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LEGAL APPROVAL The City of Boynton Beach Ciry Clerk s Office 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 (561) 742-6060 FAX. (561) 742-6090 CERTIFICA TION I, JANET M PRAINITO, CMC, CITY CLERK of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that Ordinance #01-54 consisting of five (5) pages, Exhibit "A" consisting of one (1) page, Exhibit "B" consisting of one (1) page and Exhibit "C" consisting of three (3) pages) is a true and correct copy as it appears in the records of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. WITNESS, my hand and the corporate seal of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, this 16th day of November 2001 p~ JA ET M PRAINITO, CMC, CITY CLERK vember 16, 2001 \\\ \ \ \III" 1/11111 ~\\ I II/. (SEt\t\,~ ot'- S~4 "~ ~r c ~ ~ o' C)0J\TE) ..y ~ .:::::;; ."'1"- ~ ::: t1J ti! ~ - 0 - ;:lL. () == ::0 z ::: ~ y ~ c~~ ~ g ~ V"... A.\"l ...J () ~ ~ /. -.. .. n...' ~ ~" ......... o~. " ~... ,~ '~/. f \..0 :--~ '//11111/1/ II \I \\\ \\\\\ PJ~CC~~~~~ .~ J 9 2001 l!dJ ''An Equal Opportunlly/Aff,rmative Action/ADA Employer" DEPARTMENT OF ~E' '= CC ENT, ~~- --~~ ORDINANCE NO 01- S~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR A DETERMINA nON WHETHER CHANGES TO THE COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT APPROVED IN ORDINANCE NO 84-51, AND AMENDED IN ORDINANCES NOS 86-11,86-37,88-3, 94-10, 94-51, 96-33, 96-65, 97-20, 99-05 AND 00-02 CONSTITUTE A SUBSTANTIAL DEVIA nON UNDER CHAPTER 38006, FLORIDA STATUTES, 1996, AND WHETHER FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMP ACT REVIEW IS NECESSARY REGARDING SUCH CHANGES, APPROVING SUCH CHANGES, AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER (ORDINANCE NOS 84-51, 86-11, 86-37, 88-3, 94-10, 94-51, 96-33, 96-65, 97-20, 99-05, AND 00-02) FOR PURPOSES OF INCORPORATING THE APPROVED CHANGES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, RIteco Development Corporation, a Flonda corporatIOn ("RIteco") filed With the City of Boynton Beach (the "City") an ApphcatIOn for Development Approval of Comprehensive Development of RegIOnal hnpact (the "ADA") on May 21, 1984, regardmg that certam property (the "Property") described m Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of hereof; and WHEREAS, the ADA was approved and the Development Order for the Property was granted December 18, 1984 pursuant to Ordmance No 84-51 (the "Development Order") , and WHEREAS, RIteco subsequently conveyed ItS nght, title and mterest m and to the Property to Boynton Park of Commerce, Inc., a Flonda corporation ("Boynton Park"), and, Boynton Park, m turn, subsequently conveyed ItS nght, title and mterest m and to the Property to Quantum ASSOCIates, a Flonda general partnership (the "Developer"), and Page 1 of 5 WHEREAS, the City approved preVIOUS apphcatIons to amend the Development Order which apphcatIons were approved by the City m Ordmance No 86-11, Ordmance 86-37, Ordmance No 88-3, Ordmance No 94-10, Ordmance No 94-51, Ordmance 96- 33, Ordmance No., 96-65, Ordmance No 97-20, Ordmance No 99-05 and Ordmance No 00-02, WHEREAS, the City CommiSSion of the City of Boynton Beach, as the govermng body havmg junsdlctIOn, IS authonzed and empowered to consider apphcatIOns for amendments to development orders approvmg developments of regIOnal Impact pursuant to Chapter 38006, Flonda Statutes (1996), and WHEREAS, the City CommiSSion has considered the testimony, reports and other documentary eVidence submitted at said pubhc heanng by Quantum Limited Partners ("Quantum"), the City staff and the pubhc, and the City Plannmg and Development Board's recommendation of the 10th day of October, 2001, and WHEREAS, said City CommiSSion has conSidered all of the forgomg. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT SectIOn 1 A notice of pubhc heanng was duly pubhshed on the 28th day of October, 2001, m the Palm Beach Post, a newspaper of general CirculatIOn m Boynton Beach, F1onda, pursuant to Chapter 38006, Flonda Statutes, and proof of said pubhcatIOn has been duly filed. Section 2 The Development Order shall be amended to mc1ude the followmg prOViSions Page 2 of 5 Lots and 11 These lots were preViously designated as Office/Industnal (On Land Use. The Land Use Designation for Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 shall be amended to reflect a "Mixed Use (MU)" Land Use DeSIgnation. The Mixed Use Land Use DeSignation mcludes office, commerCial and reSidential uses. Lots and 31. These lots were preVIOusly deSignated as Office (0) Land Use The Land Use DeSignatIOn for Lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,28, 29, 30 and 31 shall be amended to reflect a "Mixed Use (MU)" Land Use DeSIgnatIOn. The proposed Mixed Use Land Use DeSignatIOn mc1udes office, commerCial and reSidential uses. In conjunction With the changes described above, the maximum number of reSidential umts allowable wlthm the areas deSignated for "mixed use" development shall be mcreased from 500 reSidential umts to a total of 1,000 reSidential umts. Lot 34-C DeSignate thIs lot as "Reserved" Quantum Lakes Dnve. Reconfigure Quantum Lakes Dnve m the area north and east of the Quantum Lakes Dnve mtersectIOn WIth Quantum Boulevard to the eastern mtersectIOn of Gateway Boulevard and Quantum Lakes Dnve. Tills reconfiguratIon Will create two new Mixed Use (MU) deSignated parcels labeled 100 and 101 totalmg 5.21 acres. Section 3 Master Site Development Plan Amendment No 12 as submitted to the City, a copy of willch IS attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "B" replaces and supersedes the Master Site Development Plan currently approved m the Development Order Page 3 of 5 SectIOn 4. The Development Order mcludes Conditions of Approval, a copy of which IS attached and mcorporated herem as Exhibit "C" SectIOn 5. Upon conSideratIOn of all matters described m SectIOn 380 06, Flonda Statutes (1996), It IS hereby determmed that: A. The amendments proposed by Quantum do not unreasonably mterfere With the achievement of the objectives of the adopted state land development plan apphcable to tills area. B The amendments proposed by Quantum are conSistent With the local comprehensive plan and are, or Will be, conSistent With the local land development regulatIOns, subject to the conditions outlmed above. C The amendments proposed by Quantum are conSistent With the recommendations of the Treasure Coast RegIOnal Plannmg CouncIl, subject to the conditions outlmed above. D The amendments proposed by Quantum do not create any additional regIOnal Impacts and therefore do not constitute a substantial deViatIOn under Chapter 38006, Flonda Statutes (1996) SectIOn 6 The City CommiSSion has concluded as a matter of law that these proceedmgs have been duly conducted pursuant to the provlSlons of Chapter 38006, Flonda Statutes (1996), that Quantum IS entitled to the rehefprayed and apphed for, and that the Development Order IS hereby amended mcorporatmg the amendments proposed by Quantum as set forth m SectIOn 2 above. SectIOn 7 Except as otherwise amended herem, the Development Order shall remam m full force and effect. Page 4 of 5 SectIOn 8 All ordmances or parts of ordmances m conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 9 Should any sectIOn or provlSlon oftrns ordmance or portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence or word be declared by a court of competent ]UnSdlctlOn to be mvahd, such declSlon shall not affect the remamder of thIS ordmance Section 10 Authonty IS hereby granted to COdify said ordmance. Section 11. ThIS ordmance shall become effective Immediately upon passage. FIRST READING thIS ~ day of c:e-ro"BEA... ,2001 SECOND READING and FINAL PASSAGE thIS ~ day of NO\lem ber , 2001 -~ rlSSIOner co~n5 ~/J ATTEST 'In p~ It C1erk\\\\ Il/illll ,\\\\\, IIII/, ", ~~NTO/V 0: s:ca\~0<la}"t~8fI.",.t,~~010] DRAFT Revs.] ]0601 ~ <i.. :?-'? IVt l"i-'.:. "9 ~ ~ C 0 ""<)". 0 ~ -::: ~ v \ 'j:. ::: == >- :'~ i = ~J-: ,,::: - - \ n'v'- ~ c..:> ... -' 9~. .~ ~ ..... \ ..... $ ~ ......... <) '?- $' ~ FlO~\ :-.'~ '/11 \\' 11111111 II \ 1\\\\\\ Page 5 of 5 . . EXHIBIT MA" A Tract of land Iymg paniaJly in Sectiol"' -. e. 17 20 and 21 Townsnlp 45 Soutn. Rang. ~ east, PUn .nly Flonda. said Tract being more partlcular1y described as follows: Commencing at tne Soutnwest comer of said Section 17 thence North 1 e44'39" East, along tne West line of Section 17 a distance of 1318.10 feet to . point In the intersection with the centenine of N.W. 22nd Avenue, .s recorded in O.R. Book 1738. Page 1686. of the Public Records of Palm Se.en County F1onda; thence with a bearing of North 8ge04'3~" East. along the cent.rtlne of N.W 22nd Avenu.. . distance of n8.37 'Ht to the Point of Beginning; th.nce North 1 e44'39" east. a distance of 1247.08 f..t to the Souttl right of way line of L.W.O.O. Lata,.., 21 thence North 89E08'049" east along the South right of way line L.W.O.O. LaterIl 21 .. recorded In O.R. Book 1732, Page 612. of the Public Recorda of Palm Beach County Florida. a distance of 635.93 fHt to the centlttlne of the LW.O.O. equalizing Canal E-4. as recorded in O.R. Book 1732. Page 612, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. F1onda; thence along the cent.nine of the above described E--4 Canal with a curve to the right having a chord bearing of North 10E32'52- East. a radius of 750.00 f,et, . central angl. of 04E04'1r and an an: length of 53.29 feet; thence continu. along the centerUne of the E--4 Canal, with a b.aring of North 12E35'OO" East, a distance of 320.89 feet to . point of curve; thence with a curve to the I,ft having. radius of 6500.00, a central angle of 3E2S'30" and an arc length of 394.23 feet: thence North 9Eoe'3O" East. a distance of 1979.16 feet to a point on the North LIne of Section 17' thence with. bearing of North 89E16'3S" Eat,1long the North line of Sedfon 17 a distance of 1964.50 feet; thence South OE02'11- East. a dlatance of 2e~5.18 reet; thence North 89EOS'04S" East. a distance of 368.98 feet to a point on the North right of way Une of N.W. 22nd Avenue .. recorded In O.R. Book 1738, Page 1688 of the PublIc Recorda of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence South 19E2T31- Eat. a dlatance of 50.00 feet to the centenine of N.W 22nd Avenue: thence with . curve to the right having a chord bearing of North 75E29'4r Eat. a radius of 1837.02 fHt, . central angle of 9E53'!r, end an an: length of 282.85 feet to a point; thence north 12E02'41- East. . dIIWlce of 915.72 feet; thence NorthOE31'11" East, a dlatance of 388.70 fHt: thence North 88E12'3r East. a distance of 413.21 feet; thence South 88E22'56" Eat, a distance of 13049.70 feet to a point on the West right of way line of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad: thence South 0E28'21" Eat. aJong the west right of way line ot the Railroad, a dIItance ot 13OQ.09 feet to . point on the cent.rUne of N.W 22nd Avenue; thence North 8IE2T31" West, along the c:entetllne of N. W. 22nd A... . cIIItance of m.91 feet; thence South OE33'53" East, a dIItanc:e of 1308.159 feet; thence South 88E45'31" east, a distance of 333.51 feet to . polIt on the West right of way of the Seaboard COlsUlne Rdr'oad; thence wIIh a burlng of South 14E08'23" West, along the West right of way of the railroad, a dlltance of 1312.49 feet: thence South 0E33'~ Eat. a dIItance of 28.89 feet; thence South 13E15'22" West. a dIItInce of 920.57 feet; thence North 88E50'04- West, a distance of 187.150 feet; thence with a belling North OE49'21" West, a distance of 200.00 feet: thence North 88E5O'04" West. a distance of 218.00 reet; thence South oe49'21- Eat, . diItInce of 200.00 feet: thence North 8ISO'04" West. . cIIstanc:e of 040.00 feel; thence South OE49'21- East, . dlatance of 558.84 fNt; thence NciI'th 88E50'04" 'Neat. a distance of 3817.28 feet to a point on the ~ of the above described centertlne of the E--4 Canal; thence wIIh a bearing of North 5E18'14" West, . dIatMce of 153.13 teet. thence wtIh a curve to the right having a radius of 04SO.oo feet. a central angle of 15E38"44- and an an: length of 122.82 feet: thence North 10E18'3O" East. . cllstance of 988.60 reet to a point of curve; thence With a curve to the left having . radius ot 450.00 feet, a central angle of 18E20'00" and an arc I.ngth of 1043.99 reet; thence with a bearing ot North 8E01'3O" West,. distance ot 1255.14 feet to . point on the centatflne of N.W. 22nd Av.nue: thence with a bearing of South _04'32" Wilt, along the centerline of N.W. 22nd Avenue a c:lIatInce of 817.85 feet more or I... to the Point of Beginning. Containing 591.55 acrn men or leu and subject to ....m.nts and rights of way of record. 59U5 AC GROSS LAND AREA OF QUANTUM PARK 51 7i) AC LESS ROADWAY & CANAL RIGHTS-OF.WAY OF RECORD 539.85 AC NET LAND MEA OF QUANTUM PARK Together with the addition of alland (loti 80. 81 and 82) lying within the plat of the P C.O. Center eontaJnIng 13.17 acres. as recordecl in ptat Book 60. Pages 10e and 107 of the Pub6c Records ot Palm S.ach Countv Florid.. for I total P/'OC)Csed n.t land area of 553.02 acres " \ , h , 1 , - \ I \ \ , ~ .. '11 t:i ~ ': .,; .. ~ :: . , - E-4 l-4 co l-I := ~ C:.1 . ... .... . ... .... ... .. .. "l-! Z -- . . : t . \, ~." \, ! i.. , ~ '1\ i l % !t' ,L.. .. I i 'i\\iUl\i ~ i I j'"1 I ,:_..~h l .- :---" Cl. \ . .. . un""'"'' 2....'....... ,:,1':1.:"'- ~,;; \Tn 1,,-Q1'iH\ tH\ l r ! t i t , . i .. ~ \ ,t, I \'\, ~ ',\1, ~ 'I \1 I , .. \\ \1 ยท \' \ ' .t" \ .. I il'l ~. H ~ , \ I. ',I, '\~h i \ I tl ~ ~ , I " ' \ ,\,~\\,nn ~ JIll ---= .- z ~ ~ ~ ex: ~ Cot CJ1 ~ Q ~ CJ1 o ~ g ~ . ! I . i , . . S t ----- EXHIBIT "C" RevIsed CondItIOns of Approval 11/06/01 PrOject name: Quantum Park NOPC Amendment #12 File number MPMD 01-003/DRIA 01-001 Reference' 2nd reVIew plans Identtfied as Master Plan WIth a September 11, 200 I Planmng and Zomng D d b epartment ate stamp mar ng. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS-General Comments: NONE X PUBLIC WORKS-Traffic Comments: I When warranted the developer and the eXIstmg occupants of Quantum Park X will be responsible for the cost of constructIOn of traffic-actuated SIgnals at the mtersectIOns of Quantum Boulevard WIth Gateway Boulevard and Congress Avenue See attached memo from Jeff LIvergood, Pubhc Works DIrector, dated August 29, 2001/ ReVIsed October 4, 2001 located m ExhibIt "G" UTILITIES Comments: 2. As preVIously stated, the proposed reVISIon to the land use to "Mixed Use X (MU)" to mclude Office, CommerCIal and Residenttal uses could tax the utihty support facilItIes to theIr luuits. A proVISO needs to be mcorporated mto each group of lot approvals process, that the desIgn-engmeenng consultant shall demonstrate that suffiCIent utihty system(s) capacIty IS available to support the proposed use, or they will proVIde the necessary upgrade(s) to allow for the proposed use. Failure to do so could result m insuffiCIent utilIty support to thIS park, affectmg other current (exIsting) users. FIRE Comments: NONE X POLICE Comments: NONE X ENGINEERING DMSION X Comments. NONE 2 11/6/2001 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT BUILDING DIVISION Comments. NONE X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments. 3 The CIty CommISSIon dId exempt from the RecreatIon DedIcatIOn X Requirement of 272 umts of the first 500 umts requIred m NOPC # 10 ApplIcabilIty or amount of RecreatIOn Fees or DedIcatIons will be consIdered at subsequent sIte plan stage. FORESTER! ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments. 4 The proposed Master SIte Development Plan shall be modified to remove X the Industnal use desIgnation for Lot 34-C. The land area of Lot 34-C, 6.58 acres, shall be deducted from the Industnal designatIOn and mc1uded as a separate lIne Item tItled "Reserved" m the area tabulatIon shown on the master plan. Development shall not occur until. a) the CIty and applIcant evaluates the need for open space "m the Pill master plan" and determInes that the reduction m open space created by thIS change is conSIstent WIth the CIty regulatIOns; b) it IS demonstrated that the development of thIS parcel will not mterfere WIth management of the adjacent preserve area. These two(2) condItIOns are reIterated above and contamed WIthm a letter dated October 8, 2001 from the Treasure Coast RegIonal Plannmg Council (TRRPC) It IS acknowledged that Lot 34-C IS not encumbered by any easement, reservatIOn, dedIcatIOn or permIt reqUIrement by the CIty, any regulatory agency or special dIstrIct mcludmg the Quantum CommunIty Development DIStnCt regarding the use of Lot 34-C for dramage purposes, except the dramage reqUIrements assocIated WIth the development of Lot 34-C PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 5 At the tIme of SIte plan approval applIcant will work WIth the CIty to X maxumze emergency access for lots 59 through 61 and new lots 100 through 102. 6. ApplIcant has subITIltted a reVIsed area calculation summary Please reVIse X the Master Plan drawmg to reflect the correct acreage calculatIOns proposed 3 11/6/2001 DEPARTMENfS INCLUDE REJ.t.L 1 for the Mixed Use and Road RIght-ofWay categones. 7 Recordation of a restnctIve covenant affectmg Lots 7 through 11 and Lots X 23 through 31 requmng that any resIdentIal development of such lots be limIted to fee SImple UnIts, speCIfically excludmg rental apartment complexes and congregate care liVIng facihtIes. For purposes hereof, "rental apartment complex" shall mean a multI-UnIt project owned by one owner for purposes of rental to others, smtilar in nature to the Villas At Quantum Lakes. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDmONS Comments: NONE X ADDmONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: S:\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\QuantumPark 2001 Amen #] 2\MPMD 01-<l03\cmd. of approval 200] fonn.doc DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUMNO PZOl-215 TO Sue Kruse City Clerk tJ Michael W Rump Plannmg and Zo 1 ector FROM. DATE October 9,2001 SUBJECT QUANTUM PARK DRI at Boynton Beach DRIA-OI-OOl Accompanymg thIS memorandum you Will find a copy of a request for a legal advertisement prepared for the November 6, 2001 Boynton Beach City CommISSIOn meetmg for the above- referenced DRI amendment applIcatIOn. The apphcatIOn fee for staff processmg and reView has been forwarded to the Fmance Department. The legal advertisement Will be forwarded to your office after reView by the City Attorney MWR.lg S "\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Quantum Park 200] Amen # 12\DRLA.. 0] -00] \1\.1EMO-LEGAL 0] 00] .doc REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney eight (8) working days prior to the first publishing date requested below ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Plannino and Zonino Division PREPARED BY Michael W. Rumpf DATE PREPARED October 9.2001 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD Quantum Park notice of proposed chanoe to the DRI development order to chanoe the master plan land use desionation of lots 7, 8. 9. 10. 11. 23.24.25,26,27.28.29. 30. and 31.desionate lot 34-C as Industrial and reconfjoure Quantum Lakes Drive resultino in the addition of two lots 100 and 101 and combinino lots 62 and 63 into one lot 102. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (19) (f) of Florida Statues, there appear to be no special reouirements. SEND COPIES OF AD TO Plannino & Zonino Division. Euoene Gerlica for MFT Development Inc.. Aoent: David B. Norris Esq.. Newspaper. City Attorney NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH The Post (newspaper of oeneral circulation), since this is a project of reoional impact. DATE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED October 28.2001 APPROVED BY U~!4 );/dH,I ivision Head) MI k. f. (!I).JA IF /0/01 )6/ (Date) I (2) (City Attorney) (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK. COMPLETED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct a Public Hearing at 7 00 P M. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits on Tuesday, November 6, 2001, in the City Hall Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida The purpose of this public hearing is to consider a proposed change to the Boynton Beach Park of Commerce Development Order (Ordinance No 84-51) as amended by Ordinances Nos 86-11,86-37,88-3,94-10,94-51,96- 33, 96-65, 97-20, 99-05 and 00-02 and determination as to whether or not the proposed change constitutes a substantial deviation to the approved development order with respect to the property described below located within the corporate limits of said City, pursuant to the request of the parties in interest and in compliance with Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. REQUEST Notice of Proposed Change QUANTUM PARK DRI at BOYNTON BEACH Formerly Boynton Beach Park of Commerce Comprehensive Development of Regional Impact LEGAL DESCRIPTION , . l A Tract of land lying partially in Sections 16, 17,20 and 21, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, said Tract being more particularly described as follows Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 17, thence North 1 E44'39" East, along the West line of Section 17, a distance of 1318 10 feet to a point in the intersection with the centerline of N W 22nd Avenue, as recorded in 0 R. Book 1738, Page 1686, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, thence with a bearing of North 89E04'32" East, along the centerline of N W 22nd Avenue, a distance of 778 37 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence North 1 E44'39" East, a distance of 1247 06 feet to the South right of way line of L.W D D Lateral 21, thence North 89E08'49" East along the South right of way line L.W D D Lateral 21, as recorded in 0 R. Book 1732, Page 612, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, a distance of 635 93 feet to the centerline of the L.W D D Equalizing Canal E-4, as recorded in 0 R. Book 1732, Page 612, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, thence along the centerline of the above described E-4 Canal with a curve to the right having a chord bearing of North 10E32'52" East, a radius of 750 00 feet, a central angle of 4E04'17", and an arc length of 53.29 feet; thence continue along the centerline of the E-4 Canal, with a bearing of North 12E35'00" East, a distance of 320 69 feet to a point of curve, thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 650000, a central angle of 3E28'30", and an arc length of 394 23 feet; thence North 9E06'30" East, a distance of 1979 16 feet to a point on the North Line of Section 17, thence with a bearing of North 89E 16'39" East, along the North line of Section 17, a distance of 196450 feet; thence South OE02'11" East, a distance of 2625 18 feet; thence North 89E08'49" East, a distance of 368 96 feet to a point on the North right of way line of N W 22nd Avenue as recorded in 0 R. Book 1738 Page 1686 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County Florida, thence South 19E27'31" East, a distance of 50 00 feet to the centerline of N W 22nd Avenue, thence with a curve to the right having a chord bearing of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct a Public Hearing at 7'00 P M. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits on Tuesday, November 6, 2001, in the City Hall Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida The purpose of this public hearing is to consider a proposed change to the Boynton Beach Park of Commerce Development Order (Ordinance No 84-51) as amended by Ordinances Nos. 86-11, 86-37, 88-3, 94-10, 94-51, 96- 33, 96-65, 97-20, 99-05 and 00-02 and determination as to whether or not the proposed change constitutes a substantial deviation to the approved development order with respect to the property described below located within the corporate limits of said City, pursuant to the request of the parties in interest and in compliance with Chapter 380, Florida Statutes REQUEST Notice of Proposed Change QUANTUM PARK DRI at BOYNTON BEACH Formerly Boynton Beach Park of Commerce Comprehensive Development of Regional Impact LEGAL DESCRIPTION . . ,. ~ A Tract of land lying partially in Sections 16, 17,20 and 21, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, said Tract being more particularly described as follows Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 17, thence North 1 E44'39" East, along the West line of Section 17, a distance of 1318 10 feet to a point in the intersection with the centerline of N W 22nd Avenue, as recorded in 0 R. Book 1738 Page 1686, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, thence with a bearing of North 89E04'32" East, along the centerline of N W 22nd Avenue, a distance of 778 37 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence North 1 E44'39" East, a distance of 124706 feet to the South right of way line of L.W D 0 Lateral 21, thence North 89E08'49" East along the South right of way line L.W D D Lateral 21, as recorded in 0 R. Book 1732, Page 612, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, a distance of 63593 feet to the centerline of the L.W 0 D Equalizing Canal E-4, as recorded in 0 R. Book 1732, Page 612, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, thence along the centerline of the above described E-4 Canal with a curve to the right having a chord bearing of North 10E32'52" East, a radius of 750 00 feet, a central angle of 4E04'17", and an arc length of 5329 feet; thence continue along the centerline of the E-4 Canal, with a bearing of North 12E35'00" East. a distance of 320 69 feet to a point of curve, thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 650000, a central angle of 3E28'30", and an arc length of 394.23 feet; thence North 9E06'30" East, a distance of 1979 16 feet to a point on the North Line of Section 17, thence with a bearing of North 89E16'39" East, along the North line of Section 17 a distance of 1964 50 feet; thence South OE02'11" East, a distance of 2625 18 feet; thence North 89E08'49" East, a distance of 368 96 feet to a point on the North right of way line of N W 22nd Avenue as recorded in 0 R. Book 1738, Page 1686 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, thence South 19E27'31" East, a distance of 50 00 feet to the centerline of N W 22nd Avenue, thence with a curve to the right having a chord bearing of Page 2 Quantum Park - Notice of Public Hearing .J V '! North 75E29'49" East, a radius of 1637 02 feet, a central angle of 9E53'58", and an arc length of 282.85 feet to a point; thence north 12E02'41" East, a distance of 915 72 feet; thence NorthOE31'11" East, a distance of 399 70 feet; thence North 89E12'37" East, a distance of 413.21 feet; thence South 88E22'56" East, a distance of 134970 feet to a point on the West right of way line of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad, thence South OE28'21" East, along the West right of way line of the Railroad, a distance of 1309 09 feet to a point on the centerline of N W 22nd Avenue, thence North 88E27'31" West, along the centerline of N W 22nd Avenue a distance of 672.97 feet; thence South OE33'53" East, a distance of 1306 69 feet; thence South 88E45'31" East, a distance of 33351 feet to a point on the West right of way of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad, thence with a bearing of South 14E08'23" West, along the West right of way of the railroad, a distance of 131249 feet; thence South OE33'53" East, a distance of 26 69 feet; thence South 13E15'22" West, a distance of 92057 feet; thence North 88E50'04" West, a distance of 18760 feet; thence with a bearing North OE49'21" West, a distance of 20000 feet; thence North 88E50'04" West, a distance of 218 00 feet; thence South OE49'21" East, a distance of 20000 feet; thence North 88E50'04" West, a distance of 4000 feet; thence South OE49'21" East, a distance of 556 84 feet; thence North 88E50'04" West, a distance of 3617.26 feet to a point on the centerline of the above described centerline of the E-4 Canal, thence with a bearing of North 5E18'14" West, a distance of 153 13 feet, thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 45000 feet, a central angle of 15E36'44", and an arc length of 122.62 feet; thence North 1 OE 18'30" East, a distance of 988 60 feet to a point of curve, thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 450 00 feet, a central angle of 18E20'00", and an arc length of 143 99 feet; thence with a bearing of North 8E01'30" West, a distance of 125514 feet to a point on the centerline of N W 22nd Avenue, thence with a bearing of South 89E04'32" West, along the centerline of N W 22nd Avenue a distance of 81785 feet more or less to the Point of Beginning Containing 591 55 acres more or less and subject to easements and rights of way of record 591 55 AC 51 70 AC GROSS LAND AREA OF QUANTUM PARK LESS ROADWAY & CANAL RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD NET LAND AREA OF QUANTUM PARK 539 85 AC Together with the addition of all land (lots 80 81 and 82) lying within the plat of the P C D Center, containing 13 17 acres, as recorded in Plat Book 60, Pages 106 and 107, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, for a total proposed net land area of 55302 acres PROPOSED CHANGES The Master Site Development Plan Amendment No 12 has been revised to reflect the changes described below The revised Master Site Development Plan is incorporated into this Notice of Proposed change by reference and has been submitted to the City of Boynton Beach for consideration by the city council for amendment and approval. 1) Change in the master plan designation of lots 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 from Office! Industrial (01) Land Use to Mixed Use (MU) The proposed Mixed Use Designation includes office, commercial and residential uses 2) Change in the master plan designation of lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31 from Office (0) Land Use to Mixed Use (MU) The proposed Mixed Use Land Use Designation includes office, commercial and residential uses 3) Increase the number of dwelling units permitted from 500 to 1000 4) Designate lot 34-C as Industrial (IND) land use on the Master Plan 5) Reconfigure the current roadway and lot layout in the area of the PID north and east of the Quantum Lakes prive intersection with Quantum Boulevard, along Quantum Lakes Drive to the eastern intersection with Gateway Boulevard This would result in the addition of two new Mixed Use lots 100 and 101 and combining lots 62 and 63 to create one lot 102. I / J APPLICANT MFT Development, Inc., A Florida Corporation as General Partner to Quantum Limited partners L.C All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program or activity conducted by the City Please contact Patricia Tucker (561) 742- 6268 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561)742-6260 PUBLISH Palm Beach Post October 28, 2001