!l~' 01- (J /_ ~_'~-=- _ _ t ~;~ m l - - - 1- _ l ~~ ~ b ~ ! ~ o ~.. s. I I I ~ ) if: j i~ rn~ O. ~ l i ~I f7 ~ . ~~ ~~ to = ~ ~ 1'1 : ~V )~ 2; m,!-[ ! Y I I ~ ii I ~~. ;~~ I i--' ~- , .~O']... x-J.-L -I X1 ! \ll~ 1;2, ,~2 1 III ~~ _ ~ I I III ~" C1L~~u ~I- I~ )~~~ :~m m: L L-.J ! ~ K/ ~,,~~ IR~ ~ r~ ---I \ /' l3" ""~ ~~!~ 1$ n * L___ n \ I~ I (' ~ ~ ---'-~ '" \ \ ,t~ I ~ J ~ ~ '< I I CJ ~ \ \ ._~ \ 6 Y -wm. -----~L~.. ~~~ll r:::-1!. \ \ \ ~ ~ f"~ 'I -Ill' C)~ i m \ I I 5~' \ Q iii 11 ~ () L P{ ~ -I (p 6 ~ (l\ (Jl (.\ ~ ;z. 01 ~ 7\ ~ -- ros~'" 9(p 'lie:" ~ ~;:I",3 -~-~~j~"",- ~~~' ~r-" '- "../ X.--" l' ~ v" _ .-:- ~ 1" t;\() I - ~-~ . CJ~n ,I IJ I~ I~ 'tr=:=: I " . L hk k ... 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'Irfl ~ /~ -I L......- ~ 'i~~ I ~~~~ ~~.I II L-,j, t~ }, IU ,. ~/ I .. ~~.~ IR~ ~ N~"I 1.'__, - oLJ~ I, I ~;! .. /IJ t'''",. ~ i:J!~ 1m n ~xL_____'-\ ~ltjl fg I \ In- ...., i ,.J~~ - ~ ~ ru t '\ ~(:,,:, I ,!ill, . ~ il.. ~ 1'- -, ~ \ 'b 11.; 8 ~ v __ _L I I ~CJ ~ \ \ ~i I -- A_""T '-I r~' Joo~~1 ~\ \ \ I1i ~ L_ -'r~~-=-: an mg" I -- "=. - .. ~ ~ \ \ - ~ \ I E J> -l m IU :::I J> ~z ~ ~J>. OIg ~G\ \t\JI 1m ~~ 0:1 t~ m d iJ Z P -l -l AJ l:> " -0 ,.. i~~ ~.s- ~a 1~3 ~ ----- :t : QUANTl -=([ ~OULEV.: = - - ~ Ui ;of /' CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Fire and Life Safety Division 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS For review of" MSPM 01-002 1st review-fire Project Name or Address Villas @ Quantum Lakes Reviewed by' R~ Rodger Kemmer. Fire Plans Examiner/Fire I nsoector Department: Fire and Life Safety Phone (561) 742-6753 Comments to Sherie Coale by email on 11/27/01 CODE REQUIREMENTS 1 The sIte plan and master plan desIgn documents shall adhere to Chapter 9 of the Code ofOrdmances of the CIty of Boynton Beach entItled "FIre ProtectIOn and PreventIOn." ThIS ordmance adopts NFP AI, Fire Prevention Code, 1997 edItIOn, and NFP A 101, Life Safety Code, 1997 edItIon. 2 DesIgn documents shall demonstrate complIance wIth LDR Chapter 6, SectIOn 16, whIch provIdes reqUIrements for hydrants. Hydrants m commercIal applIcatIons shall be no more than 300 ft. apart and the remotest part of any structure shall be no more than 200 ft. from a hydrant. ConnectIOns shall be to mams no less than 6 mches m dIameter In addItIon to domestIc reqUIrements at a resIdual pressure of not less than 20 pSI, a fire flow of at least 1500 gpm IS reqUIred. 3 DesIgn documents where underground water mams and hydrants are to be provIded, must demonstrate that they WIll be mstalled, completed, and m servIce pnor to constructIOn work per NFPA 1, (1997) SectIOn 41-2.3.2. 4 Pursuant to CIty Ordmance 9-3F, the FIre Marshal has developed an AdmmIstratIve Order dated May 9,2001, that prOVIdes the mmImum performance for all secunty gates and emergency access. Another AdmmIstratIve Order dated May 15 2001 addresses Knox Box storage of mformatIOn for respondmg emergency personnel. NOTE Please provide copies to clients. 5 DesIgn documents must demonstrate complIance wIth the reqUIrements for fire lanes that are provIded m SectIOn 9-21 of the CIty Ordmances SIgnmg and markmg are described m LDR Chapter 23 SectIOn B2 6 FIre Lanes shall be provIded at the start of a project and be mamtamed throughout constructIOn for access per NFP AI, Sectlon 41-2 1 7 CIty Ordmance SectIOn 9-6,3 17-11 reqUIres approved automatIc fire spnnkler systems throughout the followmg: a) InstltutIOnal or educatIOnal bUIldmgs, hospItals, nursmg homes, homes for the aged, convalescent centers, rehabIlItatIOn facIlItles, day care centers for more than 12 clIents under 1 year of age, adult congregate lIvmg facIlItles, and all occupancIes and uses of SImIlar nature b) All wood or partIal wood frame bUIldmgs or structures WhICh are 2 stones or more than 20 ft. m heIght as measured from fimsh ground floor grade to the undersIde of the topmost roof assembly c) All bUIldmgs or structures regardless of the type of constructIOn whIch are 3 stones or more m heIght or all bUIldmgs or structures m excess of 30 ft. m heIght as measured from fimsh ground floor grade to the undersIde of the topmost roof assembly d) All bUIldmgs or structures regardless of the type of constructIOn that are m excess of 12,000 square feet per floor e) All portIOns or sectIOns ofbUIldmgs or structures whIch are below grade or whIch constltute the basement area of a bUIldmg or structure regardless of square footage of floor area or type of constructIOn. cc Steve Gale Bob Borden /' FROM. Launnda Logan, P.E., CIVIl Engmeer DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERlNGIf}.~ MEMORANDUM ~'~,,~ NO 01-255 ~~f ;;~. JM.._ ,. .!l/) ~" If,< ? .... 8 ...i;:.~ '1.. ~ <'00/ .~/? / /J ~) <'(l"f, , 'I /.. /1 I ~~'''/.'i..o,'' 'V / ..' I, ~}7-,h,..~ ':::- I ~.../ I '>;[~!-?-</ '-.~ II f TO Michael W Rumpf, DIrector ofPlannmg and Zomng DATE December 6,2001 RE Villas at Quantum Lakes Major Site Plan Modification - 1st Review File No. MSPM 01-002 I have revIewed the above referenced SIte Plans, forwarded to me on November 26,2001, agamst the SIte Plan ReVIew reqUIrements outlmed m the CIty of Boynton Beach Code of Ordmances. Followmg are my comments WIth the appropnate Code and Land Development RegulatIOns (LDR) referenced. PUBLIC WORKS No comments. ENGINEERING 1 The backup dIstance reqUIrement for 900 parkmg IS 27 feet (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn I and CIty Standard Drawmg B-90013) The Developer has requested a vanance to reduce the reqUIred backup dIstance to 24 feet. The Engmeenng Department has no ObjectIOn to the requested vanance 2 ProvIde SIgnmg and Stnpmg Plans m accordance WIth the LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle II, SectIOn 17 and Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn B, to IdentIfy all necessary traffic control deVIces such as stop bars, stop sIgns, double yellow lane separators stnpmg, dIrectIOnal arrows and "Do Not Enter" sIgnage, etc Also see CIty Standard Drawmgs B-9800l and B-900l3 for stnpmg detaIls. 3 ProvIde adequate turnmg radms around north Island (in front of automatIc gate) for emergency vehIcles. 4 Parallel parkmg WIll not be allowed on Quantum Lakes Dnve east of Quantum Boulevard. 5 See attached reVIsIOns/recommendatIOns to mtersectIOn/stnpmg. RecommendatIons/CorrectIons 1 The CIty of Boynton Beach Code of Ordmances and Land Development RegulatIOns can be vIewed at www.c1.boynton-beach.fl.us. 2 Proof of other agency permIts shall be reqUIred pnor to the Issuance of the pavmg and dramage permIt. Department of Engmeenng Memo #01-255 Re Villas at Quantum Lakes - 1 st ReVIew December 6,2001 Page 2 UTILITIES 1 All utIlIty easements shall be shown on the rectIfied sIte plan, prelImmary engmeenng plan, and landscape plan so that we may determme WhICh trees may mterfere wIth utIlItIes. In general, palm trees WIll be the only specIes allowed wlthm utIlIty easements. Canopy trees may be planted outsIde of the easement so that roots and branches WIll not Impact those utIlItIes wlthm the easement m the foreseeable future. The LDR, Chapter 7 5, SectIOn 18 1 gIves publIc utIlItIes the authonty to remove any trees that mterfere wIth utIlIty servIces, eIther m utIlIty easements or publIc nghts-of-way 2 Palm Beach County Health Department permIts WIll be reqUIred for the water and sewer systems servmg thIS project (CODE, SectIOn 26-12) 3 CODE, SectIOn 26-34(E) reqUIres that a capacIty reservatIon fee be paId for thIS project eIther upon the request for the Department's SIgnature on the Health Department applIcatIon forms or wlthm 30 days of SIte plan approval, whIchever occurs first. ThIS fee WIll be determmed based upon final meter SIze, or expected demand. 4 ComprehensIve Plan PolIcy 3 C.3 4 reqUIres the conservatIOn of potable water City water may not, therefore, be used for ImgatIOn where other sources are readIly avaIlable. RecommendatIons/CorrectIons 1 Water and sewer lInes to be owned and operated by the CIty shall be mcluded wlthm utIlIty easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engmeenng drawmgs, usmg a mInImUm WIdth of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedIcated VIa a record plat or by separate mstrument to the City as stated m the CODE, SectIon 26-33(a) 2 Appropnate backflow preventers WIll be reqUIred on the domestIc water servIce to the bUIldmg and the fire spnnkler Ime, If there IS one, m accordance WIth the CODE, SectIOn 26-207 3 A bUIldmg permIt for thIS project shall not be Issued untIl thIS Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer Improvements reqUIred to servIce thIS proJect, m accordance WIth the CODE, SectIOn 26-15 LL/kd xc Jeff LIvergood, P.E., DIrector of PublIc Works Pete Mozzella, Asst. to the DIrector of UtIlItIes H. DaVId Kelley, Jr, P.E./P S.M., UtIlIty Engmeer FIle S.\Engineering\Dostal\ENGINEERING\Villas at Quantum Lakes-1st Review Memo #01 255.doc /' DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO 01-258 FROM. Launnda Logan, P.E, CIvIl Engmeer r .,0) ,I J CfBc/u Ill, lCJ~ '~' ___.._ l' ftA!~N!,.,G ,D0---1 !iNG DEPr. TO' MIchael W Rumpf, DIrector ofPlannmg and ZOnIng DATE December 10,2001 RE Villas at Quantum Lakes Major Site Plan Modification - 1st Review Additional Comments File No. MSPM 01-002 Attached please find addItional comments generated smce the mltIal reVIew forwarded to you December 4,2001 PUBLIC WORKS No new comments. ENGINEERING No new comments. Recommendations/Corrections I PrOVIde a copy of the modIfied SFWMD permIt. 2 It IS recommended that addItional stnpmg be added to the pavement Island(s) at the east dnveway (exlstmg) Extend cross-hatchmg from the pavement Island and from the radIal area to the nght, out to a tangentIallme drawn from the proposed stnpmg adjacent to the mgress aIsles northward to the eXlstmg SIdewalk. ThIS WIll bnng eXltmg traffic to a pomt out m the roadway for clear lme of SIght purposes. Relocate the eXlstmg stop SIgn accordmgly 3 Add a 6 (SIX) mch thIck SIdewalk through the north dnveway and a stop sIgn/bar 4 (four) feet behmd the SIdewalk. 4 Add a note to the Landscapmg Plan that eXlstmg and proposed trees along the roadway shall be tnmmed to prevent shadowmg on the roadway S'\EngineeringIDostal\ENGINEERINGWillas at Quantum Lakes Memo #01 258 Addendum (PW Eng, Util).doc Page 1 Department of Engmeenng Memo #01-258 Re VIllas at Quantum Lakes - 1 st RevIew December 10, 2001 Page 2 UTILITIES 1 The apphcant shall SIgn a utIhty hold-harmless agreement regardmg future utIhty repairs to those improved areas wIthm the eXIstmg easement. RecommendatIons/CorrectIons 1 ProvIde a parkmg space for UtIhty Department vehIcles m front of, or adjacent to, the eXIstmg hft statIOn. LL/kd Cc Jeff LIvergood, P.E, Duector, Pubhc Works Pete Mazzella, AssIstant to the DIrector, UtIlItIes H. DavId Kelley, Jr., P.E./P S.M., UtIlIty Engmeer Ken Hall, Engmeenng Plans Analyst FIle S:\Engineering\Dosta1\ENGINEERINGWillas at Quantum Lakes Memo #01 258 Addendum (PW Eng, Uti1).doc Page 2 UEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 01-259 /.. TO TRC MEMBERS Bob- Borden, Deputy Fire Marshal Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H David Kelley Jr , Utilities Department Timothy K. Large, Building Division Ken Hall, (Engineering) Public Works-General Jeffery Livergood Public Works-Traffic Barbara Meacham, Parks Division Laurinda Logan Engineering Department Lusia Galav, Planning Department /.k/7~) A6 a.h__~~ FROM Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning DATE November 26, 2001 RE SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 15T Review - Major Site Plan Modification Project - Villas @ Quantum Lakes Location - 2700 Quantum Lakes Drive Agent Mark Hansen File No MSPM 01-002 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments. Comments should be made available via e-mail to Sherie Coale and I no later than 5.00 P.M. on December 11, 2001. When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories, code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval 1 Use the review standards specified in Part IV, Land Development Regulations, Site Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete with the exception of traffic data, however if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Lusia Galav, or myself 3 Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents 4 Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental impro'vements Page 2 5 When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified 6 If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memorandum, within the time frame stated above, to me. The memorandum shall state that the plans are approved and that they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and that they recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted or e-mailed to Sherie Coale and I for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memorandum or e- mail Lusia Galav will be the Planning and Zoning staff member coordinating the review of the project. First review comments will be transmitted to the applicant along with a list of Technical Review Committee (TRC) members MWR.lg Attachment XC. Steve Gale, Fire rv1arshal Marshall Gage, Police Department John Guidry, Utilities Director To Be Determined,Director of Engineering Don Johnson, Building Division Central File S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIFORMSITernplates and formslTRC Memo for 1 st Plans Review .doc Revised 5-22-01 / DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 01-259 TO Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning FROM Timothy K. Large TRC Member/Building Division DATE December 5, 2001 SUBJECT Project - Villas @ Quantum Lakes File No - MSPM 01-002 We have reviewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board review with the understanding that all remaining comments will be shown in compliance on the working drawings submitted for permits Buildina Division (Site Specific and Permit Comments) - Timothy K. Larae (561) 742-6352 1 The building plans are not being reviewed for compliance with the applicable building codes Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout is conceptual" below the drawing titled Floor Plan found on sheets B-4-1 & B-4-2 However, add to the floor plan drawing a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible entrance doors to the tenant spaces The location of the door(s) shall match the location of the accessible entrance doors that are depicted on the site plan drawing Submit drawing CVR 2 for review 2 At time of permit review, provide a completed and executed City unity of title form The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combined as one lot. A copy of the recorded deed with legal descriptions of each property that is being unified are required to be submitted to process the form The property owner that is identified on each deed shall match 3 At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction 4 The data shall include a breakdown of area for each floor of each building The breakdown shall include the following areas and each area shall be labeled on the applicable floor plan drawing a) common area covered walkways, b) covered stairways, c) common area balconies, d) entrance area outside of a unit, e) storage areas (not part of a unit), f) electrical room [Chapter 4 - Site Plan Review, Section 7 E 2 And 3 ] 5 At time of permit review, submit for review an addressing plan for the project. bf S/Development/Building Code AdministratorlTRC/01Nillas @ Quantum Lakes 1st review /" PARKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #01-139 FROM Michael Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning ! John Wildner, Parks Director ;4J Major Site Plan ModificatiorvL Villas at Quantum Lake December 11,2001 TO RE Date The Parks Department has reviewed the site plan submittal for the Villas at Quantum Lake The following comments are submitted 1 As a condition of issuance of a land development order for a residential planned unit development the developer shall dedicate land, pay a fee in lieu thereof or both, at the option of the city, for park or recreational purposes and according to the standards and formula in Chapter 1, Article V in the land Development Code 2 The City Commission exempted the original 272 units of the Grotto Bay development from the requirements of the Recreation Dedication Ordinance This submittal indicates that there will be 314 residential units The additional 42 dwelling units are subject to the Ordinance Based on the additional 42 residential units the dedication requirement is computed as follows 42 dwelling units x 015 acres each = 63 acres 3 The developer has the option of applying for % credit for private recreation provided In order to qualify for % credit, the developer needs to provide a minimum of 5 of the local park basic requirements listed below, or a combination of such, and other recreational improvements that will meet the recreation needs of future residents of the area a Children's play apparatus area b Landscape park-like &quiet areas c Family picnic areas d Turf playfield e swimming pool & lawn areas f recreation center building 4 If % credit for recreation is granted the dedication requirement is computed as follows 63 acres divided by 2 = 315 acres 5 At this time, % credit for private recreation is not recommended Parks Department staff is available to meet with the developer to discuss alternatives in order to qualify for % credit. 6 Provide to the city at the close of construction as-built plans showing the locations of irrigation lines in city rights-of -way and medians CC Kurt Bressner, City Manager Wilfred Hawkins, Assistant City Manager Barbara Meacham, Parks and Landscape Planner Plannine Memorandum. Forester / Environmentalist To LusIa Galav, PnncIpal Planner From. Kevm J Hallahan, Forester / EnvIronmentalIst Subject: VIllas @ Quantum Lakes 1 ST RevIew - Major SIte Plan ModIficatIOn MSPM 01-002 Date" December 11, 2001 The applIcant should mdIcate on the landscape plan the eXIstmg trees that wIll be removed / replaced on the SIte. ThIS should be shown m a tabular summary for all trees mcludmg the common areas and the lake plantmgs (upland and lIttoral vegetatIOn) All trees should be replaced WIth an equal quantlty of tree calIper mches. The project should contmue m the normal reVIew process. Kjh FIle Meeting Minutes City Commission Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida ( (~ ~(Q)F'\;7 December 19, 2000 Phase I of the project, the actual pond itself, has been completed and is taking stormwater from the Ocean Avenue Bridge and from all the downtown streets currently connected to it. Phase II, the balance of the project, is scheduled to be completed by the end of March, 2001 Boardwalk and rails are going up, the concrete sidewalk is being completed, and the lower half of the gazebo structure has been delivered for installation This is a Construction Manager At Risk Project where savings from the base contract and savings from the contingency fee will be split between the City and the Contractor, half-and-half The projected final construction cost estimates have been done and he reported that if all things stay on course, there might be upwards of six figures in savings coming back to the City West Water Treatment Plant Expansion Mr Sugerman will report on this at the next update Commissioner Black asked if there were any plans on the horizon for stormwater improvements on Federal Highway related to Ms. Mary Law's and Smith Brothers Photography's problems? Commissioner Black stated that every time it rained, six to eight inches of water collected in these adjacent businesses on Federal Highway and that it had been going on for a long time. The clay-colored water comes to their businesses from the ballfield behind it. Mr Sugerman said he would be happy to take a look at it although it was not one of the current planned improvements. VII. PUBLIC HEARING: 7:00 P.M. OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS ~ (J' J . ~,:r::.{f\~{fJ \(,L"""- ",0(). \ ~le A( 1) Project: Agent: Owner" Location Description Grotto Bay @ Bermuda Place Joni Brinkman,AICP, Winston Lee & Associates,Inc. Quantum Park & Village, LLC The east side of Quantum Lakes Drive, south of Gateway Boulevard, lots 59 through 61, Quantum Park PID Request for Technical Site Plan approval for 15 16-acre pod in the Quantum Park PID The mixed-use pod will contain 272 multi-family residential rental units and require code waivers pursuant to Ordinance 00-52 (POSTPONED ON DECEMBER p) This item was moved From the Consent Agenda in order to consider both Grotto Bay items at the same time. Attorney Cherot administered the Oath to all persons planning to speak on any at the agenda items being addressed in the Public Hearing. Attorney Cherot asked the speakers to identify themselves by name and, and to state any special qualifications they possessed pertaining to the testimony they would be giving. David Norris, Attorney for Quantum Park & Village, LLC, applicant, stated that there were 49 conditions listed in the Conditions ot Approval. They disagreed with item 40 but 15 ( ('" Meeting Minutes City Commission Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida December 19, 2000 said that the Planning & Development Board had omitted this item. Mayor Broening agreed and said it did not need to be discussed r. t .) Their main objections were to conditions 24, 25, 26, and 27 dealing with the requirement for a Recreation Dedication. Their position was that Quantum Park and the subject site plan approval request was not subject to that requirement. Quantum Park is zoned PID The City's Code provision with regard to the recreation dedication chapter exempts non- residential property and the PIO is a non-residential zoning district. The applicant is not a sub-divider The provisions require that the sub-divider shall dedicate land, pay a fee, and so on. Quantum is not subdividing any property The subdivision was done in the 1980's when Quantum Park was created The requirements in items 24,25,26, and 27 only apply to subdividers. Mr Norris referred everyone's attention to the Boynton Beach City Code, Recreation Dedication Chapter, and the paragraph entitled "Procedure~ This states that at the time of the filing of the subdivision final plat for approval, the subdivider shall dedicate the land and pay the fee We are not proposing a plat and there will be no plat on what we are doing We are just seeking site plan approval for a project within an already subdivided development. Also, we are dealing with a DRI and the law states that you cannot place any additional requirements on a DRI other than what is already in the Development Order unless we are coming in for an amendment, and that is not what we are doing. For those reasons, they believed that the park and the recreation dedication requirement did not apply Their legal position was that they should not have to pay it. They had exercised good faith in working with staff to work through this dispute, meeting on several occasions and putting forth many compromise solutions, all of which were rejected. They did not want to be delayed on Grotto Bay and did not feel the City had any right or grounds to delay them. They would continue to exercise good faith with the City and staff to work through any disputes but asked that these requirements be deleted from the Conditions for Approval. '-.0... t .~ Mayor Broening asked if this had been challenged by the Planning & Development Board? Mr Winston Lee, licensed landscape architect and certified planner, said that the issue had come up, but the Planning & Development Board stated that they could not waive this requirement. Mr Bressner stated that Mr Norris had accurately portrayed the difference of opinion of City staff with the developer on the recreation dedication requirement. The City belief was that since residential units were being brought into the community, there was an impact that would be generated as a result, and they believe that the Ordinance did apply Mr Bressner also stated that the City had not been silent in the attempts to settle the matter and had also offered suggestions to reach agreement. He said it was a legal and a policy matter as to whether the Ordinance applied but the City believed it did and had calculated the amount owed by the developer He said that the impasse was regrettable because the developer had contributed a lot to the community and the City had worked with the developer on many occasions in the past. Commissioner Fisher said that he believed the issue was not just Grotto Bay but Quantum Park as a whole and how that particular area should be charged. One of the options before the Commission was to approve the project and delay this portion until 16 Meeting Minutes City Commission Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida r r December 19, 2000 final agreement was reached, allowing a 30-45 day window to reach agreement before start of construction Commissioner Black said he believed that had to be agreed to before any shovel was put in the ground and questioned if this was true according to Boynton Beach City 'Code? Attorney Cherof stated that this was the way that the Ordinance read and this was the way that staff in the past had applied that language to other developers Doug McDonald, President and C.E.O of Quantum Limited Partners, and the owner of the majority of the land in Quantum Park, outlined the difference between Quantum Park and other businesses in the City of Boynton Beach in that they pay two sets of tax: 1) Boynton Beach tax, and 2) a community development tax, which pertains to irrigation, roads, lakes, and linear parks. This tax is not paid by the City of Boynton Beach but is paid by the Community Development District inside Quantum Park. He said that every sidewalk and every lake they had was open to the public, at no cost to Boynton Beach. Staff is saying that Quantum gives the City no credit for the 90 plus acres inside of Quantum Park that are a part of lake districts, jogging paths, and what staff likes to call linear parks. There are seven miles of them open to the public and at no expense to the City In the last eighteen months Quantum had brought in over 800 jobs into the City He said that they were the economic engine that drove Boynton Beach and that they represented the million square feet that was being built and was going up at no expense to the City of Boynton Beach He said they wanted what was fair under the law He said they would work with the City to develop a comprehensive plan that would tie in not only the City's fifteen acres of land inside of Quantum but the 90 plus acres in Quantum that was open to the residents of Boynton Beach, and develop something of which all could be proud. He asked that the City not hold them up on Grotto Bay at Bermuda Place. Mr McDonald's words were well received by the audience Commissioner Ferguson said the City had 7 1 acres in the Marina district and had given the developer incentives of $800,000 and did not have much to show for it. They have 553 acres out at Quantum Park and if we were to give the same kind of incentives to them, it would come to $8 or $9M so let's not quibble over $100,000 They seem like good neighbors and have brought a lot of jobs into the City Let's move ahead This was well received by the audience. Commissioner Fisher said he had heard from both sides and he believed that both sides were willing to work out an agreement. As of tonight they had not. He reiterated his earlier question of whether the Commission had the right to approve the move-ahead of Grotto Bay and delay the recreation dedication issue for 30 to 45 days? Attorney Cherof said no, but that they could formulate an appropriate condition that incorporated this intent and substitute it for the condition or conditions that had been Objected to Commissioner Fisher reiterated the fact that it was a Quantum Park issue and not just Grotto Bay and that Quantum Park was unique and should be treated differently Vice Mayor Weiland said that every situation was unique in itself and he did not want to see the Commission set a precedent. He said Quantum had shown good faith and would continue to do so. They showed the City a plan of what they would like to do in this area in the near future and he hated to see the momentum stopped He expressed a great deal of faith in the Quantum organization. He stated that the soul of politics was compromise and that was what needed to be done in this case. Whether the issue was 17 ('~' Meeting Minutes City Commission Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida. December 19, 2000 deferred until agreement was reached or whether it was hammered out tonight or in the next 30 to 45 days, we should let them do their two projects and move on. Commissioner Black stated that Quantum had been a good partner with the City They started out trying to sell those pieces of property as industrial and came before the Planning & Development Board and came up with this other idea of mixed use and residential It was his opinion that there had been a major site plan modification and that the City had given in quite a bit for it. The City wanted them to come in and liked their ideas. He said there was a set of laws on the books and that Quantum did not agree with them. He said staff had given them every credit possible to compromise. He believed that every developer was going to come forward and say their situation was unique and that later on in the agenda, the City was asking another developer to pay a recreation fee and he believed this developer might also get up and say his situation was unique and why should he pay it? He thought the Commission would be setting a precedent that it did not want by letting them build and talking about it later He thought staff had done a good job. People want to have parks and green space and we do not have a lot of developed parks. His fear was that once Quantum was done with their construction and out of town, there might be a lot of residential units out there with no public parks for the people. He said there was compromise in the agreement and that it was the attitude of the developer that did not want to pay it that was at fault. If the City held them to that compromise, $177,000, he did not believe that they would walk away from the City Q ,.,.1 Mayor Broening said there were lots of precedents in the City, county, state and country to provide incentives for development. How can we expect people to come into our City and invest tens of millions of dollars on a risk and not have an investment or risk on the ~ part of the City? There are three quarters of a million dollars in the downtown marina V' project with far less assurances than Quantum. He thought this Commission had the authority to waive any fees that it deemed appropriate to promote development. He knew that there had been ongoing talks for the last two weeks on this specific issue. He heard Mr McDonald speak to a promise to develop a master plan that would offer better utilization of the existing 90 plus acres in Quantum Park, and to develop it as a unified entity rather than in bits and pieces as the City had been known to do in the past. He could not think of any better plan than for Quantum and the new City staff to unite in this effort. He mentioned visiting Naples, Florida and Collier County and noted with great interest the cooperation that had taken place between developers putting up hotels and private residences in the middle of protected lands. The maintenance and the utilization of those lands is contributed to by the public and the people who reside there. He said the only difference was that you could not get into the residences because they were gated but he said they linked up to the boardwalks that went through the mangroves, all around the development. He believed that a similar idea was being proposed by Mr McDonald and Quantum to make Quantum Park operate with a unity and coherence that does not exist today I am very sympathetic to action from the Commission that would permit the site plan approval to go ahead with the stated promise of Quantum's assistan~ and cooperation with the City staff to develop these properties for public use in a unified, coherent fashion Mr McDonald stated that they took exception to the idea that Quantum, at the expense of industrial development, got Bermuda Bay passed. They had the ability when they 18 (-- (- Meeting Minutes City Commission Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida. December 19, 2000 bought Quantum to develop 2,350,000 square feet of industrial space. They will have developed in 18 months from now, with the new Publix expansion, 1,973,000 square feet of the potential. industrial lands that were available in Quantum, at no expense to the commercial, residential, or office components. He said their record spoke for itself and that the 700,000 square feet of space was there to be seen. They fulfilled their obligations, their plan had been coheren.t, and they had developed Quantum into what would become the center of Boynton Beach, at no cost to the City of Boynton Beach. Motion Commissioner Ferguson made a motion to approve the site plan for the 15 16 acre POD in the Quantum Park PID, which will contain 272 multi-family residential rental units and waive the recreation fee, subject to Planning and Development comments with the deletion of item 40 and items 24 through 27 dealing with the recreation dedication Quantum will work with City staff to develop Quantum lands for public use in a unified, coherent fashion. Vice Mayor Weiland seconded the motion. Commissioner Fisher asked if this wording left no more room for discussion between staff and Quantum on a compromise? Mayor Broening stated that this was correqt but that he believed there was a promise from Mr McDonald that he would work with staff to develop a unified plan of development for Quantum Park. Commissioner Fisher said language to that effect should be included in the motion. City Clerk Kruse polled the vote, which was 4-1, Commissioner Black dissenting. A(2). Project: Grotto Bay at Bennuda Place (Easement) (APPUCANT REQUESTED POSTPONEMENT TO DECEMBER 19, 2000 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MEEllNG) Agent: Joni Brickman, AICP, of Winston Lee & Associates, Inc. Owner' Quantum Park & Village, LLC Location The east side of Quantum Lakes Drive, south of Gateway Boulevard Description: Request for 20' utility easement abandonment between Lots 60 and 61 in the Quantum Park PID No one in the public wished to speak on this issue. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to grant the request for a 20-foot utility easement abandonment between Lots 60 and 61 in the Quantum Park PIO Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion to allow discussion if needed. The motion carried 5-0. B. Project: Woolbright Place PUD (TABlED ON DECEMBER 5"') Agent: Kilday & Associates, Inc. 19 e:/15 2e02 09 23 9547767608 09;10:02 AM, .1:,;~~~( '~.::~~ - ~; :l'--i ..~;.:.- . ~. 'r"'" . \, I ~":., ' .._, .........., .---'--.-- ,-' .<. _~J,')~.....,: .. liit -t......... ~: ., '1i ~' k !i 1~ .-/ ~ ! ,.c.. , 1'<<...........;~.,..~.J....,.:.. i r::';) . I , . I ..... . ,0\' :"-..-.- ~ 1 ",. (" '; ~ HLAS AT Q' :N~TUM LAK,( ~ J II JSIlAJfi~~os :=' , cm OF 10l'N'fiCf. 8b(~1 ~ RACI'I ~, F\.QR::a . illl jl r I & ,......... . I,.,.... . I I' 'I" V" ,. r " P"~LvINARY ENG;"'E:E:~ING to I: . ~ -- .',..... ... ..,.. ,,,..."" ,~. .. U...._ . - "'., ~ illS .............. """."1hI :to.n tw"...... n JUDI ,.." .....71'8-1ICW . "1'" -:0'.-11011 PAGE 132/02 ~ E. EASEMENTS Proposed Department facilities should not be constructed m areas that are to be landscaped. However, If the Department determmes that there IS no alternative, the Department may consent to the location of mlrumal plants WIth non-aggressive root systems \Vlthm five (5) feet of a utilIty facIlIty or potable water/wastewater/reclaimed water mam. If plantmgs are allowed WIthm five (5) feet of utilIty mains, customer shall execute a Hold Harmless Agreement, m the form provided for by the City's Clerk Office, whIch shall be recorded m the Public Records of Palm Beach County and With the City Clerk. 2 Easements should allow unlundered access to all Department faCIlItIes and mams. 3 Adjacent and parallel to roadway nght-of-ways, a ten (10) foot WIde easement may be suffiCient. 4 A twelve (12) foot easement may suffice for a smgle lme m areas where zomng or other legal requirements would ensure that structures are not placed WIthm ten (10) feet of faCIlItIes. 1 - 32 5 A twenty (20) foot easement WIll be necessary for a line that runs do\\n the Side property Ime of a smgle family type area or through areas not typically acceSSible (buffer zones, green areas, lakeSide easements golf courses, etc) 6 A thIrty (30) foot utility easement wIll be necessary when two Department o\\ned pIpes parallel each other 7 Wider easements may be reqUIred for deeper runs per Department's discretIOn. 8 DeviatIOns from these reqUIrements may be considered on a case by case basis 9 "Access or Mamtenance Easements" dedicated for constructIOn and mamtenance of UtIlItIes servmg abutting lots are reqUIred for all "zero lot lme" subdiVIsIOns. 1 0 Wastewater pump statIOn SItes that have not been specifically dedIcated through the plattmg process are reqUIred to be dedIcated by parcel or tract. The SIze, locatIOn, and configuratIOn of the pump statIOn shall be approved by the Department. At least a 30x30 foot site for a fenced In station IS reqUired. AddItIOnal access and/or utIlIty easements may be reqUIred for underground pIping and/or road access purposes. 11 Easements Will be reqUIred for all publIc water supply well SItes as defined In SectIOn 16.2, DRlNKING WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS - (ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL RULE II), of the Palm Beach County Urufied Land Development Code as amended from time to time The Size, location, and configuratIOn of the well site shall be approved by the Department. At least a 60 x 40 foot easement for the well and well head pIping IS reqUIred. AdditIonal access and/or utlhty easements for well constructIOn, maintenance, and off-SIte raw water mam plpmg and other au..xlhary utIhtIes may be reqUIred. The Department reserves the nght to control access to all or a portion of the well site through fencmg or other apphcable means. 12 Drainage easements shall be provIded where necessary at a Width adequate to accommodate the drainage faclhtIes. A mInmmm Width of twelve (12) feet shall be provided for underground storm dramage InstallatIOns. Where swales are used, the Width shall be adequate to accommodate the entire deSIgn section between tops of slope. Where canals or ditches are permitted, the Width shall be adequate to accommodate drainage faCIlItIes plus twenty (20) feet on one Side for maIntenance purposes. DraInage easements shall be provIded to accommodate eXIsting draInage of surface waters from off-Site contnbutory areas. Other reqUIrements are delIneated In Article Five, STORMW A TER SYSTEM, of thiS Handbook. 1 - 33 \}j~e ~ , ~';%.. I~,Z. '{ 'Z.. 21 r::./ r " Ll u.~~ 1.'2,,6 I C> "^'~~ e.z=,MT-=- 4-G ~o \\ , ( l.<GD .. NOTE. FOR PLACEMENT OF BACKFIll. OVER PIPE SEE SPECIFlCAnON ~~ - ~ Z a:: 0 owj: Io..l:~ t:%:4( ~ ::I~O ~ :J::I~ -L PIPE 0.0. + 24- 1 2" 1 2" PROPOSED PIPEUNE ,- HAND PlACED SELECT t.IA TERIAl. IN f{' urn ~ LOWER QUADRANT TO BE SHAPED TO RECEIVE PIPE BEll. AND BARREL ~fl Zc:: Z ~:ll: 0 '" (.) ~ ci~ ~ ~....I X ii'~ ~"" ::I~ :fa:: ~~ ~~ ~~ ~O "-~ i~ ~~ ;~ '. EXCAVATION SlOE SLOPE SHORING, ETC. SHALL CONFORM TO O.S.H.A. STAHo.ROS. COMPACT TRENCH EW:KFlLl TO 98" Of t.IAXIMUM OENSrTY IN ACCORI:lNCE WITH MSHTO T -180 DENSITY TESTS SHAll. BE TAKEN AT 12" urn EVERY 100' IN PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF -WAY AND 200' IN EASD04ENTS BOYNTON BEACH UTIUTIES DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS & DETAIlS IFF ~1'1 12/97 PAGI NO. G-5 .. STANDARD TRENCHING PROCEDURE CRfTER\A.OWG II I~ r'- 'OR ~ ~Ii~ l:iQl ~ ~ It ;t U\ CD 1.0,. Of'-Mf I = "__n ~"____ __ j --~- I I I r -.r-- - i i ,)'i-$(). 0 00 -----.-t--. 1__ -.-. t-. _.L_. I - .--..! -1- --l ~ ~1 .._ I -r- -..--- I I ~rA. 12+00 TEE 44 RT. !]. V. 46' Ri: 1--- I I -. L r r /2+8$ ~ r I -t- ~.v. 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