CORRESPONDENCE PROJECT NAME Q P &, Village North & 89B Residential LOCATION. North of Gateway/ East/West of High Ridge Road PCN. I FILE NO MMSP 03-023 I TYPE OF APPLICATION Minor Modification to Technical Site Plan AGENT/CONTACT PERSON OWNER. Paul Guariglia, RLA PHONE Calvin, Giordano & Associates, Inc. FAX. PHONE 684-6161 ADDRESS FAX. 6846360 ADDRESS 560 Village Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Date of submittal/Projected meetin2 dates. SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 3/20/03 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE N/A PUBLIC NOTICE N/A TRC MEETING N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING N/A COMMENTS S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Quantum Park & Village\MMSP 03-023 QPNorth&89B\MMSP 03-023 QPV South.doc ~."....\.._-r.o.....Y..........o.~. .;:."J"-. ' ~ . : III ..., ..:r o . ... ... (J J- .;-0'. V" '\r"'o~ 0~ The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL 561 742-6260 FAX. 561 742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org Apnl 7, 2003 Mr Paul Guangha, RLA Calvm, GIOrdano & ASSOCIates, Incorporated 560 Village Boulevard, Smte 340 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Re Quantum Park & Village North & Lot 89B MMSP 03-023 Dear Mr Guangha. In response to your request for the admlmstratlve reVIew and approval ofthe modificatIOn proposed to the above-referenced, approved SIte plan, please be mformed that the elevatIOn and landscape changes proposed on the revIsed plans date stamped 03120/03 are "mmor", as defined wlthm the Land Development RegulatIOns, Chapter 4- SIte Plan ReVIew ThIS project may contmue to be processed by the Bmldmg DIVISIOn as a permIt apphcatIOn. Be adVIsed that the proposed change may reqmre a modIficatIOn to the bmldmg permIt. Also, the condltlonS of approval from the TechnIcal SIte Plan (NWSP 02-021) are stIll relevant and may reqmre reVlSlons to the plans. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 If you have addItIOnal questIOns. Smcerely, ~;. ddav LusIa Galav, AICP Pnnclpal Planner Cc Enc Lee Johnson, AICP, Planner Karen Mam, Plan ReVIew Analyst S \PlanningIShared\Wp\Projects\Quantum Park & Village\J\WSP 02-021 Nonh Residential\..'-1....\.1SP 03-013 Elevations Landscape\Approval Letter dot DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 03-067 FROM Eric Lee Johnson, AICP, Planner, Planning and Zoning Laurinda Logan, P E . Senior Engine~ April 7, 2003 (. \ Review Comments ~ j Minor Modification Quantum Park & Village North (Residential) File No MMSP 03-023 TO DATE RE The above referenced Site Plans, forwarded on April 2, 2003, were reviewed against the requirements outlined in the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances The proposed modifications are for fac;ade changes and the addition of planting strips The proposed modification(s) apparently result in an overall reduction in impervious surface area As there has been no changes to the proposed stormwater management plan for the site Public Works and Engineering has no objections to this minor modification Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to give me a call at x6482 LUck Cc Jeffrey R. Livergood, P E , Director, Public Works (via e-mail) Peter V Mazzella, Deputy Utility Director, Utilities H David Kelley, Jr , P E./ P S M , City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) Glenda Hall, Maintenance Supervisor, Public Works/Forestry & Grounds Division Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works/Solid Waste Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) File S:\Engineering\Kribs\Quantum Park & Village North Minor Mod Review Comments.doc -'~ ReDlv to: o 1800 Eller Drive Suite 600 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 (954) 921-7781 (954) 921-8807 fax .,. 560 Village Boulevard Suite 340 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 (56!) 684-6161 (56!) 684-6360 fax Calvin, Giordano &. Associates, Inc. Engineers Surveyors Planners March 18, 2003 Michael W Rumpf DIrector ofPlannmg and Zomng CIty of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Flonda 33425-0310 RE. Quantum Village @ Quantum Park, Lots 83-88 and lot 89B Minor Modification request Dear Mr Rumpf' On Fnday, February 21,2003, I met WIth LUCIa Galav and Enc Johnson of your staff, to dISCUSS proposed SIte plan amendments to the above captIol;1ed project. The purpose of this letter and appended drawmgs, IS to mltIate the "mmor" modIficatIOn process for the above captIoned project. Included m thIS submIssIon packet are the $100 00 ammmstratIon fee and four (4) sets of archItectural plans and elevatIons, SIte, CIvIl engmeenng and landscape and lIghtmg plans. The two (2) SIte plan amendments are described m the followmg two (2) paragraphs. The proposed plan amendments reflect enhanced porch and balcony locatIOns. The archItectural elevatIons revIewed by the TechnIcal ReVIew CommIttee (TRC) only mcluded the facrade deSIgn for two (2) of fifteen (15) bmldmg types. Smce that tIme, all fifteen bmldmg elevatIons have been deSIgned, WhICh has resulted m the actual delmeatIon of porch and cantilevered balcony locatIOns. Several porch and balcony locatIons have changed or shIfted to enhance VIews, creatmg rhythm, balance, focus and umty m each bmldmg elevatIOn type. The new porch and balcony configuratIon results m a reductIOn, or decrease m ImpervIOUS coverage. Another amendment to the SIte plan WhICh also results m a reductIOn m ImpervIOUS coverage, IS the addItIOn of three (3) foot WIde p1antmg stnps between two (2) adjacent dwellmg umts WIth at-grade parkmg, no garage. ThIS treatment occurs where two adjacent umts WIthout garages abut one another A 1-112 foot WIde reductIon m ImpervIOUS surface, per dwellIng, prOVIdes space for a shrub hedge. Seven (7) gallon Spamsh Stopper, Eugema foetlda, IS proposed as the plant matenal for these locatIons. Spamsh Stopper IS a natlve, upnght, or columnar evergreen shrub The addItIon of the shrub hedge wIll reduce the VIsual expanse of ImpervIOus at-grade parkmg, serve as a VIsual screen and proVIde greater pnvacy between dwellmgs, reduce the heat Island effect, and help define or delIneate mdlvldual parcels, or tracts of land. Mr MIchael W Rumpf DIrector of Plannmg and Zomng Quantum Village Minor ModIficatIon Request The mmor SIte plan cntena followed m consldenng thIS submIsSIon are as follows Minor Modification Determination Criteria. a. The modificatIOn does not mcrease the bmldmg square footage of the development by more than five (5) percent. b. The modIficatIon does not reduce the provIded number of parkmg spaces below the reqmred number of spaces. c. The modIficatIon does not cause the development to be below the development standards for the ZOll1ng QIStnct m wluch It IS located or other apphcable standards m the Land Development Code. d. The mollificatIOn will not have an adverse effect on adjacent or nearby property or reduce the approved phYSIcal buffers such as fences, trees, hedges. e. The mollificatIon does not adversely Impact elevatIOn deSIgn of the structure(s), but enhances the curb appeal of each buillling. The modIficatIOn does not reduce the overall deSIgn of structure(s) below the standards stated m the commumty deSIgn plan. f. The modIfied deSIgn will not adversely Impact concurrency reqmrements of the Boynton Beach ComprehenSIve Plan. g. The mollificatIon does not alter, but mamtaIns the ongmal sIte layout. I look forward to a favorable consIderatIon of tlus mmor SIte plan modIficatIon apphcatIon, and aWait your response. If you have any questIOns regardmg the submISSIon package, please feel free to contact me dIrectly at (561) 684-6161 Yours truly, CALVIN, GIORDANO & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~~:::ue-~ Project Manager Cc' File Mark Bldwell- W estbrooke Homes P :projects/2002/022544/correspondencel1etterslltr -CBB-M MP 03 -17-03 ReDlv to: o 1800 Eller Drive Suite 600 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 (954) 921 7781 (954) 921-8807 fax 71 560 Village Boulevard Suite 340 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 (56!) 684-6161 (56!) 684-6360 fax Calvin, Giordano & Associates, Inc. Engineers Surveyors Planners m ~@r~nr.r7.RO o~ " J I~ ! fI f MAR 2 D 2nr~ l.!!J]. PLANNING AND lONING DEPT March 18,2003 MIchael W Rumpf DIrector of Plannmg and Zonmg CIty of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Flonda 33425-0310 RE Quantum Village @ Quantum Park, Lots 83-88 and lot 89B Minor Modification request Dear Mr Rumpf- On Fnday, February 21,2003, I met wIth LUCIa Galav and Enc Johnson of your staff, to dIscuss proposed SIte plan amendments to the above captIOned project. The purpose of thIS letter and appended drawmgs, IS to mItlate the "mmor" modIficatIOn process for the above captIOned project. Included m thIS submlsslOn packet are the $10000 admmlstratIOn fee and four (4) sets of archItectural plans and elevatIOns, SIte, CIVIl engmeenng and landscape and lIghtmg plans. The two (2) SIte plan amendments are described m the followmg two (2) paragraphs. The proposed plan amendments reflect enhanced porch and balcony locatIons The archItectural elevatIOns revIewed by the T echmcal ReVieW CommIttee (TRC) only mcluded the fac;:ade deSIgn for two (2) of fifteen (15) bmldmg types. Smce that tIme, all fifteen bmldmg elevatIOns have been deSIgned, whIch has resulted m the actual delIneatIon of porch and cantIlevered balcony locatIons. Several porch and balcony locatIOns have changed or shIfted to enhance VIews, creatmg rhythm, balance, focus and umty m each bmldmg elevatlOn type. The new porch and balcony configuratIon results m a reductIon, or decrease m ImpervIOUS coverage. Another amendment to the SIte plan whIch also results m a reductIOn m ImpervIOUS coverage, IS the addItIon of three (3) foot WIde plantmg stnps between two (2) adjacent dwellmg umts wIth at-grade parkmg, no garage ThIS treatment occurs where two adjacent umts WIthout garages abut one another A 1-Yz foot WIde reductIOn m ImpervlOus surface, per dwellmg, proVIdes space for a shrub hedge. Seven (7) gallon Spamsh Stopper, Eugema foetlda, IS proposed as the plant matenal for these 10catlOns. Spamsh Stopper IS a natlve, upnght, or columnar evergreen shrub The addltlon of the shrub hedge wIll reduce the VIsual expanse of ImpervIOUS at-grade parkmg, serve as a VIsual screen and prOVIde greater pnvacy between dwellIngs, reduce the heat Island effect, and help define or delmeate mdlvldual parcels, or tracts of land. \11chael W Rumpf um::dor of Plannmg and Zonmg Quantum VIllage Mmor ModIficatIOn Request The mmor sIte plan cntena followed m consldenng thIS submIssIon are as follows Minor Modification Determination Criteria. a. The modIficatIon does not mcrease the bmldmg square footage of the development by more than five (5) percent. b The modIficatIOn does not reduce the provIded number of parkmg spaces below the reqmred number of spaces. c The modificatIOn does not cause the development to be below the development standards for the zomng dlstnct m whIch It IS located or other applIcable standards m the Land Development Code. d. The modIficatIOn will not have an adverse effect on adjacent or nearby property or reduce the approved phYSIcal buffers such as fences, trees, hedges. e The modIficatIOn does not adversely Impact elevatlOn deSIgn of the structure(s), but enhances the curb appeal of each buildmg. The modIficatIOn does not reduce the overall deSIgn of structure(s) below the standards stated m the commumty deSIgn plan. f. The modIfied deSIgn will not adversely Impact concurrency reqmrements of the Boynton Beach ComprehensIve Plan. g. The modIficatIOn does not alter, but mamtams the anginal SIte layout. I look forward to a favorable consIderatIOn of thIS mmor SIte plan modIficatIOn apphcatIOn, and aWait your response If you have any questIOns regardmg the submISSIon package, please feel free to contact me dIrectly at (561) 684-6161 Yours truly, CAL VIN, GIORDANO & ASSOCIATES, INC. /:~ ~/?- Paul GuanglIa, RLA Project Manager Cc FIle Mark Bldwell-Westbrooke Homes P :projects/2002/022544/correspondenceiletters/ltr-CBB-MMP 03- J 7-03